ie tfliultif n of helire îHall - . --1 ,r furtber partiçutars applieatioýi imay be~ Some succes pri ze-ým Miss Winnie Eilbeck has resumed ber liurors requlrad to be selected for 1903. from studies at the Lillian Massey School of1 Fyled. ail. l1üI'Aà1~L Boys' overcoats, long coats, raglan etter and ulsters ffom $2.75 to $6.5o, rpO.ý6 seconds on MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO 'OL hogs; lst regi laple Grove, 3 orltshire hogs; ;ered s0w; lst oi rsts and obie11 3Bacon liver trou cochins, Pis r ýe. Carter's LitIe Lver havlngAt ;hem. 1 Ad, purouant to Railway Coi 6Rail. ittee of le., Sept 28.-(S pecial)-Simon V.:I Ifyou wa %ndry, well known here, adds bis tes-adyu ilb nderwear, guaranteed unsbrinka hie, see ours. .t is is the best value in the trade AVOINMOI Parrnian.Uýet. 17 9 a. am. Oct. l7i4dO p Mi. Pretorian ...Oct. 24 6 a. eOc.244p am. t " /% anma "lc f c-f /% QA t âA vu, maïjorit: Sundav mornilg Sept. 20th in UU UIUAUUNuerLg the person of Mrs. Joseph Wilson, aged Mr. 1101 tP. M., complained as to the alarm was rung, wheu it was Ikund I~ uJon2f ~Iia 1 119iigDayu i Voultrv and 1 and 2 on 6cokeifr cxport. J~ .,uîîv, uurîw,, Ianu win duel, 9 2n 1 Orpingý.ton cbicksj lst Squash and econ readinR, lis now read a thIrd on i8 waes mothered out. visited relatives in blime. The By-law wag then resd a We underatand that %Le Conil have Robert Burns, Os bladder afftcted--experleuceed great thIrd tne and algRnect iBaid.T n c~ ontemplation the purchase of a team Ipuipit Sanbaun auffelng.ders for buln g the eame mers rece - oe or~eprossadwllpoa- Snowden ir. pur is lcalty. .,ev.incurable. For a gleat li occpi v: Thepnounced ih a local d ýwa Cee Ip irmeie. nd ternooD.. .. Mr. b, 1cure with oc tea m ,nsed a thoro-bred curable. Science bas pr R THIE ROUND TRIP 1 i Si OTT & J URY. C. P. audT. 4A. SINGLE1 .y, i> ta Set- I Bear jii h LE iy -i ï -