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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1903, p. 6

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.1 1 W tIWANT A GOOD RELIA BLE man to, act as local Salesmian, je îour Istrict. The position Is a permanent nte aud offers large pay te any wide- awake honeot worker. Ail our odsarte ~I guaracntee. Wewant t. deal oeluy witlathoseýb I ~wha cti.appe odpsition dand re- A reentusfa8 . e Ingrui ou and uns P. LAO FOE.iTroto Ont 2 - m DI ES30.P LE R O S tronbersonsdl ahs.t1o1vkfrcoW al rf Pr tuse d~a bl ed eee ye s anI wt a . . Se ar 'ag ctalto alS 8upanteecat e teNwYYk Stt xeia hous 81 aftraveli<dng expeesesand boeSlis à gl rf F ,ý1wr advanced In cash eacli -week. Experience net "hairy root." Afected trocs ha essential. Mention reference andi enclome self- few, if any, large branch roots. 'T aiddresedenpl pe.THE NATIONAL, 334 Ilearbore St. C 0cag 18-4m roOt System cuasists of a anlutitu of vory srnall roots which spring rosettes fre'm the sorrewhat thie NOTICE, 0F SALE. cd nmain root, giving it a 1rusly hairy appearance. Affected trocs a worthless for planting. Under and by vîrtue o! the powers contained Olle nurseryma tolfi Prof. Ste le andIgiven by section Fourteen of an i'ct art that hee bas known this trou) 17especting tfh e properiy 0 f religions Insitntio S(l .0. 184 Cap 807) there will bc for 50 years; anether bas kiiowa offered for ale bv nubile anction on for 40 yoars; and it appears thi MONDAY THE IITH DAY OFJULY, 1903 mc iny inurserymiea are more or le aIthe hourcf two o'clocl< in the afternoon et acquaiated w ith it. Yet wo do n the office of A. E, MeLaugblin in the.Bleakely kaow Of any pYublished accout »lock, in tec Town of Bowmanville by L. A. such an applo disease other th; W. Tale, auctioneer, ihe followu rpry that gi-ion by Pirof. Stewart, w ,aml: Ail and igler ha vertin iarel 0or tract o.flaIrtnd o asa: ;"bl puisa fi ~rmiesstuteIYing and being in the town Of Occasioixally found in the maijori vimn ville in the Couety of urham and of te nreisifWsenN Province of Ontario containir g by açlmeasure- ho urris fWstnN nment one acre andI thfity onee sds De the saime York, we have net beard of aay nu zmore or 1.s whicb may be known as follow.î, sery where it is suficiently b\ as vlz. Comnmeining ai the North E-ast angle i-Yyaud, ý haies anj six links fro ilihe Conicessione une te cause appreciable baos. Perha Ionrh on LibertyStreethben South two chaina; One trce in eachi 500 miay ho affect Theisce Weterly five clais and six-y three witls halry root. Nurserymene lîiks; Thence Nortberly two osains and tiventy IrlicaiThne1 a-erP-ive--chains - rett>7-goerahy 'agrcoýd ht-tt-ho 4i SIX13y thre llnkà to th lc !bgnig e shows itself on tho see(,dlinj ing a part of lot njumberp Eleeýn la the drst and las nxucli more comimon aine:, cones8sion of the Township ei>a )rington Dow part of the Towvn of Bowmawnvllle, aii known western grow-n seedlings than aiose] as Ille anée property. homne7greWll ones. The nff(,cted s(e TERMS-Ten lier cent Of the purchase money . lingaS are usually rojected at t] ~be paid down ai the trime o! sale. balance ty u om r a pi othe Veidors' Soli(,itors within thietO cr-fting branchbu-sriaeps ^sy from day o! sale The prope ty wll be cd only te be discardosi later wbE offerce(1 for sale 8ubjeet to a reserve bld. the trocs are dug for the msarket." Dated at Bowmianviile ibis Eightb day of A troe