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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1903, p. 3

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mlust Doar SiZ2aturOe o àSe PaC-SlmSe Wre Jper Elow. p i s araof P1L li.ral iir,&TWAiIO.ic t ofga B i i i0, Bowmanvîlle.1m DENTISTRY OrnCc-Ov r UualdMCia. Sew ngrande rira g înnaUn. JILN on peinisc1, ir 111g nt u8aI price,«. 51.6m. A.E. LAUGIIfLIN, egri If ter, solicitor arId Cn-e a rvOeie:- Uk lahley Pk, 1I gitot Bwanl M'rcy 0, jar, at 1ieasiiable rate . 43-ly r, R UT 1OUNiG, V. S. IN ElE }ORSEY'S BL0CKC. OPPOS- ii.'e Towi, Hall'Elitrance, ahc,e h l lI h mcd tIA m 8aIn. 1o 9 P. ni. NiglIt catis at 1[ltCÈe, lceciy cppu(,Ite Diiii Slied. 17-lyr ~!JMi 8, Ihiter of Marrlage LicCflsez ZntildtLCe : Centi 0 treet, S131IPSON & BLAIR. Ir. P. Q]1VPFION, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLAIR 1Tihiii~. SietiNotpili, etc, horr- k, -il .h g '-t eetý. ow1naiivilleý tliiciliif -fi: ie Oitii ak. Private IM LeYElîaî ed atliet "Iaei i e it. i um, oîaiivjdéte 7a aO .tlt 16 -Cmi. Will ie a Blak-t 011ontto first Mon]dai 0of escli oth, at L(ironio 2111 1i. a ail aand nt I'evveastIe lst cW11 : dcsa I fr omr 2 p in. eFC.Temperanee St., Boivman- '11iea f lligginbotham's drug store. (I I'lF-Cppsite T BnhanoffJýi Th1ÏSis i .yMOtto :-Eacli i ear as the new iiipr-,oveiienýts aie3 placel nt tie inarket, I aIwn-is mak-o it a speial Reýturnî ng l!eaves Toronto at s5p1ns. I V)wcs l' o Trointo and return 75, Wh11tbý.y and Oshawa "6c TleYaay lie extendfed, gooidfo the seasoin, oit paýmento!5editoa to Purser, 'Meals 1and staterooiii ac- cooainat rvFasonabWe rates. Freiglit soieiýted Fuih1er inýformta. tieýn of 13 R BE'IIRN.Gexeral Agent Geddcesï' VWarf, Toronto, 80 wlieu LUVI0ii'. çce'~r ehv MILiE FLOW IN EROT VEAtiR. If the înilk illw le once lessnot il cannie bhoregainent duîing thie c.ur- reat lactation poniont, itrites Mn.' E C, Benînett. When "deg days' coine shîinkage le meest li1kely te occur, and it iniens not enly telose of us1ilk se payîng quaeuty thosn, but cenitinuously 1the .ccd 0fthe cow's milklng pcnlod. Se a study of caus- es and proe etives le ncecessnry te dairy succees. Il le coînion 10 lny the trouble te fics. Flies de ancoy, and annoyance lsen mlk socrtien. First, Ilion, we lnunet seek te lesseci this annoyance. We Cati use sorne applicationîs which is calculaIent te repel flies., I have done Ibis clfec- tively but the cccl aînd trouble of applying le censides-able. I iiew de- pent 'upea systîac cnefth cous insterd. tiai aeo h Tlheliottesa cause of shrinkagýo is oak f feent. If flies se anney týlîat the cows do net feent, thon th,, i',ilk ioc v derreases at onsce. But fics geL le their nîest effective work dning the i,iddle of tIse day. If the cou),s a-re- humrent ont early te a gont pas- ture, 'they will MilI 1 hiînselves with grsthea adjeura te a nicoe hady p1lace 10 ehew the cud, antdinako the grecss iîto nilkç. Titis shady place wlere the air circulales freely, shouint alunys lie pros i1dnanndto tei theyycenarepain fer oînfent. Another i cny lielpful practim. is 1e tura, theni out te pastuLre at niglit abter ilking is donc, ndn geltihe, liïilking donceoarly, se they will 011l tîsenîsoîx es iii th~e twiliglît and noilli thec uddfeî-wîth nilk for the nmens- ing nîilkÀing-. -To lieable