n sin u lnr T~TDli~ EYCE SII erbarts woulc le fie sainie as trial B 11\ N FIHF ~ ~ Ir, îFoy renld l1.Snttasei U IL Il III ______ rone, ouehiing île position of the Gorenomneaf l ugust ati Septecm- - Mr Rikar's otin Carie byber lawlih lic ýýProvinicial Secre- MrýRicards Mtio Carie by l-"tory ciimt!i tha, ltere wias ne cris- Inbnya Majori-fy of Four. is, ns the Goveromnent lad a major- Uîîrnmnu iy o! on c, it îIle(,îîaefie:aî ue o ei baiî mg l i ic re sýa , t h f e b y e-el- - - Ifailoti tteile -g ouf 'fieroal acf>s. Î,"S eedy'île 1 ierîe ic n d j se 1'culeo w ieffi nmmry c il l l î v ylB-(-im- . f r y î ao r STeoiveï Ou1p-po0JSe o!ý 1 ls counisel, fo cxya nreng 1 th. Grant n iseCanada , Impes Io ftfe jutigos. Tis inas ~i* flCetri taîwy.j Iera e re a commlitieo!fle I~i uutlîa p ~Id I~lJlieue ioutni lave boen btter quali- TotoJae27.-la flic Legish-ia- l iia fIe jutiges to ntiestanti fuitrc teta eriglin m ie vlieceanti see fîrcîugl fie in- ~j ~iji~hIL b, l oui i snspech, ne- tfmtoiIe!ofIe Provinial Scriet ary. mianketi thaf afer tble McG"eovY la- iftivas on Iiile saine prioc ile t int n --- esîigiatin by eomiffee mlcn 1891, jury of a mnan's felloî-citizeais 'is tho Canlon cliargoýs caInne ip,jtflicps-opeî- trIbuna1lfor- Itirninaing Làe,-ýý hSm John Thandson ati D' &bfon questions o!fef, for tlic-yare inaa th as hyilasFat lct'atiy, inbo Ilad b)--on lie 'position f0 lan somezl-tiing o! the conmnf oc fxeet iveti earacter, fth etmois ic lpurposs galion by Çol1imas1issJIo. l1ad îIle,,Ga- anti otîmer qiualitiesýo!îlie p arties miey cbargns ,bon trioti beoro a ori- antiwiînessot i!ii n cton Instant relief anti nfresbing sieep for imîittteeiiex aoanti report moulti An0 thon Important fumt fca as skkia-tertureti babies, anti rost for tireti, 1le tle sanie, ati as fIt ae (ýr o! the nof broughtf-oui hy 1fIel,- îlený1,ce ia frateffe ti uers, in win acahls With OppostionLti ie hosuolti sgaun- theflic fnffat tIetiefeatefI Gmoeza- LutItira Seap artkgphtle anointings 'îliesacicustacsjc boitimn&adfovaxycominncrn cus- with Cuticara OMuinent, île great ski rei oin, li. i lmitlîy 1i saidti n ctit led ote Ib pait ronallge o!fi e eure, anti purest o! emollients, te u l,,le e 11wct îe tatemoiaf f0 10 itiiîg. TIojutiges shitilv bi foiiewed Inbsorere cases hy miltidoes mniay 'fie, n ic enflore nore rîppriseti o!ftils in ortien thaift of Caurua Ilesoiveut. Tlis is fIe - som iiiagslitiinh àici beitý id nef might untiensfancithat Mn. Fraser, prfsiveetest, mosf speedy, permat- 'believe. - -lkiv icitanti ceonounleal freatment fr tanti nof Mnr. Gaiesoi bi nen to - Mn. Wiitîc saiti tînt 1 beliex- lbeen consulf cd by flic Govrameaf ini turngtiifmnnig, tcbng bunutgcd tflîttIc îhogtlos o!flhe mcm- le hestouvaý i o! atronage bbeigFcakly, crusteti anti pimpîy briniluiolnmoepoo 0h eiwts rnlg eLýiîi'anti scal-ýp humours, eczencas, raslmeai ani irrfitations, w't l oss o! uir, of imainhy trc.Tlisereintay bave 1b0 'li ui'n Thnnmole wwhr fie ex 1- - infants anti chiltirca, as webî as aduifs, sot titils