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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1903, p. 7

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ý__1ç ~LOCAL COHTUROH I 1STORY. 1837, prenntMesoroe. Oamerorn, pair- agltated mlind ,. of P esB)Yterlani i 1 -R WB.-I-GHT" OOUNGIL.r- , ,ý,-ýtý,ý, - -1 1--,-- 'bain, R id,_G lbraih, Fltcher dmG Cana a te the Fteatahedr, But,.p-1Oa -, «:to th e> ex.t.nIt1)tR did.E Bu1t, I ,r _:DÂY -F ItES YTERANTS IN on It was raEoved that in cere- notwithstanding it produo d the fiaitr I TO AL ,C r.',t, prl 'O0 -v (ý-_ýý ,,----', -,quance of look of fuu?s to mont the, est diâcuseiu frontone end of the Regu iË_'JrtI baid onaboyaE d tp, i 1 BOWMM4VIILE ANI> VICINITY, etioeates given in to the committea Province to the nther, and axteiudel manib9rs ail Pra euI, the Rteva, G. -,. r '1_ M r.Jam s B Fa",a ',Posjas1r, for the erection of a ehuroh that the into every P .sbytrin famI ad L ughliu, preidig, 11nutea o!P aît , I.-\-1 , ý 1 " Mr.Jam3 B.Fairafr' PoimacArmattar be defarred for another Yser, ,contregaroonapdoduolng feeline o', aeýng ,aad.aI. onnfiru .. ý1-ýý-, - " eI ,m a d e a v a lu b le c o n trib u tio n to lo c a l a n d th a t In th e m e a t tiz n e th e c o îm m ittE a b ltt rn e s si Iu a ,n y c a sa s c a u in g a u A c o m u i u a io n w a s re e Iv e l fro m n . . ^ t . ý j - -1 1, ". _I', iý - 1 ~churoh hîstory Iu a paper rend In the fýxert themsolves teoacoura fariher aub- est rângaenat betweu fr'o-dsa ean th e .oftaFarmer'a Association re _ _ 'ý," ý--_';-ý' ý (oture roota of St. Paul'a churelh on sriptions. Nothing more apar o mebrs of the rame housc:ýhoId. Thaequlz~o fTxto.Rcvdad".IGRS ol olk ohv Ii --k ,-- , Y -Mailch 26th. lMr. Robert Fsirbairn, bave beau dona lu the motter until 4th pr1et1enraionc"fo: bt, fa,--.,:..beati.ldrsd o-t , s,-en n - tlgofth onepin f--aiiene 1ig uth Front El. S!oau, compiainrg aua ob- yo'lnaendadres-aapot ir t -ý_ 1 11,'ýý-.- , .ý l- _- -mÎ her of the preseu.ýot pov m rn, ),t ! 9 February 1839, wheu etn fth ocpinofie-,ta e ý,ýo nteý...ýî 1 -. oi and e land you esd zlagc I_ , * -«p oIu', d t thte c tffioa lu 182ý7 , MTr - îubscriberà was caland It*ia inter- mînds of both partie al,,,t was aouoed etructiou on tha quarter lirie tetwoeen b ý .7,ý ý,r eautifollred pa ageofe] . 1 1',jas. Î3. Fcirbatr hlas hlàad th ûrepoua i n tiog note that thore a rap atby thls eatrelgio__ 1 -e.Pleb, Los 1.ai 1 _« U-UI-'kI _ - îî!ity r oî,-'th poBit on- a. nresho aas I&- Massrs. iR Flairb-Ofr-.--. Sm r, . . t n cuîd mVI'ny h1r te r.1. . 1 , '<s oet;i.'ei ý1_ ,ý Ïgeài epp" art-H-8 --befo1rer&btLot 18and19.fla-a1c--,- .e-tu*'n u 1' ' 1 2 P.andhwoet wis $ ,er fe u15 iswtapeo-Rlfahro raokR , . oian l r ot melutpaeso uwý%reuthre oM cr.eR g ee n artidetobe buit e 'l1_ '-1..'