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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1903, p. 2

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MOusi Bear sionature o1 Seo eac..Sjl=o Wto e >pper nfleow. 4u7 *Mau-4a fl AOtr rua 'FOR HEÂnÂOmir FOR1 DIIiINEZ$L FOR fliLlUSiïEe. FoR Tronpio LIVEW. FOR cousiTpATION. FOR L LLOW SKIN. -FOR T1E COMPLEXlIN -C URE $ICK HEADAGHE. DUI. I. POTTFR. rfr'e crrsdeua lrliteete TrinltY DENTISTRY. G CBONNYCASTLE, L PS, DDS, Huai' Citdu ate litIeniitstry of Trra,-to Uîsversiiyý ommca-Over Central Mil4iîey. Evrance fi t dco eaisoef Bil, £0, B.,scna.viis MIISS ETHLEL MORRIS, A BIrST. 'Iiitiors given inlxPAINTING ii (Il. Maier C 1eor and Chi,. Sket-hii g suid j ci iî g 1' r-si use. IUN ouap ainiies, ir A. B. MeLAUGHLIN. Sariîtî,uiiiîansd Conveyaner Offce- Shiakier leuk, hi g -teet. Buowmaills. 9iet ey ta bean ati ioasoimble rate,. 48-lyr, ]ROERT 10UNG, V. S. O FICE IN }IOISEY'S 13100K 0IPOS- ie Tua u hall Kutrauice, -shaeeho viii h us f rcni 8a. nm. la v p..Nigli esils ai asilesi ce, direetly opposite Difiii Shed. il-lyr M jAFIlIAGE LICE\ZSE;;.-M. A 3À, seisu er uf Marriaige Licouses tEtideicce: Contre treet. EMMPSON &BLAIII. ~. - hltihON Q.C CHAS. P'. BLrAIRZ TîlIrliS l-clclesNolaiees, aie, Nlorrbi b-lk, p-îuii',liig Start. ileainanville iille fii l a olitiîbeB"mok. pri rate nARhISTEil,OO0LICIT1OI3,NOTARYj IPI3ic Col) s'vai acrr Money, Piiscate and Tf:K i gSt., opesýite 13Dr, lariludeuiîc er4sl Rons , ow inlvhlle 1i-61î ~5O.OO0O TO LEN on gol niai tý M-il] le at Black ,teck, on the first blcndav cof cach moîsth. et (Orono 2n;s .111du-ailirs, isid ai iNewcastle li Vwelue(,sdayt fronu 2 p M. Oi'ue:-T ensipes suce St., Bowmau- il,î car cf 1fligginbotbam sdirugstore. C. IHARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate of th~e lie ai Coloege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. UFII(E-Cppos!îe T Birsgiiami's o ffice VITALIZED AIR. This is dsy motte :-Each T Or as île new inxpros-eîexts are isiaceio the market, 1 alwa ss maIe it aspcs . it te spare ne expense in eqtlippiîug mshop'Wil the b-t goatis anti appli- ances. glving nuY patî'ons opperfunitiea nuobt inable cuiside of large înanulfac- tuisA aupplY o! bih igrade sun- drics alwas s kept la stock. Brazing Enimmellng, Grinling ,anti Guneral Repatir werk. Tire vulcaiiiiga. specialtr. Your. 0 p eIc air e respectfully solicited, WM. FISHLEIGH, BowaANvîucî. Markei Square. Lake Onitarlo Navigation Compau y- Str. AliG yL to Toronto, Steamer on route FRIDAY, JUNE 12; e'very Tuesday and Friday fllowinR Leaves NEWCASTLE, 6 80 a. mi di LOWMAN VILLE 7 10 a.inu. 49 OSHAWA 8S.OOa. m, 64 WHITBY 8 45a, mu. Ârriving lu Toronto ai 11.15 a, ni. fletus'ning leaves Toronto at 5 p ms.i T I Newcasti ,e 10 Teronto and, return . 75c.I immun uçiivity, lias ii'ied ics arr'ive Bowm4nville 4.70c. aethîe lasa y su-icis hiumsse pro- Whtby anti Oshawa "Il 60C. gress la geruol. He ia loing for Tickets may be exiendeti, good fer Smr Williamn 1 Crookes' "siampler 'iîe season, on-pas mente!f 35e adtienal, lo.PurFer. Meals anduticateroon ac has. - o1ehepes tînt ssheu se- tomodation ai reasenable raies. cîet y fuîly unlesstaisa itselî anI Fegsoliciteti. Furtier infornia. j1lasinsterot tise laws, wisils iise lion o! itsuInt it is isi-il bu sý!l- se te0 I.CA't, Akent, Bwavf~ USe tu'nese lassS 5c5te ussaku usd1el B IlE CRr enerai Agent, wlet ioucgbt telie. This is tise Geties'Whaf, Tronr5 oi~gi-ail foc alIbU, l esaùuil Man prsea ois uipen th-ise u-te- date'b surgeon a1s a 1manI whe) is nover hiappy u ]esliu is uaing the kuife. They thinis 0f) huaiý as so filleti witli pribO lul iSs silil Oai a. ciever opera- tien lais moeoehiua than apati- eut'a welfare, anti thoy are inclinaI te lie suspîieus o! tIse s'eiabiliiy of his tcstimnny *ihen le taika about a 'succesaful operation.