ADVERISIGRITE S. ,t ir CANADIÂN SrATESMXN is published every W %edneedasymornliî. at thse office 26 SrVÂIES3 MIAUi Bcck, King Street, Boss malvilie, Onit., M. A. JAsMFs, L dilor aud Proprie tor'. SubFcrip tin oL) e 'sumn, or $ut') if paid strictly la advance. Adverltisb9i ates, taansselit adver- tissar, tel, cenits per line, frst insertion ; five cersas Ier lne ecrisuis egnenitinsertion. Con nct ls...n syplcaion. TH E 1COiUN TR Y ESTABISHED 183 AND ADMITTELLY Es eýry dspartment wrIitpu b- ialstise hlgissaauthos ities inu1t, irre ecieSn . xN-o stter pIil rendt cmar iti flsqnalisiva t iess o edto aistf Gise tseag, dltracNWSw t adsree of eci pletaess ot een ttcmptad by1 otiseýrs. -H lIEN8AB 1ETSL 1 p WISIStTTO BAISERS OFLÂ ERCUS Four Moths'W Trial 50e- SPECI EN (7OPlIES Wffl be malled freas on reý,qle3t, It will pa1y allybcdy js eese l as wy iutr.y i e send for shem.Afdr stir-e pobl-hers: LUIE UCKER ,& SON, Albany, IN. Y. Alltion Sale of Tinber Berths PUBLIC NOFnCE is herebv given tisai pursuant tea stisanrity oi Ordersl Couitail, te ie d and Whiite Fusa TsstxBa las tise ffllawîng townships, berilis anda ass, aamely - IN THE DISTICT OTF NIPISSING-the tuwnahijas of imtas, Creelm,.n, Parkin, Aylmcr, Misekelcan, McCarthy, Mernjak, Muoak part 0f), Frenchis(pari ail, Stewart. Las isbast, [pari afl, Garrow [part oil, Osbsorne [Ipani of], ilismmelli ad Pielps (part of). IN THE DVISTRICT 0F ALGoMA-Bertise Xos., 555 sssd 9. tise Towivassof KIitcisener minud RvLhenis end Bloce "Wr" near Oaapiag Liake. IN TISE RAIN-Y RIVER DSTRICT-Berths Gj1).,GG i, C23, G29andaiaG38, asid the ffalosvlg Bertbs ivitis tise ig buta eut assalremove tise tlae.sierue, tamaracs. ecdar andl poplar :-G4, OaGd. Gi8, G24, Oa, 26. G27, G-2, G83, G85, Gâa, G5a7, G39, G40, 041, (4e, 043, Berths Nos. Si, S2, 83, andl S4, wiiiie offereal for sale by Public Auctio a t lise Pai ljameit Buibdlsag, la tise City of Tornato, oit M ELINESDAY,iise NINTFI do yoff PECEMB14 , 1903, at tiseisoar off ONE a'elclek la tise aftitanaoon. Sheets i--taliigresand conaditiosofa essailnfformatis'n as ta Areas sald Lis andl Concesreittns aam prisedIn elsncb Bertis iilSl e iurnised at niasplitian, cubher persoasa er by etter, ta tihe Desanimest of rewn Landas, Torasto. or tise (Cawn Tamiser Agenaise et OrsxAWA, SAUJLT B.MsAIE. PORT ARluRss, RAT POasTAGE -,IaUO oTTrANsESs. E J., DAVIS, Commissioner Csrt nLanuds. DElTAs t5E5' OF- Citom LÂiqi, TORONTO, JtaiY 29. 1903. N. 1-'Na usaisihaizd îaublcationsoff ti ad'.erljasmeiit wïlS ise pîal for. 43-8w. Don't Chide the L hildren. 1 Da'l scold the little >4/ caes if _tbe led lis,et - tise snoraîng. It isn thtie ehild's fauhi. It is suffeing from, a iveuk- xuss off tisa idneepeand Iladdeas'und iveak kiduepe need strangtheaing-tbai's alS. ce aî't afford te ias delay. Negleet masy et.,!aîla lifetîme off stîlierxnansd misery. D)C KIDNEY PILLS eh rcnethen tise kidiasys suad blatider, tiser aliltnou.ble lu at an eaid, Mns. E. Kiduier, sa London, Ont.,nother, livintg ta 4 1uUaay St., eays: "Mv {itle daugister, six pears oll, lias 1, aad ,'ssidueys siace birtis. Last Fcb- ruanry I got a box off Doa's Kidney Pilla et Stýrong'1e drîîg stor'e. Since taking thom, sise bhas LA dne o -re SIdne y trouble off an.y I maSk i- ttmn e o iseefstmy ceisid