'Where am 1?- flt ered the pa-N tient. . "In the orthopae'dic 1I.ospital, sir. ~~~:~ DRb~L'" Yuhv roker. yeur arm1, and e were brought bore by a cabdrv. * ~~ Yen arepefcy sale bore. Teli'ne PATIENT yer ranme, at veesa foryoua' frienidsË?", hle ~ ,~ ,My nanme," asligh t hsifatien, "is Hlat oni - Parke Ilaiton. Myl Doctor 'Wniker saf alone in bis friends? Ah! I bave noue! 1-I went OMlce' nt the Orfhopaedic Hiospital te the bouse of elti frieads - they Dne dark, steriny niglif. Outie, have gene te Europe. I bave net the wnnt and vain urere hai ing it ail beon hoe long. I lbave no pince te their own way. The gale swoept, go te. But I bav-o îneney." sregad the hege building urfth mndf "Dontf trouble yoursclf, Mr. Hla- slirieks, like a score olf fends lot ton. X ou are ail riglit be-e. The loose te neft and rejeice in ftihmt- uards are fllu, and I have bad yen lery ef suiffring buman seuls The1 p1ac'd in a prîvate oin." iain camne dowa in wild gus, dash- "Thank yeu! I arn able te pny ingifeifiiaxioat3 ntoth faesfor it. Yen will gef me w ell as of the few chance pedestrians, aii-soon as possible, Doctor-?" witb forcing those obliged te ho abronti la sighf interrogation. te t111'7 resolute faces hioameiard. I arn Dootor William Waiker, of! WMiti!On -le Iospital dead silencel this lospital. 1 shah de ail in my reigaed. Tice patients ucre suppes- fpoerî for yen. If is nefhing dan- ed te hoe disposeti of for the aight, 1 geroas, rey dear sir; oxily you m'est ,nilgits noCe louereti, excepf i!have rest. Nowl, I ujîl give o yena the waî'ds w bei e the slioerors w-oee sleeping po tion, anti hope te find se tianigeroinsly iii fiat tie ivatchors yen botter la the inemrning'." by their bous des sat waiting wifhi Parka laiton draak the sleeping patient outu ard cemposue for the drauglif, anti ainîost immi-tediately appî'eching erit. 1bu n sleop. Dc'tor WVaiker- ho ias fainiliarly Doctoeh' Will satt uatching tie pale. known tîmougiout the institution ns henutiful face upon fie pilleur be- "Docter W1il' - saf pering ever a fore hun witi an odd sensation lingev'elume Iipon tic table before strnggling uadei' hie loft i cst peck- him, and etriving te coacentraf ebis et. thouglits upon its contents. But hoe "Wbnf a spirituelle face fer a mnn nppearod ,te be, out of sorts; hoe -or a boy,, rather!" lie excîanieti. ceemeti resties amîd eneasy3. I declare I uns fox or se interested I wondeir vhat ails îî oagw? in a patient lefoî'e len my ]ife!" lie exclairîi, inîf aloud, coinfTh(, next iuomning Pnrko Tlitoni the beek at last and ps in.g it ~chbttrandlas the tinys houI caiiot tudy, or ifiladintrs ietWl pnt more lime iný in my work. Mou-, if 1 were like thie roi ofbsitesinptet cerne of my interesting norieus pa- than hoe md ever been kneun te do tienfs., 1I uxid sny tint I fr'cl as if befere. Tieî'e seemeti sone subtie eonetiing were going te happen! attraction hetureen tic tue; ani as Bah! ubat feily in a stroag nana fime passed it greur and sfrcagtben- te allour bis nerves te se corrplete- cd.1 ly affect bis aboie ]lfe! COeaiust Af met ParLe w-as fully recoverekl, exert wiii-pouer and- andi in a feu day's noniti ho dis- "Ah! \\hat is if? Phd ou speak liargeti freai the bospyital. te mie, Kato?" One nigbt Rate, tic' eaigif nurse,ý For fliere at fie lialf-o'pe door of iune startieti by tic sounie! faint the oflice Doctor 'Will's quick giance sobbing and stifled wepîng, wh-ichî liad dofecteti one of tic nigit urses socinedti t coîne frein fthe ed offie -a pionnant laced, kindly looktng 1041g corridor, near fie sleeping uronan, whoie lid been long attacieti roi o! Doctor Will. Sho hastenedi ,te fie hoeiipital. She stepped te fie softly te the spot, dceeiiiined te threshlod andti hrcn4 fite doî' epen. beour uhat uns the niatter. This îs "Yes, dector; I1i&antedi te tell you -at sic saw. tiat tiere is a nieu patient in flic Parke lijaltoea on ils knees etthfe reception rocha - a yeeîîg nian 'eho cleor of fie delctor's reoi, weeping bas jent been bi'eeglîî icro in a cab. bifieriy. Plis ani is broken, I thin1k. Tice Dmîectly, tic young mane rose te drivor enys flic yoîîng main haileti bis feet anti entered fie rooni, for fie cab about an heur