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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1903, p. 1

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i~. ~t~te~ .~T~..S -1.0PIx AmNuX. OU.R TOWN ÂN»D OOVNTT FNST ; TU WOELD APTEEWAEDB. M. A. JAMES, E-ditradPopitr Nzw SwafEB. BOWMÂNVlLLEt ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, JUTNE 39,-1903, OUEXLXN.2 44 4,4 *,4Wc .,4W îN 41k- lèeM,ý- - îke - 4îý 4, * CWARPBTS ê AND CURTAI NS. We have just received direct from John Orossley & Sons an immense. Stock of Carpets. NEW 2"vxTE ST -DESIGNS. In Tapestry, Brussels and Oriental Velvet. We Al so show: A Big Stock of New Union and All-wool SCarpets and Art Squares and the finest stock Sofir Lace Curtains. Newest designs in al Squalities we have ever shown. J.We8le-v lKio'ht wi.1 I toand 1I-r Li c:1r MUSTARD SPRA1YING. The Biological Departmenit of the Ont- ario Agricultural College are arryanginZ to give a series of demnonstrations in diff- erent parts ot the province, in kilhing wild~ mustard by treatîng it with a Blues tone solution. A demonstration showing the effectiveness of this new method of treat- ment will be given at the fan,ý of Mr . A E Bellman, lot i4 con i, in the Towvn of Bowmanville on Saturday Tune z3th. Farniers who are troubled wîth thîbs bad weed and who would like to learn ail about this new method of! treatment arc esIlv requLted to attend this dem- nsrtonr Fuller information next week. The Sabbath School anniyers ary ser- vices will be hcld as follows; On Sundayi june 14th sermons will bc prcached1 at 10.3o a m., 23o and 7 P m, by Rev. W. B. Tucker, Orono, Singng by choir and school. Collection in aid o! school fund7s. On Monday j une 15 at 2 p. ni a juvenile cantata wili be given by niembers of the school entîtled "'The 1l'ete of the Flowers" Addresses will bc delivercd by Revs Tucker and Dr Cleaver Tea served troin 4 o'cloek. Tickets 25c; children 15, At 8 p. m a lecture wîll hc g iven under1 the auspices o! the Epworth- League by Rev. S. Cleaver, D. D,,pastoDr of Sher- boumne St. Methodist churcli, Toronto, on "Jean Val jean". Amliss;ion 15c. t Opp* UUft Mana jWEDDING BELLS. One of the prettiest of the home wed dings this spring w as celebra ted May 6 xttbe rsffence of Mr. anid Mrs. W Sandercock, Riverside, Cal., when theil daughter, Miss Lulu Sandercock. be. came tb ebride of H.S. Minuick,of Lau. caster City, Fa. 17he interior decorations of the bomne made a beautiful setting for the brida] Party. Mareehal Niel roses were twined Up the stairway, and were used with smilax and foliage elsewhere about the hall. The eeremony was performed. in the parlor, whicb was espeeiaIly attrac- tive in Marechal Neil roses and calla liles Festooning the ceilin-in canopy effect were chains of smulax, and in one corner of the rooni, suspended by a smilax rope, was a large wedding bell of Marechal Niel roses. The sitting rooni was in pink and green. Theflow- ers were LaFrance roses in great dlus- ters, and smilax was caught from the corners of the ceiling to the center chandelier. Daylight was excluded,and the ligbts were sof tened by pale green shades over the- electric globes. The color in the dining room was glowing red On the curtains and aill about were Getieral Jacqueminot roses and smilax, and overheai were garlands o! pepper foliage. Thle bride's table was decorated with smilax and roses of the saine hue. Prompflv at noon the bridai proces Sion descended the ýtairway, wended througb çhe hall and dining room and around to the parlor. First came the officiating clergyman. Raï. W. F. Tay- lor, followed bv the little ring bearer, four-year-old Martha Ross, wlho carried the ring on a white silk pi] low trimmed in orange blossoins. Next came the mother of the bride, waiking aloue,and the bride followed leaning on trie armi of bier father, and alter lier the groom and bis best man. Last came the mat- ron of honor, Mrs. E E. Raley, and the biidesmaid. Miss Lottie Sandercock. both sisters of the bride. The brid e's gown was a beautiful cre- ation of whbite moire taffeta, made en tramne and trinimed with applique me- dallions. -Rer flowers were white carj nations and niaiden hair ferns. 