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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1903, p. 5

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Yo eu ethrdar ta war a ouse for sale.-see ad vt. Buy yur, Garden Seed in BaIk at Souch':et e e ±te l Five pages of local new,3 will be fotun d Mlirdoe s. 4ï ?W Try the City Dairy lue Crearm at 'in this paper. Kitchen chairs well made and strong Lutterlls. ai vrteGoeyDpr- Seo our M attresses at $265 M D. 39c, M D. Wiliamrs & Son.C ~ r e r~ i B a g i s a l o e h e G o e y D p r -W illiam s & Son. Spring Overcoats- r in proof- at re - -__ mentat West End House. Window sereens and screen doors duced prices. S. W. Magon & Son. e One hour's rending of local neiws cheap at Souch's. Ldes' tailor niade suits and separate. extra this week-5 pages. Somothing special in fruit Sundaes skirts-latest stý les just to hand at Mr. Lewis Roach of the G. T.11 bas at Tod's-try one. Couch. Johnston & Cryderxnan 's. Ru rd r aigavnaeo u enin town with friends. 10,000 dozn good fresh eggs wnted Pillow Sham, holders that do fot ____________ Nwsbciesfr5eaugtT-u at Cawker & Tait's. mark or cresse your shams at 25o this m ~oving sale to lay in a stock of ilair Brushes STaTESMAN to end of 1903. NeCornfrmn n oy hswek e forl seMWlamsot& Son.er ç~~~1-~~~ ~ ~ ~ Toîlet ~~~~~aturday was a busy day in town- at S. W. Mason & Son's.Jstrrvdaarod fortot£Im, u.I. r m Is em i .*<Ï u o u ,B u h s o d ou e s l h t r s B a rg a in s a l! o ver th e S h o e D e 'a rt- C r ' o sweet. La mmin g Sl < o u elo A T'__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ~ an I ru $ nd ie o a l in s.Sec the woven wire springé; we offer~ m ent at W ~est L d H cuse. D ent at lZe. B.b Martyn's. Do nt mss hisopprtunty. Thi wek ~ at 82 90. M. D. Williams & Son. Tes Idal Fece is the strongest and SDrntg and B Mattrsse r en we are clearing out the following limes: overcoats at Couch, Johflton & Crydr Now la the timie for bargains at the sold at ouùr old prices. we wiIl flot ad- # £OIR Just arrived. a car of fine- sedPotoshe 4îýiman's. Magon Co's. Sec their page advt. , vance the price. Ask foi- our fait 0 are the finest quality, large smoot,10ee ys -odCe mToltSa 20e doz. $7.50 suits at West End House-worth Try our Lemon Pohish for your Mattress. M. D. Williams & Son. 4 teKn ftetbepttejs htyuwu 4î Wold Roem omlexio Soap , ae 10c $750 Dow $5.90, Tweed or Worsted furniture. M. D. Williams & Son. Have You spare time? Increase thvigoftetalurate u 4î Wl oeC m leinSa, 3cke 0 lta Dress Goods, Suitings, Silks, Prints income bi work at night. -Others are frseteeaetefns apeo tte 0atmeal and Jilice of Lettuce Soap, Fg ull to the brim and over-flowing is and Chambrays. ail new at Couchý doing it. Our gçods are used everv. foPed hs ret iet a tî3 cakes 100. this paper. Read it then send to a Johnston & Cryderman's. 