age, oni the pysician's deer was acier lock- Green stî'cot, anti saidt tat lie lidlIed, but alw-ays ready for a liasty br"ken lis ar nd iw isie o e li j iioiis iiifhe niglît. taken te friends at flie otieî' end In spécecbless anazemient Rate ano-f of, tliecity. Tihetdriver' drove hlm ticodtheflc young patient steai sofflyl te flic streef andti uiber designaf- te tic bedside and, stepypig, pressj ed, but tineeuns ne one ticre. T'ho a ins aien flic brou effie ler# bouse iras qeite emptiy, anti a po- Pîî" sician,1 thon, n-eeping, bitferly, liceimna aai' saidtitnthflicfainiiy steal aw-ay oncenierc. lid, goae te Europe. Af fiat the Ouf in thlicocrridorCihe num'secui yoî,Uiag alan1 1uttereti a <ay cf disap- defflY cenfrontedthéfi xoung nian. f poinfmentil, ahicli fie rab erixer says jIlalteii feu bock wifl a stifieti cry. mýande biis (i tm bart ache; ani tien "Explain yvoul-self, sir,' bogan tie hie reeled .-nstc adily and aeaýriy feul nurse. "Vur ceaduct is rather un-1 te thée greui. .But tflic uer antid un. flic policeman fogetkier pliacod hua "Veine te aiy reem," lies nidi, ini n tic cab, ant iehowas brou gît bore, a lbnrrieti wbisper, "andi I iili fell ns if bpndite bhouoly a four You ail. I have a confession te blocks away." make!"- By fils t une Poctor W iii la;d fol--I Tic noxf ier'ing, wben I)octor~ lu cd Kate infoe iei-cepfioa reom, \Xili nuoko frein lis siuniabe, l where a sliglit frin in a nata grey fo-enti upon bic bced a small loch-ef sait lay upon a sofa, quito unconý- confaining flic pictuincti face cf a scieus. girl. If urne lcexact cminterpai'f; Tie doctor de.,patcei tEc nurse ol Pnrke Ii-alfeiî. \lien lic lob t bis for bis emmergical iaisfi-'uirrnts and o0ul lie wns mot by Kate, urne ai- seon ix id reinoved fie sfrangor's f aoenced thaf the youig jnan uns cent andi roll'?d i up the sleeves of tie go-ne. Slie liai foumîd bis lied eriptyý seneny uuldeî' garimnts, soft anti fine. fiat niom'ing, and aspuai of m, yf Tic face uýpou fie sofa pilleurs was more tiaii cafficient te cc ci'bils ex- doelicate aîud refined - a lace witlî penses af the hespifail, inv!g 1poni peîfectfefatpres; fie lonîg, dark hair the table. But iviatex-er tie secr'ct curling sligitly, pusheti auay froni couidedti te ate, she kepf IfLa!- a broati, leur brou. Tue interes'ting violate. Doctor \Vill's face cloudeti, patient did net appear te lie mlore and a trouhled look cmept ihîte lus than scvente4'n. No trace of bearti eyeS. Afforý that lie becammue veryj or moustache darkened fie se! t, faim quiet anti tacifurn, aià altege lier Cmikn. lie looketi ns icîpless as a n changet mari. chîid ly ing tîcre hefere tie keen, COe day lie reccivcd na.umn ot searchiiig cye of fie yoCiig phyi-i- an iup-fow n iansien; ifs ouner lay, cian. S-ornthing - a strange son- tiying - sti'ickijn don-n by a sivlîtf cation ubic'a Pocter WI'il id nef anti sudtiea disease. Artrivet at bis stop te anialyze-inoieti bis heurt as 4cdside, Dotor Will eawau t ioce lie tomuriieth fe round u it aia ,andi that if w-as3 tee late te save lîimî; preparti,, ïte eýxamîne thi iuries. lus heurs uere naniereti.1 '~o11wo n facue! h iliýe fè- 1 liai-c somotiing ytote tcl yen" f "iernie!" jacciatedti ti nurset~ enti for mny narti, Leoline Lea." headiîîg oe e,'tfe schai, gracefl A mesage w-as despatchoti, andtinii ioriiiY ,b"hes-'as ns elicate as a girl, a feu amoente a young girl entoreti Loolz! Sec the blue îveins in hisetfie r-ooll. At sigit of lhm fiehe o-i ariai. Poor young cinp. le lias receded frein Doctor Wvil's ieart., te siier yet, hefore thaf ani wulil anti lie feit as tlxough lie uas geingf bc wîell." te faint. Fer if uns the face ini fie A little Inter, lis injuries afemîdotif locket, whicli Doctor Wiii cx e fn te, flic strange patient w as p.aceti uorio ve 1 'îaran-fe 1a in bcd. Hoe md iecovered ton-1 sille of Parhe Ilaiton. Stfilin,ï- a.j scieunes anti openeti n pair ~excînniation, flic girl san imte ai grent, dark, beantiful ée s te let sent. The dylng ma hogan: flýcter Wil's syniptictic ga7e. "I ans guardian over Leohine fllacle lildad-Would yen like to be a fariner an' make lots of loey? Jobn~~ p-t-Pae-Nw II'd ratier:be, a bunco)-imn an> gittb iliowny