Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1903, p. 6

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upon children. We ecntend, rightly or IJAMk ,~IR~~wrleo~a to cause the AWOD ~w o g y L Ba th pu li Nc oo teaSe ET UEIA NOTES.M C U B E plrs of unnecessar aa k inlcc llittie from R U ED C N The Christian Guardian waï neyer who performs h!8 or hler duty faithfully TIIrcu othem t apo fo eauh te morelv thatesin theu public Bohoo teahe duIIIu eIIIo, Caus ONe othert an fo hoteuh to mrinretgthn dioBndiduigthe; five teaching heurs, we aTR~IGGETATETO IN n theY hu-ddle together, more eti making it. H1e writes on the correct mean in teacldng thre classes, flot I 9indiae ifRITU theyT lTETONiOe ient bea assullption that tbree or four ehort art- hearing, themi,-întahngsho as THNIUiOE. IIII pn, laes h;a if theleed. ba icles.-arei b6ttetr --than one long ene contrasted with keeping school-will A S the chickens incerease in s,i rBhouanNeouIoresuha A e a mbitinfth ativ rinl les of There is stili a lack of !!ie chiirch necws Dot find it necessar te azîg manyZ_9fo eub ubi1iie, telma ial eoabermde rds for whýiic'l ne o,,ubt mlini tors; are re- home lassons te junionr papils. 'Gi ýe the I ere odrub usiu&i n iand PanG h tmah ikfe Bowls 0 te ivrStmah ndsponsible. ehildren time tv play lu God 's freti air- EI0W 'T'c SO SOLN ý.t.3P a i ofk g tirhenr chaikns exviiielDzzns n rwsn- f childhooîd iî Nattu o's playt tînow-and teeodnaygais ness of BetCsiees ioce nt We were pleasod te roceive fro mueh attntion te the culitv t~o of]ecenitiy I broke up ail of the cern whole.Idinom hodntSinDstre epFrhfuDras former brother publisher, Mr. WýV. . ruggo ph-%Ysical gîot CaiDet be ground about my barris and sowed bié fed i the iubroken state te no i evu n r~ n estos tà Dwarf Essex Tape, writes Mr. E'ý.yun hebt hntehcks &CTEFR8DSEWLGI EIFI1 Trayes fermerly et The Times Prt giten9 teiks breut chîlrea thve hercThTYicken.ssl n ici Hop1e, a copy of the Hancock, Michi., a dy fer five days a woe is task .Cb.Tjsin ae itrn r 2wesodte a a it Beosxerrl snefyivit - on ell j a a h a n le ~ at E.oigJournal printedl on a new enoiîgh for school purpses Far botter Management lia beo theCU Are RIVALhe c n li bupn, cat? rh ohBtmahDimi Duplex Prese. The paper is newysy, set the beys-and girls at, work la the grous fu lxos wes ovi pre-t ýd ares a great ameunt of foodC andPLL ee a ss Dess. Blotches ancdpî 0ples. ex dingly weIl.printed and in every gardon or flilds during th evellnnkeeln BEANS FOR STOCK. ted, wilquclrsoeeasoop5 wav a credit te the publishoers. Mr. and! when the regular household -duties A~ ne wreds eau grow. Rape is reiished Enls wr en rentrird'oirrgiriyfheyhm..r Trayes,, the vice presidout of th~e are erecuaete ep asig by ail lai-ni stock with the ~ oayetn nti onr, be- company and managing edlitor,- i read or amuse thomselves in sorneothier tincrhpaftess. Sm acotorbs ihsta otne a pte bec time. rather than hxave horses wili net Oat it, white others cue fwîepe ko rti, uccess may bettisbasurna potion om toigee ek ooealtei.Aen u oir ad areu thrn and aise because they ~m~ie abou tiiem t.Agestteiout .yad scesMyhth ora'poto. blazing lamp. This ie our candid opin art ivryauaespcilfolt-ad idaroeti0fbh 0yspepsia espeull ftore lit- ________ Watcdere Livern fedvaitisofbs Brash, Livea', Com'Plain'- ion-and OP Taheh Dominio cen Canara, Inu tie rhicks, as Tt is aiways tender. adpl en enoi rw.I Efudciy Com2plexion *Slo.io TxheDiion oa Cradsapg fousria _______Thyra ed nitfen aiys Exibtin s lrad sapngfo a Reference te a m:attor Of exclusive, te late fait or eariy winter. Thelnigisdlyduti h sa eratieai- e oe ilwr great snccess Manager Orr writes itrstunwpe mnoCadatiuae of plantiug beaus failuro PO- wnde tepo h ia-rae teghn The marked çopy cf THE STATES IAN interest t oneppe mon 0fo Canadare ;sgtis uculrSse, etr tsog Nw Year's day, and My yoilug these who have tried theun give t hi ne g f peie ud suîg iiit torest I may say we new have appîl- joraa eecag ith a con- (à - Jersey licifers xvero feeding on it athuBsbdo ~atate~voepv cations for epace for- manufaci- red siderable number of leading publisherell titdt.nit h iofrnsig ~ x thisycuntry h rown Slareeote "uaffaa e -oweete' t5ue breath and clear away ail wast4 produets from every Province in the Suian Phe bsar Asociatin àwhewe classe eface Society, ofd o4e E. grce bcdd guar..g hewi ,case aried . btte ori h ytr. oiiadfurS for th0. Proilia dealdian PesAocainwen easily arrag ucsin o fte idllrtdtese tteate PrL o frt10.cd oealers Governimonts are 1putting Up exhîbits were appointed on a special committoe, 1l4th St., N.Y. City, adds ber tes- ree 1-angfrte asuccessIn cfas heeal lnei h s tieyate oteNro~sdDbltit or Tniý . . -LBUBN CO-, grecs'.flu0kofth Assciaio for tueis inmer luriin casen tior . wo l ttive ltha crpea, te that BEEOA' I We expeci the rost Ie follow suit, aot thom ssoiot ais fin s nintmn to the bundreds of thou, I do not require ail of thei. -~ oldhao grot aindsrp Lares thle cfrs anyPnii SBritish Columbia being tho only doub t- aboutin ornes îf havenit a u inu sands on Airs, Pinlkhamn's files. seiiug, I ru cure thoeu for forage. anh.es i}of dh Wcns iss It heu -ags Beelin teWr ful one. Wo have- reason now te deo sn ae.w aegtai My successionî is as foiiews :Rape, anlbs fterass tso be' théeeiamBPi avhenbor Wan î3o Nen ous She anticipato the most Fuccossful exhibi- sih inte some cf the operations ef thé WThen Lydia E. Pinkliam's Reme- sowa se tînt stock ran bo tumnel on pianted in du-sus 2 feet apart as are the ma esirauysde tien that lias ovor beeu ;Ild on this Aie -ntoitrs h h rtrivvere first introdueed skeptieS by May 20, an-d for cntting and sou- ear"'y une spring asA inhoe grounil rauhe tatertt-Sn,1ais areaspheisiished, souae ~~ud N S!ep t Ndh. cntienta nd ilI be ef mieand without entoring bite particulr C praticanenei ted wîle claî hnw vsyteoalfwsae morn ta al over the country frewnied upon ing, it wilU be larg enough by June ho xvorl-d ini order to get thon. u n tt'o oas tey a <t ii rtua fr hetheir curative dlaims, but as year 1 , Canada peas sowa witli oatsolhtoets eto h suue. RCMEDTEAEvS an efoe ed.beefits beiugÎ cenfeýrred, on th 3 profes. after year