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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1903, p. 7

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t] L1ti Lver Pist Muet Bear signature 01, Seo pac-Slmllo Wrapper Iteiow. ZT E= Qiimfla as cay, VE FOR TORPID LIVEW. rï«m FRCONSTIPATION. 1 ~ L.FOR SALLOWJ SKiN., FOR TOHECOPEI ef e aid rîesiderce.CbuebSt.nppo'lteTrunity Cor gregatior ai l li, 3owînviile. 25-6 m' DEJNTISTRY. G CBONVCATLE L SD DSHonor Gredaten Pntitrycf Torointo University OýFFicE:-Over Central Miiir.ery. Entraxce fiit door W-est of Big 2,Bwaxxi MISS ETHEL MORRIIS., AIITIST. Inistructions givenin PAINTING fi Uli. W ater Color and China. Sketchir g and pili1 g ficm inature. ILN on pi emi4es, tir il g nt nus]a pruces. 51.6m. A.E. IWeLAUGRLIN, Parrirter,Se]icitor and Conveyanicer Office - B1h&kley Biock, hi g Ftieet, Bowinanville. Moreytolcan at easounablexate3., 43-lyr, ]ROBERT YOUNKG, V. S. 0K FIEIN ORSEY'S BLOOC.L OPPOS- Ii le Towen Hall Elitrance, 3% bei e lia wiil be ci--d from 8 a. m. o 9 ip.m Night cails at tiderice, direct]y oppo,%t Dxi Sd. -lyr m AEFLIAGE LICIENSES,.-M. A JÀMIS, Iserier of Marriage Licenses lRezideî.ce: centre Street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. PB. SIMPSON, Q. 0, CHAS, P. BLAIR T îltiSclcîis, Notaie3, etc, Morrisi 11(,ck, UP Claii, liig Street. Bowmanivilie Eclicdors for île Oitarlo Bank. Private rmneys lcared atloiestiatei If. F. IIUINTER, fl ."ARBISTER,,OlICITOR,NOTARY 15Public Oonvey aricer, Money. Private and Lcxii paiy Fonds tn tend ai iowest cari e it ra e3 M1fi I CES: Kir- g St.. oppo3tte Dr. 1-arudetnl? tentai ou' Bowmairville 13-6mn ~~-00' TO LN on good mort- r tge sccîîx îty et m' deai, raies -n 1-'te e; A. i.MeLÀuGliLx,oiciîor,BOWManviýi,ot Will ho at Black,-tock on the first Monday of each month. at Orono 2niJ Monda e ail da%, and at Newcastle lst Wednesday froni 2 p m., OprimE:Temperance St., Bowman- !]lle,rear of Bfigginbotham's drug stoIre C' HARNTDE N, ýL.D.S. tGrudiiate, of th!e Roy al Colle-e of D)ental Surgeons, OntLari0. (iTICE-OÜppositeT.Bingham's office. VITALIZED AIR. Mhways Up-to-date This is ,xiy motto :-Ee ars the new improvoments are placed. on tbe market, 1 alwîîrs make it a spocial polint to opare no expense in equipping M WHITBY 8 45a.. Ariving l- a Toralnto at 11.15 a. m*. Returninglacs Toron to at 5, p keir'astîrs I tTo ntsd tun75c, 2{,wmaVilI ~70e Tickets inay be ext6inded, gond for the tesso,(n, on -paymnent of[35e additional te Purster. ea'and stateroom se- coniodatioui,'it raoaberte. Freight solieitcd. Further injfor-ma- Lion of Ji. CA&NiŽi Agent, Bowmanvillo0. j?_R HErplitii,Qenerai Agent., Geddes' hafToront9), INT TES A, D COMMIENTS 8 Thlicnef cost of flic Boer mas fo lM the Unifed Kiugdoni ias £187,000,- 1 000, alloirauce being made for the t Transvaual contribution, and fhe bill n1 bas licou tuken cure of as folloirs:t Million £1 Proceeds cxi taxation, 1900-1 j t0 1902'-3..ý............... ['o ho met froni taxation, 19W3-4........ ....... .........4 ivsersion of sinking inda - 18ý N'et additi on te debt........ 1154 This distribution of the charges ta nade tliehais fer a cxificisna o! the goverîiiseuf by Mr. Sydney Buxton, a liberai meinthesof pariaînut, uho contends in a Nationtal Revici as- ticle fliat flie mas chancelierosif t1lie excquer, Sir MicliaelolBiek-Beacli lacked the reqîxisite courage fer îthe emcrgèey.le preferred f0 horroir rathes than te increase luaxation,- and hoe is suthles graphicaily arsaigt'- ed in the iollowig comparisen: The Engiand e! a lindred yeus ago lus olved lu a groat wirsmet nier th