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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1903, p. 3

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F TRE WI E AÀN OTHER *Exmpes eWI'iih a Mother Should Set ' Before fier Ch'ldren, (EntereS according ta Act of. tue Par. euîu uoy . et p e liraent ai Canacla, in the year (Jae euilaeloyps- ion r Thousanti Nine .lunidred andti riree, by lier huesbanti as 'Pliny the Ycuu)g- hy VWm. Bally, Of 'Toi-ente. ett the er wrete ab<sët bis boeloved ilie: A womaa warn-out, who neyer lias ta Iepartmaent ef Agriculture, Ottawa.) "She bas great talents. she is an lift a hanti for liersaît, who does not admirable eceonimist anti loves me know the nieaning of the word Ilworryn i A despatoli freini Chicago says: witli entire affection. Tu Ilbtse How can it be possible? Trhat it is poemi- Lim e Liv r P *dFrnktDe fîW'it ang ct: ac qualities she unites a tas te for lt- ble is proved by the experience of xnany Littl Liv r 'îRYi iel xviom44, "As oi teth er, eature inspireti hy a tendernesfor a woman who, because of sleeplessness, ~iuot Beuel xgnatu4, -As is hthugher." i xel lls- aie. Wlien 1 pleati, bow great is the nervousnass, backacha andi other wemi- Must eQr Sgnatue ohis rencuhat.1 anxicty she sufers I S ie engages anly hile, beconies an utter physical Thitrenby an oltis et ever unewpeople totetol lier what applause 1 wreck. tratd b an ld et ver newhav gaiedwhataccaji,,xtofi D-. Pierce's Favorite Prescription gives stor A rutganiaretulheanet. have excitoti anti wbat .iudgnct s ewlite anti new strengtli te waak, n'ai- finda fuga anraaeiorhops.t.aut, run-dowa women. It establishes 11le starteti eut troinihomne on bis proneuneti upon niy oaiocs.Se eglarity dr-les uabeaithy drains, heals &G PFaC-.01MIt.0 ?/rapper BelOW. important jeurney. Ceniing te aadsags n tXorse ntuta'Love,'a.lamrnation andi ulceration, anti cures fat-nihouse, lic inquireti et the fanm- 18t hm otelte oee fenae -weakness. It makes weak womn VOE Bau 1Ma aQ ay cr's wife fer sonie deugli which hati lier only instructer; lience I cxpect strong anti sicli wonten wcil. le t--ke as ia.=.been left fa lier breati pan. He0 saiti witb cctaiiity that our bappriess 11t sufe-d for five years with in flammrtation lic bati a sick hoî'se anti ho hearti iili hc durable anti that it \Vill -which caustd violent pain'anS often torture se SFORR ELflACHt httog eut ula.Te daily iincrease." 1 wish that sucli haattim res that 1 couldti tot be &beut te attend A TE SFOR IZZINESSL fanaîr's xife saiti, "Oh, yes, we a ulogy nigt begiven to eve'. f te iu te ton, oi~nt. tMns t't1"" pl TT FOR IIlLIGUSNIES, i let. cehog o t teier husbanti is almiost as imxport- turief-or relief. -adtri -ed docters but found jT L two haieuls. The younigmaintook h d ddno e bp Tae. My' dnuggirrt ativiseti me I V R i. ntilasilnceti-ov aal. Atant fa the deelopnient of a daugh- ta try r. Plerces Faverite Prescriptiert-nulo- i. R TIA4U. t and ntfaiecehouseheasketi tetrs11,as the niotbee's direct ce- gizing ih in glewing terits. i1tiecided to dhie gijt~J3JJ sieqeto h anirswf aint ircit.atia n rua otehm.Iaaap te say that aften the use of the finît boule 1 ft FO~ TECOMPUION saiti .'I wish 1 coulti help you, but STIZONG LINKS 0F S TEL. sîul mrvt teiidttkaole-e mur, Qtînt is impossible. IUc acier bave dxeostu nohrot a ften luit a tiird boeî. 1 have gooti reasens te Cod deveops true ii dougiooC dnbe pleascti, for I oua to-day a wenhi wmun, Wer-k Sany lefhIct fa the breati pan of sey anti the world leekg briýjbt. 