'where every day. Write G. Marshall thd.t have been brouglit to town. W r eln e Assortment of lIair Brushes at 19e eaeh. f rind CoOgIt. colda, bearseness. end other throat & Co., Teas, London, Ont. balnc 4îte rshsa li rice Jn6al meetinlg Farmers' Instittite. aliments are quickiy relieved by Cresoiene West Durham Farmers' Institute wili a thiem for 90c bush. and we are offricth Clths ruhe a H lfPrce Jne6 tA. W. Foley's, near Maple tabiets, ten cents ver box. AU1dirug«ias hold their annual meeting on Tuesday a of a former car at 75~C bush, -while te at WhSs7,1c 5,albran.Grove. For the newest, best and cheapest Junc~ 6 at the Government Poultrv tbta- Whisk s e, 10, 15c,2cc o' fi ohail bargains.rad ewarcohnzcl t octin r A .Fle' eidne anodsedadsedcr SpogesSA Thursday and Friday nights Johuston & Cryderrnan's. 'MaPle Grove. -AlSpecial Reductions. this week. Men's $10,00 and 89.5 regular priced ANE-Eey}rernWet selectel from the best growers, asuulo wd *0Washable Kid gloves ln white and overcoats. while they last ail sizes 35 to Durham to eall at J. B. Mart.yn's andX colora, just received at Couch, Johuston 42, tiow $7.50. West End bouse. sedure, what seeds bd' niay reuire sucb find theru reliable. Spacii M ealton Soar1emn Ladies' black sateen blouses, also as Red CloverTmtv Alsike, n 4îM a naWarin day an Ic-odCemsome elegant white blouses ail new Lucerne. Rape Seed, Leviathan, 0'WE T on01 1 iýso. % ISd drawn from Thos. Tod's fountain at Couch. J ohuston & Crj derman's. intermediate and marnmoth long red ail1ies f il very refreshing New ice cream parloir ovened this Mangel, Sugar Beet and Sugar Vlangel. 4THE PO PULAR RO E . This~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I an hvngabgsaeal latest in Wedding station- week by D Luttreli. Give him a eallu M ~af t oc feehigrqi SPECTAC LES ers vfrno adn_-aln .B This a havng a ig sae ai The ive i cake boxe at THo n es h City Diairy Ice Cream. toriamo adn aua .B ',"- 4ve Canada and it wili pay you to STTEMANeOffice. Pethick, the barber, still uses Coke.'s n '5. ri 'S 4~ t 0l~ n0Yll ~ getIt t or rducd pice SI .Mrs. W. McClung bas made great Anticeptie Shaving Foam. Corne and a u ongse. gti toieueipie.improvements in her residence and get shaved with it and sec how it work s.__________ S' Men's blats--the verv latest Engliah aise Barb, Annealed 'and Galvanized f a ~and American tlsa Couch, wire at close prices. é , B. Martyn.. Mtýâz 4qle rYJoh nston & Cryderman's. At Trinity Church neat Snnday Eye s toLLF L Mr. Red Mitchell la home from College Rev Brandon Greenaway will speak on ofPame ain opee i fia ATh iSetofntre Thare.,$ wihl r: exms we trust, successfully. music. Ail welcome. ben Mo<~wers, we soli Only th emdsdug store. ___________________________Woodyatt, also ail] garden reqilisites, Re-opening or Tod's Ice Creamf Parlor our prices are low. J. B. Martýn. Saturday evening Ibis weck. Soute l nooflaRerS ~4~d~l t~tIfl~ roken size shoes wile they last at special deiicacies for the occasion te. q prices eut two and three times below sides the usual hune of good things. Ba kc .. BOWMANVILLE, MAY. 13, 1903. regular prices. West End boube. J. Wesley Knight wil1 run to and ______________________ Cabbaze, Caulifiowelr, Tomato and from Port Bowmanville dailv t ;np-ii Counties' Counil meets June 1. other plants for sale by Gordon D. seaison if enoughpasscgers offer lu eFletcher No. 50, Duke St.. Bowman. any case ho will ett the "Niagara" beudiug over Major Ward, Port Hope, will soon be Everybody corne to Bowmanville Vie- o Agl. that Of neceS- gazetted a colonel. toria Day-athletic sports, base and foot sity a s13.e- Mr. J. b. b. Jury has leased The bail matches. Big da-y's fun sure. Jo nM c aLiutd .