M~~aA~e~ -7, j.. ........ 5« Fac-.sir"e Wreaiper Below. LARTEl ÏS- CURLE n IOS~ DENTISRV G C BONNYCASTLE. iS 318 mo E~.-Ite,5ociorand Conve. lancer OfiIe - MoLeyt h 9onit hlgti eet. 2iowli&îvjii .- RETIT YoITNo, Vý. S O rICE ~ ;4 01C HOI1EY' p3OÇ O')3 r idî.e rec'lly oppo>elte fui.] 1Ied i7-y 1iMARFIAGE LIE'E-.A J3 ,èmsrs, lier Of Warriage Licenies EEider.Ce: Centr e street SIMPSON & BLA1IE, r'. B. SIAIPIýN, Q. C,, CHAs. p?. BLAIR rnuî.Solieteas, Notatles3, etc, Ajcriî Sheli, 1,J É iir li g St e,'t. 1iowmanvjfle ftlititrlip foi- tic Onutarjo BanIk. Private eaia,,eYu Pai, eti au lo> est , -.tei Will ho at Bilack tOck on tho firt e-OndaY Of each Inonth. at <irono 2nî1 M~On)da all da, , sud at Newcastle 18t W'edniesday froin 2 p mi. ()FlFICE,:-Teunper-ance St, Bowman- x ile bear Of nigginbotbam;'drug store. 0. EARNDEN, L.D.S.1 GraCliate of t] e Ilosai Coiege of I)enîtaI Surgeons, tOntario. CI! LE-Clpposite1 T Bingham's offie VIÎI AZED AIR. ]ROYAL MAIL STEAMER, FromFru Montrea. Quebee. A asa ....nz. i. 7 a. m.Aug. 1, p un. Parlein.., .' 8,5 a ."...8,5 p n Pretorian ...Il1515 a*. in . " l 5,5 p.se RATES 0F PASSAGI'E. warts; Peteran 55 smd uwar~; Prl5 andup8 and ntpwurti. Seca-ng cht, ivr uond Leotei Ttole tg tu tb uuhAfrca. MONT REAL TO GLASGOWv DIRECT. Cornthian. Ji y 22, dayllght. Sar diniami, (2nid sd Srd latisonly) Aie. Sdi, S!c111an, Aug. 12, dylh. dygt Frtst Cb!fl$820 and pwards. ,Second Cabin 635. Tiird Clasa Sý5 Lake Ou'ýt1rlo Navigation Company S tr.A RGYo rL E to rT"oron.to lltéarâer on rou te FRIDAY, JUNE !2;, îtvcry, TueFd:%y andi Friday folbo0wingý Leaves NE WýCAsTLE 6320 a. ni iOW.MA$ VILLE 7 10 a. in. A'rrivi.ng in Torouto aut 11.15 a. i Returnming leaves Toron-to at 1, p ti. N catat Toronto and rcturn 7;5e Whitby and Oshawa 6 c Tiekets iay be extended, goodi for the season, on pavnient of 35C tdtoa to PurFeyr Meais andi staterooni se- eomoda.tloià at retsonsb!e rateg. Frelght soiicited. Further iuforma. t1cn of H. CAN4N, Agent, Bowmanville. B R. HEPBuRN, Gemerai. Agent Getidesa' larf, Toronto The ave-rage incemne deriveti froni bouse propeîty in Enigiand isle5&2 per centi. T ilehiglier than in nny ether cuuîtry llvtarna- 'lotje Wiliecria ureae h le'd h11;1(l'eue yt.-' ~O THEr~R J CR0? IIOTAI'ION wa-,tcnea land tenciecu, eo-ugru (mstein- per wvil atIeack andi lay bow the lines-t ef fiocks aIthînesý, anti the tiepredations 0f foxes wýiIjiumdo the painstaking worlc ef menthe., Auguet le the îno.sltrying mionHifor_ howei troubles, antiberngIis fact ,in mJnd andt usig igcedantibdclopepper anti ginger as pres onis cs. these nîay ho souretimies whily x. aî'det off. 1 Death anong xery young tur- Jit bas lonig been tundereloi- thjat ke5 suahy occ;urs durriiag 1te flhrSt a rpi rtto s neesr oweek. ucraintaici soi pfrtihcyw'îil s Mi' haiesoj'et lus ,po 11nila tue st- 11 curiîîg foi' w'rk FresI ike isfctonetthor ocetook. occotegive thera a drink of 'te e lane ae e rcbin frtiii.Y, lt11 Yfut hing lan 11ethe