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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1903, p. 5

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-~ I iYoii Are eIf you are not purchasing Haii Brushes, I Tooth Brushes, Combs, Purses, Soaps, etc) at I 41 SI' ,îour moving sale. Hundreds are taking advant- 4Î age tof the reduetion prices and seLuding in their I friends. , 4îWe will seil any of the above lines at lessSI 4~prices th an other dealers pay. for themn wholesale. SI 4~Buying in large quantities for our four stores~ enables us to save the wholesalers' profits for Our~ I j customers. Cali and examine our reduced 4prices and then tell your neighbors. I 4î A GUIARAN TEE of comfort goes with 4î every pair of 'Spectacles we sel1, Don't miss our clearing sale prices. Get your eyes testedSI 4~first time you aie in town. NO CHARGE. I IStod-tt & Jury, DRUGGISTS AND OPTICANS. SI Dr.ssmaker's BackacheE 'engagea in aruesmaking __. freque ntly bave trouble baek and kid- Meys. Run- siugasewing machine, plying the needie in the mxever ceasing Étitch, stiteli, stitch, pressing seais-constant bending ..ver-soofn tells on the back, makes BOWMANVILLE, JUNE. 3, 1903. Mr R. W. Gllddon, Union, is visiting friends in town. Miss Lily Evanis, Toronto, recently viiiited Mrs. S. Mason. Division Court meets in Bowmanville June 29th: Newcastle J une 8ti. Mrs. Wm. Foiey recently visited her Bon Mr. Eber G FoIey, Seaforth. Mr. Geu. Pingle has accepted a situa- tion with the Mitrtin & Staniev Piano Co., Peterboro. Bowmanville High Schocol boys play base bail witn the boys at Newcastle this afternoon. Mr and Mrs. WiIl Crvderman, Baker City, Oregon, are visitlng bis mother Mrs. Wm. CrOerman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mann 249Raby Head" Vers swel ew range of men's color- ed soft shirts « uat in'at West End House -4Tooke 's, W'. G. & R. ând Crescont brand. Aise a range of sLylish boîts, straw hats, neckwear and seme elegaut and styýlish fine eootwear-King Quality and MePhersen make. See our iist ef anniversaries., Reduction Sale at McDermid's Drug Store. 10,000 dozen good fresh eggs wantled at Cawker & Tait's. Don't miss hearing Rev. Dr. Cleaver at Ebenezer June 15th. West Durhamn Womeu's Institute wil meet lu Bowmanville, Saturday June 6th. Animal meeting Farinera' Institute. June 6 at A. W. Foley's, near Maple Grove. 25 pair meu's lacrosse shoee with leather insoles regular $1.20 for 31 .00 at Foley's. Only 10 days more. Young & Ce 'a clearing sale of eroekery has enly 10 days to run. Freeland keeps a fine lot of frames for enlargements. Other styles and sizes made to order. Greater bargains thau ever in the Jewellrv dept. clearing sale at The Mason Co's. See advt. DresGoods, Suitings, Silks, Prints and Chambrays, ail new. at Couch, Johnston & Crydermanis. Good solil Tweed Suits, worth 86.50 and $7 50, now for $4.00 at The Mason Co's big sale. See advt. Ladi es' Waterproofs- the finest Stock we have ever shown froim 83 50 _up. Couch . Johnstou & Cryderman 's. Lawn Mowers, we soli onlv the Woodvatt, also ail gardon requisites, our prices are 1gw. J. B. Martyn. A full stock of Frost Spring Cou wie, also Barb, Aunualed and Galvanized wire aI close prices. , . B. Martyn. Petbick, the barber, stili uses Ceke's Anticeptie, Shaving Feain. Coine and gel shaved with it and see hew il works. Now is the turne t buy Sereen Doors before the flues cone, see our stock tbe prices will surprise you J, B . - 1u Cabbaze. Caullflower, Tomato and other plants for sale bv, Gordon D. Fletcher No. 50, Duke St., Bowman- ville. Shoe lace beits and bagg are the style just; now. Whbite.