-àI . maker mustMagon Co's. west-store. Corne. -JonR o aLm td cldo wlieu at Mr. J. N. Hortop, Brooklu, was lu Get one of our $6 50 Couches before work cornes town on business last week. they ail Ly0, covered in velour. ItWll DR wil h ercieltoc hard on the ,!.Jo oahnviie e o a ou to sec themn. M.D.Wlim for the outside painting o! Caledon- back and liard Samuel at Newcastle reccntly. Son Palo la Mill. onthe kidj- Strawbcrry planta for sale beat kinds Re-open~ing o! Tod's Ice Cratmar -ALQSO- Ofl by G. D Fletcher, Bowmanville. - Saturdav evening this week. Seine lI D.dYS. Mn.special delicacies for the occasion be- Tenders wanted for the erection o! an - .- ey.M.Thos. Bassett la able to come sdsheualueogodtns. Office, 20x15 f t. Iron clad, one storey, I Baekache, downi town again after his ilinesa. osste uad lt ofupied byMng. Krplan may be accu at mili, I lame, weak Painters are giving the D. O. & P. Prose St.. lot ofcrued for saeM ry. .r DAVES ...~ ad ûrebac fctoy cot o pint cxeroniy. cheap. Sec advt. Good chance for Caledonia Mill, Secy-Treap. - ~ are the bug- Dr. G. M. Trcwin, Cohingwood, was working man to gel a home o! bis owII. Bowmanville. ýbears of a shoeinaker's existence. home over Sundav, visiting bis parents. A genuine eut pnice Dry Goods sale _________________ Th inyget 'capdand Our marchants are giving people now on at West End Blouse. Olîclotha,BON atraiued, are unable to, filter ~ n fsao agn Ithe -einig Table Linena, Ginghams, Prints. M.~Dc~sStFrno ~lod s teyshuldthy tliofWc aeknowledge reeeipt o! parliamen. everythiing reduced, be convinced. May2iso,trf Mrs.ý W ., lcklno,a -'heir d1isordered condition by mak- p.r pora o r .Read .Iaet son. P. h ac cean an The young lady who fails to rend the ______________We are neyer undersold by competitors and guar te ou ~iug th baek che an ~ifl.Rev. W. J. Jolliffe has been invited June Dehrneator, for sale at book-atore OE utmr m ril detsd~rvlDyGoshuea Tehere isn't mucli use rubbing 0on tn stay a second year pastor of Charlotte will miss many good things inteuded' DIED pucer n atceavrisdb rvlDr od o linimeiâÏs or stieking on plasters street cbnreb, Peterboro. for ber. It is plumb full o! seasonable D..EI D~arling.My 5tb, William as low as any quoted. -when the prime cause of the ache Hcv. ]Newton Hill, Simpson Aveune articles. RteaAeo- Darln gton57 Meay t, ti ies ini the kidneys. Metbodis Cbureh, Tootws nAatcser8i f~~ e of Wm. Crngo, agen 57pe i l T i e k Theremdy hatis nos efectaistarted sailing' from Montreal for CLOVER.-In F ruitland, April 19th, Ella May lor "«shoemaker's bakah as Mouev lest somewnere between Liverpool and Bristol. Sec or write Jeffery. belaved wife of Alex~ander GIuve,~, lor il kuds f bekace ~dkid Martrn's Groccry and Miss Mîorsehoad's M. A. James about tickets Jeffry, Hamilton, aged 26 years. Mr .5dzLde'PitWrpes ~ oos eua .0fr5c mey trouble, is Dr. Pitcher's Bk- 1eiec onKn S.Sc dt Childi en and Flowers" la Rev. DO.JErivit,-At 40 Smith Ave.. Hamilton,5 acheKidey Tbles. Bek- Miss Adele Bàrnbam, of Dunbarton Crossley's subjeet next Suuday night. Arl2tMary Ann Chapman. beIoved n ife 5doz Ladies' Print Wrappers, extra heavy ltseilfr6e ____Hall, was -uest O! Mrs.A.J - McClellan, S.S. Childrcn !urnisb the singing law of Mrs. E. Jeffery, Bown..,1e 200 ds Dry Goods, good patterns, reg 25C to 30e yd, for 2e INTENSE PAIN. Bowmanville, Iast week.