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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1903, p. 5

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wi UV For further particulars see last week'S STATESM AN Or call at our store. 'tott & J ury, The Druggtsts and Opticians. i avery iort time we -i be in our .n the meantime do flot fail to ask for a check overy tme you purehase goods a our store. BOWMANVIL Our 4 Stor S{HAWA ur 3toesl LNDSAY COLLINGWOOD A WORD 0F CAUTION. (foey rmbeul Profsse ofmateriay U.S.A.), ;bà ho use*d wih voderfl suces.. for «wve isvYeomu ia W VaisPrm"t .In the in;=aob fesnd ainymeotâar kidney remed * and 1à la not su pIng, therefore, whsre other remsdtea We woul-caution you lapn rhau8gthe Tabhle ss htthe aoooipaaylng ouI.pria- Dr. Plto portrai and signature, are prtl u 1h*. paekag Refuse substtut«. "d lmîtaouu, au tJhim ame sure, to dîsaplt *The prie. of the Tabl.t. lu5so. a box, sr thrlo boxes for, 81-25, aé anl druggiot., av smnt by. mail by addroal 0 hê D. a Pimor Co., Toreuto, Oui.: Mr TB. Buxtoxn, Toronto, -la holiday- ing lhere. MNr. Sid.- M. Scott is enjoying holidays at Kirby. Miss Violeat Osborne, Toronto, le boli daying at home. Miss Nellie Saunder@, Toronto, speni Sunday at home. 1Mr. Frank Knight, Toronto, spent Sunday id home. Mr. James Kiliman, Brighton, visited hie mother last week Miss Ella Todd, Pontypool, is guest of hier aunt Mrs. L. Paterson. Miss Berta L. Hancock is spending boliilays at hier -home in Clarke.' >1Miss Jessie Goodman,- Toronto, is visiting ber aunt Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mrs.Geo Mitchell, Toronto, is visiting lier son Fred in Madison, South Dakota. 1Dr. Geo. E. Gilfillan, Uxbridge, is holidaying at home and at Washburn Island. Mrs. (11ev) J. Hl. Turnbull and dnu.rhter lef t Saturday for Ottawa to join bier husband. Mrs. C. A. Johnston and dauohters Helen and Dorothy are holidaying at Washburn Lbland. Miss Fox who is with Mrs. W. Craw- fordl has been visiting lier father Mr. C. Fox, Port Whitby. Mrs. (11ev.) L. Phelps, Madoc, was guest of Councillor and Mrs. W. R Clemens, Bowmnanville. Mrs, J. A Tsers, Ottawa, is vis iting her aunt Nzirs. John Brook who bas been quite ill with inflammation. Good general servant wanted at once. See advt. Excursin to Niagara Falls Aug. 10, by G. T. R. ail the way. M. A. James ie arranglng for excur- sions to Niagara Falla and 1000 Islands, Mise Merle Power, Orono, is 'çisiting bier -friend Miss Myrtie MeReynolds, Brookhill Dairy' , Attention is directed to an advertise- ment of a farm to lot in town of Whitby by Mr. F, Howard Aunes. The live stock will býe on exhibition the entire zwo weeks at the Dominion Exhibition, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sep. 12. Ladies' Waterproofs-the finest Stock we have ever sbown from $83 50 up. Couch, J oboston & Cryderman's. Dress Muslins, a beautif ni lot in al qualities from 10ec per yd. up to 50o at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Tom, Miss Tom and Master Cecil Tom, Toronto, baye been visiting Mrs. M. Cryderman. Ladies' black sateen blouses, also some olegant white blouses aIl new at Couch, .Johnston & Cr3 derman 's. Mr and Mrs C. Willis. Toronto, (nec Miss Ada Hastings) were guosts o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McReynoldb, Brookijili Dairy, last week. Mr. W. O LaBello. travelling repre- sentative of Lewis Bros. & Co, whole- sale hardware, Montreal, is sponding bis holida.Ns at Hamilton -and other places. SDo s our shopping at the- coolest store 8 ]ave you tested C. M. Cawker's Excursion te Niagara Falls-Aug .101 1Cooked Ham ? It's fine. ,'rry the City Dairy Ice Cream at Mr. W. J.