ria,t'se. carn lvcecreppet uce rsly 'arsni ay nI inallyth rgrahin hitoeor edces f poitx-fast unIes . W. Mr'si.B: let- ne . Pffeontthige uetcicetLing theni eat boy a\vhilc before fcet- lise urcosiieato fthesscb- iag _the grain, tiey arenet quite so jec. s itacefei areuniehunlgry, antiw-il] clt Jse faet. Tf ~.i iche, qahit ant la Of SOU, lbhcole isoncelhiag in tPýe stoaîach ussauet pire f prouco nti th -e grain e oune te di eliIter. TP'le dr4t ui, Fe foruit1.Tbe ehief Pur- herse wiii de myore nî oei î pose la roatio ar peiapetise btter condition if iekt tauy rensonne f eliitcheapnem of wilh short s tops, tIban ho 1wiii if cuhtsaton ati 11e aiig cfmax- h'crnietianti hloetitestand ia alun ci'pw.a atineu.Thlad ha1-1 l hur 1e- l'r tepbiîstasnebotr roefor , itin tmie 1e. olt ase, can e rasetithoncoua poruniiut' huiu stos elen, l'e whe 1gels grss a bueraeor afî ,Wsr t 1esal ecan haýtýescomac w a uîhto 0 toe- leîsrctiabl, u'e t lesgixe hy shiie 111he excellePnt c'tatien15 uhenl't andti <1v- tirier getu lis tiumîaeu', then water or~ ic it!Lrnate rae A cotation adfeed ti ograihi. Cive a litIe tfLis ekînti bas 'beer kaou'a te e-j ae hnýgoetbwoki suit oain goti wlc' kcp L u o 1vwart it. a pitiof 15 years ot' , lnro.th ForuI hv enchoi,îîo"ticrops ar iee t igt 11 e s shoii han. th1e ]anti gets foui with hi 1:anur1 q - gise ha.-c ut alradlîe' 'odwbcui a rosI of tvo ,LO!îs mnwater be-feîe1e hs srgan t'atotby wulli hobenofiul s'0 uedsntfei ho at'wa eacn mecing uîf iOu, Msioniti 0ave son cloeii can 1e essoila aIt1e hast cubistio o4te con cy i Jnc111i-e iarpct anuimuat i night wiîen T hev are oing t lias o a' lonIg rosI. er Juhy, te)b 1 pow-ed tout the fol- - ý- 11e eiti T lta ctist'a fi' c 1 t-M eci l s unth aIt iitcrblegras fr pstue, ucc- tne. If ven ii w fdehersesM, mn silge re iecoictje. Tse objct i'imîk e'tuai lakea l11111e uta is se big il migh bin 111e ,base a iie a edn oss il e!.n shoulti a huntirotq'epce V"or lce ortihaary wtclo aiaalisesnerb grain farta1the rî'ioll i lmore chum wiîînt pîî Cern corne as fôrtuýliing 111e prUnci- jTt OIfT1T' i T ITuIfTlTt pal feeting ration on thef1nwniYtltJII 11 fU IU~ thoc way of grain. If huiiho Ïai t iebtI a nuiuoicrop by1ANB ARE- _>C t IN! t'rigto-îa hesy oti antiRM A byD iýzY1NTYI- tise aplicato ofrtihizeoîS." This EEIT i croil sheli 11e î,folloe d with oa ts-: aithult with w'heat, w-heu at iin Departiient o! Agric-ul-1 41ii bce sýefetet legm'ucefor a rol' turc Trelle o! Ils ]V.anly ofu1nmoe te1w-o lears. Teol 'a greu ing dispositionmi!amo g frs datg ceýs te substitule ernsai vha Miy sne î(ýeîoy eiiy 11e cd-1 for outs in 111e obose rlto,~ iPt eso httrilandes wiih t1-1e latter ba s beceuse anm nrrtain la inry ai1lScss 1e iimpiroeeti y cr~op Iniciiiany leculities. 