- They will agree heartiiy with the view of ia disîluguisheti Britishi surgeen, Sir' William Il-. Bennett, K.C.V.0. seui- or surgeon of St. Geor'ge's H-lespitai, Loulou,;Iliat surgeons of tle typa they describe ara, turning theinselves int "more meclalcs." Sir Willi am believes, lîewever, that the ciiciin applies eniy te ltse younger anti less-experienceî memnbers ef tle pro- fession, lu deliveriug the anîsual eratien befere tise Medical Society o! Loulou lie dividedth îe surgeen's 111e ,into four- stages. Alter the stage of youthlcl engernesa le oporato, ho saidtiesre foilows a second stage. wheu surgeons are"ls aggressive" anti have a "botter understauding o! the relations of tluga." lTr a third stage tliey are inclinedti t perlorm, esmly' V certain, eperatiens -ia svýhicl i liey fuel ai houle. Ant inluthe feurîl, if they ar'e lsîcky enougis te rend h , they cc'ase te operate anti cenllne theniselvea te giviug te otliors the leneit of tîveir jcisigrnc'ut, ivhich, f heugilieo oa snet oxpressiy sny it, lie clcarly iinpiies will bc, with - a creasing lrequency agalusi tle ad- visability of oeiating. Iu hîs oî'aiiou lb" pussetinlureview somne typical surgical operatiens. 0f sudh "romutine pracetices' as lise ro- suoval e! tise. appeudix," hoe saiti, "tise danger of suppression of indu- vidual julgînent leconios a realuty," anti lieatiledtbtIaieisocoulti indicate nxany suirgeoila "wle, wlile lley ara lie sîibjects of racurrent appendici- fis, slow ne great anxiety for oper- allen." He durcît especialiy en tise "fool's paralise" lu which. "many of us" hive witis respect te the suc- cosa of operations. Is fluai fore- ast anl is finl wsortiof ativico te his felow cere lotiofaI dleeritng na- ture. " lis ,"lae said, "that ore mnsy lecales h iLvse passedi away thse eperatiug surgeon, as we now know hlîn wili le a fer less inspos- i.ng figsure on the mnedica.1l ntscape Ilian lie new is."c Andtihion, witi upprovisîg quetation of a greai stir- geon ef laya before autiseptics we'e, in~ commun use: "The ail-imiportant] llsing is neot tis kili witli whidis yen use île 1kuile, but the jutieut witli wisidli yeu disceru whether its cm- ployssîect is ssccessary or net." Iu spea1ing Moethîe interna- tionali cleinical ecougress the other day Sir William Crookes refui-roI te .tle attonipis sshicsli have oser licou imaIe by plysicista te "reluce the el'eî:ets ta simples' bases" anulte arrise ut the issxderiyiu-g uitii3of matie-,Iu all e vnrietv nulconi- plexity cf île phys-ical worlti h 15 feît tîsat soîssebesu, somlesvlere, tIsera is a uinity of substance svhicdx sould recesucile îtee leunouis anti furnisis a satisfsc tory explanetiesu cf île rtruc'~re of things. Il la interesi- iîîg te obser've tisaIushile ibis sea-ci aller unityi- l beiusg prosecut- e in ishîe n1umsical world a sinuilar sourds is in ps'ogress lu tise scial ivorîl. The siew science of socf- ieiegy, tentative anti vaporouls as fi is. ailois at notiuing less thaîs, as Sis'r iluiCrookes usoîidsav, the, "s-I;otion cioil-c" elu-inuss" of se- ciall Ife te"siiiîscler lse. Soci- olegstu-cs li the elemeuts of tle lIc' us hi(di l is u lby the aseo- cieation cf mniais syltis ni-uin sodiety an,(] ttecxstis te corrolate anti roc- About 43,000 peuple in Great Dri- mess' physical appuaî'anco andti leir tain wear glass cyea. lothes, but tlcey Ios'i see to le l France l" about 4,000 duels a capable of chaîsging ibis' habits, 'anti year, andt Itaiy 2,800 on an aver- by lîseo lly are inevitalily racog- age. nizel. Tise labita acquirati by a Tise 60,9-16 police of tle IUitedi lifetima o! oxertion in a panicular Kingdoni ceci noarly $35,000,000 a fiel may net le put off, 1 have lis- yaar. coserel mereiy because one x ns i.