teinîilk oa rly I'lîang a- gurîîîy sack curtain, over the top haîf of the doci, se the cows will swltch off the flics in on- teming. Thon the deen is closent with the iliee outeide and yenrsclf and the eews inside. Yen ena thon miii is combfont. h sîmouilie n ddod that aîl wvindows are provident xith wirc becena, wilih allow the air te enter- but net the files. But eoinetiises the pastune are parche nden broNvis. Thon supplo- mneabal feent muet lie provident. Iý have triont poas ant ente but net xith the success I anlicipatet., My- land m ray net be goont for pene. The fiel ci-dm trafeent 1 gise is fresh mica-i deowglass. Cows likc il. Il. may bie euren tho mako il ligîster ho handlo andn yet they will eut il with a roeli fer il is freeli and fragrant.* I bave also liantgoont results wilh grea,. ente, and as soon as harvest comi- miences I feel no feais of lack of prpe fedwitline extra troubil, for: tisehas fresh frein the foîntýý funniis blinuhage ceýnt grain. Af- to htercern, su ect ior ,conîsueioi,fil fer- the metorinig, teign eor;l faet, witli me il aluns s doce, ion ge"ttillsg out early, xvhen, the do"W is oti, -e taking a dow bath whicl s l nest disagrLeahie, andn the wîitlssg, if eut the nîiglt belere, makos It moe" seand ceitainlî ur pîesnet te handie. FrBonvi îîeîoe I fint no way (quiai te ons ing tîsoe coi-h bundr nniilethe f-eld, hIi- ing on te ilh veie cioetiiiie, ciuttieg tve fets, t ýý hressing the cern on, a lbu liaiorni wagonandnt liul- ieg te the barin. Cirruistances of Course soînetilîles aller cases anîd make il ceavetiient to feent part of tise green cern on the Isasturo grass. EXT'IIINCEWITII PSAPE. Anit sructive bulletin dc4alieng wii rape psîntis, lias breissuet reoenýý,t1y byth,,entral e."]" inseýnt laresii, Ct- tlanai. îRape-, arenig te tie -bul- lein, is simple,0;clture ]!ý 1, ,mak"e1,-1a,1 co'sg, rainidgroîvîli i ilfiniseda and aidapis itcf ail edffrn seCls alntd 0s Ceu iti oni tiens. W hile rapo ,%ilignuon aliieeýt any lkinnt of ue,,mbue Ine,ii.iltees hes on, soils ridela ii plant foodt. IL should cl leosss ni eite îrýe are s tbsex wouifil't ho fr oots cor corn. Ncw mu 1tîîyhoIr iabusent te, gîo o rp for a yenr.ntise iraisoeiatoy cter huinig uli-iiîd. Le-eci(upc are pmaticýaliy ceitaits eocn aît Tlhe crop grew n rîtîder favorable ucenitioss is renciy foi, pastîîrc iii aloet five wieeks. By cttieg for soilieg isot lowe- tIsait 4 or 5' 1er-les fiera the grouent, a second crep andtevena n fhird îîay ho obtainiet roisi tise saiae at-m, wltlî- ont lurtiser seoding. Thîe sitîscd 0f seediisg. ln rows is geneaî'niy aucli te ho pîeferren tho soxx ing liroadenet. lion fatteninganed growinig pige, rape catînet lie smr-- passent. An acre sewa on geont lent will carry fîens 25 te 40 pige froin prolit ia eliekens uliil 1900.Thliat ycrwe iant 60 bn.Tliey laid3 dlooen eg-gs inant at ibe end ofte yeoar weliant aI balanIce of $74for" lumnber ce foot froc chiokons 1h Wo have- i new have ary 1 te cggs, whic front four wheat anc in two fe Thby got at nocen. fecd, brea oats.