9 el Tkk -1.00 Px1c AmoeEI. OUR TOWN A"U OOUNT Y MOT TE3 WOELD APTIMWARDS. M.A. JAMES ito n rpit In Advance. R(iW~~~~~~~MANVITT.T. ON'PAR .--WR.DNFESflAY. .TÂNUAJY Il 1904..TIE .î ~,SLJl 44a~ & ,CRYDIBRMAN Will Seli AU AilWinter Goods at Re,-'* 3U dce d pri ces.,Oercoats SWrap Shawls, Blanketsk an dFurs of all kinds. k hildren's Gloth 'Coat k k at haif price k Also A lot of Dress Goods at ~1SuceessfuI Business During the past %eiar our business lias enjoye-1 a large increase. This is sufficient evidence thatý Our 4 straiglit forward manner of tx'ansacting è» 4~business is appreciated, and that our untir- St' ing efforts to please is rewarded,- 4îWe tharik you for your liberal patronage t 4~durinog 1903, and ask oontinuance of same t for 1904. 4 ~WISHING YOU ALL A t PROSPKýR'OLS NEW YJEAR. J. W. MecDER MI D~ 4î ~Druggist and Optician. I 6H1NRHALLGROCERY ag ODSTOCK-TFK1NG SF~L Being-desir.ïusn-f redueing -urstockf £-rockery -.and--- E -Glassware by the lst ot iFeb. when we take stock we wili Eoffer a GENUINE DISCOUNT 0F 15 PER CENT 0on al 'E CASH purchases of one dollar and over. _ Ail goods-marked in1 PLAIN figures. If you require E te stock up in Crockeyy 110W is*yonr oppertunity. E FullStock of Uroceries. Quality the best. Priees Sriglit. Specialain Oranges, - Good Oranges. Good size. 15c, per doz., 2 d oz' forr 2 5,-,. Sucesorto YOUJNG &-,CO. BOWMANVILLE. Alsike anld. Red Cloïer Seed Farmers having Aisike or Red Ciover Sped te seil would dû weil to cail on J. B. MARTYN, Bowmanvile, before selling. Jno. Gilbert & Son Wholesale and lietail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Fleur and Ceai. FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Fleur, at special prices. COAL. W e have ail sizes and kinds -of the very best coal that is brought înte Canada, at rightprices. ALSO CHARCOAL, We solioit your patronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert S& Son, King St West. Bowmanville Established 1889. The b3USiess htirritect.1 LDEPARTMENTS z- 1-Commercial Training. 2-Shorthand, Typewriting and Grapliophone. 3-Telegrapli, Commerciali "and Rallway Work. 4-Civil Service Options. 5-Mathematics. 6-Languagea :-Engish, Frenchi suad German. Our reoms are the orîgnîest and healhbiest, Studeuts May commence on'any workiug day et the yeatr. J. FRITH JEFFERS, 31.A., President,' J. A. TOUSAW, bouretar-v MAPLE GR"OVE j DARLII'GTON ELECTIONS. The 43rd anniversary of the Sons of The advice given by this journal et, Temperauce Division ùt Maple Grove Dec. 3Qto tlie electors must have -se- was celebîated right royally, Tbursday corded witb the consensus et opinion eveuing, wben a large numnber gathered lu Darlingtou township, for tbe officiai and spent an enjoyable evening. Mr. returns sent us hy Mr. H. Elliitt, Jr, Jas. Giltillan, B, A, Principal et Bow- Township Cierk, show thaitUe Council manville 111gb Schoofl, occupied, tUe et 1903 possessed the confidence ef the chair and discbarged bis duties admir electors very ireneraliy, and it is tee ably. The program opeued with the ad tliat the township shouîd be put te Temperance ode teliowced by a prayer the expense, loss eft ture and anevance Mr--&--ioladT-oron-te, G-. -W--P. sm-to grbat.