muIjciwcre nef proveti nence justilctîie een.There elid is sure te succe eti i nal other truc. euld hle no lian in i, sagtise rctiios anti plysicians fail. Tise cIn M nst ïlca1k. ji (ges;fly w'co nefinfa1lilie mon; -'iiins of flic worbt's iest peepbej n.GralanuIL salit i beladLtiîstiacf]ý ly ifiey ,mere igit n1înl'ay s tf ere nonueCuieura Soap, tssisteti by ibard b - insatubut f Ilîre nos notîlti hono neeti o! a Corto!Ap- Ouc&l.aia -iîmutforpcorigI11 i ifimeno l meaoioig. The -i poai. If nos tf ingîf ati dufy e! pu-ai-i fying so boautifying Vle si, nloo hn io Il fo iecees if tfl lomîse te rexi' he f10iiiog. Tlîc fer clean,.lng tIc scalp of cnusfs, scalos sente o!; île lllnî.s o f ra.Thei relient mas a surprise f0 VI? unhoho ant in dùru, anditbfe stepping o! fahII- acusr it i]net îîeîîle dte on peuple. Tbley lad lîcen !ollomingf le ling bain, for softeaing, whiteniing antid nli,, l sall lesoiti lus miner t e emidencesnd nereofo!IbIIIopinion çootbhing ced, rougi anti sore bantIs,. a I ro nllSertr.W's if afy tI f t tIoreport nas falsý,e. vieil as for -ail fie purpeses e!ffihi ionder tfIai fbo ladero! tle ppos- Sente o!fIe discrepýancios noe follet, bath antid iner.Thounantis iio rmîti e'bex le titails? esLitrvial. They nere told tînt of women recommeud(tiufcura Soap, fIr as ai moastreus proposition f0 ,mýi-n fbe jutiges referre-ti te Macigre- alssisteti by Cuicura Oafoient fie great as!, any sensible an o te blievo fiat gýor os, a Conservafive Organizer, sItu cur, fo annyin Irrtatins, e id not kîîouv f lie date wmvil e tlîey matie a moî'oslip; perhaps flot cbafings fantiwelne~Ses4, 0or 100frocee teel pon f li e gratfcontracL o! nos so, but if nas at t te iseati or efensive perspicpition, for nîcer- bslifo Thl'le if ry a lsuîtion somoeboty, and ti had, ne ouf afive conditions, anti for mutnysans-fi-utpit infh cue itntmsed feAfre-eîrbme ti-se, anfiseptie purposes 'whicî reatily i ý le'hni gae l taccey ie r mile aaoteund lthcory as f0 fb I e ,iiestersaeemdcdho-sioCiooititimei bi bcanti looketi out f ousrceofe!the moncy. Lo 1okinig over Co~co5î'uu1and'-'uo thentseni Culicur olss, o Mdo.Tînt novs anothor ahb- tflicrepornt, Mn. Foy titi foi findt he il , cco Sq;17.'.i c, Rde .i.;snA.Miic. R. 'T-,a sn if y atiif w-as:,îîow-ntier fthoeformubaiti changes set forth, non fie e-. Sydccey; Coaton. lmn eoucnbiaAve. Fur Druga Oppsition monfi elev hfe de- Isecondtistafemieatf o!Mn. Gamey la Cheiel Cop.Sle i'rOpcieioo, I ý - Seud fr' CucuraSkia Book." t ails. Gnaîfd tint f lIOpstioa fhe flouise. j2blie'en . M.St i-tt on hati, ey Aiîeged Errors. voeuld neft say he nas a nt ural blua B nos a fatal omnission for fhe idIot, a mono w-lie ioulti pass f1thtigs f0_leteouf fhe X YZ en- A n E t at 1er inea in ord t o e m ole evitience1i in h anofler place. Ife W ss r h Ê . N aCoanîshisssonf.s ýwouid correct fIat oidnrraThe Missicîg Leai-es. o no. No att-îmîît ball beenu mA4 ee v crntcemen opposite f0 ex- ElecricBeits in the Reach of AIL, We Arc e Sd ng the Best Electrie Beit in the