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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1903, p. 3

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tIi. Ja is, Uer of Marriage Licoases leeldecce: Ei treet. 8131PSON & BLAIR. rý . nSfIlIPEON, Q. C, CHtAS. P. BLAIR lriei.Stiietois, Notai eg, etc , AMoriij uIî, ilîslirg St et Bowmaaîvblle Pubrtic fo le Os feue , ny. PrIvaten mC< »y Fira, d'Stg lest atet Lr!e'tl 0jF1dfCl(i IIg St., oppîo%île tir. ilarîtdetu' lPeliaiRoom5l, Bowmana'slle13C TLFND 0 VU0.00 uMgocd mort- DEINTIMT. W'il o e Back-'ock o e ftiset Monlday eoeflimenti, t t Crono 2url Mhoitda ,-ah Sa, , anS u t Newcastle lIs Wednesday froni 2 p M., Orî"n:-eînenac13t., Bowraan-l 'vîlle,rear ef lliggilioütlam's drug'store C. HARN£'DEN L.D.S. Grac7nate of Ltise Pot-ai College ot vental 1'_ýurgeOns' Ontaio. CIllEQpposite T igan' office. Alw'ys U -date Thtis is iy motte :-Eac-a ear as the new improvments are placeS on thse Markect, 1 alWeL3c 'Make il 9 apecial peint te spare no e3xpense lun eqipping MnY 1,401p itth îe let geods anS appli- anegiving MY 1patrns e pportLunities 4ur;es 4A snpply cf hgli-rade suit- dries a!lwaý s kept lu stock. Brazing. £naeiigGrinding antI Generai Repa;ie workr, Tire vulcauizin,- a tipýeialt v. Your esteemed D.-atrenage W. FISHLEIGH, BOWANVILLII. Èanlket Square. Lake Ontario Ntîvigatio -i Comparny to Toro9to Steampr ou route F111 IAY, JUNE 12; every Tuecday ni FriSay tlowing' Leaves INE WCASTLE 6,30 at. m. t OW MA1N VILLE 710s. . " OSH1AWA .00 ai " WIITBY 8 45 . ra. ArrivinZ iluTorontoaut 11,15 a. Li. R'eturning leaves Toron to ut 5 p m.. Newcastle te Toronto antI retutru 7. c, Whlýy and Ohawa 13e Th moa y le extendei, go o the sesson, et' cyl- etfcatAloa te Pnir.Meal anSclatroon ne UClp IVt eurmv sreo h appeared in 1895. These crops include ,ryoe, whent, aif- causes for emnigration, but roniedial In Its departmnents the newi magazine alfa, crimson and other ciovers, wifi be comprehiensive. bright and Ire oats,, Canadian Ifid peas, cowpcas, acetion in 1903 ils like slutting the plete with valuablo suggestions. Col- E;oy bearis and sente of the millets. stable door after the horse lias been umne 0of excellent fiction fyrm pens of About one and one-haif tons are stolen, ominent writers, with several pagesi avse vr onn tour sta- each issue devoted to new nmusie by tien to supplyv t1,ho bord for the day. prominent composera at once estaýbjis This is rakod wt a heavy horse The llousehold-Ledger upon a high rake, bouded con to.a 10w wagon, and When niai ds worl, by fli, heur, as plana, fa tne home fildit. ted te the cows in a tacre field some rophetic souls promis, ,and Tu theso days of cnetrtono erfhyaetrnSery or- asj thïy do Pucsfly uBsothiig could p'i'ove rmore attractive to îgfor ex1' ýers. B ii nt tthh 1 iehead -that weu rs oue41ered-gpblct1a teuniting of teei rcial owst n Zus-these Iio edn pbiainwhich. oVory square fnl of thefarm, wifh 1rw u ntes 01iSneder a Jingc sabtcrîption price isthexpio0fhactern,1 îillow. -But at present this head the reador the best elements of each, kept at i ts ges productive ria- hordlý. knows a inomenf'is peace, for Office 97 Libecty St., NewYok pacity luïi,(sturbl.d by. flic etrcading ____________of aimis Tolad Sevoted to the servant problere gi'ows more- forage xprieuisIs divided into vexations, anS the servants fhem- TELLING TREES' ÂGES. acre plots LanS special f orage rota- selv es more scarc anuS more Ses- Acrt u sSiit eb tions have been stuidied for a num- 1 Acurat WaylisSaidto B byber et years, If Sas been possible potic, The trouble lies inflie tacti Girth Mfeasureinent. some