* blacic and choc- olate laces for-this purpese are kept aI the Parlor Shoe Store. W e are soie agents for the Pittsburgh Perfect tence-the only fonce with electrically welded atav wires, let us give vou prices, J. B. Martyn. People wbo shave themsel-7es and want to sha-ve lu a Christian style, buy a tube of Coke's Antisceptie Shaving Foam from F. C. Pethick. the barber. See our bargain tables-5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35e, 5Oc, $1.00. Yen will be able to sort up with litIle money. Only 10 days more at YounZ & Co's China Hall Grocery. Mrs. William Edger attended the funeral of hier brother last week at Meaford. who died suddenly in Cali- 1fnrnia - ât ace and pain,. .NoNçonciertnese i vîaed lier father Mr. WV.(i. 1$ulwell, Are free t rom al erude and irritating vomeu otn fiind theirhelhfi. Coiboîne, Victoria Day. ptrCocnaedmiieony The kidneys get eut of order, the Ms .Obre isMeanadCarter', Little Lîver Pis. Very smaîl; b ek ais, and the whole systeml Miss Thempacu speutSunday lu Osha- very easy to take; ne pain; ne griving; CoM fuil of poisons which the sie wa guesta et Mrs D. -M. Ted. no purgiug- Try thern. are nabe t lminte. Mrs. W.- H Beals. Detroit, Mich-, and Be independeut. Eniploy yourself kidfley8 nbet fiiae Mrs Edward Letcher, Liudsay, are Establinh a business. Our goods ara 4NNo dressimaker sliould aliow hler guests et Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. used every day bv everybody. Men halih to slip away, and backaelic, Miss Whimston, Fernie, B. C., and make fortunes Write G, Marshall & and kiduey troublesl keep her hi Miss Mamie Jaffray, Toronto, were Ce London, Ont 1nisery, when sueli ease, confort, receut guesta et Miss Mary Cryderman SPECIAL-Everything wiil be special treedm from pain and invigoration Dr. H H. and Mrs. Tyler and family. ln our Crockei-y departint during the 49 the system ean be ebtained b Canton, N.Y., came home te attend the balance et our Clearing Sale. June 13 y uea8o isuD.gh at ilimC will be thse last day at Young & Ce's w gDr. Piteher's akache Kid- TuleraetheucehoaeilmC. China Hall Grocery. -neyTablts.Congratulations te Mr. R Russell Miss Rosa OYHara, Mariposa, who Smale on passing thse Primary exains bas been lu îowu with ber ftbler visit- AOTEDO SPLENDIDLY. lu medecine at Trinity University, wilh ang relatives, lias zone te Bowmauville MtI A. Scwartz, 42 Water Street, honora ta visit friends -Port Hope Guide. Berlin, OnLi atates hon experience with Mrs. Howe and Miss Gorgina Hyland,. SuDDENLY AT'rACKED)-ChildrenI are Dr. Pitucers Backache Kidncy Tabiets . Blackstock, and Miss Hyland, Oshiawa, eflen attaeked suddenly by painful and Ulbova: "I sufféed trom bckaheandti - rda ndbturday at Conucil- danzerous Celle, Crarnps, fliarrboea, kUey trouble for morne years, whieli i1 fr Clemens'. D senter.v Choiera Morbus, Choiera *lsln w er beyaibuk.Thn e loseadbend- Salein and Providence base Bal Infantum,etc. Dr. Fowler'sExtract et timswa uo esver atsomy1wor. Tiseatrouea teama wiîu pîay at Providence oun Mon- Wid Strawberrv fi a prompt and sure Urnes waa qurttensenerers0rI gotaJbone e..cure which sisould always be kept iu tise of