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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 2

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Cuiua so apOir f Dan oud Resolve C!eantrcbySe ue Skriý ûfI«nt-ind ft aedworpid pi av ond ûstn burning and rcaIy humours, rashel, itcbigs au nfrDarmi ohuad f tire-dq fret ers, of Skin-tortuï"ýread cue ythe Ctcuareine Cuiur ratment is IOcý atutonai-coplteun pue set nd wlesome. 1ff-,e,,ufaceo witb Cuti axfd bot water te cleuse ütI crusts and s'c.aIeSaiofe enied ctcldry wltbo-t 1b4r( andivapply Cuticur1a Ohiinea 2allay itchiiug, irritation aud tion, and scoothe and heal,j takc CutIcura Resolvent ta c!teanse the biood, alid put e, Lion iii astte of bezithy sctî lyloregrt cures cf F!mi lows aînd hereýdltar-yhuur L'e Y cuIcIýura rerned les ît'her loo a ad sk!r rerni- binedasingisetm igote tieudre the nmoa-t dsr 'wben ail eeI f alis. ce~~rui~ ý 'u uýt 11 C1 'Aldt C)e t ile olyfloietnleu auWorthymut Cent;ai BUusinssCc Jake y an c'o fSothe d, * Alaysope Novaotwen. epls Elecric zal aseleÉ o "Y smo esodesr lang sap es apeis, ane'sinv - e-- -e- WrIte fobr particulairs Q catalgue an&d slfmeasurii of Lateat fashions. Moneyr if flot satisfactory. Are a sure upermanentci Kitne' ati~iJ-te roubls omi? Ugiuvei 7oay ee im s u ~t~iflt evety TmeB eve lit FA4L Sclp AhlPrteu gIL -J qur ra.0iitht~eo socv 'yak e0t0Tlnaoprah-tr nth akn t3 mkngoîamlefei he-coI ofe.~sat erto"Ta9 " " s in sth Edoctine " a st o iiItent ho , a dlifioi cope ii orte ca4iiBa i liai ne, ny t,' M~s~AîceNI.Smît, o So sti yeng ud ceerul u opritan- one "t teus:Doflt o n e- oani watlaîe b bo3i nt1ee i a loc tea L tu wsgIum tr m a.mi e ie o b e o' J an e olîb e o g t i sak, li. tIS h W ni h w rd o tht oe gei - - - Mnci 1-gbikrshava ani t eoand emeta Wa' ta " at tootign Mtortuchauruoncerr. un- ways hat hÎo mad o or sWa'. But iarn Pika 'V gtaî o pud h 'reeonn f nlA th e Goit-tea>a o noe hi h l- i buad fH relief~~main or drsumt fo ay ed utbu ~~u ~ thet m t on th sds onew roto i lamsu tyma t isohariernfor i ne posseICon o m asad eme, n lieuse oi n o's mmd l o n' I. y ug aa ht xpte h rie n a e i e ceprt ocew a t 1s Wocb a at oltn tsnîorbs rttabr itcblng, ono thing antiun", a fa otie r.A grat 'ise tl ate c auso ol hrte', , in n xcpto tcttiSas. orlieim l eczeas, man may o a -aset!=mu'ar s, it ihp eser i - se 'Ma te dowrol 0or% o\r511nta !wcd av ~ i atitde e h Giver I ai l, et. 1 ~ iddho h iitdn Stmoue eaVo at ru r oi, ar e sn C bet , than for o rooie. N over w n oi ay oseer pinsudcoldfln osatiGra'm cca îtr îîe bm ndh PAted moli- netrot a h ongmayho >ucntie-us. bA efnisl tto î'nthan tat erelebtoodywiovatn n' Arrv in brhope mv av a ncordm'& etiugter o onbu tlpas, a rcou s. Ltag a n e tu ,neug te ho yon g ho phm e rtiWEMb ey, Dax t Il, uos a n' e e b e1o n ou d ntY.Lt a n ug v at e na v ne p s ý o ch n e o! a nc uader be b d u o ?ih lt b a e u t c ol e p te i O n a ,iid eeo ther I b tn î in , th t yeave t e i n at rle