-Guide. assisled bv amale quartette who wll MÀRTYN,-In Bowmanville, May 9tb, An2 o aieBkCtn iosatcoosseres 3par[r5. Joh Sundrs shomke, Wity, Ms.H. . ardan fail bve in"Sodirao! the Captain." Werry, reliet of the late Wm,. Marty),% 9c20 doz Ladies' fine robten Hse ast i coton 25e fr 15e evdcce-I etredtoPrtHoefrm tawa Ma-rE .Bo n onlhrA BRI,ýICOMBE.-In Toronto onMay 10, Perey 20dzLde'fn ibdsa ls l otnHoSe, reg Ont., gives the followlng evged5l :-lIirtrearsor.oefomOt MyorE .BowedCueilrA 9 pro(-ured a bottie of Dr. Pitcher's Back- wLere they spent afew montbs - Times. T. Lawler, Wbitby,, were iu town Mon- Richard, only child of Fred. M. Brimaconibe, 15 duz fine pure wool BIk Cash mere ilose, per pair 25e. can ay tat hey aveme dug tore a. E. Jeffeny and dai helMs day inspectiug our pavements. Mr. antigran1-soflof Richard Brimacombe. How- ah Kidy tabetsgae the gra eifi- Mrs auhtralker and ganz are oegnning opera- manviile,ag-edl9 months. Interred at Bw Special uine of Ladies' l[m orted âine CashLuere Hose 35et 5 r mediatcly. I wus suffening with intense MI. M. Linton attended the fanerai O! tions lu Ontario county town.maile ýpain in the back and blousuess, with bad tHemilaton . Phri efe a Bear lu mind Ibat it costs no more 10.7 b e R IC o h 7 'taste ln the mouth, and loss of appetite. gtaod tiwelmesut than E WANT A GOOD RELIABLE T b e O l t s 1 e ý'Under the influence o! the ucedicine all One o! thA we-althiest menin the U S. il does to buv an 111 fitting, sloveul WVa to act as local Salesnan, in this quickly disappeared and 1 feci well ls said te ho behind the Toronto-to' madte one. To secure the former leave your district. Tûc positïin ia a permpanentLaisBac MoeredStnSktre $1O0fr7e aM ain. l9One thing I wish ta say,ý while Cornwall clectnic. rond and il wilh be voun orderg now at Couch, J obuston & one and offers lag payes toae anyere Side- t 'hodd b work finely, tbey wcre vcry- -buiîlt, we are assured. C2rydermau's gaaeneet WwrkerAl ooryit goodaaeEre 7end efo ,c ail cth ein, n tr s a, le PoMs mm .W rt Penny, 1and PrintcorlsldOegfU~, yo dteipoito abY lît for dresses or aprons, extra heavy clotb, fs oos achne, thorey touale wo fr roueas. odcsis l Deacone a e, froroutheo. h romf.rtably located ýand bas aL yodo.Fo 5 akn hre r 2-,fr8 d ý&chepsiio asne arul morn biluses. ads largees exe orno' ofpenses eau be earnied, sellin,,oir goods. F. Dress Goods in Blaek and colors of every kind andqaitbs positio as a a.n adi ag .BAKO Toronto, Oalue an0ltet eaes Price 50c, a box, et ail drggists or«l e, townsb'p, Port Penny and Cabinet factory. _________and___________________ -mail, TuE it. Znr Pricazz Co.. Toroato, qeSugoz are making an effort te bave Mn. G. D. Fletcher, agent and dis- Silk, SaiAuslin and Print Blouses that camnot failt their towuship placed back lu South nbtr lcdlutw oe at ARM FOR SALE BY TENDER.