affected iith huiry rot A E Mc1UG03.N May at tbe sanie timie sufer froas o 24-4w. 4SoMLio fr he Tuste1tcka of woolly aphis or crown go _______________________________or both, but in the nsajerîty 0f cas( ___________ eilher 0f the latter two diseasea ipresetisOwing tant the hairy ro( iadiict disease. Soiue thir it a censoquonce 0 graftiog. h V this cannot 1ho truc, because <it e, cuLra on budded trees as weli asc - A-V grafted ones. Sonme believe that Pl ROJMPTlLY SLECLURqED0 la miore comion on liglit souls, whi Wiefrour interee;t;igbok et others say that tise character of t] or's Hlep" and Il Hw ycu are Fwlndied- s oil niakes ne ditlerence. It aeccu SensI usa rougi, sketch or niodel of yotsr in- to bececnfined te tihe apple. TÉ veuio oisprveset sd e sl iliy Ccause is unkaown. INurserynmî free our opinion as tb wbther it is p!robebliy bl heoth okufri. gatcentable. Rejected applîcatIons haveoften? 505 bco1telokutfr t ea successfuliy prosectcd by ns. We conduet fully equipped oflilces lu Montreal' T FSE RUR and Wasbing*,ethisqualifies ns 10 pronîpî- T OFSTIOTU ly dispatch woric andI qsickly aecenre Patents~ While the general practice is toecu: ufýîhd.1bro-id as the invention. Righest references tii ate mierely> te kili weeds, th Patents procured through Marion & Ma-1 imeat progr-essiveo farmera are inmal Î1in rerilve s5peclal notice iithout charge in? i1ýg use of frequent cultivation t Ovter I.C. scwspapers distrihutcd throughout conserve moisture. Thore is mies SSpeclalty :-Patent business of Manufac- or bs mloisture at ail times in th tues nI fgincers. subsoil, andsi it is hero that t) ZYAAMON & IMARION plants get onoiugh i1catr te carry c Patent Exýp*rta and Solicitors. groWth threugh the summe»kr. Thi Off Nw or LleRd'i io fa wator is brou ght te the surfac Atlsnt3c Eld,Wastlngton D.C. through w-bat is known as capillar ___________________________attraction. The capillary tu-boa, a tbey are cora-nsoaly- cailed, condue the, waterte the surface, andl wha is net used by the plants, is thti lest by ovaperatien. The Object la intensive cultivatie rZ> is te 'break off, as it; were, these ca à ~ pillary tubes near the surface, si that the water will hc prev.ente, from ovaperating. ' a a short tisas howvever, new tubes are formed an, evaporation continues, but if culi - - * vation la frequent, evaporatiesai kept ia check anal the planta us , -.)ast ef the wator brought freinhi -low. Aayono who bas lifted board, a stone, or a pile of rubbiqa during a dry periesd is impressoi iith the meoisture which bas accurr ulated beneath it. The samp condi J tien will ho Sounid in a fieldI fre queatly cultivated.. The surfacý soiSla made a muleli, which beldI WAIU luriag a very dry season whiel provailod a few years cge, Rolan. 1torrill, thc well-kaowa peach grosi or of Michigan, kept cultivators am SiirHadehBIllOUgeIOS, Dys-l harretws geimîg tbrouighbis orch peps1a, Coted TËo11911, Foui Breath, ards everyy for a pjeriod of soi Heart Burn, Water Brash, or any ora weeks. Althiough tho dest fies Diseasýe of the Stomnacb, Liver or Bowels, oiii cie î s, o cnserved th asmists Lstxa-Li-ver Puls are purcly vegetable ; crof fruit whiých seld Ifori'vr nither gripe, 'wca1len cor sickcn, are easy riuadroddolr per ac-tre, 1rbereaý ta, take and prom)pt to act. bis aei,-bbors in adjoiing orchards ___________________________who dd net cultivato, obtainec practically no0 cresp at ail. Cultivators, harrows or wceder