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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1903, p. 4

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iiiRESIIERS SUPP LIES W e are Headquarters for Leather Beltinq LaceLeather T i e nd Rivets Rubber Packing Asbestos PacIing Rubber Hose Machine Oit OliCans Gauge Glasses Spooners Gopperîne Babbet Metal Mits Etc. Mi orders receive our corefiil and prompt attention and Our prices are lcw. Mmc~e eOC &Col. one &coriWest of ]Pont Ofiloe ChinaHall Grocery. The pickling season is 110w here. .1In order to make good -pickles yûU require the very best vinegar and spices. Vinegars, Young & Co have a reputation for keeping GOOD VINEGARS, and we mean to maintain that reputation. We have now in stock the best ïpariety of high grade Vinegars we ever earried in White Wine Vine- gars, Fruit Vinegars, Malt Vinegars, etc., and at prices no higlier than for inferior good. Spices. The quality of Young & Co s Spices is welI known. We buy only PURE' SPICES of the best quality and highest standard. Use YOUNG &Ce's VINEGAR and SPICES for your pickling and yon will get satisfaction. Groceries, Pr )visions, Crockery. Produ.ce taken. P.A. lHfADDY Succeesur to YOUNGILO, CHINA ýHA:LL. BOWMAýNVILLE DOMINION INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION "TOIEUOISTO Aug., 27th to Sept. 12 Bowmanville to Toronto and returD $1.45 îgeod goinz Aug. 29 to t'ept. 11.01 iaclanýie. $1 25 good going Sept. lst, 3d, bth, th and 10th, Ail ticket@ vaiid for return on or or before Sept. 15th 1,ABOR DAY Sept. 7th, 1903 Single Faro round trip, goc d going Sept. -Zthl.6Mh and TiI val çdfor r, tnnunin Sept, 8th. b-" .- ttiùn n b Uada on Grand Trutik tyiLoo aud frein Detroi-. and Port Huon, NI ch .nu-ip8eiün Bridge and Buffalo, N, Y. Tickets bo certain pointSe old In secor- dance with above will noi be good for pas- The $anadîall Statesilan BO0WMAN VILLE. SEPT 2, 1903. 0001 THING OR114PdRAINS AND) WOODLÂNDs, N. B. June 16, 1903. DR. B. J. KENDALLCO., Euecburg Falls, Vt. I bave use! yeur Kendall's Spavin Cure on mv berces aud I find if a gond tbiug for al eprains and lameneus. sud if is a fine tamily liniment. Wil von kincly suud me oeeoe your bocks, ".A Treatise ou the Hcrse and bis Diseaces." Very frulY youria, MELCHIOR J ONES. The Eclectie Magazine for Sept. ember opens witb a piper o! unique iterary, intenest, by Kipling, Fiera Annie Steel and othens. -Sevenal short -papiers on caroustees.wtom stikinz bits cf 'verse zo te make up a throurhlv neadable number. Tbe Liv- ing Age Company, Boston, Mass The September numben cf The Can- adian Magazine centains rnuch bright M-R,, JAMES H cILSGOOD A former twrnn r.Jms-Il. MeGili t aeoftnD.C he recently sien1t t"e(Ma'or a.draft for $500 te applv on smesporiai teature et the nowbuli, sent a letter regreztiflg bis înabiýflity to be present at the Corner stee ceremony. His letters were read as foiiows. Be kind enougb ,te tbank'the Ccuei ton accepting the littie eunbte sent, and expending itfofr the beiefit of the town, ton in se doing his ai1dil me in parti"ý paving a debt I owe t h town ton educational tacilities furnisbed me in my boybo,îd days. The price you let the contraet tonrh erection (t your new towu building1 seems verv reasonable,and by awarding Ï the wonk te local mnen vou encourageè home industry and circulate the money vou expend several tîmes over betere it gets ont et the town Boom uip the town and lh miv bemore hiveiy