___ Shopping 6 M. prri ýDeidetIo cail at __ h e Corner & Pharffaey For roulet Waters-Face Powders-Toilet Powders-Face Cream -Tooth Powders and Toilet Soaps. Some Big Snaps this week-Don't Miss Tliem. We Must Make Boom For Xmas Goods. Drop in and get a spray of Our New Perfumes. THEIIA. It reminds you of the pleasing Odors of the choieest of Summ er Flowers eombined-a gentie breath of wind f rom over the most delightful of flower gardens. Its Delicacy-Permanency and Fragrance is unsurpassed. RO%()DERICK M,.-MITCHELL & CO19 Druggïsts and Opticians, i q G ai n m oreT Bowmanville. Highest prices paid for any quantity of 4 Bariey, Oats, etc., deiivered at above Mill. P 4John %c4 4î Y E otin Lk C fflfllt As the price of other building inaterial is steadily * advancing, the demand for soxething cheaper is daily becoming more general and nothing better than Cernent has yet been found as a reliable substitute. For sidewalks, floors, eulverts and solid rnasonry IýATHBUN'S STAR PORTLAND' isteleading Canadian brand. For bank barns, stable floors ek and silo work. th vry BATTLE'S THOROLD ste verygeneral favorite and extensively used.j! We Shave recently put in a fresh stocK of both these brands and are prepared to furish either at satisfactory prices, aise an expert to superin tend their use. It will payj;you to sec us before patroniz!ng the travelling salesinan whom you cannot reacli again. We have also a fulli une of flard and* SSoit Wcod and Coal, Cliarcoal, Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Shinigles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings,q Sait _and ~~ * Plaster. Quality right, prices esab. * We soul Scranton Coal. MeelZ.ellan & 12o.. * KING ST., EAST, BOWMAN VILLE.* 0*e* i AfterJanuary ist, 19o)4.pRIzCE $J.50 Numnbers. New subscriberq get balance of this year free, including magnifleent Chris;tmas number Send in your subscription at once. Don't miss a single iseAg ente wanted everswhere; hberal termsgiven Sample copy free. THE WILLIAM WELD Co,, LIMITED, London, Ont. 48 8w. £O~GS. old, sre troa, ~stha, We have nit been asking subseribers bronculis.and 11J"9 t t'ou)I- e re i for mnonev, but a few persons have flot quïueiD ere b D. WOU' -b i paid for 1903 yct qnd we reali'y needi SW Y JNXGSI BUP 1 levery dollar due iu this month. % uau RW< BOWMANVJLLE, NOV. 25 1908. NEWOABTLB. Mr. Win. Riekard. M.P.P., was lu Cobourg hast week. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. and Mrs. Kenudy, Toronto, visit. ed Mr. Thos. Rateliffe, New ife for a quarter. Miher's Gom- pouud IronP!illa. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Grahamn, Sturgeon Point, has been visiting frieuds hore. A dose of Miller's Worm Powdere occasionally will keep the eilidren healtbv, Sohd by Stott & Jury, drug- gists. Mrs. Thos.Douglas bas returned fromn a pleasant visit lu Western Outario. To be stroitir yeu muet have good ap- petite, good digestion. snd good assim- ilation. Milher's Compound Iron Pille bring ai these. Sold by Stott & Jury, draggists. Mr. Jas. Graham fractured both boues of his loft leg near the ankle. Iron lu tbe blood ls uecessary. Mil- lors Compound Iron Pis coutalu that ehemeut lu the Most assimilable form. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Delong sud Miss Wilson atteuded the Women's Auxiliary meeting in Port Hope. Do not deepair of curing --our sick beadache wbeu you eau se easily ob- tain Carter's Little iver Puis. They will effeet a prompt sud permanent cure. Their action is mild sud nataral. Mr.b. B, Davidson, editor of The Indepeudeut, ban sohd bis vearling Jersey bull "The Nerve of Str Wilfrid" te Mr. N. T. Selby. Miller's Worm Powders correct ail sucb troubles as lack of appetito, bilous- ness, druwsiuess, sallow complexion, etc.; nice to take. Sold by Stott & Juîy, druggists. COMPORT FOR THE AG»D-Judging fromn the letters of peuple up lu years there is ne medicine wbicb su promptly frees them of aches and pains sud. lu. sures regularity of the iver, kidueys sud bowehs as Dr. Ghase's Kidney-Liver Pille Even wheu ail other meaus have failed ohd peuple eau tamn to thîs great medicine with full assurance of relief and cure. On Saturday evening, Oct. Srd, at the Methodist church, Burks Falls, Mise Annie Hanter, eldest daaghter of Wm. Hanter, Esq., Newcastle, was married te Mr. Frederick b. MeCargar, of Bracebrldge, Rev. W. W, Ryan officiat- ed.