Worid at a Price withi-n the Eeaeh of' the Poorest Suflerer. A - ' - ¼ ~ $20 The Pro)f Norse's El7ectrie Boit [witîhi ýTâsrensorY fo me's or ladies' aach ment] :s guaranteedti lupossess moUre- powen, more current, btter quivandi finish than any other Etectrie Beit matie reg-,arileFs of pri(e 'HP, PROF. MàORýE'S BLLT is a sure cure for Nervous Wans.ie Kitiaev anti Stouaci Corepiaint;, Rheu- nmtîm Isme Back, Pains' or Ac-hes la alilparts oi the bodyv. Wep.r tho boIt wI i oit sl anin iithe morncng youij wil !hel ye sr younger than wlimn you wenf to le B.wae !thos m skio o a fr-oin -s10te $20 for am i lctrieBeit 'nlot hait so gomii as tIe Prof. MNorc's Boilt, which we<t-all for oinlv $5 We haro only mne pri ce We de neit ask ý ou $10t frst amci if mlu do net u, tri- anti seL 3 0lltie sa ra nebit at ar o9d pice. -. OUU IIONEST OFFE-It mou c notcar tescd u îl $5wewili ýe nti yeo,- ne o o lis Eet8î o ir ers office. C, . D ., $5with prinil Oge of exarinatin; il sitisfa-ctov,paY the ex pros- ei et$5atexeschn es anti thc Boit. Il net a-- rpreseated N ou i not pan eueo cent If Yoýu senti ciish wiAh or'or warirepav île postage. VVE ARE MIIANUFAI TURERS ef ail kius et Electrical Appliances. Writo ns for oui' book givin g prices and full paricuiars It issont fre Do ne In a Bei ntil you see fIe prof. Morse '8. Write at onee. Atidres The F. E. Karn Go., J32 Victoria St, Troronto, Canada, 71!f STFEAMýSIIS. ài ....... -.Ma y i June 271 Aug. 1 S-îibWc'k May51Jnuly 4 Aug. 8 c i adIa ........ .Junce13i , Jcly 18 Aug'. 22 Jensiigte .Jcn 20 Jaly 25 Auj&-. 2,9 B01'OUN TO LIVERPOOL, .a....t ......----- May 21St June 18 Cecnnou ......î-------Julila4ti uly22 N,ý,vEin g1asi ....._. Jurjetiti Jnly cil PORTLAND Tu) LIVERPOOL. Noadie .. . 7May lc a jc cACt IiîIc~i.u-My810 No*oisemnn. .Ju-îie mti AVONOUTEDOCK AND BRISTOL. From Montal BOSTOý,N TO MDTRAEN 2,1 lyr 17 t trmeo tMntel u Br'iialas imein 150 nmvpao- krowîvîSas Ties"10-Avet- 140"Nos";70 "Garla, " 48 Sfniri- Mn. Grabat tIhen tiscussodthef1 missiag casb hool -icau's andtihfe de- pesit slip, Cosiîdit net tproduce fie ., bolse! is o1fice uli*f le0was 3in.MeEoy a-d deehimuotite geointto fUli ofice olone, anti Ganiey loti nov- eî ye enei ha h ad talontfle deait itbbotl tie $1,500 penieti ant io ,le,100 lerioi. (On fie Sot- udy ialoig (iniey iront te tic Oîtno Banl anti asketi for the ýO90 doposif slip o! Septemnber il, nheîm i(iïhc lgav ýe bock anotmer slip, andi il,2en ask.eti. fo r tic original seare.u- cil for If ant i nzlly produtceti, an- otirr, rif ilimthe ir'nlit iass flre- ais, but nt iflue rigîf one.'icm ca1ine tleftrip'te Bilafilo. asany- ttuing fit bIeri* codec Iote iscred1if fIe nfreI MoniLosulia?ý Thea anuyssf ony flat le lad boî-mowed $1,200 nos incredibie. Im- agine Framul Sulli van giviuig hlm $-500 in Janc.ary mien Ganmeiy owet îlot $1,200, Gamney isat mîstheic niency la lis oenbusiness, s-md c-von af h fiipreseatlime liad 3,20o! tii-moaey invsei a is 1businel(ss. - Mnr. Gmy-o-c illi , j ut(ige B1oytI i mii M000o! fIte monley la fGaeygof fIre aione, lre le sal ii letii, mb titi dMnr. Suiy(I .