- n a si pcerimiont tics cf wi ing: Tasi Redt Wau Iaril, Sibeci Pride of Golden CI-, during a t years, wit s4cond._ 'i a Stiff Strz tic in a h PEU Notes of Foi, it1o clecton t 1FIia naine cooli-er b3 iai cclou-e They laid 321 ozneggs, id a, balancoeof In l liad 94 lîcus, anid they laid ioggs, leaving a balanîcéo0f etwe coops. One is a rail iS feet, with a 10-foot front >t back. Thse other is a eop 1.2x8 foot, with a 10- nt arn G-foot back. Our have, a range of 50 acres. no fulIl-hlood clioks. We G0 heýns, nd f roni Janu- Apnýil 1 tboy laid'98 dozen eh gave a profit of 1,38-. Ve quarts corn, twe quarte d two qua rts eats per day cedF, imereing nd evcn.sng. green bene ovory othor day, The littile clicks get dry id, con- breant and rolîcO )Y WiNTIFR W,'IIFATS. ries of tests at Ontanio ex- station the liardiest varie- iter wheat arc the lollow- ala lRed, Ried V elvet Chafî, kIcrer, Prizo Taler, Stand-' rian, Dawsonî Goldcn Chaff, fTennieun. '-lTho lDnwson Lail gave the largost yield serfes of tests covcrîîîg fivo h Early Getncse a close The," varicties olso p0550S5 iîv-a desirahie charactoîls- icvy yiolding -wblcat.. ZSO'NIAL POINTEIS. fInterest About Soute nm ntPeople., fritine la tlhe historyl a werking mon. has bc"n a ineeber cf the Contes. is Jaim.e Angles. nc is a y tra)de, and ho roprosdents Miss Alice Roostuve1t, tbe daugli- eight huîîdrcd selreng, wiling cows 1er 0f, the Prreidcnt, lias liroken, are"in"hoisiseh-"a valnolo add douaafin ai amduoe yer 0 so iton te the population of the Do- aggo'Is-cets. 011e caIculaîLtOn cf sinien,-antdoulc tiîcY xuill mako flieet mrîts'work. putse s lni- their mark iu thýat s,,etýen ef the ber cýf dieerssheattenden t ah408, Northwest bo-ttes680 tos atîd 271 recop- lige Se-paint 1,613 ealîe, wcnt. WIERE THEY SE,'TTLE. bU 171 L tsceS, asînt shook lbands And jmet as those wlioe mignatent xitb 3l 2,000 porsoois. Now, undor te Canada la the tioe f distres tb0Oeto-'s ordcrus, à1-10 is cOnltned at home, groxving Out if 1the Cîtino- te lied,-ann for the firet tinse for a an war, andtlhe fanmi l momnt, yea*;r lîl resI. wcre foîîoxved '.)y thjoneande ýwloin l Lerd Mount Stephen, one of the lator years cane te join these,, se hneCexiadian peore, lias juet colo. the ineel proumising part, of the pres- braIent lis seventy-fourîlih irtktay. ont flow of peuple lies in the promn- flore in Seotîant, hie lordaisip, xvho i50 0f the raany miore Who May come rereivent hie tild in 1891, begain life mîbler theut, le join thint lere, and asa drapers a ilteieii Alierdeümi. this usay stretch over ten or a dozen Thon hoenulent for Ca-nada ent iniante yeans; icucli, lieweveýr, we ntay say a fortune ns a mendihant. Duing evervthing, will clepeant on lise suc- the past few cars lie bas distnibut- cs tednte e oi ent ncarly a mtillicn stenlilsg for van- ere. Doutltese a ceta.in porceltage loti chritale bjecs. is lrd-will lie disappo(intent and return, if isfui!nrosides ah Brocikct Ilaîl, inear th ey dan, with doleful reporte of 1laieIoî, xx'hch lias the istinct ion -i their misadventures. Et ery one who ofb ln*ig boca the Ihense cf tweýh, h ntrs, fCi traa eiý Pime inltee-Mllinre an li thoinîcrets f andaaIbe Pa] lei!ton. mlakýing the numb11jror efsuchunor- Mn.Jon Snspoboe ,annt Eng9- tntsus ensal s Iel i lennt ot hils tnu îJaosli)ueey 01vo la hsctminxilcsessfrcl jant tien,iws ixvllknown in the (ýonizlng ssnnt e1h)', corag" teielulsvwl, and uns armr-Boties of ilsîmligrantell bugitte- cUIe1U1a1 la nsety xays. Hle was 1 goîher xvit'ouit anydil încîto ahrfolutoly s-chýf-taughit in hie trate, defanite alînte Uit hi oglir but so proficiolt liant