- The bride, wbo was uusttended, were a going away dress of dark bine rougb faced clotb, trimmed with Persian embroidery sud a becoming toque of blue witb touch of white. Mr. and Mrs Mcargar lef t on the evening train for a trip te the coast, sud on their returu. wilh reside lu Meose Jaw, Assa., EOK THERIGHT SIDE-T-'. suë-T ferer fron nervous exhaustion is gener- aîly bine sud discouraged. He looks ou the dark side of tbîngs sud fears Paralysis. locomotor ataxia or iusauity. rAil this la chauged by the persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, whicb grad- uahly sud naturally rekindies an re- vitalizes the wasted nerve celle aud instils new vigor sud energy into the ~whole svstem. Thankoferlug services Sunday week were a grand success. The church was crowded both afternoon sud evening. Rev, E. Roberts. Lindsay, preached vizorous sud iuspiring sermons. About $40 was realizd.... Mr. Jobn Brown had a runaway Sunday afternoon week Mr. Will Patterson, assisted by Miss Lena Chapman, vei y phackily stopped the herse before any damage wae doue. .Miss Laura B3rimacombe sud Mr. tiid Scott, Bowmanville, visited Mr. F. Brimacombe recently .. .. Mr. Colin sud Miss Jeuui.s Mcbean, Bowmanvîlhe, visited at Mr. Edmund Cobbledick's. BIsOOKLIN. Mr. John Northcjte has seld bis borse to Col. O'Denovau, Wbitby, for $150, sud bas gone tu Toronto.. .. Mr. sud Mrs. T. H. Wilson will eperd the wiuter with their son George lu Ohawa.... Mies MeBrien. daughter of Inspector McBrlen, Prince Albert, bas taken charge uf the senior division of the Brookliu publice chool until Mr W. W. Noble is able te resame bis duties.... Mr. W. J. Haycrsft le home fromt bis huuting expeditioù, bringing with hlm une deer sud a number of partridges. He bas had a second deer hauging lu bis butcher shop this wetk, but he was honest euuugb tu acknowledge that it Had Bronchitis from Infancy Mrs. Engena Iler, King Street, Truro, N.S. states: IlFreon an infant one of my chu-. dren was troubled with bronchitis, and the least cold wouid aggravate the trouble. We cozid net get anything te help him sud were eften greatiy alarmed. Hearng of Dr. Chase'ài Syrup of Linseed and Turpeutine as a treatment for bronchitis we used it, and ara gladte state that it affected a complete cure." DR. CHASEFS 8,FRup LINSEED AND TURPENTINE9 25 cents a boite, family size (threetfiimeasu much) 60 cents, a t ail dealers, orEdnsn Dates & Co., Toranto. TG protect yon again3t imitontiepr trait and signature of Dr. A. .Cost ol~g~pip ~pes ati~gg Pson Pgvory %I0 den uf theiie United Oounties, bas purcised "Woodslee" fenrm, 175 acres, et Hagermen'sa Corner. formnerhy tise pkoperty of thse haie J. W. Little. for $13,500. TiSa farm wae awarded ties ilver meSs! by thse Provinc,*al J Governinent fur thse hast quility of land and the Prattieat Sages ln lbe Province. There .are magnîficeet buildings on thse premises, DESEIYXD sIJccsS. The Family Hcerald aud Weekly Star o! Montreal is meeting wlth an enormous increase oif aubscriptiors this year. The success is wehl descrved, for they are giviug the biggest dolar's wortb ever ofcred the public. Their two premium pictares this year arc beautiful and their Dominion map sbould bc lu every home. The gcnerosity of The Family Herald publishers this season is winning- themn tbousands of new readers Iu ahmost every home one bears of The Family Hcrahd's beatiful premiums this scason. BETHBSDA. Miss Phenie Coîhacott bas resigned as organist in unr cburch, uwing te the family remnoving to Tyrone. She bas filhed tbs position faithfully sud accept- ably for somne years Mies Edna Roy succeeds ber. , . . Interesting meetings are being behd by ouir League . ... MissHeu- derson and Mlies Washington, Phainvihle, were receut guests of Mrs. S. V. Hoar.. Mach sympatby is expressed for, Miss Jennie Hudson who formerly lived bere, lu the sudden and sad deatb of lber father. Guns CRour-Everv mother knows bow dangerous croup is. On the flrst sigu of the Groapy Cough use Haygard's YelIow Oil. It will cure