-thmbitios of twa et Ontario. Atler a sbart address liv or three persons at a turne wheu there the chairman on the temperance-workj was ne mani!ested desire for a change in our Province, the]Ilara)pton Orchestra fe counucileors Reeve- Brown's rnajorsty played a number et fine selectiens which ofe 257 is ail the evidence he sheuld re- weîe -reatiy applaudtud. Miss Litta quire et his popularity and a total vote Ruse and Mr. C. H Sý,nowdeu sang eof361 fer Mr, John W MeLaughlin solos, Miss Creeper, Hampton,- gave whe lieads the pollsý should satistv hlm au exhibition oe lub swingiug, Misses ef a like acceptance. TUe large cem- Rertie Gimblet aud Jenul!e Depew aud parative vote poiied for each efthte Mr. Arthur Feiey îecited suad Mr, Fred other mernbers shows conc'usively surely R. Foley, Bowrnanvil le, gfave a readiu g. that tbey possesthe ratepayers' cou- Mi. A. L. Pascoe. Selinia, G W.A , and fidence. Another yeaî there will lu al Mr-. Holiaud, G, W. P , gave addresses likeiiboed be a chqnce for some other atter which pieand creim was seîved clever statesînan who may be ambitious abundantlY, whiclt was very muchi en. to wiu faine in tUe township Parlis- jeyed liv all' especisllv h%, tbe Bewman ment. ville contingent. Afttera selection Iby RESULT AT THE POLLS: the Orchestra the audience dispersed IFOnR Bvz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 haviug tfully eujGycýd itUe vening 'A Bown 5e,62 31i.8i 60 52 45 - M90 entertaininent. Proceeüs 319 20. TUe montgemery 3 25 18 26 23 ?1 18 -129 toliowing officers have been eiected: W.P. Wm. Jeffery; W.A. Wý C. Frank; M&Jority for nrown 257 FS.ý E. Foley; Treas. M(iss Ida Stevens- FOR COU14CILLeR Chap Jaob Seves; RSns, 'MeLaughlin 29 82 32 75 79 28 39 -361 Chp JcliSevn; . .W- Foley; Annis 38 44 36 78 33 65 Si -318 A.R.S. Miss Winie Axterd; Con TUes. Wight- 60 40 34 73 40 24 27 -298' Adains; A.C Rich. Trimbjle; I.S Miss Pascoe 26 34 29 69 41 28 57 -278 Camie Heal; O S. R. R. Utvens; p.W. p. L,, 8 28 12 32 29 20 14 -143 Mark Mundax-. Tila COUNcIL FR 1904. Miller's Worm Powdeis, the medicine REnzv-I. L. Brown. Hampton. for chuîdren. Sold by Stott & Jury, COUNCILLOitS-John W. MeLaughlin, dru.egistb. Haydou; Levi Annis, Ebenezer; Alex. Wight, Providence; Richard Pascoe, Enfiela. CANADIAN APPLES IN4 LONDON. The Poliig places were: No 1 Provi- dence; 2, Tyrone; 3, Maple Grrove; 4, Dr. J. M. 'Brimacombe, lu behait et Hampton-, 5, Enniskilleu; 6,, Ceurtice; Bowrnanville Epworth League, and a 7, Enfield. number et trieuds sent severai barrels et appies te Dr. Mark Gu'Tv Pearce'sD RL GON mission in London, Engiand, Au ack- DILNGO1N nowied4rement bas been received frein Sister Philippa .couveving bher graiefui Miss Smiith, Whitby, lias been visitiur thanke un behalfftet i pr people for the Misses Truli ai "The Grange"... ibis generous git. Sister Elizabeth iu Mi. Leslie Guv is attending Ontario another letter ef thanks t.elis how they Agricuitural College, Guelph.. ..Miss were distributed. In this West London May Guy bas resumneft Uer studies at mission there are sixteen, Sisters and at Bowmanville High Seheol.... Mr. soine oethte apples bave heien relished Eli Oshorne has had a stroý;e of paralysis by thein; thers are givenoýut te wethy .Mr. Arthur Britton lias gÔe e te Prince eues who attend tUe-Mother's ýmeeig Edward County wheî e he has a f ruit where tUe hung-ry are fe,iloneiy people1 entertained on Cnsia a and Sun-î day School bands rneet; woUsurels1 have gene te Lincoli H,îl twooýthers' have gone te two eofuvrr ,maLlehalls1 le said te lie tUe glon, et oui mission SUe concludes liy sa %îing '-Iarn sure1 tUaitUe kiud trieuids who resd this letter wiii like te think that te se many this Chrismas will their gifti briug pleasure sud lienefit. 