lias rolled by anti the w.ili bo due toerut Juine,10, ,ant l w- the l pln il cek the h opth Ah Pr.eped nnbshnisEahm sien through the influence f thie As-oe littie group of women who liac beenrm ren fou seilsgite Jui s the î -tnt to hh e f15,Eead Ia a special number ef the, Ma 1plo lation àu te becerno memibLrs The cured by the new diseovery lias usdfo swn fro ul 1rp ran 15. tr gaeiTndneîa l ee, ~ca Creek, NW T , Signal thse foliowing,- CeSi15 isnl1Y $1 0J per aanum auid -îvo since grown into a vast arnry of asdfrsiigfri uy~~ 5 loeaes la e ued ate c h il do e (,Osu kinfflyreferenco i malo teeu h es g0casa eknw ht huindreds of thousandS, doubts andofya kPALOTOUIT i..'.ii,- os Oi cf the esîýs ýa.-Seffec-teil solely by the offot eiisms have been swept away swoet crin ivili thon be reiy, anild hossPl______ os tltnd t o e e t 0f LI p~ Crle pep' w a _f the osir r an be m mitie- as -by a m igh ty fl o ,-u n til to-d ay ifeca hoa e s re s. L as igt fa l p fl'oT n It k tebijlaecelwhc ould oe a' crod soito will mean a savingS of moe ilod, st i os eie.Ls atj it te the te' n and efficient la aLcom- than $20 a vear te lis Te seme pub the great good that Lydia E. prier to tinte.fer-fiiing Iiis silo, a J 4LI1IUGMwi rvk agoe ij mnodationi te thea growvin.- aeeds ocith lishers it leh m-nermuhmore. Pinkhiam's Vegetable Conipound finlfmnevasoiglishiLA.AAA JJteha people; the inovament hias reauIted ini a Ont oh, pesSibly, 2,'00 persens eligible cand lier other medicines are dig of«uihcw ihEogre we ederi the henra:ontn buidiar wichis ir -cise a eeryforin rabership ln the C. Pl A., tho amnong tlie womnen of Amorien is crn. 'lIe had about three foot ofFU LA I , pigtd- Rsad Palpitation of the Heart and Losa et detal. 'The priacipal [r. C. Ererett Preseat number le only a trille Oec attracting tlie attention of many of silage ieft in his silo, andl suppesiug L RT MPte Appetite- 20.Srlyrnly oorprfsin If youi are. Mi1LBURlN1S HfEARTý AND NERVE o)iZ eVoa h okl hi hr eon iaca eeis and thinking people. it eut and spread on lnd fer mian- auntpooain PILÉS will Cure You-They Cure Nervos the higiiesi c ani inc his adi-ont sheulild proimptllu te> mintain the 'oor-scrsesotbcoefi ness. ~ ~ ~ 0 9 .ieisnsAama aa n aou is h lvto htetu anization te theo e-rient eh theurember Merit'alone could win sueli famle ulre. They foni on taking off 6 or J .Buirns says Dodd's Kidney îy's cultue Dizzy Spells, Geuseral bebîiity, and ail Heulr andl manuers and the superior culture silip Ice. ",r. Josephi T Clark, ToWise, tefoeiste oanwe8lceohheophtthsiaePilîs Sai D is Life. Binerlhay or Nerva Troubles. oh o r y u g p ' p 'et a i t r e t e Secretar -a u e e ie po y d a E w as brig hit andl Soun d. A s an expert- n d h Ofa Owiatn M rs.le C.e H.of Reed, Co oo nk m enty S the T oro tot cer tae d.fouac re rppeilo y d a Rea wlat rs. I. Red Coocokwerkis5not wilheui resurit.