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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1903, p. 4

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A RANGE WITH Is cwToo A R E CO R D . . .~ o~ee That wha yoget whe jou buy a Happy Thought. Theo Iappy Toh it RaUzowas one of tefrtRanges wiicue7in ana~ Moe Happy Thought Ranges arc manufacured and soldc ach year than ai other Canadian makes comnbined-i5oooo being o n s.When big buy Canada's--Favorite, - t2n Happy Thongbt, not au experimçiit. W . lzJ. ti sqr Soüvenir Goods Just Arrived, at the China thall -Grocery. A case of Fine German China consisting of Pin Trays, Creami Pitohers, Piekie Dishes, Tea Pot Stands, Bread and Butter Plates, Sugar ,and Cream Sets, etc., with tlnely executed views of Bowxanviile High School and M1ethodist Churcli, at prices r anging from 15c to 50c.- There are smre good 25e articles in this lot. Special- Value In Toilet And Dinner Sets. THE SPOT. China Hall Grocery is'the spot for anything you want in the Groccry lune. Butter and Eggs wanted. Successor to 'YOUING & Co. The Up-to-date Butcher duo%.,Is ready for you when =à E ' you need anything in E the line of Fresh or E Sait a nd Cooked Meats, Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Xeal, k lam,Bacon,Sausages ? Tongues and home-.- rendered Lard. We know what we are buying. and buy the Lvery best . We have on hand a car load of choice young cattie and 70 select ewe lambs I waLt your Itrade and to get it I want to get j Ethe best quality and seli, it at the Most reason- I able prices, so you will have the benefit as well 1, so give us a chance and I feel satisfied you Ewiil be accommodated. Ce CMCAWVVK1W'«R, E JJBOWMANVILLE. ~ Sale of Farm by Tender SELED TENDERS addressed to the undersigzned onle of the executors of the will of Jane S. Middleton deceased at New- castle poat ýo tce, box 20, or bf t wihlm ...soallyTad edorsed "Tender fr EP of lot 15 con. 2 Clarke" will be re-ejved until NOON 0F THE 31st DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1903, for the prchasetof the east quarter of lot number fitee. . the second concession of the township of Clarke ln the Courity of Durham. Tenders wjl notbe considered unless signed bv1party tendering and provding for payrnent ofown on acceptance of tender and the balance in 80 day, th ereafter. The highest or any tender not necessartly accepted. The prpety consista of about 50 acres of wîiich aout22 acres is cleared arable land and bailanIe welI timrbered wiihhardwood and cedar. For frther paticlars application may be made -,to the Urndersigned. JOHN ALLIN, ,Dated sept.21,1903. Box 20, Newc,,astle, Ont. DR. .DBNR A PINE SYRIJP an aoata andng troibil. We liave lu stock a -nice -lino ýof Stoves-Ranges, Parler Cooka and Heaters. Would like ta giTe sou prices, wbich will be found very moderato. J, B, Martyn Jno. Gilbert & Son Wholesale and Retail Dealers lu Grain, Seeds, Flour and Coal. FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at speelal pl.ices. We have all sizes and kinds o! tise very best coal that la brouglit into Canlada, at righit prices. ALSO CRIARCOAL, Ws solicit your patronage for any eithtie above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, ing St. West. BowrnauvilleII Tke T*rtnto Wetrl sent a special reporto-r hre to gather ail the information lie could al>outv the ac*.ion of the frontier towns in seeking better railway facilities Monday's World contained a long article. Th'e iPterboro EK.arnher 15 cat!nng us ",antedleluviani" and "moribund"tos for wantn.-g to steai the C P. R. trorn tlaat bOaCk-woOQ5 nluc'-Wh ,1viu Jt chirnsteal from the cars sen after ythey are wcancd iJ the same paper is te be credited. We don't want to steal your railwvay. We only want as good - transportation fas4ilities as you hve. We do flot haîf esteem the value of a * werking mnan. Idle men are of very in- significent value aiiywher-e. The mech- anic, the artizan, the working mari every- where is most valuable. T1hese mien U101~ cïrculatenore money tan bans. Every dollar circulated is practically a dollar gained to labor. Theoretically every LIBERAL MASS MEETING. time a dollar chang.es bhanda in payment for honest serv ice it doubles itacîf The investar or employer lias simply changed ~aLLDURAM CUNT LIuRAL CALHDthe form of the dollar value into sorne .