~- .~ I Our 0Optical Parlor Is Now Open§. Ton eau get your eyes testedl priv- aiely and îLte advice o! the only Post Graduate Optician ln ihe County f rer o! charge. sOur experionce o! nearly 20 years la worth mouey te yen. It~ ueaus comfrt and satisfaction te everyone who, wears our Spectacles, It al- means a savlng lu acinal cash for we buy Spectacles iu gold and niekie f rames also rimiess direct from the 'man- ufacturers iu largo quantities. Vail and Intipect our Optical Parlor. STOjTT&JURYý SEYEEB& AMID HEAÂOHE. M4e UiaLady Wbe~stap. pWM*v fer Polo laU»Otedi saI VSm w awoux M oucmd"e WW -an important part of t* «§&"im th@. kldneys axe, hew aewry that themo littie fluer, aai Pouei4em 4dthre blood. be kepi aotive u.dhth-xý',tht>' wOUX suffer ewer paius a"agbwl. Dr. Pitcher's Baekhace Iidswty 'Tjqtsjame * s~>au dptes --,§y Ber -tht kidnq sletao! W.rnM. L'hty uam o d ,che, wwk or moue isk, pa Inthse ioins, or over tths badêBr, swemBig et tihe ffe4 and legspuffiu nee ider tire eyes, constipation ans! liver trouble, geveru headdch, wrlary troubles of whatever rntupe ans! al kidasy de. cmg -aet Mma IV. Berryman, wbose picture &p. pears above, and who resides at 129% Bay Street North, Hamilton, Ont., exprefsed her thanks for the bexiefits de- w7ived, from Dr. Piteher's JBackache Kit!- mey Tablets in the foUowin ternme- "For eome time 1 was grmy toubwe with henidaches, se Lad't.hat, otten in the iornings& 1 could hazdly maise =y head tfom the pillow. 1 a.leo sufferet! a go deal from bs.ckacbe, a.nd at times took dir7y spolia. 1 hiad oialy used hall n box )f Dr. Pitcher'ýs Bacach' Kidney Tab- la bf or I found themn help ing me. Inu ail 1 have taken threc boxes, and I lU»l splendid. The Tablets are entainly ik goot! remedy.i Dr. Pitcber'a Backache Kidney Tttblets u-e 50c- a bottie, or 3 for $l.2, at &Ul Uruggiste, or by nuaIL The Dr. Ziu Vitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. Grand frrb,-'.' Raiwav Svstem. UAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMÂNVILLE STATION. 0iNÙ FA?3T. Goxua WI4ST ........... 9 29A. m. 1 Espress .... 5.15 a. un, preiis .... 10 18 m 1 Local ...57 #1 ted. à86 pjii. 1 Passenger... 42 p. Mn, e-96.. 6 49 p.m. 1 Mixed.... . 7 41 -'xpresq...Il 20 p.m. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 28, 1903.1 Farmera read "On the Fanm" in tbls paper. It is for you. tMr. T. B. lloidge's name should have been on the prograin for the Teacher' Convention for "Short Methods in The firci- f at series of monthly social s Ainder t' ïLuspices of Trinity church wil L)e LeILd at 14r M Hern'e, Odeli st. on WVednesday, Nov. 4th. Admission 10 cents. 44-2 w Rev. B. H. llayden returned Saturday from the annual week's convention field et Datroit, MvieL There were 6000 delegates and visitons and 900 preach- erg, one bundred of wbom supplied r.,' its of the city on Sundai' Reports sholwed baif -a miîllion, dollars raised during, the 7,ear for vanlous missions, ýý45,0OO0 beiog handud or sent in during- the convention wiYthoUt solieiting. Durhami countv1 teachers wili meet here in annual convention in the, Assemblv Roomir o4 /Ae High Sehool on Thursday and FlidaY Oct. 29-30- Ail isessions are open) to the public- Ouîr citizens will as usual give a haarty we'.. oue to the Visitome The Alaska BoIIId- ary Qulestion.1 There are few if any Canadians who feel satisfied with the resuli of the arbitration iu this matior. Thero la anoiher question o! fuar greater importance te yent as a private citizen. If you are tronbled wîth wcak luugs or are