shiouid ho iniade te work shallow not o-vor two inches deep. If bec cropsarnie cultivated two or th.re( &VINtines- a week, f air returna nsay- hi TO TI as this. It is esseatiai that cultiva- on bc gi n iiodiately fe v Iraisi or shoer, in oilder to conservc ail the ineisture possible, anssIte provent its evaporatien, v'ich take at th falkswing Return Parez place very quickiy at such a timo. Iosstiti-eOnlietial. lHaadbook on Patentâ u f. Od gene for securing patessîs. Paens aientlrouaima &Co. recls'. Opeci-tc, iilthont charge, la'Ihl $cieutiflc I FAn deai WoniaiVs MOdIClilSa * So Says Mrs., Josie frwin, of' *325 So. College St., Nashville, Tenn., off Lydia E. Pinkliam's' t Vegetab1e Conpound. s Nover la the history of medicine has > 1 the demaad for one particular remedy for fomale diseases equallr'd that at. taine-d -bv -Lydia E.-iha' Vegetable Comnpound, and never drngthe lifetime of this wonderf iý medicine lias the demand for it been so reat as it la to-dy Froma the Atianutie to the Pacifie, and throughout the 1length and breadth 1of this groat continent corne the gla.d tidings of woman's sufferings relieved by it, and thousands upon thousands of lettors ar e pouring in from grateful -women saying that it wiIl and Posi- tively dees cure the worst feris of female complaints. b Mrs. Pinkham invites ail wo- rimen who are puzzled about their health to write lier at Lynn, MVass,, for advice. Sucli corre- spondence is seen by wornen oniy, and no charge is made. miovements. of the bond of affceced sheep vary accordîug to the position of the parasite. The' hcad may bc drawn to one side and rotary rrame- ment to.ward that si-de grad-ually sets in. At flrst it only interfores jw*th proper grazing, but soon it, beconies constant, andi înay con tinue, until the ailnal f ails Over. le somne cases the animal înay bc able! to got; op again, but it goes i through t 'he sainie monotonous nuwie- ment. until at iast it djisfrin ex- Tjreatmewnt is onilv of sevic bn the parasite causes an elevatien of the skull, indicating that it is on tihe surface of the brain. reel for the spot and puncture it. The best instrument for this purpose s. smiall trephine. Ilemove a sarail piece of the'slrull, puncturo the cy st, adus-ally the parasite will escape with the fluid. Thon w ash the partf with a solution made hy mixingý one part of cnrbolicncîd te 50 of seft water, and put on a pitch plaster.1- If the animal is w-eakgie E grains quinine and a tableiepoonful of whiske at a dose thre tirnes a day in a littie water. If thse animal will net cnt, beat up two eggs, m-ix in a haîf plat of n1ilk, and give at once. Repent this several times a day. Be sure te desti oy tihe para- site that escapes with the fluid. FEFJ) POIl YOUNG CHICKS. Eggs hatch wîth btter resuits if, hiens are set in an old elar or in ai building that bas the grouind fora floor. To prevent the sitters fro getting lousy, nests should be wveill sprinkledwith inseet powder before H~OP~RcuRiNu DE iRAY TIMELY STGESTYONS :FOR THE IL&Y-MAKL, R. Conditions on Which I{lay Should Be Cnt Eariy or Late. Sînco tho eyaý crop is likely te ho lbght tbis vcar. it is doubly iisiport- ansd that ý it o aniled tbthe heat possible adiitýa ge and cut and cur- cd la such at way ais te accule the largeat anueunt of autrienta in the inst digestibl]e Aif[ palatable form. To this end itic la well at Ibis sca- 'son te boar the flollowing facta in misid: Early eut h ]ay is rolatively richer l ien sfrnigelemnents; il is raies-e paîntablo andI digestible; it bias a sweetcr ace-nsa; but it bas thc disadvantage et beimsg mach asere duffirleut te tc.