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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1903, p. 3

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m4d îîîIItching, urinScaly FinUInsantRelief and Speedy Cure jChoiera Infantuni anmTd ail kinilsofE? ln Cuticura Sono and Cuticura 1n î u o "" m 'aile When Ail Other Remedies and the Best Physîcians Fail. Instant relief and refreshing Bleep for akin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted niothers, ln warmn battis witb Cuticura Soap and gentie anoIntlngs 'wth Cuticura Oitmcîît, the great skin cure, and purest of emolients, to be foilowed In severe cases by miid doses of Cuticura Resolvent. This ls the purest, sweetest, most speedy, perma- nent and economlcai treatmant for tor- turing, disflguring, itclilng, hurning, blcedlng, scaly, crusted and plmply akia and scalp humours, eczemas, rashes and Irritations, ivitt loss of hair, of infants and aidren, as well as aduits, and is sure to succced whemi ail other remedies and physîciaus l'ail. Millions of the world's best people now use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Olntmcut, for preserving, purifyimsg aud. bcautifing the skmn, for clcanslng the scalp of crumts, scaiea and dandruif, and the stopping of faîl- ing hair, for softening, 'whtcnlng and soothing red, rough and sore baads, as well as for ail the purposes of the tollet, bath and nursery. Thousands of wosmeu recommend Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Olntment the great skie crura, for annoying irritations, ceafings amd weaknesscs, or too frac or ofans.,ive perspiration, for ulcer- aiaconditions, and fer macy sana- teantiseptia purposas wlich readily suggaseît themselves. c.tic nreReso1ie,tjiUid and Oin h fi o f Chocolâte Coariili, I '5, iiuOniiot and cuLicru Souap 'e oUuou 'Io ý' o ,îer.D. ptÊ: L..n , i7 char- ieuu S- is, .. e d 1'.i: Aunîaila. R. Tewuio & Ca.Bde;uotem. 137 coi-us oAve. Ietiater a cindou 'n-p. SloPrp,iona TORONTO, ONT. Qives instructioui in, Crregg's Shorthand, Toue li Type writing, Bookz-eeping, Penmanship. Expert instructors. taking It has been used 1 neariy eixty years-ý ta hear a complaint; iA few doses have ol all other remedies 1. iaction is PleaSant,1 and Effectuai. Dr. Fowler's Ez iStrawberry is thei ComplaInt Cure. Refuse Substltiutcs- TI A Worthy O> *Whic's converts more êearug power and PI *womea lit good pasltko * tutioc of the kund in C t:Centi'aI Busin( ~and Sehool of Shortha *Aiwaysaopen. No va, *teacruert3. Fine equi * 'cuirer s;eision for0 * zte'ticulirs frec. '%Vri * ~ W . isu Are jusf what every Wcaa, carvous, rami- clown ioucan neads tb musSe lier si romg 'and t ey ncure tîsose felc- 'iuking tisat corne uni /1 et fmmues, neke ts î ;I crI bea t sreng andi regelerguve sic cut, celrasl- 1' îg 'beep andt L J anisi ed T achues and ner- E' M voscniess. Tiuuy ,- ifuse cen life duii nergy luto d:spirifed h alfh / sisa c omen to thumk fiera is IFTTI ~~~ Christian path of yu loildand AlN 1 1sainted imother ? is a1,Path Cv r, LIIl NIered with wild flowers and fragrant I P E îi D U iUJJT J.ILV with parfumne. Those flowers and that pathway 'have been p watercd with your nîother's tears. w . varniîno, urv .AmIiu ue .D.u'iuraçI ofl0 S If the path wlîichyon first. trav ci- ed to Suiîdax school aalgth an'd Temptations of YModtem Life sd~1 fact hni i by the sîde cof your fte or moth- (Entered according to Act of the Par- ar, because y oit nere e~ouc