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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1903, p. 3

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A1iVERTISINiG RITES. ÂITCArIDnrs CSrTEMAN 18paiiehed every JiF Wcdte.ýdity mo1iiug at the 0office -126 SrÂTEi liesBloCk. Ring Stcet. iîmîvllOtb MA.J Ene ditorau"I lasitr.S arivauice. Adriirgat, rnfetae- tislegteetsprue -t netnbe cels u 1.0 Iu c üeu sub-quentiniieraiun. o r act r & iebon application.V cL ESTABLISHED 1831 [Ci AND ADMITTEDLY Evcry 6.inar,t Awritten by specialisti, the hlghest cut orsitla ibir respective lUnes. 'No cit er paepor -ceeidq toeopr ib l aificatisrofaIeditoriai em-.,ff. Giii s tLe agi'ieutural NElW-S wfîlî a degrec of cousîleie wmsot eveis aticuspietiby ciliers. lNIISPENSAfILE TO ALL COUXTRY REMIDENTS WJ7IO WISII TO REEP UlJI III]TUE TIMES s ¶wo Subscrptions $0,0 Five sabscriptions 85.40O. 515E('XAL ENDUCEMEINTS TO RAISERS OF IîLifQER CLUBS. Four Montlhsl Trial 50c. SI5EUIMEIN COPIES will he malcîflree ou sequesu. It wil l y auybedy treutI Iî;ýy way lu a utryWfie te e o Iim. Atidi-es a pblishers: LUT-tiI'R ¶UCKER & SON, ______ Albuuuye N. Y. JAIRY NUGCETS. About -thse pooreat- usay to -mai c tha butter coma that 1 knew of 15 to eut orot watar jute the crealsi or ta set thse churîî by the slou-e foc un heur or tsvo writas a corresl 011i dent. Craam that ha beau proper-1 lY ripeued wilf conic all rigit astith! eut auly sucli doctorfug, and doctoî- ed cceam arakes peor butter as cry Mikfubbsutnctfrne. tfoiody as uver axactly figurad 1Whel a nian eauneomore eal a iman'& eut just w-Lt fSnic elaý-tion ba-, food, but exists on a nîiik and crackter tweenr getlfug tlia c0sv ah "r-aficd1 diet lie is goee lack te babylieod. HIe up- ut milking ïti,! aird a decided niay bc a 1J man but he lias a babyls failiiîg ehfa î te quulity af ber îiiii7 Soah but il fa a flxed fact the iman w-ho l Success in life dlepends iargeiy on the uilow-s his ceas do ha excfted and- stomacli. The mian with the baby's wuougît up ut that tîme gets pear-,! stomiacli finds hurnself also wthi a liaby's er butter by serai points tîscu lie 1eevishness and perversity. Ie lias the r sould if lie treated bis coNva kindiy. asysxagrtdpreusnstv. Thae handa îmust coma Iite use ail ness and jeaieusy. Ha is ar annoyante tha ay u btte-mafngbytthe te ha friends and an anxiety te his never shouid core ne adirect contact f il.NotAncanli stron gesta xiii the butter itst-lf. TaRe i bssttai Aw1 seal age out wlti à a lifu worki~t wltls a ladia weak nian. And a ti-weakli stenlacix 15 ard -ti ilfat fli pakag w-i athie consson startiiug peint cf niost of and ut t ino te pakag wit a!the se-calied Ilweaknesses" Iviicli affect mdc. the great orisa-hieart, lulîgs, liver, Onu 0of tieseurest svuys lnilhc kiducys, etc. How - au it lbe otherwise iw-ed*t-id1.naake buttîcr suîeoth andi vheni the body and ail ils orgause gceasy le to osai-bout the ereamn dependent on the stomuach for tiseir ile clpecfc3-g ft. Andi that le the nutrition ? The Iluweak I stonîncl drags hid odf butter tîsat wili net i.eeP' the organs down wili it, because being 5er ciyontg. weak t le unabia te couvert f'ood loto Wl a reser h-id butter keecp better- nutrition, andth te ol-gaus of the body thian wien wa needth te gaed aid- being starveti, of niecessity become weak, fash-ioned aak tub. Neothliîîg bette, as a consequence of stars-ation. in the