- Grass, ns it ap- prches snlatuýrity, gains censîder- ably la w-iglst;. part of this increaso conjqssaoetstaricb analsugar, wbichý is valuable te the fecder; and parti co'nsists of crado fibreçvhbich de- creaso-s digestibiiity, and rendors the I hay lesa palaiatble. Farly cut hay is moe valuiblu per toms tiais late eut; but n largor amount of digesti- bbe autrionts per acre is obtained hi' Inter cutting. Late eut bai' bas aise the advantage o efcisîg suore easily andI rapidl, cured, tbns dlini- inisbing net enli' tbe labor bust alse the risk et bass in harvrsting. -ery ut -ha-y l -oe -ta<y -vatm- hie for shecp, calvos, colts ý nd- dairv catt],e vihile for fattcniag cattie, lato eut ay yul givo us geed resulta. la expTesiments -Cor- ducted 1by lProf. Sanibesn et Nev Iîamnpsýhîre, ai!(! Prof. Iteary of iVis- consin, te (l thran 1e relative vaie of carl' asal late eut hay for ftitesnngý stoors, the advanitage ivas a little la frrxer of TITE LATE CUT 'RAY. Mbotlser bey should boc et eas'ly or late mhul doîsond, therefore, Gli tise foilowing conditions: (1) The stock1 to e hobept; at ,lat eneugli bay1 alieulsi ho eut early te susjply the dairy cows and yeulng stock. (2)1 The season; if tOe weal ber bco "lce chy" it la gosîerally wiser te doter the cutting until senscwhat1 iater. (3) The acreagu tu be baud-1 ted; if tlie ci-up hc large, itvill h s1o'~sir te eg1ncutting carnier. Di' eariy cu»ttisig is sacant cuttinig at os- befere the tinie et.. ull bleoin. tii laIe cuttînig îs15 snm'nt eutting between the lime eof full blooiandI t ripeing. .la ,any <rase, hbeveor, i- hay should ho cut hofore it is ripe eneugh for tihe secs) e seilrendily. A crop of- inixesi clovor andI time- thy bai' is at bts beat if beth qual- ity andI quani t(' cte ho consider-1 cd,- fren fi metîdte co-bal!' ofth 1eCie kvr îcaom iave turnmed1 broya. lai' should 1 ho curesi ansi stosod ast 5-apidli' as possible aller cutting.ç With this ia view, it la botter te dc- e fer cutting lati te morning unlil s Most et th(',dvi la off. If 30 tonss or more etflsav i; te ho hasisles in las scasen, aLt cdder vill ho lound ac goosiintuaen. Caro nsust ho ex- ercisosi te avoid stortng bay wbile s at ahl daaup frin r ain, devi or .ah- -. serptîon, fremj the gi-oua-s. Moisture f ,o this kinid wxiii spoil bay m'nucis trîicker titan the viator contaiaod ins its 0wn sap. tflinvà aldt Lait yecr etenisnviscafit the inothod et curimag clover . bai' practicosi hy 'Mr.i-. nry Glendeýnaing, andl a siembor of ether preininoat andi r-chable farmoers. 'Mi.(Meuenn- ning ibrîs Cutiues bis uncîhed. Cut8 %vbca in fullboom, sic wha the blosszms contala the ssîest boney. Cuit in the ioorning .ufter the dcvir unas driesi off. That1 eut in the inoraing nmai' bu cecked up la the afterneon. Tho eier sheulsi netv bo rua later ýthan 4 p. m_. ansiall eut that, day should hopu into b cockept $ putting un t1399egg. liii' UIIJ. Ua PIA' FAL 1LSl.1 %VWhea cuicks arc four or flive bOu-sThis bay abhonisi ho put fido10e old gie abiîle seit dughmixsibaý11 i-ate aexit day anivieil ti-allip- %vith na f1neli' cluopposi olk 0f esi ,e Im lIe Iuth e vilis()ý-. liaespciallyi tOnt bas been hohiosi2 iue.Ienbazstise ollowîng conditions:ý- For every-day 1fees(li mix dougi.l îh)(( ) netulilathe