and prosperous than if ever was. What you need iescorne new tactonies. I aeknowledge the receipt o! tour taver of the 8th inst., and thank von for .'oun invitation te cerne te Bowman- ville te see the corner stone cf the new municipal building laid. I would like very rnucb te take a trip te Bowmanvîlle but at present I amn in- terested in an enterpnise here tbat requines my personal attention and eau net get away. The energv displaved by tbose in' char-, ae e! the building in, getting if stîrted so quickly is adînired. Keep up the goed wonk >and bave the building a credit te the town and s'eu will lind wben yen get if- finished that these who now oppose the projeet wil be as pnoud. e t as those wbo have tavored if from the beginning ' will probablv visîf my native town before the completion o! tbe building and I wili then cee what vou have doue and may give Non another litile litt. Wbeu the date et corner @tone laýing wàs cbanged trem Aug.22nd te 29th.tbe Diavor wrote te Mn. MeG'ill inviting bim again, thinking be might bo abie, te cerne then, but ho could nef corne and sent this masage: I acknowledge the receipi e! vour tîvor et the 20th. inet and ini neplv 1 arn stili unabie te go te Bowrmnville te cee, the coruerstone et your Munici- pal Building laid. If would give me great pletasure te be there as a specta- ton, but 1 would flot tel at liberty te, take .ans' part in the ceremony. You have rny best wisbes for success lu tour efforts te, secure a building that will be a credit te the town. Durin2' the pasi forty vie ira I have visited Bowrnuville about once a year mn'd ' eaeh timo 1 ea the 01,1 town *hall I loked uf il as the most discreditable thin lu the town of my birt In l my judgmeut if gave visite an tinfavor. able opinion o! the town and did au injury that the residents. cannet ap preciate. Your municipal building 1isaYour represeutative building aud its loca- tion, size, design. finish, accomodations, appreaches, immed iste surroundinLY8, etc , speak as weil as eau be told 'by werds the ambition, wealtb, faste, education and enterpieofetws people. . rrsofteow- I will net be curprised if "ou flnd tbat tbe new building will adventice the enterpnice of the fewn eneugh te aftnacf cerne manutactuen witb capital te le- cite lu the town and thus cave yenu money thît you migbt olherwise pay as a bonus. I arn mu outsider 'ad perhaps am ' esduming lu even venturing a sux ,gestion but 3 ou know I wisa y ou wel. OBITUARIES. SAMUEL COLH. Anoiher and almosi tbe last et the old pioneers et this section bas left us. On Tbunsday, Aug. 27tb Mn. Samuel Cole, a wel.kuown sud highly respect-, ;ed nesident et Maple Grove, oue mile iwest-of-Bowmanvitle, pse-pae.i awa.y. Mn.-Cole ws bhem in Cornwall, .England, nearly seventy-uine years ago; but wbeu a boy o! cixteen settled .with his parents on Mlapfle Greve tarn ;wbere, except for a period eftfive, years .wbeu engaged in the tanning business i -~---- I Mn. Johin learii; Toronto, is boume for vacation.* Mrs. W.