lie lecoeo and nînke thoi wilng t smkeea- that tise Issnrket s aîluc Of lus imstru-, iic o aiohr ienal I meuýrte rangent froin £18 te £30i wavs foredo)omentI, and t his is certaLin eaei. ITecr, e on huis business if necnr n i ir ftebt sînle-andntforer thirty yoare. tous of the enlorpni. Suai move- nos orhain an appretiticeoros any mssnts bean the saie relation te neilnieuhatcvor. Evcry part o! colenizing tisaI aElenu-t doos ane liseiument wsin sade by lhie owisl hatint esciite iseehnegef iete the gontle steady nain. The one i-eym, and et lebaves behint hum lin nnydestroys, theotolien friuctifies and î-enekall tools cf Lis oxs'n j blesses the land. tien foer use in tbe nsaking cfob Tt.Ilis ivitîsiiiinigrion as ulî-, ithal Sm Lix i Metriexvliee o?îleî.îueveîlets, lthereiis danger ini ar sew is knorrite ail levpes0f t bemng everdene at Oaa, tiie, that voi-ce, is ausotîser otnc f ts the poi îycm alne ut close association of ltmauo andtbers thsan tley enai)ho, absorbientece- ian cf ixîicls tise is o0f lettons noiiicallyiriite our ppltobut c.fs se nsney eepe. Sir Lews i large as the iniovx-cineet tue yea las prnctiscd for i nuuîthr of years natee i -eleiîsn xihsatisfaction C oChaccr llî, hicy a a ncthai fer tues.ie i-ci-oaIeandt s ycsaiuing counsel. Tise dra-,ftisg wîllîng te vo work liaLs lion ant pcrosing ef ceciesî 0 tiie fount, andt these cetltn isle ice 1ueuiully etement a îry cx- TIEGEA a Tr-Ol- eld eesyaner t ivom lus siasi Seceond.The manueia xshicim î:ey ess ilitot rsnakedtint lic ocen- have heen lirought aicrolse tic cea eteyeaý,ýl'1 caissealca-os "a 1lsillianl jele inmrkiîsg ceetratstwith ie svaY deen!. - Uîiîîcinisg tI!0ougl cen- thme people of two goîmorlaionls camne îe~arin tnyin enrn hil dit over. Many tiucrec ai-e 5h11 nîlve, nnt pr0ont SiclewisMorris cu-lti-latnt soerne of wLlîî iv civn saî,ing lis poý,tc sue vils uuels val ant distintý,,1in hero wh aereCceSS. (cause osier in tlic steregeof f le oInt- "The Angel 0of Cs rt" the uneucaigrant si astocragý la noume give otitethc Qîmeen, of Pentu- xxhicll lie only spaation buietoe gal ini Parie, se cenisPicueus is eue10the,- sexes wns Umtle canvas ferir geent u ente. he bas"revis- eurtaiî, and the sepn lcssuch ont an 0( o i ueoi for eoîscealiîsg nas tisepassengers tsmelvscouit îsI;i ei t3 Itlis that f' eeuiîsg gibus lprevite on the liane ntccl,. A.s no- te tiopour conceýale n l f essgarde tic foot,,-il was on-ntont te This cet liatis ornlenlea thoîsi oncd eekw, ncoketOf Footegues lnt of long agol--n St. course: if, in theit ieises tey blos isai -elle. Of the Orleýans fasiiy, il ton wcî-c uîîahicto opaeil, lhey sigenietos fe isnetifQtees, Sicstarvint. Ticir lw luhysîcal conti-'l vigorols of uelcui. SI eu onfreintlaek of antrýi-sent ante tes lîsi sW,,iissmor, and net -ce thora an eaey prey forise shlp be- very long age noscuent a driessîsit asby ba boy at tlo e sLefl Fi-r o-a ile. ig o-n tib xvaof eduen andli lt gi-ont favite cf King Ftx'rslesntlie fiesecgeetth il x'a ivsojisucet ut 0 pntos rtimu absenceo0f pt'oper eaîilanyý the Dite ,Oreaus, 'l'en .5 ,u*gcn1 Nowhore ean thora ho fount duîiîîg brother, se, that ho ceuint again svisit the xvonnterful eidîLt ak ll Ginat Britaîn.Ipeln itmrsIe KNWWIIAT 15 (IOOD. EnpUljis ethe languagco0f tho Jap- anoso l'orcIgn Office, both ta its ia- torceurso (,wh forcige diploînatists and its tlg-ahcinte-rcourso ,,with itS~ ~ ~ ~ t OWtrposnaiosar. Al*II aIgents11 cf Japn ar wnito a d iprntil] Englishi, anid lhoe rcpiîUs SUPPLIES THdrEXTRA STgSIQTH SM TH 45îALTH COFF OOTH AOTH:R A,i qttid for fie anpi SCOTT &BWNKCeiss 5-- Toot and $o; p dri iîî ntro Vjtenjan ena, getîipoeet Ihan la our eecae-goýiîîg sips. Tien nt vessel of 500 lie si-ascosdnt 1.