i.The aR at'sm PASSING THOIJGHTS. Furnaces and Heaters Are mnade ini eeen styles and fifty five sizeg. They are made to humn ail kinda of f ne! and te warm ail classes o! buildings, by either the, consbintÉou or -taîm air systein. For eighteen years these ileaters have inintained an unapproachied raputtition for Econiony, Effleciency, and Durabilî'ty, and fIe inakers are coustantly adding irprovemfefltS suggested by their longer experionco lu the heatiug business. They are rccommended hy flie best people iu the country. We sh &Il be pleasedt t submit estimates for your eonsideratiofl. GyOiy Pure Clover Honey- Straineéd in bulk, at cose priceq. Aiso in glass jirs, ail siz s, frorn 25C to 75c. Bet- ter value th.an we have evt-r shùýwn before. BootioS-Two qualities. N,). i, Firest Quiality, at 1 2I>C No. 2, Choice Qualitve at 1 OC. Fruit Gýms and ]eliy Jars, ýsizes, Xire and Imperiat measure. We buy our Peaches right ini the Gardens and have them shipped ýdi- rect, this ensures gaod quaiity, even pack and fresh St ck. Now is t'le imne to buy. I- - - Gcod Butteýr Waned-Mýust lie gitedge, ln pou xcl priftswrapped, ajll foi ah cli the lig-es: niarket price 1wil be paîd. large sIogk o~ 8f 1o I8 -and 6rBuk8fu. Eiuccessor toYOTU (3-&0 . I Liil a P THE~ 4 FALL MLiILLINERY OPENINOS At the Corner Mlillinery Store, Bý0WmanviIIe, are on SFrîday and Saturday, Sept', 25 anld 26. Ail the Iatesü designs in French and Amecrican Pattern liats wilI be displa3 ed. New Trimmings, latest Shapes and Mllinery noi elties, also a full fine of Childiren's lleadwear and Rea dy.to-Wears in White, 13lack, Chamapagne, Oxford Greys, etc. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of this Stown and vîcinity to cal and get acquainted, We are sure we can meet the requirernents of yonr tas te with, our new Fal Headwear. all~~ ', r "21 ~ Frdayand Saturda,; a26- As- -su'u ehbto o ie saoa -àu B WMAN-VL E He thiuk s we'i e aboriginies evidcutiy. A Hamilton man writiig us remaîks: Mr, Frank Brimacombe is a wortliy man and liebas captn-îed one of Hamiifoas's most modest and sterling daugliters and as lie hails fromc your town or district, this evelit is worthy cf flie natives' pride and j oy. Coming iu from New York a few days ugo by way of Niagara Falls wc had as fefliw passengers some Americans com- ing to Tarontol big fair. '%X heu tlie train pullcd ln to Hamilton their admira- tion was exuberous wlieu they saw the lovely flower garde ns adjoiniug the depot. The style is Euglish and we like it. Week before last during two days' travel in News York State we had occas- ion ta pass over four different railway lines and lu, doing se we were neyer more impressed witlitlie superiority cf tt.e Grand Trunk Railway's passenge r service. For cicanlines-e and comfort flic Canadian line was fat lu advunce cf any cf tliem A ratler good joke wag told by Rev. Geo 'VW. DeweY ut Tyrone flie ether niglit about a passing- event near Lind- say. He was driving aieng a badis' dri-ft- cd road when lie met a teum wliicli could bave been turncd eut easiiy but was net and le vas crowded inte a higli snow batnk which required al bis weight on the higli side te provent an neDset. When the teum was n't turued ouf cf the track lie thouglit if înust lie heavily ioaded Yes, said fie preacher, it was loaded with pork and if was ail on the seat It -Xtock fhe-nienr-ehailfa-miuie-ot the jek e but when the peint was detecfed there was utprearious laug hier As an offset te thc Dewey story xe arc temptcd te teliwliat we saw going en the train te Toronto on Sept. tilunflic afler noon %AXlheu the, train reaclied Bon - manville if was crowded and ladies wî-îe standing lu the aisles Several more ladies