'The niatrou of honor was gowned in white organdie over white taffeta, and the bridesmaid, Miss Lottie Sandercock, wore a lovely gown of cream, etaminew. garnitured with real lace and made witb a train. The niatron of honor and, the bridesmaid carried pink and white sweet peas, and both wore nandsome p'eari ins. the ift of the groom. The Uest man was lHarry Hutchins of New York, son o! Judge Hlutchins o! that Clity. Atthe ine of the, bridai party Menelsoh'swedding march wasà OBITUARY. Tiîm LATE MR. TaOMAs WJIIiT. One of earth's noblemen, and one o!. the few remaining pioneers o! Cavan township, passed peacafully away at his [home in Millbrook on Wednesday. May 28th, in the person o! Thomas Wàite, Esq. Deceased came [romi Cavan Co- ty, Irelan<l, in 1848 and spent soma years lu Naw York cit'y and northera New Yoriz state, and about fitty vears ago name to Canada and made hiishoîne in Cavan township whera on Lot 15,Con. 2, ha established a conifortabie home, married and raised a tamil v, and saccu. mulated a competence sq that ho and bis estimable wife could! lve in ease nd comfort during their declin.ing vears Ha was an intelligent man and was gentemanfarrer ne who madea farminýg pav. His life and conduct asa citizen And' bus4ie.ts mpn were ever ctiraceriedbv justice anu faimness lf aIl his dealings, and n t only bi neîghà. £ to be as low as any house in Canada. BOWMANVILLE. -% ýDK :C The most economnical of ail leavening agents, and makes the Ginest food~. VOLUNTEERS WANTED, fPROVIDENCE. A few recruits wanted in No. 8 Coin- pn46h Regiment, for camp at King- The Sabbath Schoffl nniversary and =tn ue 23rd. Apffly at Drill Shed. re.opening of Providence church wlII Bowmanville Monday and Fridav ho held as follows: On Sunday June 7lth e,7enings at 7o'î'ljck. W. G FRANK, sermons will ha preached at 2 80 p.m. Capt. No 8 Co. 46th Re-t. and 7p m. b./ Rev L Sý Wight, B. A., Millbrook. Collection in aid of sehool SOLINA.funds. On Monday June 8tb at 2pm. a prograîn wiIl be given of dialogues, -- recitations, cluh-swingîng, drille4 etc., Jiecent visitors:-Mr. J. D. Hogarth, and tînZing hy the childrcn. AdIdreq8es Norwich; Mr. Will Clark, Mariposa; wll h given by Revsg. Wight, WXilliam Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Revnolds, Scarboro;' Jolliffe and others. Tea served from Dr. W. J. Bray, 'I oronto; Mr. F. L. 4 o'clock. Publie cordially invited. VanNest and fam'., Toronto; Mr. R. M. DowsosN, 1 B. BRAGG, L, Werr *v, Motreal; Mr. Arthur Cox, Superintendent. Secrçtary -L 1-9 1 -r -L iititunn m t. a, n.u 'o.LuÂUto; lUI. Wm Lennox, Toronto; Mr Will Ba- ker, at Toronto; -Miss Leta Gifford and Miss Ire ne Bray, Enfield ..Mr. Levi Arnot consulted a specialist in Toronto receutly. . .. Grandina Werry continues poorly, several o! her friands have bien. at ber bedside during bar ilînesÂs: Mrs Elford, J %I iss Rose Elford, Poronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wright Blackstock; l'rs Thes, Hancock, ik erlng; Mr Geo Cowle and others,... Mr. Levi Arnot raised a driving shed1 Tbursday. . .. Eldad S. S. was a decided success., On Sundaiy 1ev J. R. Butler, lackstock, gave two zood addresses, lu the afternoou to the children and in the evening to the older people. The, church was uicely decoratted for the oc. casion The singing bv the school in the afternoon under the leadership o! Mr A. Banson Crvderman, with Miss Minnie Ashton as organist, was extr i good and the choir in the eveninz su- passed thenisalves Good collections.' The church was crowded. Ou Monday a! ternoon another large audience greet- ceeuinglv Weil andi sang spiendiyi, the selections being' most approprilate. -let- citations ware given by misses Mamaie Weslake, Eva Branton, Flossie Wer,-,I Ida Vice, Edith Vice, MaIry Vuat Mona Vice. MNazjzle Hillis. Mav Rev. KIRBY. Rer. J. F. Chapman visiteci hU; bro- thers recently. .. . Mrs. Johin Chapnian' visitai at Mr. R Harris' Cowanville. Mr.ý Wil Morrow, Peterboro, visited bis brother.... Mr. Williama CGoov, Peterboro, visited hisý son....W. G, Powers who is enplo.yed lu h e n Works at Lakeficld, visited MÏor. Melvin Powers . ... Mr. and Mrs. Fred R . Foley, Miss Briniaconie, Miss E Runidie, Mr A. Morris and Mr Sid M Scs-itt, Bow-- mau% i1e, Mr. D. Elliott, Toronto, Miss Laura Eiliott and Mr. Milton Elliott, Kendal, were reeent visitors at Mr. F. lrimaco'nh's.. .The anulpicni party, comprising Mr a nd Mrs . John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Cainand Mrs. Isaac Chapinan aiid !mfamly, the Misses Chapman, Orono, took place on Victoria Day at Mr. Neil Sith 'l ,v spent the aftemnoon tishiung and .

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