dte~rÎi'ismadu à REVENO ED. Thore was a dinner-party at the Smithis', and Mrs. S. w-as desirous of duly iaïpressing hier guests. And ail iinight haveo gone well but for angelic, auburni-haired littie Toniny Smith, who bnd beea allowed at the table on condition that lie behaved hîînselt. Wonderful. to say, lhe did se tili the sweets Caine onl. Thea hie could hold out no longer, and hoe asked for -, nay, deu1anided - a third hclping of apple charýlotte. It \,vas refused, and tbca tbe1i lds "Very wll," hosid, "if 1Jcna't "Laothe rooda, sir!" stonied Smith senior; and obediently Tommtiy sljpped from bhis seat and betook liinîscif I o.the door. Before lie olene(l it, however, lhe turne(l. -My knickerbockers are made out of the old dining-room curtainis!" hoe cried; and ho swung open the door an(l vanjshed. PASSING 0F GIBIRALTAR. That syaon3 ,m of sireagth-Gili- raltar-is no longer as stroag as most people tiaklý. British critics have discovered that the barbor on the west side of the Rock, whorc Gr-eat Britaia has expended $22,500, 000 in the lnst few years, is wel within range of the Spanish bis to the noi-th. Uaiess the concentrated fire of tlhe gens of tho Rock could proxcut , the Spaniardsfon estab- lishing 1batteries the n-1-ai works, dockls, anid siinijg ii) the barbor iwould be imucli endaagered ia tiiîne of w'nr. Tho discovery of this situa- misýsion to rcamn h osrc tion of a barber on te tl s ïe the Rock, where the threat of Span- jsh, gens would bie minimized. Gib- raltar, of course, does flot fu ly cein- axand the straits, which are twelve miles across. Its value is that of a strong naval station. Modemn armor- ed warships could pass the Straits without much fear of G ibraitar's guns. PREFERS SLEEP TO ME3ALS. 'Arthur Barr-on, a New York youth, devotes practically the whole of bis timie te sleep. Because his mother endeavored te arouse bimn for a meal hie kaocked ber dowa. When chargei at the police court with the offence hoe yawned violently, and foîl into a deep slîîmber in the dock. Porotbiy- "I do wish we were midi, father." 1er Fatber - -Iloxw ricli would you like te, ho?" Pore- tby - -"h, awhfuily m(ic; rch on- OUgh te snuh people aaid stili be cali- cd algrecable')I." Lea's prepenty. Shc aa very ihi; but I bave squantierot. lier es-fate; I arn. dyiag non'. I led lien, anti I dtotominedtotemanke ien my uife; thue I neet neyer rentier an accoupt of fhe urasteti fortune. I Persecutedi hen for n year te gainx ber consent. Sic urouilti ceenlie tuent h ono anti ouf of my pour, ,anti thoni ureuid he fonceti te give an account of ber squamîdenetifortune. I1iras hall uiid ,lest I shoulti le discox oied anti pax- Idiot. I dit nîl la amy pourer te force bier iuxf eimarriage aifli me. She luafti m'e, tiespîset ieî, scerneti Me. "At last, tiroti of lion deflanre, I lockoti ber un lion ounilrooni 'e»- stairs la tus lieuse. eut et-iotot Starx e hen into ebetiencete nuy anches, "Te may consternation fie girl os- capot froax lion prison. Sho Lnot- ted fie bînakete f ogefien anti mate a ropo, by uhici s'le managodtof effort lhem escape. "She urne gene ceévennu uceks. I iras liaut dietrectoti oxer lier absence, for chic as ns ignorîant of ticea om'it as a liffie cuIt, Ilad sic nef beca, slie uouli hav'e kunof if flicelaw gixes mie guau'tian Ihi'- git te de- prixve hie w ait e! liberty. "Onmbr ho n tf-tifret birthutay, horex or, sic no-apum)ei aet eatdcd- manio th le rouftitutionî 0f heu'for- tune. But sue u-oult giro e n a- ceuîîf e! lier wdceaef u ringli'r absence freni muv hlice'umîflute-day, w'ien sic ticclaredthtuaisic lied founti refuge lanflue Orfhîopaotdi ospital. 1 haive sent for yenî te corrobo'e lere tori'. Docf or W-ik',liaive h on ev-a in, È uîuy nard befo?" friglîfýieeti gae e!of hio'tamk eues; f ic trepeti. ILbm couiti lie annuuer. fief question? Sic anose te honr foot. "Yes, Porter Wa,,lken lins meit 'nee befoire. I am ParLe i1litou.