1 hava per- this bouse. 1 alw'ays scrape mny rnany xvays. Tbe fncteî'y's machin- feat îlt, tanksto yeur medtcinc."ý % CURE ZicK MEADACI-E. C, breati pani, dean., There is ne deuigh tery înay sectge estic unraintieyc Sick womnnare irevitedt ta cenestDr. loft." "hI"said the youjng ianu. tQowoki slssyat a rsidi-.Pierce-hy lctter,fre. Address Dr. R. V. "This is tho homje wc-,perbaips, e l unn rn ih olfPierca, Buffalo, N. Y. L.1'Ic an fmi-nn bride. For.if the meýi- n"Favorite Prescription" mnales weak l'F ce srcier ~ceCirtb St.oppesýite Trlnitv thtr is se fàregal ber daughteî's wiîî ctbers frein left te right. Thon v.ren strong, sick wemaen well. Ac- CGIi sugrii it-eiBwmti ie ber o the saine.'" Anti it was re saggoitg betsanti groat ptstoeicept ne substitute for the ractilcine which suerely h o sbid.F r tioseel'ibgrship an ond anti werks wonders for- weak wemen. DENTIBTRY. tero a ftherheet'bs bride. oerrond stndlrbars. irliag roundanti Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets shoulti be CnoNNYCASTLE, LDS, BDDS, Honor -iews tet othesi-plie's opinion, rn atie r od Thare sat-c ands sedi withîIl'Favoite Prescription wheu- o oot iie&tit"si eplacs s e aub xes tbo gothse s oeti antiever a laxative is requireti. DFFC:-Over Central Mliiery. E-talc Elt 1 dOr Wast of Big 20, Bowmanville naue Thei hrs ieis ieialpro- cbî'ed late I p.But îeawi, _________ducet inlathe lives oetlber îittîe girls udrteepup. et ofte-saubie,- w'nei slite rocks fn the ce atle. This nter ete orplgutionet th vstpr-We'ta ite ilcrid t MISETHEL MORRIS, \ b appen whether she is con- tintent oryguid tse vstrWe htltl i- arci t AITIST1. Iivieritoto then!facPINTry scinsîo ittoatotexowcmporantiress te the homne ot destitution anti il Cili. NW aie, Gi1er anti ( ira. Sletchirf gltaanti thon an ee ishee oe th tetystek rOu lei' il gfroaîlatureKILN onpemieel thscon sifr esaketoft 0e. boli i exery theni ahniery teesc h oe'ysikn 1gn erIP, ices, 51.l;*m. chiltiren anti fer the sake eft tiose clpu e~ t th o a incbiery is through cracks et the bumble cot- îvhorniticy in thel.- tut-n w ill indlu- pt tce fraiups. Ahl tage anti the grateful tours of the A.E 1eAGHIcei, that the iflfuence of the differeet pnrts of that înachieery mother whe receiveti the tires she A.nb e MeliLra Convaare fie-te aotce' ie soi h are werking togetîcer fer geoti, toe- bar-as a lesson ef lîcaît love shel 1111tahley Illcck, hii g 'iteet. BowntairilIa. Of thc wliolcsoîne anti bentîceat the cexapltion of a fenisheti article. ceuiti learn lane other way. She Mc;Lcy to can at ieasoîîable rate?. 43-lyr, kinti! The girls will be like bier as "So0 Ged fa tho great buinan tactery learns' tbe sanie kinti et self sacrifice they grow up, andt lier tanits will for the creation et a consecrateti whicîî gentlo Leuise Alcott taugit HOBEIT OUEO ~.appeaî la theni. Therelore, the oh- metberhooti las înany wbeels andi at in one et the best et ail books, tîzat ECErRT ouN, V S. ject et this sermon iS te show bew Unes