seasons te secure f lrce crops that there i, a period of transition, "Th1e only accurate way to estimi- on the sanie land and the perenal ot change iii regard to doniestic ser- afie a tree's age is by the rneasure- pleut, alt alfa, lias freqiently given vice, and, whereas one bousekeeporý ment Of ifs giefl," said a botanist. os ftve cufffngs la oneI seasen. This Th5e counting of the rings of oxo- hune of work lias poe valuable lu st I eplyaeu grlfo al orgenous trocs eau only Se applied te, showing flie posibîýiýi t is of intensive lier noeighbor across the way allows.1,sucS as are cut dowu in their primo, farm practico under good average thehUe to be drawn aI flic front for these trocs, when tbey begin f0 conditions, For ciupe crops of stopis, ai the windoits, anS lnuth die, cease to add their yearly rings. rye, oats anS poas anS soy beaus lauudry. Thon the mnaiS of ail work Girfh< mensurement la fli couly sale whicli tollowed oc other lu close guide to the age of trees. suc-cession on1 the sauie land te ineets, in the hours of vefing leis- "Ilenco, ail over the world, bof- samne season, gai oe a total yield of ure, the muid of limniteS work; the anfsts have now for somlteyenrs been 24 tons of green forage per acre. seed of discoitent fa sou n, and by neasuring trocs of known anSdlin- Again, crops 0f wheaf, cowpeas anS ylhînown age, comnpiling flua, a volume Japanese millet produced 22 tons; the timo Uthe Sousekeoper cornes doi\n ef stalistics thut will become more aise ryo, soy boanljs andI barley 21 in fthc morîîiog 1V is a flurishing and more valuable as if increases lu tons. Aýf alas yielded as high plant bloomiig lu the kiteh(-O. But size. as 26 tons oftîgeen forage in one ail tîtis will bc changeS when flic ',Th e4W ils flie longest ived'ot season trou ive cuttinigs. maidw4ois aidby te hur ndfrocs. Trhroe fot a century, eur sta- A COM11PJLETE RATION. umi h spe b 5 oradtistica; show, is ifs normai growth. Theo reIfrgi traisîod te do what la required of -According te, this rmie, the Fortin- pre daite0fgreof og l hier aste ho Sad for the asking or gal yow, of Scofland, which waa 56 prev idiugtan abundauce et rogis frtetouchîug et an lectrie but-'fot lu girf h in 1769, must haveugtlogiufSerinsao, fo lcliveS over 1,8100 years. Tho Tic- as ivoîl as Vioc rel1ative cheýapnosa of ton. \V'len iili these hopes ho re uyyw aDroîhri 7ie ertain of tilItem, maL-4 the question alized, anS wliore la that prson of in r yo, nS hodho iterfe et ofwhether the ruiay net cOnsfitute geuius who la te soive tic preseuf 1,200 ycars old. ltraineannfrhrSapu- dificsîtes mateifinîosibl fr There, is a table efthefl geofe ticable eue - thuf isz, whether if fa difieiltLsrol it nipssile or airs thiat differs teom this. it la flot practicuble und profitab)le te, use iacompeoccY te flouriali or te ic- a very satisfacter abe1bt fwa oiling cropa ex.Lcusîvely a-nd tu fate, and cause cusrpeteucy to hoi a coinipiléd freinfrees of kuiown ugo, trac 5 eost e pasturage forgoe cncuson n ildoresieandI, therefore, If la, stai icaî!anS for purdliascd toda.An experi- foognecoclsin u h omsteverlv valuable. Accordiuig te it, a ment was carneS eout ut this sta- sevc?40-year-old eak had a circornitrenceo , fiil iC teule thelicinfluence of cigli fefot; 83 ycara, 12 feet- 100 Of a ration coasfa ntirel e The ancestral mabogany bedstcad years, 18 fot; 200 ycaîs, 20' fot, forageanod oifsficenem, ofa cmp ae that a iîo an onore ornaont1 250 vears, 27 feet; 300 yoars, 33 tSaeScnsfngtnmiSr- ta so1wanbnrdonnetr feef." tien et green foaunS-fine fbcd. evcry tunu1ly Sud Sut litsaugo anS as- .