-'le fade -tis giastlyîwhiteo mica', anti sic troombboti porceptihuuy. "I1 irasý iery ignorant of ticeurorîtisways, asneii gunriam ackmîoulcdgee - oa frieuîdlesmphîa - or' I w-eltilong ago liaive pponhedti thfe laîrfor pîrotect i oui roumu his prcrections. lui fie irartirobo orfluhe îoonwhorc Il iras luinioneti I Imunditansuit of iomuris ciotiug; Itinnaget Io alter if se fluai 1 coniti near if; omit, nef-ý tiag blackets anuit heots tegeflici, fiîaliy escapeti freinî fhoeirintour, buenking my amui in iiy flighît. I adl hiopoti tefiat refuige untih mtuî wîea- 1 -firet biu'tav uiti couic acquana- a nces ai the berthor ndî of thc cify, bat wahen I reachedthfli liuse if iras closet andtihle fanmiuy gono abroati "I uns in terrible pain uithI my broken anm, andti tit, aitl fthe dis-ý appoint îuîoîx, overcano mue, amît I faimîfet, antiw-as feken tethue lies- pifai. Yeu n koî fie rosi, doctoî'. Cany îou cicr fergix'c mg utn'eoniny centeci?" Docf or Will toole, botîx lit ticlînatis la his oua anti lot lien remuî fI te reii. "I kuow tls," hue sait, in q loir, tenter tono, "thai I loi-e ynas ma neyer loi et ,oîînn before." iTeu' i e tire opoti froi.before his passiecafo gaze. "I liai-e loi et hou ci-or sinco muxy eyos firsf openet frofief atsîroon in flue liospi ai," sIc fahtem'ed,' "anti if aearîy tiroeonie disiracte oti ene flect npeuî my faiso position. Yenl cuecly cannof love or respect nue?" Batt iluro as ne doubt e! the love wihl filet hie henni, andti -fh trmuc love respect ceaies aluahs. Andti twias the w ay in urlici. my frionti Waikcr fetumd iti ueife.- Louitien Tif-Bits. an olti toofli imush isjeexcellenit te rc-quir'ediif flic potatees are boileti in r" r" mn a' eae""on ne cee"'-' ilt W"" L)e-Uf W de fie cîeaniag w itîx. If fixe îining f saîtet water. This is n vemy ac- uhîlle fhus ouf ekdimisiing fie py- mnny de, sieult i nsist on fie uspetf 15 urmiîin sthefl at ipueoutm a paf- pSabien salai. -Pae a thon irouiti eitiem' bave ifs prey or, fresi watem ant i havlng if serveti as- tlie pieces si cet n, ipief orfaipacepalonsati, blceal! d an ho eabout in the huches unfii ifs lsoon as boileti." loin foi'ar c iinIimîg, uhicli niay hcofo saîmnomi in a bcd e! lettuce beaves encmnis leff fihe scenie before aîaking 1I otr ahweeta ekl c ut 0romm gne, quàlity o0falnner's in'n sâantiboul. The fieli eîouîti ho a meal of irhat if lad kilieti. lIter nss, onese., fate il)Z satn. li' esist ay o lea afred fou ai ol ad bne, ad this case iL appears neft t e sieulti lest about five minutes.- suit f lîntis mimchsoileti is te tiret flaked .Peur ever if a mayonnaise 0tedu.Tiwaanwadex rip ouftflthe e e!ofi.te sîceves 1anti dressing anti gamaicl uit h slces ofitraoî'iina-ry story, uhicli I hati nover pants antiwasli oaci- pioGe in bot hard-beiheti egge andt leillen. heaýrd before, anti, foi-aglit 1I knou, TWO I N DIAN BATILES, suds tuntil dean, thin rimîse flirougi if May ho truc. m-o w-ri n0fOi. The ,gaiirinente "Tic African python is flic largest 1MiRtorY au It Aipears From the rted- muet ho bo-aglît ini bloieleytre,-e;nero! tîme snake Lmnti. Iunef skîn'u Point of Vieiv. quife dCy anti ho thoroaglilypost nVUO I1 T lnatives aie sait itIey lad ceea anti Tie indiei's sid e o! nny ontmeoversy on flicuron sitie lith a bel ra J.U I' L' ilt pyftlons t1iCty anti thirty-oe botwcoa lm iandtihfe wite man hlas tien coier flic iglît cide aifli a feet in leagfh, but acier saur any nvrreî enpeefds i.Rs tluiek rloti anti pr's,but ru'oive FAVORITE TRICK OF THE fiat long mmyseli'.Te python in tory bas nocessamily laeen written frein thrisc te re th t feai fein eîatg SNAKCE TO LURE GOATS. f qîetion rmeasuriietiabout sevenfeen fie witefcman's stantipoint anti large- rs opeette cit rn n'afeet in lengtli. I cenidereti it a very ly from flic reports o! cemmanding shimmy. -A rusty blacnk sit 10 r-largo reptile."