'Whrerm nalui Nature L_,~ herseif thor- adcît cover are the neost tiesirabbe 1 eughlY tiraineti a comîseiecuable pro- crops, a threei-year notation lins tic pottien'of t11e soi], bcd il jeisroba- indorseusent of sn! of the erybtll he1,1a, la course of litne, as lanti ecaosantid eitt ec is.f t'becemes more sahuabie, il will 11e pays btter pci'haps thian any ethr focnti atiisabiele artiflcially dra'in w-oeland stl fui] of vegetabie heseticgncuîer part of oui' les cI or asoti- amîtli whcre tht-i rainije hable te l11-e- uately sdoping hntsthat aile couse tee rauik, loige early iaJnnowOuýthY Of cutivatioli. Th, ques- ai lau le iji. in 1luis roý1 tîjele lion wcxi"cber i il cxiipsy le tiraiin w e bgin siih col'ri, fio-n ihIa gis ca areýa dpmteoms iti'e aie dosier anstitjl ilh1 rp'l dsatags1of Le ;praho, mant I'('1 salue of of lihes eiosertiýc fu o'iv-11elalus'ce im c. T is le a unr rotati n rt1he tunnng dw-n îielMwiurh C5Ciy klandouner nicet oftacec S-cuti uI"ire 10 tire yc e de('dclorhilmneoif. I staitf cosou in fou!r lur, r 1At 111e oulset iL miay. ho peinteti tIntiJy iii fixýe 5 nrs , se rox ilori that drainage deuetîcaS 11e soi], laoit only about one joni' ordinar-! ai'iso afforsideîater roocît for the ijY. Thle saine atisanta ge js esccur- ](meois o plants. -Unies ils reots eti in a crep of cern se uîucli oflener hase an extensive pasture, as il ils a 'given terni of îcac-s. w- o nelant raeake use of1the- jTe iiyuinti a nmotification of 111e receý(unces of (lise soli te lie be-t adi- hastt1w-o relations or n coimbalien santage. lýIa weil l raineti souls tise Of tiiej gi"sst1e bonI recuits ulicie toots cf iîet culisateti croise fertilily je desii'abie, rocs it ahways le, epreudti temîselves citely andti tea aii labet' je as scatre ae it nowvils. greal deptfis; fronet to te four fcet -Thise rotatien mn extenti itber ovet' is uite 05h01, anti coic pianls such four oc' lix'e yoaras, wiili cor1e ris a as lîscene have been knowie 10 senti loutic?2g crop, cocra te cIes'oî' atmetLeir i'oetsas fat- as thlrly feel. cultivialioi lan Jumiie or Jol ' , obc 11e0Iso ots, except those of uquralie phew-cti tiwatliofellowti1lg ,"Juno fîo' plants, w-Hi grow- iiistagnant iater. w heat, thos eturning t10 111 1 e gloon Prepee' drainage lowerc 1the surface imncecrieg 0f other do-es aundi 11e cou- of t-e greuint watcr sce tlhat the sequie't saving ef fertiIiiy. «'s roode are able Io pemetîate te their shncouda lsa~op. llh he bs lt'O înormal depth, anti furnisee condi- a aycop D hi sýfce i tiin s fvoabeic o ti'.î gititest tue d coser crope rami bo secuirotiila:jgrow'th an'd or ya'; 1Oroufoi frtiliiy oued e1 tLARGEST YIrTf)OR CIIOrS. fsir Ilay. The coe'so-wjth 111er 'Tii rane1 ce-n s n50a catcilcept -bchî).rai, by l;a'icig aay 111e frce s ~ ~ ~ 1 o-sagetprpo w-eu011Cr -aloi thte: ýc (,cupjji e tere i tise gras fiR. WiI a ottct roatin su, hlo'eair la asethc'ogh the i la iu-iuid ý!i ectrh 051r 1 proIlt-f o . he cci my hfcit t j4ci] 1,11evwork1t:t gocaaaf ogpw-lli'breathce lhregb Liw1e duu iil, for1.theneý if. Foiss helt 1e eenot ;t i acont1inllous nie eet"f ail,'te ssan dstrai mcd, rocks nt eeantro panti doxnc,, Cuoseti by i'eiss d ni nes shoulti ho ruii 11y