this daugerus disease wheu uothing else will. Price 25e KENDAL. ,Mr. Wm. Little, jr,, bas bad inflam- mation. . .Geo Scott bas removed to the Palmer residauce. . .. Messrs. Milton sud Herbert Jamieson bave retarued frem the North West . ... Mr. Thos. Baker, C. C., Soina, racently visited bis sister Mrs. Amos McMalien ..Miss Norma Gliddeu bas been re-engaged as teacher of the th bine scbool .... Gou-i gratuhations to Mr. Albert Balairh sud bria... Ms.Jas. Ruwaud,Newcastle, bas beeu visiting ber uephews Allun Brus. No une knows better than those whu] bave ased Carter's Little Liver PuIs wbat relief they have given wheu taken for dyspepsia, dîzziness, pain lu the side, cntpto,. and disordered stomach. Miss Ida MeCGlhocbh lu i Oshawa vis- iting ber biother .. .. The debate iu the Division last Taesdav eveuiug "Resohv- orl that a y oung miau's possibilities are better in M anitoba than lu Ontario", was decided lu thse affirmative. Mr. Leslie Pascoe and Mr. John Dyer for tbe affir- mative. Mr. Richard Pascoe sud Mr. Fred Bray for the negative Much credit le due the debaters for the master- hy way wbich aacb handled bis subject. Sucb eluqueuce as was displayed migbt do houer te a mach more premineut gatherîug.' We trust that the yoang men nîsy take advantage oftbase even- ings te imprové themselves along the liue of public speaking .... The Sabbatb School is contempiating a Christmas tre .The infant cbhd of MIr. Levi Niddery stilh continues very ow .... Mach symp- athy la feit here for the friands sud relatives of Mr. James Hudson who met deatb iu sncb a shocking- way. .Those whe aLtenided the services lu rEnniskillen at the re-opeung uz f the Preebyterian Church were ideligbted wîtb the thoaghtful -aaruast discoursos at both moruing sud eveuiug meetings. The muet pepular pastor is the une who is not afraid te denuce wreug opeuly sud boldly.._...Miss Mabel Jewell is vis- iting lu Brock . . .. Mrs. Philip Martin, Reach. visited bier brother Mr Donald MeCulloch. BETTER TRAN EVER. *'The Weakly Sun," the farmers business paper, promises te be aven mure intaresting to tbe farmners in 1904 than in the past. The -Sun is eue of the few papers that places the farmers' interests before ahi others. Ghabbed witb THE STATESMAS for eue year for £XPDLES WÂNTED. Have you any apphes fit for obipplug that you wish lu sel], aîther large or arnail lots. Il yen have, plesse cal! at the Evaporator wîbin the uext ton dayo. Ws ahso psy cash for fermera' drled applea. FiNXLE & AcEERMA&N. ORONO. Min Emma Couch visîied at Mi. B. Mr. J ohnD L. Rowe arrived borne Tnesday frein Caloasry. 1TiiE MASON Co. Mount Vernon Methodist church which has been closed for repaire and~ thorougb renovation wilh be re-opeued on Sunday, Nov. 29th 11ev. W. B Tucker, Orono, will preacb at 10 80 and 7 p.m. Collections and subscriptions for Trust Fund. A concert with a popular lecture by Rev. J. J. Rae, Osh. awa, will be given on Monday evening. Admission 20c. Publie cordially invitcd. SOLINA. Mrs A. MeMullen, Kendal, receutl vislted h 'r sister, Mrs. C. Brauton, who bas been ill.... Mr. T. Baker sold 5ev- eral Iambe to Mr. R. Miller, Stoufiville, recently. ... Mr. Normani James, Bow. manville, visited at Mr. Wm. Werry: Sunday..,. Mr. A. L. Pascoe bad a husking bee hast week . . ..The debate at Division on Fritay uight resulted in faver of married life. .. . Mr. C. Branton intends moving to Oshawa this week.. .Miss Nora Werry bas been visiting at Kedron .. .. Mr. J. W. Brooks shot twc large deer on bis bunting expedition near Burk's Falls. Dit. Low's WOERm Siaur-Is pleasant to take, ahways effectuaI, and as it car- ries its own Cathartie there ls no need of giving Castor Oil or auy purgative afterwards. 