boardel tic train and found neo seafs, except wlxen a gentleman quit lis dlaim for ocee of tht-rn,,and there were some gentlemen on that train. After goiug thro ugh eight coaclies and fiudiug ne vacaucy we decided te stand in a coach wlieîe a Belitvile citizen liad vcry our hetter and greafer hlb. ln that car were four ministeis, ail well knowu lu Bowmanvi-l c,-and-hlard as it is t-o -say-net- eue off flose men offered thc seat li oc- cupied to a lady but a lewed thrce or four frin ftIls town te stand ail the way te Torinto! And fwo of these ladies were once members off a country congregation of whicli ore off thc divines was junior paster. %h, hat do thiu.c 0f outi "iog" sfer y, Mr De Ney? Mauy prefty homes and well tiilcd faim-t are te lie seen in tlie round ef travel, we made lunflic State off Ncw York recenfly but in comoarison wiîli oui ewn Octane f the American stafe suffers1 woc- .fful:y. Iii sontie sections passed tiroiigl we saw fuly :lif flic faims uninliabited and flch uidings going te ruin. On inquirv we wcre tobd fiat tlic awneîs or teniants finding farming unprofitabe had lcft tlic faims and ge ewt Buffalo, Rochester or, c ther indus'iul -centres whee geodwages are paid and tiey w'ere moere confented and comfortab e. Thus the fities are robbîug tflicocuntrý across thec bines as tiey aie cent nua ly doing in every oflier country. Our oh- ervafion lunîpass îîg thînugli New York State int- rs es us witli fli idea fiat t-ee a great necessityy iextensive improx ement in farmoing befere flic furmers fîcie can expecfte realize fie profitable fi s oet flou abors tliat oui Canadian yeomen are enj oyîog off lte years Traveiîîg as wc3 did the-first bal! of flic day nearly across New York State fîcm noîfl te setI and flien in the after- noon frens Niagara Falls te Bowmianville flic contîasf put us despcrutely lu leve wlth oui ewu Province. We beliet e the sentiment uttered by Mr. VWilliam Itict aid,, Ni. P. P., utthflic oîner-stone aying ceremrny flic otîci 'day fiat "Canada and especially Ontario is the lest country tlie sunishites on." Trayclli,1g> at this season eue requires flic patience cf fliat old patriarcli whe wus so abundanfly supplied accoîding te liblicall narrative-. Heie la oui experi- once ou eue trip: Being iuvitcd te plirti- cipýate iu a banquet to some dignitaries lu Teronte wc seuglit te reacli fli c ity ou a train fliat shseuld have lanided us there lu amnpletiebut if pîîiled ;_infetichp Uînion Station evr ve e heurs laI 1,te and wnsedfibaq.Ve wenfte tilet Domnio Exîbsi nas asoiafumn and policem-,en alonig the wýay our Jehu gai- l opped through the streets and reached the' depot to -fiud ail the train hands 11aiting in cat ex pectatxcvtor the arrivai of the favored travel'ers. Toss- ing the m-an a dollar we boarded the train and away ,ve sped moralizing on the consideration given to us by the off-iciaI's off thie greait Penisylvania Rail, road RetuLrn"ing to Buffalo. N. Y., next day by thle Brie we w4ere doomned te wait again over anl hour lor tlic train but a t Buffal!o, Nia-ara Faills the wait was short and Toronmade close connections and landed home onl vrne afler driing six or seven miles in the arl1 morning tlirouigh Allegany Couinty, Y, and travelling ail day. YOUNG MEIS COUNTRY. In his addross last week on the oc- casion of bis r-eceiving the degree of LL. D. fromi the University of Toronto, Lord StraLh,,ona epitomized bis e2timate of Canjada ý lu a sentence which la wortliv of being takea as a mnotto by the young mnon and womeni of Canada, sa'.s the Presb3terin. lie said tha.t "Canada bý 'a country worth l4rh-ing for," and his own streiiueusi and successful life bats been a pracýtîcai embodiment of bis working creed. Tt is our firmn bellef that there is no coutntry lui tho world to day which ofiers better opportunlities te 1 oung men tof char actvr audý a bility and ambition than Canada. 