isaalimînlat1iseprssmelo!the ut- a jeractical surseo-r; ail witm île I mnspbeu-e. IVhen lime coume coi- endi in slOW of esialishing peu-usa- parativcly dry there ie a gooti deal nent fonces anti fields of romipaýt J e air in ils pores. Tiien, wlien a shape'. ain conees, it fillse 11 uuper cati Apou shorud ho uedy fortIse lit- tl1' irk)s ruy bu'l a wck wit peny f oîîfeuItIIîrle' I~ ~ ~ ~~~~i mîohri ihicos stl harxily' bosite conine lieu' ut mi, as scie miii st.u'uggI~e tle crope. Putthie lxii- oce ut ut onice !l a 11gb, iight gr psîaslure, anti- "ebitigi'." 1he ueothcî tu pues cnt sdtiniounting tise (ivtes littile once iail tlîey ccunt t0 eut, four i' mnes, daily, comîehag diowva1tbnee ocw-lmeus a thirl -tigon-a, tPie calia fed iuh Ihe Il') iix- turc ýo! back pepr ue u1 esuy A lhte mite br bîoakegg nAy Coli, ani y ai ]w-îne crcoi Gte Scai. Ly cinirhly ny e' ted uieC cern. l Sptnneranti Octoher llbe footing may b hololy ouniilleti, andit Ain a nixtUre at DOW anti titicern w-su faton rapitily xith 'the hat u'suts la Nos uembe. Pe net ailhec 1the turkeyýs acress 10 fildoii0f gc'ýeon oube, feu' tley ciii pu'ee xcatin -disas-treuis. Brisk- shLocrerS wijILicuuaiiy kili- yoting turIeIf, .ansi ute'L.naI 5'iilun' Ivli i nood!l ot gltheiune' rose'r. Il 111ne siaýglo fetltsm'loi'the acoîb!er is objjcclonahbe, it is soael ities prar- ticubbe le 10ghstsber the cîlr iun et a lngcord, peggedt te11e uI. Th iti hmes hulihoos couragei te rosc ouIas s]y a posibl, cne ehn tuen Ieopv tlex fein 11eeani moning dco of 111cre pre s. ani if t er l n 'Illetfo te air beIow, it i, ha pre-(ssure on 'the MwatePr abi-e, 1pr- Vtsit froni enicring thia soil more thanr an inch- or two).it cnay liap- Pen1, therefOr-e, that j n ail un-drained p oil a heavy sumine r shower is forceet to rua off the surface, whjle the land below the firet inch is as dry as evet'. This le one iiîutriation of the truth of the apparenily contra- The OId Reliable Remedy l'rSpavino, Rlngboue Splits, Curbe ani ail forma of Laenèee. The uise of asingle boule ny double itu eli prtce of your herse. GOOD FOR. EVERYTHINO. Dir. n. J. KENDÂLL CO., Dr5h'. ,;- GaIlstr. N.M. .riae 5 h- have.ren esbyonr KoudaII'.Spart» Cure for ot tune. ioafrein twive te fi troc houl tie1,-wk a1t Ccd t ane1r1 c ratody for epavina Bswteney Galle aind cI ata an n swciirge. 1 havet.twocrid lati0 io o iiîy cre.o i ols iî fo r ysr "'Tr.atise ont tht H.es prereoifn lieuse Pre r ucl or . ae aid tmetfrfasl ltu"0en qol dicloy staemeîtI t atIii (er draiji- ing s asafeuaï Hgan~tdroughit. A'il slopiuig land, uII[Iss laid down to grass, is hbeto gpeat loss by tiiis surface a, iî during th e t he lrt a lo u cetdrainage t]ý e a antps ie{ydouîî- H'ighîy Aircae i KingStoýn. Janýuuary 7, 03 It is with l plesuretha 1 certify to 'the efficacy cof Iron- ox Tables.Notblt ha pose cf an e ffective ytgnl boe ýz,Uwhâr tî th sun tie ctngaa oic to h As a regulat-,,j Or -,c hbowels they are ail right. 