- lange slip, now a steamer c f 1 000 .Otees le net 1)y aniy ieselm asaisnbut noanon r lie avenage ei hie traas-Atlal-i(, linos. ,Evn doua le twenîy.-tiiIe y sag" lie steamers vvere lgetwjthere1),-nîît thene an oll lump. MeetofheIIas- sengers' berthe en u1he1p ip, déb-(k below thiwaon nenet in îoni ontai lning our oss, ti-o lins .epcfisonhî, qual Ite o ny tuepeson l oai oemi. Now Ije dont eve are Otefr tîsome îsa c-iglil pensonis, Cnet t I)ss atobon bans- ilice; -ent of tisoîsi are- feri- ur wiile eemc ,are fïor tlwo pensonls sy psegris 1fu11Y twIns Lgreat 0on yaSIgo. Thsmoin auî la iapearet ore-n eteet-c UOMFUIiT N STEAblSI[pS GREAT IItiPIOVEMENT IN TUE STEERAGE PASSAGE. The Class o! People Coining ~To canada the Bent in the is roinai fa ono or itwo features that arecwntyof noice: Firsl. Il l a eia l 0f what0 neay lie callent aniniilfe fnwst tiers ; F-pepeUh av hd tei attention drwn 0Cana1ýda bythe Propognnda ef the, agnt of tho geov- eînmnent, thestmsp linoes, and the Canadian Pacifie la, assistent 1 y the pulic pros. Tley are, thorefere, in the ssîaýjority of'-, cass unlike those who hvein tho laet tiventy yenrs ei-aoto Canada, as they have ncany ah ollowentre-1 latives or fniende xvho li ant proedont thoni, in other 1Jidithy liant soe u1Lncie, nunt, or couisii 1o go te iviiot they camle tuCnaa Doubîlese this is stili true 0f a li argo ýnumber eomning, but the gre. t1 mnjority are original settîcrs, seck iag homes on tingin sqil, comliig te' cultivate land that plougli or spade ,neyver turnnent up before; imong:t thomit are people cemprising the beet eUement of our British ' ivîts'l population, nio tl E glsà and Sc otehiand h. money sufficient te fouent il eir noxv hlomles, or inla aey vother 'case's only wxith brawn ndnt -în'l, te win their way in the ncw couat ry. On tlh1e last Allin linonr i-itu urea hundrent ndn sixty Scotch plougîlînea, those lsbeilsg the f ifîli baîci 0of about the Sane nunîbor lirouglit ont by oneý of the iost onterprising 0oî gevcrn- luent agents, lîimsolf a Scoîchmain, çwhe 'uldoretands tho clase of people Witb xvhom hbc is rur'line. Thziu. forethouglit. Prvacy and protection froma the weather, as well as thor- ougli cleanliriose, is the au 0of the managers and je soalized and ap- preciatod bythe passengers., While thie mon have their "smoking roeîn" and the wvomen and childi-en baivc their sitting-room or knitting- room whoe the heure îaay be whiled away wlîen they desietIo seck se- clusion frein the deck. Thesc public roome lire on the epar dock, with abundant liglit and air. TII EAKJ'IUJEPPES MVUST BE DONE BY CO-OPERLA- TIVE ASSOCIATIONS. Dominion Deparînient of Agricul- ture Gives Some Hints On the Subjeet. TIho E nglieli morchant does not liko to haîîdloe mail lots anîd oxpori- montai packages, sa s' Mr. W. A. MacJinnon, Chief of the Fruit Di- vision, Ottawa. î-le wants thousande I 0f barrels, ail unliform ila qunlity, variety, paeking and package, This