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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1903, p. 6

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An Extr-a- the Reach o'f AH,~ We Are Seli ng tho BPest Eleet1rie el àn tae World at a Price- within the Reach of the Poorest Suifferer. A The Prof oi ? lereBi wt musensrv orMensW or ladies' tiacý%h. menti fa uarntee tuplssesa m ore power. 'morecret ote uI~a< fin ish tha n anv OherE! ecr ita THfEPRF ORE$BELT is Sure cu1re forrvýouts WeAknBeSýive'r KinvapndStonAcb ComphaiDt, Rei matlsmr, Lamýine ac, Painis or Ache1ýs te plil parts of thbi3 dy. War the b, ! while %ou sleep aidin the moringou willi feei yetr, younger tbaiwhtýn youz W03nt to tbed Bewara or 1thmse wbo ask ou to pa-Z from !310 to 320 for an Eiectric i*not bcaIf ýo good as the prof. Moürs'sBopýit ,which we bell for orolv 85 Wo ae offly -me price WVe do not ask 'pou '3w firaSt alid if .%ou do not buv, trv and fl!i Son the samo beit at aný' old prico ULt IIONEST OFPER-It ýou '0 Ilotî' ca«re to send ue, the $5~ we wiIl send - i one o!'- çir I3etsto yonr neurest eýprasoffice C. 0. D., 8.5 with prIvil- eg o e4uïnlin;t is Actqrvpay the eýxpreýs8 agent $5 and expre~S carg os anýd the Boit. If Dot as repreSen1ted( Yeu rieed not pay one cent If vou -Endf' casshi wh or 'er wa prepav theota. WE ARE M'ANUiPAMTURE IS o! all kinds of Elctrical Appliances. Wr'iv ,ite us foir our ,o giving prices and full item at onee Addre The F. E. Karn Co., 132 VictoWria St., Toronto, Canada.,i U1n1. Gilbert &S%'oný 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour and Coal, FLOUR. Manitoba, ilungarian, Patenit and Strong Bakers Flour, at specil GOAL. We have ail sizes and klnds of the very best coal that'is brought We solicit your patronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, K;ing St. West. Bowmanville Are- a 1-eart Ani rs v-Tordc, Bodas Tisus lildelr ansi Constitultion eeae for ai rcldwithwa huto nr-a Asa oi e teboci, tebai nithe Sîcepiesni, e -vca rctraio , l cm-o Fita SoiAae'a oray Ieun of Debilit, tak blooi, big e hehinaansiteady and Stec ie îenmees uMM te &aifW uta ailkhrSaior jt tei-achi fic otns i l nd jof sinILS aIiabou-tIoinsf-c jh tcfloor,. Ti lc ut rgues flii-hlandl iscacli bcuiseilout, c'u's-' cf ALaanmas-, is mes ousiiy hart-i y duaia!iity fe,,d yet wo oanoly50a ioso'aman ger lai! futIl colsiaiîaa. J tep etflc mug' lte he lis lc1 min îhola cafng. l - plu gl ostle1-es-s ucefrtha- more case r týiun el'r s'y a t stalle, ho i-l bsilsmef i-ccd ovor tata lig' anger. litol >iCji- L 1tJn11a1 1,eo aoa keai- Vgo e t a ou-1 chilren Litleose cveyda j ue uus lie 1 ait AliciTeni~- is eaila ilsw ut; bt an-ti-cs-~ Caocf ue eatcemon ynîpomacf îdny toch giv d e tif ue s îd sha e oi