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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1904, p. 2

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d r Rl S NUI i Il IV I uý-Atd oar ý i g ate cf en Sm Par, 1îi' Wra'r t ir.ol r 1îelr e- etilneh $ su - nt isrzin o DT.L . r lrv . c(a(IlV~~ ~~i ~~4 k a ic 1l C I o'qt maill.25f ycar Ar. Fo-B'o'umeû publisheýd a volume on -Cîi izati on fa Conîgo- lanid," nitlîough bis subjeci iras bar- 'barista raiher thon civilization. le imaa's iahunaity toe iof brutali- ti's pracirc ipoitthe îcor natives, and it hagodl-oheConigoG . nticaîet, as i-cpu-ci eî-inlatte persoan of K,'itg Leopold of Begos ith fingrani wrongs. On the irbhole, ft nuýs sn barrowiîîg andu soitnhat cuLIr d linîo record. But M1r. Fox-Bourtîc bus fox or been in ýthe Congo. lc iii no doubt a mosi northy gentitian sd ho is coininendably fntercýýod ibut' Abori-ugi ai Proteccion io -icit , te mitcliMvi. JellalbU moi-JO wiiltcut douýýý bi houng, vnoce She fîi teIlo ish. ýharges brougît-hy Mr. Fox- Boumne anîd othosis, anoîg theai Sic Chiarlos DPuRe, haieexocited no littho coîîîîîîotioa, and Bi igium bus girded hem loins for an uiiolbîcial O ii-e of h er coanduet. Foi- ibis pseP,!iý -u a HÈow Iron,-ox Tablets Curedý a WelHand Man's Slüggish LIver. 111 February,2, 1903. I 7wans feeling bad;wa sleepy ail the time; as soon azs I ate niy meats 'i would faIl asleep if I did not go out.- Sa w thé doctor two or tihree tintes, but that did nie no g-oda 1 was in the drug store and 'picked u'p one of your little bookla-ts and'reaci about Iron- ox Tablets being good for the liver; took about four boxes and that tireci feeling was gone. 1 feit like a new m-ari. Io-xTablets cureci me. J. F. CARL, Welland, Ont, Itîfiy Iron-ox Tablots, ia an attractive alnnni pr ocket case,.25 cents ai Omit-. i-~~ cas t hai ~bou orna istsor-sont, postpaid, on receipt of zeO amides the i tic 0 f Foder atilon prce. The Iron-ox Reniedy Co., IiM-. pour la 'iDefease d ds Interots Pielges a Reitd, walkerVibie, Ont. iL'Eirianger, A pamphilet-bas t.Odîut- - y bocu issued, irýitfs nat po sýnted f gin hFroach îd Gem- aia. It 'U(rsthotmo: futi lii- ____ tltle cf "Tie Tru \About hie Con- e of the lnceidiait accoui go" Amna te nte',hp of bis pm-pasntfoii of nm ettt Eiu_ýitgibuann agfuiilgishiîa1. 1 for tuheroulosis, osir eil as of bis qutsa ino ie- distinguished ait ia'estato s fuo metlicOs cf pro- thosjity than ir !! i-.\-rr Johasion, ai venti g tutiercuiosis bls mens of a -ý oie imeCoîmsfîut for British vaccîre. Notmfthssiardfig the f ail- Centrai AfrIcaý ure of the litoch tubercuiu, tuiai Ijalike M ýc Fux-]3ournc's hook on Cong laîd, Sir Iliarif s îromkOthio DEI(TITRY, Yoteciorte otftganairasq mn-ton CC C NNI CASTLE, L 911 ) ) ,Huafront ual oxporienotîe. Hie stutes, e i-O a luItii iy f Trroft UUivers ty (-stus: Oue Ce-taiIlkhte y hIttice in the London Psuly Chrounicle, tuai fijt ioo -e wcet etflBig t> Bitvriat ville___ ho mas "pros,ýiut ai tbe iriliof the A,.MeLAUOHLIN, Congo Froc State," in 1882-83, tanO fttfie ,otoioaid Coie-, at-cen 0(110e - rfiâkleý F e l gteet ownaviitha ho suentteighi monteLs fa that mo.gion miii 1l-eny M.. Staniey. 