7 ArniSre, alaminin pChe cse, 2 5 cents uidm1- jaiera -,usi atte 111e f'.t Crin-raus 51 -sr , ' ~ 5Os- t >O. À1'te giiePrtjth îe Quccu-rao forI nsxa impn 11e srfae ra)1ig w 111t I'Pggn ick.' (t'ilh!f 11 oi, anti ws i 1 Setidon le 11elle n tif n sma4ll fta1ri- feluitsoI0fm 1 -hr ec-îs.or inu Leutiashire, rFoglanIt i1. 1Ho ils escet ati cu-nc in tI. feliez us ~ ueacî teho arjc anjti suc- iîsg IlisneLeie 00so l.hoo'scbiahset tc ih. o plats, w hleticsurlu uciclroa gniail singe iii ex erci-owdtetiEng- ru-a îhe'ouh 1,e dai1s.land. Again, d'iag eahotel i- 'timîlie uurixed lu Xictorla, ia cossas-y foc' ît i mce 1 îcier-ztcu 186a, 1the geiti mush w-us hegiiîning, of bous y sus lt l c it htSotidoss joined t landti riet isie hck a cccl seil came mccx- ho p1iormeti.at ItieIfuaigo tiiggirgs, but guineti , More u'ler ý;ý l Idchl ý a uis 1 reiuttle exý:e1pl a great rejpula tien as a anti opece cih Il iau by a Creict ieeîan ablo atid aistichose onol. W ulcr je heh ini the0 RE-APX 'l T UE I- 1,1FS'S. soul betwý-ilms111e as iote i'vles Of I a 1ttli1 a.ocdtgl-e cpcli-.erîefjeoSenee, foi' iloie i miscif ce las cig- nec epace lfboseco Ien bt'usnt anti gootitiD r;brthclias w-utr. bhs ompctusse xist a train 0f c;alyin hise iiature, laini in li c ccctîsuugis îvhhls julinpion of nniitier -w-ho was be- w'aer iec ne rc4ii pue lensoiuîg b lljýIctI bya noughci', stri'nger ail lier subse186aie renicretiomeoc miia tees e t meistoof !bY Ihasig tilT,1'hgotiusetiec.eot.i p-srtirles of virhirbi the'y areleis - hmgo quanil jeus aieag 1the crsf pecei spnmtot Iros oe aothr rasI t of ew' Zealanti, and thicher pose soprate fioia ne ýano sriet Setiin, 11111e nichei' than w-hon ia a w ord, ho eft EngLanid. But lc blati lean- BY PTJL \'l? IZtlTI 0N. e d one tiing-tbat digging for goiti Thi jcuasei upcij 1 catinis netth11e Ibcd1ssay cfrircakiing musoney mno [im byalratln m t.egr at thîe gebtidigins. le crtetia est secoricy agins reight. The,1s'aheen ut a îîinogcap, cii eo platsina ry as snt t -irn it becamne the mîsest pojiulaîi' ma in lts lcegsu e siai--cir- he p-lace. îFirsttif ail, 'ho i-ami a for i ti Ijsi ef need. ste,, emalt) hus>on the roatiside anti 1s a11 usitn d>ipenEeti alitîhe chenp nandst thatarealw)s -etse bal- wbieey. Money relicti in, anmd ho j lrge ainuissofdae es'anetate mineseonable te non a hietter sa- teon hei curirs, oserbuceuboanti toesotublisi a big ur -warnîl. Tleiliasgroait pow'er leffuntle usîîsossw-lson ltce dtýgiiigs w-aimn ry ocl, o sos ihici pu- beoanse more settr-tiamîticivilizedi. uani f iee CVlaioO-fai, -ut As et Bendigo, Pick Setidon'c fiet i i-e, tIe far o ai7atutt wus a pesserful ris ibiziiig influence. soi]. W'un-tiilji is cscý-il o e thseI Althoigîs a sahoonkeepen, lie hati a germination o! etietis andtih1e ,,roper Ihorror tif trunkenuiess. Aliy tiunk- grwtb of pian1ls. Furmers wbo are o jgrwh utrt i aei cuitix ating tw-bat is know n as aI Iras sîîcotiiiy gaîLheneti uj in bis cne- 11cld s(jjý-i!II,, i e irt t cn-culur arme andti h'Wn, i ck anti rae ie ipotaceofthise at c'op he 1einb t'eoh.c i 86, Othici'suit an ohti coionisl, "hîeaning a mn ory e soasti n cp m'o-hcouasch oue- nt Scdton's saloon ic a afoui re- or saso ofercl gowt coseqent1muai-k about a roasan i11te setîbe- oie~~~~~~~~ 11eeninsoin !dant mecnt. 