ý Dingm:tan is home from Rochester,N.Y miss KtlenSinclair is vtsiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. Frank iht Toronto, was borne over Sundlas. M.Gordon Solich, Palnierston, is visijting relatives bere. ,Miss Fielding, Toronto, was guest cf Miss Belle Allen last week Mn. and Mrs, Norman White, Barrid, recentl~ _N isited relatives here. Mr. Fred W. Cardue, Seafortb, visit- ad at D)r. R. Young's, Centre st. Mr. C. N. Nix. Uxbridge, was in town guost of Mir. Geo Dawne.v. Miss Carpmnall, The Dale, Toronto, was reýeyàt guest of Miss -Armour. Mr. Chas. HI. Joness' bas returned home from Indian Head, N. W. T. Mr. and Mdrs. Wm. Taylor, Parkdale, Toronto, are vlsiting Mrs. S. Painton. Miss Brown, Teronto, has been gut5st of ber aun t NMrs. A. Fuller, Providence Miss Neilie Thomp son, Peterboro, spent ,i5ýundlay witui Mrs. W. B, Tapson. Miss Lilly Legge bas returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Sutton W est. Miss Eva Worth cf Harper's Hospital, Ddtroit, M idi, is spe nding vacation at home. Mr. and MNrs. Geo. Stevens and famliy, Peterboro, spent Sunday in town. Miss Amanda E. Bond, Oshawa, spent Sunday at be r unele's, Mr. M. A. james. Rev. J J Ra e was recent guest -of iMr. aud Mrs. C. M. Cavker, N.orwav cottage. lrs;, Robt. Wickett, Toronto. attend- ed the funer.al of ber brother the late Samuel Cole. Miss Ethel M. Morris bas returned frcm a plewaant visit in Oshawa, Scugog sudlLindsay. The Misses Dingman, Dunham and Poster, milliners, are in Tloronto doing the openingo. Councillor F. H. Mason bas, been visiting bis son Mr. Lance Mason at Gravenhurst.f Mr. W. Armstrong Gnieves, Hiram Colleg'e, Hiram, Ohio, is guest af Mr. Geo Butebart's. Miss Jennie H ooper bas retnrned from apleasant vis it witb relatives in Rochester, N Y. Mr. George McKowan, Palmerston, spent Sundav with bhis motber, Mrs. Mr James Alleof the nickel piating depanimnent of the Foundry biai; gone to Cleveland, Ohio. 1Mra. Richard Baile.ç and niece, Mrs. Rd. Witbenidge bave been visiting rel- atives at Whitbv. Miss Nora Mierner, Waterloo, was reent guess c, f Mrs Wm. Humphrey, and other frieinds. Miss Edîî,h Thompson, Cobourg, la visitin- beyý cousin, Miss Ada Tyler, 'PairbVew FHrm." 1Miss Lois Edick, wbo bas been vîsit- ing ber grandmnother in Chicago, Eli., bas returnied home. Miss Helen Foster and Miss Elizabeth Guiiy. Toronto have been guests of Miss'Eva 0. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Trowin, bave been visitiig their son, D. Garnet Trewin at Coilingwood. Mr Johin Thorn. Fenelon, was guet last week efi his sister-in-iaw, Mrs. W. jRundie, Wellington st Mrs. Geo. Altu, and Miss Hazel. Whitby, wore guests o. ber sister Mrs. Thos. L. Osborne, lest we k. Dr. C. C Gibson, wife and daugbter is visiting at bis brotber's, Mr. W. H Gibson of Wiiiow Grove Farm.- Mr, and MUrs. S. H. Scnipture, Col- borne, attended the fanerai of bier niece, the IFte Mrs. Hedley Oke Mr. W. J. Wright, B. A., Bradford, the newiv appointed teacher ef our »Higb Sehool, was ini town Saturday. Ailan Clil youngest son cf Coun- cillor -T.' G.' Colwi1tp Wltbvwwattaclr- cd by a vicieus dog and badly worried. Mr. Richard Soucb. Providence, attended the funerai cf bis sister Mrs. Pearn, St Marys, who died on Sunday. Mr..and Mns, George Mason and son i - - - ICI lRU~WANTP~fl AT PlilmRnfllwb FLO tîkes an nS ainapy- r-ticle - A -Sof a s - -Reminvsc e " di-Brlox fl. UflL il as Visidled .t.- - --t_________________ s.n.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i eio+ hie 1~,,t -?&et . ~ , i rs. "Wm. MIeynoIds,"Bruoicll -Everîboev w-ho canemtn.pran- s.ih.,, .o.,a r ..r. or... .rtic- 0«m. dO ae-- - L~ .eec g..e in t-t .