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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1903, p. 8

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DARLINGTON COUNOIL. VOLUNTEERS WANTED. Ç J ob 3OWMNVILE, UNE.10, 903 Tow7q [ALL, HÂMPTDN, May' 30, '03. A few recruits wanted in No. 8 Coin- lTfT 3OWANIM, UN. 0,193 ý_1 Pauy 46th Regiment, for camp at King- MM fired.W. ynh led, for asit Capt. No., Co. 46t h Regt. Zýý r. RatliÉ'"i'géig tothesuceWn-In nédandpretienteda North-West. certificate fromn Ur. ,Trehilçrick au to his EBENEZEIt. Rev. Jas. Batstone called on friends poor state o! health. Oamotion of We have a cure for eyery 111 if good, fresh, pure Drugs will here recently. Count. Paaseie seconded by Cour.TeSbahco'lniysr c- effeet a cure. When you do your Drug business here you may be Strawberrios promise abundant crop Wight a grant of $5 waa nade. J. H e sabllba c ha oow:an n ayr-Se vsNw sure, of in this section. Cmblapidfopenein OJune 14th sermons wîll be preached at hl e o Mr. Geo. Riekard was delegate ta change the water ov elt 30 and 10 30 a m., 2.3o and 7 p. m, by Rev. W. Conference at Oohbai a. 31-onr. 8. Requost granted, providedi B. Tucker, Orono. Singng by choir and if U - aiix d. ii-oaiieàn;ýssMrWi.eIts aanbrpr- the Township assume no ca in tha schooL. Collection in aid of school funds___________________________ Mýtcsr. W entoish ha tber para matter. A. Beach e1a!med damages ta On Monday June 15 at 2 p. m a juvenile Ourobjct lsandalwyswil betomak, tisas ooda latce r okand ais iqui ie , atonbuggy caused by defective clv,ýr£ ; cantata will be given by members of the Our bjet f an alays illbe o mke his s god plce r. ndainah Sam is arbing. toeallowed $2,80. The Treaiturer present- school entitled "The Fete cf the Flowers" as we possibly can in every way to deserve the whole o! the fudto ne i au ed a recelpt for renewal premium on Addres-es will bc delivered by Revs h r s a toe me d rutora e fahelan eesas apet i lty, l s tStble and driving shed built. hauded over to the Reeve.' A coin- trom 4o'cloek. Tickets 25c; chidren 15.J an must be sze ink rgsoeahl n eest.Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by munîeation was recezved from Alex At 8 p. m a lecture will be given under 13u a h Our prices are as low as any for PURE DRUGS and GOODS Stott & Jury, druggists, Lawrie docliuing the offce cf Pathma'- the auspices of the Epworth League by time di aws near we becom an ous OF HGIIQUALTY-e hve nthig ese i stck.It wll c a Mr. T, M. Gibson lest one cf his ter ; fyled. A petition wa5 recelved Rer. S. Cleaver, D. D,, pastor cf Sher.. 0F HIGII QULJTY-we hae nothing lse lu stok.steiwnll e a ' boum St. Meohoist churchnToronto, X e wilI nothesitate t suifer los torensor pleasure for us te have you try our goods. i, p s rîz inni oîdst ueW. Slgnd by oohn ewaellaay l Earigon "Jean Val jean". Amission xi5c. 'vewl o eiaetsfe th M8Stott & J ury. druggists. their dl,,atiefaction with the equaaliza- NEWTON VILLE. quick Sales. B argains for everybd i i 1"igg"nb^ ~~~~~~~new barn on the lýovekin,-farrn, made by the Couuty judge and praylng r Rv .Lws n aiydprmns U i ieadSoahTroubles eured that an appeal be macle iu order and Ms RvJG eiadfml byMiller's Granules. Sold by Stott & faîr and equal valuation- with other and her mother Mrs. Campbell, are Druggists, Bowmanvîlle. Jury, druggists. tnunicipalities inthecoantdes, LaidvstiantPot. poret.d. brmether, Mir.l4, J. Gibeon shipped a aetting af on table. An invitation was recelved rS. a n Tomtpo... . ue Johsto hsBronze Turkey eggs