-fies"~" fcoloreti a jet black, anti.with acu Swift Worlc of the Reptile and oflic-- naturally xoste cecure fI as aice, ba a nasuit.tues, ulinket Conducf Affer fhe Denfh of THE END 0F FINLAND, credif for their gallanfmy or te cenceal sprmng andîtinîmer cents are casiîyIf ifa. Last Vestige ol Independence Ras Take as an illustration tic se called. urasheti, anti if flic alpaca or clofli "Omly tweaty miles dist ant frein Vanisheti. "baffle" e!f Wenndeti Kace. A ring wael cents are fatietior. stî'eakedti fey ea the Liberin capital, I foant myseif1 formeti about fie Indiens, anti affer bc coloroti any daîker siatie by tiip- Tic Czar o! Bassin hast meonti jdisarmung mosf of tîem one man re- about as remete fî'om civilization as1 signeti a reccripf fluet makes fi attrophege irn e ping tlueîuî la in e, but in pressing one conîti ucltiesire," saiti Secre- sîsteti, adtictop eanfrn e such garmemuf thîey shoulti ahunys ho tary Fllue, o!fie United St ates gevernnieiif of Finani a virtuel duc- wr h etek-igneryalte presseti bcngf ha mec toeserve he lgtfie Mnova ibra . tto Cip eocrai Boirikoiffnom- nisadnesarlrayofter shape. A straw luiat may be fresîx- lgaie t'Mnrvilibri, al' Intimas ati necessnmiy many o! u1 enctiîy tiissoîving seime of tic sainetelling of a huntiag trip up ho rinau i Gx eroncari noireer-onmn h odeste olwd alc of ho e ntiaplyingtedthinba tultiMguideratri ihu toî's."If untive'k-evory tiepartmment 'o!fite gr~and ep flecing w-onun anti chiltren and. alcholandappyin tothehatwit gudesandhuners 'lt ws drk-dudlîyant i nay croc control fthe siof them doive In colti blooti. This a. a sobt broshi, anti uhen dry, fie luat est Abrica, iritheuf n douif, uith afiso h olnnso h iis e aldamsar nteofca e m'est ho giron a cent o! thia var- nething bat jungle on evcry hanti, affaire 0f lic cenrnuns or fetie ofportscaTeiparmssao tcr ntieyofiial re nisr ith nativ'e villages scattereti atTuevnss flchtvetg e!prsTers otecutrtiie. urido ierrais thîrouglieuf flic frest. Finnish indeîueîîtince. 'l'ie piledgesof e! all if nmassacre. On flice ther band,- f EEIN AND DTJSTING. About noon on fixe flirti day ont my fire successive Czars hiave licou de-!I Goneral Castor n'as l-, parsuit o! cor- bave an iden ~~~~~iabatel boen a'ndoatheavasahats!eiu.d eloei ii Agreat many people hv a dafatention uns ettracteti y hyaat I ihcatcly rofa nui fla vas d ti a ens ntiou. efllyoe toek that every u'eînmîkaeîs heu te at first stipposeti uns an animailetfioong Lnorn tic spiint of brav-e de- italti surprseti ndem upntic Liflo swcep anti t an rooiet properîy, seaie kinti, pecsibiy an elahit, eafmng fonce are oîr on n politica iadsrrsdte pi h ite the lside o a ale f Ce, aout20 h pnsmîbso!f 1ssa evel jBig Hemn. Tic wamriors met hlm in' but obser'vation lues taughît us that the bies e!a lrgtaibsgrovab gt by0nifth 'zmt o usi rper. !eorce, ant ieho n's beafen af ie ewn.iv cechis e tecse h aptProînnt î"inas uhose presecmnay sepris e afe as ic ariceffoot distant. I coulti soc the upper hbc eineti umdesirable are banisheti ame. If unas a brillmant vicfory fer but oeîu whicî it is useti e- amy day, brandîmes anti leaves o! tic bush!itot ' stiui aniiitiut fie Intilans, w'lîonî Castor bhînt ken, flie cnrpcf nili neetia thorongi haig îmcetiishar fc trial. Tic schoohs lare being Ressinîx-1 at a tiisativnntîuge in fie mitist o! their, swcping w-ifhbreoni ccýsionahîy.- noise o! semiethiag nagitaimg ficin, ie (d. If iS consitýici-et liLely that wemnen anti chltirea. This baffle gee- Romoe ahoîterti amnture fu'ai ic numxal uhaeve ifira, kep-entic mî,ntional cl oflie!Finanti doîva la hiitory as tîhe "Custer massa- the reomîl if cneinbuit if no-t, 1119 up a me-t- persistent raitlinig j ili be suppresseti. cre." - Dr. Ciarles A. Eastbln _Irl cover thon whic cmýuping. Ticre is anti rackct by shaking thie topiiisf Noiedy scins te kneu urhy the' Rentier. nolimng ce destructive te the bcauty branches, limbe anti louage eof Fashaebencueîti leyuu as te alow ticai te becoamo covereti chrai. Finn aebe rse.Te with husf every sweeping day. Open "I siepped, cockcti my Winchestcm iarmbess enough te ail appearances. Orligin of! "Cra-vat.ý" tic urieuos anti doors, anti sw'cep 'anti uns peparing te aurait tic- fTbey foînenfeti n revehut ions. Per-1 "Tic word 'cavaf,'" saitia n man wbe- with ui flraiî strokes that uilli velopinents when my native hanter ieps ftle Czav's - adisiers tien ghîf mains necîîvear, "camee luto ouri- an- fla ithe quc twitiout injuing if. tappeti mco o the sieulder anti di- f lînttfe largar menueaiiîecd guageaot13. rIre liya- lIthe liroom e indmnpceti frequcntly ectet mac te look auadit lconce in Finlantiuoîud prove a cause ' fe aou !3fic uniormteo! f'ite As fif uill nef mrais a cleuti o! duet. Or Ilmbe e!fIthe big 'u'es-ech rcof disquiotude in u-ss bavoreti quar- t