morning un-ý m ,rnug for ltueur -suPPer, limd aI1 1the grajss is lri'. niigltfor Ih-i- breakfast.0 Tîs'is ,(2) Do not nlloxv fi-caO cul bay le gîves il am-ple ltime te swell se there lie on the gi-oued over algOl, cx-ý vilîl ha ne danger et thenugtting posod 10 devior rin. ecp-botunsi. Gi1veé table scraps at (3)If any bai' alouil gel viol witb neon. Wbun a month ols) giv i-aie, Jet it itandsinlatise cocha until douglu la thce i-ning ansi craches) tjorougbly ,idry hufore taking le tbe Corn- at aInoon ansi migt, __Whea bai-n. i-cadi' te falt oi- smarket givo belles) Mi-. Godat statethat bis rice once a dairs bay came neut as greenu as w-bon il -4-vis put la, wllb the blossema aa OCEN TAVELER ATENTON!beautiful pkinke color, whîch woulsi OCEN TAVELER ATENTON!indicate tibat il isasinet hontedsi o -- nsucb as onu vionîsinaturalli' off, The Allan and Canard Linos viii pect. accept roturti ti ,kots issuel by oithci- The asvantagoS of this moîbosi comanysubectte yavdifferenco la ai-o: (1) Tesaving O! lime h.- rate of lare. 'f is viii be feurid te be a twvice utling ansi stoibg, lssoning zreat accommodation te the traveiliing the risk o! damnage frein rin; (2) public. Ail beaves an-d bloss-n, t0e nmoal Glaqgow direct steamers from Mfont- valuale partýs et the, plants are u-oal commence May 2010 fi-at cabin saved, (3) T L ayi l cleanci- ansi $50 to $75; second cabin $35;-,thi-si clasa hiiguter than that cnred la the, ols) 8-25, Rture tickets gooc to erin via iai'. Liverpool steamers subjecite difference ,o! course Shai' cannot bo cures) hy et fare, M. A. JAMES, Allan Line ruSe; conditions van'. A goosl me- Agent. th'osi o! cuiisg onl a gravelli' up- 4-- - amu) ai-n vieuki be 4quite uimyitpsi "TO logerI 1ive" igbii th1A)tehie tIlittor chai' 8,1d lhumaýýis sou., ang,,"ansi 10emore I huai-a,file 'T'ise le'ngl ofet; lime for visicis bai' miore fi-mfl' anu i 1cenvinceci thlat 1 sh)Oui ibuo xposeý1in laIe, Wai ul knevabollei'netbling!" "1 colsi ho dcernilnes hi'lils ripeneaýs, lii haelaid von that thni-sesyas1e lbum1idîitio! thieamopeIb age," sahd b is wvie, 4"buit Iknewv iltumeauo ai)mitac b wouldbo osouusth-e preýsoanceor absence O! ivouls h etneuse" i, ,e. Se thnal evo'r.%i anamui ICouetryma(looking lie ouphel- latex 'a viladov)-' DasO i' bat, C 'g Cfiofl Root Cmon Marin! Ai't these lova peopie gel-1a1eý aole tin prttybod t hae hei - i-10 e onSi'safe,,rellablO reessîs se as evcryhedy ena se - oeguator on which woman rihtino emlie -a?-Cen depenil. "Sa thse'hour Sand, tlnieo!f iees." - ~ Prepare inletvio degrees of "Yeu-'hh bo soi-iy soune (lai' f at - strengîli. No. 1 ansI No. 2. you disi't gel inranied if yon sio't." '~1No. .-For ordinari' cases I' tyai- thc best dollar 'Wcll, l'ilrather usaI ho marinos)and miedicine kno-wn. ho soi-iy I1viasn't, Iban ho marries) No. 2-F7or epecial case-tO0 degrees ansi ho soir' I1vies!" -stronger-lhreo dollars pur box. Lnie-skyur druggiat for Cook9e - (ltten HetOurumîouasi. Tele neoether' TOc Coveraments et Ilollans ir ansi as ,Il pil, iAxtures ansi imitations are th il it1os) Statoes bave to lnwesi1 Bn- -Iand 1No, ~arç solci nd reomieci hi'ail druggbsla laiii10e Du3 iains lasiin m'ekin eTreltios ninin o CaedH MaleSte any aildreas V- vilt O o-vnhoiossn. On recelpl o PiscanSleur -cet postage "Yeu kovi ~1lll ina i'st mal to'li dor1- t arr' m," sisihe yugbie o .as o.2aesl)l 3vîas r be, la large meaeure, a. law una7T E W K DS M IC hirnself, and lus practice muet