ý Inuaal cemntries moe marriages Those descriptions, ospedlalily csf île t.ke place la Juna tIen in any oth- smali things in tle way of habita. es' mentis., 1 1 11 are careýflily noeo in tisa irculinra Spain lias on an average 3,000 sent olilîy the police departiments leurs of sunsisine a yens', againat ef île Americar citles, andt liy lead oiily 1,400 la Eligicul. te tle detection of tise fugitivea urli Evary msinute iliere lie sixty--seven tle celer cof lis humi, eyes, pisysicelý inliabitanis of tihaplanai, anti sev- propor'tions - an(tihîe otells'marks enty babies are hemn. 1ceuisniy suýppos-AI etoientify lii In France certain exainiiens front l. For i 1ia eIreaai a Ciu- taxation ara gu'asiedto t parents cinnati baîss or whcsm wse found svitl soi on or more chultiren. hecause cf Ll iistiabla appetite Il is saiti that in Englanti and for loo ,tîpicis. le cedti tsan Wales ne fewer tIen 60,000 porsous censtanily. 1 Ieý disguiseti himiîseh! die overy year f'on censumaptisn. carefuliy, irere Iluae goggles anti - a TIc average Inria laborens' famiiy uig, but le coulti nuot give up île in Engicuti lives on $185 a yoa'; iooîlpicks. île average aehanic's f aaiy sp'eais "Anether St. Loifutve a $300. macfpesnec Lisfugtate, wa A tract e! Easterna Auàts'ýaia Inaoteti ie nco n irack.taecis' whîcis this'ty yeas's age o, -as aaosdy oae tteraerc.Tec tiesort, now supports .îver a ulion culas' Iescsrihing hin - concluleti with sheep. a brie! reference te tisa facitishat lie The meat reccivet ilite Smlitlsflt1aariabily aatntpd île races. I Markset evcry yaear for Lie feedlng Of 10usd hlm ln a piivate box sccnnîng Loulou excoods 403,000 tons, île field for a hersa le' waa b4dking, To seize a mn's resilence for "A Mlwauke ntbezzlas' uns de- debli l uniawfýul la Tuss'sy, and suf- scriheti as a very lavent innu ai ficient landi te support liai is aise bouse, thoughis hwas aldel tîni this exempit frein seizure. ' ns periasup a blind, ant ile couiti Russie lias muorse hollînys per an- net resorite it lonîger', silice le- uns na: thun auy other Eus'cpeau una- a fusgitive alt-cm juislice. but dil net tien-eigisty-sux su ail. Austria belles e a Dînaccsulti drep tii habi, cosues nexi wiil seventy--six. even theughis h ld beau atssuinied lu A grcxedigger ha liollanl, wsoIe r- île first place riwrely te disguisa lais ceîsihy celebra'teî île iltiaili ausi- reai nature. Good habis, lise bal versary cf lits pptintlient as sex- enes, ar'e tquaily tenaclous. They ion, dlaimns te lava burieti 80,000 can't le dropped iii a muoment, -anti people. se We louaI lIma fugitive a mamIes' Ai Swedisis iroîcinga amoug île of a liiii' suburlian dhurcI, anti a middîle anti louves' claases the bride-I teaches' in grocsom camîes c wiîip. This is an H UDYSI0L ouibluni of lis auuîerhtylinlthe do- TESJDYSIOL miestie circia. "Wiil tisese fugitives fight? No, Glasgow beganlais umuniipal taie- absoiutaly ne. lui many years' beal- houe systen tiwo ye ars ago witl iîug uitI this lasa cof crîminuis, 1 niaceren subscriheurs. Ncsw there are haves' kxu'w bnt tire or tîrea te ru- 8,504, and these-saîmd 30,000,000 siat ulên nppî'eacheb by an offices'. msessages a y cas. 1 attribute ilis cemmnon inpniso te Spas'ioua coins are legally made lu sulmhit quietly te lise fact tînt>ihey China. Tisuy aie usaI tii put in the ara la a foreigu ceuiniry, unacosîstent- coffins of thie dead, aul the snperstx- eaI otes ways e! île- people anti thon prevails tuai thîey uais tise reaîizing thai reýsutance ilîl malte deati happy. a bal maties' irrse. A mian wlo, Cardiff experts 12,000,000 tons ýof ai lieue, weuid figli tote lett, lu ceai a ycas, Neuwastle about 4,- a foeigu country subnxts to arresi (lOO,000. Newport andt Sunderland a nel sacid eac shp aouttwoanda hlf il- "Perlaps tîey lave beau se long> lion toua a yeas'. 