te Nova Seoia from the Wardeu ta attend the God Prt Hople, sTer sise r~Br R. M. f1ITCHELL, Manager. ~Why don't yentyaCreusLti Roads Convention te be field at Co- rie....W.PtikadfmlOhw J j j~ Livr ill? heyar poitve cure hu. nJune 3rd, no action taken. Wiitd ton. Pethiek's.Misen for sick headache, and ail the Tpo he Couneil thon resoived itsif loto a Adams, Bougard and Bassett, Oshawa, dueed by- disordered xiver. Onîr eue Court of Revision lu accordance with were recent guests cf miss Flerence M r ,~ ,pili a dose. the regu!ar notice wbieh hadlbeen given pich.... Mr. an-] Irs. S. Small, Port Miss Martha and Mr. Gao. Aill by the Ciekad arutenheHpcldonMadMm.J es ateddthe weddiugof their sister a! proper dec1arat!l n', proceeded te heai bitt. Miss Clara Robertson, Lindsay, afi s fé ~~~~Bowmanville Wednesday. tas appeals of whilch tber-e was en on- and Mm Geo. Malcolm, Stratterd, were afi sotin vrtiil Thattird, angud feliusul number caused by new valuations guests of Mrs. Mlilian.... Mr. and Mrs dispThatiot frt la gi elng, and"in Theaaaessinent o! the greatr part of hu Gilbert, Bowmanrville, were guests N o T i L k à dipii eon e efforthc n or ilb the appeais was confirmued.' The falle w cf Mmý. W. J. Tmenouth .... Mes. Peacock UU V.L~ Comnpound Iron Pille. Seld by Stott & Ing ebange4 were mad-Alex Smith and son, llarmy, Millbrook, and Miss3 ~$Jury, druggists. asesd a! $11,250-reduced $200() Bertha Reid, Toronto, visited at J. J.r As he ric ofothr bildng ateialle teailyMms. S. B. Seobel ileexpecting' hem Jas. Tr;ck asseÊsed at $600-reduced' Reid'8 .. Clarke S. S. COnvninwl sieerMis indae mo L ndo, ., $100 , Arthur Avtry $150)_dce be held hiere J une 1'ith in Preebyteria advancing. the dernand for somnething cheaper ie daily ~te sp end the Fummner with hbem. $200; Win. Little $4000-reduee Church..The Misses BeackB- Sbecorning more generai and nothing botter than . Cenent l0 Derangement cf the liver, with;econ- J-.S Willbaxua 12CO-redueed 100; W. s vymaea lly inthocer, w eeo ot o nsm hasyetben fun asa elibl stipatue.ion ijures the complexion, 4in- 8 Bragg $8650-redced $400 ; J. D. saueYite Ms.(l. Hugthes ictowraL tso g av BOt foane- bas yet been found as a reliable substitute. ~ ~ ~ duce pimples. sallow skin. Remove aoar $8500-reducqoi $500 ; S. . a.,.isBet Hcek Mis11e oo S4 O.an 'L J Fer sdewaks, loors culertsand slld asony .~the cause by ueing Cartem's Little Liver Brage $1700-reduced i$200 ; eo, Ar Eýhel and Mr. Frank Pcwer, and Mr. ais utrn Pille. One a dose Tmy them Aue i660-reduced $100 ; R. Celseutt a'dMeWC mnMpeGoeacB osaecnieal euei tl esl RATHBUNI'S STAR PORTLAND i Bel) Telephne Company will build a 4200-reduaed $200 ; W. M. Jnes Mrs. L Patterson, BwmanvilBe, arweredralyreucd £U-WlJ~INû ô IlUt UJ\LI-iNJJ ~ $ ne te Newtonville thus cnnueeting $1i,000-reduced $250; A. H. recent ' isitors at Gao. Hlanc" 's .r dom lose a sale as the prices surt owe . je the leading Canadian brand, For bank barns, stable floors this village with Orono and Starkville. $50-reduced 250() Jas, ori rTioalee c h onumentt..t. ~Am .ouoctwelAre you paie, $300-reducad $50 ; C O,,bomne $9000 laie Cap!. -N. P. K. Millilgan wae $368. :11and silo work. eM weakly, depmessed lun spirits, meiancholy -redaced $400 ; J Lord $2550-me à, tIfl'P, nervous and irritable ? TyMil- ducoed $ J.00 k'and sold, t) G WEAKLY flHILDREN. 1. JiMlItû IUIXULJ ~te'e Compund Iron Plilla. Solo by T. R, reductbon $1000. Doogi hav;nJ 1111 11 is lthe very general favorite and extensively used. We îStt!