- AIl of Treasurer, and wili, we know, le Pinkhiain'SVegetableCompound.methese crwadopd 1 ays about the m :- O ve si y r a o I W bich, le the resul oh w hoiosom e hom e pleaseil tc receiv o m n y applications. and__ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ yî i l fd in i ai oul ce. h ii ut S ail Scbe ) ti, th e-lis Troulk e i ee fo Was treubleil with palpitation of the influence andl the moral influence3 of Yil siage ase atl ouce soisg su-t Gteo Prom Bowmanviil teol, Gens fork h e rt a n b s of a p et t . w s e c h u îc h n i l S a b b a th S oh o o l w h o re P ri a e t o c n r t l a e . T e v i n p e l e r a t e g r e e n r o d u T h is I h u n dDa r l v . E . J n S e i l G a d T u k a d L l i l a b - riervons I rossld net sieep at night. 1 ia rw o i il riig THE LATE MRS. TAMBLYN. 18 OdfllS aJ memere Tfhb eb ten e tu-n goe orTs 1e buleTeppieit ohr DeIlan ias Pile Ythu aulasTrnot o tookMILBRTi' HEAT AR NERE - ajuhWauerelit ehtho aie h in Clu w oe enerianed y loal d netail ave rsurner lies hene luPrine Edarducianonliseben Ycic ail Bffbutte hilThlpi.ia Srhar.rlcofte]eThmsbrethu-en ai the Balmnoral anil shouv the necessity oh soiiiîg rrops. eaîedbmffc c olete andl perman- DiningCahuoTeotet igs' PILLS. They enred- me, andf I have net What is succrss ? llon do we Wini Tamblyn, Newcastle, ieil Fu-iday Lâay 'rienilî y Ubiu The lat Jon Telahcrp aenuoil, eut. John J.- Burns, Lot 18, Da-îule , Falls ail iefo atnt e been hothereil since. sucee Success cernai in varions 2Zund at the resideuce of lier son, W., W' Grant, hallier of deceaseil, uas for mînv xvlth thse exception of lape. caui Le le oue of thse cureil, andl l.i8str loàî a York.Ts eil aIvbst e Prie 50c. per box, or 3 for $1.25; ail forine and throuZhl many differeut 'larnbIyis, Boyomauvitie, ai the advuxuceà 1as oyzaosadat'emm u-i o a nlfrJ rvdi sei1endid examplo of the xverk Dodil's StationsluNw or-pcxunr Meaier-, or 'lhe T. Milbnrn Ce., Limiteil, chauînels but the boul and Most satis- ager af ve5 y-au-s. Sauc xvasl he aiM Baru- fer ohy an foag aiplrt isehoolsol oe ~cote n, sleyscce-u ae yilee, ~sape, of5yen,. l En a, r May Barn- ber8 ofuonce Nghtingale Loilge. there, is any leit over:- Rye I have Kidney Pille are iloino'a]Ifiâ maue lrs led n brgh e. net as yet, uneutioneil, as I do, not "For ovr oicl't Nap"s r"cra oh ad urdb miguratedil îhhcu- arnî.yte New York For, ai r er il noen tsukDxle oued unsteail ofwr!ecti, d b state lui3,x'suauidteoin 1839 useï i since îaking up rape. I-ape Burns, "I suffereil front xvhau the dec Frtcescî I rn fuktw thsewhm o av lolodteihirnul ete Vua marrio athcsîe ihn - 1839n enotsnbee aot io -rronouîîced uhiouii InflaLmmation or station foot; bv tise suai-o eacih une o! us aC BowmauvHEte ber husband unI teu hal feod one wu'.ts. It inay ho 189 il, ge - udta rui cucî ei-nw ihp a e ~~~~~doue towards thse upliifungf eh bunaîiy yeau-s age. Sire was thse mrother of six ~- sownin.l ce.rn fieldls just heore tisaxvik, t-lt or s.eep.I sabttegvaxisteanannshtjeth enil tiesharil9 O ohie toi, ra1ther than childu-cu, two of w-hem suîrviv up -'ý 1 à +en lo ma tu nuwîe uarxri uam owuauv'leaud hamcs o tie coth.io)-lasi w(ec -aller weocomung te tise acre for oats or cern is suffi- woeru wos i fîor ~ie. sumoryddnlsssf Luo, mvie n sharing_ cf' thi leil, ratise Il h p ist Naitionlal