'lhle day Las passed wben ý oung men of bralus and pluck must beave thei-r own land ln order to find scope for their enkergies. Standing as we are on the threshioid of a great nat- ional develo pment, the cati 'comes in ahi direction for ý,oung men who love theit- couiry. h believe in lier future, and are prepared (lto dýevote their beSt man hood te lier serviýe.1 WVe wouid ike tÔ sou'AdLIi.e splendid words of Lord trathcona into the ears û ilf' evry onimaxi -and *womaàn ue-li Domiion, aud itýi sce tbem inspirod by the t'pirit of ,,enuine pàtriilism that wil lead thein te resolve that thev shall not lie more sp ace- illers, but real factors ln making Canada what every true mia,, desires it fo bo. W e nee 1 give ourseix-es no anxiety about the prizes and rewards of service Let us but fliii our plates lu tbe spirit of true pat-lots, and wo caum safely leave the personai resuits te tale care of themselves. r lhose of us who have passedl the mer- idian of life arealmosti mcli ed to euvv those who are tanding upon the thres- hold off SUCligi znd iuviý7-ting oppoï t. unuties. %Necaothinkt o!' noworthv caliug that d ioos flot aff ord ample and inviting seop- for the maxn of noble arn- bition. It la difficult te underbtaud liow, ai such a time as thïis, -auy -_ýouri-g rman, endowed with a fair amounit of brains iiud jîlwsical vigor, eau be con- teont f0 live b ' vtie daY, '.itbout ans', tliouiht rîf seif-improvement or prep- aration for the duties -of citiz3nship. 0f sucli it ruay safelv be predicted that they will aliva, s bie fouîxd arnong the crowd. that are struggling aud jostling eaeh ther at the foot of the ladder. The words of the old Bebrow sage are as true in Canada te day as, ever thev were: 'S(eest thou a man diligent lu buguiiessý;lhe will stand before kings, heý will rnet ,tand befere mean men.", iu 0- ery wkal;k of life theru mas' be seen moi-u whn hiave worked themselves up front ýthe o ietstations te positions 0of honior ac rust '1Adcominanding in- flunce bf eenCanada lias notriung te offt, the olnteshiftiess and the nmites Canada -1eýpets thiat her , ' oung inon, whio wîiib s Veilole called te assume ail tie r eposbtos f cifixerxship, "hall bu neliet ;thattxysa knowth past hish r, (f their own c 11ty ianllesrugoi fftheir fore- fPrtfhrs f,, o heci i a eligionis ibertv which we ei 1'. t;-a; that theY shaîIl have anitelgen gasp (if the zreat] firincipie udriing the ,ouial, cconi- oiiiie and industrial problemng by whîchj wo aie ae; thaf they shaîil kuiol thel special uieeds off our own cou ntry'and the spýcial dangers that mav mar or wreck bot future; tliat thev sh a1 be able to decide intielligentîx and dispassionate- IY uipon o, new question as ik arises, and that thov shah tLake a sympathetie interest ib aIl the groat religious. ed- ucatio)nai, social and poitical mov- oirn,,nts of thetime, She expectâ tliem 'to- lie.nt more cipliors, ormiiakze-wei",-hts tei the olti lbalance, hbut inon lu ýthe htiist en )fo!that gran tnu fan viis rampant lu the Iand that woul tauis ou god nme. if pelit- icalbaacs have fastened theniseives te the sipOff ttit la for fthe Young mon A! Canaýdate uo se ln their united migLiitiaîîd make these- thiugls ips sible. W-. have ne pp-tieiice with then suit elîg risaism thaS bmoans the I reohi-teres. and goos tlirongh tile Piat-b of-sce of wasling its handi1s f lowaole us4ý:. u&-l - 0itce blaro at thie door off fie goeruiment ýý - ý ýý iii . . .! -m-ý iI 1 l1 i1 ý .,-;. > 5 -, , « 1 -ý -n ' - - --, --F - --, - - - - - , ; trolley soineone's quick moJknocked off oui newýest Christie and as the car was going ut a rapid rate we lade if good bye and continued barcicaded te flie city . Having te leuve tiec ity for Hoiiy, N. y', eazly next mornping before shopasyecopen v c set ont at i s p,ins te in a atstore Affer travelcling up aud (1down! Quecu Sfreet for somïe firte wc sw a lady ,iii a gent's furuîshing storel vicie flic besf covcriîîg foi- ouitiehugît- box te lie found xvas a 21k hlook down twveed cap. We îuvested, but thc idea off giugco a wcddi ngwecaring flat 25-center prey-ed upon oui mayoral vanîtr and iwe sfruck off again te raid a lut 'store Enteriug a brîtlliantly ilumined torîsoriab putoi cilu cose prox,.insity te a Fairweather &Cos S s,-tore and mîaking known oui d ýi ss, tic lbarber piced u uder ever'- lustiu eligtion y huitfinýg up tic manager uo on h-anged oi dismu.- te suree iapies. eviug tfliCcity 'q a m 'umae eodtrin coutc- tiens lut ad a ong at t speusion c)ýoff oui fmilywrelvigo a N. Y C. friin o G man i 'se utcmpted to Scure secin jua s'celer. Affer ,secured fl(, ie accommodation, but fie L-tain cameîlu ever au heur late. -Next nsloruîug ,rwe rose w ithtflicsui-anmoaf untnsiy sd unusual occurrence for an edif or--oto ake a train fer 1LRciester. Aga,,,in flic traini was 35 mntsbt.W ldte, tranisferfrom fdie Ce tralt lc Peusyvana epof abutlamileditn and bhad ouly se mnutes lu whiC)teIo- if. By fic tÏime we saw fIe station, master aod go, a cabmnan iveminutes1 off fh l eu cue gene. We requested flic staficumraster te 'plione flic Penspîv1ania station te liold flic train for us whichi they did and ln 5pik of tIbhç houts of the lest End flouse0. Boat Values. West End House, Oui Silk andl Satin Dept. iq most coirpiete.WTbaededtor large and varied range many ne w and fascinating lines ana aill of them of the finest finish and -superior quality and of thle newest prevailing Sshades., Comparison will show you where to buy your Silk and Satin Swa ntb- for ýFail of 1903. Oolored Silks and Satin s. In every popular color-Japanese 25c, 30e and 50. British finebt finish 50e- yd-Taffeta 75e and $1.00, Louisine 75c per yd-Colored Satins 50e and 75e yd., Raw.Silk Shantung 75e-Pophin silks 75e yd. WYe'Import Every Yard of Silk Brought Into this Store. Bilack Silks and Satins. Taffeta Sllks, 50e, 75e, $1.00,and $1.0-Heavy Satins bright finith S50e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25-Duehess Satin extra bright finish, silk back $t.25 yd-27 inch Black Jupanese, extra value 50e yd-British Black silk, very finest finish 50c. Other iti vogue silk are Poplins, Peau De- SoieL ý_rve, Loisines4 aI1ttP RldMoraVElouux Qlakotwto i,,l Silk Morette Skirting 50e per yd. We Sel1"Priestley Diess Goods Because There is none Better. Popular Priced Dress Goods. 47 inch ladies' Cloth, fine finish in Black, Cardinal, N.L1avy, Brown 48 inch Priestleys Brodadeioth unshi inkable, and Mtie, per y d7e for use in atl shades,_ Blaek, -Cardinal, -Brown adi ytepready$,0 40 inch ail wool Priestley's Nevetta Dress Goods in Blk, Car -_ dinal,Myrtle and Brown grounds with white snow fiake effeet per yd 50c. ~; 58 inch pure wool Black Cheviot, extra valua per yd- $1.00. 58 inchi-pure wool Black Cheviot extra he-ivy, per yd- $1.40. Low priced Suitinig and Skirt ulotbs, bi-g- range, new designs 25e and 50e. Fashionable Fancy Dress Goods. Priestley's make in the sw cil ouigh feloth eff ects in black and Swhite, Scotch tweeds, zibelines, canvas suitings. Qaaiity and dye guiarl- Santeed. You wil be suriiprised àt. the lai r tgeof iew anid stlyish goods we are showing this year. >The Largest Range of \Vaît (lonis we haveý ever shown at 5Oc per yd. Bowmanville. Empress Fine Footwear for Ladies. Eggs, Poultry and Butter Wanted. !liinerf Opeting t Miss Uiih's Fîiday anmd Saturdaf Sept ?2F)and 26 Gýond aser-mtrutof Titstsrons $10up ut Chiinialgroces-ry F. A. 1Dn' f fuil Ie attendtfic e etFesti in taluheSaivation -ýA rmy Bairraclca osMna'Sept 21sf t . . Fee -wL-' :lewra4uZeh-,R the4>i i-ope ouf wi igîs prospecta for tî,,e presont] AUCTiON S ALE. Tueus vi et tMr. W. C. Aslifon lot 1, Bi. F., D.