Di-Pltclier's Bacliacle Kidneay Tableis d a ernonaersarydayJ ouns8. . et Roos' drag store. They cert.aiuiy acted G~gm eld ue alenl jl wt me, for I had not uusht Dr. W E. Tille n r .A If yen 'watt tee long yen will miss tise znishedav ant r. M.0f 4hefWb oëleuntil Igot compie hueief." James, delegates from the Meîhodist Pî tuiyo securing wliat Creekery ffl 51le bo, t &l duggsteor church, wili attend Bay et Quinte Cou- voit want at wholesaie price or bass. by frenc inOshaa tis wek.Young & Co.'s Cearing Sale, will con- Pie Ts 50. a74o,aI il u e.,Tsornto rn. uOliw Ii we.clude on Saturday, June 131h. __________________________ Editor James was lu Milibreok Friday Dnt fail toe&erAdjt. W. Hyde in Grand runK Rai!wav Svstem. attending tise funeral et the late Mr. the S.A. on Tueiday June 9th, witis Thomas Wbîîe,Itatber et hisen-in-law, his Lanlern and Graphaphonie service Dr. William A. White, New York. Admission 10c. Wednesday June 101h P.AiTWAY TIME TABLE. Thetisird gaineet the Midland League Special for ail ehidren at saine heur BOWMANVILLE STATION. wilbe piayed here ou Salurday next for Be, Grume 5'ÂdT, GoING WEST between Cobourg base bail teain and Mrs. JameOs Ballantine. wife efthlie Mail..... 9 2a. m. 1 EXPress .... 5.1s a. M the home teai. Good g'ame expecîed.- Manager oftIhe Royal Bank, Arbroath, SEXprema .--11 "" IL cl 7 5 Solnd tt oetelaeMs.T Mixed.... 5.56 p. Passenger... 142ap.m 'Mr. W. C. Cnbitt, Mr. and MsSolnneee ielI Mrs. To Local....:-655 p.m.lIMixcd». 7 38 Shirley Denison, Miss Gertie Brock. Palerson, who is on a visit 10 relatives tExpress.doa1nt5o p.tmona nn. Queen's Park, Toronto, wcro recent lit Canada, is guest ot Mr. Paterson, Exs des nt o west Mody monig uuests et Mr. S.Ji1. Fairbairn, P. M. Queen Street. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents Mnses avrbahrati ONE îlx FOUR PuRSeNs-One persen lu oithors oa ocaw ,tion giesbuandtieevery four suifera more or lemsstromIn teh- exherese, hoocuaiouszCares btLittie iug piles, Soinaede net knew thse nature xercseFhold se Crte's ittet ftheir aliments, and others have net Lvrilsfor torpid iver and bilions- heardoetDr. Chase's Olulment as tise Good arili 111 arliutoll or One la adose. Try Ihein. only absolule andguaranteed cure for JACKET LOST -Near Providence this distressirtg dîsease. if yen are a Sae ucioin. chureis, a new ladies' grav jacket. anferer ask yeur neighbiors about tis Fînder wilibe rewardedbv leaving it great preparaîloil. Il has growu pop at STOTT & JuRY's Dru-g*Store, Bow- ular as a rebuit oethtie news et ils monits T RAVE received instructions frein the manvilie bein- passed frein friand le triend. .Aexecutors o! the estate o!flise lite Mrs. Anu Martyn, to Bell oui the premises Solina, tist fine Tise annual Flower Service et Trinity Bear lu mmnd tisat it costs ne more te farmn, heing the nonth-h ai! of lot 24, concession Congregational Sunday Sciseel wil ho gel a good fiting, weil-made suit than 5. township of Dalingten, on hoîd next Snndav eeninz. Sinoeinn' it does te buv an iil-fitting, aioveniv- MONDAY JUNE 15, 1903, andi recitations bv.tbe schloars. Subjeet: mnade one. Týo secure tise former ieave AT 2 O'CLOCk P. M. "Ciildren efthtie King.'