1oxpecîlng arrest, living its perpetuai The hargest picture oves' paintedfe'o!leie-tbetsatiyar has beau deaspieteti by a Prench as'- fî'oftveî uu'e îlle upene atves',r tisi, altos' ighi 'e'as' 'labos'. Thc eIehved son esutIenseue lgitve subjectislathe funeral of M. Carnot,1haeldmr anoefgtv aid île ceuvas mcasures 150 square who lad evaded, justice for rntnu yards. yeas. assert thia relief., In faci, se In parts of Australia îhrla'atIe genes'ally have I'louaI fugiives te average rninfaiî ha net jmore than le lariesa uliet in a ferelgu ceun-. 10 mueles, a aqumra ile o! land try tisai 1 disýcardedth îe habit of wsu si upport oely ight'os' emnuearinlg a rsole'iu pussuingthîs siseep. ln Bueusos Ayres, île came c1as -of uanietimd But ilay mait urea,uil 34 incises of rein,, sup- e auy.TIati s usuailyV îele irai ports 2,560 sheep. tiug tisey sook, aul lha(y ie aO Tise brain o! n chilI at i ins bitas fight, as a rufle. Tias'si1 e wueiglss unIon 10 oenaces, lui ai île propertyý, if lley 1hava aulry bI(t, ha ant cf a yeas' las Jacreased te lue spant lavisîly for this vurpese. Ils. Pull gi-owti is nitaineti by "Tise anthoriie-s of tise States anti amen ai about iwonty yecî's o! age, 'Canada wucsris ogothor vos'y close, anti by scomea n aighteen ycars. anulexdlange inFo)rmetieti coustanîîy. Susapecteti porsena, as tîay stand Inlu nay cases uro finI a fugitive wIe ut tlie paying teller's îvluîouv lutise cannet le exîraîlîtid,cuti lie Inows Blank ocf France, ara inaiantaneously it.1 The tact îs ueteti, ant insu ue photogc'aphad. A camiera is always hla goîs caelesa. lie can'i nasiat tisa in position, anti is olieratti une-e a lesira te creep'oves' thahinue cca- signsal fron thtistller. ,sienalîy, andtileu mc quioîîy noîiîy A cuis6us affect ia noiet inlu tisetie A rca fcs nianet Anules. Tîere is anu il-n islf svey upth reia ofi rsan arss thea direct route wheu'c ascenders anti fcllcsiu. They nltgat isemesîcis soon- desceuders frequaatfy mseet, tisa fer- or or Inter. mci' hall perisîîeui with - iacneasing "Mau hunturs iunow 10w nmucl cash- coiti, CIe lettes' eves-wlelned lyiynl- os' h la for a fugitive te evade thseni creasîng leat. ieabig iiy tliî,nnin tise wultaof n Altors' tulying aul dpiseîegraphing ïew ciîuuts'y. The foreat and plain nmo're tisai40,11055 faira cf c, ars 0t fleord ne sudhssecurity as congested pe'-seis, iicclulfiag ilescrf ,(000 ii--ýlnaityl. Inumsoyvexpoi'iouca lu tîis sacut sud 800 cr!iiiinnls, at ihi ose csf - cla.ss' of bu1ne' 51 Ihave.seen thai :250 auiinl-s, a cioioo is l lhslî'teti bozeus cof tintes. It le foclte cencieule ,t1tiat seur ivslise pers'ensenersse! fate wbich points 1 : l o1 ý yens'sa tî,i'c nge.cof auLsJpiÇiOis aitisaeresu-- SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as a bridge te carry the weakeued snd starved system aloug unil it cau 1usd firiu support lu ordinary food. Sand fer freesiampie. SOT&BIOWTE, Chensici, rioa 4Onre Trhere are sra= t uany h ngsryhearteti womiea who wud ted a bb le if babies we'e ever offere t for slbem use there are a great many wiveg wlhorsv chilirea -anti lave been tolti by phyel- clans that they eau neyer hope te nurse a chilti of their ewn. Soîn of e! se womnen who lsave lsusa Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ,fer île cure of wornanly ijus have leesanuade_1- happy nuothers as a resait of the cure of wonuanly disease, andthîe building up o! the general healtis. Doctes' Pierceis Favorite PrescrTption wunîea weil. It establisises regularity, dries weakeniîsg drains, heals inflainma- tien n sd îlceration and cures feasale1 weakness. "tI wrete te yen ssa etue ugo te get infomia. tien about In ycase,,, anys'Mns. Mary t,ee Fiais- ary, etDryden, Va- c',T5 atroublait isith tesu;aleweaknessî unitpains. Rereicedunswrr fran: yosi. advisissg ie te take Doctur Pieree'î Erverite 1Prescription anti Golden Meiicai Dis- CoVery.' 