snbject to eolds. Alaka ia ne place for sncb perseons and the proper tbing for yen te do 'is 'Lo preserve your life aud resioro yonr boalih by iakiug our specially prepared Entulsion o! Cod Liver Oil. ,We do not hestate te say 'what ihero la net a btter article on the market. SThe best quality of Ced Liver 011 la se combined with Hypophos, phitia that fIt ferma a most uourish- ing food pleusant te take and far more easily digestid than the old fashioued Cod Liver 011. its up.to.ato. Dis only 40 a botule, The Dnyggst and OptIcian. il 85 to end o! 1904 for S'rTTsÂAË and! WausLX GLOBE. IRer. and Mrs. L. S. Wight. Tyrone,1 attended the Epworth I.egue conven- tion lu Millbrook. Rev. B IL. Hayden, M. A., preached for tho MUt Hope Congregational Chureh lu Détroit, Mich. Jonatha Couch, for muni' years cared for bi' Darliugton Conneil, il ed t Haydon, Oct,,19. Ontario Counnu Plowiug- Club match will bh hit on Lester Hubbell's fanm, Myrile. Fridai' Nov Gih. Everybody cone and enjo a eup o! teu or coffee ut West EYdLeuse ibis week. Free Démonstration o! Kolona tea and! Goît! Modal Colles. The Chrisian Endeavoners wili give a social, supper and! pro ram in parlons o! Disciples church on, §rida3' evening Nov. 6th. Admiasion 15 cents. p M. Dalton fjllyot for mai' years a resideut of Potenhoro whose tiret wife was a Miss Catherine Bigelow o! New- castie, diet! ou Satut.dayv aged 8) yeana Mn. Fred Frank who bas been with Mesans. S. W. Mason & Sou, dry goods merchants. bas accepted a simlar position with Mn. T. H1. MeMurtry, Oshaws Fine in Flavelle's elovator, ut Lindsay lasi week daniaged the machiner' building aud contenta amouating tu several thousund dollars. The los on grain alune will ho 820.600 The regniar meeting o! West Durham Women's Institute will ho helt! lu the Royal Tempiars' Hall ou Satundai' Oct. Bst ut 2 80 p. ni A cordial invitation is extendod tu ail ladies 10 attend. Prayer meeting la the Methodiat Chunch ibis (Wednesday) evenîng ou account of the publie mieeting la con- nection, with the Touchera' Convention Thurs3day iu the lecture room o! the churcb. Au Optical parler equalinl eqnipment 10 auy lu Canada bas Leen opened hi' Stoit & Jury. No change is made fer examiniug the oves aud special appoint- meurs will Le made for tesiing the slight a! er nigbt if customers cannot c'il turlng ajtume. Ail teachera attendîug the convention bore ibis week are luvited te euauJn inspeci the fine stock o! Dross Goods, Ramn Coua, Ladies' Coats, Men's Oven. couts aud fine Furs -of ail kinds now showing ai Couch, Jobuston & Cryden- ma's. We want every ma who is goiug 10 bus' au overcoat tbis fali 10 tuke a good look anouad ut the differeut atones aud 1then corne te the West End Ilouse sud see for Linisoîf the differnce between 201h Ceaiuny lothing and ordinans' cloihiug. Ovoncoats 8 tO, $12 and $18.50 np. Suits 810, $12 10 $15.00, Sehool touchers attending the conven- tion this week are învîted to the Parler Shce Store 10 500 the new stylo in fal footweur. Wiih the fanions "Queeu Qualit' shoos for womuu 'Sovoneigu" shoes for mon aud "Granby"' nubbers for ail. Woe au give >ou the Lest for style, service ad conifont. Eves can be tested equalli' well bright dayà on dulI days nîghi or dus' ut 81011 & Jury*s Optical Parlor. Price for accunaiel i Oed spectacles is ne more thun yon puy elsewhere and you get the advantage of a careful scieutitie ex- amnation o!f'y oun sight free o! charg.-a on Wednesday, O.,t. 21s1 ut 1804 N. 18-b St., Philudeiphia. Pa., the resit!