--,. The forage ratlion consisteS of 100 sociation te rccoîirncnd if, but .0f It the girls were as fastidious' iu pounids ots unSd ou.and the for- fthc bequeutiied Sedstead et the fu- flic selection et a hiuaband as fhey ugo and tocS ration ot 60 pouuids ture if wlll hoe saiS iiet ouly thut are lu fthc scioction et a new liat ouf s andI poas, tire potinda wheut there wîvould -ho balsmatrimonial brant anS fhrec poundas ried lieew- ,lif belouged te grandrîuot hr," but trouble, ors' grains. Notwifhstandiig Vise thnt '"it was mrade by grundinoth- relatively large bulk of the forage or."15emakng t oc'sownration, tlio animais consumreS if fac.WaSreadily and ne unfavorable elbects nifure is now arcgnizdoSestîc upon f Sir lScaîtS iworc noticeS, indcusfey, and l iese Sui;,dys wlicn hoi tegain b wcglit was eue \vwtsnta' hall ,w seat, instead aîhtly ics faîî for tlie ration con- et oiu t flc frutur delo's e ltsparntslicasse liassiend uîct ~ sisfing etforage anS focS. Milk geVeue itla usîniry-te et re e ~ cre Fotiwlfa pieetîl rsuis.freni flicforage anS teeS Oration iras Chee5produced aut a coat etf 46 cents pcer fli wokshp nS roae ee. If a.Goe .Btsîi Lake Street, 100 anS frein lic fo-4'Irage ration ut a is ill lIl oï 1i', ern-Peterboro', Ont., states:," Onîe of eny chil- ceaIt 39 cents p1-r 100). Th'e re- deaboy otaboutbbifteeo yearî, did flot have suit fs thUcexporieufindicated ocrtie cru in fo sot epresio, ood lieath for a year or i ore.He secised fiat green fora-ge of flle sanie gcîî- nu, oeras U aljited n( junIboer te have noeecgy, was, weak and languiS anS oral coiniposition as outms anS poas et eope cn pur qrt thirsouls suffered freai nervoumnesa. Tfhe Soctors said mnay.soî'ie as a.etr ration, for boe r uuy li outat 1SeM'as g9ewing tee fait, Sut we became Siry cows vwbtillf injuir f0 filic bu ,vhnets, alasonied about hini, anSd nnîî nSa)acnidrbling expess flcî c;is sns cto. ) ,. began esing Dr. Chaîie's ilutfliccelt f01 rtheugli fli couse f i e-w worqhip et tise - -Nuve Food. It was flot yields han mco l î-gndodby gna a longutil WC noticed a MY-E LIHLYREUCD blilIi1, hig - .reat chânUe in bis con- bol a assin t aS w hil thes hUgion. Iun sappeti e ibu. It la Lsenf laitoSCC55 fi clrand socuti. ccame milk islasolS it r--,il, fits U salepoo leokîdy nesf togrand Sealdliier. ply etfsii Le h nfîia5cniu empopucu fe iie ana. oti Ieis!; 1iusing the Nve ous Iu nodre tho ehieaUn i oîity tiore l a dopor ignifcaîicFooc cl we are perfect- fbrin qpîl e i, i aneesi briu hi ot'ineesanl ho.!Ycnfdnttaile s t v IauitorîI ii apîyo cd înpoigrigh eg~ fid ttorcrse h sr toh hiegionthrslsosoPte f aserB-9b Aude tt reaaint" gedaiy o1%gflc, sas(i-sow cotsat a ntrsis l her Dr haes eveFodis retblo iiieiaiai n l tSeprctofe woîc uS leu es t lie ii en bildr nS ere esîraroe 5 cntsa oxtîili fei bods Se pbicipll t orl sr.agusweifo li utr " Ildalr, rEdsuoBae ai CanirouartndsîpvU)rIlo Toroto. o prteetyen gaint iitatons s whre 1eufoage rcp1,ios 5 i a liaS. lachirterial.Yet the movement lu Keep flic troughs cdean, uud give fifdieton1 frn 1fite the piga pleuty of geed, eca w- tatiancio n S sn igieus alan- ter. Runniug Wafer i1not noces- apeint nlien areligius siduauyd sary. M71ison'a stream Sbas becoinepon.O threios dnay contamiîîufed wif h choîcra germa î i Chriafiaus tavrrtfhe returu et the frequcntiy carnies flic diseuse te 'ail Jews te the ?Hly Land; as they lie- taernia lying belôw.- - lievo f Sut prophccy points te sucS a Ahi suali grain sbeiild lie groiiud returu betere flic second coniing et betoro tcedingte lîogs. Christ. Oneacr, o solig copswil s'p- Some iutcrestiug tacts arc giron One Creetaeiig c raiviliaup- liy the EdinbhîsgiRevbow on this numbel'r e oi-unlg oues. Five acres Ps ne.