d re orant. lrýn i, hi rnemito ia iilhd vit te m onp'e of xoinen an a nyld na love n' armasoi'ai-n'r m ontol h ouse. "LotU yen ic Ls mea tinihoilown i htt he lad cwoi l,,rwupt oa euoa oIbulsV î-n botanngcsi. hî iîtîchi'"Nitl e toy, ethtmt losand c on unie ail m POn etis: to a n be !argoot Y a T f erw s so o l t isoad rf llan -o.d rsu) AL len p derofte , ie th a ilsî-nn ed b use. thraBos 2" shetvebe oli gentema ilufan A ane 7 i eti mÇA)',l i~h t f th an pagrl tia rgtt .SIH 0 hr v~ ettMn ots t'm rea te~bo i-t l W ~îbra4s fint w r hs & ng., Bate te p dvwib auwig rop hua- o arr0 cli ofsmiai intinopois Mhao cri orai I ugnl -o'mi' oy a' irs i;a, seat a cras oa p ping "uti to hjre ard ti y e t utha w nu 0 fcoure i 5 u a erp ligeueee- ne Oa oducd. nchothe er, or i hr c ai'ra- "et. Wbtddynev? * tu l. auk gr a hen afne. Do as n asc feueyw r e e I o u Batwn ap- and laetr bes lftsade way1ta eaean'love te otmium thnke, ho dida' du!w ain bTth a n nt lcrubng upn aildyorionerigîec pronchUg pics 1- d o lne grew upr on nlal-pip7, Lyd a re p inbaind s jE nda lego! -vg moiunes t e n m s. lAn' îniPO',tOi -ncb 1 t ie n l ottes, h inta inflmma- at ho sane lmeno a inon . Dy!w optua i wîîoslatcnsv oai n t tt ale r- anism lin lo aî bt they e au ceino bul orne tîo b hv t fre he penur l antii lsl' ot Pea!s.h agai rt g uobngh it h u ,'u ml ki g o s, " lc awa p - FR E A V C TO W M it a a'n i i t lap c e la uyo n a pu psdatandcle."m"e Ir coo au ad b n y n g m i ih ri- d cs lt. r, P n h m w l i e e e My ldeetason, *JM n soc, j pre ide t audor .lit e ,ext flve m nutesý eh.l; wbe teal a b l tfbrea- nnihon I A d a ldulngod e c mn wbn Yi!"; l Ihan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ý byal l e l e t t e l Die d o h e e s 0 he, th ree d n as T c'ho * ' S y n os a ' si t r n t ai a e 'u. Her o d la t ri a hi o - e s en epycafc;u e t nc n c - a e a >, v r naucnhe n h > _ _ _ _ __ _ _ n e'l i ir n O A L P I L N I I OP _ _ _ _ oa l dcon.,r, i saIt tb' île: s e a tc'î 15, n f i n te>' r lici tiraciit plusîlre, an be'i n dY-fve t mC anp , ole aS ia.TouS we ci a yursea. e a wo bt, Thon nh o s themsntiag il'o1dayondbdulrayefnîl. ltent h hobr ediîe it m. Bu er sorvic antilead ntreoive,,, ,, , mon amîti wcuve who tiare et bave gî'a_,'ncl id r al;on aw a abe >' sius sotvat n hodig c a ou socuiino stoof, abbe te bond everv'titrice. wititbeun r ye i witlitroan ceretiand 1 iur e teura fet" 01ee t iîas le srb glcf ivestiatio Iîlîe oe o u ifl ivrtat a uoi tmeCQsur ad. Tt nt sgv i~telfneesr bo flei it fexon gstps dsearet u i>' nld bweNotwasoeohel u an noMY n ii ae the aer-j "lon esai' oulen>'m wunbossn c è,te ileihn o (iming ySe pasot at1l.iz ud *1 c- 0f tfite saine ospidwn m ini x u - lopnesufiau'e basatu motur uj'lmasvisC e d het b>' nxi iocthob n o T ihr c.yiete.Tm ThL.) agnnl tho Bteteti',no>fboter. Bepa-ou c tu cit, lowglai nn t iiswii hncoxIrNd l-par * riut, eî rewrag he Pulîe on0fa etiCh-itan InImr.ten aseiitt boo xo rebaat cen !My iowtb