- Ladies' Whitewear, Vests, Corsets, Stock Collars, Shapes nd ei. Gran Fruk Ra'ý,vv Svtem, Ontario for agricnltural purposes. week 'Just boods and Only boods.' FTenders wiil be received for the sale of the Grand~Ou Vrn a'avSseest tbanks arc teudened to Mn. Even tho' sunbonnet timne bas corne North half of Lot No 34 !il the 4tb Concession Our Gent's Furmishing Department wîll furuish yo ith a fi R.AIIJWAI' ~ ~ ~ ~ n TIM TALE J-as A Werry. Enniskilhen, Hoods canuot be safely disperised wit ofre th ose Frame >Barn. Stable atrdlaetoetesI.U to aegosfrmin' ia RALi and Mnr.,Gordon D, Fletcher, Bowman- lu our bouseho.ds. Implement Shed, good Orchard. bard anti soit BOWMAVILL STAION, ville, for baskets o! fine apples for oui Ta lk aboulitbeAing9ýbusv-H S-AAS waeadeefainsrnTaieoe 111Ready.to-wear Clotiing for' men and- bys. Hats, CapClas br nurnedwwithba red.botsailape.sonswthal no theeipîs formoneov. P t 18-tf. - wnniAt a ppy Mr. McLean of undcrgoing sucli an oper- cepteti cither in full or part pavineut of fiswnsail the eggs th e cisoria ;-i..v pasts Igaî~ er, opecet stllebrdai-'i r ltion, so nie gave me a box of salve, for which avnote or bigbhldb hsCo-tesca a n lepst es hieeoue.î'L:eg5 ce ro bv IispCm- es eau lay anre feh paHe [j'sbt L4 r-Framehuecoaiiî ., crg-în itfuttrs AlvuJ.. he chaxged me two dollars, but titi me no pauv," etc. Mn. Osborne bas the ater Hnie r frjesb ea cll, ZdEs H. FItcliem. Trons anti sumner aicben; gooti garden ITANTED -SEVERAL INDUS- J AMESq, SrATEISX fie 4wi-le good. My eperience with Dr. Chase's Oint- wbc e fes noe o 40w er li ae pecial Ihis week, o!f___ and socn fruit trees. AîpIY t0 WM. PAINTON. M! triou.- lic sons ini eci state to travel for 1 cui htte fis plcaindtm aeIi ldie ofast aigun afapr pree0 3it caaCn rPa o 2 r2cn iwciil1-f In use estalisbed eleven years and wjth a___________________ tioctonson' anti- na ccie hv astragen. tomatoca- Il wilh pay West Durham Wbnno a egv ie aîa _________________ age eutai. Io ùaîî upi merchants anti io han titi the two dotr, adfil db1Vasrne. euBüws-ikw gvlerCtoa agents fùr secessful anti profitahle line. jJ. %V. ýCATE.36Arji-E, made me as evcl anti fiee from piles as iny ____________________farmenrs to make an early 'business ac he àewaaCils cedfratra )JEK PE WAT1D-aPermanenit engagement. Weekly cash salary Toroîito, graduaelo h ,îneo îî man. Since being cured 1 workcti duning the TCREACL NNEDY quaintauce wilb The Motel Groccry if 1he Uofasa hidaie dae1fr asera,11 ?l"KEEER W eNTEpeA f sSanisciaraelngebeucsanielte bIsil chstr. PY cscfrinCî e.-o ,y o mîntcr in the lumber woods, anti had no returu no, already donc. Read thse admit. ano when ase becaueUiss, s3 clun to Casto-ia., (f a e;'bleoma iate n(ti< fwtf rge adaeicash ýeh ee Expeenc lotf Rtîsuts,,lbb ne, b yofescer of my cMoubel O.CassOumnd Take LaxaZ"Itive Broniio Quinineàa Tabiets. Ai Wn hImal î,îî pdso. Ap i la oc iuaades nel H AINLcSsmcig Iaei a woith oe~undro . C.oIaes itnn boxs do mctrefundthe Tou..- if Il failsto eurt go to sec about solhu 'DU as 'Outè 15 i . Six lu fai. Gtoi ut su essdas Il exn eer. Tnee ATI(N L encos self. bteî a .Siica cri, )sem ____________________ E. . 4rove's siai u -s -ch box. 25é gf. T A fi. 1-w~ Dea1rbQru iSt. ch111 , 4m8 - lss ainialn.v rnio, I1~ wor: one hVAr, te rn 1 «7

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