iiformity, ho;wover, cannot be se- curod where packing le donc in emal quantities in orchards. The timo lias arriî cd ia the history of the ap- plo trade la Canada whea large packing houses muet be .the order of the day. Wholîetlîî-tlise largo pack- ing houses are coatrollont by co-opor- ative associations or by capitaliste who have a knowlodgc of the apple business is a matter cf comparative indifierence. It doos, ;.howcver, soomn quito possible for intelligent growers te nuite in 0e-operativo associations andseccur.' ail the advantages tisat accruo to thec capitaliet, as weli as those that couic by packing iii largo quantities. Those store lionsos are not noccssarily oxpeneivo buildings. Tliey shouint le frost-proof and large onougli te accomnmodate the full crop of the patrôn3. It je not at al difficult to gel plans that have worked wcll in, other parts of the country.' The aim shculd lie to secure s lago a quantity of good forml)y, markil horostly according to; thle requirementsý of the Fruit Marks Act, and sol through aay med,ýium that may oiTer the groateet advntaus.There le net the slighl- est dle ubt that if sucli an associa- tion xvcre fornien in any__of thc fruit districts and sucli a packing liouse establishont, it xvould attract buyors froin every market, and thc applos ceuiliebcsoînt for spot cash. iltle s sineely to ho hopent that the, good busiîsess mn itamong tbc apýple groxv- er xii takeý this ittto tlîoir serieusA ecoidoatin.It is flot merely a queostion wîetlier thoir ewn apples xv'ilIi hi sold at the' proer figuîre or ni. Tliey ,sIioiildbo, evoa fer thir own sakes, decly intc-rostod ntatIse sal ofthen oigibos'apples, 'A carfu anlyisofth conditions of 1tho t rade will shwta mices in frit clspecialJ.y are efoica sadlyde- ,prcsscd for the waat 0f sellin g_ aeili- ty on the part of 1the snagrower. It theîefore lieheoves the more intcl- ligenl and langer grower te interost hïiiesef in the fruit of bis less fortu- nato neiglibor. APPLE BLEIGT. 1 i ie ciainsae ,,tnt De30 .±asn, 1 A nunbcr of, reports froin widely 1 amy, greatrn lin then et pi-es'ent,l separaltddieti-icts, complining ef anetin tie ml cee mnay make sure Ite ravages of the applc bliglit, bave ob getting ail the lihgtet portions. heon receivet liy the Fruit Divisiotn, As nnythîîg wisich etiiiîulates an Ottawa. Mr. Peter Anderson, h-ep- usîtue growtlî of succulent wont is svertb, Ont., Chus descrîbes the situ- ceetucivo te biiglit, il vould hocsxell ation ia bis localily:- "Apples, ionrIlie erdhandistt10esîkltisute and belli oary andn wialer, are solîering mfanure se as lte' produscre a mediunt fi-ont a new disease isene. A bighi rho t renghonlLiy wood etruck the hioseonts %,xsiîin bull gât oIton d hîoîin and ssitheredt tîein- as if tioy had heet seconchent by lino. Il is cou OCEAN TRAVELLERS ATTENTION!I withoring tise snanl twige and lissihe je) tic sainewny. The tees 0f the trocs look as if fineliant been appîlnM h Alnan(CiatLiiiwl te about cs-a ftsesnle eep euahitMs îs:0u'd liy elier branches until tic leavos sxceeal cmav ujett neflfoecein crip nnt îrunnen osou-cie sîeotrate o!f are. l %v:1 w1 lie fiunt id e a arsp fn oands xets, ihevidîy geat accommodation tethie tra, 2ihi1ing- as fr asthisexteds, s evdentypublie. tend." Mn. Arci. MacCelI,' Ainthne, Glaggoxv direct steamners from