rec hundred millinsani miii- irar charges frin. addifionai taxa- flou, one-Ihird of flie irole coat. Fifly yoars laterthe wealie ad Smore popsîleus Euglaud nmeteu fo)rty millions niof archarges, mr flian bau flicew-Isole liabilit.yin tliree yeass. Tihe sîillivealhier auýid more prospesous Eng-laud o! to-day --fhe ninat iglifly axed ccntrfy li- E-urope," an lihe ceolaisecret ary infortus us-iras ouly callcd upon hy lhe gos etnieut 10pînvide tifty mil- lions by additional taxation un -fous years ago. If la but one iuadred loreof nieasiy fin btuasodand f bis- fy tuillins; nef utucli more Ilian a fitîs nf the iviolo. Appasenfly, hoirever, ftle cosutry xsas quit e as îilliug as Sir Michael te pestpoîso fhe day ni setflesssoît, and flie chie! inforst'nom is lanflic results rafler than lunflic ploicy. Thc grosa national doIt, if seis, la eiglil indred million ponda, ihicli is about wlsore if sfood fhirty-five yeus f meot a total uar expetidi-J nitllinsa bas than if iras ut the cund of flic protracted Nupoloonie irars, anîd if is one huudred and sixly-five millions gîeater fian .if iras lu 1899.' "At one fell sîep flic patt- ent saxinga noflire genesations have been disaipated. Thli lalinrinus, if uîscnnscious, Sisyphus lias hecu roll- ing up lis atone, and noir, hehold,. if lias solietI moaf oi the wmuy hack 1again, and lie miust begin hlis îî 1aisoî.' Ardent inîpsialista xviii ,reîsly hy point iug f0 île empire as an asset and extolilthe riches o! ,Soufth Africa. But loi doos thal )affect Sisyphus, uho stays ut honie -ansd pays tle taxes and nover gets a. ,coppes Isoxu ftle prousad land? Rlis! .nîîiy gain as ftho citizen of any cou- queriag nation la tle preundtise ni flic possessive prenun ishen lie taîka of our colonies, oui- dependenc- iea, nus distant wirs aandI subjocta. 'A consolas report sets fort h fIat anme oi the Gernian hacterinlogista -have been aI u'ork lu their labnra- tories estiînating the nuaib er ni mi- 1cx--organisuss rna:niug over-flic sur- - face 0f bessies aIi ansaitfruits, uhixl, o! course, are ecnarîmied by flihe caters, or, if not conai-uxed, chanige Ibeit' habitat fromu flic kin o!-tefruit te flie huruan ilesior. .The liat is appl}aliisg. A liai pun . f lise bort-lesantI fruiitasmocaten lu scîtnter iras ýIIundte liarbos -tbsoîî orgaulsins in tise follemîng nunsbei-s: HIiokieberrica, 400,000; pdaîsnan pluins, 470,000; ycllom pinma, 700,000,, peurs, 800,,000; Igooseberries, 1,000,000; strnxvbes- ries, 2,000,000'; ruspherrica, 4,000,- tur e i moderut licpcrn--cr 000; grupea, 8,000,000; curranta, 11,000,000; Chler-ries, 12,000,000. Mels-Gocs mlIsta Tlicse figures are set dow'n witli an Iru9ttsepao'" iheSu audacily andI cockaurenoas eminemsly ' yes, m." Moth-' Weh, go andI chusacterisfic of science. Before ac- ask her w'hat she is doiug. If aIme ceîsiug tfluaestcafste oee inîxd like lis îractiaiug, site can keep omsnutil f0 kueîv juaf lois the Gernait scien- tiselions is up; but if aie is playing, teli er te stop." fiqt inmietion nittndo.U is vLoiifnuc_- timîs. If le mils custoncuv ucn tonic patience sut dois ate count ftc 12,000,000 oxganisiss omsn l pouad ni clierries antI allowed flic custontury houra for sîoop, eating, andI becs, if nîpat have f akon bîlsîs oser a yeas, esenif le iere a liglit- uiîsg calculafor, andtinl time has cherries ixouki have dried up, or spniled, Besides tîsat ses'eral m1il- lion o!flice nrgainisms sngbt lave get axrny. If ic caiculufed hy soite mysterieus suie nif three or lu- fereIsco fîom aio, even tien if correc .t. One ran ho oxcused frein accepting these figures until ftle coni- sular