sisreei- a KEEP POSTED ABOUT C.,r1poration. TIho Wijte cfi dKeaie Atlas Msap) sud VoS urne of Statisti es slsuldhe in thaiads oai evn!Y. Stockliolder. iowiscrc aise je tisa saine amo'usat Of Information aeces-saile te, the ataislij. TIs volaaaue shows isy a thecoo m eScsis of pla-tis, oe Sasd, iaii;aiad andafi sicam1sip liste ssdgives -rciiiateeasof asia danltîttion of capitai, divb on offsel atise, lcreatison?,rlratef0ltext afa'btw-s corr !ete f'iOtbril. inc d et ta -.eoipany eaehOrrr FLSALEI ONt Y BY DOW, JONES & CO.,, 44 Broad St,, New York. Taie oadest N uws Agasaay o a-i Wl Street 'andf Piabista aiof lise Wall Sireet J1 Ou al. - INVESTORS REtS) TIE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Asayosie sendlrg a --ketch And deariptiu n anltav isertain o opnion free w5tiras tionmstrictiy cont5dent!o5. Hnaudtaoo5 on Pterits sent frosc. 0Ideýt azele~y !or scn sgj tent5;. Patents taSen 11 roughls Isinu &recelve nesel notice. Wis'Ltho chre, S isen A bandosniistate! wekly. 1Largest cdr. culatio f nysiulfejunal. Tenu , $3a tiser fou nsenbs, 1. BLdyaIInewsdea1ers. iScaicîs Offîce, 6W -0F- t.. Wsihlsseton, D. C. THE MOST NUTRITIQUS An admirable food, with al is natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to rcsist winter's extremne coid. Sold in ~ lb * tins, Iabelled JAMES EPPS & Co., Limited, Hornoeopathic Cliem- 1 sts, London, En gland. EPPSSOOA GIVI PGÇ STRENGTH & VIGOUR. 47 6m1. DEC1) IIDDY IN DOIBT, First VYge-lw do you like your new aogso Second Viliage-Can't tell whether 1 ïlýL iko hlmor hate hanU." "Why 50 ? -The fiast thiug he did avas to put up a higli board fente, and I haven't beeu able to discover wishetlerI- t Is to keep bis chiekens lu or my chiek- ens ouit.' CI-IOKIiNG IIIM OFF. Mr. Tlmmldd-1-low would a girl feel if she ýreea cd a proposaI by letter ? Friend If she didn't caca for you, she'd fead insalted. Mr. 'Timnmidd-Jm--walI--er-sup- pose she did care for nie ? Fs-leudc-She'd say -yes" by tele- grapis. CALM BEFORE THE STORM. 1lusband (reading)-Tisis paper says that thse greatuess off a fathor often proves a stumbiag block off thse ad- vancem-ent of jis children. Wife-W celi, thanl, fortune, our chitdren will naier be handicapped ln tisat way. When you think you have cured -a cough or cold,but find--- a dry, hacking cough rernains, there is danger. Take Shii1oh's ýCure The Lung oi at once. it will strengthen thse lungs and stop the cougis. Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00 S. C. wSLLS ý&Co. NOTEFS AND COMMÏENTS.I Major Pewe2il-Coýttoi s a ofaerm tise Northumber'land Fuie 1 -le is, so to speak, a weiI -autse1nýt i catefi Iman. For il titat, tise arcouint ol lis receut traveals ji castora ,eq1ua- tonial Afia, aýs ha gave it to a at11 0isarttsmI few wek go S kus nuan wue Muehasei.For in- stacetisrais his accouait(-,f Ith' race0f mugcias" iio Hiie in tic iagi(iians illor ita njp~rîe uf rouudmigplainis. adtsydiuinii t l'soy Ir c!zass entthal-, ss ilowil-Coa ilsawucha ei i his ravls. ise areabi togrc.i cocu lu thoir n i runtfains whuI die uist hari-, isere sir -"suaîciaun" repuitationlus ocf aleto tisait. Thie trains seloav uuîs.i'C:tni ila tiouan t eebut tocgl hose trbe aa yi o f sutaitfey nisauato auttark tistiin aitli bi ýs ii this tale d0es Iet gi iuaui'ccya