Mont- Ont., wrstcs tint nsacy erehard ln ei clnmmenice Mav 211th flrst enlia hie locality are àlissst cenîîsbeLtely lk50 te $75; second cabin $35; lisird clas' ruinot by biglît, and tliat suaey mi,5 Fetuira tickets goeotte return via troos wi11 have toelie dut out1. Liverpool steamiers Sffijeetot difference.1 It je dilcult le expîanatise engin cf fane M. A J A.MEs, Allan Lino of tuis troiîhie, Lut il is cvidetly Agent.1« Snuilaace Lack -ofAptie tIls gloieus te feel right in the nonng-ready for xvork. But how seldom one dees. Sick lîcadache, lack of appe- lite, disagreeable taste in the moulh -the.se are tise usoal morniîîg feîelings of mest people-even of careful livrs. This morning illness shows that, the organs of digestion are net working pcoperly. 1 They need a touic. Take a teaspeonful of E Tffrvece ni i luaf a gasof wtras seon ns you rs-o'1b neadte d t co justice te Abbey'sEevs cetSait .13e hebowels anle î'- testnes invgorlesthe fag- geOut stonch ansd ee OID F LOCKJAW. Wiound P rom Boot-eyelet Provent Fatal., A neepatdh fîem London, Ont., enys: George, the ninc-ycar-l son 0f Clîielopier Taylor, cf Wyatt Street, diet[ on Tuesdtey niglît, as tic nesult of a ss'unn fi-orntais cyclel in oceocihile boots. Tise iîjury -an se slight as net oito e hoieeuntil the litte felîcucoinplinet of sick-. nese. Lockjnxx teselciiet, and dealli foliewet, aflor a weck'e ilîness. 64,O00,OOO BUIIELS. C. P. R. 'Official's Esîlutale o! the Hanvestin thîe West. A deepatci froni Montreal enys: Wuisj-. Wlyte, of Winnipîeg, assistant te tle presjdent of the C. Pl. R. te on a visit te Montreal, anet u nl ecefeïreisnce on Tuesdny witi Smr ,Thowsas Sliaughcsy. Spoaking of ticncp pro'spects, Mn. Wiyte sait mter sion noix.92.50.000 acres un- riincrease'(-of abeoit (tssentty per conl. over hastIyiar. l aitchba wbeat i~ ~~Ioi w!b uh aottet buehsols tc I is cr, e in ici Tenitoicefroi ti'qyte tlirt b hol, ndli ',FRE LA lCIEUST MWARSI launehet e,ýl t ie aiflîtYadat I o iScotîntle listh Lar'geet -'ar- I sîip wjliici bas een aken t wae fre veselof tho R King V'twarnt 'VII. cnsput afloat. Ue-r colossl si-s-e - tonst THAT'S THE SPOT! Rîght in theo 8maII of tho back1. 1)o yeu ever get a pain there? If sio. do you know what t Ifmcano ? Et Es ra Backach. A sure sign of Kidney Trouble, Don.it neglfect it. Stop it initie If y ou don't, serious Kydney Troubles are sure to follow. cureBaac, Lamne Back, D;,'abetes, Dropsy and ail Kidney and Biadder rroubles. VOAN KIDNErY P*ZLL CO., Tor'onto, Ont. TELEGRAPII PLES The extension of tho U îgantel-e- grapli systcm lias beon pushozonra- pidly during the last sxmnhandi now'ý the lino je open ite Buitia ýba on the shore of the Abe-rt Nana.The linos 'opeu for trailic now ui- Uganda!j aniouiLt te ,04mies heo e- grp Ulnos arc called"enoar, but as they arec constructod c f barli cloth troc (a spocies cf fig trc) tad as those have extî-aor-dinary pwcr of germination, ail 1the teioraýpî pl)os ,,arc 110ow living troc, aa sholdhoalmost oqin o int o! duratica to ircoa polo, ,as the fig troc'i ta along liver. JIt i a 1novol siglit to thectravoler to sea une, of telerapli polos in full blossomi! CAiF ORNIA, AND RLTJR:<$U2.50. Tho Chicago, Union Pacifie and North Western Line will issue Julv lst te lOtli incla5ive round trip tiekets from Chicago to Si Francisco and Lws Argeles at rate o! $62 50. Correspond- in- low rates from other points. Rmtar a IhuIt Augue'Ut 3sit, iOCS. For folders aun fuît arteuas write B.