1 pray tUai God may hless you al. You have -remembened tUe poor who were, sud are, ever dean te tUe Lord Jes ansd lHe will net .tail te send vou His biessing " Why cannot 100 farmers in this district send a barnel ot nice apples eacb next Fali? THE SPIRIT 0F WINTER. TUe spirit et wiuter le witn us making ils preseuce known in msny different ways-semetimes by 'cleery sunshine sud glistenmng snewe, sud sometimes liy driving windesud blindiug sienne. Te manv people it seeme te take a delight ia makiug bad thiags werse, tor iheumalisin twists barder, twiuges sharper, catanîli beconies more aunov- iug, sud the many îsymptoins et serofuls are deveioped sud agg7 avated. There le net mucli poelry in ibis,: but there is truth, sud it te a wouder tbat more people don't get id, efthtese ailI- ments. The medicine tUai cures-ibei- HRood'sSaisapailla-is easiiy obtained and there le abuÏndanït proo ,fthtbs its caies are. radical sud permanent. I. O. O.F. INSTALLATION AND ENTERTAINMENT:AT FLoRENcE NIGRTINGALýE LOnGE. Mn. J. W. Wancb, Whitevaie District Depuiv, iustaiied the oficeis et Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, 1.0.0.F., Weducsday night lu the presence et a large, number et hreibren, et tha4hree links TUe newiy elected officers are: N.G.-Carl B Kent. V.G -Archie Tait. Seciear --il1C Tait Financiai Secîetary-Fred. R. Foiey. Tressurer-Maîkus Mayer. Surgeon-Dr. Alex. Beith Wsrden-Wm. Edgeî., Conductor-Geo. P. FreeJand. Inside Guard-James Jobuston. Oulside Gusîd-F. Giho Mason. R S.:N.U,-J, J. Mason. L.S.N.G -J. H. McMurtry. RS S.-Percy Elterd. L.S.S.-Wesiev Cawker. L.S V Q.-J. -H Cr% derinau. Chaplin-Ricbard Allen. l.P.G -Geo. B MeClellan. Dinector et Ceremoies-W. J. Fuize. Ogaist-W. H Cswker Marshal-W. J. Hoar. Fina nce Commitee-T. Chas Jeweli, (4ee. B. Mcllelian. Jno. Helyai, jr. Visiting Committee-A. Tlait, T. C Jeweli, F. A. 1Ltaddv, Frau)k C. Kydd, R Allen, F. R. FcIey, J. HllysiN, jr TrusteFes-Geo. C. Hsines, TUes. Bur- den. 3.-1. Kvdd, .'m Preperty Cernmitlee - Wm. Edger, Mebrsi omminttee- W, J. Fuize, G.. MeCiellan 'F. PMriO ii At the close et the C-eeneny tiesh-1 -r ente were served and soial eu was speut iu sougý. sehsand nIe- pantec. Mr. F. C. Petuc gve evral selectione oumi s plend1id EdFýisen grain- ophone wbicb -wer(e muICh apprecîated[ by ail, mauv ecompliiuu*tary thins being Bid oft te instnuwait. Lt C~> a~vnt.y . . . . J. UC mUnucfl a vt tua ion anu ylrs u,,uswrîl. i ua 'Jrîuo w Bible Class et-the Base Line S.S. pre- sented their teacher Miss Mai,, Me- Millau with two beoks, "Christian Women" and "Francis llavergal's Poems, "as a smali token et appreciation for long services reuder. d. New lite fer a quarter. Milier's Cern- pouud Iron Pis Soid by Steti .& Jury. druggists. ______ HAMPTON. Reeve Brown has received rnany hearty congratulations on, bis great victory at the polIs. Ameng others came oee rom a weli known business institution ln Toronto whicb was .as follows: Dear Sir,-Please accept m> heartiest congratulations on your re- election for 1904. The peopli et Dar- linarton could net bave railied, very strongiy at the back et that western "pleader et righteousness"in hii crusade for the overibrow of Jonah. I also notice that Mr. Law was not quite suc- cessfui enough for bis naine te appear on the houer roll; he, ne douht attributes that te the tact that he did net get votes enough. it aise apvears that Mr. P'ercy, Bowmanville, is among the siain, Con- gratulations te ail. TYRONE. The tollowing res'ution was passedl at the annual meeting efthie Trustee Board etf the Methodist Churcb,TyN roue, Peec. l7tb, 1908. Tlhat having received