'Puigger Pink,' vauilteuarrose -ad -at:Ihe coMpral,,ive freedom ' ef[1the bar, took huai by the Ibroat, falb sulcn tanti doser fronl-'freezing îbirew hini tte 1groonti anti nearly out or winter kil1log; te absence o:ee01 L heoite in.Tire0 open tnlcwih are a tiecitiedth11e mîanles frlentis, w-ho ucre drink- nuisansce l i en utiaho o f tulIse a h a- a[-.thl f'in landandthe tý-1 o tlecro: ýbut Pick shook thons off as a terrier ani hlartof ah 1'rcncovai frein , bk.,o ff mi'. s ndttbelbth1e marit the oi of e! lcostsoluble salle oris- dose n mmliho took bnck his wom'ds.j cd b 111 ticu(ie rock ýanti orguard P ick seas niw-uys cliii nîreus 10w-anti pIaul uii h1eenoet svhirh-0 j w-orin. Thcy uore s-l1e freu n e. T111 soucase 1 e ofition knoin suit esen mn he reuighsea ctacing j as aiai last."ccîmmîp if lhe huppenetl f10 1e there. But lîouh 15 w-n a geatfeghter, [lie-w-a hcajs .on ise1 sid,- 0f iawi UNPRJUIJICP JIMATNS. itiid ort.ir.Thncy sae. 11- prosonteti nnya iot awit Ilmî sngiitheo obti Peole iel rreflof neI t Steppiang ; alese oy ant i tt -ca Iigini on other peopb'pc tocýs o>lenshave ' bis jsew- ci' te civilize îLe miiing dis- 111cm osvn traisele pemu. tine.", 11tije a tiiecyn thait the rol]-Aa- îhe ycnîrs passeti by 11e g'î'es inlg Slone gaites ine neose. lit is rich anti becalno 111eansI pepuhar equally ,truc tit!al 111 oe -hdiis muanin î111eplace. The w-enkingmen ais'ay sttieîay gthes htîh e se. wcore 1,%hi hl, fer 11e bat I)hen a Lagto s gootid edr buliIt ninmnhin-k.seif; anti lie tit iut caepicple o oaverdtietIr--îrtera eglidii-rs4shrc-mr fobbowing 111e pueccniplion that ho îlE BC/,MEPIIOSPEROIS.j w-be hears Ihesc i suo couuil as te Evnel, tis day w-lien ho, goos dowesji 1the tn' uth o!f111e olidage.-ia the cusr. c bic, neati-e ï Somne mea w-lie w-rau> thocrseimes in ncoiiy, 11echialis 0f ie is aiing the cloak o! seif-rigbittousness have tiays rail him Pick, anti taik tb hlin cauuty covering. as if 11e were cîjill one oft theîîî- I-T w-ho Isugs aticî'rew te bis heurt selves. crow-ts;out o! his M1e mat co nuucb Saddton inc'oaseti bis potpuiîity lii of G'od'es ligbl anti cheeýr. w-arîeîly ativocuting the inteu-egts of .Pon't w-actteloc macil h ie labe- -Ibe iîîcicerns a heir frequcmt dieputes wiiag 1the cie of ollîcre matilyen cr111 111-c (overnmcnt officiais. li une sure you iare nid o! yVonir ocracitieietahhy, 1edo e tct tcses oralj worst familts. loSial olceand inju1:',79 \vus sett tbt-w-eeiawýfimliy .lngIybut 1h,, 1 11onprsMtat-c tf u etthuinl- w-crut fmid-l anti cre hikti h 1emi. The iîîg tiislricts, iTebhua1hliie seat luo aliluuifuii peýopieImi ýIbii w-ou'dsne hnw t abra.wjIic uni flt bw-ys 11 mee>,t cenlipuaron- oueery 11cie. -Mon - w-le w-ait foiceaie lo o!f-iatm ciuoue l Nw-Zfiuni 011en pepoaî'iy 10carr 111m b publ- -uies, -Ilinaide igpclicme- lic fus-or usilllf ake sipw-eck1eof igorcnasigfrothowu t heir liVss efre tby reucb anyf'-r-- -- ---- couiforlabie lham'czis.9M T - IFAMOUS ELE'PTIANT DEA), The lainons decoy eehn Kapom'i bas juet teiahEiwla ain, ah 1the ageoi0 eenyegah h ni-- w-as wei-known to 111e Urjaice of Wales anti 111e lafie uof o!Clarence aniEtinbnrigb-, , buvJiag taken part ins svri eleophaust hunte wbibc they PIAMNPSP'RM ASTAR. WIsle orermng t s Nw-York sehcentl Ihu ' e' .ct broke anti i ecuoe ti da.em eg 11 esa firoui s 111ebaIl With some o! theP geis. je atm aid, weib estab. ILsheti anti relable preusaratifon. Ran hotu f ~ jrescribeti and useti ~'oser 40 years. Al tmg. glats lanltheDominion o!canada att] anti < ~ ~ reconmrd as being ý.fI'Cand its klmetithat cnt-ctand gi--ceanlercl s tiloa. it ltopl ad jssmannti cresaIlfornscf Nervouee1, eajî' heEfuoe rundtni'hera,fmpoa, use of 'ScoOpf'm r! -ffal i ental anti .ruain Weru, alio f ihia - bn~cuy, Iaenuy orsoptenandti n Gam î(Tae Pt-me i $1 - pakageor six focSi. ueuc pie Irîrf vif cuel-. Maleip'optyonme oeipt o!ptjet. Sent ifr fc ashe.Atdres,_ V, ot's IPhosphet)14)ila" e coti m cwniîi'iieby tî Jî, J Son, 'ugc. iEW ZEÂLÂNýFlS y 3E pi RI 117E WAS ON1CE GOLD DIGYGER icadJ. 1-onI Now Trying 10 Build an pire in - the oafiflc j Wbca 11e (2jonj~ pro uter te atend hluî Edwrti c corona- lioniconecf thcau, Ith11e pOoi- bic exeto 0fSjr il ir(LLaurier', ntato ni,' fc orl I' impression thanRic~pdJ. eddjnth;e un- ci-wne Kng f NsvZeani. l At a "i g pren î i.',gis en1 lap!is honor Py a i, i.erI1\1(jIca wlcai1hew as tihe lion of tcjboul . lusdgacty, Lis gr'as e'14 'ley, is sci gift, hjs tiisingishti nacîer, cacptix ateti 'Goo forolti'Diger icliý !" ex- Richar-Id J. Seitijoci, 1'rîjùchIalr PrsyCounIcilicîr, Doctor cf , aws, Colonil Trensurer, Mjýris ter of Lantor-, Miuister of befeace andi ali the uc. ttof lt-tPe maie cxhoue Gouras acîtJ i c'înc tihlt te hocîori-s 1the saine 'lDigge'r lliic' csh woîîi ou anti 1 kicew' wheus ie h1ept a lichle roatisitie saloon op itn the cnicg dijstrict anti thiew thie nriiers out whreveer thicy got tee trc(sh? ihe's gon)e a long, ss'aî' ejance thcen, hasn'î Le ? From1 L AC COPY CF' WRA F-Em. 7:ý= aess andRSCOith~ ehr Opiîud,Morplihne nofbiixiral. NO T NJ.,IR (UJ .4,,ie&ode ApeîrfeixïIeme,ýdy ferCosu- ---,-o---------D ia rh ea Worns Covuiionfve7sh li adNvancinig.ihel'(', nd forc0gcxhng epr Is dii Sbecceing more gei,(raii îîd ncthing betier, than Cenml(ltý bas yct becn fc11nd mjs a reliable fmbstitute. Fucr sicwituî, floorE, CF'clVCYertnd sc"lid tmlonry istheleadig!Cndir brand. For bank barns, stable floors ndsilo WOrkÇ. havte very B LES TO LD gerial favorite and extensively used. We baverecetlyput in a fresh stoeK of boili these brands and are prcpared to frish eitber at satisfactory prices, ai so * an expert to superin tend their use. It will payy 3on te sect