a botter plal wouldrlicye-sprinkierors fi nîic O'oi oo ian cavalry w-as a wide bandiof' a bttr panwold c o prikl isted f titenstcaAt1iidseo!s oatt mpih.Oronbuse cu.e Ase wrIintiti roudsee ,,ait oui fli carpet befoeo weeping. I hehelti n sight tint alinost teck e c îoît fma aebe o-cas Io 'r afli rut i If cleanses fthe campet beaitifuliy my brcath. There,onnlro ii sidereti îecessary te perfect thei neck under fie short Iussar jacket. anti hrightcns fhe cehors. Wien the f batge ot orinîam aet afm h poiticailihonîgeaeity cf Bassin in This cavalmy erganizafion was calleti. das mssetîct, meînvefli reersanges e lmi ma,îyag Europe. A. glance at theic aep suscg-i e Cravate, ifs, memblers belng sfyled. frein thfli Iuniture, anti dast fi yhn , olretsak vrh g gstire. Fininiti etfe only partfthc Craî'atcs.v Later, ln fie sie-- the ythn, he argst nak 1 verlaid o! Baussin thînt boîtiers on Noruny teenti century, France recruifeti a re- etiwemic cnerfuruly. Uso a sl and yc pe.îe a cmci "aiY anti Sacten, andtifhe Fume stelimper- r huent o!, carvîlryatiopfng for if fie' fehe dute fo bic--bac ant rnuidtihte l1mb, wit h bis flail hang- nmîentnliy arc more like Scandina-! unhform o!fie Austrlan regiment in 'ases: a large square of cicesedlofh,,ing doua andti teching t ho bush be- is botter for othci' articles. W ion leur.Wilhetaihun vige s-fvnas tien like îhussiaas. Moreover, Cronfia, cnlling if fie Royal Cravates. dti b as settieti on fie walis, uraP ly cfirring anti lashmng flic chîub inFilniseifbcogtSud. Later, la England, tie word 'crabat" fclef h about the bruci part of a imitation o! t ho iloise antiiod eefIfmw-u o tmuetit esith5was appliet. te e neck hantikerchie!. ireoin anti uipe if off. fryiag te Russianize Finuanti inAfefibaleoSenkrlFa- fThere 15 a geat ticai et différence o! ceierunminahnt eating flîcro ortier to eld cth le grand dudluy doms, inthe2. Eli si ofhicrs brouglan inl tlue qunhty o! aork that a bhimi AGATNTIET L. more fi rmiy toe cEmupire, jasf ns:brefe'tciim, og lwn \i ii do andtifhe lengtlî 0ff timie if We wureoin on the outskirt o! Gerînany lias attempted eercic snce hm h soikr, og lwu ai lest. O thaf is useti cvc'y a unative xillage. The pythlin lad fie Franco-Prussiaîi wnr te GCen- neck scar! otigoti h fine Flemisi day cimeîtild c uasheti once a aeek. erideetly lailedti tîoice our np.. manize Alsace anti Lorraine. lace, tic ente o! uhilc w'ere draw'i fPrepae a bucketbnul o! hot suds, antipu'oacli, anti, flhiug mîy huuter's ____thirougi a buffeaiele o! enorunous size. dip tibbroin up, anti down laif un-I ativice anti cxai>ic I sfOppedt be- CINL IESBET The neckwenr o! tetiay us clcarly trace- tii tie straurs look cloaiand flou. ai da'ceixeient trcoteaurait de- MIE TEJ able te the 'sfccnikiu'k' andtihte motihti- fillse 1ýe'_1 an iiefigzit 11p ilitil; ,. ýllcIi1)"Yhe',"p-saiti lue, "life is se bhac- citidons -If uiiderNvenf.". dry. Tuls feughens fthe stiaui atifil iuyna llienter toit Ilme tflue:1Y'f fif Nwil nef break oasiiy. Thle broni iasn ax nt rikoftiepthn "If t i lsoictiîs" Iea- 1houlti nover o st doua ýin ie t lo iregotis, niohpsanti otIierýsuemet inii brme afci cenrafe fi sei cdngfu m ailimais rithia his e cch), aitns d )wligStm istmaus over antindkmgtlico m tat if ur riteilif uoult ine li "W dtif lue suret Itehaie apITic people o!f'rupuselel lave ne needl oe-esideti.liaivc n book screw'oti~loî0g, poriaps, hefore ceie cui littie cottage i ail Itfue frent te travel far îî iu fiey wanf te talle-a fieeni ! li lncil, nt isit p-tire gent ef a uîcmd beiengifig te the cevereti îith uxy anti lineîsuckia1 sait urafer loti. The toua le huilîfon on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ grzn hsorgtitironihdgipstianc atil'se?"piles whiii[lmve beeni trii'en lafo a net in use. If will greatiy leuigthenvingratigzigcicdsne to our riglit uoulti comne uithin sight "Oh, n'oildni't it! 