- Colwîll. Toronto, spent Lutteil's11. 1Sunday with bis mother. R.y yfur Gardon Seed i Bulk at TheIdalFe i e strongest and Mur4oëh'fi. best Seeit t dob'sM A. James is Government issuer F. M. Souch is not selling Screen of Marriage Licenses for Durham Doors at cost but very near it. County. Miss F. M. Ellenor is visiting bier If Yeu want licechoice qualit.y groc- cousin Dr. Watson,- Detroit. Mich. eries, Young & Cols, China Hall, will Big bargains in Read -to-wear Cioth- meet YOur wants. ing for 2 weeks at S. W Mason & Son's Tailoring your own clotb If 3 ou like, 3 Just received at China Hall Grocorv is do n irst-c]ass manter-second to Toilet Sets that are extra Zood value a no other shop in town-by J. T. Allen, $175 and $2 25. the oid reliable and fashionable tailor The very iatest in- Wedding station- and cutter, Horsey's Block.,lHe bas a tery and Weddingr cake boxes at THE reputation for ggod lits. Prices are STÂTESMAN office. always rigbt. Country orders given same careful attention as town ones, Ladies' tailor-made Skirts in the very Suits may be ordered from samples. latest styles just received at Coucb, 12-tf. Jontn& Crvdernian. We ar Cormick Binder e lowest ~sSSEa.5*ua5mUm.. A lot o! Men's and Boys' ready to : wear Suits just opened out at Couch, "S" Jobuston & Cryderman's. Write yvour friends to meet you at 0 » Durham Oid Boys' Be-Union at Niagara 0: : Falls on Aug. lO-our civic holiday. 9 Binder Twine, Pure Manilla, 650 f t. the most even spun Twine in the 0 market, get our prices and sec sampleq : at J. B. Martyn's. a. A few more men cau ho startod on mu the road to fortune and independence le:0"MF Don't dlay. VWrite te dav to G. Mar- : shall & Co. , Teas, London. Ont. ,ma Binder Twine, ForLs, Ra a5uni Hoes, Hope and everything for the :a mo harvest field, at rockbottomn pricos at J. .o a B. Martyn's. The al'terations are completed a t u00 Young &-Co's China Hall Grocorv and : they wîll be pleased to have you catIl* and sece our stock. due C Now is the time to get vourself a bat; , M. Mayer bas a full Une of stilf and Fe- U doras from 25e up. Cali and se the ~ straw bats for summerfuil line of men's. : boys' and childr n's; aise full lino of a shirts, collars, ties, cuits, underwear, :: etc , etc. Theo very stylish furnishinge, Diu st..you want, Mayer bas them. Cali and w - 0k a M aUM 1 -l& J s 19 enbles yen te ook and bake with,#Tporfeot confidenc as te resuits. N use Cleveland's Baking Powder in my idtchen and class work." EMMA P. SWINVG,FrnaICatuuCokg c.J kKINO wPERq E, et, -*& ýbusý àmk àk, mu, du, àmý -'uk au, Uý i JForgfet the Stcre. Forget that courteous treatmýmt is one ot our studies. Forget that we are prompt. * Forget everytbing but that the goods we seil are alway * up abové the possibility of impurity. *Lots ofO0anned .Good: Thi ngs for hot weath.-r ineals and lunches. Quick- meals help busy * honsekeepers., 3 cans Corn for 25c, 3 cans, Peas for 5o * 2 cans Tomatoes 25c, 1 bottie Tomato Catsup 15e. Dainty Deliécoes at a niinute's notice: Cooked Hlam, Veal Loaf, Jellîed Tongue ai wvays fresh and sltced while you -watt. %7awkeroeTat 4 POPULAR GROCERS, BOWMANVILLE. u.s............aumsu. a.auaaa saau~. - uss fl î: Wua.a.a.Eaauuaau5~5mua u~aaua.. ~aa a k I O SO*, ,*. e ee see, .eRi *~~~ ~ pmmuuaaau.~auaaumaaaauauauua..a.saM;

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