seeniingly conflicting dutues. calleti "Little WXVeee." Tbere arc FI-CE IN HOItSEY'S BLOCK. OPPOs tic truc inifo anti notiter Slrhould They nil have a purpose, net ticeitîny beautiful fessons tatirilitnf 0 lie Townalial Entraice, ,bleaha xî'i hab live. Slic shoulti net' eeïl lie ttuc least ef wbidh is tbe influence re- tint book, but net one swcetei- tban <mrd icm S8a. rm. te t9p. In. Night t-als ail-d u lotu obrslin rr h ih efrac ekidei ce, dSueCtJy 0oiteiPll Shed. 37-lyr te bier busbai, u ietu ebrsligfoi tcrgtpromnewhen the mother et Joc anti Amy fatier anti mother, brethers anti et the dnty a wife andti hter ewes anti Beth anti Meg comes fa one sisters, andti te er Geti, as well as te bier cildlioti's home. inornîng fe-omnimahing a cal upou a D/[TAjIFIAGE I ICENSE3,-M. Adicecty toe little tiaugliters who My sister, liow ean you lionestly poor tnenily. She la substance says: A IJreeIca f a-aeLîessjxiii sooze follow la lier foetstcps. As cxpcct yorîr chiltirea to respect you -, 'Girls, 1 have just been visiting Ieîidence: Celitre streel-. she thinks, tiey wili tiink. As she if yen are s,ýony icarteti anti refuse Ms.Se-ai-se. The faniuly havel - dees, they nili aise do. te lienor the maay wrinkles'anti the net bati any foodtinl that lieuse fer1 SIPION& ILii OME FOOLISU XVWIVES. bediiiinidRgît ef an ageti parent ? twe tiays. Thereare la nrmi-r o f BIMPSON & BLAIR, ~~Can your mother breatho forth the littIechtin tle.Aryogrs r. B. e'IMPI-O,,Q. G;, CItAs. ýP. BLAIR -Thils statoaient is axienîntie-. Yet bitter lamentation of thc egle,,ciWltee g c ie-e tbem ryou brea--s1 FuiietsI. Solicîrî',Notarias t,-ie, orl-rtî thero ar-c-sonîîe wo-acon foolish, on!- ot onnwe at,"înI was tasts ati g ictout 2" -es"1 n Il k, v p esihe, iRu g Stieaux Bowm1( g jtjojý n wF nlcre ort ici ui! atik. Prsvaîte, h l t sppse t.hat the naince ofyounig ncy chuiltinausd te tr-eti ýswcýr aî four girls. Untier bl-di- wànyIaýdatr,é-itiwife andt inother are not Siamese- upen nîy foot ;but now, when I am ecio tiy orncialn. T ________________________ twîis ant hae n cenecionOlolti, tiey are treatiing upon iny walked tîtrougîs the illage streets, afflibation. Tbr'y arc se hlintiet heart." Are yen geing te show tic carryi 1ng the liot .auffins anti the Il. F. 1UNTEIL, tint tbey caccîot sec that thre silser selfish spirit ot the brutal peoplcofe coffcc anti the nicat. anti n'nt over ARU'I'LTE{,'SOLICITIOH,NOTARXI lettons ef truc niotherhooti aie n'it- the Pacific islaads, whe ivere accus- the hilIls ant infte the poor home anti lîmaryF'ie ani ai les-est eteni et aad tonliepoliithe golden jjbackgroundi of tonîcti te beheati or bury alive their ted the little half starveti babies. Poui CSt.,OeI)a3:eî-M:DyrRl'atu:uS est anti hest cratile 15 thrat cnt froin became crippled with age Il Are n'a booky a stre Lie Aottn CII' ICE:, ~' trc w'iei ood ntithte sronag- aireni eir ssona byTat heek allesti "ofLitte AWoe IenaiRem, omarvile 3-S' he sett ot ttcmrig yole a beartlcss woman, going te in tic days et lier yeuti. Do you altar. The tiities of iiiaternfty tcae- your, parents froni your wndter that lier motlier raised fine 00 TO LEND uust nici r supizrscdo or extiaguisi tieugits anti affections. inirely bc-gilLusAitt(rJ) $5-0-000 ~~ aimothte duties