&Jn. , rugit. endbpAdcfh h. logprStteweycidrerly e toepT 11~It P i' frs toKo bt hoebansadMm. Wm Coulter enjoyed a famuly sos, were taken oüJ.M S r S, J.weefod, dees t hm nae goocuseU IU IV I L IJ haverecntl putlu frelietec ofbot thse band an W e-union On hie 8tb birthday Mav 3S E DerJJ. M~'î . lstîngýa t. hoeyfddotdies to r pemy. Keep .LA.J are prepamed f0 furnial i elher a! satisfactory prices, ais t iEblde rsetdhmwihahn. adyeb . Tni. STmne ppealsiavlg .1the chd nodigestv raemgtadi 4!.an expert t:) superintend their use, It will pay yen fa sce eorne se ils'ar tea service.anL.AleTe pasbaigiltecldd- usbe1foe aroizn tetrvelngsaema wo yuMr. Stevenson, taller of The Traders' be eî lhCuoiramd hnwililgrow up strmeng an i healthy, and it us bore a troniin g th ave ling a ll em a wh mayndBank bas beeu prom ted te Dutto n adeputation of the W. D. A.ricultural will nt cause Inother iuch trouble, cant W rodad again Weha eaiD ese d a n u fad andsed i M r.Sid Hughes succeede hm as teller, S Oiay, omPsed f Mezsrs. T. Baker, while it le gmwinig up. I le the weak Sof Wodan CaiChrcal Desed ndUnrese ~ and Mm. Staples, Pontypool. as j .M. A James, J. Daymao, S. Allin aud chiiden-the punnv blidren-that weam i~~Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mculdings, Sait an d fi l'Mr. Wý R. Douglas with' heChaud- A. E Clameas, addressel the CouncU, the mether eut carin3g for them day and Plse.Qaiyrgt rcsraoal._NAler-Massey Physicians Surply Co., bas m.equesting a granit of $100. on motion night Ail Ibis le changed when B'aby' vt he , et . e c ~ Plste. Qahiy rghf prcesreaonale.ed a more lucrative position with of Coun. Anale, eecondtd by Count Own Tablets are useci. They promote StdadBras , Buffalo, N. Y, Pa6coe, $50 was granfed Seuta dis. digestion, they give sound, natural lIA~ Q~ o ~CONOaRT' FOR TERI AGED-Jndglng cession was had n the dsatisacîjon sleep, they keep bab-,, briglit and cheer- LVI~~~1~IIQII ~~ ~'~-e9 from the lattera of people up lu yearas catised b>' the increase cf equaization fui. They ara gccd for eider children,Xehae odab u t otirs fo r KING ST., EAST, BOWMANVILf hresisnoe Medicine which sa pomptiy cf the as-esoent by the Couuy Jnaend!cre ly 2ec. te pottr th o! s tire sthavte al ancet coîts itsm tham 0f aches and p indu- If was fhua 1;decîdad Ihat tome &tepa se tamntadvo wilb Ssres ragnlamity cf the liver, kidneys ha takan with a view cf be'u. set off thankfnl aterwnsard Mme.fAehibasocltebaanecosit ~~~eS00 lVaod boweis as Dm. Chaae's Kidnay-Liv mfo h ouyo uhmada thank Sweeny, arleton N , Arys-i haveo etau ihs rcd od.id _________________________________________________Pills. Even when ail othe means hav ed te OS.arie count.1h wss reolved giveamd littiaone Babv'sOwu rablet failed aldi people eau tutrate this great to allow S. Cochranea te pcsfrih is and am more than pleasèd with the re. that the rnediu pr ed goa aegoe we T o -là I o u s e 13 T R O E m d ci w ith fu l assurance e! relief g ive l hn m Y mc alei lo s 14 su te I ca one u> ud he t e er i s il î r i urre u ceblep i cssî Ln 75 yo ng pople nd-a um br Thepe a e ofyhar.illat modthacon"3,That'sprethe ywa. IailotmotheTat'ste1ay il V o u t t 75aid ur eni e o pltea n ea be h- pe o Àbs vll g re p e sed w resoed te arned the B ylaw ap- who have used the .Tabets, talk., - L etic eier eruars cf the paronea- with tha houer confarred ou Rev. T. J pOclltiog Ptâthmeâters, by appooting Tliat's the wav yen wiil talk if voit wiîîb te u e tin ea nerane a beprsnge Edmison paster o! the Methodist ehurch D. idon bl mteatt. trete we rorltaeoasaearticles, WJC CIea neLÇrs. moday avnng June 1sf. Gams,s80- lha