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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1903, p. 8

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____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ BOWMANVILLE, JULY 8, 1903. The EniundYou Hav e wy Boiglit, and which bas beent lu uUse fCor over- 30 years, bas" borne the signatuire of and lias been inade unde!tl(r is per- sonlal supervision sinice its iu)fane3y. ~ AIlow no one to deceive yout iii t1,1. Al(onefiS Imitations and "uta-od are but Experimients thlat trifle with and endang-er the bealth of n faànts and C i d e --pri n O a a n t E xperiinien *. Whl-1a t ïis ASE DeTOiR1A Castoia le abrme ubtut for Castor OUl, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothing Sympal). It la Pleasant. 1* *,ontains ne,-ither Opiumn, Morphine nor other Narcotie sutbstance. Its ag :e is its guarantee. It deatroya Worrmsç ;and alinysFeeines It cures Diarrhea. and Wind C-~(olie. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cutres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilatea the Food, reguifates the Stomilacb and Bowe"ls, givilig b ealthy and natural sl>ep. The -ýChildren's Panaeat-Tlie Motber'S Frlend. CENUINE CASTORIAALWAYS à0q ears the Signature of The KRd ïYoul Raye Always Bougllt * Un Use For Over 30 Years. T1E V~T5b COP~V TMORATSTArET. REW TORS CITY> We are ntinigan usaaLcttery or game of chance but stricetly a Drug Biu,;îsjin a BUsiness Way. The Ollly Hollest Way. We bave no moneýy t) give aàway but we g-ive in exchange for the right and f air plice3. Pu- e Druge,, and Medicines and exactl 'y what you ueRfor. No Sllbstitutiou Paoîediere. We don't bcleive in it, Don't believe Îti ler1gbt. DmInt belie-ve it is *Ood business, We alai give the identical exact article thiat is, aqked for. 1 ir th. cine s.1a Nen we boii3v6 Sou will fil- .d Ouristore a very saf e Reout iitorRMi.R .Cowan and Mtiss RîTlyn Honey homne from the cùitY;1 Miss Mina Hjooüy viiiting fîkud lu inPal- moistona Mr.i. onry Dickson homo trom Meaford ;Mr. Geotge Armstiong, Toroto; Mr. bavid Stweon, Littie Bîltin ; Mr. aud Mrs. Moati Toronto, at be3r fiÀber's, Mr N. F. Hall;Mbr. and Mrs R J. Rowe, Wtlcome ; Mr Samn ho n d on, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Gerry's ; âi. and MUn. Bort Anudius and f amily. I3owmasnvillt,; Miss Ada Barrie, Nowcastle3, vistng her cousin. Mrs. T. J. Shaîpe,; Mi. and Mrs. E. Eývans sud sonj, Mater Colville3, at the Miams Colville ; Mesirs. Ernest Hbinmo sd Berti. Noithctt at Hamnptonu; is. Barrie %ad daughteîs, Mimies Alice and Ethel, Canton, at T. J. Shaipe'â ; Mr. Sid Ruther- f ord st Buffalo ; Miss Julia Moment with her fathesi EIi logh, North (Jarolina ; Mi. and Nms Fisher, Rochester, N. Y_, Mr. George Miller, Olhawa, anid Mr. V. Sùriv- @u,,Uhicago, ebt MIr. Wm. Arnist:org>ms Mi. Jas. Bigham. Toronto Junution, and Mis,% WInaie Joues. gue8s of ibeir couin, Miss4 Berth% Joues ; Mr. and Ms Alfred G»rwood anid child, Toronto; Rev, D, crouter, Bigton. i Krlv. Mr MUt. Taniblyn Imaves Friday of tbis week foi Buffalo, wheie ha oxpects to find a si«tuatio!3. Mi. Oscar Rolfe sBuccede hlm as Glrk at Mi'. Joe Renry & son'M. r Mr, John Moment is on a trip and the woîld with Mi. Stahîs. Dr. Colville bas boBn appoi2ted SeLcrotairy. Treasuier of thea Claîrke Football1 Leagus , vice i, O. D. Atiiesiined. Mi. Fred Tam blyn had hie oye injuied by a kick from a colt Theo ýcrSt in the towri hall July isi, under the aü9pîcs iof tho) Orono baud wias no)z largly attenaded. Thoae taking part weîe Miss A. Thompeon, MIes8rs, 11. K.ight, A. Freel&nd, Sta3ples and Edwaids' L. Buckle),. John Tambiy nd ar ackon Brüs. Accýompàulsis wereM Lis. Gainýby, Misi EY- a iad %Ir. Moyso. At the cioseo! the sebol t trm Mr. G. L. Gambie who le retirin frothe position of Picpa !the Public School was made the recipient of a tonsorial set and a fountain Pen fromi the scboars.