et the ivife. Tir-re are grs oieAct o o)ain grge îcetilit3,aS nideûte rajesw Mei.tany wolna ab arc truc wiVes cueyucngtn sîe sriethe nutaber ? Tiat initetr's heart A.iI-AUJLI uiil the bahies are bora. Tien, in- eut of tiioni ? How can yen expet n'as flot enly bcating n'ith love fer' steati et being alty lenger the cent- yoîtr littie chiltinen to love ecd lier owe chiltiren, but aIse for cvery tort, thce conrPanlioci, the hoeineet oe tee- ter yoîî are geieowben you ether weeran's chiltirca wbo e re fn thenrua iviieni they pronîliseti oicyourself bave nethîteg tu do niti -trouble er tistress. Do yeunedr tiiir weddiug dyto li'e for, tlxey thehbrotceis anrd sistes of your tint every inother touches lier chlii týiri bcksripn tlirliu- cildood? ' 't not'ngte yen dren the lan's et geatlencss anti DEYNIi81'. laicts atît brey tiie existence iin when tbey are sick or in financial ypt adCrsinkdes ib îusry. Freai mee-ing until trouble ? Is it nothing te you n'ben smai niCrsinknns thenure -wlen shie lie-self is ready at any Will be at Black,-tock aon the firstj nigit anti fîomnightlintil roî-eing they ar etiati ? Why, somoc niothers heur ef the niglît te go to the sick Monldai' Ot cAch nMontb. at Orane 2nd 1 thOoe îigrosseti anti absoîhîcti niti- who tbink they are geeti anti truc neighber's homo or te placc flon'crs iMonda-; aIl da%, anti at Necsl st' crs tlrnk and di-caca anti plan about methers neyer pretendt t have any on the whbite caskct et a neighbor's Wednsdayfrom2 pm, Iueotiag ut he oe linceof baby, affection for their parents or brti- cit ploithr-y are talîkingorwa suli- a i eces. The inevitable resuit TRE CI-URCH'S INFLUENCE, ileir0 kignohms dru- orn e nw e -oetc rxihCs tt itr rfrternpe' Âltgtheba'sdrj ehttof conversation îccay bic starteti nill lie that sonie day yous- own The truc motice- isý also aln'ays they talk aothing but bal-. childi-en wilil cease te lovoecaci flic truc churcl imnber. Ncarly al -r, ~~~~~ j ~The ill 11tell yOIu over anti e r-ot-. ýAhi, my fe-ents, blooti ougit ar radyt rn'ha i hrl -ln agngan liow ' ntnrîy teoui i-hein abe te be tbickcr tlti a 'tor. The tics of Jeýsus Christ'is tîce great punity-ý S JLbaie cut ardntincen fi-os' t1eti'Iichblifat the huiian beaît te the ing, tule great moral anti spiritual cain. bu ituy c un not t,-11i ye1 niomeetchildhiooti ought te be as taieànti tieveolier etoery rcoin-- C. HFARNDEN, L.D.S. aotte sappiorilfag sroi sîik tsel uality la wfh it xist. 1tic he of Àîae e 1bsiiiess on'estba SYMPATII lZE W117-IT 7I-E AI'-.tîrnsîing floor wlîcre tic grains et he atl Cllge f Iibînsixs f teirhîilintis rais'FLICTED). nhich las liea raise infa fie'aur- Dental iSurgeàonsi Ontari .andtibonit. ýIithr ido they canle <YFWECppsie TBigha'soffce io' har tcos fagsiîay re Tiey Tire te-utcmther goos forth li lite series of Christian bomes is sepa- VI ÏALlZED AIR.critrilli yortu. witioiit, onoeeîiistnl'o, anti sees,,tic miseiics ,ai-rdtfie suffer- rateti freen the chnff., It is the ioly ion'îcray tiueslast nighît ticir iligs anti the troubles which arec tble twoeNc-datr ___________________________bal-ies co-eghcti, but they carraot tell everi-wlee-e self c-ident. lehat multitudes are ccnvictdotietsin anti y-r ou v îîîany bors tlî'ir iLieraiîts blcctiing witi