wide cirulationaî t tise buds f i'writers cf social preaa'h- tenta somcbdy xiii ho ovesie)okiasg a fLue pruiy Bosides thil, gicin ao newspeie of aiis Ho nvesti- gae ise habtts0ftscae-w- Ici S o f "Mouu17t Yigo,caýptnr'ail two full.,gr,- efive-isoracd rlisru tiiscoves'ed asi aephantcnetr a placei te iviiclia wosld wcary elepl.)iauts go to die. , Haelias sever!al good huntiug stonies to tell. 01ne alastýe wisun desceuding a isamisco siope lie discox',ered ua lephaunt chargtng cou hlm ut ciglit pares distance. Tie eleijisant feIS dcad, sîsot thnotîî'litise brain, ut sevon pacs. But bett er titan titis is lus lion stoa'y. Easiýy one nîorniug lie diuroîered ss've-cn lions lying usiuop on a lalsd. le loft bis panty and madce a alanc-ï te get ut tiiena But miseaxho, r 'acied bis position lie fond timut tise lios lîad kakenced, disrcvcred bis iaerty, anîd, in circulai' foranatioa, maire closing in upeai it. lie d'rided tisut tisosai lions wm('no tce ntcili'g mit for hlmi, undilia was glad te e b- ia lPte niak-e noise asueugs by sisootlnig la tisa air te irkeai lis nt siU1,011 thîay xx re tursïcd into les iek faut food. lt'took major iFowmil- Cotton tmaaîty nïontlis to seania do tisese ti auuîd for soveraýdi moii-Lis of tisa tima lia mas'in 9a country whicix no mwhite tanrisad overlefe v isitod. A revolastioj1 nludep sea propul- sion is pcotaised tiscouglitise resuits off tisa exparimosîts tisaI are about to bo nmade ia the adaptaticn offtise stoam turbine miseel to an Atlantic liner. It is beioved tiîat tise ax- iseritient wiii be a success, aaîd this belief is founded on tise resuits at- [toudiug tise sue of tise turbine in tise Clyde and Fuiglisis Channel tramei. Tise steut turbine bas pro ved higis- iy suceessfelinl its adaptation to stoam yachsts and tise smnailec types off passonger slips. To tisa Allan. Line, liowever, wiii belong tiseisonor off iutroducing tisa turbineo iu a transatiantie hiner, The slîip mhicli tbay miii oquip ivitis tisa turbina mili be, designed for trafic betmeen tisa IClydeanad Canada and viii be tise iacgest and iseaviest as weli as tise fastest lu tisa Ailan flaat. It wil! have a gross tonnage off 12,000 tons, a horse powesr of 10,000 and a con- tract speaad off 17 ksuots. While this is a low seed in com- parison mitis tiat off somne off tise vessais druvea by cociprocating en- gines plying betmeen New York and Europe, it is a considerable increase in tise speed off vessais cunniag be- twean Canada anîd Great Britain. Tise ruýsuits off this experimesît miii bc followed mitis Sen isîtrest by on- gineers and sisippisag conapanies. Travelors on ocean liners and lake passenjget' boats are f amiliar witi tise apparent wrauching and constantj 'poundiug" off tise pcopelling mu- chunary causcd by tise motions off tise reiprocatiug engisses misicis drive tise luge prapelier sliafts. Iu tisa tur- bine system tuum te naerely focceti tiscoxgis a turbine miseol mmclitenusi tise propeuher ssafft. Tt reqitires no expert asIecianical -ki!omledga 10 5--e bm tt ioulti alraîost do amny mitis tisa "povsnting" and mreuciig 1n1e-1 fin ihis., ,sa. s a .,-. v..,. now, rtth.ty asI dici at egtenyeýarsÀ of age.," Tisat is part off tise tastmut of oune ' woinas, rratLier of six cia, wlio foaad u'ewlifebyt ue f