and accepted the resignation ut Bro. Thos. Creeper who lias been a member ef Oui Board for the last seven years and having had the benefit et 'hie> wise couýnse], rich experience and jovial seciet 'v, we theretore herebv exteud te hlm our heaîty appreciation et lis valu able services whie with us and hope and trust that lie and bis estimable family may continue te be worthv mein- bers e! societv auditf the Church where- ever thev may bc, and bve and bye may reap an abutndânt reward in their homne above, Carried unanimously. 11EV. 1, S. WIGHT, paster, PET]'R WERRY, Sec. et Board erj Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. quiets ticiline- throa:s, backY- ing coughs, pain- in the Iungs. It relieves conges tion, sub- Cherry- Pec toral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Yo-ur doctor will explain thisto you0 He knows ail about this cough medicine. TIMBER SALE. TIIURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1904.-Mn. Relit. Arnot will selil bv public auction on the South haIt et Lot 26 lu the 4th Con. Dailington, about six acres ot stand- ing mixed timber. which will be sold luP quarter acre lots te Suit puichasers Purchasers will be givei tili April 1, 1905, te remove saine Credit will be given purchasers tilI Oct. lst, 1904, on appîoved notes., Sale at p Mn. JAS. THE MAP LE LEAF FOREVER! On Wednesdsy evening the members et the Mapie Leaf Association assembled at their Hall lu Tira STATESMAN BIOCk te participiýie lu a sumptuone repasi proyided by haIt the members et the Association The members some tima ago divided and a Catotain was appoint- ed fon each, MW. A. Hiardyv on the oe side and Mr. Win. Berry ou tUe opp6site te turuisb a series et programe, the losimg side te entertaiii the others with icîreshints. Mi. Arthur Hsidy's side 1 sing mn tbe coutest, had te piovide, whieh was doue in excellent style and 21 est credit le duc thein for theesplendid supper provided as il was up-te-date lu everv respect. Atter supper ihere were songs, readingq. speeches sud recisa- tiens given; aisa selections on Mi. Il. Fîetcher's plionegrapli. A hearty voe et thauks was given Mi, Hsrtiv aùd hie CompauN ton tUe above and aiso a hearty vote et thanks Xiven Mi Davis Luttreli fortilie excellent spread and attention te details. TUe members dispeîsed lu good eider about il 30 p.m atter siuging 'God Save The King." A PREACHER'S SI RONG WORDS, We were giad te hear the strong words ou the great question efthfe moral training efthte young frein 1ev-. ilugU Mure, B.A , Paster of St. Paul's -Presbyteriau Churcli, wbo spoke on '-The Chunch sndm Education " at tUe public meeting ini Disciples' Church, Tuesday night, iu part as follows z- Those who have accepted the Christian view et lite should regard ail questions trorn tUai peint et view The tounder et the Christian religion moreox er-fixed with a definiteness there is ne mistaking tUe firet principles by wUich bis tollowers inight-test theinselves sud know thein- in.g et lis ovn mission lie said. I ain cerne ihat lhey migbt bave litesud thi the y might bave it more sliundaLty." or as another translation efthte sarne text bas it, 'l1 amn corne tUat theY nilght have lite. sud that they might have it lu full abundance." R-e aIse said te hic tollowers, " As 'v Father bath sent, Me, eN en se seend I yeu This liecame by tUe comnmand et ber Lord, the commis- sion te the ChurcU. TUe Church le liound by solemu duty te ininieter te the as Uer euemy wbatever prevents men frein having lite lu full abundance. And