biti-n oot ,ie, amtdi * "alluçnt itge tea he gslaaificntio cf1"-' ime. il,, O ntiti h mlie tim ni eoisia ei ag, en byorr wup as~ yn t ' therecottws l n gjhaotu'gn(o§ acr l geiad cud hnerly, u t epecoaw»> pitc - ,,nie yen i, 1tug1'1mt cue['Vi aogyesboUea I l t oîka. A i o sot u 'ni foe eut f h hapti-siIL 1ecaovBuildingi udesî ri c isoDot-dy isnetu Vteutîil, n'Itl ylt V loNo'I1a.Viîslw' Setîîî you lio lat ni yo a ito waa rrstt1c u i beenuse le tm1-, 1îý ýu P e -e-'po me c s n e-'éc o l s- 'o pe d of- - fr tein angs and arshas tin geIl1- soeî yesslat hnl1icahge hn an' ee e;- an'i-aitnu itor;m mm> ila e truoa.ii 0 n boe m yn t kno at unie ai lcm ri"sTe- day mna>r ng ui cimu e>.Tes fixai cntdo t p e n Is IV fot theinru a nn, vgt, Pnu ' renomeas fine ui i byWl uslow's no pnd Syuup"wor i- i<eD eut- icaao! usuai iýyare eý w 'e hi,?ei nenoivgîosyt oaog W i i ettir etsn Tehn.h t-i elt l time vn sit ot.tin. Tto en ild lbtccuseiho s clpl? o îit5fl> 'l cui. Il heý uron 't e l po a!or Ii uree i L i usIy De - itod uit a ani ripn îtawc wi in ue rouiprexeti te iîirn tant ho po îlot gw i ortant tibes piiiners whe athi' b er bg bys is vo'?wce lio le1 h -' ,'iýI M 1],,i Lo gýý v u ýl h rýnn 1h e a ljls ,i! 1- pe A ,-o nd 'Lea tm ote, tev a n Iuuýx a t - made oin ruse yenleut ae leal pa cl huige i ita o t pt n ti g e aaisi h s et Qies Dî I îlt n m oc i chn enr noer fbi ho ice, re ula floe t acear So bniLm;à Iore oyn 1shu eniia manti mur lin0spite Of hi î, 10fPtesee dolai- o7 Mnno!li > omage wagon l- ïicrr s mea1-u a ic n anti pla la dant ogxeantm ie-s fths rn o 1oessea, yen j <.i,,homePM hc;co nyse v h týro yotwe c luli ivbtle oin te tyee das.f Von- uhevdhl ui n wd lo eronM n H e ohv o w r s m thtee divinartiraanerblta ont cf 01- bih. tlie baby Youn'tn'aun whl an j Syrp"n for ctlan'dntic cthfig fa pla a the ofen i mh onO7ilitaIp , ai- ne, l onth n h aoen etLt es înet1mnton le kumotuuî unraila, - tli t Ie ho ini îfi. L ia it tuita tesW B. Lr c l 25cen s 1 0 4h es balud lai n s qIN ver>'omme w fit im. Maltimg a n etyun'g l'a e cm. wh bte, pufit nanumîorbnifiaemiyaeians nuiit ursesmn iad pr mpty ate cogu ton eceela onn. Be p- lectiexereorne that eue Inuit um. xthere le unî aau tber l d ucs cf 10o the n foidy Sue n caa et epi i t ebol lt b> ah tr gisan w rk aifa o di bu y ,ýniiy il le' r ensetib lwcne ie utantereurt<2 j oi ic aiwîl Il i on te u:îl>' tc au> n1inati" fy r u tiesiga, ne ,'tye u iswer. "I ba e gi'entacig-c n> ex. Th> re Atisito>Ç' c uti nîierimig homee y nc &W nctestic cfA maBepaI n h l ilirco difforentci au e. Tî-e bes ' ehav n cni th1t'it tc hilira a' beh bmidens cut TILOIîI Y WrIb (~I e~ c ai>' ec use wr ng yp s 0 1 ums l t a eneu lu." M t 1w Ai-e Li,"lt >ien i en!yîro e e e u n- nInti 'elviPa ii-yvfarnesep iMuy uogi y rie' leumelîe tp 'e are - ,Le ,PaEiU! COu rctîm"ncdtbe wtî Idi'j '-îy u uom c iotee dl a pu Lec, y I -od er affe,_- c o n . le, c'd.