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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1903, p. 5

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Three Holiday 1-ints. We haven't room to tell you more here. Corne in and we wilI offer many seasonable suggestions. LOI Perfuine for Bevry one. Not an ournce of bad Perfuffe in Stock. Choice Perfurne is a specialty with us. We have studied the Perfume rnarkets for years and offer you only the rnost reliable goods. Even our 10e botties are filled with good Perfume. Our Cut Glass botties and handsomae cases are filled with the best .t'erfurne that money can buy. See our 25c Une They are beauties. flair Bruslies In Bbony And Other Fanoy 'Woods. We would like very mueli to have you see our fl lines of Hair Brushes. We doubt if any retail store in Canada ean sho w a fluer variety and the best feature is our very moderate prices. Our Ebony Hair Brushes and Rat Brushes, I. rrors,etar sure to please you.. Pursos, Wlrist Bags, Etc. There isnothing maore suitabie for ladies or gent-ý. than a5 nice Pîîrse or Wrist Bag., Our prices are very attractiý'e and rua- from S5c up to $4.00. S0'TOIT & JURY,'w Graduate Optician& Druggist. Gold Fish 15e cach. Parker's Lucky Curve Fountain Pens $ 1.50 te $4.00. Che ice bits of China 4C ote4.00 Rubber Gleves for Dishwashing. Sterling Silver NaiFile2e worth 50 Sterling Silver Brushes, etc 2 c worth 50c, Ebony Nail P"iles, etc. Shaving Mirrors, nice large, Mirrors 20e and 35c. Razors, very fine pearl moanted_ 83 50 down-to 75e. C2!ýving Mugs, Strops, Soa p, etc. JIandsome Burnt Wood Cases. rrýoitne Oelluk(,id Cases. Ilancti,,.e Leather Cases. Solid Gold Spectacles. Eyeâ tested FREE. Solid, Perfumne Atomizers. Very finest Perfume in band- some boxes. Very flnest Perfumes ln Cut, Glass Bottles. STOT"T & JURY1 Thie Druggist & Optician. Âlsike Wanted. Farmers haying Alsike to seli would do welU to caîl on J. B. MARTYN, Bowmanville, before sellinz. Now Is The Tiffe To start a course by mail in: 6General Agriculture. Farta Crops,* *Stock Ratsing, Poultry Raising. Fruit Farming. iMarket Garden- in, , boubelold Science, Vetein- ary Science, etc, lu the SCANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE* fSOLLEGE, Limited. A higli class College, expert 6 :teachers, low fees, exellent q *courses, satisfactory work. Xrlte *for particulars jWALTER JAMES BROWN, 40-46 King St. W., Toronto, Ont.* Meu's Xmns gifts at McMurtry's. Women's Xmas gîfts at McMurtrs 'e. FýOysters lu bulk or by the plate at ~Toronto.,weie at Ottawa l&et week. Mixedi lurnIhugs Thiirsdiýiy only loc.; ýper lb. ait'odI's.i Umbretîs found at Ontario Bank. osatray as cai bs shpinEayl Lourdati s dai itysopngdyi &iwmauvitle-cerowds of people. 1 Mixed Humbugs Thursday only 10w~ - -lb. at Tod's. '-The Christmas Topic," Petrolia, is a. -fine holiday nuxuber.1 Sec the-Mason Co's big new store for best assýrtmeut of useful Christmas presents. QgNew ready-to-wear sults and overi coats made up lu the fashioniable stylest at Couch, Jonnston & Cyderman 's. 1 Gloves, Hosiery, Ties, Faucy Collais and hosts of other articles for Xmas at the Masoul',Co's. TIE*STATESM&ýIN carrier wilt cati on his paîrous New Year's mornin.- with his usual greeting and in considerationi of the fAith[ti' service5 rendered by himn ini ail wes.thOrs during the past vear...f we hope Iïe may be pleasantlv receiveýd and generousl'y treated! by ail his eustomier o. Grand f rî1'." Railwav Svstem,. RAILWAT TIME TABLE. BOWtMANVILLE STATION. GOINe WAsST.- GOtîqoWEKST Mai. a. .iExrSS..5.15 a. m ixpes..10 18 h Lcl 7 67 Mixed .S 36 po.i Passeager*-*1 42 p. m Locali.... 