liacient of Canada, la the vear Onesga ad rvsonfraiwiciour ccxvshos- oldsqnieak Thousand Nine Uunidred adThree, trinkets, àa B'ible and a o ld hed1 d at ecxcry stcp. Those shoce kpt for "Y Vim. eBaily of 'roronto, at the cana, and pcrhaps enufiox, tht a long while, because \ou. xxere ocily Pepartaient ao Agriculture. Ottawa) fathei' leit you the radatlcay llwd t artnioSud. A despatch fromi Chicago sztys:- boy evelr rca. I-eli oyou, But as vou rode or vxxlked to that Rev, 1Frank De Witt Talmiage preaclh- an una Ishdn i ,, e exeple of Sucyday seliool nd to) youî' first cd frata Ithe falloxing text: Jereniiah a fathcr' lue cl n hsl y liv,-ichureli services aLgeatchanîge came _______ i. , 16, "Ask for the old paths." cd, ovr olir faîu"ilyp 0",Oîe o u Most simie i the text's figure. BAIN MAK sisters or brothers lefi oui' side and is siniplicity gives it a hoinely beau- __Then, _egaîný, £1fIhejý r Ludy -the "iTtV h tîc it- n b ty It has in it the acenia of tbe "blezinig" mak onte pathsOathyhregxtij' atse w5 ds It is oeaof tho.se simnple which led up to(l tue biorne of <mi' Christ kccd publi cly conicssed hics et A.IS silles of countr'y lfe that bring Childhood. I-f1nd put ',t t i'se the r ouitunion table. Aiter ns hile Ini h ack ta the weary City dwellar, îvhese Paths Were Ch;îitian paýtals amdai- ouî't* ccase11o anse ncr fehaye bacc long accc stoiried to weys led toward iethoi - f Cod. self now as you caine befoile the atmch h hard pas icg stonas 'of the city IIow do 1 know? Wlm churchý session.,XYeu remepîber ho,, Dirhesidewalks, the nîanîory of tha fÔot- in gOing a Il),thapafrthwa which the, old iniffster wiped bis gas.1 Diarhà,paths over turf covered hbis acd the was '!ae"by youi.r mati ar's e uput bis hand tipon your '.houlderl Dysentor Y, nrrwlacýes batwaven tha banks be- braad knifa cdkn- tcgnedi wact te join thechuî'cb ? Do y out j jeweled ithsW l% ild flowers that corna upon ala' eeyhre. lT v Jesus ? Ilill 3011 promilse to Colle, hauwadti w'alk in his chiidheod bcnd that there vas harIdly a stap he for i' im arîd gise our ]ffe te daîs. heold pathsý-we anccncier that she took in life but sc'lid a bis service ?" Then y ou rei'ancber Chiea foge he.It sill do us good if placaeishere she coujld stoP anld Ikeel the graat big lump that stock fa wthirik of thenm this moic and in pi'ayer. AnId at targatarIl your throat. I ou remienîber how M bUsep if there, areacny moral lassons bcnd indentations in) tua rocmks br betwcan your sobe ou said: "The wa canticara frocs theni. Soietinias she laid lier ilnsatthe Saviouur's reason I want to ha a Christian is , Seasiekness, ýtha- corniocest incidents of every day 'feet. bocausa iny fathar ccd mother and humrC ife have a voica for thosa who xili And, oh, ny finwa a lot af brothers cnd sistars arec li Chri- SumrCm- hear. iburdens sb)he hed t lay upon bar tiens. I want their Saviour to bc oue y Jeramiah, among the greatast of Saviour's brcast in be jorne of mina. As ne hava a uîîited famnily klU cu y thie prophets, iarinanting that nis lifa! There ves ithai iti1fulirdan here -I want an unbrokeii fasîily cir-, cointrymniebchd daserted thair C-od ýof physicalsckes Id ntkowcein beavan." Aged, gray haircil anîd disobeyed bis laws, plecads with i w ow Oirnay remember ya ý-ur mahe, ac, that was a beautiful path1 thani to avert the impending punish- but nost ot ns tbink of io ý)ther oser xvich you wnct to church for ment by returnicg to hlm, and hae when she was pbyslca-,lly sický. 