big elcted Prsideuf o! thaiay Lwi lc fJ rhrW n e eugtteTbesmmasfrranarticles-a sfew weksag wiw(o cial conversation and music erera joy- cf Quinte Confereuice. OLa Alae ofL.awml mspeoteW. RA dealer. or the il l et-by m ala cods, as sth ak ndiwall as9an Ae Lwierap they dalr cake wl b en anaidt o crtiletcls Wcmsýa Our Wall Paper trade Up served by the faim hostea, Mrs, MeMul- LoK ON THE BRGT SDn-The suffam. latter waa roesved from Measa, smp- 25e. a box by wrifing' the Dr. Williams be accepted, Con int s ekadm ke len, and hem sister, Miss May. Thebieudsorgo.Hlosnhe er from nervous exhanstion is gaueraily sou aud Blair rcopEc1ng resuit of at. Medicine Ce., Broekville. Ont..PC m n hsm e to the present time has f ar ouug people appreciate very much thie addsorgd amk ntatending hefuoe the Privy Ceuncil iunu o nbrgîs maur kinduessas cf Rai'. Mm. MeMullen dark sîde cf thinga and ffears pamalysis, reference t) change cf subwayou newwl arais exeddaypeiu erduriDig his three .i ears stay.with us, and Iceomotor ataxia Or iusaaity. Ail this ly c .R t .Alns aon --EDON exceededany prevons yearha gees te Trenton foltowed by the bas! is changad by the persistent use o! Dm. tla. W Gý . R - ain S. laied dam- u daanMoayl!weergh which spaks Mrs.John MutChase's Nervae Food, whieh gadually mmddm which speaksvolumes for iercf .....Mme. Jd ohn to, Viand oafuraily rakindies and evitalizéaes eR cpryb ulcps g over spots' in Kedrcn's history-it was the I our las ofpape weare~5 11.,. A aniata gana c fet hthe wasted narve celis and isisowhie lands. Referrad ta Coun. Wight. Sabbath Schao,'s anniversary ai tisuccess m a rrls s o fi e . . A D m a a d y u g a n e suo o b l lgd e id n i e n .TnC oesp l 3 O Oia d R r. J I a r î , evëg Thwl p a e e r was played Saturday vening b th v go nd ene gy into the whole sy afam Redve Brown mas authrizc.rd c dmin o a keàvy p r. a gacn r g carrmariedmenand_____mn,_____in ister ta the eiate of Mes. Coulter, a fions greeted Rev. D S. Houck, after- arY"î g. ino!olst yinfvoGf heoodsLN dcesd nigG arpetse pi 8 oô,an Rv JHetc.eenn. h lum eais...e, and rJ e he ,gENSIL .t rurer for wood isold ofroda- chiidreti sang well. Monday's proceed- 'We bave very nic e cee.,. Rero nMandnd MMulleA. fins inOa Wil.liams fuiemal ,lewaue bytha Raevo. On nmoton the ings begau about 3 p. m. Devetional T i eknv u u n h 11 ev. BoiatndMr.BanofMQsinA. ins Len.sa wa ...veitue Wioh Roeve was authorizAdta grant orders poceedings ewere conducted by Mr H ie.-i paper at th ree cents per roll Conference lu Oshawa.. . Mrs. A L. the lafa Mme. Boyd Sylvester on Suniday o~n the Tte burgy $2 80 ; Js-. WBlerorachfYio ereitantion ss hisho ten avep tie tv Woedloy, accompaniad by Mme. George was Yray tada d og atuagpie, a bita, $; H. W alpit-rgien y Ires Gerry, Checoa Acarpirtal. andheterone frm ive Mcluýý,hliiatnd familv, Oshawa, le!! tiens te MisLeona Williams,, who has sik road goade, 5 ; . WA. J, ameLoTniAtu oen rnel sortWts i ofde a ret tmmank cents upwil-ds, 'ý~~~~~~~~~l. B-F. beau re-eugaged as9 teachar a! S. S. No.A.Jms eToknArhrPgnFrnc1P cent uphrd. Gadinr, iekerd, Na Onari.... 17 a! an inereaed salary, .... Mm. David grant te Agýriceitural Society, $50; Luke, Howard Van Dy, Egrlvr Mm. andmMe ies.C epe, Mr&,S. SBrunt-has pumcliased the Dr. Potter G- A. Se ls umbeÏ,$114 56 ; Dr. Rachel Power, Clarence We,'rry, John iRoom Mouldng a n d BnM i ss Jle ee iha a ndam. . Mr,. Heov Aehton fas 8pur- Teîcesrie .o . 