- veur orderts new at Concis, Johnsbonî& i" a goofi farm, well wtered by a living West Durhain Woinen's Insîllule wiil JCryeman' irct(omthsakr sreairuefsetc. Tisere is about l acres of Juat reheîved direeetfreinntise mokar Oel'ch'ýa!dI'ndmali fruits, il soi theman a nuelmetng l u ie Royalhundrede et pairs of lace curtains newest emlises e good Stone bouere0sxon4,bw Temlr'Ri nSa dvJn usdesigns, in ail qualities freon25e up te -chen 16 x 18; frame baen 30 x 4o; dntving at B p.m. for e&ectieu ot officers and 8 oprpi oble ansev bouse, Stoune stabhîg underneatis 24 X140; cow gnea89snes Allais0odily er Conis Nosuln & rydalean. sud pig peu 12 x 36; bol sised .16 x20. ginili B illdescrial argalua c urt& rydis wee. Aiso on the sonth part o! fanrtisere Io e brick ivtd bous3e 20 x24, kifeisen 16 x 20, wood shsed 18 x 2o. Tsr s elal c anev ntieToes it rd orer a ringed ondwek baem 27 x 38, shed 18 X 36., This f ans la weili m ake-u lc f ait nth oeswt rdbre ndfigded fenced and ili a good state o! cuitivatios. e-U fthtie June Review of Reviews reguier 25c. pair Dow 17e. 12?scfiannel- Solila Post office is on tie corner of! farsu. Asido3 frein the interesting editorial elle now qe rý d. Bargains in sisoo dept. Pingin ps~ssonaler hervesi, sud fuil comment on current events, .tisere are Bargains ln Grocery dept. You'Ii save possession Apit], 1904. fu meln lutae riisels oe ydaiga etEdbs TERM 0FSAL. itest metisoda of treating consutmplion. Pocket book containînig money was Ten pler ecent of the purcisase money is Mr. D. B. Simpsen, K. C.. wloio j< bt Saturdav niglit, il is supposed bo- ýý1aebe ou day of s;ale, sud tise balance on or G fiilyvstdOlretwtf o JfevsaiJh c eoeAugnst 11h ext, wliseudeai wltt bceD .G.., o calyvstdOnai w*fls efev ndJh e gie.Lodgc No 20. AF. and A,M., at Pont Murtrv's stores. 1ifl..r wî lreceive Forfu ("y particulers ajuply 10 T. C Hope, lest week. Tise other membars reward by returning il 10 ýN. E. GOULD, JEELaA. STLEY, iVI eee ntosofeJerusaleno LodTie, A F. sud AMý., King St.. Bowmauviile. to Lied î A. 3WMTLacioneer.s thd fMawho aecompaicd ri i uwere Metiqrs C. "Thse GeographY et tihe Salvation Dabe etBowmnvile tiS 7 2h3ay2fw.aP. Blair, F. C. ydJ.- H. McMurtry, Ariny" is tiese ubjeet of au illiislraet T.G. Bragg, B.A., and Dr. G. C. luoture le ho giveii bv Adgt. 1L.yie lu During the "Big Reduction Sale" we Bonuveasîle. tise S.A Barraeks on Tuesday, June 1wili sOcî 'u fuooti rusuien au lac..5c q tll,, at 8 p in admission l0c. Aise on couibb aI 1.7e, 75 and 635e heir brusihesa t Wednesday June 101h the Adjt will 50c, lspenges and soapa at üce price.ý TO CURE A OOLD IN ONE DAY ciouduet ea specielLLanteru and Greois- Ail linos redueedlunsaine proportion, Take L-i x atved B1omû Quinine, Tables.Ailaphionie sýervice et 8 prn for etdrn K Creei egratre e uàac bx ,l'dmissionu 3e 1 BORN. BURGrSS-1n'Derlngtin, May 291h, 10 Mr. and Mns. Arthsur Burges. -wins-boQy and girl, RATCLIFFE-Irt Neweastle Mey 201h, to Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Raeliffe, adaughter. - - ý 14.esMyWh t Mr. a MARREDO ToMXS-RINXEÂED-In Toronto, May lTth, by 14ev. J. Pearson, Mr. Herbert Tomas, formerly of Newcastle, and Miss Mary Rinneard, former- ly of Oshawa.