TENDERS FOR COAL,5 103. Sealed fendere, afddresýed ta thie Poiee Secrtar, Povice f Ontario, 1'aimen BuidigsToont, ndmarked "Tenders for Goa,"1lllbe receivedto nonn onday .h^d of titttionls nangied lw, on or f oongrgdion as to, theïr duties and Il PPY I~lNITER'8 i~ii e atende to the chkirch to the HAPPY NINISERS WFE neglect of their honte2s and children NOT THE E YEK VICTIVI TUA T nMay have re2snLted hi their chld- SHE USED TO BE. >r1,5 turibg eout in a way that tgave risc to the okif saw, -The min- P1astor's Helpimeet Belongs te 1Ii ister's ehidren are the devil's Moine and Net te His I gandchildea. Churchi. WIo the first fminister's wf a IiOMIÔN PAtLIAM NV RE OF PROVINCIAL AUDITOR. 1 The report of Mr, IJ. B. Li1n.,, Pro- pBA1NK I2I LLS, vilicial Au4litor for1902, is published, At th Bankn~ an Oo le Ués9Aythtb&%the i¶tspection,,ior cursory At te Blilng ad clumrceexaminations are not audits, altheugh Comrnnttec a bill respecting the they nay Iead up te such, and frequent- Crown,,Bank of Canada was passedl o. -[bey show nw m muntripal A bill to incorporate the Noth- mýatters are tJeing couducted through T3yr ni, May 12.-Remember the9 11. p 8e#jt, Jaintis predsdiug, day zjho lAnriiversary services Ma nminutes of Jl m8.eting read analcon- 24t1i and 25th On Sunday IIC.V 1 i ed Einory, B. D., Whitbv, wiIl proach at 10 A grelvdfoanui a mi., and 7 p. n, j~Moi s)Pdaftu- bor1!pe rs a-kigd !bem a iuni noon a_ vrogram of music, recitatinna béi, o!r&tépyr;akn oiv ia Faie, N'ewcslab taToronto and rla-tura, .ý 1 Bawman ville te Toronto sfi',e un r I Oahawc% and Whitby to Toront3 anmdreua an~rnpoftant ~Z I was unuthe stdrn and 1 he Ardi IU e eînn ee evd éealU v-oproucs his own femncemani tae n-cpaely! orn eevi;,. Tuer&dn C saaes an iportant outl;yi Tho' Along the raDvw3roterunnlng ni he dwee v v Prust c"00if r ICea fai te rýi-- .1xv t rinC even-Mi I,, i , g _eneniwhty nd eordiaii ýy, wcl aec anistake aboýut it. It Curles Diarr- Ued only a f-xvtim ($O O lBowels, cures Wind, Colic, soitens theci a 1 ý 1