na iS fsc lisst a ii)psig isi aui' xatspa, jirlîqe c nj isuchco oo, l fnquodyestecfnaurs ri- lna th t - tI b uess ou d a e. uit %,asniqnc eato] . TuI l etjtd ben-na suir ti e' i S elcn - i u nq ud eyd.4 ,tj e mas ou tI -unol1. e f 1uits inoseisejcîre -tas loIfc f e sugha-NnlUîTga in u Bo lg bcrn sre'tr us ndul utin 0 ttO ui tCoLcuiebihonu agi f cu- Gl u one s j mi cite cf tec cýig tepasuie w I di e la iltemedny 11,io eads, îeoplame-'cereîTue'unens cf1h'Cmcl-s suutie hi polic.more îeLing o inmuin hasn îvu obu-, li~i'1 - a u -- 'Sin- i pood for soit bolles in cum',ciin îîs0- MolsnsaLe 'ingos-t- A TT& owNic, Cham; YS, oturo ytiiic i ieîe i-oneî, o arie, poorsiule ti0o use cifbons, 'M PM'~nb'e slil aî amn s - Tati-si Chase lo- ui chair oatg, i eq ummmdrnt mia kwith membhers of tue ITUnseami i bas ta! I lea nS yur111Wk mn geuutections 1a f-,go À-lfi r - t1lat Cliee lpt n o was stgestiaof tlxea- ~LIJCCLf~GCJ11IKENS. ie=el sience. The germs o!fo-cnpre iusefwt nref n ke l<AYi gettig cbises ready lirmar- u rpieuiut bc aeçivefroa ti dgit lruhu hewil ff kot nearl everyon las expeioncesi are con tnt bei v ecrised a< p c lar odel nsithe genorl feel aitylme ourngba fcg V.w'Ithat c ' 1- if the ~ aei, f fnd carfuly reeared, hic with clati nd buis. sc leîg. Qts cldn lm ilncbyertnel wascsfhylv gttrnhbs pr flixeawth aneabrn. thrno. orbetreuistow-na l Otb I re fe wne ur sin fer for lScahIding shoillic ho ust a 4ui ~teun -1emi of '. l sefr vr 0yer, is onetsesgntrê gueds! enih],bo Iin ointI, buIt rnet ontualy ',.- untoreitîn 0dwituafhemWeillTo scald Utche ,is. nmrefhm o rPeTHE !DEAL PIG, 0Yn yu eiin îceIs nany hi, perimeneucthato rolChiviti inndhendanger tisechealt ihei bousod n larg nuxabrs undr tIc ieak th skia. -,ulty -, leatcdl '1 ate1 dm - inc h priPrLr r in cos nf ns an hU r n- x e is ne ate, t Ex erin e t îjfcs- hlame roof.isouliatIen lie d Ipp dla o ae tdcougl'u, s o i fl i c 3rie ýtsh -lOZnsumer, apwet lcatjions for shecp areMfr two or thrmpcraecndsand tent biYeding litig Iihy actuotcoptntjde prinfre f oo rtand damp jplacedita Cod WCtor for abou t twen1- Iwanes mai-i I legsrcqire or îho qua tii or s us cld.ty inutes. Wl he flic Lirds re te Itie _rd t e codtins whi e'.inot pftbef l ýideG; 11a n fteld T!ic raýni sliud ave a gcod fonn;lio pas, Pd lai ce if àicelef lowar j iected or nnkiluiy treAt ud e afM a &bdnod lc s and geod 0fleece meil if le is Inetas the fmirfueo oijiîr lodtîs 'y trioaini on apeni c m o s M sýýisn - i t4qi o>Ù ae imomsc nrbin awater of gauly1w oîdsDaay~.ai Asso reLa\suitdAlefori o3ew i gnDesadSetigSrp.Lt1 laat i D,)IOfLt Xep. ced amd rarc will (rn tnpr tredown fou freeig, tePechi o"lWo M à brig btte rfuins le le ~w w e fhcy Illr ay-,cac. iaj oProprietors, ufalN. . f oýbcnlgwueBriis ed uron