-uhicgton, wiii s-cil his "auailuý farim stock, inpchîoeîv, in pbor'.îenc, etc.. liaving rintei lii. farni. Good chance ta gosoaset i'l cbe-assi' a r t is ,o c k masI i -auctioneer. goverumout; butin fie iu.t resît tfleýic iecountry. Mr.W . Wilhe peu)ple are fie goverument, aud any nowClasicalMaster, lias :omr7ncced iod o stteman is noblîser beifr er us work and las mudo afavýorable~ jwer-seciutit toe wliom tiO7 repiesent. cmresin. ,ewii UfIe1sc0sool -e- That flic Young me-s of Canada are popru aya sit had EasFI net laekýicglz i îte qiisi'f'e.ýoff pluet Plie controlýa1 cto-wc fax ýratefhils 1il nnd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, -,,aesdroetetnîes a erf enîy -25)ccctfa on a$00ovor been aiuednfepro'ed oi tbte African lu ýýt xora,î-,dl roen cunilO etW vleýt. auililiaftliey wIb nos lie founfi responsiblo for ail' o! l ne ,forV wanfing ina fie otier und higier qualit- over $100 of lasf earBs dobta weî eeutca- les fiat mk for strong citizensiip w-e ied over tefhils t eau and cousscirable I - are cit, -in t We st lieurtil- oendorse money was vofed before tfils cu~ Lord Sîrsicuswords. came' lute power ln Febtuai 'tVae Withi ili- faaits and blunders fiere Ishall expilaintfils more fnt xisvî is uc'si fi pat iatyoff Our exunitr Tic'hseuisduis outside of is owu e! whe- w eau lie heostly prend. itîsiinesthat fie Pubisier of thf10ý Auld wecane plt )ý le iiera bu ifs malias te peoins usii akels if arces ;fuure lalani ise î"Ihly ndowed sur. se býýawav frons ic offiu qate f wîiaiîi uîteilucurcs for neut- fre(quouîty,. lu, ee ols i -a, ion bildin, an manriod lymeo i ajinconvec-lence onfhils acusasevery; -~~~~ ho(2,ed i utr f C ada ii ucmnier e ,ix taff ima.' sa.fcly lie o- tul-ifd fs adsa elove o t5Ilatcabec c I propricior ,td i baît ( Ivf- nudrGd.w t est eu-e l ay usnes r ctfietco il ilud ',J ve futue, u ir iaslico in ie psfa i ffic a o gie rocipts for sanie. coutrywoti orîngfor" aveOxi ofidence in oui emploljees Tih(cl x-. i x i acla Isrd i me, __________ _____ ________and assume ili esponsiiiift nsuy iadrsg et n d p imonta are i nsýta 1uces. Iitbo ic tw hues a-o ,e oe Bfir" '1 avAways Bougt A SUIMMVER FAIRYLAND", SOHOOL STARTS. Sigatue Bear tIcý9Ii Kind YuoitHMv AlaaYs Boueft Tothus wlo are planning- a s-un- mier osîgand aoeekiulg '2rre -,ads- and patues now." soýnseplace wlet C tuier May lcuISt cure acid acd monne ulw~ sblo su gotieut lM"unwa neabout 100 mfiles nei"ti o Tromto ituato lu fie Iiilnaof ttro f00 fet aovseve S ), tiley wfil g--ou ~ ~ () tg i-ctd fOur sîdaud j SYS A-D G LS. 1--4re d, R.F lev Parler Shi Store., Bo- m-Wvt7' GIJRLS WANTF-D-AT PETERBOIIO!' -Address OanaJdian GeneLýral Electrie 00 statiing exiieri~e n d present wages.' pre- ference given t hose who apiply in person. Af the new stand,eu door west off Hunter'sLaOfce The uýesv copyright booka srece-iv- cd as published. "Grey Cloak," "Lace thaf had n o Turnin-g," 'Gordlon Keitli," "Lady Roses Daugliter," -,"orss ine," etc, Iheý best ine off 10e(oo! puli, Cutil Polos,£Pic,,tre,, DR. LOW'8 WORm SYRUIP C.a safe, sure nd iatbewomepier. ts equaly well on elilii"or uadnlt., Ro §are Yeui get Lq,'m Phone 66. R ICE & GO9 Que Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. hin~~ il roer )WMS dIlvllU ~ZUUUbL1 [0ju misc-aIc -r -1 i--N7