-JwiLr Imigatin t lu geed condition wil pl y 5Pýý 72 Piue ane, syaflc evc "on sew.s togeflie wit tise 1pigs. (fothfnes lupace ne teaspca o couseitisundrsoo te - sens,1,000,000 francs a year ou tien,. 'e tTurkey, anS ethler philanthropie sa- Iu weuning pigs roniove afw fclies.The lafeaf phase eft f is theystrante oe, anS sfe onaunîlimigration, knowunas the Zieniat daysa fe mor, ad soon utilmovemeut, lins fer its abject te re- alI arc t uken uwuy. . v ive flic Jewislî Stafo hy purciaslug 'Wlen tise piga begin f0 drink give Palestine freni Turitey. The usove- themn ki m-rilk or a flua .alop et nient, tisougli condenirsed by soute as waf or unS shorts, Utopian anS ridiculeS by ethers.as HOMEINSUANCECOMPNY. sentimental fa enigin, possessos con- ROMEINSUANCECOMPNY. siderable intcrestfofr, the ufipre- judicod observer of Eatern affales. Our esteerned citizen Mr. Thomas No oneo bielas wafcised if s groivth BingSaut, J P . well-knowu as tise Boss eau doubt ifs pructicalimiiportance. Insurance Agent, lias sliowu us somne SULTAN FAVORS ISRAE L. recent iiterature issued by that success- fui organizatien, Ths Home Insurance "Aitlieîgli fli Sultan is nof Pro- Company ef îîq Broadwvay, New York, pareS te grant alil tSut Dr. Ileezi whicl tisa ear celebrates its semi-cen- Somanded, there la sufficient greunS tennial. Tis Comppny after.ach'eving te bolieve wîtis Dr. I1ezl fliat t5e success in the U. S,, decided Tu 1902 te uegetiutioîîs willl ust probabiy, ut1 exteud its operutions te Caiîada and ne distant rinme, lbaS te a conclu1-. ,ýlfcxico land if thse cher towns in tthe sin safisfacfeey te flic Sultan anS,1 Dominiion have received le compuny as the Zioniats alile. This hope is tavorably as this town lias flic resuits streugthened by thec Sultaîî's utti- this far seem te justify thse undertaking. fude toward the Jews, which lu ifs lTeH-11omce Insurance Company is now benevolence contrasta cuiously with trausactiug business in ahi 15e States and tise froatutent motoS eut te lis Ternxitenies [excelit New Mexico] anid iin Chistian subjecta. Twe years ugo, Canada and M exico, issuing its policies ho appoinfcd enembers et the Ilebrow through coee ,ooo agents andI covering commuubty te important posta lu more t1ian one thousand nililions of tlie Tuo-ish army, while lie attacis- property. Its aLsç,ttsexceed $17,000>00000 ecd twe moi-o to 515 personai entour- and its net surplus, over andS above ils ugo. On anotlier occasion bis Mai- capital et $3,000,000-00, is nota more thasi osfy evinced a liireiy lterest Ou bc, $6,oco,ooo ou, andI its reserve for un- huIfotesaumo race whose geod re- earned premiuns anS ail other liabilities,1 pute was gsalieS by oeefeth1e blood nt includinz capital. je over $7,500,000 accusationis periedically breughti Surely tis ilaa splendid showing. The agninst fhe Jews by the Christians Homne Insurance Company titis closes etf the Eiat, anS causeS flie local its record et 5o years et such success a s autlierities te take stops te prove ifs falis te thse lot of few conspanies, and no grouudlessneaa, tliereby earning flic reason is apparent why audio success thanka efthtie Angle-Jewiis Associ- shceuld rot be continued, in thse hlnf- ation. century upon which ît is now entering. "Perliaps ifta ste flua incroasiug As an indication of the vçluiie Of busi. tarrof the Jewa la ftho eyes etfflic uess received by tise compauy ilu 1902 me Sultant, anS flic conacquont four et mnav say thut the preinîums amounted teoOpposition te Russîu's deýsigna in $7,33,27.f plstin, ltat w'e niust ttbibute a stop iultclJy talonby fliclitussian ELEPITANTS AS NUIISES, Geeine Th e misistr of fin- an1ce lareoreSte have teýrbdden Saune et the worninOf eSiam tn- ficsuie etfUic Jeishl clniltrust trust their children te thse-caneetOfshares bu the Czar's dominions,, a, ciephant nurses, anS if la saiS thut stop which'hlas created groat per- flic trust la> neyer betrayed. The turbation lu the camp et Pouash babies pluy about tise luge footet OfZoniaf a, flhe ioat deeply inforeseeS tise ecphanfa, wlie are very careful in fthe coucern."