%LLDuiHA.COUNY LiBsÀi.SCAL19Done of the products ot labor and is none 116 MEET AT ORONO F OR ORGANIZÂTION. the worse while the man who earned ti-e dollar isjusttbat mucli aread. Ont upon the man or woman wbe looks down upon A meeting of the Liberals o! Durham the toilers. W 'e are ail depende-nt uapon la cnvsnd fo MONAY.themn and they are cntitled te ail the Couuty scnev o ODY respect and consideration we cari give NOVEMBER 9th, 1903, in the Town themn Hall, Orono, at 1830 p. m., sharp. for the purpoeo0o organtzation. THACHERS' CONVENTION WEEK. Thiameeingla sn'dredneessay This town je te be favored for two by the formation of the, whole County days thiai week by the pressure of the of Drha ine.'One onsituncyfornoble arrny of oduoationiste -wliho -pr- Darhm ine on contituncy or ide in the Higli and Publie Sebools of Dominion 1 urpoms. The object o! thé Durham Couutv. W. hopve everyý teach- meeting is ta organize a Libéral Asoci- er.l1 the eeunty wil rnme te Bowmau- ville and we hope or itaena wBILex- ottiou for the Couuty. pass a constitution tend aIl the hospitalit y tbey eau to whicb will goer thoraahete, especialvy te the ladies Mtake Ver th Maagéentthethem fréel ut home with us. They are séleetion cf candidates and élection of wortliv ef aIl the sutortAiment w. eau officers who wlll primarily have ceharge give them. Th.y wil be here on Thurs- day.aud friday. of the, campaigu", or élections. 1* mav surprise muy te leara that ln Every Liberal in the County la invited the 114 Publie sehoelis iu the'Townehips. ouly 17 maie teacheru are engagsd, the and urged to b. present. femeale,3 numbering- 97. Hope tawn. Bv order sbip has net a single maie teacher, Cartwright lias eue. Cavan and South L B POINERS, M, A JAMES, M1onagh&n 2 each, Clarke 3, Darliigton Acting Srecretary Secretary for 4 and Manvera 5. Fromu thes figufi es it seemas that the education of tIe East Durham. W'est Durham. cids Iti onr avr agl lu tdren handcuntralesvr agr The chief cause why Public school Inte_____of ____les teacliers are seo scarce is because of the big9 demand for capable men in induetrial DUIHAN COUNTY LIBERALS. prsuita and the higher stlaries paid and consenuently feurer college graduates 'and The Cobourg World publiahMed the liolders of senior ieavingcertiflcates havepagrpifo thrsH eTme beala ?otein professompraie. l stating that thé editor cf Titu 8TAT@s- salaiedteacingprofssin.MAX Le a prospective candidate for the At te Nrma colege Haril Bouse o! Gommons for Durham County, At he orml Cllee, amiton, 39 and adds : "Mr James wili make"a males and 85 femnales are attending. The strong candidate if he entera the field. number cf -females taking university 'He wae verv vptrl IeCute courses and subsequently quaiifying for (Junilduin ha rmino!e offcetee teahig u jigi choola or collegiates Mr James Ila Weili knwn aIl ovor thse lias been steadly increasinir. Men in the caunty, having- tauglit achool lu hiq teachin gprofession are becoming very .(oUnger days for two or three years scarce and education department natural- i aa owaiwwee aye i îyrgrs h iuainwtha2m pupils are now votera and would doubt- Cam ý elfod Heaid: I is ope tht 'esn-be gla 1totabel p their former teacli- inampenelîford e rald: Lteisboed thatner te a seat iu the Gommons. He -la inflenc wîl b bruglt t ber t -' Wall known alois l ope ad or duce the C Pý R Compan.y ta build this IHope setht0 aniandif Poasrt new 10op lins as it would be just what wouîd b himverv popua Tf hse ar lias boFen looked forward to for many some o! the runtsm eutoeae year Ciampbelford needs