'BNNISKIILLEN. Much sympathv ia extended to Mr. J. P. Leask on tbe deatb of bis eldest soi Roy, wbo was sick about a week. The ,uneral took place Monday to Bowman- vi...The interior of the Preshyterlax church refleets great credit on the management and the workmen .. .. N service iu Methodiet cburcb next Sun day evening on aceunt of re.openîuî services at Mt. Vernon .. .. Mr. D, Brunt bas moved to bis farm recently purchased fromn Dr. L. Potter .... Mr. Wm Binghain is visiting hir, son Dr. Bingham, Caunington. DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD. lt le an undonbted fact that uearly ail tbe disorders from wtilch infants and voung hblîdren suifer are csused b3 derangements of the stomach or bowels As a cure for tbese troubles Baby's Own Tablets js geutle, effective and above ail absolutely safe. Mrs. Thos. Cain, Loriug, Ont , gives ber experience witu this me licine in the following words:- "I neyer had an "vtbing do my lîttle one as maceh good as Baby's Own Tablets. She was treubled witb bier stomacb, and was teething. and was very cross and fretfuî. A few doses of the Tables completely cure i ber, and I can siucerely recommend the Tablets to other mothers." This medicine promptly cures ail stomacb and bowel troubles, breaks up ceids, prevents croup, destroys worms, and alîsys the irritation accompanying the cuttlng of teeth. Sold by ail medi. cie dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing' the Dr. Williams Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. DABLINrGTON. Miss Irene Langmnid accompanied bv Miss Violet Blackwehl. Ontâirio Ladies College, Whi by, spent Sunday at home.. r.and Mrs. Milford, Fior- ida, U4S. are visitiug at PIr. Casey Trull's . . .. Miss Caivert, Pickering, le guest of Miss Maude Witheridge._- Misses AIma jenungs. Winuie Power and Maude Witheridge are the dele- gates of the Base bine League to the convention at Ebenezer .... The ladies of the Base bine Leae'ue entertained the gentlemen by giving a spknudid programn of instrumental aud vocal solos aud duets,readiugs, tableaux, etc, but the bet of ail was the Quaker Choir. The songs were perfect and seul inepir- ing. £lie gentlemen treated the ladies to oranges and nmits. It wits an enjoy- able evening. The gentlemen will entertalu the ladies The famous Har. monlous Quartette, wll be well worth hearing ... . The Grand Trnnk trains are ruuuing on the new tracks.. ..Sun- day school Christmas entertaiument on Christmas eve. ..Tbe station bas done a big business in the loading of cars this autumn. the average being about thrme cars dailo. Wben wîhl the new Station be erected? The Prom ised Diaffond Dyo Coffpot- Open OnIy To Canadian Women NEW LAUNDRY MACHINERY. Mr. R. P. Reinb art, an expert laun- dryman, was here hast week looking over the town sud says there is a eplen. diS opeuiug bere for s steam laundry sud- wishes to hear -rom any person or versons wbe are iutereeted. lie repre- s uts the Torouto, bsundry Machine Co., irited, 1100 1104 Queen St. W., Toronto, who manufactures ail kinde of modern lauuderiug machiner7. They aise supply hotels sud public institutions with cumplete outfits. One of the DEER HUNTINO PHOTOGRAPHS- Mr. J. W. Swan, officiai photograps- er of the Grand Tmana Railway System, bas returned te Montres! frein s ten- days' sojouru lu the bnnting ragions situa ted on the Companv's uines lu "The Highlands of Ontarlo." Mr. Swan. made thse trip witb tue view of secaring su additions! collection of nogatives of deer huutiug pîctures te add to thse aiready large series which thea Com- pspy bave now sud which are being atlied te exploit the great attractions which are found iu Ontario for the sportsman.' Ha was most scceesful lu bis qacat sud bas been able te obtain a number of excellent views, net onlv depictiug the hater in tbe set o! eecaning bisi quarry, but several scenes of thea game beiug bauhed to camp, camping scenes aud views of large numbers of deer at the several staeious boing got resdy for transportation The Grand Truuk Railwav System have made a s.pecialty iu the hast few yesrs of advertîsing the mauy sttrac. tions that Canada holds forth for the tourist.angher sud sporteman,especially disseminating the information for the delectation of thse ineressiug brother-1 heod of traveilers from the United States Tbousands of dollars have been expended lu this direction with the j resaIt that the traffie has incraased pi, e- nenicahly. It is safe to say that the Grand Trunk ara doing more than any ether factor te advertise Canada as thse Mecca fer the sammer visitor suad the sportsman. DominilonLine STEAMSHJPS.' HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL. tDominjon ý......... *Dec, th, noon. PORTLANID TO LIVERPOOL. Cambroman .................Uo c, 5 'tNomadic.......... ...Dec.ith 1 tNorseman..........Dec. lth it raurie........... .....Dec, 26th i904 *Canada................ ».Jan, SaS :ottoman....'.ý...:........ ».... Jan. 995, tNornadic...-.........Jan. lEtb ; Dominon ...............a. 23rd '9T auric... .........................a. soth .Canada....................... ...Feb. 6th Superlor accommodlation for ail classes of passengers at moderate rates, .Not earrying passengers. 'Cold storage and cool air. tCoid storage. For fnrtlier parc ulars appiy to any a gent of the Company, orto THE DOMINION LINE, 17 Si. Sacramient Street, Montreal. M. A. JAMES, Agent~, Bowma.nville. YORKSHIRE HOG FOR SERVIc1p The undersigned bas bought a yoisng improved YORIKSHIIRE HOG wfr' ý- cellent pedigree [at the Port Perry 4-ée tion Sale] which will be for service at lRoselandvale- Stock and D-iry Farin, Solina. 19also take this opportunity to retturn thanks to ail my patrons for past favors and especially for prompt payment. My motto shall continue to be "satis- faction to, ail."I 45-tf. WILLIAM Wisxut, Sohina. Jno. Gilbert& Son Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Grain, S3eeds, Flour and Co>al. FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour,, at epecial Prime. OAL. We have ahl sizes and kinde of the very best coal that is brougàt into Canada, at right price. AL'SO CE[RCO4L, We solhoît your patronage foýr any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King st. West. Bowmanville GO0 WESTE' One way special excursion tickets are o n sale daily until November SOth, to, p oints ini British' Coluia, C aliforniae Colorado. Idaboliontana, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, EL,. $15.85 fare for theRound Trip frein Bowmanville good going l;ov. 29tb, SOth and Dec. lst, valid returning on or before Dec. 7th, 1903. Ontario Provincial Fair, Guelph DObiz. 7th to iitb, S2 95 fare for the roui.,- from Bowmanville, --yood goinxJ.g Ar 5th te llth valid for return on or.before De. i4th KT. CLEMENS MINERAL1 BATHS. Unexcelled treatment for rhieumatism, nervous diseases, etc. Situated near Detroit. Quickly a n d comfortably reached hy the Grand Trunk. THE "ST. CATHARINES WELL." The waters of this famous well are a great specific for nervous disorders. Situated on the direct line of the Grand. Trunak, eleven miles from Niag-araFals, For tickets aul ail informuation apply to agents, write to J. D.McDonald, District:Passenger Agent, Torontofor descrijptive literature raegarding :lthe above resorts. STOTT & JURY , C. P..& T. Agt 1 a I3OWM ANVI LLE. AT We have completed arrangements with one of the leading Fur Manufacturers by which we will ofl'er for sale at Piret Qost a magnificient stock of higli-class F-n"--. inciuding Gents and Ladies Coats, Furlined Capes,, Caper- ines, Caps, Mitts, etc., in a great variety of kinda and styles a much larger and more expensive stock than any store in I3owmanviile could afford to carry. The. sale will- last for one week only, starting Dec. lst. Ail unsold goods have ta be returned the next day, so do not make any mistake in the date, You will be able to buy any of these articles at much Iower prices than you eve r saw simihtr goods offere- for in Bowmanvillo. This will afford a big mny aingopr tunity, and shouid be taken advantage of by hundreds of in- tending buyer. Corne and see this grand assortment of Furs whether you want to buy or not. Remember we are fully stocked with Ail Kinds of Winter Gkooda iReady-made Clothing, etc., and wili have nuany rare bargains to show customers attending our big Fur Sale. DON'T FORGET THE DATE: Tuesday, December 1st, to Saturday, December 5th. lho1moive, THE -MÂSOu,&%N GO. Butter, Eggs or Srocers' Due Bis taken as Oash. Resuits will be made knowu at as early a date as possible. Twelve cash prizes as foiîowvs:-For the Jar-est hist $10.00. Frtescn ags it$.0 F'or the third larg-est liet $4 60 For the fourth largest liet 82.00, and to the next eigbt hargest lieIs $1.00 each. Addresa ' he Wells & Richardson, Limitedi, 200 sieuntain St, Moutreal, P. Q. Preserve hie payer until yens' work is completed. r ti I d a