--1 I ýé-, ý in2ecDqtel ad.ynte m s ý , , 1 1F ITi eh ,as i: -,father'a asocesror adh D cag~tuoe h andi: itotls oing the m. st promi- on the lyenvers tBoundary Liuc e tweeu 1beauti-fu----",l -- ,ý _- yaac ýa l 85 i a apit Riftero etokR d M . l' ni eurm big abchft, " live(îe"lI odY TO - liad l n ve icb ee ail Dpraseut woli known Bmie fthe fami, o! teradth e pupi ad1bc e he thewhieoci ws -poutda1 detertim arwit lce stc1n -11hld e uie ctif B oa' .llls-n.W, ic as.i laa theofe dr, . Ar-s.n bj ct of cnveriation. ruios ou d-, M taerstandm>etwrigttiaIb'.'ou1mzt3_ _ ad'e littie lippersîrnameatr fla eideree whon ltte r P. Mffcû ad-kah, hieoîh , other f'u th ppe a a, Intaraimlnîad ent l alathe . . oio fMarowbpra o d __ufore-, îh>: eý olyifu tian Mr/Firaîu oudirie bt M Cn1ch , J-M ",, ,ter0ff1uato-o!th'P',y:rin.hoci Conilad ouplind f L o ci , oiiincl udei bnn ntaaaeeeia 1obi lu oiîeel wîi a preîste liai Son a Pek, . Ma/om ,fet ar o N. in o / p uteNýw.Te",tar. Il,, -,recire Lvdi nea irsbipncuver ad th pen atiar cf i ss sud lt fMr ili, o t K uîtoo n lpi an0, Joly, 1844 thefront cspoper y et Creinea. a' -'fli-,e, Y _e' ý ý,',îî',nnoŽlvvanOîimmnk it aft Fl nu. ta ty, McKay1 ohn Btack, ax McCiertv deîurua nalon to sec>e frond thePr s- H. Brwo paid Inf1Jrann Lr rcd j Oiýp',juat stop sd tbink wh. It prifes'ad eithes he 823,iin ettLt fin tSas ofeelotingdaof Hth.eTitn. Snclir, ayton wth ha h14c ofScotandener- i. homeoP n-rduuea-1 -a* »: e u efern& oo. oupnge ýj 'L ha1ve brn-e>y e a Preeaider.mus o tr P.- ayo DCa)n aulîe ro, fer ù ucf an nâgl~~ly i t ter ntrasn orto po tg haersf od re t2era ý..ý blod Ataonth Idles. ive , bteIn "lis u th lal tý eseT-i ud1..MmaToi1-.dou aaatIe*ea iesprtat. udFýcviwr- s1'ios ' m4oth-Io ey : D l 1- macl 11, _ wel, Ceanses h.i; tbeb',a tri h.'log înritetbac,df cIod. Nui re, .'d Daniai (albri ,o eafo hmsssdtos Petbanaeter.-1 D.auiei K -:p, 2 e comIe te ir dressed fo the cnire sformationfroafpthes lu uy p ssslouh busbud o! rs, Gebraiti, Ques St. peafutin couaofbonwltlaNhe cbuchS.eh-u Pae, 3 Jb1Grsh1u, mc d n1 t t s ackage of Swet Pe and in-v'igorate1 -1 lýatcev i s ht r Fin2 th ete Co l. Ilels. Dnacan poiotie ch aithn. o(tosewd,. btirraeefuser t J h Coatas W.A. Voncauap s, rin ,1 ,_ , - r :,' xpcaios soles - - of 1the ,,eet.] slderia a miles d i n prtiarandee sr.mitta ther ocure and o h ed nMriha oet sdeouetsc aafij,8ALe er,9 ei - l t Cftis2otarrat rti wibh. S mc 5 e ii teea'whci10 ro b huci ru M.wibvrkidto uthî ossio. M>n 0JonIaI Jh odr ", ' ': ,".'i r- esinuet frbIeaatareis a Don11, 't eac - ek trd W lltý jl84 eaktdo n'raai 'o Aai aml:R.S adJh t foinowe ns on equeuce upon 184,e f12 t ofli0 Wrgbt, 13amaîg3amîr.Te îhe _ - P "- . - 1 . .1 te-oaer imain sablf, lo. ,e 1 Ito- - ulied beau o me o, at temat a ciroufi-eSouter, D , airbai e, . ailli SmoDf o'. 