Bauk, Chicago, Sise was home their Pftstr, 11ev. VI. Beattie, rient. If sown ou eut lanil afte-r odru ekfimnonn yaxoknostano Au admnirable f,.od, wî'h ai its lifing oh sf -udai tis o a'inýu our bur a1 miosi ilevoteil mother sud greatly at froin tise O rienit and Europe. Maj -)r N. the cuis aierarevreidkf'.or "Dedil's Kidiicv Pulis caved m liýfe the UndegonRfiaalwa flaluruil quallles inîtact, fitted dons on tise backs oh ouhe-re. What' 1,tchei te ber home which slle rau-olyý cel F. MaeNac-htant, ClIeuk oh Session, Du te six peunrîs. sud ihisugh'.eirs have elapseil ch w y mlnh strikwt' ieloee lsr te buld u ani înantaiî reusi lieuis lse iinbsgrewheobe au tie Ict, A funeral service va s iield, art euil- beliha!f of tise Ceuglregation,read a Most Wiih a reasouablle a'ea hwrcr aebi etobesnu si rlepesosx uc 1 a on bt-lii sni l îeïs wrte's baffik acco-ant swuall,, se on as tis i er 91 tcu-request, Iu St Gco)rg&Os elcciprciîealrcsb ieaarp anveuie cuaiy k-ee mmmanimais nîak- thora. ukhwt4 o atet er' tc beaiteuianpaîb iwith our feet-SNewcastly ,iLev R"Seaboeu, Iabeblc-d~~~~~~~ -)£L New eptei.Tes oi fa n.efs hucase xv Filei xih -torn ehi wbicýi %vý ii eal te the lieiri of e'.- ing geoil gufujs rigit îhîongîî -th 1 beîong te thse .0 F. sud mcvrm- "Ipolli elae o.levunei exti'eniec old. Sold in - lb. Jows ailiî isîu ho otstreec o lu uauville, was the officiant nltise erî- Iravellor" *ie til~bydeai une-uxuî..B sn ie o-br a o u1 odto u tisat languag."t is i,9ort' ior! tins, aIele JAE ,uI3 1a 'fs hrhwswl ildwtihru roade as folue-ing systîni, ai larger nuinhber of uni- DodisKidnoy Plle nîrel me"ý was thsempy;"eruilamit Ceo, Liiiiited, HIleoepathe l ife grorîs ai a ceînpouud interest ihat fîieîîds and acquaiutauces, Tire beau-crs1 "Roverdenl a iîl Doar Pastor,-We de- Mals rau ho caru-ji on tise farun DoddIs Kiluey Pila uucver fail te cure it S a gi" ClueiisisLondn Lliland thse businrestiv would kriows nothing-of we-e s'ear relativcs: %V. F. Tamblyn,sioeeresoux-rgrt hnn-tsabydpîlfgnpauesan.ayfumlKdn Lics esnl Pc l Pr~u-i cor-econLondeoh , Goudo Johln, R c-no, ices4te tisýe Great Father wiuo waiched With soiiing- 'or IVE for sommier and' for ail. Ia soi] a"u"etu.i'smxh E p ~ ~ s uoco sou-ltis-hui roc nc o&fuuu-l Tab'yu, Guelphs, shadfoIglR. olea over yon in vour, j rurnevin,- by sea and hall feeding andil a geoil silo foi, xlVii'nsledr i-u oi frp % I I I 1 N G I 1 1~T h cl ouae l o s si) ,, l un - i s e n a t e Ilu a ndu-,W i l i n o s o e E G Y P s v v n oî. h m n h m S - - i ~'11Ms Nti Iti a istit -n miles cutî cfBgt nla iofohbatiu ossI aas, rp byd vou, Mi'. Beaft e terhe eariesu'n asottk 0tl-e aeo arsarfci yiosu ho-flctssge'ineho hohutw heai anil beastiyu moref poft ra rtanRsWre on fwi'e and 'Euris PRoiess t;se tf rft fuou huila atone ahe tutie' erte teu ýim iy spring bhas Made tise s-ou-nu gu-andl ilughtcra besicles Mrly inleislor . %Mr. J. Stewart Skeafh, Man- Anues-lau Agriculturiat. ders in nta Country. pe nlaepe~rudu uls lie l lesdilihmsqitx'A friends of tie faiu y lvses kT.pe n b-az trie a itis f.rs.r. ohl Iv,'g Ager Bank eh Toronto, reail tise hollow -___ __________t er hefrmoiGnr in- addciress:- CtE0 ON Cî[K. Le il Crorner's roi-oit n-uai me- MarGAR, ori isU Gouge.ll lucuie b(s. ig THE LATE FRED A. GRANT. poilarh Inol BACburn.