- ence o! Mrs. I. C. Webb, ber oulv daughten Missi Mabel Randolph Webb was uuited iuniariage with Dr. Arthur Vyvyan J olliffe, eldesi son o! Rev. W. J, Jolliffe, Peterborofonnerly of Bowmun. ville Mn. Ernest Jolliffe, Toronto, supponted is brother, aud Rev. Mn. Jolliffe a>sisted lu the ceremeuy. The young couple will reside ai 724Nortb 2oth St., Philadelphia. Friendsbip was the subjeci for dis- cussion ut the Methodisi- Epwonth Leâgue Mondai' eveniug. Mn. Fred C Vunstue, presideut, conducted the the opening exorcises, aud Misa G-re McGilil, ou bobaif o! the social commit- tee, pnesented the prograni. A number of quotations on Fiendsbip were nead fromn heari-shaped slips Miss Ethel Crossley1 and Miss Bertha Morris gave excellent essays, and Misa Leua Mason read a poeei, nil uppropniate te the topie. Miss euda S, lun plaved a piano solo aud Miss Jennie frcLeau gave a vocal sola, Mn. M. Â. James ma e a ,hort addr-ess. Grapeî aud â pples wene served aitheboclose and a soil haif houI, was QXj'0ed.. - 7 -~ Fneshi Oysters at Cawken & Tait's. For a coug-h use Stott & Jury's eough bynup. Cail and bave son eyes testet! free ut Stott & Jury's. Priestlev 's Dress Goode-are the bos- soldat MeMurr 's. New fruits and canned goode arrive daily at Ca»~ker & Tait't. New subtenibers for 25c. eau get Tmnn STATESUÂN to end of 1903. M A. James is Government issuen o! Marriago Licenses for Durhami Countv. The f tis shown at West End House are very neat in shape and also rili looking. Do yolxr want a coai or wood Heater or Range at the right pnice? If so eali on F. M. Sonch. Ladies' Sable Ruffs, the finest quality that money eau buv at Couch, Johnston &Cryderman's Freelaut! keops a fine lot of frames for enlargemets. Other styles and sizes made to order. Ladies' Fur.Coats iu Astrachan, Bok- haran and , Persian LambL at Coueh, Jobutton & Crydemmaa'. The ian est range ot 50e Dreas Gooda lu West Durbam sold at MeMrtry'B. Biggeot values A Lot o! New Carpets and' New Lace Curtains juet opened- out at Couch, Jobuston & Crydenman's.. Da" on 'lgbft (ut night 'bi'spocial testod free at Soit & J uny ýs.1. If soi! want the best value lu Ovon- coats Ton mut; 'uy of The Magoni Co. See thoir "Spell" at S10.00 New readv.to-wean suits and over cotte made n.p iu the fashionable styles at Coueb, Jonuston & Cryderman't. F. M Souch bas a full lino. of Hard- ware. Guns, Ammuxiltion, t$ort3 Blan- bote, Robot, etc..* at close pnLetÀ. Ladies' and isshes' coats elegantlv designed penfeet-fittinz snd latest tylea ut Couch, ,Iohnstoni & Cryderman's. 25ets. wili keep, your bands and face mmootb and sofn ailWiuten Cali ai Stott &Juny's and gcet Cream of Violets. The latest style lu Fedona, and! Suiff bato, also a lange asbortmeut o! ail kinds o! funs jusi eut at M. Maye's Fur Store. Kin Hoe coffee pot donîonstrated, ai West End House this week. Evor*v- body come and enjoy a cup of doudcous coffee. If sou have anv funs ibat net alter. lng or repairing now la the tume to have theni doue bofore the rush. M. Mayer, Furrier. If you are looking for a gool Rauge or Hetter give us a caîl. We are satisfied oun goodsand pnices will suit you-J. B. Martyn. Weare sole agents for aud carry' a full lino of Tunnbull's celebrate.] un- abrnkable Undenwan. Couch, John- ston & Orvdenmau. Now la the tinte to brng lu vo ur Furs fer repaining. Jack Frost will soon be hoe.o. enow la the urne lu prepane. M. Mayer. Furier. WEExLY GLOBE and TRHE STATESMAN to new snbscribera fromnow te Jan. 1. 