-H. BE NETT, 2 King St., East, Toronto. d " rtin'ai w " B LONDON PARES. London, says the Ean cof Mcatli, now% possossos 313 Parks and- open spaces, which have cost about $1l., 000ý,000. This givos a proportion of onoý acre 10 75L' of the population, which now numlbors rather môo than four and a liaîf uXillions.Tw - tyý yoars ago t11- nuniber of parkaý xvas 103 and tho-ir cost just ovor $4,000,000, affcrding one acre te 951. of th population of 3,8,34,000ý. 7- The Ortat Engliali Rcmedy, is anl 0"d', wil estali. ,,,. prescr md nd ed '~ vr4() years. Ail drncg. git3fath!fo Dinion of Ciaaa So u ad raomn s boing 1,e10re f-ci 2-'11ery, thaouly nmedicine oA ýt it t a 1 Chat cnareis andi giVesý universel satisfaction. It p)rompi-tly and peinaoantly crsail forma of ero' s TVcae and aill ff cAS cf abuce, or crse;the eXcePssive use oe 2'Obareeo Opiuim or 8imfata .dîita nantj Bri orail of -which lea to teintirmîti'y, lnsaniy, Connion a an E,'arly Gra1Ve. PrIJ8e $1per package çorsix foi, $5, One iwfZt pîcso si uiticue.Mailed prompty con ns- UvtsoOt*, Canada, Vo', PlosphodIbineis soli iripe maniville lby Stntt & Jury,ý, J. W11, The Kind You Have Always Bouglit, and which lias been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre oif and lias been made under bis per- ~ sonal super-vision since its 1nfaney, Alloiv no one to deceive you in thLis. A-11oune fi-aIitations aind " Jivus1t-aýs-good Ilaire butý Experimnts mht trifle with and endanger the healdth of Infants nChdenxerec agnsExemnt Castoria is a barimless substitute for Castor 011,Pa- genie, Drops and Si»othing Syrups. It is Plelalit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine non othber N4acotla Buibstance, Its agbis ts guarantee. Itdenos ori and allaysFveibn's It cures Dirrhea. and Wn Colle. It rielieves Teethlng Troubles, cures Coinstipation and Flatulency. It assirnilates thec Food3, neguflates the '-Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aind naral sleep. The Ch1ldreni'tsPanaceaý~Thû Mother'sFred ,The KiRd YolR aveÀ'Always Bougkt In Use For Over 30 Years. MI 1 l- 11--ý vNzwý 11 1 0f a liaclerial nature . IL apponre *te live oven lie winten juet ite'lie lmar- gin 0f lie affectent part, near the bealtliy wooyd, and net la ether parts of the troc or in lie soil. Mn. W. T. Macouis 0f the Experimental Fania agnees wjth M. MacKinnon, Chief 0of t1io Fruit -Division, liaI th(ýo ely r"eyis t-o cnt ont thc isiighted, branchles weIi lselow 'the affcclont part, eay one foot belew any app)ear-, anceo0f bligit. T1he keife usent for this purpose ebenîtli e, tloreughly donanentor Fstoniliset befono be-ing tîgain' use n mshealthy ,,wood. 1h is fontunate Ihat lie (diseaLse sometinses die)s eut of its osca accord, especial- ly in the case 0f the lbody liliglit. Tl is sain to e oieveyet birouti tisse te tne by lices anetd sct, whioh would]( accoont for tis grc incroase at, lo-seomsing lime. The b ight ap- penne te, tevelop very rapitly, nt lie mniaximîsunt amount of dansago e donc almost as Ceea as tise attaek becomes neticeable. Il wiil prohali- ly be fouendthat tic mil lei the beet tiîn o emut ont lhc afictent xved, ne p

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