more direct l isnfavor. Iekntw very wsdale.ta comnmunicati n wîtli the front and other tsâ s or V uailai berVe lu tue, towns would Le beneftted b iethad istrc wl b l rt e hminre cormunca'on iththe north cauintry witil the nominato. swiht a A large freight traffic ila assured the C. inespsete he indthiga saide!u P. R. at the outset, as the road inwouldt heRa tig ai fu tap some of the richest agricultural byhCutespesbt Cnevtv distict in he roviceand Liberal, that ws do flot expeet ta distictsin te Prvinc.hbea candidate for th8 Dominion H-ous Hon. Richard Harcourt, Minister of at thse coriu electian. We bave ne Eductio. seaknz a Widso ontheintimation other titan that aur present Euto. spoeaing t indeoroncte Popular zmemb'ýer fer We4 tDur' amnwill futurhe i s colyacing in fthe rovince sthescandidate for the sm hale county seacdhe e ecddlinnaoro the maiels at the next election andf we are very teahe inth shaos.'~hile admiltting sure Iliat if Mfr Beith will accept the that thse woman teacier ist prababy a position hoe will. get thée unanîmous noma- fixture, lie would limait lier btehle primarv ination wbeni the time cames. and juniù,r warkz. He believes that the standard shoulfi bc raised lu order that a better clasa of teachers May be secured ADVICE TO TEACHERS. for work in the sehools As a beginning lu this direction lie proposed te raise thse standard of thse Normal scisools and ta W. May be pardoned for making a leng then the terms in these sebools fromi friendiy suggestion to Durbam county five montbs teoeey ear. teachers. You are ail coming te Bow- Montrealmauville tbis week or yau should coae MotelGazette . Ontario is aise Gomparatively few e! yen know aur suffering, it would appear. fram a short- marchants, business and professional ness in the supply of achool teachers men. Permit us therefore te sav te The cause of the'-trouble is said to be the Yeu that Vou inay lu greatoat confidence low rate of pay given tinder the present deal witb thesa, We have sverv cou- regulations te, become a second-class fidence in the honesty and integrity o! teacher requires ordinarily four years' svsry anseof tliem and ws knew tli training at a higli achool or collegiate inîima&tely. institute, tbree monthsataIa ceunty model school, and a year's atteudance at a Many o! yen ladies wlll want a new normal school. Thse reward for the and fashionable aoat, dresa or raincoat, devotion given and time thus spent may consuit thse advertlsing colmmua of this be asalary of $25oor$Soo ayear W it?{ pap er. We have four lai g. stores less labor and expense aclever yoting cuLII yin very fine assortusents andi vout woman can qualify herseif for earning wilifind the prices riglit, tea, for Bew- more as a stenographer and typewriter. Maniville is known far andi wide as a very cheap towu lu whîcb te buy. Yen Les& inducement is offered for a man may require a pair o! réal fashionable te take up tise pedagogue's profession shoes or comtfrtable winter feotwear than a woman. There are many places of smme kind agalu ws direct you te in transportation and mercliantile service aur advertising columus. You eau wlierein an ordinary qualifled man of find ne sucli shoe stores lu tise county industrious habits may expect ta reacli a outaide a! this t.own. Tbeu s'ou may standard of pay Of $750 or $8oo, or $1,000 not bave aelocted vour winter bat. a year. Few scbools offer sucb remuner- Bowmaaville milline-rs ars at the bead< ation ; and the chances of gaining a big o! their class-ladies from atiser tawns prize are better lu almost any fine of coaebe te buv their beat beafgear. cmployment tisan lu school teacising. Our trimmers really excel. What uearly the organ of public o6pinion ha n eterprising merchants r u ptos tise big city journials which are mni by 1You may%. requirs seme dënýal servie comrpanieos maiuWy fer makiuffmeuey f or'No better deutista tharn t) g-'natlemern the stec-kholders. in Ibis » - Imirr t~tme lJi 1'lT~4k,~d 1flL flL.