way of a package siii avec Dr. Pierce's Golden Mledical Diacovery Le discos ereti eilheî- t]an thut saille cures diseases of tie stomnach aud other olid fuelîfieat oak tub. 1 organs of digestion and nutrition. it The mlasvfîo say-s tifrt wti straioni akes the iseail, bdy strong in tlie eniy out1 dees fot knosawhuthle staik- -way physicai strellih au lbemadie, ing about. The striuler tisat witii %vhicli is by food, preperiy digesteti andi take fluth eut of nul1k bas nos-or blio assinsilateti. The cures of «weak I lutnge, fiatt, It caunot bcie nvented. Il weak Ilhîeart, Ilweakii or slug 'shl iver, Ounîces aof ard do not brfag pountistIweakIs kidsîeve, etc., whicl feow tliv osf butter. Fecti w-ou if you wauici use of IIGo1den Medical Discovery,Y mare get fizîl miii,, p-uPc. ail due te thîs perfect nutrition of thse Nomaavec leai ied fiow ta ecrinin body, the proof of x-hicli is tlie reiuiark- GANS I O L,1T. Tonc ttec by OOxt of to st! Successfu Ceer in the un ited Statýes. I-lgs that arec oeycoifired aldî i igjilýy ad reýq ire acorrective of soi-e Rf ad to Iinai n thue digestiVe system ifa a 0-iicnition aof health, aad fie l thte pig fihe gieatter the iccity sas live Stiock CoxnarUjsfll, F.W os. Wlîeu the diga(_suf eerr stico clagged with fat tf'cî a i t t digest ad a ilitele ekad. When a Leg fs ua~n t 1large, lie dloes not reat )Up tliý îaclre frir pure l1,e ofaiex-,,, ierdors Le' do it because af iîînttcusodese le i act- too hIala scpïaîf o Pr w] lh bis s-, sIem nS cr c. ý It s tifs crav î Ig that eau 's : a coufýilled î ig to gn-sw Nvaiid tca-r ut ýthe îrugh and sfdes cf the peui; and Legs hLee been Xr'iow ttearapart bicki w-' î ia order te gel ît tht. mettac. TLe Ca'îr-'--Of thiF aauu cu 'g l rot mwell Te-eeo t iay 6e dute iii part te a lnk of ai fain e bcod :fo r, u u lu1 irt. tcd, a hog îrla le pttirg all tc- ltUcri jho can eat id s t Le iParti- ly stars d, beaaný (,cetrtua i equf - -1cr te f the syson ce niihcenl suppifed. It liaseu, trbîtdbyl sone to îeth e oai fate.finall x arme; ar(d by oiepte so-eafernuý of fîîdigestion. VWhateser mai Le tic pait plai ed !- ls îLe anfnel cclaoin bv theue sb aceeu hiaýg - Ccar, that, -boa theyare "supplier], ho7s are heulithier utLttr tc beaLter, and, caecei lbb. ... lb ........... 650 581 a01 -Average ashInluthighi bonc, g-rn......lC6G 150 107 S A capy af bullefiru No. 15, entitleed -Bill1'No. 200, ixepriniteri as Arnend- cd : enAct Iep fgthe . lusIîe t- ticon id Suie af Scee uitli iŽ-qia- atior ai-nd (2eraMents bas beeu re- cet d. TfLe pamphlet le îssued fo gnral (ýistribhiifIl fer the purpoe ci ecing as a notfce te the I 'toc- e-td public, and aise teo rice Ineans for ctner eturiy cf the 1B11laI its iîiatioý-e tato le operaîlons of secd prc-dciacrs, secdirerciharuts and FsPc-d consum ',er1' Tle Bfill as asuerih- Id bI tce Conîmittcc of il e Whee cuisfg fie sccont session cf Falia- ment, provides that scds cs cet cos, g.