649 p.m.i Mixed.... 7 41 Express.1..Il20 p.m. Tickets 10 certain points sold lnaeacordance wîth speeill hAlday rates annooncad l nt cotumu will not be honored on trains Nos. 1 or 4. 5TOTT Se JuRT, Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 23, 1903. When opening your STATESMAN tht s week, look out for addressed envelope and remittance blank for sending us your subscription for next year. Boys and girls Xmas gift at Me- Murtry's. Re ew your subseriptions early. We have time now. Boy wanted to learn printing at STATESMAN OPPIcE. Personal applica- tion preferred. Couglîs, colas, hoarseness, ana other tbroat ýmihments are quickly reiieved by Cresoiene tablets. ten cents per box. &Il drugglsts Nomination of Public school trustees takesplace Wednesday, Dec 80O Re- tirîng trustees are: John McMurtrv, T E. Higginbotham and J.H. Cryderman. Couch, Johnston & Crvderman have just opened out a lot 0f Ladies' Coats which thev got at a bargain and they will seli thema off at f ully one third below their value. You will be sorry if You buv your Xmaas presents before seeýing- our stock of Toys, Picture Bookas, Games. Dotîs. Fancv Goodq, etc., at the GRAND CENTRAL. What would be better for a Xmas present than an Edison Phonograph. Prices range fromi $10 to $100. F. C. Pethicli. the agent hore, wll be pleased to give you a demonstration at yoiur borne. Cali and sec hlm. Some people prefer the ToRoNTO D AýILY STAR tô any other city pape r. Its farmiers' markct reports are excellent and as a ncwspaper and is well called "the busy man's daily." It contains the news of the day in condensed f orm. Send 3 our address for a free sample copy. Persous who have subscribed to -a [und for a Test Wel for oit on lot à,- con, 4, Darlington, are requested to pav subseriptions into the- Standard Banki at once. Work, of boring witl begin as soon as the money is available. By Order. The ebjîdren of the Bowmanville PublicSchoul bave shown a very gen- erous spirit by givlnz $20.40, towards the Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto, which otherwise miglit have been spent in confectionery, etc. Mr. Wm Stuart, contractor, has stopped building- operations on the new post office and Custom House here and returned to Ottawa for the winter. This mouth lias been occuipied chiefly at stone-dressing.ý The foundation up te the first Iloor has beeni bulît and the work shows to splended advanta-e, Bricklaying will begia lu the early j6pring and it la expected the building will be finished soon alter mld summer NMr. Stuart is a gal man and bas made many friends during bis stay in town. Mr. F. Bl. Whiting-, the Govern- ment Clerk of Works, will also enjoy êt winter's rest. Florida and Southerni Winter Resorts are best reached via Lehigli Valley Railroad and its connections via Phila- delphia, Washiug-tou or New York, Soultherai Railway. Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line. For detailed in- form~attou, Maps, Time Tables and 11lutrated Literature, cali on or address ROBr. S., LENwîs, Cantadian Passenger Agent, 82~'Songe St., Toronto, Ont. Gifts for the Home at MeMurtry's. $1.85 te end Of 1904 f Or STSJrESMAN ani IWuuv.x GOBal. Salt ta ver~y scarce. A "~r-load juF arriveda'e J. B, Martyn's. W Meu'a or Women's bouise alipper suttable glîts sbown at McMurtry's. Cati and bear F. C, Pethick'ýs uew 82 -Edison Phouograph. It's a dandy., Fifty different kinds of Games for t] cbtîdren at the GRAND CENrTR.AL. FairPrize money unpaid should b called for at once. M. A.JAMES, Treaç Ladies' Sable Rtuifs, the finest qualtil that money eau buv at Couch, Jolxnstci &Cryderman's. Busy as becs at McMurtry's West En( bouse. Weil satisfitid with Xmnas trade John McMurtry. Ladies' Pur Lined Capes lu att quai! tics, Plain and broche, at Couch, John ston & Crsderýman. Buy the utile gent au overcoat foi Xms b ueadby it ai McMurtryi and it wlll be meunish, A Lot of New Carpets and New Lac( Curtains just opened eut at Coudh Jehuston & Crydermau's. If vou want thé latest, best and banc. somest range made get a Pandora. Foi sale onily by J. B. Martyn. Ladies' Fur Coats lu Astrachan, Bob. haran and Persian Lamb' at Coudli Johuston & Cryderman's. 201h Cenitury overcoats have unbreak- able fronts, band padded shoutders and band made collars. Sold bv McMurtry. Ail kinds of furs repaired and made to look almost as good as uew by M. àMayer, the Furrier. Bringr aleng your work. Buy your Tobacco and Cig-ars3 at Len Bottrell's, next door to J . B. Martyn's. Nothing but the best brands kept in stock. Select Vour furs early. 'You will bave a muchibetter choice. M. Miayer. the Furrier, bas a fine dispily. Caît and examine. Our Over Coats at $7.50 at $10.00 and $12 50 are, we believe. the best value tu Canada. Couh, Jobuston E Cryderinan. The useful Xmas Présent store- some- thing acceptanle for the man, weman, boy and girl or the home at West End bouse. Let us explain, the latest improve- monts lu the Pandora te ou. cspecialt3 the oven. This steve la sold outv by J B. Martvnl. If it is a dinner set you are lookiu6 for go straight to Cawker & Tait's. Thev carry the largest and best stock ta West Durham J. B, Martyu désires te inform the public that ho bas a tinsmith now and ail orders requiring bis services wilt be promptly attended to. Ho for Xmas! Cawker & Tait have grollres for the milo, the newcst and best the markets afford. Corne early before the rush. The.Pandora Range bas a strikingly handsomeappearance and la entirely différent in desigu from anv other steve. For sale only by J B. Martyn We bave net been askîng iuarbr for mouey, but a fcw -persons have net paid for 1903 yet and we really necd everv dollar due us Ibis menth. Glove and Raudkerchief Boxes, Col- lar and Cuif Boxes;, Wrtting cases, Smokers' Sets are soma of thc things on sale aI the GRAND CENTRAL, Beautifi fanecv linen articles in drawu workz, Roman Embroidery, Teneriffe Lace, etc Very new and suitable for Xmaa gifts at the Ma son Co's. if you do net believe that Cawker & Tait have the largcst and best stock of CI'ina,- Crocker v and Glassware a visit will surprise and colîvince yVou. The Pandora Range is the latest pro-' duction lu stove art and bas improve- monts not possessed bY auv other range. For sale onty by 1.' B. Mai tyn. The best quality and biggest assort- ment of Chocolatés and Bon Bons that money cau buy at tle GRAND CENT- RAL. Secz our Faucy Boxes of these goods. The most lard to suit canuot belp but be pleased with tIcgrand display oi Xmas fancvhandkerchtefs and men's smart neckwear showu at Wecst End blouse We woutd, remind you that the mest popular tinos of Cigzars are to be found at the GRAND CENTRAL, aIso a good assortment of Pipes in case suitable for Christmas gifta. Now ta the time to select a fur coat, a ruif , caperine, îiuff or a pair of gaun)t- letts for your wif eor daugîter. Sethe fine assortment at M. Mayer's, the Furrier. Caît and sce our stock of, Leather card cases fer ladies. Pooket books, ctgar eeai'es, cigarette cases, tobacco Penchefo gentlemen nt thie GRAND) CEN1111r TAL. They are the latest -and meat impreved Dyca lu the wortd, Try a package. AUl colorsat A. L. ,JichoIlîs' store. Christmas excarsion te Boston, Mass. -$10 for round tr!p-return limit ten days-an opportunity to speud the beli- ý,a7-s ini New England aît 1111e expet i3 Wednesday, Dec. 23, trains leave Sus pension Bridge et 7.30 a m. sd61 p.xn. Fulier particulars mav lbe bsd by writtug te L PDrag-o, Canadien Pesa- enger Azent, 681* Venge St,5 Torouto,i iL lo Le. 