r.Perce's DOMEM PIC RECIPLS. Favori tee nuapuoaa. ï- Ias noýthte or- dinary cares of tise fanlv cr tisenau- rai obliton ofmtelod wic inuke ouaeup"nnaturely olfi. Iutit is vita1Lly, anf1 ud rniuugtie trogu whiis taisetiernda'adspp- niess frouams oiie bot rtthe cliccisasd tise hiztss foats ye. Dr. Fierce's Pavot lie srito ures off youtli und brnt. tesa rlierg- illarity, dUnes afaisgdrains, hculs inflammration m xcrtcanid curas f2utale weakuses*,. I skswe-aiewousen strong and aiciewcucxir IL.It brings back to thse n'othertielgtserdus of isur bridai day. 'isis is tise testimroty bf thousands of wome wiohave re- newed their youth bytie uýse of "Fa-. vorite Prescription."" (;For four years I s1'real ïUutold ,goity," writcs Mun. rF.A. Natn,G of iiisSîrsa Searey Co., Arkansas. l~ooti~sIwoulti gel som-ie ietter and tijk 1 woiild tget weil, or.ty te xake -p some naoring not suie ta rase, lu nay isansid aroons! lowerpat of aBd.omnen sas wviere 1 euli'ercd tise mcii, asnd vwhen tise pain 'would giv'e iny it scatlered ail over mie andi 1 wsould ies S sore and stif a1 cois!d scsrcely moi e. Miy l'usad gt thes'iet doctor in the c"untry ta attensd me, but 1did not improve asuy. Fsssalay 1 told my isusisaad t5at 1 ivas going ta try Dr. IPiercesmnedicines. iy tisetime isad taken osa bottle of 'Fasvooite Prescription, 1 cosiafi notice a littie improvenent. Dr. Pierce advised me ta take 'Golden Medicai Discovery'1 in cosnection wiitiste 'Favorite Prescription.',iiy tise tinte 1 liad takiug- five isotties of 'Favorite Prescrip- tion'l and four off tise 'Golden Med ical Discov- ery,' I ivas iveil. Tisai ias tivo yeasaega tbjs suommier. 1 felt welutil I expecced ta become a motiser. tisen a tisceatenief miscace greatly iveakeurd me, andi my aid disease retorsscd. My husband gai enoiher doctor for mie, bu-t I seeaaed did so, and byte tinte t1lied takuenimonc mantis t coud do mu- ewn isoosework, except wasising, ansd teuded my garden, too. 1I ia stouter ihan I lied ever beeo wiit waiting babys eomnag since mty finit baby came (tuis one ives the sixthis iid). Shit a oiweleven months eid, and la a seathy cssîld As for me, 1 feei as young asow, ai tbîrty, as 1 did at igist. cen years off age." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil. lousness and sieS headacie. ZE1311AS VET IN AFItICA, Tise opeuing up off Centrai and Eastacn Afcjca lias sisewu tiat ',ob- ras, insteud of being neaniy extiuct, stili exist in large nuthbers aioug the Tana River and lu Ukutubu. A pos- sble substitute for thse miuSelias huent farud lu a crossiug off zobras witlî herses. Tise hbhid lu culicd a zeb- cule. It sotetinies shows tise zebra etriping distluctiy, but tise geairai color is nuores like that off taeiosea. Tisa zebrules average 14 biaads ln height, and tisey are very active asad intelligent, and hetter-tampered than thse mule. Tise ludjun goveruniet sl trylng tiset ut Quetta for mountain hattecy morS, and they au-e also Be- ing tested in Gecmany. SUIISCRIWTION RATES. ST&TESMAN toened of 1904l (new) $1 00 STATESMAN and WeeSIv Globe 1 1 STATEuMAtNand *Xeekly Mail 1 90 ,STATESMAN and *Famil ' vIIerald 2 00 STATESMAN and FarMingP (eeZ h 1 i9J STATESMAN sand Parme r's A di-oate 1 90 SIrATfflMAN anid Gutardion 2 00 STATESMAN and Myntreal Witness 1 75 STATESMAN and Meseenger 1 215 STA-TESMAN and %Mortreai H 1erald I 75 STÂTESMAN and West1ern .Adýer tiseni 75i STATEsmAN., and Breeder's Gazètte -2-51 SrTTEs.IAandLadies'HamireJournaS2 003 STATIISMÂN and Toronto Waorld B O0W TAIE ANAd o nt al r25STATESMAN ami( DaiIy Globes 4 75 Y st,-fcrred Mua ]i uddiaig.