-a!se , Clo'erie 0 for-age i t w-hf c t in tihe I oîl f crtai rnoxforis wc-s arreŽd la the'0 l' wîlilebc p-rai ili bod fi oui Sale. it fîîcther provides for iiuifolsin elîd cf graclirg, uccordiiig t;ox stan- dards cf priiy and sitaflts' Vie 'l'imaithy, Ai. liî17e, and Read Claver sdsoffercd for sinluCanada. A rc py af th.e p-cuptet uiýy bc Lad fr ce1ou upplfct-ciass te the '-3eed Li- i f,-oc, F ofhaitbe Conmihsiorer of A gý- I itaca and Dufryi îg, Ottaw-a. Letters acidre.saed as aLoi-e do fnot rcquirc postuge. The gpel oi f grod ecer 4b, fgiîtcnei Pe-y pag-eof The YXo'îth's 3Cornîsua- fan. Aid ough the p-up-cc le acariy 'ecstyceuyeacs Cf age, if dees ixut look bh on the past as a bat- ter perioti tbau the p-rasent. The C'elapanfan Lelfevas thai, the im meest feai-il fpiromise is the tiare ic aie lot fi-g lui, andi e\ccy weekfy fisue î-eflects tfilespirit. cf iookilîg >for- wtard and not bock. To sacre th as hall a mailion Ametican famif'es it cr-ifes tccry sîe, fits massage of (110cer. Ils stances picturo the true charucteristics af ticheuug aman and loulOuC"1of Aaîciirfca. tcarticles biag sîeuriy thîee million readors la itou-i -ici flie best thouglit of the ii-ost laious cf l if si îî mon ansd w-onien. Ai nual Ai-toiaeomeat Nuuiiîtc fui' dccci i the r ii ija hIn Use Fo r51ver --Br ýl if ic h&Gani ik unex- celeti fer Ihose travolling le tho east. wet, Sot er north. For tickets anti aIl information apply te agents, write te J. D. Mei)ouald Distlet Passenger AI-ent, Toronito, for descriptive iteratuî-e regartiing' tic above resorts.c STOTI & JURY, C. P & T. Agt. /OOTHE TOPIsoltis a position unrivalleti by any oliser bleo i nieticine as a cure for ) DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, 1HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA }IEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, PIMI-4qS, RIiGWORM, or any dîseast Lriaing frous a tisertiered state of lime ,qtCMaci, Jiiçr, Boweia or Blood. "Vian you requiroi a gooti bioctmi cine gelý BîjgaDOCK BLOOD BITXERS. - -- - -- -------- Jtlr-_l- us --Res0-- v th--r 1 -\U a-kae-4saes tlttALLL4isl~5ZuiIIL ua ~ 5l. dIIVso- u hec îted atcs rls4n put !it, ani1tu else parts of uatl andi smal-e lac two or tii-e c ays mseal with eor uithout boe meaii gives tone andi esergy te, the %vholeKnýf gise aie ofwaterglues. If YOU USe w,\ili emioke fratuin %ckory ar appîle asnu hard-wtood ashes in atdItios.- Sytei. "Mî-s. Winslow's So tli g"KfCcky" Webster-, svho lias frequent- twcvo -fas o svtec orsply O idpe, smotiîered wftlî suwduîst, Esesi Wisconsin Station. Syrup- for chludren teethfsîg la pieu- i-vlti tscutyaniwPe p-lt of waterglass; if tweveiaquar-ts, 1smsokisng theîî oneaa aIa' tfiia by 'tNhen whleu whae saisiteo tise taste anti is tie pro-soit, s7bc tisetia ieur or so ugo, wsu one quart; if tweise gallonîs, 5O ne agimîg oon eebarrel fitteti on top1 Conusisseal requirîed t leatsnlh erpino n fth let a iaeiî i ,. o a girl witi American gallon, ant infaa IfRe proportionoai nuotîser fa botter tiîuîîuslîîg amîy produce 100) Ibs. o u0flf e llete~ st femaio physicians and anurses in blood in fa Lui- cs, Let- tîotler, Lady eilier up or doao. patent abcaîlinairlusi gale, iLs-----------. 457 491 6129 the Unitedi States. Frire 25 cents a Evs as, befng the dttugliter aif tha Sufc lihe lfctuiti well as soon as.tha îBefare sPrirng muctliar coine duel Av'erage break-i'g bottle. Sold by ai druggists 1iate a Ltoriitey-gesieî-al, Samîtuel filSe- wates-giass fa put in hTt mixas coul cayesune pepper arousî tihie strengti of tl.figi throughouul tie werid. lBe sure anti1 ens of Albany. readiy, and n o ona couidte cl fi. boue, wrap closeîy la brows p-up-ar - ask for ics. W]nsiow's Soethiog To soc Lord i'ls-esstorie ut lus Lest uvs isi . Tu tls na b iaptcltcourse muslIa to fit, sew ureunti r Syrup." le ta Le hie gucat Lit Winterfoid,is in tise dafîy, pamtcy, cliar or coo