îfoogod 1ut sucea 1r u ad erthee bo hiau iîp LC- Ioiew uîmb ' cudâtobat ai h tlieu lit e hu i a uhi!tie yte !osQtic 03 Te m ii u al e r is'aige W Sltid 'idnr.:eummmurrtîn C or »tipesiive>' yow.ia' wsa ' d vitetefm- ilt't îsI soutilearo > POfi l ca prsiige 0 ldienc. gin ete agîn i îgus moigs. YN o er i' rtoryintn ,ltntmitc u u ire s uit fitho rlc oodcýfo ha-te BE LN t ailENT miT h o EEw AK anel agnium nntul ai I of l(ýe d"c<Ob orlhenyen Vo 'b, givîngu ouin'e -tio >elers t1 ummu ibon itlisatin, - ~~l Matl Potesrose abve le wau.kuipe vroi i eirs e titkat o- ut hoh. Tc G u el Mie-' Ca T ie t Ntifgcnr arcef e miatigio bs1.eîîyai rd'stcl tCsuuu e > eioge îut b as runome I C Gint t mc- l iicrn oes 30 ____ luuutreVieeceiio c crpuen WEN 111 OR I R (uons V alen tan o beicale00 cu anuef i ibt yuag y nu yens ber's infiam' e fer geeti,'huit sinîply b>' being p ,in >'rin "ntCnt iog lbnîk. weG 1 LigcyVhta 1SL m uUet MoncfuîoermaOerton Pi aIe o outifatc uetaen mn o fo'a (IlltitlhUsimpt - unestu il lepa-tiifr coudlugtt tai-n otnh-d buà,qci--gteyexhoettoghH T S R RIEThIar sln ug ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! catols0 ieee~-weeaePouO E i)0F iH ST UIET . nienu akl oinayel- %- n , nisiag - icis ilna e l arit nil andiei u15 l. Sotfun IoWyl antiu ae nnsunE e . la tite or a dinr>v itmnt oaig xc1i atag.en mîisuii- ne hbor ,th b'vntr> r ehlfr oc 0 l.oe iai Hreun ge ni u refutet pereCtius ie> --i o nPwallt, y tour nuextance, wli e nsom.tv tatiprt nbyoiit'ulttb fa n-n llletxti a r e g o o p o p i l a j h e s P n ti n s b e h a v î o s 'u n a i y a i p s a i v e i n e l a i e t b a b oîp A r ti R elol.ett u i e a l o r is e l o it s. A n t - ria e t e r f"t'I.o b t ,Lîiue versin p fcil'bcuetîog e terï " a . ul veu-yonbrd, bh - omc1'tc A azf t-astoit tiis mb l O'Zt'.bo s l M ari ttrne uia ime lc u'il ua-udareen ie>'whi liensîi s renîst p? t 5 s atipue o twhe fn'n uîenih te enic ot LP 1 Jn i psmas o b c cket ndMss. yo_,ý1r lu, or uîs hn>'a mtasct-u- A og ehuîmtmeti foot d;ecp anti ani o n tc buimm sol tc n tai Sn o utteu i-u, as weliîne * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ci eh al I atspnenuisae S n a -u iila a seu 'ddd d self,- e itnots rn Isiîg int h m-au eert U[ePare ou h rnt quator abteoutA. ificuem Itiete - leSubn Sae f t aeo ieout't mimai silage i n bioshuhiLinuy tret cs ameît ibid u n dllustr a gteesflotugunse yen opsas t hotîle igl1e0 or but, ouutnlng is b ahr desritetias Xuu t blaleck atlla re aIle qpalîy bu:tg is>'. T1m -~o W-heu tienu. dfa- heue - fi l yo anplti elxe s m si i sneeti C , - b U I r t-sa1lnnrrev îarvu uufu tt. iel',iO a-On ery1 i e Sais f n uoFre, ed fr. na gati e melcomlieu'. Wîeu pood ! r oliN cooeucluumol notu-les Cant sya iteo m enq Ibiigo0fIr aroemleenrase e acutmt uareusn mp * lev e aThs J a n serglac, t itet ej e t I o ntd o t itt be uiles IAnt t oe G ts r"au e h a- m i l ni u s l - u g Ilnt l u t a ~ c s u t i , G r at ' a t e ce les go Ste is neveu il îe P~i icuo Ieiig-t dt- fnir c yeîuleihelir tan? w cut ear is e igbm. Tîuîmtrrîcaî-,,î,te, 10c, othi bree n oncnismîeu îka e~ eteutl ni nu or tý 4 A re u l'y aL'TH ilOi i a Umm%1 b' an'q u bisrp ustbngp. 