sycapatby,-shi' returas led to ictrnbly ikni"-el andi pubicly lyyfeyp ~tic saine nigit Nvaîkedth te f'oor, homxe anti bcgircs te plan bon' she I'contess thoir talUs in Ced. Many hour af-er liere, tryiitg te thit anti can lîelp tic poer. Whcn e ch- have be ruh pi Ir,.in pla heîv t-bey ceult i iet the great dr-etc ioulti destroy their old cloties bomnes wlreiol i iecr Lae !vert cr iises of lite xv icli a iwb -Il, ttîetîs anti says : "Daughtee-, tint ticir ir'arts te Jesus Christ xccp îî eettag l'heini. 'I'be is ninny a f5 a sintuil naste. Tint tiress ncay tbrougi thechcurch's influence. Whee-ea pointaspare- ýno xpnsel eap In uent irthaoIsbah i aprentent bnU' u e rsto-and-so'st bouse yord ur en e esus lattic chucs secouai Calint, 1Llîci-pool anad'Londondeir-y, joys anti hepcs anti seîron's anti -. 's xce--n' n"io. Icny nigbtihy affecteti the uniners. îieaîuina.0,don tt maii e0tra.2,0,othcer rares adprlxte ftehs l do, net knew abat it 's jTicy matie thc plsyers stop se tîxat Bavi-rianî Tutsau it tovho iid py epit iosetantic inulsba a av pinlu'y tioy ceulti hear the x-oice which e- TIti-i lass, $25 anti $26. Liverpool, Derr-ynh sb e-steat 'rt e t.. back non'. 1 cancaît tiîoymmrset ter iE-'fasî, (laiguw, Lu)ndons. 'licbraîi aebrsae bshaartily racommead, il-i i-REI, TO GLASGOiV rIfEOT. buredns she camiet bc truc te tic Mr. Bernhardt these pilla as a splendid esenhms facrt r a SrýiAn 'ay20,2n an.3rd lusonl. taugiters, n-ho il foiloîv in ber uedicine for kidney anti liver troublessand sefteuithe lîert la a theatre it can jdila My , ( d ntii'd dae ony.1îwaat te tell lonti dietiont"toaci a gospel lesson ini a churci Ge-ituia ne 17, luherSd npe gtun , - Because et their direct andi combineti action service. Oh, nmetiers n'ith ittie ct Cabit, $50,,A510 an $75hîi frt Gbia 53i. si-i aigie i eellenoncîtii Oas, $5'. 1,q -sic lias harti b,-tore lier tic e-,- on kidacys, lix'cr ant bowcls, Dr. Chmses chiltiren, when yeun eeote tIi i'r'îîcsusat eery ifrîeîpaupeOf a nmetier wiîo l'ins lîcea idaay-L' iver Pls uewhCeeordinlary imcd. churcîx brng .your bbe.Wbea IT - M. A. JATIiES, fiý,i1Y li5i-ll3tyiag te be truc te lic--icines ?ail acplaaoe ~at o.The 1useto telietaken to ciurcl as a 4ls L-e~ rit.Bzwmniîeft-iras wcl st c-- WuilSpotrdlani ignaue ot Dr. )ïýA. W. Clissa, iittle Cili titswcet iof ne t1tic tutat Ucx cYi-y otlier mi gîthve as ou eveCry box. - gosj)1pel petrateti my beiag, h It's worth Ten cents - to clear your hueof flies and FIy Pads will do it. in' sy often before the service closed, in childhood's weariness, 1 went te sleep, witls iy heati pillowed on my mother's lap. No mother can bc true example to her children unless at thc saine tine she is a t rue church imemnber. INVISIBLE 'WA:RrARE. Various Expedients ta lMake Troops Less Vis4ble. Military experts have been devot ing mnuch. attention of latc to' the problem of deî isingieatis cf miak- ing troops and Ptplipment less vis- ible in the field, and considerable successhas attended their efforts. 