1 took, tvu bottîca ut ' Favorite re- .crlptiin' snd touni.it 010 use good. 1 hati beaun narried four yeuns anti lad ne childresi; new 1 cau, say Unit aur hbuse is blesseti wiilaa littIe hbaby boy, boum July soth, >by the li'fp of - ed anti yur seedicisse. i'praie yossr metiieîeie hlpghly.Y "VoYet eau publiaI ISslatter if yen wi."I FnEF. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent -r-ee on s'eceipt of stamps te pay exg p anse of custouis anti masiling oniy. Sent 31 ene-cent stamps for île book in papar covers, or 50 stamps for tise ciotis-bounti volume. Ad- dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. nMedorn htligt is on qîlesi. Iu all tise crludities anti ahssirdities cf pro- seul sociologicai gabhle, île n-blity of tise final, seciolegical ambition sioulti bu rossinbred. 'USEFUL INFORMATION. Tit-Bits of Knowledge Which Yoss You Shoulti Know. MAIîN ElUKTlq NT DRO "L t 1 T CaIEF CAKIADIAN REPUGE 01, AME RICAN CRIINALS. Little Thhnrgs by Whichi Fugitives Btray Tlhenslve-MYetsotis - î o! anker anti Burgiar. Iu apitae!ofextr1(adition treailua, CanaaecnineIele a pince 0fl refuge foriAericnscinlaee uvay or anotser lvecoin-m fuie collision wiiis île laîi. Torolitohusanlsrays been the cenitre, o! is i feigri ceiony froam îlhe SLtis. John W. Mura as fer tweýnty- elgît ycnrs loess elle! o! )fthe Crmin- îe O)ntrie evrua1mni. Ur- ipucc-ui{ o creok, nulknus muea I rulbratl fuutiva tIn auy otells ",rWhnt ha i il at liaIs the,- meus te bcfay teiv sanId Ms'. Mur- ray reccutiy, uvisn aekel wtri ad eonsIlaI ,hlm ltesuccu-est inlu acrestiug fuguti4ves lrom justice wmIse lad souigist refugcc ls' -s'. 'Icanst say, Perha[&i ha is e knowtedcge tîey possasa that gees wuth e veryt gniiiy consienc, uai îiey as;e beiug seugisi, togeýthias' uiAisai- ban, for- cvcr l "tis tîcen, if thsàey eadae jus- iice n1 gossratien, ef possible aî'reat. In 111y tsvmenig1ki year&Li oxpEri- caca,, upse1hv met every menonfe!greetlurl,îîeng'ansi cjulue. meî ot lelgîetataasceianti others of te reisi h nt.of the p-soduct 0f lia"aluis. IBut theis' niellotis areciiî intv ='ably tise, sentei(, antid ehuoimes unIe hava wîccked banka s y unfortunate specui- latien, andsti îlthug unI lurgiar ucho lave wnrere. he saine institu-- lieus ai nigît t dynýamite, lu tise, hope csf hootiïîqxg île _st'oîmghex, seemi te reacis clit tle saine conclusilons, theugI front aknily iffereul pro-- cessf reasonluig. Tlsy resorite - the sanse Iicisa 1o vale thé sleutl, and, ishile (,e usthîe besi resi- deat portion o! île ciiy andtihie tells'tise shuint, tir t a santenes about their ile frointhtis ime tlay beceme fugitives frein justice tisai beiu'ays thsein imined(iataly to TIIE TRAINED DETECTIVE. "Theae nmnchiangaeîlts' rpuas, exorisedail he iscr?toliof TIIE CUJNINt CRIMIMAL. "Ho ',trIl s the Unset.tleod region, Luia fw loigh irsanneyer Mentions his forer sseciates and home. His< very ortieespr-o, cokes suspicion. The. gossip of the neighborhood relates, that se-and-se recelves ne miail. The wiseacres shake their hcads and wag their tengoe-s. Thein soine evii day one of the busç,ybodies write8 the nearest constable of a mystea'ious man in that vicinjty. ThieolCerConsitsi h;s cruasfor watelicmen, and concude te akea look at the strage an, 1 len he discer sema oldc]rimninal çvho is wanted on grava chaý,,rges or somec broken-down ahirWhio lad fleti from his crm elong ago that ho, lad lie- g;,n te fel quite secure i l is new ;. 0'. Mny Ainericans have gene bat t otI States under these very cire anist ances. 1 -1 do nlot believe it is the- hope of rewaird that stintiulates the average dcetcliïve in the diFchiarge 0f lis duty.- I bilieve, as Many mO ar appeiienedfor whom earis r net îaTeed s of toefer whosnl l1arge su . re paid fo det,,. îg.1 boeiers .