youngler stock. te ano hwtc rgnlsintr thie e o elai în xcletozcn niirOiu9Bopin e terNroi WINTO WATER cow-s. mntibeow3ndaieof tcwieae O ulatdltle as a a and ai3sFvrihee tcures iDiarrhoe%ýauad Wn fIat has been kopL grewing ailqfsQb Epeiients af fIe PensylvaIa whîlch tbey are o atypbihnbed r aBl îaîgterj n ltîecL siuae ieForgltsts life. b ~~~StatuifnHfied tels how fIat fhoreils tlius previg toeir genunes.pia10f0c nq, anid"s w itns Sow:"anoes gvn elt. n atri~e 'lT mna!ko fýIe o t uf f sepanly parrlar Oad tage i vi ng "lhampng ef t» iW- miaeni With io,wîea roi-,ed l Il maies cfSca pe fIe jal I t' uy abould bulie upt a series of, water cc fafy eer owsatI emruaecftelug, u temeer lce )ovdbao . e p-inei wnChlIrn; acine lohr' ired y r. stbe Ifthoeynare turnled iintO fl ekanaoic useth leýstCes sud hac i -gnou liacunpigs. T te I eco-1,e '1e lpis a clos, graýzur aad ya!P d"one or twice a iay tony wllaptt0"wieaM. t.Rtnet fuxk oe tioi-ýN wlen if pas oMT %anes and grasses gM, e as inurh nuik arndde awo las Gode Mdo -Iesi ee. TeuýsÇe oils a gie lnlc ue-ids Ic LW - îyare frot apt lte apring iup aga'in. wî-cn ti puy lave acreas lte lic waer acd edem btutl gbc1 ah I Yrk' ewessonld~ ~ ONDO ' r sia yoi',icoras th igatuLre of lambaii brd if "tsuWha9 t FLOWER GIRLS, wen'om o.d~~ ~ c- c«,îI:,! c f re Uuiywhen weanînig O tIc i W a They Earn and 1What Thyjpeadt n F W1 t:A le, QI'?ClîIwl t Y.'î"1*i~a~11le rg f0 uttI cesonscntPay for Loans. I Acept ne abubuefor"(;olden, 1%w "Ad in iiahi b"X ,and lad WU; p ort uin until the milk drips iup. i kai Diacover.Y." Notling la "j s 1sgo1, «orul oîe f oanf ,l Wvool waahed lu cold water ils not "o ,wc irlIs cara goc'd ion r iee' last elt la-q h u Icueahgisc n ic f, soiand pibenor doua ,,if mke o -enough te suvc? An cuaptE d-cogd ytmfomIprtsa rol lie tun cenaritAa ted c se ufne 0a quality e!fcîcîlias fiat d eie-ialiya Cldmae lti xesay ~ J weýshcd iafter bePiinserd.aybweaogent stroof aNdIC&- tueforo tat une ineederof mrniifi! rit Gardea., Lonidonl. Thl; eba ! LER NOE. IkfglveartCc 1lea- oneto A od reporficn A cf licsheep tClce eles rd aFccadilt o oia c leerlveacpi-aolpg:tenIr illei aS cf île Iiaei Use Forl IrirDwr talïsFiLuer inakeed reacfwlaft Iy eull ieCircus, but even livr lrgrlae aamai wmuourtetbe a 'hrl s piint etu ML 10 lest lnue o ', CTUCO55 7uaa rsT.NW05CI. Pie& by inicreasiag caru and judg- wus c di ecrlg vna a mi cpris FaUMy ely a felict.ý eu irssa isdaoa yjîi lomemyeMrasienIPuhuenh.s iy bell-ted a.mong lYterfln ,a: hup refura mdir 6 Is. a da:y. "O), Yom, lidythaf'as epenerHîors vesawr I oInve sýtcki, tn fsr _____ _ belDher i o cw andi if A lard -er ________-!