ý 1nover te hurt thoir litI ho charges. AnS if danger tUsecateas, flic saga- clous animaàl curîs flic chid gently LOCAý1TING OR1E. up la ifs trui naiS sw'-qins-if'ap anS A ucpw meflod et dlscevering hd ouf of liarin's way upen ifs owu of ore hiSSen underground, lu wiiich bnci.electricity serres for a detoctive, i8 ~'saiS te hure met ivitîs somo aucces lnaluie% anS lu Cornwall. A current of heh ols n,tnl,- 30,00 or more Le yo les oîîr foc ,sd-iu vour hedroqni- W isns jvolts - ba led f0 fîve metal îedaset lu tue grotînd. Front fliese, lunes et force sîîrcud la ail directions, atîd cau ho decectod Sy imeana et a foie- phîlonîc receivercoun, f itifh un- ter pair' et xnc' jl roda, xlilcl-nuay l'oe plaed listany desired position. ii n no sonaur only veîy faint rutes, at-nliue, lait act indicates- a ricflocfie i etheflicnoiaaoetforce, anclrI by siffbng flicplace et tise re5s tho iînýoecff thc usetalici 11tu1ew Iii podoce flic Scflectioiý- 7 z nedi!ieaIinowes No. 2 s'o peciai castà-10 eeg etir~ge-tbe~ dollars per box. as ffll plUls, mltares and Iil"titlos dxd darru.No. 1 and No. 2 are siold ana recomu,ýieuded by all drgggtoinlu Ja l mnion of Capada, Mailed teoany adciresi on receipt cf pr-ce anaI four 2-cé_nt otq No:. 1 R110 o.2 are e oW injuw a- viil ý l bV J ý. . dDnr W; (, Gc Stt u adt li i botbana& 8 C ugit. Notice to Ceios .iN TH1E MÂTTER of the Est aie of ANNM3ARTYV, late of the Town of Boivman ville, County of Durham, widow, deceased. X4TOTICE IS UEREBY GIVEN pur- ,~ suant to Rpvhsed Statates of 0 itar1î3 18N, ehaptet' 129, that ait persons hadink caima ajutthe estate of the a4oe med &n ISatyi, decacwbio died on or abcut the " t d y "" f M a y , ]%, S , à t t h e T e wv n « t w ' a ý Ville, ae beeicy rcqaulred n or before the ith da fJn,1903. Io send by ýcst reýraid or dclivtrcd te I. F. Hunter, SDIleotor f-relo-nU, Cbarie.3JeiVell andAlbert SfiaeV tijiey,the execnuors c'the latI Will and Teîtmta lt (ani ciclthereýto) of thce aid deceaseli, a ztate- rýl1 fa snîiog îcrified umider cilS ,lhoiing thir eirista udsurneaica, eddremseg aut deeiitafuit partiealars oft their claims cdthe 1nature , rfth1e eeuanty or fseceri1le» (if ny) hel ytiha in mlrespect thereef, jAND NOTICE 18 FURTIIELI HEREBY gýi e htate i d 27th day of June, 1903, t eh aiA executor wilfl proceed to distribute h5 seata of the estate of the saiSd decaqel ainoüi;ir Le pet ties entitled tliçrteto. haviec regard oniy te thee lafis of waih i c ai 5 have beeni given as above required. A l thse saiS executors sacii fot he iiablecfor aoyà (lati or for lte selS assetsà or any par( thercot te cny persetsavr persoais, firme ÇÉ co.1reratimio e oc caiEpt or daims Nctleeg sha , iot have becia by tisea recved at the la-t lientioned date aforesetd, and sultS perope9, shai1 beïëereüipterily excladed from 1the IbeneS et sucli istribation, DATED at Bow manville 251h day of May, 19091 ALBET rSIDNEY TILLEY, F. Hanter, their Solleitor. 29-41g ONEGRADuE OL OF TATHEBc T roni --, o eil ae m? in tL,ý C-ablrr, 3 an& S¼d adBgge ru 1 aç- Buggies Pbm 7'7 uleeLy fvEHSRE mwmzwzmmmcmo 03EWÊÉE

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