l ightly anti palmît ulihlat-ci matie' ~~~--picturesque lionue fa Surrey,- anti it roam. Tlie egge rnoy ha put fa cf flour andi yeiisv echier. IIIE Bo leUJ lé o à dENGLAND'S CHIEF JUSTICE. le tififiersit 10 efface fronti oues foti axai-y esenlug us coliectei nîtil the Sausageý-To esery flfly fisc pounde Atuah e iosory of the fina big hall, ai-luieistiIf the cggs ai-racplrwt i gieisc rre a sascile ui il aut L uîdrti loua asîtift ine, is oopei (aleraliy Beloved; nfag round the solîti-cet sieft-s, the Pop-t foc al fcw do3 s Ldore pîttfng îîcsti of salI, six aunices ai gooti Ver 'Wree Veara a great sufferer from Alil the counsel etigagati baera tise brlglg a tr l-ubo la, i]îey ust-Pibitrout ail uiht biuck pp-p-or, a loaspoosîlul of day- 1 Etzema--Weuld Iser ain Itk agey. Alasicn boundary tribunal ate-a mifire-pince throwing a rutidy ghaw ou liI h-ymutLeiiuidait 8-e sne p-cp-per uîdi.aahantilul af puiver- Mt AE csr 3 rgtAeutufsi atii îus f laItic tapestries svfti whLe ich. he valis hefore they are piacet iniitieliuild, izeti drieti saga. Mfx the'u e hr- R. J AES SOT 36Wih veu hsaMy ntei rie f teaer I hlesae t h r Aisothen goat w ay, epcrially eugl ily through thea meut, Pack ta . nosats-"ybey Tome ageti ten, muomier fa whiciLord Aivet-ston pro- ir tre hg w-ble statiut ie rina ahuere îLe eggs are istesîtictto be ke orwne uei 't r vk as fer neari tirte ycars afiicteti witb a bad iefdtioser tepoe ln aste l t ihsi tle diel lsco u menis nticut tuo fcho ofbailî- flr of cezema of tic scalp, wiici 'vas very New York Tribuae. Thsis hiaebeaumot LidAs r500 eaisuc-- fae t ouissthranaLroghu f- m -ont siendru twoTin lesofunsmerise arayunsignity, anti resistetidl so! remetilea the thirdti tme that tise Lotrd Ciief cmpntL ordiaguilt lu ygen iy laid with v-aeiiie, ail oscc, auti ha cantict by makiîsg 1 inssali cakes, anti dector's treatment. Ris Leati 'as in a Justice hus represetid Engiarîtdfi day i aia i iryfiesc e place lu crate os basket, ailLer su anti cooking till naarîy doule, pack- j errible tate. We bid te keep him from important faternational affuf ns. 1-leyanti h is li usssluarl esaon the olnog eismp rme-s, chool, and tfilmtres saeianidf hrlsilusl ' flie' Fughelsib usicaIl ost il l0e conio ggcmîalreîsuiile stili flzzing ie iehecats, hie icad 'vaultibleedsae ihSrCalsRsewoo h nls ec.Iels i picckin sbran or- oats. posuing in hoiliîug lai-tianti seaîîug -at i îîi'oîipeait andticebenci as Lordwife many ycace ugo, anti bus nasc- Duinlg ussautiig tusse aur lesns ut once, acreaJuticetheli agoay. -cut Cile Jutic, îL tity i pmeseut-macrieti agalu. Itîdeeti, tie boceaxe- w-ara lad amplse quassîlties af the oiiy ýVenh cc nihursaaFr w ni~ in mg the British case in tLe Behring mnswhd ehassaiei ia native stinfiossen seeti, off mecai, etc., uuset whan cutting up tic mnltiahre Snye-arc we atu1893,eti w ic si-Phw-as Souarbitationla 193, fî w-hu liouglitho dati f lusw-lIe tie wit Lte sasuit that moultfiug fis nonetîeti o! washing the meut le .hiovibu Iî lcreceivedti îe gr-anti cross ofth tic hy titheof us of h ss , ise gisica os-or befae tP coli stoms fre gladiîg. I ~ iUw-l, -ouint a cure in Dr. IOctier of St. Michael amîd St. Georgeý a certain nlote of occaonista5 came on andti tîsa lifttle case thesui kaep so wali. Slulilng sausage , ' Ciase's Huuenle wsa ading counsel for Great 10 a charactor liatIs 5otiecwise of hi de use eo tadytagoia inl e'tcaiis makes il look