be H W & O M D C governed hy persoinal experience. It appoars to be a fact, however, ....1i5 that w-hen the conditions are fav- j orable, an'd the neceseary skili and jutignîent exereised, clover rnay be stored miuch greener than w as for- merly thought poseible, aud that the very beat quality of hay ny be secured la this w'ay. Live Stock Conmînssioner. ![ROWTH 0 F AUCTION SALES. [Should be Established in Each Electox-al District, It ta recegnizesi by ah hbre3ders of live stock andI hi'ail others viho bave paid asiy attention te stetk brcedmng, tisat la erder te produco good animaIs vie must use only geesi sires efthe proper type andi bresi in proper linos. The farier nuust net eu' use the hest cînss et miaies, but hoe amust foeod the cif- apring (iberally i'ieho xpects te ac- cure a profit frein lus eperations. These two conditions mnust go te- .-ether. Resrognizing Ibis f act, the' Live Stock Coinissioner, Mr. F. W. -loson, bas fer years hoon endeav- ering te perfect plamns for distrihut- îng as rani geosi sires as pessible asnoag fariniera in ail parts cf Cns- ada. ,Thes roînarkable dovelopiiient la Great Bm-itaims eofthec uctien salej systonu e -of mr bv- tek le iim te advocate n sianilar metiied hcre. In ritaini thero are at sîrani'points taira or markets on 'certain daya, wbere caite, sbecp, swine ansi otiser aninunîs are rogularli' auctiossed off. Froin reliabbe evidence ansi personal observation tîis syntesn ivas founsi te viesk sntisfactom-ily, ontirely -'do- iing, away viith lîuckstcrisg, ansi ,giviag te the seller th, full value et bis animals as doteranined 0v public coilipetition. Aftr dis-ussisîg the quuestien witb the vacieus live ,t."~k associations, it was cencludesi that the adoption efthtO auction sale prisuciple would hcofe groat benefit te Canada, and the'Departaîcat et Ag- riculture olleresi te asaistinlastartiag liveo steck sales in oacb province. ,Several psrovincial sales have been hoisI and flhc feeling in tavor of theas is grevig rapidly. Sinsilar indepeadeat combination sales- are being hebs inla nani' pnrts cf Canada andI a fiae pavillon bas ben erected aspecinfly for auclion sales at 1-lairi- ilton, OnsI. Il is net the intention that tho Departmoant ef Agriculture shaîllongcontinue -te assist these sales, but ealyu' uil they arc vieil -stahlibe andsoI l-sustaining. Il is bepesýi chat evealualiy MQNT11LY OR WEEKLY SALES 'wiil ho oataublished at some central point lanlunch electoral district. At Uerta)in soeaoukcif-tbe ya ue bresi stock for hîeeding purposes would hoc solsi; at other times store ansi fat aninmals, iachuding cattle, sheep ansîdaine, in tact everythiag a farmomr bas te seil. This is the sae principle on vihicb so st et oui- cheese is nevi sols.In l Great Britain ver' little stock is sobsi cxcept at these asîctiens; aeariy every tovia or village lias ils vieckly. mioathly or eortaightly sale, ansI the auctioecers have ivoîl equipped yards ands sheds an whicb te soul. The educational value et thesc sales is a netics'ahle fenturo, fera jpoor animal viii tsrilg littie nsoey, wliÂle a choico one sall hrlng a geosdi hrice. This is an object lesson fer thse tai-nera viho attend. Ia this coneection the sale estnh- lished under thc auspices ot the Ter. riterial Cattlu Breeders at Calgary s viorîbi o! mention. At their sale an Mai', 19.03, an averageofo $96.138 was made on 268 lcasi. TOe bigh- et pricosi bull wns a Hereford selsi by Osviald