-ýýMiss Kate and Viola Wilson, Toronto, are guests of their uincle Mbr, J as. SîmpîQo ý. .YiMr. Arthur Thompson was in camp witb the volunteers at Knso. .r.Wm. MLNcLaugrhlin has returned from visting friends in Ohawa._.We welcorne to the parsonage Rev, ana MIrs. L. S. Wighft and Rev. J. Et iloWSL'n, junior pastor, and bespeakz for tbem the friendship and heartv co-oparation of al on Tyrone Ci!rcuit.... Missesli and Awwie short. Courtice. arc holiday- LOCAL AND OTh1RWISE, MrCoulter,. CambraY, le vieltJig friends here. Miss arrie Cherry, Toronto, spent Sunday ai homie Mcis Belle Allen visited fritends lu Torouto last waek. Mis F. M. Ellenor, Mill1bîook, is home loi vacation. Nîrs. Johnson bas our thanke for a mess o! flue ucw pottoees. Mîlier's Grip Powders Uure. Sold by Stott & Jury, drugg-ists. Excursin to igr Fails Aug, 10, by G. T. R. aIl the way. Dan% rfail to attend the Womeun's lu- stitute meeting-s. See adivt. Miss Addie Goîdanier, Napauee, le visiting friendq at Darlinzton, Miller's Granules are emaîl; children wili tâke them readilýy. Sold by Stoti & Jury, dugss 1Mr. and Mrs. L. Gassard wrein l towm Mouday, guests of Mr. D. Davis. That 11usd feeling will disappear, sud Vou will b. abl et m eil and sbeep welî by ueiug Miller's Comnpouudliron PIl. Sold by Stoit & Jury, druggists. Friends wbo have mupplied the Editor'e desk with nice flower8, thauks. Mi.ý B. C. Waite aud bride, Scbense- tedy, N. Y , iere gueste at Cherry cottage. Mu. Pbilfip M.artyn, Reacb, township, vlsited hie, brother -Mi, J. B. Maityn lasii week. Miller's Compound Iron Pillai, onfly, 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Sioti jury, drug-giotg. miss A. J. MIollon, bas ieturned from Toronto accompnied by ber niece Mise Gertrude Prout'- ims Wil, Port 1Hope. is visiting ber sisters, Mis. Geo. R. Mason and Mis. Frank Bennett, ,Miss M. E. Jouesesuad bMis Ethel Crossley ar8 attondiýng tho Metbodïgt Summer Schoin Toronto. The irorst kinds o! apitting head. aches rau be3 reli-eved lu five minutes by 'Milbuîui's SteringHe-adache Podeîg. Tbey don". depress the heait. Prie 10e. sud 2e 1If your every-day duties are a btordon it is because you ar-e not weIl. Miller's Compound Iron PuIs wmli correct this condition. Soid by Stott & Jury, ding,- g-ists. Mrs. J - E IA.cWain sundiMýis M'cac- Wain epeut ist weehk in Toronto gueste o! Mie. j. N. Fafrbairn. Duirlngj JuIy and Augusi Dr. Reid will beat is ieofice daily from 10 to il a. M. except on Su1ndayS. 27-3w19 Write your friands to meet yen at Durbani Old Boys' Re-Union at Niagara Falls on Aug. lO)-our civic holiday. A portion of Mif. Geo. P. Graha-m's great spçech ou the Gamney lave etiga- tien will be found on another Page. That tired feeling i- il disappear; yonr appetite wiil improve; your diges- Vtion mIll ho e rfect, if yOU miii tLake Mfier's Compound Iren Pille. Sold by iSteit & Jury, drnggiste. Next FridJav evenîng the Oshawa Lacrosse club mviii inn ia mooaiight ez- 1 T. HFE MASON Co.., 8OWM ANVI LLE. Mi8sï Mabel Borland la vlhlÉtg ln Toronto. Miss Edna Mir, Toronto, was home over Suuday. Mir. and Mm. Wm. Foley visited tr-iends in Torouto. Miss Ethel Trebilcock, Brantford, le home for vacation. Mr. Frank C. Kydd le vislting firlends iu Guelph and Detroit. Mr and Mrs. T. J. Sheridan and daughter Rhea, Oihawa, were guetsts of Mr. Rich, Treuouthi, Suudav, Tille NosT-E 8a common symtomf wrrs l ebidrn.Mothers who sustpect their child le troubled witb wormns should adminisýter Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. It je simple safe and effectual. Price '25c. 