more ut- -S bout five boxes were intu a leVnzea rir--thtunost sursuy anti genial cdfapesi- agafum, ansd they ceuliasmed ut t Illahtractive, but il dties't taste uny ~ st.Teoiia lo f19,at tlecoe o! tien. wlaci icter. - ares drieti Up, ieaving wihaliereccfietifreni Quean Victaor-- BTHRN.kEs c-y fumier kusows or ou gît t10 w tic skin ia ils normal mu a burnsetcy, an Louer ranely Le- To Prtr te you that Mr BUCEnN.Row tuiaI uieut shoulti not lie ai- Tom Scott condition. To say litslow-ad On a law- officer, antioau is Cnda's Oînntl e r eaih Lat tLe meut gel coîdtitîolughslessedti 10freoze if gooti, sweel met i a pheasure te tcstify, te îhe wenderful merits ehacallea to lie beu c 10susceedtiasd every foris of Itching, ties csi sp Tilmnhans od hou--and lard are desireti, of Dr. Chase's Oisument, is puting il ver>y Lord Rlussel as Lord Chiai Justice of bbsedlngand protrudingPiles, thencutiip Trm.hnisand&hu1ýtis, mamufaturers have guaranteed il. ilee tee. des-s nontiy i shape, andti liosv- .Miidly." Eagiand lie received a peerage. antid o~~ ele~~ re m seynnth tie trnsîmiîgs asnosg lie sausage Teacelu : "Wiial is lise dii! s-eace Dr. Çhasee's Qrumet positive cure for o! coul-se, a seat lu tise llosse of b5imn inthe dlllk0ftandaVoucneî ace assi scrapiplousent. heissacîsfoot anti- !eet ?"- ,Sc ,rO eemsait Auuî, satilead anti chafing. Lords Tt would lie ne exaggera-îiouîg îtour mcneybàek If nô ureti. 60 a box, at Lay thse Lame, skia sed teuv, an "One feet la a foot, but a wiîoîe lot ci 6o cents a box et sti dcal*rs, or tdmuasgen, loEusy ltut Lord, Aivoccloun s le Wh- aieeireEMiuoahÂE&C.Tru a Lourd lu lie coulac, Maie a mix- !ou*_.u l e tct" g5ts td QC4, Tmçnlto. out 0eXçePîon tie Most umiversiau1y, Dr, Chas@l'a Olntmont -Mri. ieTsl-WaS-scav14-t o-t-he-- hast o! Lis aLility ta give the dec- toc a fulthfisi accoial of Lis wife's sysuptouis, but ho founti ht up-lîill work. "You say sic ha a cotgh," saiti CLe doclor. "le il a hsollow cougli?- Mr', Doanis raibis e as la fthe call iig andtihtin town 10 tie grouati but founti ne help auîywhere.. Ilt say bcLicalsoile-w cough,- Lo suie-i. i-biy, "but tieco's a great soabstance te the siounti of it, atiý-. w-ny." SUBSURIPTION RATES. STATrESMAN te endi of 1901 (new-) $1 00 STATESXIAN ai dWeek] % Globe ,î185 STAISMAN amndi* Weekhy ÏM ail 1 90 STATF.MAN anti "Familv Herait 2 (O0 STÂrmiEseAN andi Fau'ming (w-caLly) 1 90) STATESBIAN andi FarmrevraAtivoralo 1 90 STATESIiAN anti Guardipn 2 00 STATESMAN ant iMN ntreal Witness 1 75 STATESMAN anti Masseng-er 1 25 S-rATESMAN anti Montreal ileralti 1 75 STATESMAN anti Western Adi-erliserl 75 STATESIIIÂ'î anti Breetior's Gazette 2 50 SvÂruîSMANŽaniLadîaes'HomeJ ournai2 O0 STATESMÂN anti Toronto Worlti 8 00 STATESMAN anti Dail-, Globe 4 76 STrATE,,sMAN anti Toronto DuOl v Star 2 50 STATESMAN anti Eveuing Globe 3 50 STATESMAN anti Diihv'Wîtness 3 5u STATESMAN andi Weekly Sun 1 90 STATESM iN ana Saturtiay Globe 2 50 *with Premiuva. Ale(an amateur vocalfut): "If s-eu Lad my veice, svhat scoul,] yen do aliL h i?" Jessie :-I'1 dont knosv, teur; huit 1 helia a 1 w aulti gisie fia îoliday ti liste missuuscause round, then I w-ossit have ilttud.". Dlislaiica prolonga the lue e!ofmuny Fr Infaýnts andOiirn tin te i___ r.Bears the l,I ess andti.onutLIns ne Mher Op 4ruHorixîi- tOrMiuiral. N OT NAiRC 0TIC. -N EulaJf - jH 1 -ignature-

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