-Orse up off thick 6crna ,on upc csî a suet, caeSaf cup sugar, o0w-hal1 up mi' ecstwoCapu raisins, thrc ceo crna al, cl lafteasp 001 juu anddam amean. Steam. tIret houas L'at xi nple sugar or a boi lad sauce. CaaelPuffs.-Two eggs beaten 11g , aî-tiird cup cf bettar, este- ia tif clip nugur, one cul) sw(er uîik, Oeacep raisins, taie tCul)iulraits, One-third ceso cisyppud ('itrosa, two eps met],tae teaepIoonfuîs baleia' po wder. Ste mtisia hour; serve wth n1 good icief suce Coaîiei uffis-One aup sile, OneiucaP swea-t îik, Oua iînlf Ccp ' , 0e-tisird ciajp butter, twe ons, ee tu1aspOOnfisl soda, One ta'a3poaîlful liii ing pîdctxvo eu'-s os[ rouaua lcee cula);heat fleur. Sait auitibakc in rings- SIPECOS'UETIC. A WOesans îlo lias touched uniddle uge w itisa a i Off cicamn nd t'oses s'ys cf launr COplexioaî iiaeaî: ilfy rae lu s tise sIîiplust and cilapest litise worid. A littio Miik and Watar and tan lminutes a day! are aliltaae suuauts inivol-ed. Ail vie,'men kasow tisat te roalsuit a skie sPecialist or aven the f amiiy pisysi- ci1an, abous-tiacOir cnilu-iasmes tisceleiiess dosissg ndafidortoriaîg bills; hbit areay w ill scir-e for t'lehesieitasxci as tise 1most eÇrc- aiomieiai cf wse I use nothing liat rmils auJ v ntre ivtea-oaîe part tailisttvv-cq0wte.W ith tiss1 batise usy fore atar uerk freeiy twice, a ay ive mnuesiýit anîd Maai- Ifc ev(Moe ouid but know ti i balaîg prl u Iles Of se simple a tisag as a littie anutton suret, ne is usekleupair w-caad evor bco without it. Ceat a ittie frein a ccir butriser, fay lt Out youscia', rua ie gluxiali cake, ad plt 'way rcady for use.1 I rrts'isîd bruises it is alianest iii7 dîpesalu eaid where Lthe oiae ni- I nsplenty cf cuts and bruises. Maa'y a deep 9,1811 tiat xvouid isavae fi- gbteaxJ tMost wcnrien into eda' for P. phsiian ut once, I1liav e L,îcal ed witlî neO01,cr a'eanedies titan :a uitile mjutton suet andi pIeaîty of geod Castila scup. A, Wouidlsholuid ai- tva-1s ba ept dea!",n and tise bandages rbaDged every chlier tsy A dreurli- ing cf watt stafS fotatise puect soitp)tiaut cati u bteý.ired is ntc 0111Y Cieuning but iscaLii,, then cev- ec tisa surface of tise xvcuad xxitli a bit cF old whitu uîusliai dipped loto aaeltud suet. Pcee tise drenching nue tie set v!y tinie tisa baudDLg-. as nau ciaîîgd, ad you wil ho P)oilidt sec loir rapidly tisa egliut caaxd viii boul. I SEI'UI, ITINTS. It is reconiaîended thut a littie vinco-ar be aelded te water ilai c.l stoct.ings are rinsed aiter bing wasisad. Tise stociciags sbcuid tisen hae dried wrtoug sicle out. ('oiored stoakitîge mili befound nnfaded, aud black onsu iiia'etuin thir original lustre. If yous are isaviug n bad tîmeofo it tryiaag to fasten yosar coulac but- ton ut tise back, try puttiug tise el- bows ott a siîeif tise ieigist off tise chest. This simple expedioent seats to give leverage enougli to take buttons and hooks ut tise back an easy proposition. Whess woodeîî tubs or pails hv to stand for some