- ou Egyt u tiC 1,soudan Lad ~ ~ l hl'.to c)a mwa fre - Lîru zuu Foro.Iu,; leroBACoor, 21 henîs aller fit is, hutceisi unn.kes a geoil sl'owing feu- 'British - 1~Ileflumoi Inapedth lese, lsewex'or, and froid uuoiao u.F C 'mnli e3g hpesuenr~ tse young ciiick uceis ne food. One i coutrol ef E gypiun finance. ASilice - - n-lien0 tisaioni of ar. aseemblk Ai.r toof-u hie lusi arts of developint lube- 1tise dibtsoIutiii of :the joint A1.le MmGeio relturilho houadi Cl rant, t oungosi sûo oh tis ae John Grihlaetet iiePoidecl oetieeiclote uunteshi Fmenuih centrel ia 1883, uviienLoi stables, bouse anud ail contents3 a iueprant, Boravleia eoi ih ate ar a e Diaine rotr bc en us tise absorption oh tise yoik of tise Cu-onter tyns appeluteil b,, E ,gluil - - w.zre'î ais- sera irtîyiueurw ilst nhttiwiD:alilewas eved h bat a salhed hai p rearnîn a fs be pneteasec.TsubenusihEyp a ie' puuîicl ban of______ te1Oýim ouri (mIve pThte allerue, engadl>ýb hs yfinsg, xvl-ich hurnishes ahunilant nutri- financil ailviser, tiseco im bui Write~~0 foi 0!i ueetugocs"enî ntePortsaell:1 a, u _nli n thý - uce to oie sooii mente nlienntfris fuadyehisne-ayd s sieudy ip'vm't succ1111 es foi, rhenrigt yg ohfeî r ui e mdsuiseipel e orat e bie. -'n j1ectve y appie re siaefîeui? B a, forh M ,us tise ad o i t fe, v v. r m he moie' e e e a c ls O r pe tra labers 0, ri odoint Troe éemlémd entbcs of baspý bec un tnerly do b i v u hi beer incssus proscruteti byhois ns.i OYe>ou et~ atte s m i e ti ucs nrai ý o n hc r veu tion~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ orcesfu issenewîs ail iiiheeitwhdilowl soelevohou-ni s > ohMmeutf anil gi-ltoonto ïfer retisereti"Gxreat RoundegethWotisidiig" rohr foe ash ode i oi uuveuuïtio n. 1 he tsefeu nces Aibdo u -.th Wia n u Sme o are q p o îd of a fîcînoo ta r ae is. A h l rgem ain h er e h ,p ti e tped o e , a d c r i d o o t , w e t ui b abe for grin s. try,ý crave b ae e î i o t us tisei a; rienreaive spcîsi2L ntic wtluors chave lu piOi Ba oea eho tise Upp e aada Frin iturei ta aO DE UP8z yo r p soa aousTITHfo i em n a d sficer u eo e ery d 1b tise ituminion. ____________ 1neYl D. O.Crse perhle'rmeiec amtisel st îiagr luc ccsliy, îoelcî arguenf- orinh -lki hî hya- e ag e b ias strn ted bee set,1y Ienda i Paten business oht tairac fa ites et tieecurch sud tise orotii -IP on-r nd bignes. hAcpeo ieIsuaec PeeLf Odelw inise b1 rnebor oh ue- poito yio . ore imle earnest i 1rer tisoyod clbu brkea siaîl tiug baudzs ehih ti'he lie IIS aent h xt Sn Salieust 11irto selbiga tegalvct h11ebutiu eeneyciie ro uetipicilso isrce uidn,'iOixeletsces sotini ihineist dsr.e uoihu NIE PRNelI ne'C5 "ý" AentcHd, allatnOCl sa iad o re sue e e ionia er boanlihu.il ho e o is eu nd n eî av ee v1v- ilîrouV.u ilif. toia' oh quifkl efferlug patennts bigieneilcame ti s heurts oh taie sou-- s poso ari xusireai ervatiosu tu-y. Abluas lIliruul olf5 more, coh.11 a UT10 UA __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ lî-xtendsrece dou'haei risicken seeni tac har pea la arrva U.u ia' a g p i lis______________ th1.u milin luy Bhavde develo somexva aster, tissaý dry Sixisd Aeio membr e oh be of l -iGerde or iogsîu iat sud n is tieNos rgew surancv peilnoiewihu cag i ;eis futhei onpe lansadar our ilr Debain Clbthmpu ie romains oteta te t miitatny Yie dai iy asYe us vblontt rbu,~ ordk od Cosr' laca e iii as essno l ud ra ern l OdCti ,i J i F P tto so , e t ry, D i s ir ton f r e il I br e!, f gi d Iur m ith i r fed cisu cin s Btus a s vauier ab' .le bs so -V II1naj - IjyI i SETLEDIN HEKIDE tS Cosmpanhy. edt. meYltîso urunelLaneiiAtMearaneof.StDivinmenytpriistanl Csuistan h a-sier i mur massrty moernzebui auiet kngins BuTer and EUngn TO ARP Y I c y nui t h u c nnet givo perme nt Af e u r Oddelw ideiowe messrs W. F1ev- isgs d iativ;y onr chsim le classest sud iofo i nhe ty n sip , but mro ien eial tbaeffrt o f n eiGrseatî 3lr.iy-m bcîo bogd n ii at protection. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i h e s u i g t a i s is e o t ol e o 1 re oe lu p e ti on of thoboîî m i e y f it L e b el t geise r wee i . t n ei] y Wl i oug i f K é ie, n t en n s n n ate, u i ts u tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~v gietieanltsIbieaoheloeia Dge ed, eleN. in ii us, wihuîas fil. cnTe n t parts o cou- mealg grena Oas tinue ite raw xxel font ucoun- Afie.fNwYokLf 'dg closea inuaci g tiae 14.0000 piell dEcpienit No.-ees Th flo alo oh 1'u Abk u olubyfeiga mitr hfni reelc, but a sliii tis mgypre of~ asa akfnryu ia ,way Al ic BlgW sigo D.Cn. fore sofî pohees au-e lud nedxhaebeu s tru hoi Ih ialcultablmoe boni tn oferny W Ber, brcotbin-lbaw, Mn. supia i bîvreieyumyuersni un expenc aind eati art svi onytaepeon d n clpnnt in Ts ceainiioipu-fig at than milin of dollarst oornt aird iu- Sas h caed apnd te er yof the ho r exclent. d hfeeds thiksree in o s hcusinea in xheaib foSeaupl t Siad ohlo Thiser ofdefu Curea,, lime-se glx'boe migh ethrîis beuhu absondlute tprgrssv Il ~ ~ ~ ~ srne ~a oYno orFinaSm is cari o in ta lng.r orî rol eain. PClu ccmasweh h rman- poh St. nr' n ce tonr walllco a delîpsnat tisacieemurvi t ary Uiaucha xvuid. lvng tHegis tseciw Gcod t KnowAbout i. tIe iudnlniaiinsursci agni la ne ehxvav obaliu Cine gave lireT-rEs- une t follo yen.Oui besauf h tis oaci' tinrondictosuteecorrct lun honvytireEgypi viii iippl Smith Au BULD LOODsrs BSITTERIsdn, oitoswihlqJJ hvnàlqnhA n0rii ,r rop' lr itue homstcei ohdv 1Our1 vein ithoOkîintse ~ ~ .~. nW% leste tiro « '. loylp t i ihenstîx soi-oi lmai lump d are e luopec in ts pupls elo tie sailu-tisrd o t u-'~ in tie î cmi a l to the '-'Y wil'~ b e apeuse av te urcr cks qP o-l-ksrienmco-ig t En CANer A linaSMA eaiusq s blseoi eivar ( . Th tece ll'-' iýve f, u0'1n inVîo Eîsi'ud nql'u-eate al th CO,3518:oeutuîs h~se ras aou ap ~~ oat on.oti er ise ses re ime res li buol y o ~ " -t~ u~iu s îp o l x iii be ll0 .00 j us cr'u su p iio . T e i sood r 1 3 o n da a h uil er nnr Br uci Offce. 525 il' St. W ae in, ion Il C-

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