811 tha first tieme. That was a booly iploy'u this simple liguire ta par- scaerrcd to be s0 long dig Now dr-iva yon took on thainorning you1 ol tray tieir condition. Ic describes it was the pain in tlhra haad;noix it ixnt to takc your first commcunion. thcîn as tra'selcrs ,lost nion the xva the disordered nervaes. Tiien it Indi'd iot spcak ncîch that mn- lorUr mouctains cf sin, hunticg for a patb ixes tinit long, lang time,qjhe we icig, but your tboughis acre ser1 [Wbc.l j y wbich will lead Ihenis out cf thair lsad a traincd nurse. "Iloix is1mo- d,qpand vcry h gi hywcre as m'oralilicultieg. Ho ereprasetsL, c tirto-day?" tha youcjtgcr childre Op as Your -sins, as-high--as acd-as~ by thousands for cs teliing thcm t a "sl far ith(, old 1woild 'ask, cnd she oldaswr great as the forgivencas of Ccd. Oh, paths, which is the good ay,,cd "Nat very w,-eli\, m er;ntveyxhy have you flot alnc3 s kopt walk- -and we have yet ixelî therein, acd ya shah ficd cest 1 xel." T 1think ý-ona aI tha saddeýst ing fil that path ? christ walkcd far vycir souls. But they soi,,"W-e land yet tlý i msýt bauiful pra-yers w th you thara twcnty 3 cars ago., about its action, wiîî noat wallk tilpreili."1 Jercmniah mny motier usd to iakl ,in the 'last J sis as guide is ready to lead 3011 ftemn cured î'hen points the right path lecding to tile yaar ccd a baîf of lie-r car-tîuy ex-. hck'to that path and walk with1 tbrone of Ccd by usicg the homiy istence, was this, "O, Gd, naymy vntaacw ilynsc h have faled. It~lsiml fteodcr onr tiscîde a i et siiclold path-tbc jpath oves' shicli youi ci*rouh oaday incoino ue iuffras iavo'lM il wcnt frtefrttima ta the rosa ]Rapld, Reliable ~~~ ~IiI~ue~îfe s~hv lrde oi iniitabla of the Lord?, at tac time, over wbich the easterc the îcest peut, ,111ur scothis lost H;I A FBOSOS caras ans have travelcd and the cows thcir physical heelth b1,y living ccd lIAY0 BOSOS bave came Pomae for fthaesecing mnilk,- doing for us. TIsera is still aniother pcth which xtraet of WINc ing acd ovar which bave passcd A GLORIFIED ROADWAY. you once trod. 'This path is frcg- orgnl oe tirad nmcc ccd iomen when, with 1 go a little Iarthcr along îîis' cent with blossonis. Like the fabled orgialDOOAdaily tasks welîl donc, tbey haveChitapahc ordd î tracs oi cld the heavy branches whricàb tha omebreidesforlih hr'istidalso the place ixhead sua rlice it are laden with silver halls. It soughtthhoefrsdsfrpyi1 idasthplc hrse laid1 is thse path which once lad up to cal rcfreshnient ccd for blessed gt Cbjrist's feet the burden cf bar vu araeatr ti îept ,hcy'rc »anferous. sep ixc~ for the selvatiois cf1,r bee. nity1 r wbieh the alnrcis-tew _______-TUIE PATIIWAY TO THE CROSS. chilidren. S o niepeople love taeoa, re the e r aierisfstrawn ê**<******* Like J(-eaiabt, 1 wauid to-day car-Itl5iiýk cf tlîcir iitefirst by piac- wharethe irlgtci' cf tisa i pic *bîiesîîati is t of gto dj'ow th 00 iiscences oif the country ccd irons ýtheit' advciit. îti-Is a beautifiuljoflsutins cth weda Schol ryu'tugtbck tthretuighritng cdsiug frcies The blossoîîîs svlich lice lswueat , sfrebon rs cf the vil- siglst ta sec the yonuîm1Ig iie yts ii ahse r iauahosn raw material into eila,,e bdeospluck biossois lvlieh evenicg laîcp with e' nclai erTysu u blsae oane bsvhconce. ces more merl: id <*l wil remiîid ou af old tume associa- b 1, 1i.gtselttewit a- pc d iledlsli' Wd-din eus than aay iinýt1- tencdrsoce isc'ucs l.cts for tesrne nto cns 1-1 cb., Illîend th pahn' wbeýich huada fi the * t 'h- 'rOr o r'tîu ttdpaue iie tthe nairiage eltar flrst1 ess CoIIeo' e 1 1, ýbOt ý quinn lfor te, lttie' ard-l 0d1yo? "Oh," yOu answer, 'it co[,l osmfa Jspis oto 'bî idi ot î. las c n rst cniong tha brierýs cid ild, Typewrlting, 'gre nstcrecrazy quiilt, îLti hhe tbi ilo r ise sta n gcuds. _My court- Leatoîs~. Tarl. 