- iront f lew o- lintr-ntf0off a 1ro- wnad(!l 1000 r fo oratonas te~ ~~" fle1orc 1wi mnofcey? Mn. Gra1iinu satiie memben for Maltouin -ailit pbuuc it o! docuioatar ex iicnc oufhongl la lis tat-mnaî u ai(Ji1-(" lad Ilots o! if. L lliad htonoreuet u saii, anti le cjLildti nef protluce if. 'rbatvw-os anau 'gmeement illi rîrank~ Sulhlivan îvhieh wouiti love proxeti ttse ivhols case, It nos ci etriyed' ly Suuý,lixan ant imnsel! a!te- being - 1 iilU. Tint agreemnît, if produýconi la the leuse, wenlt lave convicied, fh(e'Icrovincial Secrefary, ni tiouf any fcîîtleu uîrocoedngs. lI tat !sgrccînnt le lad, accoutiicg le lis omua evitience, tic oaly document fliat noulti incinulinate Franîk Sulli- Mnf. Gnabaimm iti-à a numnie o!fcoii- flic ite! ue tcicgflot e liad pro- cluetia pporho lite leuse sayiag f~ ~ ~~h in fciti~dfenotes t aken Iy mi-crcns iuo esC- ere fbey moe Mn. Graanu sount uip miti a r timoumglouî as omue m eivt le luiguer e-mu, ani miIo lme-itup i Mr-. Xioy"sOpnu rn. Foy (eIl Teronto), uiefoi- spea sbotîyIcloe ee o'le ,anti !U iudjl glfl samri niohn tic mn ~ ~ ~ i1l ceniincn, It ay m-tt is iutC', s r, tt epeiis at cli fcsI'c-'lsntree nt eomnýnite plai fl.t,)Ut -fbey psot fovor tb falkabou3t soamefhing Gamey dt TI .jtgîs staiet inlatîirport flot Ganmey lad nef toldthe fIe liese o! lusîniting te thc Provincial Sc roar or a loan o!f2,00 ihea fi sstatement hy Gamrey wnos flly lieusQ anti copied ia fbein report. Tic mombor for Brocîvilleoeccu- pied a greaf deal of lis f mme in sny- ing fhe member for Manifo-ulin iras a very loti mon; flîcrefore, ftic Pro- vin'cial Sccnefary mnust le innoent. Tînt n'as nef fie correct reasoning. Mn. Foy arguedti tthfe Libemals lad no rigîfte tiemant a letten from U~r. Gamncy unless the- wasa 1ba 1ga in. Mamory Coucuparisons. If mas impossible te remnember a conversation anti nopent ifl, ball Thee cment laînyeî, Ayiosunortl, could uot do if, but Gauney iras a scountirel anti a x'illaln lîconuse he comîltinef repent off bond evIry word o! lis nuiiktrotîs coavérsaiorns. ,Un. Foy malotairnti ttif ns [)on Y ox'itienice iVlcI »o atemplit Ilad 1e- matie te contrrenttîtha , corrui bagin l ad bon atie. T hin-aviy oq lue sue o!fle dfie' If iras povtiflatthflre nn - an il* e aridniipropec action1m icir Iaca 1te f ho pntesýt, ai aqiiga nti I impoelcIni n rgnrc.to fIug ingreret fî l-af i, e %iiite'-., titi isl( Fboxli' TIic ncanti nyin-i-ctieca1e1 fou- on M.ReknisameýAdment te tihe annendîi i,,tetucensure tie mcm- i1cr for Mniitomîlin, and ti fwas caI- 'lied Ivy-4i le 87. The voie on Mn. Ricknrti's amnend- rolt iras as fior esAd;sn tAuit, BarberBnî, Brown, Buc-f, Cu-i--jo, Davidson, D'avis, Dlekemsou, Dr-yden,_ Evantunel, Glibson, Gnim un, 'Gcess, Guibord, Hiarcournt, Hisrlop, ilErnics, Jiame, Yntchfcrd, Le, LittIe, IPUat vegetables anti iniken f10 sys-prvefoyacctn ÎI rdies' bats.P Agic'itudr dplc _______ tem. Raf dessert anti tale 1f0 par- i rioating ncw,fîrr tlls iiltl iuio f-u non . S Mcce c igarelttes UAtidie CaPt. ennehbeRasf iantid setebene ic lrd aighuo cxius nh7,' itmu'nrdl farl.Drn efl'e amoin ue(r nop esD. umo'mdeNcrve FoW 1muis Sncw " tn cr CI b tidtlu un fmca vou prstrtio. Dink xnicîo anti vîg Or dcncgy te ey eran U: ASC u sa u n hel SiPPI e xhitn sbecisqn'uu.iPis fe ie gent. In order te ho en.