Palmer, of Lacombe, for $300 te A. B. Macdonald, Nevi Ox- ci'. .Mr. Palmuer sold lbre e Bre- ordsfeqfr an average of $181-r)6 per ucasi Vnd the Mossenu Beyd Ce., o!f- PriniceAbrt soid 9 beasi at an îverage ,of $1:22.83. Messr-s. J. & V. Sharip, ef Lacombe, obtaineod 1he iigbest average for Slierthioras, hav- in solsi 9 ieasi at nu average eal 1 59.33, tise oviest pr-ice heCing $140. Thoeisighesl pricesi cevi vis eold hi' Geo. Geai-y o! lanistail, for $150 te Dr. J. P. Creamer, et lU'Appelle. Thc Calgary sale is sleadili' grovi- ig la extent ans inlathe prices coin- manded. Ia 19,02 asn average o! 97.75 vias made on 220) bond, andI in 1he previeus year 61 aniniaIs brought an'average o! $85.17. This car Ivie carloads of stock vient te British Columbian and il la expectesi Onat next year ai Seast five carleads wi11 ho taken hy Ibat Province. Ter- itorial breeders evidentbi' intensi te ieOntario a bot, figist in the ,ure-bresi stock mai-ket.'ý Departmnt o! Agriculture, ott.aia. ABOUT MACARONI. Et 'Is the National Food of the Italian. Real macaroni la madeo0f lbard Vheat of a snltnsuctsortf ,vhich growi-laqouitherna Europe and Ailgoria, and \vhicb la richer la giut- NE~ EIII LIuS n ERO DISORDERS, SickHeadcheConslti pationWind Weak Stomach, lmpairedDigesin iîsordered Liver& Female lens Prepared only by the Proprietor, TnessAs BFEceHAu, St. lHelens, Enr, Sold Everywhere in Canada and U., S. America. In boxes. 25 cents. Travelling from place to place are subject to ail kinds of Bowei Complaint on account of change of water, diet and ternperature. Ext. of is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,; Cramps, Pains in theStomach, Seasickness, Choiera, Choiera Morbus, Choiera Infantum, Summer Coin- plaint, and ail Fluxes of the Bowels in Children and Aduits. Its effe cts are marvellous. It acts like a charm. - Relief is almost instantaneous. Do-es not leave the Bowels in a constipated condition. the luises bollovi. Macaroni i. aise made mbt pastes o! varieus ahapea, alphabets and thia stripa, cul by machiner' - Wben the macaroni is sisapesi, il la sent up in to a drying-reom, tise sinall piecos in trosys, the long strips ot vermicelli, the 'ti, solidsi tripa et spaghetti, ansi the large liollovi tubes et macaroni on long poîca tbe size ot a hroomîsatick. lore a cur- i-ont o! air dries the peste. Genuine macaroni aivinys shows the bont ends viuere the long bai- Ipia-shapesi losgtis Save straicld the polos. C)ueap imitations are matIe frein cerainafleur, vihicb la net glutinous enougis le bear its ovin weigbî, ansi therofore las diled flat. Real imacaroi is teniryellowish, reuigl) ia textuire am!si elsfic. Il breaiks viitb a sotporcelain-liko 1 fracture. Whe-n il eis a voi "Atterviarda canme another, andi s more, fatOful meeting. "Why tbey came lova-sitbe foi.n- tain at alvins a mysteri', fer they bail ne business there. Il via net thei- viay. It via qite eumt ol thei- vini. Tbey hast neimretu do viitb the feunlain, bleqs i'ou, t'han tbey basi witb witb loveý, or any out-ef-the-viai' Ilinga ef that sert. "Elowvivr, tiser'ey uc'fourici thens selves.- Ansi another oxtranerdinary part ot the matter vias IlOit t1e)t seemed le have comtis ere hi' a sil- ont understanding. Vl'et ison theyý3 gel Iberu tbcy vicre a litthe cenfusesi hi' boing thure, vibiclu vas 10e strang est part et alI; hocasOU bre È;is ne Ibiag naturnlly cau in aatouin- tain. l'What a goodi oh! Place il vins!' John saisi. WiIb qitio an caracal atf- C00k keovis, il avoua te1tviicc uta "'A Ipbeasanl place, idei'-said size ansi doesa net hecome stichi', but Relis. 