'îho maikes bis floral des-igcssîîsesol i ax iis c sf iip dcas nreiotal sumiine. For extion. Teive* frig ilcîgOnbenlifo te itia long tinie I did uot kisow \ nhather ritey adAnguut. * houigb it ivare a bit of Alihina e osIs ciom. h i abeutfu1 couid ni-us the biand of rmy hcart ng lsag In thsîsion.regBut,uoh, Ito ia it ilsa a 1r ]Ove. In tise frst place, 1 ivas not MAW, PrincipaL. fon mocg . the crosvded rgieit ore beautifýul sigbit tosec a youcg Isocialiy Iber eqoal. Tbcc I 1 iras, : 0fboiers. it s plnte cusiray iife tîpoisliai'knee in prayer. lTOI iesasdle icbîgt f *, ,,,,Wi h violets. It lookse as simiple tiink f ber tpu'c3iuîg to Ccd ahdt , d nossin.g to o har lhaven .s clre n e.Ao.it.-h ~'" "' "- er meraci iiltgri p t - Mylifo n'as isct sîlat is. " "" """'"'""'-"it" " Tn l-Mgeia heaea coorti a lue A bthr a agocotmriancgoti xonsai. Andti Thave myxleu. 'ruautiî.utmymn ix bwiloe'- AM15RI11ANCILF bcd iooks like a gîcat collection c ois rcsstis eoa ofIa 'cc tm i ielfst d îJ dt ig'e c stand 1sî lcapicg beusses. It is pienteti only ini Irons tbat msoment nhe \ouir niîh-i, na trou¶d e o eoîs.fe big acctîic rers, anti n couillei Sonsme nîisilîs ago tie el c c moses. It is s ery simple. -It is as aer first pu'a3cd for \ou uutil bier cf stauge msen cause up anti cskl1 tives ini a lamga Aissrican city simple in colore as a cardincal's roba. ideath sc nosver laIt 1jtha tar behould redrui cg csiy Teristi i'I a- ~s doyc kîoî, tsenigutCisct. n mi. Thse-, remcukistt'ey, too, picousci'. lie ai.so suamt abucit to) ticg sucn. Anothes' bcd lias tise saecing Coti for ic sof dos'atioms aIte - r e sgîs'!g -s' ieul a iaele so i jauntieti look of ,a Malny'esP Jln.. It [3 anc celi Aiamsg that Chuisti gaso bersa anto ue si obl1e ai <1'T ketA 115 oNk. cls ulcmS x'ates, hca, c is cniy lîlanteti in golden gicws. An- 1Pathway slie is. lud .,our itotte,!ui 'a- list! h" usdsclsot hea nu Fada jttnton orthpOCktO.hleratitsi b other nl ha an az.alea bcd, accuser fet. Ila t Clumrissuan pe tlsi pm'aYeci'that C 0cii illhi'ut laerlVI ecumîssftisatise tiiairendculi e mernhumg liner cf a dahlia, enother pusietei n witie urss. tatuglst sou to lutter tise bali is kcy w t, ci drs tieiteamgarr, thapnyotsdoîbrcd 'onscocrs lilies, custier in geri.iniuusîs. The îssaycr, -\oi I103 tic clown us bchr.Ikiixjut si a u el'lu bavies setu toh eoi cdl smtbcktm îrîiiînt ythlsik cf tluant oltipatlu ilc asi ctihic3 lese et lstie diukspoite i,1 5e3'ýiag : ""Tiecnaialiero, horticnliumiscic ganius tbriicx hast 1l'eI"nhthat Chisteians îstb slie crcamoecmr!Msngt ocae e estisa-tlie îssust lost a iiexus icy iat o ci.sîs in tise sluupliity cf colore. i'rornsgaie 300 isei dvi ug bemeinîicmn. Miii to " yohexi'cnie it sl'ondtoflte umîî mumiceIiob- Ibis sacasonic bcd I ixouiti îîuck You usotS. ssÈktise oiipath, ts o tcthee0usgiiirîgibard csfetsi tde niuipc' i 'sînli ~'ousg .ur il i scr 3'Ititruui3' dm usii. 11 îs ioney is ssetîci'et iiau ';i fou' musa b I ccp 3 cuoir cioi'yan'cd oniy tric sweet fao-get-iic-nots of< tell-- Yu, i hiIesndtohigsc. Vouisu<i-i dthemeici scecî ouit xt b . Y'îslibtf'usl a der nemoies Lik Termia thethtty-o waned t bcgood, ic'r cuand tise coliiclu'yussan is 'ici t aniage ccoussivillmsg in'eliso) la. de mseusuic. iic Jreia teprocuiseti Codi, tlieus andtithcmc, foc, packag asS in c lmig cit3'.,(-, j prophet I1ixouititrI- to ienti you l'orr anise as x cl eas 3 cir 05cm, to . 