report infornîs us of tIse tc- flsed nf coîtsputatin, Aithouiglicen a .hall or a fourth nf threse tnt ais would ho starlling, a contnîpoary diabolically proceeda teaCdf t Iise msteroushorrr'l fli cGeî'îsan sevela!,tionLby Sta:tinýg tht sa t o!alre'fuitsare inoaýt paable hythe ueonicream iii a l t auigarv, antid thaf mîk, ieven ile froi 0 nm th~e coi", ce"ifainis 12,- Pnsin -theo ack Were entirely eured and hesith grtatIy Improved sy 1De. Cixa&e's KidiRey- lAver Ilis. Mas. J. LARTER, 123 Cross St., Charlotte- town, P.E.I., sud whosc husband is a con- tracter, states :-"'I had suffcred a grcat deal witb pains lu the smalI cf tbc back,' my diges- tion was bad, and 1 was frequentiy troubled with spells of racking headache. I bave been entireiy cured of these distressing symptomis by tbe use e! Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PuIs sud fjnd that my general liecalth is realy improv- nsiug Ibis preparstton. "I eau aise tcstiyto Llie menit of Dr. Chase's Sup o! Linseed and - ~ i- Turpentine as 1 was cured ni a severe atiack ofn broachitis hy île use Mms Larter ni tuis remedy." Pa-ins 1lui te emal nifthe back are sunfln- xnsasbe ymptemn cf kidney diteate', sud bculI e;ufficient mamiuig cf tIse approach i tiis dreslfîilly painful -uid fat',al ailiei. There is ne trea"imnt se prompt to brnugreif ad noue se iasîinigby heneticial as Dr. Chas's Kidney-,iveýr lis,onue pi11 a dose,2 et boýx, at ail dealerS, ocimasnBtean Co., Toronto. 9f7,000 bacteria te a quarzt, and reani la sf111 lricher lu these organ- [snis, wtile sugar fairly "pulsates witis erganic 111e, - -If allua ho b true, if la littIe w ondes the average rai centiuually la askiug flic doc- tors whal la fhe matter -aiflihim? lut even if if ho truc, wxhat of if? Aii that science thlls far lias been abic f0 do is te diacover that there arc bacilIli, and tliat bacilli are lu- evitable aud unvoîdable. Iu the aat mnillins nf mon have eaten mili ions ni hall pounda nif borriea 12,- 000,000 bacilli and ail, and lunflie future mitllionts of persons xviii con- tiue, to do if. If insfeud of pori- odically trylug te scare people withi these rmillioîts upon iliiof i la-I ilii, science irould show thein be nieli morse off perhaps they might bc if tliey did aot consume tbcmn, it 'couId hoiioret-ef0the point. Na- ture usually knws uliat sbo is do- nrg,, and wnr1ks hy lufallible ru-le. "star eyod science'" ton often 'units us homne tfli essageofnides- pair." __________ Aside front the problentniofforninine usodigality lu dress, but related te it as the book la f0 flic cyo, lattise, fact o! in's iadifioreucc 10 se- curity la the stitclslug of lier gowns. If is a coninnplace of costutuo that wiromes ciollies ai-o1 set hli! 50 ieil mnade as fbose ni ,incti, tliat flic sauie bouse that tarus outf ready mnade meu's clothes which are mnodela nf gond îor-kmaîslîip miii display srouscn'a garmieuta that are moere makealîifts. The carclessly sewed hook and cye, flie buttoti fat- ýcued by a single f lread, fle ic tair' soamas and iraycd but touliolca are accept cd facts lu momien's ready " mnado 1 thes, whereas f ley ireuld nof hocoun.tenanced hy a Masculine boyer aud xvnuld briug rului upon ftle liead oi a dealer inlun'a ciofl- iug. s la flua because,, as sane ouid liaivo if, i-on-scn case nmore for fine efiects tItan tliey de for neat1 workmausbip, and wmuid lie hapliier ini a goin of gond style thuf was aloi culy put together than tliey wouid lu a fashinesa robe mitose seamy aide iras a mmodel o!. excellent finish? 