ýthi, professienaliusisr sas strong ii,inhe average olcra nan artisii, a pechanic or a pyirn.I have fo'Ilesed tnep haîf ae,~ l Uic Weold2 antiseen tÈem behind 3tIc blars whçeni î porse;naiiy had a stïsnug re- girsi foi, the prlsener's famil' y and eveaoy indurcement te permit hmte sap. A i)refessionai cns!k reois mesftr ic esake of rbigIcou- ceiexe,, than for the bool-y- lie'seoue Se an Offieýr is 1urgi on ne£, b hope 0f reward, but by iiossona ii-t ast ueigte Canada'.firbîn h, States rs vs. This is partiy due te the inraigPopulation on both sides of Ui1wno Whiia many Q4f the gravr- er rimes ajre covered Ny the extra- diton reaY, there are a lest of serieus cases that we d',t ' seo te î1ave been able t9 gui togather on.- Toronto bitsis air ta' le dejcpri-i'ed of is record for harbcoriuig fugitives since the Nortliweat Teriterieseo- ed Up se promisingly, ln the past an American whose ENFORCED VACATION earried hilxi into Canada uaturaiiy seught Toronto as the meost congeni-1 ai part of the Dominion. Ilere lie founti theusands ef Amnericans anti a people, dufîering ,in nc. way freini those lie was acquainted i wth lu th(, States. Thus it was ne diffictiat mlatter te enter business andi finti cempanions. lIn LIontreal ih was dilierent, because of the French pop- ulation, A Pison ufmiirwith French was easiiy obsoirveti, and ýjthe( fugutive attaclie ii more morac te this phase really than it deserved. Other cities more remote prox cd less satisfactory as a resideuce, andi To- renite naturally became the select lo- cation of this cllass of uew citizens. NOw this class fintis the uew WeSt -the golden W est-mlcoecengenjial. Stili theo are lots of Amnerican refugees la Toronto te-day.- Almiosti daily Amnerican detectives, visit To- rente in pursuit of fugitives. ht is nething unusuai te observe strangers stroliing around Toronto, acceîupaa- icti by the cf ty or Provincial detec- tives. Tliey are offilcers frem the States looking for men wlio have lied from their section. The hetels, the places of amusement and the shady sideo0f'the fashionable promn- enades are always exaîained by tbose searching parties. Eîven a bank rebber, embezzler or murdorer is liko ether people, anti cannet ignore the imulse te enjey a littie of the gooti thîngs of lufe lu his new home. A fuir months ago a quiet-appear- ing man was strolling down Yonge street, the, leadiug tlioroughfare of Toronto, accînpauied by City Dc)- tactive Cuddy. The couple weile ap- parentiy eut for a geedtitin ' . They kept la the fashionable threng, how- oves', anti scanneti young men close- ly. Suddanly the strauger 1gave a not, anti Detective LC-uddy placeti lis hanti on the shoulder of a fashion- ably attired young muan and whisp- eroti into lis car. Then the trie qeietiy walketi te the police station. The afternoon newspapersannounceti that a P'ittsburg dtciehaci that day cauglît the young son of a Pit.ts- burg miliionaire, who vas wanted for au illegal financial transaction, andi it was true. This is the way it is doue, and se miany times have these littie inci- den ts eccurred that slight comment is occasionoti by the succcss of the mnan hunters on the streets of Te- In tise dowu_ greup- ire have the- ShropahY4is', O ,xýford, Suliwi Hampshii'e anti Suffolk, pupular in 1,l1 oLrties' naneti. Iu ili,,,lonig, e cd orlowanigroup ssiihave 1le( C'otswatd, Lincoln antid olateai- se named inluthe orler csf popiasty. lu tI&cs Pecial purpose group w\e ciassifY tle varions kinus aof WMarine noteti fois their wooi prodtision, tise Dosest, valuahie for the, provçdiuin osf eariy tamins and tlir iî-,iieutilk- ing preperties an dti ihsCisnani for their scivity asuilhrisoi la tise ollýst csf île buoeý-ds iuzeniiel lu this greusp anti is possess&di of thse moat nea i ld muttosi formi anti qualltiy. Teyaaeue ofi th smili- est 0ttseh-cl o!f utnsheep, airc île usacomspact iii farsus'and au-e thie caîateepers. They arc supe(rser Iti any cftieoheulreetis fer' cressng on common gradîe ewes lackýi ng in qualuty anti uroudilh of fleal irlior - e bjeet s îiis latfie producion, mii a clasa of sisst1isa are hardy, gu.iis maturilsg esuti of the type mes. deimindaI by luise besi mnarisets. Ir ac!