__Mr_____________________a_______M_--------__ te, s11 and buy ierm juaf fI te rigît fIe nexf if y YO cn kee wuif eup; but Ir-agliali periodiral. Butatînt anti du 'd, flic ___ tveryMWgoe nusily n au b1ive1 ed MIl. Sheen r moncy ay yuTir nigwshe't ge crlifrtre ws tIeginrb l ýe jfeme l qilyc lf t rtenndru isdiia vruc- tot1atIcsoit a lar'ger c ak îswsfe wmassie""' î o ner f LLIiUiUumVfIIuhded. sonie cf fhum are saidli pro rf ! th i ontsof ail: fOr fIe -"Gardon" is fîckle ý 0 ias no dut- o nbdv butii ormt ion and île lýaatVr cii d tobuliefar swuperio t h tc pion thece 11eil4hy ta -ifs supply and the public lifs h em a lachelor lbave it=tE ia'? j Ic ereu tenteraîoîofilorl ofler stock. 2110 Il iotths b i i i1,l meof teu ý't W ni lt sholisi hle an invariable ratiet!are A ra ole tîcnt jwion lcvolt 4s IaMTrotlas recnî ls lemfine or u m o " oFnef, ca forudladiesHE IL VItl. ilba. necf fî ,Sa f thne t1t 'xinlo ai she appears I f lime Ioetbosm aea sfcad,,y abrona ttelape up flic wcrk cn1-, le f aot la sering lie feîo f Gi > Wlanter or LisWo j fi-cils ra T iw eil, la lita1 rec-l lue ic iast lamte acatch andi cx- skare in profuion prliliasy icaus eoretuei rei O a tr o meintis' t'est -it soecî toec Wn eRleTermrauos ns atcphsclM sal a~n mn s el a Wme, ecndpat f 1r Hsfrycfîl1 uitHubad1caof Iniai-eds cf doivouf Cafliolica amie mmdiacl. ays Ie iondun Cîroniclo. bSadr iiCmpi , hc ilCONTRNTlD TF.MI'EHAMENT A Nweek of tscant feedinig or epo- Anofîci-gi-cmp et flower girls spokeo Ieao r îriî~ atu Ih lbD-, FIiFori- lecfrpsigtult wh vyyan arctestona wî lowus efot by cf a vcry gocd dav bringiaging iiemi nmbrciýiCliik M C ew tinaaionareeaso-aig n oy t îi-f-lo-a rmac Aîr rfrigestr l ollf I In îgwe-ik places in tho staLo and or 4C., burt fioughf flose who sold zic iLnPra oi-ae Mien 'lTail rmiag csy isotît hfli-e are hundrboda cf iaial woa nl f tiis well. Sf. Winifreil, in mpnrin if vlue tlwer te îl tcis, ty y tt s aitIhe:bas qaeatiu renerpart fIi loi- 5w;ne oly la a cninaiscforsicl vo Egineahv,- Is inaomie daugîter of kn Welk 1 IÏtis nelt Vwiseo taallow fhe rCalI ni t 'î ugt rmake mr Btfiias wee sclawl îcujmnc f ocsaa.aelt h esunndrurs fciyc t heia ccdtev lnsutr il run lwththeticRock aulîle finie. If tride mla vry blad jusin-tiy, Ilun Iteorecscnoi i acrs ifs-oigtm , ai i cn ia lsno".ucu cwrTts g1o aongpince Ca radc kcp-Tt seplarate aind wu!l fdulWith isione, holding Ouf 2W., ail sheIc now abutlir Sai (i- il îlus- quMe spiiooui nt e osro wi- r îo ren uragine lt fci euewo basc p g1raiand île cwes tmmci ta te lai !hladtaYken snomman;"ni oya ns i 0l ea,itfinýg ifau c ry alF4 l"c e itrtiarae 'il ' cf e- 1tollning Ie clurions mide 1-how7 ong isteitly dccllnd lus aarances, htles 1*lcime oXritetnl p One.anlin1additione te à, 11 wplulu lav ae it fLodea0humban. eliertaa nit cf ugeeralilep»cslo cja lik , fth rotat, ano fri-Ti are n ,îsî 'ad sî3îls. e 'rJ' c1 -mi' riiti i!: luci I ibutaseneij -,'l k iu ays 1enioutFi !Lac îl spef ou Whicî fI stt'eof claccs o! il f r iack ! fîifla, i04 0 son c i r bo w Me sIctruc d o te j a fa m c Iý ,,li ý i m o » A r my! a m a i i q o c w y o bu u e " w n m pose cf lorgetting ail about2MnfSt or bas on a Intelurcaris1t"4 ialonew ircf unt luon n -on cyste. wnielici wasfor - - ~ ~ ~ ~ C fei orsipod mkS Po l its ,,Vsf, iliese guIs as dtoone tekfofo atili tut cî afo-rtio l auleyly fIrui- fIIIjiviee vitîl ioa osevat cu- nnyceinie t wrkni-aos l sliocP. hit, slid, "rcana orfices'or 11l îîn~S. gt iiTf luigtt i-tsx c- i ttma a n fousli- nt uf anyjl ' n e Thc asi o! lod cf a sheep con- gi-eatnfer aumer-ge îcpping. j'igîiwek'Alenikngqtliîe ssiin !florp-e r. Ost 'o Tewc1iaaitisigonfin a ta iins n rysixfy pur cent, of saît; in conficat fthePse fates îhe sv-ITishu osn or i-iii0 u lcc fesw i ania fortoc, cftonthe theliWî sIonîqodlIas n overy rfy seacl nAseso thfe asl cffthe urine cetaié ,i A ng o iuufig o t 5-f linI, asas ens e01cii iîîict e aoviPou d r gnreiuwiofslec- aionKîlnqril t-e, aifsad ary cver yer. Orvnfils aoit'or- fltrfyflro pr ent Sat sou IAll, a fiowcr seller, ns given i ae f phf'hpa aniai'tte, iî le lonaloea fLortaili-i ig -i. he éWel of Si Kerey wli ir stads ay ioit re are mnof-n c i alwaYs a le aicd axailabllef 'IO Dail vC 'nri eeal, oc L etin ricletanîlie cliui ï FnIl ri lici, : ytiaseitetiei e rn- vtcad fapolycinr odi aitc I it w lsotc lwr Ifs fferýt on sl-eëp and deer l f0 tiohnci. ParlI flou-ci-girl quetoneljweky itflt sbjcuo:flciiliaîlarge i fsc- li get sn cpu."aotIitbue nl i-saLoetonaseae, t-nlair bauifl1n give toneote eorganiarai. litS scur- hlad culer real rbe-i oric-. o ix raan o fsa-niofl-rssthe f oisu lert trn j nea Itfi issun rw-I wl ac'sau sŽomeLa tnc ic tn il-y fl lor f i en,!ý o' le-lae ckos' fflic1020*0 sinuins graItiî eIlit-Wtss TIstaa raen -c lte itfdtktseil r ito Inpt--saefaen t rs fe wia ufMino f vifAlenergy, an a n prci- ai, sl-aiply, "sIc was a a nWoy fe nusiîît aie ifs lunsing, q Soas a in A Iu- noikixgp Ips.-- ti allai- la ssr ihie upper j île icîtninso f Me day-bing gveï tufi l t i evoloIîme,.nt f ,_ lo l en"tliey assid1, qatr faetrige00 5c-oj5h0 s i"idel a si cia a i;, o itifr îtIc rolst o!f lo i Jeti ives. Iup te jui-oeiaig aussi i1lp jaras:tic corganiam f loesîeybns n ncc f xi ii- f-mus' utt nuîs ftin unslrti lxd Aïngpge îe'lh' rd c ,xon otevtil s ai-e etrivc cf sait for a lfE n1a cages 2i neea n a ,aacni,-atiyj UL IV LV i, 7 wri na lc' m de e i -user ii u ui-,elai-us dolledl r et Tce io a b a n f a p l tuemote f oi- exeni-'res.ot "Mien li: lut îdthe lii Tw ibg, Mi iai Ttcîtut iîe oaicothrt e irsalt li eep-oietccreofrceiu g te fleseIocmlic.