'irs. John G. Manning- wae sumnmon ed. to Roc"- ton, 11L., last week on aceont o! the serions ilîness o! ber youngest sister (Sarah) Mrs H, S. Baker. But ber sister passed awav before ebe reached ber bed side Sheý was daug-hter of a former Mayor of Bowmuanvllle, Mg William Thompeon. Ih la ouly about a year agco since ber sïster Rachel dicd, PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE-Theve are people lu every towu and village Cof is country wbo have heen cured o! itching bL3ediuoe and protruding piles bv the Use of Dr. Chasie'3 Olineuot. Ask your friends about tibsis reat preparatiou. they eau toi you of it8 great sooýtbing, heallng and -.ntiseï)tlc powers More reputable people have endorsed Dr. Chagfe's Ointmeut thau any pie paration, youl eau mention. Mr, Joshuz Arnold, castoms tailor 143 Victoria 13%., Toronto, la on a visit Co England and bas been eujoyviug the hoe1pitality O! Devonshire friends. Bradworthy cor save: "We are pleased ta sfse Mr. J oshua Arnold homne fran Canapda. Hie wife la Charlatte, daugh- ter of the late Mrs. BetsF Oke w'hose3 funeral took pflace a fe3w days before bis arrivai. She was xreatlv respacted by al who kuew ber. Her family was very mnuch attachedi to hr " Deceased- bas many friends lu Dar1ing-ton We cnngratuwate Mir, W. Il. Wilhamns on acquirin- tie 1St. Paul's Manise pro- peîty At sucbi a satisfactory puice. He will make e)xtensive repaires ad w1ll thon bave3 a comfoîtable borne. Mi. Williamqsass ho hsd stronz induce. mente te bocate lu other towDs but be l1ies BowmanVille and its peo-pie t0o Weil to lenve the own'V . We -fpco sure that our, people ar6e qually peaedt retain Mr. and Mis Williams witb us, as they are3 excellent citlizeuns. SCRAWNY P PoLE-People grow ztb">-, scrawuy, pale and weak when the bbood le thin aud wat-eîy What la needed to rounrd off'the- angles sud fill out the formn, le not fat buit healtby muscular tissue. By eurlching the blood and in- creasing is nourishiug qualities Dr. Cbase'e Nerve5 Food adds new flesh and tissue to the body as well as new vilgor and energv. Yotn eau prove ibis by noting your lucrease lu weight while using ibis groat f)ood cure. Every young Canadian s-houldù read sundever old inhabitaut will i ant te read the July Canadian Maaieie 1251h number, issu8d lu handeonie colored cover. The contente are i n- i Il -,. Tho Woiest is Ovecr Ihe confusion incidentai to important changes and unaprovements in our large buildings is w e hope past the worst stages now. It will be but the matter of a few days we wili "Have a place for everything and everything in its place" in better shape-more modern ,tyle-.everything cou.- venience--for increased business. INew Gooda Arrive., 1 Certainily we haye had an immense sale durig the ilast month"or two, but oniy in the three departments which we are seiing ont entiriy is our stock ioDw, The saal balance- ieft in these three departments, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Watches, Jeweilery, and Siiverware will be next to given. away from flow out. D)on't miss these argans Our Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings and Ciothiug stocks, are comaplete with new goods and are now larg,ýr anid better assorted, than ever, and we are not -permitting the- changes taking place, to interfere in any way wý,ith our doiug Biooî-ts and Gronceries. i T'ne balance ieft is 110W in the end of the east store and are being run off as speedily as possible, some good bar-- gains stili left, Watohes%

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