9metbon oeZ e nd od thai congre- No. 1 ,i 1 R ubfr a n booue, 15 JsoPa, -) Y ' .'"1 veryody uTlIS PRI G ess ary stapt ul e t laomL' tgt e ibraltia ,eli, Jon tcsn. Ilies ler 'er oucto ih the or in el Il apiuer 19 hn d s,20a b. hit iinryh' ý1ý ýýý,1ýü 11sOa! I i 2Ïd: 'Iô anýor padu t. 1 1. ,ý ý1cWa1Vtts'." us _a t nceanS bis ea-ful D Uybflh ~-'~iamssoer rm ~otad vrle rm rmcaSenlsela sm acrin iaiauvlec ofegetiond nter- ibis25 Audea'aDevti, 26W Whit, k27 '1 ý '1,1offm.* KMr.ononlas8t Jnor 134 t la ftlwlg îîlios,4,f i reelimotet eter, cnsdea Gore fodr,28Jon cee a.,e ýt.auy>ihtilmentt>bs rae-fr 2 î 2ioueie eaeamnt li ,bt -hnIasmalig a l, 9 oh Moosond D Gibal,, . ha vie cunlrgay iesoua at ortPdes- lTny instantet 2zi o'ckck et Hindea11of '0 Iing r deîoartous I de&otsno,seo I KobirtiPe,34W eorstjadeoy, 35 j .e Wiliaas;1anti , - Bndl lupîse Stmc n oes lass!wisyfarerbuh s ctio n lined h aud 23,d Fbr N . h1 a ies rean ate fier"..io wîbliskewy.Jo nB itl 4 Mrry mansrm aadCon.Mcnlii lagey u Ia hspieih o ds rati - D. ceroo,iyA. Bailli r, W.lbrath- oniîalSyoithe! lr esbyte tan 48 Pnteous 4 Rceruge ,O .Stuho 1 c lai'ed1a1 tesleg cdselir vhohd ocld n nS chi sd .Fanlara Teys sS htrtio Cnaa Hî-m I , Da on e nsr, 52 nat ison lyng - on i!>aS sud ,dan1tag, g -'"' PÂV1IN 6CURE- and invggorate the ,e tire therInlu l ias a p ou ovin my p 3slu îith us t -ý ias of sud there te l Io tu ri t rnn ncnrato ihtecuct1So tP g,3Jberbiie dn ý-ý-,, ,,r----,"., -1ý -' ak g s o fromthecrow oftheh6adtO Ij sU d surroundiz lrg dîsaltnLes. Tkilukcn- horvaylloibnt for Iapla ao 30 (omlitatteyohed naî wso k.> Geor d a W MeG6tJohn 3 Ala t 7 J ilhn 4* ie1prmisse. Il.vasremoled ililJlia ______ Fd'rd Faz>, 5 D H sti,,61Nelan Reve be .îlm.1edte mns ri. drai crs h I!nlsd oigt hemle udi geailer Mhwate Aind-nEn th-l oasess Ge og il , John M 11Johon, 6 dIvIsion,4 ha-mngeS1i No'- 93.,O, Ptent, e sk est a.3'ir, 100 n lda ! e u834 ouekn n rancizale shuld eet:gaî FaSey are-il- AinS-,alin ,7 A eacc r,8-R C moion lieneque iesanaunabile ri n b g<C n î e Il's vi o vi n o wme nte u vir H . s .il ai c o hnt- I t ! plo e sts a n c io u k c o t eda Jtohn 9r Joh, Ed agenîon. Po td-1A. S apl-, Pa îeeler. USDIF.IRTEE VEARS WI and wary. io Ordureeu viens a lentatcdm onarhD. Treaarun A Refer-SraSDItertatenRofe e.w ynodRhat1cngrSiNo, 1aw14Yobert,0Sept.5 Js, 15i 'I 1r1litsv adiy psappg ve ets.tay olli-heair, NmereSay, W.Mthll,GD.ay, my, l emo-y bavg pe fretd b r.,a16DiRabn, 17reaiE $2 2n:Jond5Con.Getd18$2 ~ r ý 11 ýýý agr. 