______________ - - I I Is "the Stitch in Time» wheni epidemics of any kind prevail; w hen changeable weather makts Ilcatching BOWMANVILLE, NýOV. 17 1903. TYHONE. Stott & Jury's spectacles always give satisfaction, Mr. Josephi Hawkev lias improvedhis premises by mioving the oki-tinie butcher shop to the rear of his house for a kitchen . .. A series of sDecial evang-el- istie services wil bezin luiiroae Lumbago and Pains in the< Baok m*1ydmb;llf4thfi echushd clair fI, but Dr. <hs' lny lvIy' t Iscurd. ML-TRomAI. EmBrE;generalmerchant, SpnlInghll, N.&., writes- .As th. resuit of a severe cold 'settllng on the. kiducys, 1 contracted kidney disease, whlch Ilngered for years, caus ing nmeinch suffeing ~~ rrm- terrblepins la the back. Fo ore time-I was enfirelyun. M T. VE ItNON. Mount- Vernon Methodist chiurch which bts been closed for repairs and thurougli rutovation wil be re-opened on Sunday, Nov. 29tb. Bev. W. B, Tueker, Orono, will preach at 10,S0 and 7 p.m. Collections and subscriptions for Trust Fund. A- concert with a popular lecture by Rev. J. J. Rae, Osh- awa, will be given on Monday evening. Admission 20c. Publie cordially invited. HAMPTON. -THE MASO N Co. BOWMANVILLE ~IJD~V m~ ~v i~u I T '1 ular as a result of thnelws of 'ta mernta prepare au account of al] be ing pa.ased from friend to fiend. vanced for Mrrn.Cote' Mr-ffXT-k- --.1qîttete-ia.- 1 , ~ eregu~tsatheweddngoWin J~Tro A.M. lYyiond anut Ut is ef ynieet.a nAî..vigorateu there wi!l be no releare from buffering Wia. n i~nk- pTTrg G-d nnh1y flA p K -was beld at the hoi are prepared to furniali either at satisfactory an expert to superin tend theîr use. It will pal ntWho ha3 had rueUIek w.s nsrcte 1wnotfy heh.ththe usne of the first box my hea t pn ihU iCilgfg, gamei soial es also ",bnM ltex erwlencew riteS: T R to hai e th)e fonce taken cd the began to improve, and five boxes Co chat. etc Before the company deat M to aee 1" mnm ltJ o astomnts rabetween lots 2 and 3 B, F. n îtî etrdm.Inwhv ed all joined heartily in wishing r » old ho bega8n t cryan kept it l1-141- f etl sre m.1L hv H]ALIFAXfl!1K]L17.ERP -Manitoba,~ en t andi