-1mytcn, andee oe lîmas 5 o Is l ltcît -asi tîis~r I auatrr 'egrnre f ist t uon drink nohigsqnot lîîg soanti e., oronto.'au o.ct en agj nît A. W. ~~ ~ sf;~d e icrmn- bc:i 'Acil.Cr o.s flo Ile air, is poenysf ci-liz . Ca o, i nCe'ry 0i~. î'ii ntlih O blti ~ ~~ s& it1e cpofsZa!esitt Who does snot delfilht ta one â? It-is the bea-ufy of good hleaith, It is theevdeceo 50TA zle', 5Cn (Nrflk PttuJoPete Pttp~ce WOF ~PTUIE fDERBY Ros um ,Sm&thL, Stock, Srto rf ~Iogin E1~' fi<2~Bar TayIr, Thom,1pa, nTrLuax, 'Pudlope- K:IG EDWARD WON THEEBLUE t TT'Domnftrn oen i,ment, report t. 41. RIBAND TWICE. Suligh Sapcotans"i o4ing mix-,t Nays%-Bari, Irciwer, Ore!,Cars- cohn mll~nX Crsçilen (Len- Nearly Ail the Blritish Sovereigno ur,"ht èa. everýy atOmi S p mre saap. fox, lar (ruc>,CLiînidtii ave1 Been Fond of a ney, Duf, fier yFox, Ghahr Game, BnnaHondrie Hole, ea-Horse :Race. sop,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o JoUKdLti Gidel, TeSvrin 0 ngiand have ai- MaciaridNesitt Porce Fos-1, ' Y5bee great horse-lovers. Even Prestn Duba),PyeRed, ~ 1lut ing Rlai" found one of lis b Jon iyh uhrad ukichîel deýlights ia his stud of swift- L,_ Whtny-T.footed Barbary steeds, and in watch- Comissones' indng as~ed, ing them try'thcir speed against the Thlis dipsd 0 r t oh'S fleetest liorses of his subjects; and DU E aiidett er ho-Pov-incial the courtiers of JTamnes I. -ere as- Socreary.sured 0f the Royal favor so long as TI rgia oioaotinig the tbey provided plonty of races for nP S report of'tecmmsines aihi9 entertainarent.-i shryte0,aoEr thankinig thnifor tIrjfirail- lai - Cromwoll, before lhe found other febc@agiBaI3 partial condu.it Was dca carried work to do, was known 'as ono 'of on the sm iiin the rnost skiliul riders la fhe Md o Thie pairs wr:(lre(WV. North- lands, aad was his own jockey ia umberl'anid> adiCribs, outledge mnany a stiff race; and! it is said audr and Lackne r, Pard lo iand Wiloughby, that the second Chlales, not con,-, McCart and McLod Mchaud 'aad tent witb looking on, acfually xvore _________ Reaume, VcRsy and fJ amieson, Cam- lis own colons and piloti Lseveral cfil Tr~Fnc eron (Fort Willi'am) aad Bock, C-arr bis lioný,ss f victory at Newmýýiarket. aa eat.William iithe Suent, îvho wsproli-ir ltaiway ubsiy Pased. ably th1 leat man ila Eýngland - dhtsotnos el(o pdf h su ggt st the sportsmanlfad his stud to ieol ,0 ons omnwr Pi. Mn. Latchford introducedil hiss of blî tostspr ufo iw,,ngrant- ofraceý-horses, and won at lbasf one Pilntcul sriîesoag aîn---I, est L"?ds o!i li taoosubdis o no-ftable victory over flie most for- aeWr~Fn$C. iiet 'qlil)ý Z-laz o.oph-fs-- -0-, Z, -Ioi' tbeG nds Ci tra-Ritw-yï ~ Wharton's