2 0;Lee,, -erma Lee, Nai' Ostie, Oliver Miss Ho wld a in erl s haw Sn dh sd MmCh.eou t y'pfm near ditto m dicine fr indlgentst, 3 50(;) N Dearbom, Howard Glover, Maggie Curtan Poes t -mach. r uhew mbe rs eeindth B-Haîon t. ... Mr. John Heekin is under C. Rundlie, burial o! ÏNIra. Cocher, $25; Gýaver and Vt 1111e Couiter. Six httie Curtin ole tomath. omt LegneEriay venng. Dr.'s camsa... ,T. Craig lias bull! an ad- W. Nixav, dggiug grave, $2 ; H. C . maide in white gave a nice dialogue.fl e C ut i s "Your friand, Mra. --le iocaing dition te hie residanea-.... F C. Van- Hosir, burili plot. $1 ; Indilz-uts, J. Singing by the schooi abiy asslsted by m ' i zy y ~ ucb improeaiilu lialth." -Yes, we stoue'a farinais fleur, aiwavs lu stock a! C,,uoh $6, Janet, Visj3n $5, NIrs Mfiisses \X ebber and Lulu VanNest under a e-utc 111 'E' ~~~~persuadad lher te tri' Miler's Compound Wottan' . . .. Street commissioner Jas. Sproule $4, Mrs. Rase $4,Ms.Lnthdieio cfm.RJ.uewa UV I ~ jjj~jj~ Ltou PUIS, with the raault 3>on observa," Pye ahal u idw hrourl $,RMBatn 3 . ekn 25, nanetndir e cellnt MT.h. ue rctn lor coceo 125ad$150 C ra Ili Ab t! uy mgit. renovafed.. .. The manv friands o! Mrs. Mrs. Holdge $2.50, Win. Lynchi $5. and singing were far abeve the average 9 co eof 1.5an $ .0 Calvart will leamu with pleasuma tbat She Counicil adjournad te Satrday, June consideringflic age o! the reciters. The B él0POIEC.is fast reeeveing frein hem receut ill 27th, at 10 a. M. pwt orct . ic ln MuiApciated IG O POV1ENE.nesa.,... Mm. and Mrs. Wotten visited at H.ELLOT, a. peec EitoA Jamesf 'Bowman. 2A P Tuwnsb. H E L O R k. vll, a ciar an Th e ca eual CAMP T KI QSTONI în o f Provi ence churli wee a A M PTO , __ ____ _____ __ t tel ies! -14 And T -esric ., ha o iero ý,n;ýyan vi luett Dr. fallnxy aunfenng, and soosetmes fthe urnary ./- hearRer S ouck The istict ocu.Thepr gain ommttcewasretire net overcorse by tliem-to feel Iîf ov. A. R. Daive Dalyr mpie, vieit- trouble would lie se liad that I would hv - nonsterpi oic at Hampton. about Aug. Mrs. W D Bragg. The ladies of thL. bas inade thonsandspeople, men and M -ub Lotte and clHarri t-t ýon tunateiy, I bga using Dr-. Chaàs'Nidnc- eneyerfart.pe s lting p rh s r 28th iv'nplatforto spcak ng 9boafing, congregation have flic eputation of setr- women, welandstog,has acccinpjisi, New ve, v h yated tier Un cie, Me, Liver Pulis, and they cured me compleîely. en v rfi top aslth foot bail and base bail matches, gaines, îng excellent feas and flue eue was ut' ad a great work, bast-owiug the mîiche-3t 1Wn'.9 O rsOldnan h, 110W )o bu et ,wllli ndlgdin iEcserre the exception. Many complinienfary e- blessinga, and that medicine lsleHot's 'WIu-,. ear cd, ndqeie cllne, bt- dlate ai a bg tint;e ý)etepecd marks were passed on the decided im- Sarsaparilla, Tlie waak, i-un-down, or NIr Ea rd SWissMon, BManuf luiio udsf111ecci oaii uer.theerpil te keep m te wocd work n etsgaieciigfe otk9t1!b.isu h wholeM'.Siso ney- Liver Pilîs have been eqcaliy benefited." O hildren Ory for decomatcd etc., whidh inakes if rery at. s> stem, changes existence infe lifa, alid Mr.Win. J. Sealeln lootsd near D.C~esKde-îe us lccifr ftractive. A football match duing the makes life met-e abeundiug. We ave,%VW1e ipet. of old age, eue pili a dose, 2e5 Cents a box, s! l Jafternoon betwî cu Salemn and Providence glad te say f basa words lnu tt favor ta IM lue Rcby lSpink., gisent Of Miss- ail dealers. Portrait atsd signature of »r. TJe.s o aIMF resulted in fayot- of the former. score 8.6, fte monderfi et aur coltuns. "ad MoOU'lagh, bas retistned home, W. Chasse on cvery bo& ± i : J L L U IL O

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