ibis le tUe only motive a goodj Christian wi.l have in Educational atfsmrs. But tUis, the Christian peint et view, is net the enly eue adepted amen get-us. Sorne test tUe value eftIhe echools sud courses et study liy s verv different principle-a principie et whicb tliey are perbape neot conscieus. If they stated as e pincipleine luear torm they would lie ashamed et il, Even tUe argument tUai our sebools should produce good cilizens is net, put lu tUai foin, as daim frein the 1Christian -view point. Chris- tianit-v le not concerued about the lu et any nation as a nation. TUe ctiiid's lite for ies own sake le tlie primarv consid- eratien. Se many seem te want oui, echools te produce soldiers, shop-bands, clenks, teachers, -etc., showiug clearly tUai they bave put seme other cousider allen tiret, sud tbe chiid second. Their view le that tUe chuld is te minister te somthing-the nation, some class inter- est, or te weaitb productions It was a grave sin long ago for parents te sacri- lice their childien te Molochi.- But there are other wsys et committiusz tUe same sin, TUe three great anti-Christs eftot- day, lUe thre taise gode te wUlcb human sacrifices are being offtered are-Militar- isin, Commercialisin, sud Pleasure These three spirite iucarnsted lu men are elamouring te have elucatiou suited te tlieir ideals. Againet these lUe goed Christian le to set bis ideal. TUe geod et the cbild ton the chiid'e own sake, Now, lu a cornmuuity whone theChris tian sentiment stili miles their 18 ron fer hoeet differeuce of opinion as'te how tUe cbiid's hentage et lite lu tull abundance msy lie piesenved. 'Ueh chiel thing, however, le te have the pure tmotive et preserviug it. If ibis pure IChristian motive is streng lu tUe rate- paý ers, streug in tUe schooi board,1 strong lu tUe teachers themselves, ne sinail malter, sucli as wUat subjects tUe chiid eliali sludy, will make any great difference The geod Christian rate- pa er, sbould lie known as tUe min who neî-er complains about tUe echeols, un Christian atmosphere about the childien. About :salaries, sud expenses Ue neyer complains. Mammon worshippers do tUai. TUe chuld ib te have tUe besi ai wbaiever ceci. Nor ivili even intellectuai attaluments 'usurp firt lae lu te lit et what il le goed the chiId shcuid have Thare are more important elements la lite than Linteilectuai cle.ieruess. Goed nmxnners, good morale are more important. How tmuch stress does9 lUe average corn- I unity iay ou these teatures of eluca- io ?oflThe Christian ,view of lifo binds When you stop to think that homie-made tea biscuit cost but five cents a-dozen, is there any reason for buying at the baker's? Made with Cleve- land's Baking Powder they wiII taste better I and wiIl be more wholesome and appe- tizmg than any you can buy. HOLIDAY WEDDINGS "T'he Crescent.'-'home 01 Mr Chas. uoakwell, near Br-ookitu was the scene Wednesdav, Dec. SOth, of a ve ý inter- estinoe social event in the marriage of his onlv daughter, Miss bottie E , andi *Mr. W. Franklin Batty, East Whitbv A large companv assernbled', in which %N'hitby, sh'wa. 'Pfronto and other points were represepted. Many wbo were not-Proseiit were represented in the large nurnber iïf beautiful and costlv presents to the bride. Miss Tremneer plaxeJ the wedding march and R-c'. M E. Wilson, M A.. performed the cere- monv. 