Careloas; and Queen Anne Mi~,PQadS.JhNB acres of land per i- le of the coIn- continuiei the tradition by offering - pnany's railway fo a point at the valuable gold cups' and prizes and laýd of dmp woten avigation o n the entering hier own horses for them-; thoiisands of throats shook the air Rrnc ivier, thn1iough the Town Of but she ld, aot live f0 neap the as bas nov,ýer porhaps been heard any- SýudburY, to a point lan the Town- fut !le nhsaî n a where la Ealnd. If was indeed aà-,, %g shlipi of Ilutton, a dlisfa-n(e not ex- soized by 1her fatal illniess on the famious adpi)pulaýr victory, and fie ceedng svont'lils lTe bill was very day1 on whichliber horse, Sta, Rin lbasnovr kn1ownl a p 1ode11- rend a1 first fife. twon lber' first notable triumpli on t entlia', irben le led is ivictocrjous 1On tIc second rainMr. Pefty- trfIhrs 0 l h wigig)ncoer pir.cIopple d oco1fl Gî'nn-ofhofounrth George yielded fo lnone "lrub eret alstrom 0 f bis blis ul)ts n bis love of a bois xie n elgtdsbeî. mmet bidngi.an ac;ad h-ruling passion" 1VWhen1, (l-e, Pwsima dodei le4 Mn. MVilton Cari. favored f ho ýbil. vras so, sfrong t bat ho decLiýl le1 lard h t L g r n cipse clipak fs f0 bis Er \btnyfavored the grait onl cold !buti lcrsu. fiolaurels, the Fiaescp!sues it ot.- Ascot GCurmpîace, wbiclb heeboped f0) wns full. But mîore good fortune Patemited mat tMay, 1900 Aersome'.fter discssion pria- vwin, %vas brouglit fo him on blis iras to befali hilm; for, Jike b is groat- f ii orbyte oppnos, o!fe wbih and dcLafI-bed. Ile ias the first Royal uncle, the Duke 0f York, hoivas f0 ARE G AÊNTEEE iesutc(d ia the, bill goiîîg tlîrough by t xinaer of the Bine Riband; for ila win fthe Blue Riband a second tlmo,. FOR SA1Le rv 57 f 13. TIc ayswei-: Fety-1788, long ycars befone hoe carne f0 and ibis, as is sol vell remembened, b~ ri n ~îu1 57ee, ai-ca18a. llmilon) lla- fh boe m Tmmswntecm oryas lator, whea Dia- JIA¶f1j.iLi gbe, amyHanaTuke, IoieDerby for hlm. miond Jubilee llasbed first past the ________________ Br<de, lak Brce) DwayP-s! But ovea George IV. was no wit post in almost fIe fastest tiaîe on4 ton~~~~~~~~ f1.la , ubrat, asa-mre enthusiastic la bis love of tboe record, ard the wild scones of de- Ionf'Lnno.) urf aa li na cetainîy less suc- light 0f 1896 were renewed on the Tbonulpascd l-roub cmmrite sosful, than bisý brother, the t1,11,e course at Ei'psom.-London Tit-Bits. withont aodet n a finaflly 0f York, oneo,0f the most p opujlar DISWT EE LSD glo f br odn.sportsiieo f any finie.* The Duko -D WT- EE LOE. wa oe ftb fw o wo a e rearkable Gi ft Possessed by flosePrroue T-Dy.TWICE WON TITEDB, New Ybrk Wonuan. a At noon 'to-daýy Iis Iloîîor the Lieutenant-Goverrnor vill attend at joc ih Pic epl n fe Mns Froderick Alfred, o! NewAç- à thePariamnt uidins ati orml-yoar aflter Waterloo and again, sLx i ly prinu bolirst sessioand o! f hoyears later, witb the Biblically- York, does îîot afteîuipf f0 explain tentl legisure f Otaio. Af de- christerîed LMoss a reinarkablo gift seepossesses. She_____________ fet raîeaf 0f 100 ontao.IRAle- WilliamiiIV, knew mucb less abtout oaly knows she cana read %itlcloseil rbeniers 4i liifofm the.aRdoa ahorse flan about a frigate; gbît Oe'e cand that lber vision can pene- ONE GRADE CONL Y (.rnadersvil frniý gardoflike most salions, hoe wasa rt trato any opaque substance and ne- 'Iior. os-oeadle pn zr, an veaî f0 bier whaf is bitiden fnom the AND THATTHE EBES T. -4- ~on bis stuti without, howve(r, Win- abhtout ordinary morfals. She istn ning many pnizes in retura. pr yewh a's 0fag o, a raotbe7l i~ U r4or Over Slxty YrC If Ttis littIe Wonder, iben, witî s ,(j eraon wh a adîoxned c-eaus~w~~i per i nncs tlhfe w'orld. It \vas onîr IfUitt5i a iIH. hdrs. Winslows Sot"iî yrup lias nany precedeafs and witb fet loh iabout f wo y ars ago f liai sbe ds .usui - ben set bymilios o nitimrsfol. o! so many Royal iborse-lovers ;iil is cvnt Its1e coli pci-form iwbalOnmstngo their chiiîdren -while cteetlnig. Le dis- volas, fIat Ring Rd(ward VIL.fbas br fnets earc s mrce uurbed ai night andi broken of your always f aken a kecalnfenst iii f10 an(Iti fIfacrlty whv1ich is beî's or: ubi u,_ao -~i j est by a slck ýchild sllen'ing and cry- nmatchinig o n -onse againist l oiber iatue(l miorç fhln hgratifiet(I gzaW&1.'it 1,'±D4iili La Iigwith pain 0of 4..,tt,ý1g 'i seni aoloo'fla ebsdn sbr ai nett gtabti o!f Mrs iil as any iman livintg f mpo Mrs Alfredi is fIie wf !apo ,gO.2~ Wisbw' oohigSyrýu" for- Cîd fifle broed of borses ln Eniglan(i. Lýiko mecbaaic. She isei fIe oIceo ls 0 l dËnTehii.i wi reIicýeetfe a tfrue sportsmian, wanit o! succe1ss the New York Bierali r(eeqýË_,wbere flPàioor ttiti suîferer -fmmlerttately. 1-e- bas noe npdhbotsa-sm, for- tests of fhe soveresf kind we(ýre con- Utodd Pa-n-os$x5 pend upom ili, -mofle(rs, tbere 15 f10 if was as laf e as 1886 thaf le won ductet inlathe presence o! a bal!- Uued only a few timles$GQ O00 mistake abouit it, it cures Diarr- bis frst race, aad f lus only one o! scoreofo!mina. andtIli no case ires - 4J)emocrats frora -$8 a;~ hoa, regulates tue Stomlach ati the smaller events. It was a maidea there a failure. Seaterl on an ondin- ilowele, cures XVmd Collc, softeas the plate; andth e Prînce's horse, Coun- ary chair in a well lldhf cd rocl, Jump saî .Butggies; Coil sprino GýuXns, reduces la[llnînation, anti terpane, oîîe of' tIe progeny o!f1the Ins. Alfred askcd tînt lber eyes bc a s gives t.oae and energy tu fhe whole historie Renmit, was riddea by fIat1 bairdageil ns thoro'ughly os possible' eifo systemn. ,Mrs. llso' Soofhing kingg of jockeys, Fred Archer., Ven' Th i rt test . was ruade witî noth- Good Second Hand Baggis ro Syrup" for chiltirea fecfhinig 15 plea-. Counterpane was 500f f0 romnp away i g amone flan Ian(tle -biefs, wbicb $33 00 U'pl saut f0 fIe ta-sfetandi is tho pre- front fIe field fthe ont husiasm of f1e weî'e wound round andi round the$1 0 bsiptfemaof onesiitheant nres nspectafons knew no houaris; anti Wolan's leati, unt il every possible Hack Buggi.s from $2UO a. hest fiiýal and