'l'le famnillar khaki uniforin is a fair- ly successful attempt at a solution of the problem eof iavisibility, sc far as costume goes. What is wanted next is a khaki- colored horse, which niay yet bc bred. Attemnpts have been mnade ru- cently to dye horses a khaki tint with a solution the chief ingredients of which was permianganate of pot- ash; but, se far, the resuits elitain- ed have net been satisfactory. The saine idea huolds good on the sea, wvhere the thing of first imiport- anice is concealinient. Subhmarine boats-the very latest type of war- ships-are primarily contrivances for hiding under water. Battleships andi cruisers in thuie of war are pninted grey to render them as inconspic- uous as possible; antd torpedo-hoats depend fWr their effectihcness, not upon their fighting power-for they are mnere sheils-but upon thehope of successfully stealing to an advan- tageous position under cover of night or fog. In Germany thcy have been trying varieus colors for halloons, te fiati out which is least conspicuous-for a balloon is a gooti target at 10w elevations and the judgiînent seems to be in favor of neutral grey, which harmnonizes with the sky. TRI ED AGAI1 N AND WAS CURED A. Bailey, after Repeated Dîsap- pointments, used Doddl's Kidney PUis. Ard now is olIdPain le Gone for Gnod antihaý Can do any Kinti of Stoopinz or lifting Work Wýinnirez Mfau., June8(Seil- sa înanv deaths are now charged te KidveyUDseaýe aud ailments resuitiDng' frein disordereti KidDevs that the cure a' Mr. H. Bailey, cf 256 Patrick St. of 1'bis citviq bein-g widely discussed. Mr. Baileýy saf s: ýSaine ti -me aga I -suffered a lot with DaIns aCrafl jny tank and in the regions of the Kidneys. 1 had spent consider- ab!e mnov in England treatinZ thie ailment, but got no permanent relief. ".Ail by chance 1 read of saine won- d ertul cures be I>add's Kidnev Pils and though my pre%-ius failureî made me hesitate I finally decided ta try them. [t was a fortunate thing- for me that 1 did. '% f ter taking tbree boxes, 1 found mnNself perfectly free from anty pain wbatever, and no matter what stoapinu' or lifting work 1 do, I neyer have thé old pain.- *"h s now t wo vears since 1 was cured, and 1 think lu jusýtice ta Dadd's Kidnev Pilla, I have the right ta, recommend thern to anyone sutfering front Kidnev Dicease. AIPING TITE SUICIDE. Dr. Charles .Jacobs has writtcn ta the Mayor et Chicago offering te lirovide a special rooin for the use et aerabrs oe the Suicide Club Nwhom lhccanriot curcetofsuicidaI nma- nila,, se, that they can carry eut their inte'ntions "ni )com-fort,ý" on paymnct tn a certain sure. The ror lie xsays Indhearrangetiý to suit ail tscantI woild b1,(.pro- 'idcd with roes, daggcrs, rvles poi'oas, gas, anti chairs for self- ïelcctr ocuttoi. SIrÂTE 0F OFÏte, CITY OF ' TeLËD, e. LucAs COuxrTY, 1S FRANK J. CihENET makes oath that lie is the senior parnner of the firm of F.J. Cav.sY & 00., doleg gusine8s la the City et Teledo, Couaty snd State aforesaid, andi Ihat saiSd frm-will pay the gnm of ONE IIUNDRED DOLLARS for ench and every case ef Catarrh that canant ha eured by the USa eOfIIÂLL'S CATÂRRIL CURE. FRANKt J. CHENEY. Svçorn tobefore me anti subseribed ini -y presaaene, this 135h day oLet eaieber, A.. D. 1886.1 SUDDENLY CH'ANGCED. the swlling subsides, andi the suh- She-' 'People say you are marry- sequent ecchysnosis is aveided.i. t ing mie for My nîeney. ]'enders any sert of massage entirely lle (hotly)-' The mkecrable s1an-,supertluous; an anointing with the dereis I l'Il sue Îhen in the courtilightcst anti softcst womiaa's hand Of law I won't stand it is ail that is nccessary. The only horsewhilp 'cm i ! 