-1 - WiTHERrDG-MERcER-InBowmnanvlle,May 27th by 11ev. D. 0. Crofs]ey. Mr. Edward Wiîheridge, Darlington, and Miss Emlly, daughter ifMrs. Mercer, Orono. MITCHELL-FLORÂ-In Brockville, Ma y 28th, by Rev J. C. Sycamore, M.1'acsMitchell, Oshawa, and Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr. FelUx Florp, Brockville. DIEO Pr.aia-i Darvlington, May 261h, Sarah Ann Jaeks, beloved wife of Mr. Jonathsan Prior, aged 42 y ears. WOiRs>Bi-In Darlington, May 2711,. Alle Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. Edwin Worden. Lo>Ga-Iu Orono, May' 28, Williaru Long, in his 74th year. WHSITE-Inl Mlllbrook, May 2711,, Thomas White, aged 83 years. Goyix-In Darlington, near Taunton, May 25, Elmer GPordon, son of Mr. William Goyne, aged 3 years. i ByÂM-In Oshawa, May 24th, Martha J. Ferguson, beloved wife of Lorenzo Byam,aged 57 years. TYLER-In ]Sowmanville, on Tuesday, May 251hf, 1903, William C. Tyler, Plumpmaker, aged 72 years 4 monthfs. Geeae'e C Cstoria '%-.evs hlears the Signatumr L ec C- s. H. Fletcher. Wben Bauv was sick, we gave her Castorlu. Wbeu the was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When ase becamne Miss. she clung to Castoria. Whenase had 'Childrenblie gave them Castoria. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correoted by J.MoMartry eaoh Tuesday FLOUR, e 100 Ibo ..........$10so :82 20 WHIATI Fal, bush....O0 0() 'i 0 70 fi Sprung......... 000il 0 70 ,, Red Pfe....0 00"il0 75 Goose ...... 0 00 il0 62 BARtLEF, fl bush, No. 1 ... 0 40 'i 0 00 if"2 ... ,00"il0 40 ft i 3 ... 089il 0 40 if ilTwo rowed 0 40 il Q 00 DÂvS, white fi.............000"fiO0 3 RYE, f ..... 000"if0 50 B1jCKWHEAT Il'...... ()00il 0 40 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush.0 00 'i O 0O *Canadian Beauties O 00 'i O 60 Mummey ù 000"R 000 il Small t' 0O60 fi O 65 fi Blue 0 00 iof'0O65 CLOVER SEED ........... 0 00 o 00 TimoTiUT SIED .. .. ....O0 0O 14o0go 'JUTT.ER, best table, V l;. O00 fi O 16 EG -i, !'doz ý............ 000"f 012 lPOfAT0UE, V bush......O000 "lO080 LIA& ,toni ... ..8OC fi8 50 W ANTED -Au improver and an appete wanted to lea,ýru dressmak. ing by thQ MissàEiscBRiMÂCOMBE, Bo0WManville, G OOD GENERAL, SERVANT' WANTED-In smail f amlly. APPIY MRS. Tines. HOAsi, Bowma[.vil1e. '22-tf. 1?--OR SALE OR TO RENT.-20 acres -V of lan d near Maple Grove. Immediate possesiion. APPly toCLARK TYLER, Bowman- ville. 1-f H- OUiJEKEEPER W NTiD- caIlpable woman wanled to takze fulli charge e.i a farm bonse. Four in famly., Goodt wages tu suitab1e Éerson, :Apply;;at once tet Tit 9 , 1 Try the City Dairy lue Cream at Lutterll's. Fi id ed8 of aIL kiuds,, tresh, at Murq9 0' Nice lino of pan taffy and creams at D. Luttrell's. Window screous and screeu doors, eheap as Souch'sB, Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar just in at Cawkor & Tait's. New suits for men and boys this weok at S. W. Mason & Son's. New subscribers for 50c, eau get THEs STATESMAN t eDed Oý 1908. The Jdoiil1 Fence is the strougest and, boss. Se:itat Mnirdoch's Strawberry plants for sale best kinds by G. D Fletcher, Bowmanville. Dou't tail -te secure oeeoetthose choap1 oerceats at Coueh, Jehuston & Crydjer- man's. M-A.. James is Goverurnt Issuer of Marriage Liceuses for Durharn Countv. Washable Kid gleves iu white and colore, just reeeived at Coucli, Johueton & Crytterman's. Get vour children's, shoes at the Parlor Shoe Store where a great varioty is aiways lunstock. Tbe very latest lu Wedding station- ers and Weddin,- cake boxes at TnuE STATESMAN office. 'rhose cool fluffy imuslns that the ladies like se mueh are show» lu great array at McMurtry's. Meu's Hats-f he very latest English and American styles at Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman's. Coke Shaving Foam. Coke Sbaving Foarn. What îs that? L'ail at Pethieks Barber Shop and see.