tiane, instead Of fiiisg thent witis mater, mInchis issure to becotîs stagnant, try p'taiting Ctismoxer wîth glycorine. Tise mood WHii not sliriaik usîtil thse glycerino dries on, and thut miii not liappen2i for mntis. Thsis is said ta ho a good remnedy for ced btands:- Iltb stîto tise haufis ex ery night ,after washing a littie off tla, foliowing mixture, weii shaken atI first:- Eqesai parts off rose vater I glycerine and leniesicSe. Pressura! on thearsanî 15 sure te iiaake tisa bauds look raid and sivoilen. Ail beefsteaks and chops siîouid Be handied witlsout bnving a fork stuck into them. Punctiares ailow tise juice to escape. Beefsteaksead chope should bc dippad for a mo- mnent into boiiing mater just beffore being cooieod. This contracte and' closes tise sur'face, enabling it ta ra- tain jisices. To deteet dampness firet have t ha bcd melS warmed miti a warmîng pan. then tise moment tise pan is taken eut introduca bctween tise, siseets an ixîverted glass urîtiser. After it bas remnained thera a feir minutes withdraw it. If tise glass le found dry you may go te bed mitis- out any appreliension off chili or riseumatiana. HUMAN NATURE TRIUMPHTS. Histot'lun-Wiiy have tise Quakers so nearly disappeaccd ? Obseri as-Tse gurus niarried oaat- siders xxho would buy tiset pretty bonnets, and the boys murried girls wiso iore prettp bonnets. SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST Via the Chicago and Nonstl-Western Raiiway, every day from Sopt. 15th to November 9OUs, settiers one wvay second clapa tickets at very low rates from Ciaoto points îa Utais, Montana Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, -U liforiuia, aiso to V1ict ria Va ncouver, New Westminster, Nelson, Ilossland, a nd other peints in Kootenay district. Correspondingly iow rate@ from all points in Canada. Full isaÏticulars ffrom nearest tiuket agent 0'î B. IL. BzNNxErr, Gesueral Agent, 12 Eatt King ,g , Toronto Ont. 98 NO CRUELTY. Traxeler-Yes; I wae captured by tse suavages, and sentenced to amai'y a squsaw. Hosteas-,-Ilorrible Traveler-Yes; but tisey bad soea mnarcy. Tliep dld not iaîslst os aa iashionahle weddisîg. "Pnisoner, wby dld yau stike this juasn?" -if pou pieuse, pour honor, ha came to ana suddenly and said, 'Ilom aid is Aun? '- -Weli, misat hurt did tisat do?" -Why, y ou se, lyour isonor Aun is my miLe."ý bsk f zz neo you fn or if Gosn s I'5selfdesubject t sud- i ~'~~'-den attacks of -dîzziniess with -black -spots- floating i before the eyes ? It i eanms Kidnley Troub1le ocean travoiers. Its utilization on 3 TSA ~ Eei lb 501 We busy housemivos do nott.isan thatyureur inPls Tebu tho btg liners is therafore off umcis STATESM.AN anhd Dra vi l ixess 35) eno gis about tîxciffI in the expendi- to r tutereut ta tise traveling publie a STATESMAN and Wqeek!v Sun 1 go turc off streasgtb, irritas S. H. H. konrm4 o l om fKdetobe mweil as toeuglaaaecs. STATESMAN sud Saturday Globe 2 t V hskofi useduguoo ' .G nP i ilC re y u t -+----- *wtlu so-xium.asd in saving it, but wnie ire înuy .,a e T!ey iset promptly and do tiseir work ihorougis'y. Ail j A v i s i t e r t S ba k e s p e a r e 's b 1 r t s- -4 d e c r e a s e o u r sou s oh o d e x p use s t o mi - ý e . 