- .pl -n pero. STOTT & JURY, CP&TA P ETERBOROUGH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION., sept, 2224 Tuesday, Wednesday andi Thursday. Premier Exibbition of the Iidland District. There are larger cash prizes offered at this Exhibition for Horses, Cattie, Sheep and Swine than at any Fair in Ontario,~ with the ex- reption of Toronto, London and Ottawa. Good accommodation for Stoc-k. Send to Seretary for Prize List at once. Large Cash Prizes for Trotting,1 R-anning and ifurie Races. B. HURIES-tJHMARLES, WJ.CIREEN, President. Secr-etary. Dr. Sangster, ef Port Perry, had the honor of being appointed ln 1853, the fixet pineipai of Central school, Hamil- ton.'Tbe sebool is ibis year celebrating the semni-centenflial o! uts opening. aud tocward the end of lte mont wîll hoid a ~re-unionlof the old pupils. At a .eent meeting' in Hamilton, over whieh tihe attorney.general, Hon. J. M. Gib. "Il p~,elded, it was resoived to presont 5r. Sagster witb an illustraltcd ad- and bigbtness, the chie! acticec the issue is *"Preterential Trade lu lic Re- lation f0 Canada and the Empire," by tbe Hou. G. W. Ros who writcs almosi as well as be spcaks. Jean Blewett's "On the Ponoka Reserve" exhibits a somewhat unucual velu, but is a deliglut- f l tonY. BOWNAN VILLE IN 1903. By an inadvertance fthe numes of Messrs Rodericic M. Mitchell & Ce., successor te J. Higgiubotham & Son, ebemisis and druggists, Mr. W. H. Williams, cf the West End Smitby sud F. M Souch, hardware, were omitted trom cur lisi lasi week. We emittcd =mon tfle legai professions flue lw rs;'Messrs., D. B. Sirnpson, K. C,, Chas. F. Blair, Robent Russell Los- combe, John K. Galbraitb, Malcolm C. Galbraith, P. H H1unter sudA. E. Acki'ng Joints la1h.e dnge, tocs, arma, and Cther partsof th body, ane joints hai are Iufaied »dd evoflen by rheumatsm- that acid condition o!f theblood which Affectaeh. muscles aloo. Suaffmiuadmed te =ove, eepecimlly affer itling or 1i$ng long, andi their condition i§ commonl.y worge iu wet but have beexi comp>1ey Cures! by iHoed' Sars>aria, fer whblch Iarn deeply grate- fu." MIM FPAisýcxs Susrm, Prearcoit, ont. "x-bAl m=attack et the grlp wbith Xcii Me weaitRand heipkeas and suffering from rheu- paalin. 1 began t*king Hood's Sarmapa- rmla andtis!. edile lbas entlrely cures! mne. 1 have ne hesitatien n luayngiif saves! my 11h."1 M. J, McDoNÂLp? Trenton, Ont Hood-'s Sarsaparilla ]Re-moves the camaofcirb.umatim-3 esilvarsi appàiieia neau. Take il. very troug and able main, ever fore- mocf, in ail gatberings et the earîy lion.,lD.C. Friser and son, Guycboro, settlers, in ail wenk nequiring bedily Nova Scofia, were guesis et Mn Roi. tnength; but about thirty veans mgo hie Beith, M. P., ai Pont Bowmanviiie, over met, witb an accident which weakened Sutidar. bis constitution, and ton the last ten Mr..and Mns. D. H. -Comtes mad son, years hee bas been unabie te enraige in Lynt, Braýfferd, have returned boe active werk, gradua ly declining, se if fer spending vacation if Mrc. Samuel ibai. not uuexpectclyi, ai last ihe Cole's, Maple Grove. passed mwas'. Af seyenteen yeara cf Mr. Penny Dobso n, B. A.. Clasfiical age lie expenienced a bright conversion Masteer o! the H igb Sebool, Stanstead, and for many years teok a leading part Que., viifed old frieuda here lîsi week lu the ýservice o! music af -the olti Bethol guesi o!Mr. C. Young. and Carmel preaehing appointments of Miss 0'Dounell, Miss Sunter. and Miss the Weslevan Meihodistci cu.