- 11 For the newest, best aud cheapest ready to wear ciothing cal at Coneh, Johuston & Crydermn's. Seo those 81.(10 Shirts The Mason Ce. are solliug for 75c, Tooko's manufac- ture, both soft and stiff fronts. Monev lest somewnere betweeu Martvu's Grocerv and Miss Morsehead's residence on King St. See advt. Ladies' black sateon b!louses, aise some elegaut white blouses al uew at Couch. .lohuston & Crydermau's. 400 Readv-made Boys' and Men's Suits The Mason Ce. are verv auxieus to have eut of the way. Sec their advt, Neyer such bargains before.11 Don't precrostinate. Visit Young & Co's China Hall Grocery at your first opportunitv. The Clearing Sale of Crockery will end on SaturdayJune 18. Tailorng, veur own clotb If yen like, is doue in first-class manner-second te no other shop lu town-7by J. T. Allen, the old reliable and fasbionabie tailor and cutter, Horsey's Block. He has a reputation for ggoed fils. Prices are always right. Country orders given same careful attention as tewn eues. Suits may be ordered frein samples. 12-tf ,ARNM FOR SALE BYý TENDER - FTenders wil be received for the sale of the Sout h haîf of Lot? No. 3t ln the Fourth Concessi on of the Townsship of Clarke, on which is a gcuid Trame House, Trame Barn, Sftable and Imiple- ment Shed, 2 Orchards ; good creek rnnniug the whole length of thefarm. 40 acres good grain land, remnaînder irood pasture lanid, well located, I3 miles from N ewcastle. 29 miles front Orono, .1 mile from 'ecool, knowu as the Lockbart farm. ýTerma reasonable. The highest or no othey tend ier necesarIaccepted. wý,isieh will he reeeljved Up to tIseleist day of Jul.i Addressa H.W. swc.Ooo D. Cossrc, emll Lixerutors o! tilte Fýt-ate of AJles soshr F 1RST CLASS FARM FOR SALE.- -V 00 acres, west tiait of lot 10 Con. 4, Curt- wniglit La d in good enîtivation, woocl sud ralIn i in uaiundance. Ontlie pri eises lîa large bric bouse lu good'repýair, Jafratsbaiuî and stables; iwo goi l, g ooti o ehar t Terms to suit nurebaser. utpa ouai ppy 10 tbe owncrY, 21- 4W*. lOwmanvulle, ontÙ. W tr Ins pelons 11enIii aRu ste ft. tavel fo iscuse ciStatset hvetu ,arîs asInd ,i*d age ca ital, 10 nhi epouin me efiun r1. agenlts for sue(w u at olun i of $,t 16 a aU travett i, piiss n MM t ii Advauced iiicash e0uwek 1preciî., e38eutial. Menïtionf euue)ai)t~uee 4dressed enveirpeý. T L A' , Ul AL. 334 Dearlotli t, Cl4w.o J. W. CATES. 386 Adelalde Et., West, Toroutol gradtiate fromn the instiute of Science Rochester N. Y., also from 0o0e11 l fynoe tjsm, Mid , 'Cul'es bY Ilypiotie Sutgestion, Rheumnaisux, Selatica,-Neuraigia, Dy8popsla, Weak bauk, Stainmerîng, Cigarette habit, Dipsoran Lia and aill erve troubles. y19-4w K AMFOR SALE BY TENDER-. Tenders niîlis received for the sale 0f the Northi hid cf LfS 3- i Luthe 4t1h Concession Lof tise lue iship of Clarke,' on wlhch 15 l.a-,good F'ane loue.Frame B Parv) l r,,iJ-! Il'suiin tSXdgoaod Orchai ard11d'ndst ~ -tr i ve r f aililug sprîugr .1 0a crus1 .0f o gin iai,0 ares o f good 1Li o,> -il1 d ilUfri lN' icle, l.ein ,i i ic ~ w.ll ie ecete Uptothe SlSth (day of1 s UciexI. r- You dan get hardware th&at wears at Souch's B wyurGarden See,.1 nBulk at Vuieanized floor paiut at Souces hardware. 