ýis clf xool produiio1o, n laacis 0f slze- andlwcll in the laies anti laînia d ia nt altains sufficieni Nveiglls oaîly eouzglii ui li- 10sup- piy le lest uarketisai le saso csf île yscrwlsen the priesis iigh- est. TI1cs Souhowi u sii)%,,l os11- ila verY aCjctIeci hardy antd'apto1ti t thlose ses'ti*ons ýof ceuntry ta ru sschcI t broken il ai ul, anul iu'lere segetation is net tocs ablid- ant, esc tlicy are gooti r .zrs and aatsiiy kptinlugooti conCdfio.. TITE SHIIOPSIHUES user peny rs th3 ie Sentis- down,,-s than any eth!er Irtecti, as they p os s,ýss tiesa ala uicckcompact foi ns itd liic]c lel sgpropsrties. Tisay ara, isoweves', ialargos' andt henvies'reeiwoighlug is ýgotoi ' esh fnt150 te 225 poýuss. 'c'clîey iack something ia tise dQýeoo)ment csf leg <il inutton ant iweaiih of fin flesis, buit oxcel is tisepr'oduction' of lamnba tisatiiiîaie a rapiti growtis anti aqý(it tle markset eoulscul, anti theY are tise besi iroolel of any of tise tieuvubreePda. No oJiser bree i las licou se o p- las' foer crosslng apontHe. colmmen as wIsere a alroni;iee suent iu caîcass ani i wol produc,,tion, ha desireti. Tlicy also îîessuss tle powrer of adapting theinsclvss l varyiug conditions csf soul anti cii-- miaie te a niarkel tegree. They ara adapteI lu reiiing asti level lands ilakt mnay Vlie ouewatbrukon anti rccky lus dliarneter, lbut ,whare oa tation ha lîlentiffci. TIIEES AI), PLANTS. -Tlere îuay le ne such thing us pedigree trees asti plants, tils usay lia a inner. Tliera is au increas- îng ueccssiiy for a liguer ýgratiecsf nursery stock tlian grewers are on- alaI te gui. I hrserîsises inîay mot le whlhy ai fauit for iluis as a de- suanti by gu'eweu's for, cieap stock lias cosupllul au ecouomny lu tieir 1pro- duction lIai lessens île quality cof îhe produci. A vcry goîseral i-uic' la the business irerîila iii ai eceuîemsuy practicel te a cesrtails iuîmila uu'holu-i seule, buti uhcîîi tis hauit la exceedi eti it, eau oýniy le practicetiet thie expeuso of tise tiîusîg lui'clueod. 'This, 1 thinis, e-pssstiese ituation ext- actiy, srites ,Mi-. A. N. Browsn.1 Fruit gs'ers sîseuit selectimccli stock foi- pleîstiuîg ns lias lc'n lpro- pagatel front stock knowii te lie lîealtîy ail alose t'easvoragecsf lus kimb lu size, roior, Liiiifoi-iiiiil.y anti ps'olihicuuas, alil cf wlcici au'c pr'ime esseîîtiais te siîccess-fiul ordhas'ling. Tisa lassiof>1trasmaissionîî iisat s potant'lu tise vegetable inhgdecu s.u it is so cemspicueusiy forrCefuLIiuî tise animal kingdesi. 1 clix awcsie thai somue pcopagus ors scefi ut tlîis Idea, but we cannot close esîr eyes te lotI s'eusomîanti experiesîce. ,Ever silice 1agriculture bh'-çainü île first ýcallimîg of muui, las bu-eniinunut- allerahie lais' flat nuat lic 0'ssc-s-o: "Tisat île sower shoulti select oniy, île besi sool." 'rIe sp-te-date dauryman purchases lise dairy 00w 15h05 the cîuantisv csf milkshae proucices, et a 'asiven atieunýt e! butter fat. unIorn Isrsicul romi-J tiens, tise race horse las value ad- cortiiug te lis record, un thc coulrse, îhe, bef aunimasllis- thlieaiilil s'of Ilis beý lio te hmnellnotiehîe t ail greatcst essuosuut of tle carcs , so trees and pblants ss uid oîly lie useti that combhinealal tise ccsct requisit's. Tise lay as not (1hssmacit when, li liy opinions, nssn'sei- yuîsu î uril le requirel te gise a ceîlificr te e! breediîîg wiuli evel-y lot of trucs USED FOURTEEN'M- ERS W17H atemn:Ihave lnacd aIr5pvln Cure u0n m5r forthe paît feurtorni icandue it ha aras iven ime goed reaulti laIovcs-y partleular. i aise- iav.e une ef yeur boolîs Chat 1I'have feund very iau£uL. If yeîi have sur later edition of the F'eatiie en the Horeria ndO. bU Diseases," wiili 7uu kindliy send ini une. Uesapectfuily youre, B. IV. ii1 111Ei. It lemsa bsonteir reliable remesty fer Spaviris, Sinta,.CurbasUingbunca, etc. irnre i bunelanid leaea nu sca. Frire 5f; six fer $5. Asainitment for amlly use i liîas licequial. Ail ver-rgiifer xFNDALL'sS'VN(iiE aise. 