0f course, tlie higis priced f ailos inade gomu la usually charac- terized by neat andI accuse sfitcliug, but irlere is ftlewirna iho miii dare f0 say that fthe inexpensive ready fteirear but aliays te be ai-. fered garaient la te lbe conîpared, lu flie mnalter nifivorkinaushlp,wut h its miasculine counterpart? IT TAXES VEARS TO CLIM.IB The project ni climbiug flic loft!- est mountain ounftle cartb, hMeunt Everest, lu the Ilimalayas, îvhosc fremexîdeus head riscs, according te trîgonoînetrical nîcasurcîneufs, 29,-11 000 feef abeve sea-level, lias nir reacbed a stage itamoediately anfece- dent f0 the actual aftoxmîpf. A par- f y, led, by Ms. Eckcnsteiu, an ex- perieuced clint'or, lias acf eut fer thi3 foot offlice gi-caf peaik. Several eelebratcd inuntain climibers have expressed flic opiniion that the fout Fis feasiblo, but only by fleic efhoc! of gradai ascent, w'bereby flic ad- veufures nay heceme inured to the effects of a rare atmnosphere. Moufbs, ;andI evexi ycnra, may bic spent in us- ;ccnding te biglier and liiglics levols, a long pause heing inade altos every coasiderablo advauce. The highst .ascout noîv ou recordis f bat of. Aconcagua, lunftle Aimd,-s, the eleva-1 tien, ofihicli his 2-8,00 feef, 5,922 foot or morse thuin a 1mile, lea f hn1 , tiselicigli f niEverest. MUtTSIC AND ANIMALS. The etf ef msic on aniatala masj ireceatI)ly fested hýy a violinist in a .Berilin usouagesi.e. The tuf1ueuce of She violla iras greateaf on the pumna, , hicli becaine iancliexcited ilion ;quick stops wcre playcd,' but iras 7aoothed by sbiwr ineasures. W/leie .sboived aii appreciaf ive intex-cat, lliens and byonas more tcrrifiod, leop-1 lards werenuicnerned, andti uînkeysý If iras a colosa ainouaf niiusail malter f lat île Teufouiç f0"1, inlte port ut New York ou a rcu voy- age. There irere 527,270 letters alone. Ailowiug 5 in. as fli aor ago leugfls of cacl ies',eopc, f hcol- iectiou ivould nmake «aisingle <afriug end toeno f 219,69,5 f., or more flan ioîty miles. 'flie 870 baugao secouid-clasa tail mat ter ivouit mk an columu ejnxjctIy' 8ý70 if, higli,a- boinIg one ,foot as flie iike o f cadi ha.'-lurmîsmass iras niail-boaf h'y fUeuy mcalj USt ithirtyii.ftiües. We likie best tf0 euh SCOTT'S EMULSION a fond because if stands SO eni- phatically for perfect nutrition. êCAud yet -in the matter of restor- Sing appetite, of giving flou sstrengf.h to the tissues, especiaily to fIe nerives ifs action is fIaat of a medcicileý F,,d for ies xml SCOTI "-C&SOin. E hexî, 5c ad;Soo; alidrxxu, lute good ed 'a death ini the consnunity, by a stroke on y the church bell for every year of' the l'fe that was gone. People expected, theni, to !ive to old b age, ai-d specuilat.ion at the à first tap of theo bell tnok a t narrow range ýiliîcIldLilig 1)y1 t those Who hjad lived the ai- t lotted time. There la nio reit- È son why people should flot t have the saine expectanlcy of age to -&~by, except for the neglect and abuse of the one organ ou which ail the other organs depend-the atomiach. v Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- G ical Discovery enables nmen and womcen ta be strong and healthy, by curing diseases of the stomach (aud other or- 0 gans of digestionaud nutri- tion), which preveut fthe proper nonrishmrent of the Si h ad bee ick for two years ivith inidigestioun aud servons le- btlity, aud had taken n:'-dicuole Iroinn'y fails- ilv doctor for a iong imuet Without nmocli benceût,"1 writes tirs. W. il. Pee- S blesof Luîcknow, S. C. o "NVs hndîi.ed by iny luusbsîid to constit Dr. tierce by letter. Yen ad-'.ised mne to taLeY o 'oldn edieql Discor- f çy1and .Favoi ite Fn- &rple, hieii 1 did, sud, tii îny giraýt !sur- l