'sîulimergeti coral reef sifuateti fer eut - it eid of usefulness, amdtihfe anti inetigate the nie "Anti ni a below commes home lanflic Terres stmaif te the seult et isepougl bcicasier.tireti frein business teliaivo a nico c uie.Opsiefl"efarî sîrepin nil hocaser."Weil, if iras mt long before a îiew le uriu' tepmeitteluimi et flic tioe r ncaleinacwmry cottlemnafon fie maimlant ius an- IIINTS ýTO ITOUSEK-'EEPERS. yun oao gntcmî arc, wa nkiss?" iervlaehtleprii gia CafiuJdiaSoux i l~anti, henning fie noise, prickct up "y oe-s!" f vilgita l prbd Ibl Cati ohaSouteodifs cars anti foir somnefeu mnutesI"nitin i ne is, fle cair aiong flue gignumfic palm trees j No' Egînitiseauam urie hiaO atroffeti mapitily abut thfe bush, eyc- fire ilazing brigihy in tie cozy pnr-! ndthi ailci ticco.st le f rîngot. Tie vorygef oigtheniirl aine, a s: Png it frein aà sius, lns thougui try- 1erandt hO-o I moiaaaea t oljecof obth ceminmuiites la chueosung "Vemty foueple Ln i îr e t ys i'et dcachaglimpse 0f urmat flic piano, cingimîg ini flicgloanmiumg. ftiese curlons sites fer tîmeir dw'elling" -Vrcx epl nwhwtotet1eideutly if nitook fer anoflier It a-ouhti lie loi,-el3- "Isleitenfical. They désire te assure n colt cotifisi prperly. To irechen gn.Ecifme i iern ifO Iliki eh i u01" fumeie gis iigsrrst i 'if ohr moet fsand iiiniberllae ineae'uîtîfnal f ai oiit f'Au te--- hir nurneious eiicuiies, antiespecial- day~~~~~~~~ orneenii faybuelirpreceeti directîy uptthîe lnsianti1 At tuis polit a caorn r uomialny fiey seek sufety freinfie prewlioig sercal ates. intf aes hi ic1 under the pythoni, ihici uns on fli carine roundîth le dorner w'bccliuug gootinees out. Yen cen get rit of, gent ike a flash, seizicg if y lcbnin iintîheuibîaeDAdai air lent iuntei's. ot sitijueth fecfiehy pan it- peck anti wrppiag ifs nghty ceihe silence felluon tuieair. Tien tlcy -- - ontliutin flc fchu bypicingifabout thue îmeî'r reafuu'e's body, -îing' thfle slubjeci. te pinces anuit usiing if uiti yonr, liatds-- just shnkuuug if p anicrusing if eut straigit, fiat anti ---Tmklng It Out oni the Faniy. f~ ~ ~ ~~~~~u doaiafinaeî.Tdnpti lifehessin flue space of a fcie sec- 1AINI) TIF WAIVý1_TER FEl'TC D. Meh"nao-cru'tpri- riitun oflc uo'ad el fr ilfeîîr nds, 1f n'as the quickesf perle(ri- csei î -aýls enjoiug îiîî1ral oni:stt fi reoe miue.W'ieix\ ou ge4 t ifrody fer! anco I eeru'witncssot iun. amy ife. sl 'si.tuc nl;i emolfl eui th li, abe attbteanippe, eka ffi yhna ieeth-i" aic , ic ca;lîi. "fetrîx a aire Mm. Flrgusen-Vîhuut de you nie m ani Ihpl mdbiet g ifoe ueu lnevu'ba-eIupetet I lice f o-iedf ibo fat quréstion foi'l 1 put o)Iltop. Yenlc odleicool- Of hieb eturtiuifl u iatx y Tic tiisýh irsouaio lctb- Mrs. Feý7-isouî- R ecause yen have edt flat îî'ey nit W n tit doa utwhuxfuahy f 'ot nto act:,in boreue usth,îr oînnut, utbeen as ios s nei carosiice y ou Iprepareti te o let in a meal o! ft; if ddtse iîfh -n îlughmtuîung Lîko ma tien ho calleti agaiîu: cm oe ru hr and-il 1h w'anf lwicei upefatees, pitity ithet uns aure iiprii"Waitom, îfdh a clueiceport ion oi cofféeeanti ireatianti butfter." .1"But ftle performnance uns nef yof curricti fenl-aud, eh, nic"leicli_________ Our ronet bec! le gencrahly baketi orer. My African hunier icgged une anofhoi' hottie of a-ic! - bec!, andti flre is n riglîf anti a te emnin silont anti nef te o bc m- The bl il iientet up; liuf stihitflic yaheeeise af h urmong uny te hako if. The rigif patient, caying tint cocfing more -cedy eue calicdtihfe waitcî' te îetcîî 'Ihî clvmns"sk i îray is te put tie mccci, affor if heu uns te fehieur. Thîis I urne qaife one dainfy alter aiîetler. , great race berse. "are due te fie fact heen carcfully ipoti, into a pmefth' iihing te do. Sure ceogh, in fie A .thltafaratcgrada lay u ybs otfr hot ovea. This sears tic outsitinoxt four minutes thec serpent re- At asth itafa"am rgi aîifat l'aspt n mtfotfr anti keepe the juices o!flicthenet leaset ifs feltis frein about tic life- "l aiter»," hoe cahlîfetchu.-" I "fiat, replicdtihfe uicketi mule, umtiin. Alter fhe firet brouning if lese compse o! the gent anti crauleti Yessim,' saidthfe ivaitOi', 'bfecl "fint 1i ncOomipllslî more iy putfing nîy shoultibc froqhient 1h basteti. Do ief foff flineugli fhe buclîe. Wcboihoureti yOu h Ouri' IlI?-Ibest foot a'îr"I"cnge saut the ment; dissolxe the sait inii ifas besf ure rouît thi'ougli fie, Noarnie flue laiuguid tlis,%veî', beuling urater anti peur oe-r if; thea dense xverduare. If remeimuet absent f fetch a hioiciaii; 1 bavioit got aijr ns yen haste if, the sait is graduah- neau'iy tiiruy aminuftos, muaking a cent!' r iv taken up hy the ment. .