'In the cohi bookstaliîlcc fiul osai'saine cf tise olti lieuse xviich s ' ix' a agoodtrsîua, pure, uoble, Cîscus- I Ctas a pairciuognies imuet a îîc'iaksi mgii1c setri your lacs. have trotitiau in the pust, - - --tiar lIfe.Lraie ycu epl or ci' auîr3acjîs oftset'in cd ix' andti iteî'estiîeiouging to fthe ccd l l"u'iicgI xs~ssl~il~~ab ' "u t0 - ' rc~ o wiiiag ~ g" t ~'iii~'C lnirch I pweth s 1 tscyelnasstimatha isa rtb'at -Jsd1eosk a1ios.fn1c ta.cn t tis thn foot oni' thneu.cros. ue nnvas VaiS nid wxubu' ui clxîcrcre st mic.The cometryucnn, lI'i Veia'oraalu'txi- 50 0451 ~kLLii rimo cure forciheu. CLEAIi AWAY 'IME, R1UEBîSH.j Stuidents assisted to positions Thcy cet rosmes Sîceplessnsess, Biuit, coasa, let us tae oc.c axes Nervous rsrtiuBrain Fag, Fein todyadcerwy mofti J Col r- e reopenis Sept. lst. aiud Dizzv Sg l',iistissne',s, Alter todayli anti usi ex'pyloma thf tlad Elfents of La CGrippe anti Fevcr, AcinSmia, cah hi Lnetl us txpo tse olti CnA gefe.Gomerai Deisility aiid ail trotubles arsig ' Pîttî vica neledpt.tect Cataloguem are aruslag boînesiecti Wbcn the lires. satticu' j frosua cc.owu ssman.ecîtacti the --iichigan n'occs thay in TuQpPlTTm rO-oQ qor,, pour hs Cur 9 qoui' $1.2 -' llqpî ta "5107e 11' SI', asri j AI] druigisis or rm'urled by iseans that iviti tiseir axces tlieyà Chartered Acecountant, and T.MLUNC. KIE. acthat acd the otiser trceas thcyj- Toognwntaog hls fte noeud fiîîdj Principal.. the righît place tfo settie mn ouse di- - sRATLWAY AI) TELECRAFIT. rction, thcy n uiîld retrace thaiu' seîs by tluese notchas acd stact o-t Tisa debrcit oc accomut cf the Bci- 'iiu tise woodti frons anoihcu' direction.j tisbh postai taiegrapb le. $4i,500,000 Mcii, tisese citi jatis wivin e ledI - rr ,,for the y ccc. up so th hoe of our nîîiîihcod Young women mîýay avoid The average reilsias jotu'nay ls the j ay not bava bean useti foc a quar-mchskîei o]aral UîutedStaas s tvety-iglt cti 'tec of a cens.ury, but tlsey cn bc '1~sy balf ilies. easiiy folloîvet. Oui' parents "hiaz- Miss Aima Pratt,, if they wili Bjuilding A locomsotive tcstmuîg iauioratory1'i"te alhewylog îviil ha a feaLtumis of tiî trasspom'ta- I As tIenu ail thîc n'cyalocg."Ifn only have failli ini Lydia L. tien builing as. theî norîd's fair. Iika' fi<iiowl tCompouzinn"d.ic The nircels helegrapis congress tliey n'cre nsorciiy straigýt pets. PnhmsVgtbeCipu a djîust closet inî Berlinî tiaiare un oTiy xre as streigit as a dia. "I feei it may duty tac tell ail yaung anlnioumsly iii lascc of hmakicg wire-IYoeur fehîser nsay not bJeht ui oa o ut Lydia E. ink- lese tclagraplsy tisa business cf ticlo 1 mnay. lIn ail pccbability you, as3 hain's nonder! ml V etbeComn- s'aious: gos arnmesau, as inianti tel- a farîssen's boy. reuîuîiecnei liiii for, -Pound tics do-nc for mie. I n'scoin- cgraîîhy son' is iii Europe. Thus tise imost part clothat i n oc'lspletaly run down, uniabla, ta) attend kilis Yar'noni's hope of scoumopo1ls. santi a ivoolen shirt, Botunde flet sehool, ani did flot ct-e for en kinti __________________________ rougi extarlor tisera beet c Jictrt asý oe society, but non ei 1a like "a new Ef von want a nice car- l __--___ "i î'e as bomsastyý iteif. Loo ibacS pcs,on, anti have gaiat sevcn pountis ý vrtelong yeaLrs, 7 oîm resaisaro! 