-c He Nelie2 Sunter, Toronto, bave retunned wîs a life-iong Reformer, alwas's inter, home atter visiting Mrs. E. I, Osbornue ested in publie affairs but o! toc netir- and etber friends lu toWn. îng a disposition te tîke au, active part Mr.Ewn Dnsa,'ioa luThe fnerlsevcs.nStud Mississippi,ors victing tiedsanmd The uncal ervceson mtndayrelatives here guests of Mn. C. M. were conducied by is pister ibe Res. Cawker, "Nerwvay Cottage". Jos. Wîrd, B. Di. and iu spife et the inclemeni weathcn a large number o! Mrs. W. S Solomon, Toronto, Miss relatives and fiends atteeL1(d te - - McýMiitrv and Miss Emîline Me- their lasi respecte te the depanted. TheMutry, Ümt, bave been visitiug Y r. floral fibutes were numerous and ex- Jeu. Stephens andi otheri relatives hene, ceedingly haudoome. Mn. Care 'Williams, law student, -,No fartirer seek bis menu te disclose, Winuipeg, wlip wmc home for bolidmys, Or draw bis frailties front iheir dnead abede, le baik agmin ai the post et duty. Hia Thlere they altke in trembling hope repose, miv frienda wcre pleased to emcci hm Thre besom eftlbis Father aud hlus God atter bis long absence nd te sec hlm 1e0eaves a wiýdow, a SOn "rhomîs lochn owl. ei n f h ii' John Colc, Maple Grove, three daugbht- ye 1n ewl.H i u !Iensu Thes Suoden Mape Grve, ng- men of the Gr3at West and will ers-Mrs To.Sod, al rv houer his native town 1w bis indomit- Mrs. D. H1 Cotes, Brantferd, Mrs. w. a hle euengy and consequent cuccess iun C. Frank, Maple Grove,-io mou ru the bis cbosen profession. lbec o! a dcvoied and affectionate buabaud amd faiber. There- is more CatarrhIn luthis section of thre1 Tuns STATIDSMAN knows se weli cf the eotyta I other disieases pot t< gether, patient n ot inces cren -nurable. For a grat many years doctors watchfuness nf Mns. Cole for, many1 preneuanced hi a local d1sease and prescrlbed yeînc that wc must bear testimeuy terocal remnedies, and byý coioslantly failing to cuire witb local treatment, pronennced it In- ber unfaiing devotion te bier busbaud1 curable. Science baps proyen Catarrb te be a during bis long affliction. Tic wonder constitutlonal disease and therefeore requires is that she bis been able te endure fthe Éntinln3tratment Hal', Ctarrh ote, stnlu n br cusituten.Themanulactured by F. il. Cieney & Co,, Toledo, long 0h1, tth onllie constituin Th [i,.tl jycoltien,,oal ecure on tihe cames may be suid of tic sou and makt tLe talen lntemnally in doseýs l'r daugbten ai borne wbe bave donc al lun Iodrep a ateaspIoonfltt. L ,acts directly on tire anodue uous surfa2es of thre syem. n their power te make thein 1,faicnS Years They off'er one hundred tolr for any case of snfferng as pleasant as possible, it tais toe ure. Send for cîrculars and tes- and aIl the merubens of the family and tim ia .J.CE Y 0,Tld,. nelghbore have been unfaililug in ibeir Sold by Dru gglt, 5c. effots asiet u ~eeyposahi.w 1j. Kll's Fhy& rPilla si-e the bet, rr ady teexhibit same at Bowman ville Fair on Oct. 6 and 7. Prize ists wfiI be mailed as soon as printed to every mernber. Last vear this Fair was aliead i several departments of the Model Fair atWhitbyv. Let every one ini West Durham strive to beat this year's Model. Arrange to be on baud. Ail are expert judg-es. Ilolidays Are Over. The eld %boas lhave biad a liard t.me of if duning s'natieu and p îrenîts are nemiuded that uew eues are uceedes! again wben SCHOOL STARTS. We bave prepancd ourseives ton the nwng demauds cf cUr trade and lilua good supply Of neuf, afreug. comtotable Poots for BOYS AND GIRLS Several broken ne.regular pice $1.25, $l 35 sud 81.40, Clearing at $1. Be firsi and get a sna&p. FredR. Foley, le»rloe4"shotore. B~wxnmuvilie. We are now ready to buy appies of ail varieties, for Evapiratiag, both