prsalrta1king six bettis I as cîred. ' The Meýdical Ad- viser, iu paper cev- ers, la sent free for t 31 one-cett aps to t pay Customsanud mailing only. Ad- dres Doctor R. V. Pierce, Bu-ffalo, N. Y. c LONDON'S CIVIC FLAG. T'ho Signs and Devices-A Watf Tyler TradiUion. W/hen the fausiliar red and white ftag of the city of London waves iiver Brussets-the mayor ni that toixu haviug expresscd a wish mx see f it finating proudly beside bis own-1 the gond people oi the Belglan capi-1 tal will nodnubt ho considerably puzzled to itnow what mneauing at- taches to its nrkiugs, and especiai- iy to one. woven in red, in the top loi I hand corner. W/e -roer to the "daggr'" as it la geilerally called- thec prescuce of which, by the way, very iow of those Whbo were either boru or live wjthin the sonud of B1ow bols cati explain. Some might go an, far as to state that the strangly ernployed weapnn had "snmetbing to do with W/at Tyler;" but even they wnuld ho. incorrect;' ai- thnugh it mnust be admittecl that they have licou moat corisîatently niisled onthe point, systhe Paîll Mail Gazette. The llag ila areroucio he fi shield xvhich eccupica s cttr fi the City armas, and it bas beenl com- monly bclieved that thie "dagger" was added to the red ct-oas bv Rich- ard II. "in conmousoraiîn of Wat Tyler's insurrectin and the death nf the rebel in Smithfield by the baud of the vallant mýayor-." The betief in thia traditinbas ndnubt been fnstered by an inscriptinn 5h1i1 to ho found on a statue onthe staircase at Fishmnnger'a hall. It runs: Brave, Waiwnrtb, Kiiight, Lord May- or yet Slow Rebellins Tyler in bis Alarmes. Thse King, therefnre, did give inlieu The dagger t0 the Cityes armes, In the 4th Year nf Richard IL Anno Doninî 1381. But coutîovertiug f-acta are moire stubboru than even flic brave kuigýht's blade, and the daggcr is, forsenotb. no dagger at aIl, but a reprosentai-tion oi a short sword, cmt- bilmatical of St, Pasl, ite putrn suin1t ni the cnîpnratîou. This view has beensupcte by a creuc- amîinaf ion oi an ntrstn 0r1sn bo sessili c-xistiig inhenstr Ci"ypt a1t GuildhaH1. Tbey areil ni ecarly dtand amlong them are1 rcpil-l, reseuýtatina i the of hieki and dag-, ger, whil one bears 1tire awnrds crnssed saltirew ise, whîch la iýt aken as au anther emblemi associated wjtb the Apnstle. Iu addition to theso thore la an historical fact irbicli puts ail qucstin as f0 Wat Tyler' con- nectin with the dugger beyoud doubt. The new acal upon irbicli the 'perfectly graven sbield- appear- ed (and wbich would have taken at lat four moutha to desigu and engrave) was brought iu by the inayor onAvril 17, 1381, ni- tio IONURS J FR U MJN MTU WIN THE ROYAL RED CROSS ISj THIE LADY'S V. C. l'eu Duchesses Would Refuse the Queen's Golden . Xeys. The Royal, RedI Cross, uliich lias een mecetly conferred upon Lady. Mfacdonald by fhe King is recogni- tion of lier services in lcndiug fthe sicl anîd wunuded seldiers duriug the defeuce nof the Poiu Legatieus in 1900, 18 f0 Britishl iee va the Victoria Cros a to Billl o --the uiosf moetI d dcora lion lu tle ift ni Ihoîr sovereigu. WVlen tbe Bes iar xss aging, sundreda of ladies o! gonfle blrfbh voiunfcemod as, 1nurses in tflic be o! earnitig if. But vory, voty few sud f ieir aspiration gratified. For thie RedICross la nof f0 le lîghly or easily swou. Instifufod hy hier ate Gracions Majeaf y la 1883, if sas, as a gettoral ruie, been granfed only f0 isottîcuwhlo have distinglai- ed themseives hy allevliing fIe sui- cm inga 0f fliceîxounded, nol in flic safe seclmaion ni sonie hase Inapifal, butf mis f1efieIdoi buffle and undor the lit- onifthe