'Se shadi'.' Ios i is tubuhar foi-m viihout col- "Oh, viches it1111 thI! Oh, littir, lapse. Il vill keep ani' lengtb of Bath! Whi' fi' that liai', prec1ieus, time, ansi is a ver' neuriahing foodi. hleased lithoe foot intotc ei-cacked cerner of an insenssible olsi ibegsLonm la the pavement, ansi beu evo-Lry Lnax- A DICKENS GRIEVANCE. loua te adjust il te anicuti'?" Tom Pinch's Sents Rexuovesi Froin Fountain Court. Mrs. Proudman-"Ou- Wiilie gel 'meriterieus ,ceminendalion' aI Dickens werahippers are lameating scbeol lasI vioek." 1Ms-s. O'B1ulS- the miystorieus disappearancueofthec Woll, vicîl! Aia't il nw!uhtisule sente fi-onu Fountain Court, in the number o! st-ange diseases tlhnt'a- Tomple, snys the London Express. ketchesi hi' chool childi-en?" Alvinys numoreous bore, lOey have B- love you, Miss Peach, a- a i-cal griesianco te discuas, for this dentS', passienateli', masily!" SOuj n0W violalesi sOime hesi iitlerlo -" Nonsense, Mi-. De Sever; Voul arc aean belsi saced te Ithe uueaori O! bai-dl' acquninles i iîSime." 1Be-- lovers' meetings ansi Martsn Chuz--"I kaov; but then-vibi, peýrips zieviit. tbat's the reason." 1It la easy te imagine tbat Rluth Brother Kiasileiglu-' Se peur Bro- i'incSu ansi John Westlock-John 50 Iher Litîheton lctt aIllibu bnicite the belsi ansi Ruth se sby-miay bave sat 'Cblldren's Bourse. Dis ieOc hatve on Ibese idenlical seata. And wvial mucis?"ýý Sister Sourleigh-" Eigl woulsi Tom Piacb, wibe seo bovesi Ibis beys ans) tbi-ce girls." founytaun rs-sige, bae aisiletlîc - LordGriîmthsope, viSse va-a cigbity- ~ratulouaimpetbsece e theu i-e sevn tie eter day, bas 1tOcdouble noadistin-ction o! heing Bis Majosty'a Seo of the1ol do 1lighitltulsenti- oldi0st Kin' cousol ansi onl.',i' pr ment lu a]S Dicchuas ta s1,so(-iat"d lekaor espeal1(s i met. et bis i'il Ibs sot.Bei- ilvin )Ihti1 lmeah lich Wood, narst. Ah- [cOn l Westlock,'a ýsecret assignation as nnweklc uteiu il algenueous Tom. la t4c clockmnhker's I-ado. lBe is 10e -'What an exti-nordinari' meeting!' designer et B1ig Bont at We.strninste, naid Tom. 'I shuîsI aisir have ansi personcîli' suporinîcadei- thc li-cait e! soeing yen Ivie toeoîer gi-ont, chec's construction, giving a soi-c. guaranîcu Ihal il shou id ne-ici-van' 'Quite ac cîdenlal,' John vins moe tban sixfi' seconds in navieek, ucard tei murmur. Il la 'roportesi that Misa Bertha 'ExacîSi',' cied Tom; 'that'a Kr-upp, the daugbter eftihe lato mil- whal I mien, yen knovi. If itl ilnaire et Essen, la ongagesi te leirr wasn't accideatal there vieulsi h o - Rudolph Teichan, 10e son ot a ric-i bhing reniai-hable in It.' Cologne basikor. She is saisi le hoý 'Te ho sur-e,' saisi John. a pretti' girl, andl also an nbo i eu, "'Sncb an out-oî-the-way, place for sOc vins trainesi i'bic- elier le,ýori for you teo have muet la,' pursuosiunde-slaiw i ï opl1ios'fth Pesa, tqiuedehigles). 'Sucis n unl-igi-ont busineýss, se - liai lie Vighit ikli aot1' suipervise ils affairsa aterbidel. Asr eonl, iutiil Ihuti mna il fiaKrupp fa u-t a ' nis-sioe ,ll rin)nIHeý flrîhor sido icf borc aie, e sespna evi jro.theî,- aiauczeSîaninluucl a hus voi'da aîtc ne-mu o sai'"Ar yos ingttpOrevek tEse-tdig lî yt ill da -ou de.- ols i11ursirn fieuvictctmi'mlioshe j 1 1?" I bon draxtis.

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