'l ho compitnv was summoned, te the dining hall, where amid tastef ai deczorations and jox ou-ý converse, the guýests enjoyed, the further Uhospiralits' et heaith was proposed by Mr-. Wilson, sud respended te liv tUe groom. Other friendesud iwell wisliers added their sentiments lu briet words -until the tableswere dismissed Mi. sud Mrs. Baîty will lie atIIhome te 0the' ir mny friends ai "The Cresceni" where tbey will reside lu future. REYNOLDS-BLÂMP'IN At tUe resideuce efthle hride's parents Southi Roxton, Que., on Tuesday atter- neen Dec 29tU, Miss EditU Blampin, daughter of Mr- sud Mie. S. Blampin, w-te maried te Mn Herbent E Reynolds, also et South Rexton, tUe 1ev. J. A. Poston, necior efthte piiel, officiatiug. The bride was atîended by ber sister, Mies Calle Bamplui, sud fMr. -Harvey Reynolds, Toronto, brotheor oethe groom wss best min Nuinenous valuable sud usefuli preseute were received by tUe bride sud groom. M-s. Reynolds is a .graduate efthle MeGiI Normal Sehool, Montreal Mr-. Reynolds le a graduate et tUe Guelph Agricuimural Colege sud owus the second largest elieese tactery lu tUis Province Mn., sud Mis, Rey- nolds carne te Montreai ou Tuesday evening. spent *x esterdav lu tUe dciiy aud lef ttfon Bowmauvilic sud-1 ther Ontario peints this morniug.-WiTne&;. Mr sud Mre. ReN noidq have been speudiug their hone mrenu wiih bis fther Mr. Edwin Eeyuolds, Solia, TiuEj bTATRSM-ýAN joins mn congratulai- tions. Welýi people dio net worrv. Ta.ke Mlier'eCempouuid iron Pis and lie weli. 50 doses fer a quarter. SoUlI y Steit & Jury, druiggiets. , BAD WITH WOu3Ss-Some lime sgo my 11111e boy wae ver', bad witU werms. I p ron e ab eile et D r. L ow 's W orm SI-up suad amn tbaukful te say -il cuîed hlimUquicklv sud completely., Mis. C. Carleton, MeKlai P.0 , Ont., Municipal Electiens passed very quietly boeeoenly9J et 182 Votes oelug polied. . .Mr, Ttios. Ranton, Asinabois i4 visiting bis brother J. W. Ranton.... Mx. Robert Arn et sud son ai-e guesis ai Mn A. Arnet's.... Mr. Wm. Ste-wart, 'oï)kevilie, ile svisitiiiîLwitli relatives_. . pretty patterns. ef new Prinis jusi arnivèd at Wotten's.. - . mJue Barton iost a valuabie herse recenlIN,.... -Mn. TUes. Craie bias purebnsed a iliiving herse..... Mr. Jeos. Mounjo , Hardwal e \lerchaul, Arcoca, Assa, me îeuewing oid acquaintauces bere An Ancien t Foe-7 To healili sud happinese le Sciotul- ne ugly us ever sincetime immemorial. Il causes lunches ln the ueok, dis-. figures the skin, infiames tbe mucouâ membrane, wustep the muscles, weak-. ens tUe boues,î, reduices the power et resistance te disease and the capaclty fo)r recovery, and develops into cou-, 'T1we eofrny cbIldren had ecrouis sorer wJMch kept grewing, deepen sud kepi tbema "WE bave u8eS Ayer's chee yrec toval lIt -- - --n god uti Our iramty for '2à rearS for thoat an ug 'ou-Uat is the charge givea te theOitessumecneddnege nl troubles, ind ,e trnk no medicine equateit." Chur chru-sud the memibers of all tUe îbeangving thLen H4ood's Sarsapailîla. MES. A. PioaaY, Appleton, Milun. obrches sbouid use their inifluence te hi ed-nec, 1 fe oesl-ba, n AU ru ito fo Lw esrv nl the scbooNs, twhere lUe ,i e chcýirsu haive shoiwn rne s4ineo, screZ'. chidre spnd he11sheue-e1ih i ! ni 1, 2eY3. W. Mci , Woodsitock, Onu, vlW'eak Throats ld tile hsIfoourd'ofSarsapar-ill- L___________________ cief parts et s suceestful fle ; sud Ayerl Piîs g.atly alid coe inteliectual sîiaralments are at lesat ctî will rid you of it, nadically and per,' PWW %uffg40 tm .;Put first. i nàmeiitly, as it hau zrutbsnuaand, 1 ri 1- ri -L -L -om goi T -F T-1 __w Il a -4- LJ%ýP TV £U£36JLI V AAAAJUUS 'kJA.N A £&Jýb.JLJq TV Auj-ýpA:q £u uA.ýPjýL A 1 V 4mA-ýl -L ý L,4p JL V VU. fviLaumj!î J,4 u man*