eneomy. Lady Macdonald, for instance, nadte bandages antI fixod compresses in the npen, wiiiothc Boxers ixero Iiring atiser lesa lIeu ia lindred yards eîsay; and ibis alto dîd, nef fer an heur or fini oniy, but ahl day antI every dýay during a siego which lasteod fer xseoks. Anoflerrcpino r aws M-.Grint- Gvod, h beoirs ii ofantiipur, upon is-hom devols cd tlb duty o! aften-diug te the sevenîcen isoundod men iviici the litle gumrisn carried wit h thoni doring f heir terrilbe set fLali- kipur. Se mach, indeed, bis been matIe of ba-Le ycams oifIte Royal RedI Cross, fiat îpcople liai- e cllnigl fergotten tbe existence ni another and oidor ortIes for num-sos, lîsat ni St. Katiseriu&*s fo silt, inafifufed by Queca Victoria lu 1879, andtIhfe final investiture n-ofrîsicl w-as cedc- braled witli a geod deal ni POMP AND CERFMONY. on Joue 4f1 ni that ycaur. Yef is this a voîy desisabie fbiug for a ivoinan t10 un. ospecialiy a ,poor unniats; for, lu additlion f0 fthe badge, wii la conicirrod of course for 111e, if cannies w ith if ais an- nal payaient ni $250 during tiroee caurs. TIson there îa flie OttrorfniSf. Johin ni Jenusuieni, flic "Ladies ni JusticD" nfxs'iich are largely i0- crtmitcd it-nîn Royalty; w hile even the " Ladies of Grace' '- corr-espoiiding- iiflilic -"second clusa" ni other or- ders--emîsuce t a fewv inbera oi flic higlier arsaocrucy. 'fliro at-e aise '"I-anom-ary Lady Associafes." Al flie above orders, lsow-evcî, are eitiser for nurses om for w omeen lu- fereaf cd in nursing, For fliose isho are neilier the eue nr flic ofer tieme are foi decorafions as ailabe, wiid la proialy fIe 5-cason uhy ftle prctty disfimîguisimg badge of fite Imperial Order nif tic Croîn of India la so bigsly pmized hy ifs lucky poasessera. Tisa mmdem mus iiîsaituted by bier laie G'racions Muj- est y on Deccusbes 31, 1877, for tbe pui-pose of coriemom-atlug lier us- snmapfion o!flnh ttb ni Eîniprosa o! Induit; ant ilsfarocipicufs veseo e h, accordiug te fhe forras of fthse mam- sauf, Princesses oi île Royal Fami- by, fthoiies of Viceroy3s antI Scre- f urina ni Sf aie for Imîdia, and of 1- er disfiniguisîcd ladies adjndged spe- cilly xsorfhy nif thcir Soveîcign's notice. On Apnil 29, 1878, flie fiss invest- iture, firelve ladies lu ail, teok place, am.oug tise secipienta being flic Marchioness o! Salisbury. But since thenItbic bnor hasbecîs very SPA,ýRINGLY GRANTED. Evean more ligily catoomedi por- laps, is lie badge of fie Royal Or- der ni Vict-oria antI Albert, Wi ci Imua ihoal-t itiifufeel on-1ehrnary ' %10, 1862_', but ulAicji lis simîco thon heem,(n severuIl finies rmdeldantI on- larged. "lie momers0f fua x- ceeinlyexcusve order ar1le cdi- videtI into "adies"o!f lic fe a clua s," scn, tid" and - 'lorfis" 'fe firat clas is recruit- ed niiainly front anîoug relgntîsg soverelgus, quecus, consort, eiii- presses, antI inetbers niflice Royal Fansily ni Great Brifaisi. Theicsoc- ond is- conîposcd principally ni 'reyal, - "iiperlal," andI "ses-eue' liglincases. T'flc f 1ud comprises duchecsses, countesses, antI viacon- cases; w hile the fourfh is miade uts largcly of "hsonorables." 