«Aide circuit o4 detour1be1om neIf -,-.ilfMotler-Wby, my -cibt,L ,thlaf litthe -r &d-,,inigs that are in the pan, after thing of the habits of pythons, but HOW TO BOIL WATFý'. the fat is removed. Tbe "pan- failed te understand why It did flot gravy,"1 that is, the juice of the begin swallowiag the gent at once Aun]Important Point Wlxen the Coffe, A b j t the mientthat collects in the piatter as instosi of sp'nding a bail heur la fl.lng Made. the ment is eut, is esteemed a great crnwling aimlessly about timough the "To boil water is the simplest tbiing iI delicacy by roast beef cennoisseurs. j;ungle, and se I askod my hunter ia the world," &and the Steward at one~ DOETI EC S.fr an explanatien. 1-To roplied that of the leading oesf DOMFSIC REIPES. the python, was "lieap smîart ;" ",but how te ' 2t l)îite anoth,1er Dried Apple Fruit Cake. ' Soaksinarter than a witch doctor even,tbn.Iele haeteuee' tbree cups of dried apples- in' coid 'nnd that. knowing, frein experience, bnvinig the best cofféeeof any inell CARE 0F, MEN's cLOTHING. water ox'or aiglit. Ia the rmoraiagý that geats are somnetinles in charge this ciîty. 0f Cu- we use gdlcof- chop, fine and simmer three heurs in lof, shepherds and being frcquontly e;bultmtlyiue«th Men's suits can be renovnted SOI tw'o cups of molasses. Beat n cup1 robhed of their prey by pilferiag I~bt o etl om~ fte fhoroughly and well as te saxo buy- of butterand, two cups of sugar te leopards and ether carnivores, tihe praise is due to the fact that flic, water înig aew onos, andads a suit 01 a cream, and a cap of miik witb one python, after killing the animal,' with, which to mrke the coffeo, has goed quality of cloth is expensive, teaspoonful o! soda dîssolved in it, makes a habit 0f- geiag on n tour been properly boiled. The secret lu, if is xverth while te carry them nand two eggs well beaten; three andi 0f reconnaissance threugh the ferest boiling water is just this: Always use- tbreugh the precerýs 0f clenaing if if a hall ceps of fleur, reserviag 00e-1te ascertain whether or net there freshi wntem and let fthe kettle be wamrn is necessnry te ecoiniize. A cent, hall cap te dredge the, apples. Add1 are any mea or leepards about bo-; heforeo tic cold, sparkling fluid is put- vest or pair f pants that is te be one grated nutmeg nd a tenspeon- fore swailowing ifs prey, a process inte if. The tire shuld he quick, s,- cleaned m'est be well dusted first. If fui of cinnamen and cloves, mixed. tbat occupies considerable tinie. Un- that the water wili bel et once, aud thero is a ront tint needs nieadiag Bake slçowly for an heur and a haif.1 like the four-iegged bensts of prey, the water should ho emoved from tie, set the patclî aeatiy, taking cure te This cake ilaproves by koeping. thpthn cnodrgisvfi treientatolngontsraio match the twill or check, and sOw if Petato Saiad. - Cut about six, off te ifs lair te o enten ia pence and poured upea fhicocffee or ten or- doua se ns te mako if as neariy in- celd boiled petatees inte dico. MLX and at leîsure, but must deour if htvrbvrg si eadh- visible as possible, thon dampen on îith thoin the clîoppod whifos of!on the spohatvernberage I ta deaad mi the wrong side and pross on the tbree hnard-hoiied eggs. Mx t.. mediately. Se mnny people make the- rigf e c a hik cot. I to yiksnn n cat tasooMui0f ryhe hnter, if taLes this precaution in, righ ovr athik clth.If he ks ad ascat tasponfu ofdryorder te avoid boing kilod by mon! mistake of permitfiag the kettie te me- collar is bndly soiled lny if,0 on ite inustard and stir inte if a large cup or mauled, scrafchod, bitten, pinyedf main over the tire, wiere fie water table anad scrub with a sînali brush e! thick sour crenîn; ndd a littie wih and oftoîm sînin outriglif by Steame nand simmers. nway, wnstir dipped iin strong suds te ixhicl al paprika, pour the dressing over thej leopards. He stated thlaf if n leep-ý the goed watem la vapor. Tiose wioý_ littie ainmroîmia bas icen added and petafo and mix gently. No sait is ,,d r - ,,.ma, n ,ared on the ,,, +1, dink hot wter be hfn,'n breakfast. n