1905, ton ly$t 8. Order to-dayfrnm M A James, Bowànauville The Mason Co. are' showinz the Le8t value in Ladies' Fur Gauntlets, Caps, Capenines and Ruifs See theni and Le eonviuced that they are A 1 value. We keep repaira fer ail kinds of stoves, also Siove Pipes, Elbows, seuttles, Boarda, etc., which sou wîil fiud very iow lu price at J.- B. Mantyu's. Wanted-Mei who want a fortune and are willing tn wonk to get IL OuI' amnbitions mou ueod appi'. No nooni for drones W«rite G. Marshall & Co., Teas. London, Ont. Bear n umid that it costa no more te got a goot! fltting. well.made suit than it does to buv au iii fiiting, slovenlv- made nue. To secune the former leave voun ordens uow at Coueh, Johnstoa & Crydennian's YLatest Boston ii11Ç~flfliilit Styles in fine yQueeJA 'Qu~auit footwean have arrlved at the Panier Shoe Store. This la the moqt fanions shoe for women in Amica to-day; 2,800 wonkmen at it 6 days a week. The tbnee points ,,whene it excels are: Style. Service and Coni- font. Drop lu and try on a pain. Fred R. Foley, soie agent. Readen, if yon are trviuoe 10 keep some absent relative or friend infonnied as to ths happenings of ibis vicinity bv connespondence, dont waste tintle and siaiiouerv a ny longer. TRHE STA&TEsmAN will tell the news 10 voun absent fniend more fullv and prompily ihan you cau do it bi' leiter , and allow sout 10 devote vour letten wrltiiig to punely pnivate and penson%1 mattens. 1 tf. What au untiring and steadi' letton wriier a good local paper like Tini STATEfmsMAi l? Week a fier week il goes eu ielliug of manniagea. bintha, CASTOýýRIA For Infants unet ChIildren-. Ille Kind You Hgave Aiways Bought Bears the of gnatuxféiEf i , , , - - - , , -. .- , Noutie, cof Birtha.,errtiges and Deathu 50 cents; insertion free wilen Mar- niage lileneen are obtan.d or funerai notices printed at 4 la office. BORN4. HocKii-At Leekard, Oct. 17th, tuo Mr. and Mrs. Fred. HockÎn, a danghter. COL-In Darllnigton,Ct. l7tb, to Mr. land Mrs T. J. T. Cole, a da.ugter. CÂSSUL5-In Oshawa, Oct. 17tia, the wlfe of Laratt G. Castels. of a son- 1 McLAUGHLU4-In Osh1AWa, Oct. lott, the Wlfe of.R. S. McLaughlin, of a daughter, Tnc-In Oshawa, Oct. 19th, the wife of John Trlck, of a daughter. MARRIED. Soucui-Rica&Y-At Spion Kop, the resid- ence of the bride's parents, Clarke, by Rev. W. Bel, j.Tcker B.A., B.D.. Oct. 21 St,, Mary Evlo aghter o! Mr. John Rlckahy, and Mr. LRerbert J. Soucia. CoomB?-MÂTiN-At the residence o! the bride'B.parents, by Rev. Vernon Emory. Oct. 15 Frederick Norman Coombe. Millbrook. and, Adelaide Louise, daughter of Mr. G. V. Niartin Whitby.th edec ->fl" GRILLs-ELLIS-At tersdneo h bride's parents, Coluambus, Oct. 21st, by ey A. . Wilson, Myrtie, Charles NelsonGilsto Edna Maud Ellins. eildent daugiater of Mr. Levi Rulins, ail of Coumbus. HOPIINB-PATTKaSON-Ifl Coiborne, t.iltia, by Rev. R. Taylor, Josepha Hopkln, Os.hawa, and Êlluor J. Patterson, Coborne. DIE0 Ewîso-At Western Hospital, Toronito, Oct. 8th, Rutha Brown, beloved wlfe of John Ewigi, 260 Simccc street, formerly of Oshawa, TsaomAs-In Toronto, Oct. 19th, Eliza Heul, reliet of the late Andrew Thomas, formnry of Oshawa, aged 62 years. Toms-In Cartwright (Shirley) Oct. 21ot, WVil. liamn Tomrs, in bis 84th year. BAYLY-At Toronto, 21st October. George Jarvis Bayly, lormerly of Newcastle, in hie 68th year. WADDELL-At Port Hope, on Monday, Oct. 26th, aïed 75 ears. Anmle Allen, relici of the late Willieam addcll. BOWMANVILLIE MARKETS. (Jorrected by J.WeMurtry each T nesday f uR1lo Ibo ........s2 OO to 82 50 WeIAý, 1Fial, bush .... 0 o) il0 70 ilSprîng........ ù 00 fiO074 Il Red Fife....... 000"il0 85 Il Goose ....0 00"fi0 65 BAR.LmY, P btsh, No. 1 ... 0 40 Il O0O ri of i2 ... 042"te0 43 il il i8 ... 089 et0 40 et etTwo rowed 0 42 fi 0 43 OAT, white il....... 025"il0 27 RYB if....... 000" 050 BUCKÇWEAT 'I...... 0 0 O 86 ?SIAS, Biaekeye, P bush.. O 00 'fiO00 fi Canadian Beauties O 00 te O 60 il Mummey 'et O00til'00 Il Smah 0 60"fi0 60 il Blue t' 000 il0 60 CLOVER SEED .............0 0 0 00 TimoTHY SxED ............0 O00 O 0 BuTTER, best table, VI lb. O0O 0 O 16 9EbGs, VIdoz ............0 00"i0 20 POrATOBS, P bush ....... 0O0 ilO025 HAY. *'ton.... 8 OC il 8 50 Bears the PoeKind YOU ave Always Bougift Signature/' 3 , z ofcf L.zca.d4 GI R L WArED-Fo getteral young ebidren. Apply te Msts. L. K. MURTON, shawa, Ont. 14-2w. S E R V A N T WAN TED-General kJsrvant, country girl preferred. GooS wagcs to right person. H. HowES, 2S4 King wcst, Hamilton. 44-tf. R"ULL FOR SALE-Shorthorn bulfl, -L315 naonths old, lst prize winncr a t VWest Durham Fair, or would exehange for a sufitahibe horse. J. J. SmiTn, Enniskillen, OLt. ,L4-Sw We wish evony yeung mua would ýl 1 1 Warm underwear at MeMurtryst lowest Prices. F'or nugb shkin uFe ream of Violets made b)3 Sýtott & J ury Tat range of mnexi's neckm ear jut iu at W"est End Houise. Lad!;es' Fur Lined Capes lu ail qaali- ties, 1-1,in and broche, at Couclu, Johin- ston &Crn% dennian. White ni "îcerized 'waist lotbs 25c, 85e and 40e pur yard just lu at West End Iloute. The ver4r latestinl Wedding- station- ery and 'eddinZ cake boxes at THE STATECMI'S oN ffice. T ie rd ji, s. c sn - i ;, p h1! su îa se ail ütherq kiîdtba woseiînc alwas s rel Nou it -aéf-er%% i ds. It is made, by Stott & Jurý and -1ld i'lu Ige boutles ai 25c. The makens of the famrous 'Qýueen Quality"l shoes ara souding a pnetty booket-Canadian edition-to Bow- nianville ladies hl r. Fred R. Foley is the sole local agent and does a good business in these fine shoca for ladies. A large bottie aud, a simal price For roughness of the skin thene la no nemedy equai to Creaml of Violets Its made by Stoit & Jury and your money will be roturnot! eheerfuily if you say you bave orer uffld a better article. Il vour oves trouble yon eau aIt Stot & Jurv's Optical Panlor when ou ena get adàvice negarding the cane of your ei os f ree of charge and if .ou nequire, spectacles you can get fitted, aecording. ly for a ve. y modest sum. AUOTION SALES. WEDNESDAY, Oct, 28-Mrs, Thôs Brim. aconibe Wîl s ell hi' auction at ber resideuce ne,r Jlsydon, herse, cows, piga, buggies, cuttera, slelghs-, inn plenients, etc. The bouse and 20 acres of lant!, alRo a sawmill and a fraine boufe noir Punple il. Sale st 1 P. 'm.. gbarp. 8ee bilofor par- tl.£Ularî. L. A. W. TOLS, auctiozner, TmQuiDÂr, Nov. Oth-Mn. Levi. Arnot ilIl sel bv publie auction on lot 25, cou 6. Darlingtou, (Q mile wost o! fle, imlplements etc. Sale to coma-i menice at one o'cloek. JAS. BIEHOP, Auctiouueor. T-TUtSE uRSALE OR RENT- Â.Brickhbouse of liroms on Elgin-st, known OG EiTRAY-Blaçk and whtite IIORSES W ANTED ,tHouEd FORv ' hou erlcf,d srbl. local on.proving dpropertye gab ne, ras denue, wI.o tt wfor rnae oiipp OnrSey ae sam ,h jýa8SSin atonc. Arent the JAS. NoItEb, Liberty st.. Bowmanville. 43-3ýw eaý,no cuPieS hy the avrtis r. y Team of Horses for lFire te W. QTrncK, Bowmanvillc 139-tf. and Town Purposes. C1NPE LOýT-In April last between 1R FOR SAýLE.