'i-inconvenience of this nmethoti accur-_ She-"But, niy dear, ail that wil whea the bruise is broken, anti even make talk, and it will got inte the la sucli case it is efficacieus. provideti newspapers besides." that it is precedeti or followed by He-' ' don't care 1 I wen't be an antIscPtic washing. It is hest lied about la that way" that the anoiating should take place She-' 'You needn't lie, -My dar- as soon as possible after the bruises lins' 1 l'Il neake ever nîy înoney te but even atter a lapsel et several niy brethers and sisters, anti lct heurs there is neo reason ta despair everyhody kaow it." of clfecting a 'complo ]te' cure. 1e-' 'Ji-er-anevcrraind Who Iii what way dees the oi act 9 cares what peeplo say '? I do't."- Mv. Caniescasse hinisc4f dcae that ho lias net the slightest ideoa. l10 OCEAN T RAVELLERS ATTENTION 1- co nfines huni self-tut the cailing te minid that, in the middtle ages, anointiag with ou was reg'arded as The Allan and Cunard Lines wiII soe eigi dressing for -Cie "battereti 8ccept return tikets issueti by either bodies ef poor knights," anti that campany- subject ta any difference lu athietes anointeti theniselves with rate ot tare. Tlhis will be taund ta be a ail befoe anti after entering the ,rresst accommodation ta the traveilling arena-a clear proof ot the curative public. prepe(rties ot elive oïl, known for GIafigow direct steamers train Mont many centuries. Olive ol, nioreover, real commence May 20th first cabin is net the only topical reimedy for $50 ta $75; second cabin $35; third class brulses. l"resh butter bas long been $'25. Return tickets goad to returu via uneti hy mothers te relieve the Liverpool steamers subjecit t differQ nce pain andi cure the braises which oc- of fare. M. A. JAMES, Allan L1ne cue' on tic foreheatis of their young Agent. chltiren. The action ot buttae' can I neoenere lie scientifecally explaincti NEW INDUSTIIY 1N SWEDEN. than that of oil. But fa any case the tact is beyond question ; it is By mieans et an apparatus reccntly theretore, as well te recali to mnir invented inl Swedoa skhiincd niulk is the gooti effects that can be ob- trwsieleti ene tedfer or rnpowtdr taiaed tram these fatty substances whic ca bestoetior ranporetiin the treatment ot bruises, of what- witheut danger et spoiling, and evýer nature they mnay be. which, wbcn dîssolvet inl watcr, gix es a liquiti haviag ail the qualities ofý the original neiilk. The value of the To provo to, yeUn t .M invetiondepnds poi thefac tha Chsee's Ointment le a certain invetio deonti upîs he tct hataSd abeolute cure for eaeli skihnnied niik fa the litînit state ca a very form cof itrling, lie kept swceet for only a Ilifaiteti. bleedingand pro'tmâùdi gpilia tinie, antid no h rnprtt egthe manufacture" lhave guaaranteed -t. l1e ccs tmniai n the daîiy preeýs and ask ynxreigh,- distances. it 15 estimnate titnt y borwhattheythickorfiL. roeas &~Am teew rcethe he eki1naxeti niuîkge -r ncybkifotcedScabe.a 'product-iannuelly iaSwetdýin tetheaiue a iePýfT r r AiaON TES & G.Toroxito, ainiunt ot î.5itiO,oo0o gallons can Dr. Cohase5s Oinàtment be turnot i iteîiiIl