'aIeicr:;10hng ro t b ' She pay sonîtiiig 'j~- ttomli woao escfrlhuib.u1esenonî'ni)oc einço t ili J ni'. Auuetcf corse, ml p i ina cfulabt n a W>' tdses m lî n S uu MIc aî s c icmu o ï bis t i cea i o ii eul hsDo 'us rs - eie rdese t iuait- a antiIncpteniboiantihectobor fl tfou Bne chldrum orin>'1W bîi . Y1m fouj a tuil d lipt i rain us!r tc ntil>'maî a Ctnsia arne n e foVt, ea'tis e fus bu, r- oiianiNom>'LPs at inpm-.deriopmea j- Pnsin>thecutst-t itiol tedu ticitetiîlo teu'ndli u i ngit derbaiatierai>'w-n ioun aI i n>'lie mmi- folG:t~ - -s agea weuiu ani tat t-.lovs ,Imîtîgthmse ba inellct.u h Ooyeu-ur îx'auclb ate o t e r'iximxg ux c etai ond nt i etoeuu r might îî- hup te eacîmutcdtitis tuanai Nvthbe a h>'offn ysnit inlysiet ay ig- j iftat o l c It L biait voue u y I an>'eîcîentu lv tei, bt l p lan net o> u eol t îiy. a'.' p 15 an el, mails octualen semetîing mu." j epenit rsthe!tcf huiv amati>'ulu icadecij'puLeiitte nd caMfii îur , J rparti25 . Hasa lioesaalnc evet'h Idgd hbmye uînehave beoutt. Bo athif te utal1 tîrongittat ene u - u i; L i s umaetn u F' c ful1 > v erl eas.îltrg-ý, sàýsýe ( adfd int itatin pocilr tlev0f ur f'ic1 . le hnguno c hpadonnet he i'i \% ee; h boe be oie tic iregiot inVtetheiacIMM&etiWaiscureupamooa, w P ecmnnetiasban morde caly f auh eygat. lie Puys,"M y s Pusa1r bse mc u'gaîhison go cerig t bspan nithn l. BeosrnI4' tcoi uci u mexabbat i tf goou lîer ltakuititlaientesnd siep eue nght tufiumbî llonLui br tb r, yo a ns le ouen a i p uS Y U no ~le t pe î e r ve bilo ta un or op nei bo an t o mb-a-o bi bid . ilea nuvrcl auisacIo. i rc pty ud aut> o ie b t. TI yiî gte Ireo f o r h ow-- - - - - - - - - - - -- c h -IrT hi h r c h r e t b I i e usn uo c s B t b l o t u î f s c a e u t . t e a v p r a o n - yarhf r m f -l e ct rW ai a l.-. . Ù . t -~ , .. , - ui vtu- teuiîa -l-m ne r m îy la atve yo c r b y. ol buor srie. IV is n igtmose n oui ry muc ne îe muren u't,~ai.utOt of-isfeioeT m-peeicu o"' "'_A_~" of sud ffotîofbamcroxrmues-;plae1ii nt'e cs ,ib ,gr imici atiwallaa 0 o 1ca Vn T eykep hebo es egîa, e aru ogr, offtheoduimugous but luCofr 00m, tint le lntaton. u fTee",piao.uaiIiluMao osei eh le jeiotingitasotiuoamat-oofg-tilde ni -u -- ulbnii iucniti tie e iildifi h f st ur c nsipaio . ~ -rOo. anescf ub>'nut nt hî peseh rle $ pt acageorci fr $. aswih dffemb---------v--ghi-kîe Trul, ras iol ui iee uti tmo '--~-lgiio a nalesat't Cuge Ms uji 1>eVt ra' ISow Aaemxmai im.-letpopt-n7a1ad1,çîmugu t ll îTiru! rmî nntfsus1iaeoi tc an yu m usaheo b"d utfe ieîrclc nl-iig oc 1,mal cnielp> tntlti,Žllî o lpefrcs ouIe repaiilt.Atiesvlefotaqmre>'o tt youî~~~~~~~' jhî'.nee at rnie fim estr. auoiîful,'nsuue-,~ ~ fs rte ai l or ibteu tjnetoday" s. ivi0cuy w1+.gw ,ýlc,, ,1-,-..-uu,-. ,- il oGne ùs i k yYcia rs faiI*d ývm, udsec

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