I Methodist Magazine and Revlew for Ti ...w v~rkrkg' March contains an illustrated paper on IAI AJ~t" II Morocco and its Problem"; "John EDI e t wV e, n Wýsloys Journal." by Pýrincipal tO en' Gordon.of Quee's University , Stere's man Lait ideà a stongly written illuîtritted defeu Bronnt atrFlx contributes a my d' e àm.,.s os lrrsng article on~ "Songs of the Con- Paul federacv, and "The Romance and ,WouI Reality of North-We8t Missions.". by namt Rev. Chas. W. Gordon illustrates theact1o But plenty to interest yolu. ugency of action to overtake the pres lPaul In ned. William, Briggs, Toronto urOP4 THOMS' EPISTLEC TO PAUL >110X STÂnSMAm-I hIVe nO desire uter a journalistic conteit, with auy but. 1 have alwvays endeavored to rd mysell in any position in which ,e been placed when 1 deemed ià duty so %o do. lu James'epibtie5 to ýor "Conscience in Polities" I id have been botter pieased lîad m 1v ie been omitted ia. discussing Paui ' ôn in the, Wardenihip contest. ln 's epistie to J.amfes he bai thought er to roter to, And taunt~ you with na eot w , ff ., matde ta hiim A gloomn was cast Over the village lait week on receipt of a telegram [rom Manitoba announicing that iMr.Hioward J1. Cri derman, Éon of Mr M. W Cry- dtirman. wasi probably fatally injured À s3econd telegramn announcing his death was received Tuesday Frorn par lieulars reLeived Inter it was learned th& t ini trying to lower a tree whjch was lodged ho waas trnck bohind ýthe right ear and altbough ho lingered from Saturday morniuf tLUI Mondav 80 made the Dm! *edi $10. The thref gyuu, looks i Ke i 8k, very uew paterns per yd -ûteet- ing towarcls him neral 1 anud giveti me ti et down an ndwiol $1.25 shaf t nily s0 West End House. NEW lDEA PATTERNS'lfo. West End House. cnev presents i Ùhildhoodý lul M. iii the ý,L- inz will be i .ie had not disý i i miser-ab-le