1Spring overcats-rinl proof-at re duced prices. S. W., Mason & Son. A lot of Men's and Boys, r eady to Wear Suite just opened out at Couche Johnaton & Cryderman's. Ladies' tailor made suite and separate skirts-latest stv les just to haud at Couch. Johnston & Cryderman's. 1Canadian Pacifie Reilway Company, Atlantic Steamahip Line'steamers have started saiing frose Montreal for Liverpool and Bristol. Sec or write M. A. James about tickets. West Durham Farmers' Institute will hold their annual meeting ou Tuesday June 6 at the Goverument Poultry Sta- tion, Mr. A. W. Foley's residence, Maple Grove. .Now is the time to get yourself a hat; M. Mayer has a fullli ne of stilf and Fe- doras from 25c. up. Cail and sec the straw bats for summerfull line of men's. boys' and chiidren's; aise fulllliue ef sit,collars,9 ties. culfs, underwear, etc., etc The very stylish furaishings, yen waut, Mayer bas them. Call and see them. FREER. E. To the ladies. Everv lady iu Bowmauville vicinity ls lnvited te A L. Nicholîs' store to receive a sain- ple packare of REXALL Household DYES. These Dyes wilI Dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or mixed goods, they are the latest improved Dye in the world. A. Le Nichoils, Agent. 2-f '. n 'w an" j Cawker & Tait,,I 3 BOWXA~NVILLE EARMERSATTENTION * Just arrived a car of fine seed Potatoes they * are the finest quadity, large smooth, no deep eyes, Sthe King of the table potatoes, jusI what you want 4 for seed, these are the finest sample of potatoes 4 that have been brouglit to town. We. are selling * *them for 90e bush. and we are offering the balance gof a former car at 7.àc bush. while they last. * Mangold seed and seed corn in abundance, a11l selectel from the best growers, as usual yu awLtL gfind them reliable. g CAWKER &TAITI * THE POPULAR GROCERS. aueu~ m 'I IL, m Ureatak ee:: eu EGenuine,Not Imaoeinarv ce -0 SmEil Thi We .e ae 0 .5we aresneyer n ers faby compiors, euand$100uarn5e9cu as lo asaiesquoted. es xrahaycltspca fr6 '- < 20doz Ladies' BPrintorappe, fast colors, reulr $13.parfor5. e: < 0:> 20 doz Ladies' fine ribbed seamless Bib cotton ilose, reg 25e for 15c. 15 doz fine pure wool Blk Cashmere Hose, per pair 25c. E < Special line of Ladies' Imported fine Cashmere Hose 35c to 75e pr. Oe: Manufacturers Stock of Samples. Ek Chiloren's Silk and Y'uslin .Bennets andi Hats a hlsl rca e: Ladies Blac'kMorcerized Sateen Skirts, rée $1.00 for- 75c. a. . < *: Embrorderies,' reg 7c and 8e for 31 c yd. a. ~ au Prints suitable for dresses or aprons, extra heavy cloth,-fast colors, :09m auî worth from I10e to 121ffc, for 8e yd. E. >0 Dress Goods in Black and colors of âvery kindjand quality, best: Svalues and latest weaves.* E Silk, Satin, IVuslin and Print Blouses that cannot fail to -please. <: :5< Ladies' Whitewear, Vests, CorsetsSoek Collars, Shapes and Beits, M ~0 < Or Gent's Furnishing, Department will furnish you with ail the né latest novelties in up-to-date goods for men' s wear au a tedytowerClotfiing for men and boys. Hats, Caps, Collars, k: --î:Ties, itUnewaSoeks, Pns vrls SokBaeetc. e: 10 doz Men's fine merino Soeks, reg 20e pr, 110w 2 pr for 25c. 15 doz Men's heavy knitted cotton Socks, reg 10e pr for 5e.E un 2 doz iVen's Corduroy Pants, for workiiig men, reg $1,50 for $1.00. m*0 u S 1< Our customers can rest assared that we will proteet their interests e *:M <e>and wiIl guarantee value for value with any house inWest Durham. . %mu.. o ER on Ea'@'w a. E B Eu IM mr . 00 > S. . so &S n au LI -L 1 1 lin, ý mý - Fm MI MI -MI - lim ý Inr lm lnp 1 l -

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