fleur of the ____________________ saione arket i alie as that ef the total expert af butter'. Mr. ýSoftaiut-"X bat a lot et W*ub- HORSE ROUTES. IW. H. Kuapp'u famaus well-breti trotting stailion, Gladstone, 'ciii have a seasen route as toilows: Mandas' leave own stable lot 28. con 10. Darlington, andi praceeti to Jobhn lart's, Efist Whit- by, uaari; Sobert's ilotel, Brookîju, niglit. Tueday Myrtie bote], noon; home via Raglan fer night Wednes- day ta Tht.s. Woodley's, uoon; via New Park ta W. Nicbolson's nigît. Thurs- day via Lotus te Abramn Beacoci,'s.Cart- wright, noan; via Blacks3tack ta awn Ftatile. Saturday ta Port Perry, noon; home via Shirley. Ternis 88- See cards fer re'flgree. Giadrtone (458) was sireti lv 'Moonstane, he by Olti Clear Grit, is ii beautitul dapple dark bay withý darir pçîintsq, goati boue and action, weighs 1225 fls. OLIVE QIL. la the Best Remedy f or Cuts and Bruises of Any Kind. E.very ene know s hon' frequent brui ses are inachlitrea anti adulte. Chultina rcqueatly get thica bly falling, an-d aduits ia the' coureiof ticir tiay's n'on. These bruises, wlici are tet-nicti by tic filtration et bleeti ntî te cet-werk etf the ti s- sues, otten assurne the appearnce et a blnoklslc ecciyniosis, n'biclc le trented.n'fti Goularti wnter anti nestieg tic contuseti part, conîbineti With a light lieessore et ste-ips et wadtiing or niti a stroager pressure by placirtg a coin over tise spot. Tic sxvelling quickiy turas te violet, tlen te lce-gi-con andf yeilow. anti leses ils celer by dcgrcos until thfe bloot inlatce tissue is absorberi. 'o l'ol tiese tietiots M. Camues- casse et At-neît liîas atidet anether, xvbuuhb is sait Ioteblicgreatily rf coienîg tre riss nili olive ail. .j>)ist peopie a xa i- ! %,.y . 'lCLA 1 wvas young they usedti t say that if 1 didn't leave off dwinkiag anti smok- ing 1 sioulti hecome idiotic." Mr. Ilardnut-' Ler'! Why didn't yen leave it off, then 7 ONE GRADE- ONLY AND THATTHE B.EST. Ca1&4li vIi upect the Oonsisting of IEubler Tire,, Pian.o, cwniiig Rood& Wagroou, Etc. 1 Up.to-dade Phaetan zost $ s75, Uued only a few times$ao ()C 4 DemOcrats (rOm rD Q . j ump Seat B3uggies; CoUl Spriné Carts, c Good Second FHand Buggies frorn H-ack Buggies tram $2.O O 00p John Perey, 1-ilver Stroe r, 9 Castoria je for infants and Children. Castorlaia. ea harmiess substituto for Castor Oil, raregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Lt contaius neither Opium, Morphine -nor other Nax'eotic substance. It îs Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- si-es,. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuleney. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Children,, giving bealthy anq Raturai eleep. Castoria is the ChUldren'g - Panacea-The Mother's Friend. - Castoria. Castoria'.- "Castorla la an excellent tuetilcine for - Castorla is an xvell ataptedto teeluldren chuîtireli. Mottuers, have nepeatntiiy tolt ime tht 1 recorninun t as superior te aay pr-- of its goati effeet upon their chitdren" scription iruown te mie." DRa. G., C. 0sGoen), Lowell, Mass. Ili. A. ApcîiiEa, M. D. Brocoklyn, N. 1' THE FAC-SIMILE 4SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER -A ýF-PIZ zielc

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