'f lash ini ilreae'-ciihs. calad coksCto cû opu icr ti 1. "I rccozmnandit toa a ougwo naeor wagon Sa an e tl s~tOlRotCnpu& hmta'la theýt "s11raigbs pati', wosie ru yoamel ,, weake ILadIes') F4avowite, j yoes cat hic f1 one ant yooîr'Vh sufe f L r hyc.~5 mny fine display. hrce ar Sfeol af,-fal:fthree i!wic'a ihn Pnicesto are 1w'hlch île.a Peopi foîinlo boel t r gnunns j cac 'depend '«le the 'hour able Peol, somaetimes saiti"h cannot bc pram'uce rîght and satisfaction guiar- : ' andti îi af eu." irsclose" un rei'erecetii moccy. le FREE MEDICAL 7 VC TO Prapareti le two degrees or ha.Id ta ha cloee in order to luraisîsYUG W MN ai, ed Rpiigof -all E trenigthl. No, 1 andi No. 2. anteed. llepaiî'ing Na. 1~~-For orciincry rases -brc.sti anoegh for bis babies' rnoutis. lyugirsatis»eodT attended Is by lac the hast dollar j Yoo neonnot 'romnembi' y oui' fatier life are eansl iytd twite kinds p)r,.mptly teddtineiiekon re1ýhghstrieadutrn d m 1 o 2-Flor spectl cases-O degrees ceisn i eprcsiutîinie1lrPnhmf~avc;Cm andwor atsatoy iv' atrocger-thrce dollars par )ox.7 sa ed i cti')asi1 unîess perbcps it nd as W4 de 11Li a ~ehryway ar i Ar aifc o- ieI 1pails-ask your druggist for Ccuok's oc tise day n'ben hae launi tbat a ltidel fyugwre;le me a triaI. ~Cotton oot Campoumnd, Take po otuser cci gjIsbu' nhon s ai ais 'en eutî diei reyaJ ler f7ivroý o 1 an Yea~ nc b3 laîr bcd roihet a pooir idoixc ie;le ddesl yn as m'acnmadd y Ill dugs ta Do lie tal. Ah,ý thet olti fther cfl Jugn romtsatessel ra- Ï,mne LI~m luim Gcmmn I clothc ant nsay haebc or i nkham is Incýliet toh tIsa. bala ietf1 înamudsr, psot, buIt 1, wa mils hrn u irls are puelsi atodlsr o o"i ts M rsii tî &jfonts lt ome et Sc exy dy l -i aur uble, ermIl nismn Bowmaîvîle, dcsggi 't. "iet Mill eni glcsseit whlich lie engaget to lier ? Are --oui lclpsp 'Issta s eas suaiuun Y'" îgihne. î s isa3 bcid ber ta set tise 'iglit axcasmia befrîci ln - e O i 'n oitibs 0 '-; tisais' 1,n e ams us.s'is a yoîîî'cil drcc-youu' clil"cssaistd isbli FI lano de T'al, ixho is ntjmy str'btitl urssd tst j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e Isr cunsc' iivsucd'c at ie sadîmcîi'. R vîibouse sers nnts ÈIicb s.leam froîsupri- c promiue te ber ami lto C0'ilmisntieha nîaf mîsil but 3 iu msiust s'aie Ilies andsell thenu to tise I îigb ci3 Mmu' iv<<<lg. Plunyo ise mtbhsusn"Oc tise nay to no-j Ild bock xccde"s. nck ic iahcccerteui nwlu<ein icrticsihr tise uiemî eek ta ____ le ,s'lb c - udticsgl ie d 1 sr bls 111alclliu g uii if it s i cm elu îî;î.~~f~~ d~d,., ius in pence, PERSONAL AND GENERiAL. PliTe fciintu'3 -manîginti to S'c c s xi siidt yclu teak aur hicsrt ii c i asc c'je inoh0 ! 'e Ttrsu~ icl~eu cm~~~~~~~ bud rcsle etsi% cue "iad." nian tise man examiiess it Paxagraýshs. TUïE W 'Y TO I1 INwShinus cw e. 'lisy takic1W uank bills a-ualtetlec on oso Dut cw ae yogciig toliedmdrîcîux k :"W e~t'eixu'mue jOis Sdevoteti to cnsixaring letters andt I c<ur wayb' iothseN pt» tkcl t i UgcC Tiuey '- Sonse of 3 eu lhaveabeaae iCuutsurn tiihIis i ori' i' îlat looksuj mrKiia fIaiGramy thase paths for iualls3 3 cars. S ou I ile it. but terah'on, nî. lelieUS IWalthegrsisitzofr ales.iniy are lest, completi t . Ya vu ies-1 o 'miii tumisie a pîmîcîase, lie- wio lies been deaf ansd dussb ironi ar Ibid s'ou'res' oui frouetise mounsubsisic lia s a u'Ilol0f xerîlses sbis bimth in 1869, bas taen cet the teins