'Iair, elmne, Onart. ad 1 oeeaom aT I P I Gn' e8rn t xena uanity by en the BGalbai, Johpncu. M nn. Irb naîr eî i as Re. B Gr nai . T sindo as ar e , c er fr c vrs, $ 8;Te Clark via ,,.,..Ïta ;,le 1wite J. veayes'Il.lIf yoaa hant., a:«Inylre in a a id l , udthe ren A o urki, d ofathnge-reo! Jo h atasulDc Motc a en wea churhioriblio. Lle MIsa B 11th h elun , 2405; V .CnsvArd, 22omk ou r, s 2c. Msae Bnn I - sud Le ep seraS t : al n hemal1 cir raliiik~rnevyrrSn TA Ej,,,tîa l esdunto! esa Ra.M.Lue chSun for eut a ttend Srn1ntes put ub-tern ny meoatn sud b n f tel r. H, Pruat anS Roen. M4n. Bower d >ng 1ias Couni_ le meriabz teurlt'cidtggisbiraAL'u r-A NU a S 1 50 as ri its O c, r e n r, n u q ua c ao A Tr cii te o li e i orMe " l te o c, ret , c v,- ýý1ie vi o i are ronapoln ncb an abo Dsu' iand ecloe they s i Tia ar- Bcm riacns egB,loe oabtis, 25 Androu hie Cv i sud 26eW' dWhit heGov èmueutbu:supor, o! nia Pa;nh i a md na Siit îe P, 1- ,d B iif -ýý ý ,î- --tou onthe 8thJannar 1834. ootdeeuslob t demCouncs, 5 fo x35heI as, .the1 Reeve -anS pClaeskebe salie omîmeSj qale-ai.e11-ie1ial ., nL ininmort Important m.aLaittstlaenutliaclater nfer- itecoMath 183' To vi2t8 Johnies cfries udr.site Anouatl aaslaeichend,,, erriJViou', day goad,'cwnyHall, iatmeaua ouabteafigure, t signa2mfmoniaigluoutafoiuî.îy t'allI tienabutaun tilem.eiraSagteelbasJon MJ ûhsied 3 Dîalbaiton eftrm--prm fusil e" Sevsui:iSpa'Obtblypinitcble. on Patente lia mltedravtseh a e led ens d aY rwoatnddb n ok atI '11 htil,32CalsGbon 3--lý fýcecair, rioocece uhs hn Uàli, ad a t ieig mvas bacn thve bouS la buthaeu inifth og e It a nfnn reodo tem tig Fre,361ld 7Ja sNabt 38ofM Ho g I ---,--- - ---iInla-.in-f-- ituSnaerSmpcu enepuli- h raianeo!Mn udM ..Gig1vn raIynuSe hos.Tie_ ca fr be-slit M. 'etuo ccmpiseinn tled- tl wn ~ r c f . b l s l ud d1is rauia f ne , vie bpSfl af-swi u aî d by W M - O c a e I e, va be a an f er -a e tr t l ey v nt an l c a ia ,,ovi a Ci n il r A m is'te t s te2at n y o so t l p Ahaudso -,me- -llla,stý retc. us-mien eicalte noaccomsu d ain I ntas Tste naît platcentFrs ehmut pnwerî aid ion s wcd etho as!irnoo Daveisd el er teons 39 cS diog.u Wghî, vr.ers o caieppthd $ a0 Camail. p1a, anc- .îml b.7 ý : > eniile cianyseeatiSejounal Trme $5s Mree; oaameuhsi. ombya mueeeemer. e bS. ls tets hat ha ecs net t's cill Re. M. Isa, a mlnmt~r pri 15b~ ihe tairsac ul euihtr, . iigidi te A aisor, me- tete rra ge or ia prutig far he"Inagi e ny st nis-met t ti-a -. Uý & CU3e nîf -' ie Yr i orI h t r lalvelr ît ra 1o îhandah r ouaens o hl men ihe took bis ac e, et ean y p ty wt h î3rp 0 0J h ae 2 b ubi asrgOe Î il . .,:ý ý ý.,'1 . : leesa t.Waiclui . bs leoaynrI uia hevoatS.Aur,ý Jfariy nr r.ng eM.Hauil ia fTet-, lthvstke1ef'o'ng m p> ou.Wgtvssuhrcdtace- ltopepls -tîte1c ln c ", . 