's e 1- r 119 re )r id 7. ar t OFF FOR EDMONTON. TAIT & Co ar-e off for- the Northwest' and for lfitteen days will make photos at a large reduction. This îs no fake but gen- uine business, 47-2w NOt-eoS ofBrlMrr a am i d Doathe 50 cen ts;e. l' %io, freiwna Iar- nîage IL'enceâ iare o0tanosior funerai notiees Printod a kChbia oîien. BORN. BALSON-At Courtice, Dec, 16th, the wife of Mr. John W. Balson. oS a augbîer. 087nnaN-ln Clarke, Dec. 111h, to Mr. and Mrs, 2clgar Osborne. a mosn. TNGRAM-In Port Perry, Dec. 12, the wife of Mr. N. tagram, Grand Sec!rttary of thse L.T.B., Assu., of a son. LIcE-Ia Harxnony. Dee. ith, the %viSe of Elwood Lîck, oS a daugbter. BET-Ia Fast Whitby. Dec. 15,th ieO Thos Betl, oS a daughter. AvER-On Dec. 14t1h, nea r Barketon, to Mr anid Mrs. Joseph Avery, a danghter. WALRER,-ELsoNý-At Brighton, JUIY 2nd, 1902. by Rev. IMr. NMeLeodNr. urnes itbert Watker, Hope, and Miss Atie Maud Elson, Toronto, LEW-Wv-ýAT-At Sunnyside, Hamnilton township, Dec. 9th, by 11evý. J. S, MuMutten, Trenton, assisted by 1ev. J. A. Jawetl, Camborne, Mr. A. E Lewis3, Newcastla, and Miss Jaunie, 0111Y daughter of Mr. J ohnWat PoonzY-SCOTT-On Dec, 16tih, by 1ev. S. Cleaver, D.D., at 432 Jarvîs St., Tor(onto, John Pootav, Dartington, and Miss Isabelta Scoit, second dnaghter of the tata JcsEph Scott, Scar boro0. DIED WHIITE-Tn Osbaw %a, Dûec. 15h Harry Brown- ing White, aged 21 yaars OKiýE-At FHolsworthy, Devon, England, Nov. 111hi, CGor ina Wesiaway, reliet of the tate .ohn 1Oea, In ber 72t d y eaýr. Sister of Mrs. J oohn S. As iton, Enfietd, and sistar-in-law of Mr. Johun James, Bowmanavitieý. CURTIs-Tu Dartington, Dec. 19, Johin Curtis, aged 74 years. Srîoa'EouE-Ia Port perry, Dec. 14, Johin Stonebiouse, aged 86 years. PEATE-IjI Bowmanvitle, Dec. ith, Richard Pea te, aged 85 y eara FRANKIN-TuTotrato, Dec, i7th, John C Fraukln tainhi, 1101th yyar. nterred lu-Bow. anitie cemetery. Wra.... At New....,.... Defl 17tâ- A.n WeC is Our Patroils A Iorry Xmas. fi <itron Peel anges Nut Walnuts bs M laz G-, .i C't.~.g CSv iDn NOW it would flot be a bad idea at ail for youi to buy everything y our need for Xmas at this store. Then you would be suie of purity, sure of getting only the highest grades and there woald flot be a cent extra for you to pay either. We Van'Randie Alil Your Don't Miss Seeixig Our China Buttr, Egs, toug DresedDepartirnert. Good Place toJ Buttr, Egs, oughDresed ISelect Christias Presents in and Dressed Poultry. cha,,rge of Miss POwer. WC want your trade. If you are lot already a customner b'gian w. Store open every evenîng until af ter Xmas. eawker Tit~ BOWMAANVIT-LE. wldow of the tata PhilttpFîtes, aged PO Yearr. E~IEU GEafUUugg.ggUU.aSgeEUgU* au%%%.~m In lterred in Union Celnetery, Port Hope., * * * . .. . * * **a *0 00 0,,ee FOSTER-111 O8hawak, Dec. 7610, Walter Posier, z ~,,,wa~~,, STEVENS-11n Harmfony, Diec.Ili, Eva Y. J., : * : un daughter of Win. StevenlI, aged 21 ye-aro. e4 a 0E M B C~Au-In Port Hope. Dec. 121h, MIary Carr, a ~ 1danghter of the lte Tsomaus carr. Hope, E E 58 years. aed< IGA- Hope, Dec. 5lth, Edward Ingram, < !eCAMEBOx -Ina Newcastle, Dec. 14hMuoh Carneron, aged 75 vears. 4h ud1oe ie 3TuCxER-At 1W3 Pearmon Ave., Toronto, Daec.>~ un 19th JaesdA. Tueker, assistant editor, To- ' ilnto Saturay night, aged 532 years. 