nrse a nover bas a victory af Snndown, ray o! igbf was shut out. thle Unitedti tates. Price 2 5 cents ho oen greefeti wifb sucli a liîîm-icnne Thon a book was picked at raf- bote od by ail tiuggists John Plercyjt, througliout the world. Be sure antiof souf s anti cheers as n-hon Coun- dom from. a sbelf ai lîlaceti open iii as fr rs Wnsows oohh t erpane cantered past fIe post, theli er bantis. There was a lesifation SILVErý ST7R.FE1T asyfrup"esls ! ars. o! a fow seconds,ad wbea fIe srp-The victony wns unimponfant han readlrIg 1hgali and if confinued with- .. HAbVL Yo9 itself, but if served f0 stimulato île ouf a break , int il a full page lad beisn- FAT BU VA' RWHPrince fo aspire f0 fhe chie! prize o! been co'veroti withe,,,f a mistake. z - îngy anodd eaj SfIe fho rf, whilib e woa "0 bilinly I T WIAS A IlAVlltl n e Sfafuare Increases up fefthe Âgeý cr g at îetîtws-tn soibti foeil olei, *an iccas-ioip of 5h0 Years. a st)iili,1 cioe 1o ciidtwinge- of pain "Tegovofl mankiti" s"da IlelowiIt venforget Ilfi freny o! on. Collusion irasimolbe Mr ThtiethoiLhigîf ïi, aiïwhich refcd Pnsmmas lne ing i i aor roomi at fIe , re otin oro cciattf. isan incteîsing sfudy. vcoyic I1e'bNvr vsaim1,11heroiiing n'slonle. fe lbait Reon s aisio bveproveti fIat race milore fblhriiag, anjiti neer worc oerse fl oo ni i i ot - l, i î. erv înens stture inconse up 0 fl a uartr o!a aihhin onookes s kno wbelor is i!ecvas ucced- , gd, snsa iie ' sa lrelp foI-i rt1t - f l.Ioý lsvil.-ýl tion o!f pinis and lneedies atge o!f0yas Tn sarefutia- 0ieti lii tiopialg ltînt onlo borse inig or fiiîîg. Il lainf oLice- goinig Jibrougî yvour tion o!f Ie ýfori-nir bele!F, ac igw dproveou ltn.g-py frferasntn 0 iOam adfnes (o ivliImon-11 pe growinig att22ALMOiST TO) TIH1E LAýsT STRiiIDE- ' a wif I l %1s. Arei- -JBetter take a box or two or 13. Afteî- a few onen sof rcsf Mrs. 1 a of Milburni's H-lart and "Boy lant girls c(-"awv otiýinythflissue wa.s la doubf. Sf. Fi-us- Alfreti announcedth afï','be wis reatiy Nerve Puis andi get cured fIeraî(it o te~ gowl. Tu qinwas leading f0 wiihin a foin for «Inofler test. 'rno leavy siik - before tb)ings; becoiue toc fnsos goit l tireiieice i lfeyards of homte anti looketi a certain hand.krcllofs inere foldedtiafo uvats serjous, cones r'wee îl aes ! iani ~ iinnor; but Watts, irlo ias rlding anti()ne was foIdeti oveî- eacl oye. As a specific for aUl j oyis bati girfl goinabout.1. aî5.i'erisnimn, batisonetling sfill "up Ia tii,'pockef of a î-eporter îîas a aà- hiere. Froîui 5 f0e10 I e boys ouf- bis sieio" Ilah by loch Persini- lcîfer îvhicb iras bande- tt Mrs. Ah- - sfip fe grls bu frnt 0 f 15mon gaineti on lis rival unfil iithin fred. She beld if inbe1r bantis a - fIe irl outfni fi boy. A ila foin stîides frein f1e post lle pulleti foinmnutes, andti ten renld fifty - - anti 0f 14 the girls i-c the boys' su- lvl ni~îlaspru~neln rrs nc i e nImth a - - - 0 er porions la eigîf, antifront,10'.0s 1-1c1et . fic v , ictr yaac . be hîevy igul, ý saybng that lier ligît -- stb xelc.