1pa r- nIialPr ab ter f r afi e p tt e1 n- b y. ll c o h s i r ý' .__ - ý . ý ý - l . ayfaer i ha.ecliaInsual t ent rond emr are eana s eema aentersiv g, Sic euS li cern a b e e ! Jo." o admis n 7o Mr ayest-oain.. 47 n mtoun lI e e a s sulbrzmd uit e the, butý , th, bc g s E xtra-ý. - -, -- -. -- made b ;, oy onte lot tJittle o f g~ltebra fe wlnD. aerod, w o llea b- i roe.Ah.ndem t isBa ml alao1crsnnte n.- 7i,0 0 .grat onena o th e r sn trs fi- thcî, id m t tl, he tng1t Ot Sr W-M ,md Sro oftep sbtra 48Pr, tcvleupa4r acr nrSu 's 8 a i':1. ewo , '_pinngHal, peetat. ,hed"! neena'àa nd o-, rdinary Off,- er, , -1str cf Kgadlctoevîhao avies l vund R ae rua attrvni-MssMlrewevrse dresecf pe I'liNoo c'sra&ur e 3 2ou 5 .A.Jm ponind g. 0.,hedache ait:, anS Richardwa i altier oderator ffPCasadar. or lau10 lias dugregMhJehnomevibee bineDcnpe liens ver pin.a sud c-r o! s .ý- - tit nt emviri olqY les o m fa har abotndecls o beRv.M. telsmmdpiterssbttl!ohataln Tthea rsudnn a., $7850 l lict Irs e. aer,$7. Tu irslfaai. mia2c !1p -134hstls1id nuItyboe ta te f(eTtGke vr ham nin ppsencx e. Te groom .g .oW ras, 5an onras. 18 ,54 Slgs anet WîleoT$5 Mm.1 Cent- an-va the maer , a h- ast mo as mo-h m --for nu tiastamatand thora-is au.aP luý ,heWo' t Prcewihi te l:k. a laseie at ho vould sisrondr dstics Tiik o Hrvy lert fa.or lhe e la b rdeunmulgeiqetof £00h<an îl te.................3 727 pnil 25 ebe t 1o'cldt rn e drin m.elieshaiw-sItatla, 1ea:hof th Poors 1 - ,'ere. netf a nug île mer ri et bý.Hsaeslifa t lmenowho ba intea cnt- aIiertves anamaoa sd vluchaep............. 94 . Eaarr J., p.Clrk an ,-ImOoe tsesyitmabv >ý ý1 -ý.ý -, , $20. Toroub o nlme s Ausi a h ,he prss R bnt aibeMFul Rx B ai . clejennar, "Att authorities a ou bec culture . -1 ýý1' ' -_1 __- ,' -, -BELT l ..adliraS., lihe balde's egoivg-age yauilbetogskmrrm No. 'r fwsmthe.coin-...61403WeTrmata poisonal,_ho Wbas boomo otheratall rthoitact, nsatcrumthtsret a'eî- FOR. n-sma-1.eitc1croe hb tlntcr.d Il.gtethF.itePanrk w s ai',d us teyGeogeFaile 5antiMjoietees dviaof94fectgedinpon 9. nIkbu-i:r- -'- î ,s-e t1he c,ýýý0 wlsofnnatuno!rbyste rve-hsaldOhaivaeasasespliSOCain DRIGMoCUN1. atioin tune re din asgrwas alîd, d - met s uratettepiee ic e n cîdth e fhChinît tif nI te wo a'u te etervin elle rîtng wthe udscove- Jaesot9euthnhitîtu- broth ia nc.SÉe -s. aii lterlo ma cr p Aen Iera CIne, 7 u-tho IA N, JIEq Z1ahlyvelof&I eanSu onnerio. i h metn i athD.cu-lebratr'dr retY wddng t lirai-tii-ni api.rltt A Gb- M.Copr plc« opuebt aan-GU ) E U-I Kid et a S to adl U- pai ', Rh Ii. tekMg a h mul sfo craitse ad cuil, te. Teanhe a t ise t i as vi e s tI th- liî- o u or ntt, ati h t c eiv e s goil evis.te