-B e i n g 10 U/Neu c,, atie and~ Tyrrie, a lady's1 laek gro- F aries, more or less, south part o> lot 23, grain , àaje teimlned wilh chifon qnd black FI E Concil of the Town of B con-1 1, Darlington, on whieh are dwellîng hloll9c satin rihbou. Rewaid for rcturn to STATES 'ýAi L mavile wnt o Ly to yeng ow-andneiesry f arin buildings witth Stone stahle offie THersesatinbu woyoi andcllrundcrneath barn full size. Orchard _____________________ thorou.ghly broken, Sound in ln and Iin, ndof! 1; acres.well waered'by two wells anSdsmaillFR~it or weîgzhing flot less than 1400 Ibs. -each. Person unu cem oneln eDrtatoiI,çi GBJL having such herses forLsale zare reyce1ted Statuio T. ., otofie axiS ohool. Ptor.i V GLLL O 5A,£F to bing hcm o th Maket quar on atu-,sion immedlieiy or as may be agreed upion. e teScchhotrublcavsrm da,ýy, )ctoher Ilet, at n p. m. when th1c ommnitte 1Výery fatverahIe lterms EIw ia giveax ApV Ste 0ilo hbld n eaded the irst prize wîll Le on baud to make a selecton, 1111111.1lit#rnatirhm ar t,, 13owI,ýýma1ivile Pair. Thieother JJ.MASoil, JQIo LL.Hiz . tullye, oot r .A treaeVery caae ringbt.R.W C aua ieOmu$e Towant rk CA»Ï Bgmvw I4f<nJUWLIf ox 1î'tvIU IVoaillo 4-4w IITANTED-At once a yeung mana V y te learn BIs cksmitbing. Apply te Wa,, t'It;u.s., Box 41, Sawcastlc, 41-tf DIG FOUND-Owner cati have sainie Ly hylaiming pronerty and p iying exueses. RWXDHue mEs, Qocen Street, Boewman,,;%e ý-ýTORE AND DWELL-ING RUE to j0et on KrgS.For partinlir'.i i,-1 lMissBaner, 3x 1, Bowmpanvilie, or t u -Pl ARlM TO !F\TL'OR EL2 L'areso! oi 7, n , arlingtoc Appli- -ation te Le ulmdin V. "F. ALLEN F ma. aile r t Uo. UMDENecaie, 4- Jwa ret!te airieveiii this an oub Reputabis makens' <stts sld ati, Mc- Munî~~sKiu',MePherson ii d Mr, Cready',3. SoInehow wu likce iat poem lu Ibis paper, "Miauebaha's Answer te Hia- watha." Do yen ? For the Newest and Nattiesi lin Ladies' Collars-see the new stock imat luai tThe Mason (Jo's. Ladies' talnma. k1rts la the very latesi styloss mt noceived ai Oouceh, Johns]ýtou & Cr% derma n. 'Tro e WRun i Cînfortaslle you musat Luv T1he NMason osF-odlie auid aih wool, nsnnal ndren Ail Our Stoves are GUARAN rCEED s0 that yen rua no risk lu buO ng s P-ange or Hleaten frpm us. J. B. Martyu. Juat Opeued ont another ghlprnt o! Ibose elegaatly deslgnot! Ladies' Ramn- coats-the mosi tylish garment lu the markt-at Coueb, Jebaston -& Cryder- man'5. Did ht ever strike you, kind reader, that "1gamhliug ta robbery" as Dr. Talmage save lu tbe splendid diseounse ou "Thie Evil o!, Gambliug" iu ibis paper? RBou t REXALL ~DYLS These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton Silk, Jute or Mxe Goods in eue bath The ae the lateat sud-zmosi imp-ove Dyes la the world. Try a package Ail colons ut A. L. Nichollea' store. IlFor BreakfastI SBREAKFAST *.COFFEE. Tefavorite morning brac- ' BACON...M e er is Coffee. This store hias E Thosz- who have ever cox always recognized thbis fact: E ed a backward appetite with adhadneiseelbt swee flvord deicius. to get the highest grades that ness of our kind are flot at cnbebgh.frriou ail ikey fogetit. hey Coffee and judgefo yourself. ~o wilI not.need to be reminded ~ ~ a ~ E Sof the big difference between Sit and others, and, a pound of Sour BaconwiII go further than E the sarne amc'unt of any other 3ig Syor utr kind, because there isn't the an gr and Pouity,,E L slightest particle of waste and no more sait in it -than just drssdOf roughb. ra ad., Eenough to, make it palatable. and.1gnt the hichest pria.el Cawker & Tait. BOWMANVILLE is' We how thi mAM mu ~jw e.the most eoMmt: 0 m5 m 1 .e BoysyetseeninV ,,,uÉwmanvlwti Se .*u A un ula à s.. Next Door to Standard Bank1 eek