5 r d r e p l a c , S t r a t f o d - o n - A v o a, h o s a sW L L 1O R p o r a r l y B p e i sg s a i n g , y e t w m e o V î . heurt mas lu better condition than muy increase titein By overmock andx .';i_ ha ber ufia, maikat about tise towu Tnarnp-Pleàase, tut, m Partuer bp auakiug coufarmned invalide off our- reaily thisailed mitis raptua a and ame. ffound aunaSti ie-cream f reezer dam I Wisen siae reacluo theis littia raiimay lu tîte guily. station, mlere lies' train lad not yot loîsiseeer-I ticoîr it ais-up. It aarived, ber enthustasut mas net mas no use. abated, aad she looked about lier jTrainp-W'eil, vxa'oBeuexataaiieingà0 C u e a % O , in 0 n Q-« mwiti bimmning ayos. "Ai," sse, it, andtiIl îou' j S 5 'iiud uae àct-eut I said, "1 tisink this place affects meuMdsoe'1aùrit ata aîar sî more taIu ah SlIerae em-ust bave fflvoclng, aisind ~enBoy dmuMII bi)sod Ipat13mnhs rýie lu to te tise traini to g'o up t to ýotitriIItiissx e aSei ee hssgaue wilI dean anythinig o c1a~1-Ijes atid dishee, ot and pa,,ý ficors and door-inl fact, anythirag frcm celiar to attic. GOLD DUST ightens labor, lessens care. Made only by THE N. K FAIRBANK GOMPANýY, Csao. Nev, York, B-oton, Si . Lcuis. Montreal. Cresaolene is a booln teAsthmatice. Caansoaaciss la a long established and standard remedy for tise diseases indicated. It cures isacause thse air rendered strongly antiepil is carried over tise discased surfaces off tise bronchai tubes with eci ry breath, givisag proionged and constant treatment. Tlaose off a consumaptive tendency, or sufféeors from chronlo broncisitis, Eind Immediate relief from cougs or jas- flamned conditions off tise tisroat. Descriptive bookiet tree. CataSOsEN ANTjirsEss'vc TATiLETs dissolved in thse mosati, are e ffective and safe for cougis and irritation off tise tisroat. loc. a box. ALL DEtUGGIjSTS. LEMING, lIiLEX . CO., 1651 Notre Damse St., illentreal, Casiadlasi Agents -V f 1 salves If I eau help oua heusemifa miso us maising tco rnpid stides te- ward tiais end off heing an invalid, ta stop asnd cousider alosîg this uine, I miii ho fuliy repaid for tnp effort las mritiug. I sec se muny invalîdu becauseo of liftinag, or frot too lieavy sweeping anîd froan doing mithout couvanlences. Dont do it, my sis- tac bausemiffo. It is rigist and , wise for every houseiseeper ta providae -seii with rcliable kitchaîx conveniences. iVa ail bava to go in eous kitchens soma- titas, porisups ta prepace a maeuSL, hetice toney is mcii spont ia get- tiug labor-uuiing uids off ceai tarit- ît is au extravagance ta load the kitchen doive miti a quaatity of cooking utcasils nover used. It 15 anouey masted and morS itct'- d. Oua necessity lu pieaty ofi=nicat towels and disis cioths, anad to Seap thein bygenie and pure and healtis-1 fîti they need te ba washed out in a nice want suds cecy day. Tis cuts tisa grease and cieuns thie- quickly. Tis is le reathisut and good man- agemnent cotes in-in seeieg tisat your china and silver are miped duiiy mitia neat tomois, not iritis sticky, isaîf-cleun ones, foc servants ofteu use tisemt tlass atiaec than ivasis tisei. Tbnift bings us tisa meaus off Sipiug ethers. A thifty mile tas hetter than a cicis ana, It lu said thut a woanan la speaading an ln- como oconomicaiiy le us large a fac- toc lu tise famiiy success as ,tise ma i-, so arquires t. , i i 1