us before patroniz!ng the travelihng ealesnian whom you Scannot reach again. We have also a full Une of Bard ai.d Soit Wood and Coal, Cbarcoal, Dressed and UndresEed Î Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Sait and Xfî Plaster, Quality right, prices reasomable.j KING 8T., EAST, BOWMU1VILLE.I oblige-- los i1prose bu' is ouîrjres outit- odox by ausocteclirecce santd lsnocks. Noiw Zenladers aie fend of teliiimg how hotiecerictlîon îl-e plaîfornn ut Cao oiviciestinig, vabketi copeof 'Le inge)"r, creione tîlei sels kikiigant iîfcghtiag, anti threw I beuxdosastirs ihhout aaybody's seIip. T lnibe suent buck te tice jiatforun ii dcalitly fiaisheti hie speech amlid reopecful silence. Setidon soon bercaiso iccoguizeti as one o!f1the strongost mon of 1the R- dirai parly. WMien Premnier Baîbance toi.n U>1193, everybotiy caitithere w-snsso omie cc-be oult iecuccet imi hatidoî'le. -But Setin tepp)et la- ho 111 cuantpI-at jîoLidcee lt he Rad!icale le niiuui h thoy 11ud ucver dren.meti tf utir ablumîce. Simrce 1898 1ehe boomsPrinne Min- istci' of New Zeulast. Lîhet Nov- etuber his pnnly w-as aguin retuu'ned 10 upower i-y a horge msajority, wbich ccilh keep Ibine ut 1the heli until the endt of 1905. But 11e Le nec oaiy Prei'eS. île l th1e Lord 1qige Eierythiag Else o! 111e Coliony-t'oPsteas-or;ti- encrai, Minitor Labu',Min1isten or'Nu- Toierapîs, oioialTroaqureor, etc. Ani orai trsooil'ce ie d Dw- il - WenSeiten aiicie cohlepgues ancof t!hea i bas put 1ii, 1i1e'thr lant's oieiai tatsmnn, s a uie, tmy te re)py Englisibaws ani Eng iishi lis(tiutioieas nmuci s n oeble. Not s'OSeiidon. "Enigli," ie je fend 0fsyig "ra ny ccha1w u s oti. Wit usaI net alwour couly tle iuumt ao tirecetîntiltion ! ngan.t Hie pebicy trolc 111 clart hueI, ! en jiuh1isîs eut o)f eitneby tie gati ledti taxatiion 0f4lanti anio 1esia ainti te dIvido l111e iaiit nscailt "TaEngan110u m11e eope iis ruh Iie o 0f 65 uhio ucu h 111 econoînic andi social i mof iwhicli this is the p'roduct nW aat to eatabiis-h our cixilizatijon inu this îîeW1 iand on a broader ba-sie dee s,\mnpaéthy for iiunniîy," TRucit l tha NewZeaanIIm, un- Stion boa.sts ttit (if;ho jv u a ýSoc-. uitLhele salIso one c0 fie saee' o4 li.iporialists. Ili jesaid , that when the lBoer -çiai bru>ke ont hçý -was dissuadeti with diftieuity from gixing hjîîîýseif a co:sinati dgo- ing to the front. me )1a1(1 to be content ithi sending 6,000 othier New Zealanders te Souib Africa. -Ho wanted to send tiheMarst flght ithe Boers antdvatdse- er measures towards the Boerîa,l"ii. -maôris, rhû-said,-ïn aspeh'ko hew tfo Conduzt aâr ai ho-w t treat their enemies. Thelïy don't trouble about inaking pioiier.'t The achieveient of which ho is proudest is the enforcenien't of the AMrbtatjon andi Conciliation ac.t, which. has done- away with eVrikes and iock-outs la New Zeahuiti. iiekt BrnWate Brsbor any Disese c [haSteraci, Liser rBei.as. i i -L 1 -i For lfnsadOilrn Th a dYo Ha BLars1the Signatur hirtyIYar