'fli goltI key s, mbîch constitute a badgeor t- oîM ! olice liaude tea zeal is adjudged tn have boen mae fre Winsiows Soothlng rcyrup bas uiotoaf anifeat by pionus deeds and been used by millions o niomt.hers for their cblidren irbile feething. if dis- GOOD INTEfN,,TIONS. turbed at niglit and broken of your At preseut ouly-nue immn douricil- rest by a sick chili! sufleriug and cry-. ed lu Englaud poasesos this treasure îl1g With Pain of Cuttinig Teeth scnd -the Euipress Eugonie-whiose naine at once Lpid get a 'bottiee!f- mrs. is at Farnborough, lin Mnts. Winslow's Sothing Syrup" for Chl-. U il1882 the Albert Medal, the dren Teethiug. If mili relieve the U t il rzd falBrtsipoor litte sutîrer immediately. De- liesaf ig hly raiz o ! il Brti h pend upon it, rmothers, there le no liesvnheoain, lad neyer - fk 7c about it crsDa- bec w-oit by, or, at ahl eveuts, bad rmseet fcrsDar neve ben _hocis -ulates the Stomiach and noverbc nuferred upon, a wn- Boy;- i'-' ind Colie, softelus the tuait.Iu that year, hnwever, a M iss Ou 'V - s ,- l-laniatioi, and Hart-lot Rnsbotham iras -djuded!, -tJ'-~ tofthe whoio wnrthy-L t1rciv - teeyestai)- - - i S thn On the .other hamd, [boIti h te ilve . JJ xe ly conicxrod upen w-nl,tneu ol.r va- the Ut_ ' z-aV t uts a nus acta nf heroisi; m, an th siverbofflte. S 'ï a' ggistfl miedalani the ROn i >Socity fi- ti(thtrougheut th,.' I re andI Pýrotection nf i Lue rom 1Fisc, and oi ask ,for Mrs, is a 3oha the late Royal Nationual Lifeboat In-, Syrup.- stitutn, bave becns slsilarly wonu, and nt once or f ivice, but onu":v- esal occasions. MAGNETIC POWER One wnman, ton, Mrss. William Mçllor, of Claugliton, neas Birken- There lias licou disco-vered lu the bead, has boen docoraf cd by the Liv- forouta o! Indîn a platt hich Poe- erpol Shpw'rck nd Huaise sesases astonishiug - manguetie' pow- erpoor. Thp baud andicli breaks.ajbai ciety with f hoir silver taedal. - rem Themauedilrivosa afc ,It la ever open to a rman f0 min rmiinredalyccvsashk for hersoli the tnuch-coveted French, equal te that ihicli la produced by1 Cross of the Legion oi Honor. Lady the cenductor nf iiuinduction coul. Pigot achieved the fout in 1870, by At a distanceofni20, foot a mcîgnetic giviug her services to tend the needie la afiected by it, and if miii Frenchi wonded la Met z. This be quite dcrauged if lirnugli near.ý saine lady, tno, teovUd at flic The euergy o! this singulur influence bauds of King Loopold the Belgian varies witx the hours of the day. Bronze Cross, thereby addiug yet AlI-pomerful about twn o'clock lu eue more to tIhe list orfoirelgu dcc- the aiteriionu, it la absnlutely an- orations to irhicl i nen îssay legi- nulepd duriug the niglit. At tintes fimately aspire. of stormaitsis iutertaity anunts te Ouly lu 1882 ivorewnuscî firsf Per- striking proportions. Birds and mlfted te obtalu medical degrcss inaecls stevor alîgit onu thîs plaint; fromtfi thlversity ni Londou, yet an instinct seenis te wirute tha it sinco fhcu tho _eagorly-tiven-inr lhey w'nuld taet wiflisud41en detli.j geld modal nf theo graiscid dcollego Noue nOflih(-1magne1(tie mtasre_ has be carriled off by girl gradu- fouud swhere if" grýos,wlo is a afes (oitineofewerth fan five occasions. prrni that flic electrie force blýengs -Peatsns' Weekly. excltxsii'ely te the planit. TIMBER BOOKS, Wood'ou Phosphodine, 41 Tue Great Engli'sixRexmedyj Ch - le an oltI. ail eetab- Thor isut ass l iîrary proli- preparation. Iliasbeen ably utnique lu fhe irorid. If is 'I '/ bprescribed anIused pages-pnaaîb!Iy frosu irood blocksa-fCaniada seltend Ljd doala cexclnsively witfli fmber. rc nd'ic ie o Tiolihrury in question is flicHIlz- Bf i( ýjfeýthekinlimcneaof blbiiotek, ihicli iras comipilid ut tle gises universai satisýfaction. If )romp!i'y sud cueni oflaf century by Kari SeîtieltI- permancntly cures ail ferma of eouWa- 50 nilmissiens, ,je-aommeiscetb hanh, and coniposed oi nbout sda5e00tosbaorxeie;tisexcestîve Ivolumnes matIe fron tfrocs ia the park use of TebaceO, piun or S!ipzui1 1enis, Mental ai,- ililnishoho. Every volumea, antI Brain Worm,, ah o! wictel