7WASmrsToN-In Chaton, Dec. 18th, Elizabýeth Annis, relict of the taie Alithlony Washînlgtol, ga Darllngton. I nterred at Zion. ea BEATTY-Tu Bowmnanville, Dec. t1' is r. 8.' Franvisi Beatty, aged 67 years, Nà y0 1B.J.Hazieivood, M.D.,C.M1. a .E L T t N ; ;OLD MEDALISTef Trinity Un- 1 E~ I ivty, Toronto; Four years Attenvdin e : ____________________________________a_______ Pisysician andilSurgeon at Mt. CarilHiospitatF, %* Pittsb-urg, ifs.00 Ofieand Resirlence next Door to Ex-Mayor 1,m I Mitchel'l' ,Elgin ,Si.gamu à un BOWANILE MRtaS Thanking you for your liberal BOWMNVILE ARK E S.patronage during the yeir, we WI ,fait, fbush.O... 2 -OÙ t O 870 -"e. nwish you ail a very Fte 1 Sls........$2'O(t0$2 0 4~.: l Red rife .......00" 07, 85 *k I Goose ....0wif00, 65. 00' BARLBY, V bush, No. 1 ... 040 le0 00 . r yI ma, "Two rowved 0 40" 041i * O)ATs, white t'............. 02.5"(027 Y , RUKE ATf:.......0 : R â a. W E T l .......000tg.4 u EAS, Blackcye, Y, bush.. 0 0o il 0 :0 ek and iCanadian Beauties 0ouOÙte O 60 *eue~:E ilMummley 't O0 0't1O Ù00 îSmal "i 00"(11()00 Blue Î) 000::0060 :: CLovEr ,SEED. .........5 50 6 'a TimoTH-Y SIIED ............~~O: H ap pyI dUTT R, best tale 1. O 17 t0 O18 N U y: IL*-"-Ieo00.... C ( 0 )2i') I a ()£.,TOMS S.....0 00" 080 RUFLOST-In Bowmanville on asw pleseleaea STTEMANorea.lats.~ . ..<Our çstore is erowdedwihg cs 0 M g Egod 'W uO SAL-lî acres, more or tes**, o yVy of mnixed wood., Appty bo Mr. C. TH. Pies- Ila v~-'rcx yjgr NUD at tiCe'S IHardWare Store, Bwavty."-'-'-"J des i-.~A5DtL~lU5 ~ F RSALE-About 3000 large Cedar:: Frails, Will cul 1 7 and à faet. Ev'e 0 g . rail n A MR u ini lTn ï a Makes 4. Appy 10 DAvmI ALcoLM, N 1 Ont. 52-3w~ * . I b Nvinl Presbyterian chreh shed, * Entskilien.,Finder please teave -aiSTATESMAN uà EE. office or at M r. F.W. LEa's store, Enniskilien. «à BOA LOST-On Saturdav aflernnn aSTAENANofc ratXt.JsEH-reets. 1a) rinRk ruf. YFinder wililplease teava Î a 3" Our ~space stofniet lt Ifor LEstate of John RKeilisGalbraith, Bar- il, -e, the telsfor ale butvou cau 's'r ton.Solitor, etc. 'Office,' Boun- g*tgatce ae sali', Btlock, King Street, Bownanvxie. Head ~* officet 477York Street, Toronto. 45-tf. Ç g rest assured that just wvhat you ~ARM FOR SALE.-B-êl ng 1W0 F acres, more or less,, outh part of ltI21a, ' '> >- con 1, Darintagoni, on wbich are dwelting lbouse a, ~Want., VOU w ulflu au and necessary f armn buildings wiih atone stable u g. an, e Itar nnderneath barn fu size. Orchard of 1k acres,wahl wa,ered by twoq welis and smfatl un[q runniug Streamn, Coniveiant 10 Datriiugtor. eeg Station F, T. R.. post office and sehool. Pos- e *, session iimmedîateiy or as mnay be agreed lapon. EEg very favorable terins wili be given. Appiy to là-duSQ JOH1N WrrnERsDGE,on preMiiSeS, W.T. Wî J *1g " ne IDGE, 29 Vanauiey st,, oronto or te M -.0 FatTesfor Sprîng Planting, W .M a on &non 0~ NexZ Door to Standard Banik, Bowmanville, . trees for sale at Newüe uruseries-Stark,Ri Baldwin, Ben Davis, Ganu aId Ontiarîo. $15 :M - per huiidrec4 If ortlsrsd beforQ Manuih 11, 1904. li.'al SPlace your Poultry orders lVeekly shipmnent or Balti- with us for Xlinas, We eau more Oysters. Try thejin. supply you with the best. Thiey. are choice. But we have flot forgotten your needs for the festive season. We'lba-ve the largestb and best seiected stock of Groceries ini towrn which have bee-n bouight for spot cash, thus enabling us to seil at prices thaIt defy competto. eaka opr ison on the folio wingYpeiin ea!:i -ipr ]Raisins LemonýPeei Almonds Currants Orange Peel Molasses jý,- JYLnce lYeat Candiies - 1 On~

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