- v at g iarity abnioutrililhho igavei AB T,-a ,,ýhain i clet t i. SI. N isîa 'a ell ove-y feecernt aalu acetal u cs totr'- giiIa rlpooneie tai, decrbe fe e-luicilsugi ii l4l.)itta torfasc Iiclnlad.ii C rn uu i s litelui osem 1 iA wiich f0 feulatm a re for f e r :,, luc sh la s>,itu u i Itbu asa sm iillbhl i i lutcc j', et causce, î, anta. 1-iu ,rslt vlcîîo i cntnl' lai' flan a lunch 0f"atours. Tîlu a gi p b as ooi-e i fi fa a ini srtl f anig ls f Ie Iîy dan - l nt, -toitig ittp A -cii i pcuiu au aia ?Ofo;IC U rO tls.an Iýi lýiltappy uf l ins fr w o i y aIe ifrst ic i sual feiing f me - I flis aie nu reru tth i-n glilîtaga. race, ai Trellecis, Su Iitcntnoufl weuld c vý aýuse Il 0 !_5 ~ oac i~ao nfw lu tt lcsc tO lue, luti adsarel uy i-aIsloi a l Utes frei-thexe - llvos Ie toult n tait fl n cijS, M Crti 's lonsle 5 i -u- eitg:- u i deti c sdo Ic tuts, ui, I i L nac sin 'vifu us boy ane, th t-»,,!r )(îinig àespiiii l u 2hl aî u u ii a ow-j teMnIsttrally lu u : Ieus ýiïý>ii- ici ou j talcd or l-, î _- tlci-t f or urete l i iae g ansi nany, onea ngaaîlicgagnulhock- 1a-' o moqickp eig -m aove ria a ti9 'l 'or mu ghiagul. u n Fuw la'l a s iuj o U0 cn l uanti uiai j cari.... lisîblili- u llre ,i ji roi-f niaee Aurne Inaninipontt,,Ummcinhm!f0eli nmo an lc s or ud fi- t le cihud e pa-td; "y u nu dpoilsîon To t ssoîs ceclI es sgo ati tiîls, Ituîay wak iiouli nf ~ t- aniVoucd fue reîstat mbba asiletIlncet un et fic Con ao e to blýihIcf sîc riv n viîî lIuc cli- ant!aid Isumotyu an UuAlmmI fpitry A 'o dv pra io lo w A j'r N -p, y w o k c- b , w t lt tinte wie, n fhc tesecsi acoi,. 1 neilesa ficl-a blslaomtfacn iîutbpiicel ct, & w stl m Uea, ouig etlsectes eti o f a u n e n p g nlut, l - & t o fir d isreo o y e n v sum iiYi ole v o he usf Unary i tcs As itln mule, rat i caf ahilsi mf ala gow po U o siiÀt, % abuîtt pc- iuýsu i osuet -eu-Iwiilai ci p i'o siieî -teu- acod- I m ccmersi le Ii pro m ig p nci IlW'ca ic s Y o , as .d l A c , l Y iii- îîîc f u s ts a r ft be lt e t' 1fy u ia o as ji n anigbucPS ci -r go fi-ce on lamen la tin feor enrb witlîtit ca-yse.;.YSdg- I are a t1o fie - la !esI, lumponbing a hc fs u lay i paa an gmutadto sfi, L-te l d-orck Jlutor'miiPlsa.anier; ans Tii--neilittera vert spe i ti er e cwlst oîir.u Sup a htiti W11a t het n o a p rfect Cci- So t a d ro ke b uewme n ls 'r as. lirer cit, If. M lI- -isca n l îc«eî i- ruuuil - Poa' te ecig te au uihsepy fae,-ti lai lîom cite t s b--c'onu totl e nt.h soo TI o-i te l ia n ic-îs bae d n . aJ t e d se s xî" id J et e i ooult-iiî b po s cit pcury usuii ou ltnIen h-e t tc l e g f t i s n f otnf usyîg ai fi la D vcyîig n lne ve-y .. n - -iis miies a oggaiu fi, exsten pie, ass au~-tu liteh c M i n-s iysrth i-u'oscsysuM o diin ! -Ilp trn unts c

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