ead te Inilmity, ut Iusanity, Cousuxutien asud an Esnii' Grave. heurs onu a f ab--not lu tiniuier', buti, Price ý per pakg r six for $5. Osîe miZi querly cuoglin no ,jco ,bepieaae, siy wfvtil!cure. MaltetI prompity on re- ~eiimcf nie.SentI for fren pamuplilet, Addres na ofni Ie frce ifreniiwichi .ilS The Wocd Conpanry, Obt iitied. There iuse plates o"f ! fie windsor, 0n1, anadae troe In ail stýagna ofitis groîfl 11i nI W IsPopo ilasoltIin Bow- flic letterpresa is a'I-cr'atiso ou flic maanville by Stott & Jury, 'J. W.V fore igatd nturalI 1sf osy nof tlie NleDerinid and Higgin-bntham & Sou, Castoria is for Infaàits and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine flop other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Ifs guarantîce is thirty years' useý by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Wormsmand allays Feverish- ness., Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castorla relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Po 'od, regulates the Stomueli and Bowcis of Infants and Chidren, giving healthy and natural sieep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castorla tesau excellenst sedicine for -"Castoa ilaso mciiadapted ta ebidren cbiidren. Mothers have repestediy toid me tbat 1 recommend it as supertor to axy pre- oi ies good offert upoîs their citdren," scriptiton kuown to Me." DRi. G. C. OSGooD, LOWe-f , Ma= . H. A. ARcHEs, M. D. Brook! y, N (. Y THE FAC-SIMàlE "SIGýNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER, TH rC£CNTAUR CoMPIAýNV. 7-TAU M5AV enfler?. NEW vou el015v. iviicli gives acceas to iroasures thaf axeclunlier eyes ut ail evoufs, in- flifely more vaiuahbe than fthe nard- sole ni any miore eat-thly suIes. For the key in question la tînt wihl unt- lneka fthoe "Hall nof the Noble Veat- menfa" lu tise Vildiz Klnsk Palace ut Constantinople, iritin xhidliare deposited the Prophet Molianismed's tun'ie, stîrrup, sabre, hnî, asnd ofli- er aitr-ilas liighly prized relies. The bides o!f tha exaled office is nsuaiiy tlie favorite xile o! the Sultan, but occasinalby if la con- ferred us a speci4i favor upon the uie or daug&hter nofIe Grand Viz- ier forftho tinte boing, Whloever filia it takos precedoîsce over ail ofli- e r ladies of tIse Court, andI runks second amng the Sultun's subjeets throughnut fthe uhole Ottoinan Em- pire, fhe Sheik-ul-Islain comiug &figs. The Golden Rose, wlici eu qut-ens aighed for lu vain, is net e- aliy, as ifs namie meuld iead onue te infer, a single flouer; but coîssiaf s ni a cluster of rmots, roses, and rose- buda ou one thorny stous, al ni pureaf goid, exqulsilely dhlsaelied. If is biessed hy Ithe Polie oi thfoliuirtfl Sunday lu Lentf, andI bestoîed lafor on upn n thse lady mimarelious 'f00 PARTICULAR, -It ducs look Ilike rain." "I beg yous Ipardon." -I say itlomoka like main."ý 'Whal doca,?" "Tise ivather"- "The xeather, my deur air, lsaa condit ion. Rain is iater la tha ac f 0f alliug fimnihlicclouda. It la imspossible thaf fhey shonid look rùike,"- 'W/laf 1i meant wa" flat flic sky inoked like saisi." "Enkually impossible. The sky is the bine vauat abovo us-the soemng urcli ns dome fliaf me mistakenly. cali flic bavons. If doca not ri- semble iuiiiîsg iator in fheieicaf." - 'W/cil, lhcît, if yen are s0 particun. lai-. if mooka as if if ironid sain."? "As if ihut menid ramn?" "Tlie a'eafber, of cus. "TIc weafler, as bfoestafed, ie- ing a condition, canef rami." "*The clinds, fliu,co- But jusf flou dom flic rain came, andI they pasted lu a hnrry. For Orner SfxtyTar IL] -L u

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