in peelers and cider apples and i n any qIiantity. We also pay cash for farrners dried apples at the Evapora- tor, opposite the High School. FInkarle d Aokerman Bowmanville, Aulg. i8th, 1 903. S tr.A RGYLE Shorollto Exhibition, Aug. 27th tu -Sept. I 2th., Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Leave NEWCASTLE 6:80 a. m B BW M AN V1L 4jE 7.10 «, "OSIHAWA 800Oô WHITBY 8,45 Arriving in Toronto at 11.15 a. m. Returning leavPs Toronto same days at 5 p. m., Saturday 2 p. m. and il p.m. FARES. Newcastle to Toronto and retÉrn 75 e. Bowmanvile 70e Oshswa 6-,e. Whitby 60C. Tickets goord to return any trne dur- ing season -without extra charg-e. Meals and 3tâterooms at reasonabe prices. Frpi2-ht soieited, band led carefully andi promptly. For further information apply te HARRY CANN. Agent, Bowmanviliie. B. . HEPBURN, Geneai Ag-ent, Geddtes' Wharf, Toronto. Lakte Ontario Navigation Companay Pl TREB1LGOOK At the new stand, one door west of Hunter's Law Office. The new copyright books receiv- 1 d as published. -"Grey Cioak," "Lan that had n oTuin-" Goron elt," Lady Rose's Daugliter," "lorses Nine," etc. f lie best lhne of 10e books pubiish- ed, by most popular authors. STATIONERY.-V e r y specia lines at rare value. Get the best, "&Stratheona" "Avalou" a n d "Lingerie. Pads 5c, 10c, 15c. Wall Paper, Window Shades, Çurtain Poles, Pietures. DU. LOW'S WORM UYRUP ila a afe, gare and ti eUaeworqll eXPailer, Aets equJ.iy weil u onehitdren or adulte, IB. West End Bouse Boy's Otlltters. West End flouse Younlg lell's Ouiiters. E Theâe toGollt's Store, The West 'End 1101180 ~ Every wearing apparel for the littie man kept at MýeMurti-y's and of the kind that has style about, it, the kind that always gives gen- eral satisfaction. Mothers buying their boys' ,/wanLs. wiii save money and get. dependabiu i goods by dealing at the complete IBoys'S tore The West End flouse. Two Piece Suits.- Sizes 22 to 28 madle Up in the choicest new designl tweeds, pleatea t front and back coatis, some are made up Nýorfolk style with beit and some have fauicy yoke baek and front. Guaranteed Wearers, $2.50 11o $4.0O, Three Piece Suits. Sizes,28 to 33 in single- or D. B., vest cnt'high in latest style, in neat tweeds, fancy stripes or plain wors eds, tough wearing,'first class'fitters. SGuarantced Weareis, $3.50 to $7 50. Sizes 34 and 35 loîîg trouser style, in latest tweed effects and plain o r eolored worsteds The youths ail like the fit of our stylish clothing. SWe'll fix the trousers any shape you wish. Suits"that wear $5.00 up to $1O.0O. Vestie Suits. Child's Vestie Suits, sizes 22 ýto 26, in vers ilatest designs. In worst- 'ta eds or fancy tweeds. You will be very mueh Îim.pressed with thene Sfaîl showing ofSitS $2.50 to $4.50. Sehool Footwear. 1McCready's, King's, lVJctiherson's and Weston's Sehool Shoý s sold Shere-just the best iues frthe money, picked from the different makers how mucli wear your children geý out, of them. s~ yusl Children's, sizes 8 to 101-75c, 85c, $1. 00 and $12M a pair. Youths, sizes Il to 13-$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. Boy's, sizes 1 to 5-$1.25, $1.501,$1 75 and $2,00 a pair. Boy's. Shirts, Hosiery and Farnishings, Biggest Values. ~llgj~stPrie fr h PodueBowman.ville. Hi e forAllProdceGeneral Dry-Goods. I BOWVAN VILLEFAR -t -J 1 Asilla fi 0 [il Clio Dur Licular me 5 ýt -1 -t z i fer en& given to tr,-os-ë wWtô--dpj,ý -Y j,ý

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