cifssi iese 300 isave a dis use uapiesr of u cumor siîauig banisdegree of doctorcf puîilcscshsy aet tisa guide. The iimportane sof a guilde cotes. jLeipzig Lnivcrsity. to onse lest in tise miommitelis cm AîîPp:ATO VA1C Roie lies a ixatar eupply of 200,- eartb or of susi cas c-*i' lue osere- 000,000 ME' A~ifU. 1)(>PO)galions a day, Londomn omly i Smtiistise innuocent aiciParsmîtry-,0 timîatd. ueuîîcîusher, couse ezl cisl mcci iles met by mec, nallu essedThe averag0,e00 aiti P u 90,00,000 ago, ihen bscylîcg threugli tise i nlîatell isicu tisat themo je a nay of'aaeeg al asecplno j iontaimîs cf W'est Vumgiia e, si ixre dcitling ortrahlisli i s ple in ae Creater NICiv York is ablist 00,000,- coînplately lost. M c n aideucti ueat bîiiîîless l is a ,,,tl00Ogalacs. crouinti and amouiid isîtil tise suc bootîs on and a quick '.lîeciiît<a Jules 'Verne, thce l"rencb nnox'list. saiisandî'ithei'twiiligis'scîcti up bcnlaeer li icoucuscatiscy dii nhoselbcalth lbas lately barep<t somber faea n'tli a black riobe amdimemsi x sasmedts a 1da alcgmafli ahs Tisi-d liersaîfed te iiybto ssilidinglapîsu, iss.oWe e gu'ope ccc xva toalc smctciis'u îind b3 pi'cvicus ccd imgratiaîlng btra rmsdIonis onc 0f!bis iroed Ùr as lon, bvalh-l qtcoaxarsation, wotuia se hu o.Ieha las Iaasîss o abcia to usuwme tbe ficuidisis ci i acu 'c(4i Ia u b jlotgi t -esssrens in the Sime 1bis vn'rfîlcg. tiaithe 'imbg cpus tisat sigs lei l'a. tm i" sle Hinuks bis fortunei W. C. IWting.cf Toia, is abalr thosa' of a pronlimsng uaîtier. Aitn' uiad. Il iýs i tusse is ccxv faundie.1as'in ftl,,proîmotion of arclue awis'ulce sais' a <flis igltit n h resl hss isprsc.Ille 1lice gien ft)AmussClaa distance. M csti'uggied ci(mui ti wi, hn.pntl ialady !oug9At cuje silk -silier acd onyx trpb. 'lici1 is lta coubd kngek atlith iuibouse ari'cibe i Se' I armdcd anîsîaliy fr ssf-i' taken us. Thin t iihec csci'uiuss1l, j efor the hastrecoits in cccii ii'rc sae cimrae cii ur , , aiP j wîg. gide, direrteti us onl. Ici ui',x I g st Slielnmj, ftsrof thce iost aid waried siusoers,Cus u svolntcfiasei'an, m'ady to ha your guide. l'siC1h-s'ha o e D; Sfl'C- recently celcbi'nted lis ninetitisbirth- leip& lIc u ut o te n hig o ue ou bliunesijos Ils 'e licsi il.zt si. lehuilaa n it u hig fcirey ,iîuhIssll t patis Mîvbicbaiesauil cce isg oand regulte pour bowels. YOU at\tsrget onoa' c ir- tisa ccc Christîsaus tls I ens Pus. - 10 ý tisfoat of ilseneed A yrSgta ki îoiatih 13ltIesilu Ii. imi i'l icsu o ¶1 'c ls ri - -_____ -- + 1il al. lolou,! ussf'wiso i lcUeIosIe aiateli uac mo~~~~~ tie'isotnsiim=16Ji îs' s'lia'ipt oisI.y is thct cf')t1e laie TRaK (~1flý- ud,2,ikî,'ts at a fcsh1ionabe shi-p shop iozo, or sr-nt sdis- CONFrIDENCE MIEN THREIIVE IN11 patcbcd with the good, ccdm on eri- MVEXICO. tering the courtyard nasmet !,Va decent cppearing imccti, wssi: Ssseak Thieves Emnulate Anicrican "H-on' slow you base)enbac! Buti Conlfreres in a Sîssall neyer cicd; gise me the pýackag,,eai Wcy. bet meoisign our book.