situr en, e gs. ant, inttsemi-k ni e bu- 1Etung trewu mly , asuin m wtsm L nce Ba Ir Pa ns or Ach s n ailerablyI b t boa'ol taV ýn I a i n eet ooor place r Jî i in frou a er re o ulte n .ti e aIl n -."F ouaMGs aorgmueon & B aI su taie.A liuiagtieR.Hia1a3ict re. IKENDth AL LteC.,n hi s s tibewu luin l Ismnnn e e a cfte ,pnt utîag . r'Ilium pao ua l9abaofNy Ive e 89Speuiit, Mit e ndInhe l od o ar-Bnadv$2y DoiS Udo.,y-$4; R97. lilthendon b nd oan foot en ots'ku-ct onI.,teisd3ou lwao f1loe.ih sIaO 1 PY er' a epe eraeslytwomesnt'e Haiehs macfallor.Setsuinirbn agte Rv .G eswy h rd irasatefnomCerkstehinglba eG$0.T..me o-ee1 ana ncb nin peomsiouae it osne froua _ 10le $201f r i) Eletie Zitne emesethemls ianol. o ecmp fiad ! beHo M Sîecas 2An !V rS rVreussteesy uylingr-, cc.n o lstfimebtilie ae. Vitiaibig tbueeet Horsey eicaesaned which vinaatial doanet ed appointatcannaisoi ay ne irefle ho doubtaetiIb lcefa- for c'l'Il. u htSe taomplotaub isehilela ccsalshialecumovr- orove Foty Yeaa lts28 nS 9. Fytd.rendn gameus-one.ec onlyee pris, aae SS Vl_ A 5attt. sud fuS Thvi aes ai ruh b dtetesrslradM .0 irbat amble y od 3 doed tisaI ini-eltintictu te a tirucanti eno! fre an ifîoude-etbut1 Ir.su »uilf cmlasf purp ao Sir T h n iebA. R"(Ined ey apib t Senerbkeplace luberouaCick "Borauvi e nq ir- d et r- -et ingng i-perie 'e aî pe" - yor .en :h am1 aI I -n1c-p- c.orgna 111îpe-uca fSe -,vs hIl a-î i f Cusja'l a v o ssûOii ome 3 &Ot OU HNET PPR-l ouni lonlu'IliaS sm yasnsag, fhm- lu 1842 nS 1843.TicLpoint lunolve1ythile sd vibatBarce.iTueClarkoviaia-pas, lu es, fou ai(leÀenmie-ulcehLuaZ th neascf arp, i le hac IhIeS' by l oý TitandCivil ev le pa t e Inis- 040Prom W. L. a lai acwko'viie25.dgItangs'uey elal rm ~xpea ofie. i. . .,$5, it pR, - vaybevisu brut aS Cbong theorslucla-e o&cngoglSisbaa anaI aqind t $ etpncoo as sud'l - ta- - nVLý, But I otasners le h arroailngeaI, na y, inate deb asla sun c oeas snc s ia-mi Tego'"Bg-le bla prenions1M., entaqusuportofFteleS. T 1aK de s1 ye nueS': ol-pa ena1cent L yn-ad eud-evnteIo l igaaS i- in ! icîooucsuluscnneiosASASPCFIdORPo S.e C Rundie adusel ning I he Gv cash with r inn wa rnpav thopeelege. eeTfoho a vhfue moataiv-fremIe juIifthGlexreeitIo akenr3AssCOUCH1, T CoLDS M t , Eo ificc! ahaTheLido tbe W E A E M N U F C T U E R S o! h I voa ena u t as aus vo a t e v e m e , î Iho e v iu bou îmt tIr ep nit el H s b en ent S s d h s b com lIe Fr in ~ ne M u ra ifa ing te ior kindacf1Eectnc _,Lppiincaa Wrie 0vi. gva-hsmeevos avobdly oath'Hopely !ouite.îroAlter alnginfnng ILoth Couia SecDR. et.imo.anKENDALL tsaCe.,2.0 pe day us forou bokgin pueS -iidf:. ,,,l _iro--, -,ea.a~a. A th e tod is hua

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