'AŽ. rlti.e on tihe Hurie," tisebock free, or addreaa0 DR. BU1 KENDALL CO., ENGSB1JrC FALLS, VI. Pe ADVERTIIN-* 1UfTS. ~ 1K CÀXsuNsÀSSTATES-' S#Nu uslhi rr w edrLeeday morn-liî;g at [ils e.1iqae25 tiArÂes- MSBlcak, Kinsg Sirect,. Bowmai-Uvle, 0,A., by t4i1.tUu.er an,mr $100 if pit1itictly 1s1 agrue. 4reii-ugratStraaseit acver- tiilag, ts ceais e aairit. nîtion ; tc telts ~ leeaých sb-eusi ssro.Cua- trtr.,11 ,oiiapplicleii. tan _i24,440 pountiss'ulacwltii fed wýiih1 (4S pouad1s hay and 2u3, 4 pouisL grain, prodluceti, -,,496 pountia ille, ucntaliug -34.0.4- pounds fat, Vront 29,8'00 I)ounds, g.eon fodder were obitaîinieti 7830; pounts is Iid cureti fotider cern, wh,£cl, feti with 156 peIdomJ hay andV 27,13 pounds gruau, pouei7119 pewunds miilk, cou.taining 31S.2 pountisý fat. -Mt the Vetrmiout ttn the silage rtion predluceti s37 posit.is er il per ctmore îil]k tIen w %as obtained fbsom the,,dry, fotder rýationi. At' the Wi-sconsin' station the silage ration yvielded 377 peund& more mnilk and 'Z2 poultýdq saoeafat-a differenice lu, laver of silage 0f à pur cent. ini niilîl *and6 par cent. iii fat. BRUI113ANO _UINSECTS. Bits-osf raw cotten or watiding set.. uatiwitli the oul of peninyroyal1, anti pîncot in corneris, on coe (Irive away severl ikinds oc0f ojec- tionabie insects, cchroadlies, enta, etc. llaced in a sauce-,r ilutb,, win- dows it will heip dr-ive nway files. We have beeu told that it does cent.- peey.Saturi.tcd pals of tl,,,pe- nralpI;aced bteuthe manItroas, and arotý,Iii inhe bcd x irivca awaýy the iau neot gis-en in the liat of thoýse witli whicli EgypIt wus sor. cd for lier sins. For thia rade pcst another excellent pros enlive aýnt cure is un application te infestaIte places 0f uqual. parts of kereseno ýanid spirits 0f turpentine. 'Put the so- lution lu- the Joints and cracks of tihe bcd, aiîi the surliase antint, any etho-r places wherc the insecta lave founat lodgment, ant I ial cracks witl liard soap that can lic se, treated. This is an olti-fashioneti anti reliahle reiedy. 1 Use a long-liandledlirusli te duat pictures anti higli places, a stif! paiîst-bs-usli foi- dustiiig carveti furni-. turc, andi a sm.ali i-ound paint-hiush foi- greasing breadl anti cake tins. A njew tooth lisusis is liino fer cl(ianing straîners anti ceiery . Ascu in briîsl wtli rather stiff liristiesma iy lc ie d te cloapresseti anti eut glass dishes andti t wasli ail seamiet tinwas-c. A fibre lirushi sii] dcean île lemton 'and borse-radisli graters ant i- reovo tle skUn from rnew po-' tatees. Aniother useful articleý is a clieap whisk lî-oonu, bought for' the soie puirpose 0f furuishirîg spluts for' tî-ying cakes. ht shoulti le kept in a paper bag, wiillait for years. anti lias the virtue of cleauliness. -f E BEST LINE, From B3owmanvi'Ile te New Yv~ Grand Trunk anti Lelîlgh Vallev, ilurougli Pullmans Toronto te Nqe* YorK and iluffain te Philadel,.Iphiaý Dining Car froni Toronto te Niagara Fallsansd as frein Eston to New York The Lehigh Val!ev lias t1ire Stations lu New Yoxtk -Uptcwn near all flrst cissliotel,*, anti Dawntown neas' al. Eurepean Steamer Docirs. For tickets cal! at Grand Trunk town or station ticket ollîceS. 16-8w CUB1A'S I-'IîTFULNES<S. The sou 0of Cuba iii cxtremnely fruifuL Calbuagés there arc so large that honads xveighing 20 Ibs. eacl are ccosîuxen. Ail vegetabies do w,11. lailsmay ie ots freit feurtocun t igltc cknýq alts'soiu, ot tu M ulive weis Ite swin, wii i-j j

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