- This 1ha An nspcto ofpolce n te Ctydid, ccd in a day or *two tlise ly An inspictor 0f polrag ingheCitycalled et the ehop to inqujire wbyv of Mxicoceesas trane thnge sfier skirts lied flot beeus delivared'. jar- i egistared ila the poli 'e bocks ofThbokwspdueante î- ccs-opoitfan iBombay or Iiongkong. ntse o ws podued ccdanthe sig' mitii J apanasa s ýervants, lil tribes leatîur roc T b e n nno' n hici' might ha miistas-i n or north- Abau nriling.,nga oate eu-n Asinties, a,,d the Moor continîu-'IAmcsratcryn ose e111' comnug into view, hie bas to f(yowl on e platter through the streat, deal lcrgeiy n'itis petty tbefts sho- ~c~n i nsrs oafionil, ing nîîucb ingeiuity iii tbeiu' parpe- as e by a thief, ixho said, "Wbcgt trati on. a pledidfowi I! I'ow my master Tise tio. f tue rateros, or sneack ivill appreciate tIse glît I! liera, let thieves, aure iniuumnrable. A nesv me take it and sase you the trotuble ~chcenefor trappîcg the ula ary was of deliveriusg it." The simple clsap reveled Le oher ay. A 1wo auî aded os'ar piatter cnd I on'], and m'e'eeed ic tha da. Aixoan oma thieves bcd'a good meal that called iff barcoanch a"thte bouse of a dey. genticînsîsiisba was filto malta in- quir cIer is calt. Sc bd a The 0f lîci'day a n'ine marchant re- coî7 tly~ea bieth em' e tok d a is cd an-orfirr by telaphsone for sci'- ulstaire okitise laier foi' safe ke eral cases of champagne. Tt was upng, f o ',cle prisloit orzi a coachto ha delivered to acother rmarchant. ing fo whI eerislei i i a cochNvhse. clerk,ha su.ppose d, n'es talk- ln apt 10i esythc. oroting wftth hini. lHe hurmied ils the One lacs andnexgthelcuesh aotclark cnd sent hlm.wnuls a laadcart the lec, cd nxt ssanin itn'1 to the address, n bra t the door a iseit to ber in a large,, bonnet box, mec took it, gave a îeceiîît, cced icarriail by c yaucg Iisdicîî servent omhow iîumcnragad to get it autïcon girl ai sonie 15 year-s. Tisa girl on ivasbrîht, ut unarustmed o ta crart staniding conveniantlya e t ac, was righ, bt totheand tha sine n'as hein d of no nioýr.. wacys cf thec riy, accd on ber wcy NET EWT CTS lied an ictaresting icumdunpleesant I Tha,-, s'IKS adi entirae. 1Th ngecuity ccd cudacity coins- DUPES INNOCE NT SErRVA-NT. !bined ci the reteros are the dosîsair c f the police. Esem'y day a nen' s ire lasassing thropgha a g ren iltrick is invactad. The rateros are 51wn'a acased ~ n'u tu'ssc Iapparemitly ubiquitous;, thay' beai' man, who cnhied lier attention to an eertigsec everythîîsg, and one opem puse ymn etlia' at. i-T bas cocuinuclly ta ha on guard suggastad tlsey slsouid go ta a shopi agaist themni., Great robberias, bum'- and oxcbauuge tic Ainarican gold g'ueries. and the like, arera mcie. Safes coins for Mexiran sîlver, ccd ha ,are rarey broken inta, ccd ona livs ix'aud gis elisar baif. XI'iie suie n eccurity frocs great crimnes, but i ttenidiig fto the cachanga lie held! as tisa police say, nba crin bave tcr package, but nla sha tlirmued C3 ays il around bis liead to catchi round tfise t1uaI bcd disappearcd. tise icteros ? To acdl 0 er troubles, ts uOs¶ eîî theVe['e i';a gai ars css- keaper accused hem' of tryicg to pesa 'llilccd tha1ý noted thiaves ar'e cap- couites'et ain, ccnd tha poar tur d çlsent dosvn to the hot Indien giîis on in prison, an ait- iusg ici estigation ofIlber stary.\, utenh)y;ucbt ie\ rp maaî'o aisd cLoelk arc ,pi'obahly for- rateros co1ce e enot.imldite e'rîsissicg. . i y. TUsaconfidei cp mcc raem.naidtimsg O0 o h spr rciuscspb the 'r"l s cf thaîr Anseiricanl con-li floggicgs for the snac 1tiseas fu e'es ila cccsomî ritrick la lned Oc, nbuî oticu'jouinals pm'lestthatthis poor "h)ayos," or cotmtrymîsan, ccd' is bnrbareus, "tco miurhli [elyc- coche rup to the "cils' cf palaces" to - 'f', Te dtcia r rgi je se the Siglîts, briigicg the mîmes' usuc, ai-id ïet thcy aie ofian becateni - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1 CI

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