~. i.. u Iii s* Last rearthe value of the hogs so!d or slaughtered tbroughout Ontarto was $20, 154190, or an increase of two and a hall millions over the prcceding Sear. Bears the phe Kid YonlHaveAlways Bought Beare the eIhe Kilîd Yîu Have Mways Bought Signature l$H4OnTHAN"D, BOOK-KEEPINI-4G, PENMA1,-NSHP, ETC, Taught at the TORONTO, ONT. By Experienced Teachers The onI y sehool in Toronto teiching the fanious GREGG SIIORTRAND. or whicisis affiliat ed -with tise InstituLts o! Ciartered Oyer 600 -calis oach year fa office help. Catalogue and ahi particulars free, Chartered Acnant The National Horse Show in Madi- son Square Garden, New York Citv., will be beld Nov. l6th to 2lst. John G. New York. N. Y. We understand that Mr. Robert Beith, M. P , wUll show some Hackneyo again. Talloinz, your own cloth in you like, is done ini first class manner-second to no other shop ln town-by J. T. Allen. the oid reliable and fashionable tailor and cutter, Horsey's Block- He lias a reputation for good fits. Prices are alwams riglit. Country orders given samne careful attention as towu ones. Suits may be ordered from samples. 12-tf. Cutters! Cuitters! Now is the time to have your Cutter Painted, Repaired a nd Storedý until sleighing time.1 Repairing o f a i11 kinds 1 promptly attended to ALSIKE WANTED Farmers having.Alsike to sell would do weIl to call on J. B. MARTYN, BOW- mauville, before seling. P. TREB1LGOOK lias special lunes just recelved in STATIOINEItY-Notc Paper lin boxes, pads and by the quire, rare value. 10e a quire. Envelopes 5c a buneh. FANOY GOODS-Just the thing for Wedding, Birthday or ayspecial gift. Prie ighlî. BOORS-The latest publica- tions. You eau get many of the copyright 75e books for 50c ari -25c- each. MHark Guy Pearse's books at 25c and 50c. See my ten cent Street & Smith collection. BIBLES and HYMN 1 BOOKS-Full assortment. andwor saisfctoy. FOINTAIN PE N for 75c, and ork atifactry.ve-rv good. Botter ut $1.00 and Up. Give m-.e a trial. Wmn. Edger, Morris' C arniage Works, Bowmauville. -Now is tise time te buy W11ALL PAPE.R. I give you bargains. My special $1.00 frarned oul chroma tas a marvel o! cheýýfpness and beauty at the N ew Stand, Just West of Morvris' Fur- niture Store. -t-- R - urcU fui VUiim5. tb irUf ur VUI IUlil iiht Thatoneword briefly'describes our stc.Quality in every garment and style ievery season. $7.50 Overcoats. ndMen's Overcoats made up out of bine adblack beaver clotb, and also grey choviots in either long or short lengths, i . wll lîned and trimmed throughout.' Big' vaine at $750. $'10.00 Overcoats 7- ~Men's Overcoats made up out of ali l Swool blue, black anld grey beavers and ~P ~ ~ gry Chviots I il- r,,rlnglengthwt ~. ..~ ~.good farmer satin linings, hair cloth seeve ~ proud of the nice evý.,n hang of them. The ,, ,.best $10 coat male, sold at West End flouse. $12,00 Veots Men's Overcoats made np ont of pure, wool, grey cheviots, slash ýg pockets. real Italian cilvth iining, button hoies and coat sewed throughout Swith silk, hair cloth'sleeve liinings, shouiders'nicely padded (oui' best selling coat) and we have the best that can be sold for $12. Buy, a 2Oth SCentury 0Overcoa t, they. cost no more than ordinary clothing , keep their Sshape longe-r and fit exact. Youtbs' Overcoats $5 WO to $12. Boys' Reefers and Overcoats $2.00 up. Wè eepail Good Grades buntQunr owest starts at good and goes up. WekepBig value lu 1 en's Underwear in thi sstore. Uniess you have made up your miùd to go without a Suit his season you wvili crrtain1y be interested iu the special values McM urtry is offet ing in fait aud winter Suits Suits $5.00Up to $1.00. Somewhere betweeu these prices you will be sure -to find'what yon want. We baye just the pair of Boots thatill -please yoi lu stock. IJohn McMlu'rtry, Weca hndean qaniy f ute, gg adBo wmanville. We cn hndl an quntit ofButerEgg anPoultry, highest prices.

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