1Ho ]REERT SOUt'G, V. S. nus ibeco agan i .1~l895-96, antd (~iFiE 1 IdIISE'SBLO«. OPPO3 agin fa 1900. Ris testiaîoay shoî,lO hie Tou Yi Hi-lt Eit-suce, sîhe e lie m-iliha cri iloi Sa. 109pin. Nigllcaîts at thorefoso Le 0! some vnluG..1He says. ~etde c, îiîlyop'-it IiiiSttii"" Y "Thore aie, no doutht td lBeigians, N/IBJ 50E LI(E\'Ei M.Alas ihero baie heen hadl, cruel aOd MlV Jiu s, 1 o-uer or Mairdage Liceunse vce ahsm idSocie IR(luîdmma-e -Coi re treet INvee nlsmn adSocie linouug Africaît pi ciiirs, Ia tite e- i ii ttîeu ii ne erro *~1e i y dans of Africa nterprise I S~0I-.A; u*i. 0 oAto. o L., ji-ufiss.bîietosý, Nota eý,, e, ii-i- JJ-h b.I p iii itg St cor. owtnamîville FJteltý tf' tte Oî tliteBaIlIr. Piivate Mionda ail da , and at Newcastle ist Wednesday fromn 2 p rn. Orriof--T',emperanco St..- Bowman 4'ile,rear of lHigginhotbarn's drug itore htaveu sea 100 mauîy inisdeeds 0f nmy oma countmynîco iii Africa 10 ho vesy Rleen about dcaounciuîg other nations for siamilar fau lis." Referiag to bis visit of 1895-96, ho says: "I nouer îeceived any compaifts frotanan- tives or Fai-opeaits t that tinte wibeh tcaded to shown that the n- tines mre fIl teated by the Ilelgi- ais." lieferiag 10 the visit of 1900 btc says. that friotanoute of the nativos did hi' "receiso tbe siglîtost cose- plinat as regards the tceatseeît they C.HARNDEN, L.D.S. 1 récivcd-ftont tho elias; nf- Gi-aduate of t-e Rot au Cohege of dùecd, thé sigbt of thef r villages, Diental ',.urgeons, Ontarîo. 1plantations anti setthetiîeatS, te faci- (1'TICE-Opposite T Bingham'S offica that they so freeiy camne aid taîRcOd VI f ALZED AIR. 10 the nwite nman, moi-e sufficient f0 showr tuai they wore pefctly con- le",tout miih ibeit- present loi, e - 'speaks fa comatendation 0f the vari- ons officiais mluom hoenmet, of the f mwork thîey mre doing, and of lte Iinaner fa mhich fimas boîag donc. Fi ENDLcS Rogacding theo malter of f usiher coma- 1.SPVIN UREplait by Mlessrs. Foxý-Boumne, Pil.Re, The OId Reliabk remedy for Spav inis RngbOTne8, Splints, Gurbs and aIf fo ï ofLamefles The uise'of a single bottle inay double the selliug puice of your herse. GOOD FOR EVERYTHIING. DR. B J, KENDALL CO.. De.r Sis;- Gaisto., N.M.. jure o. o. 1 have brou usng y- rKendals Spaia Cure for -s. tiloe. Ieu- f-ri ut-1- ot.efiltroubtties .a eelu an d it au e.rullot rede for SDavins. Bweenr'y, Galle andalal Cale and i3welings. 1 have ueo hundred bcad ut horsu inu oycra I vouclu a stamp for your "Treutil con the Iorse ..d hsbis.uassY Y ours vry trly. Il. '%. LAIRD. Thiousands of Men report eqafly good or su- perior resuls fro i i8 use. Pr-tce $1; six for e-. AS Slnment for fa.nily umeo It bas no oqeel. Aîiç ~ordruggist for Keudai's SDavin cure, alto A Treaise on the Moise," the bookc fre, or addresa OR. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBIJRG FALLS, MT Burdock holds a Position unirivalled by any other biood medcine as a cure for DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNSS5, CONSTIPATION, REE ZAC-HE, 1S'ALT RUtEUNM, SCROFULA, REARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DI;z -ý7-- ZIESS, DROPSY, R}EUMlýiATI s-m, BOILS, -UPE INGVWCUM, or aiiy disease ~~~ou-( reur odbloodmdcn e R RD 0 X BLOOD BITTES cessiomus 0 iaIng Colpi hs. Si r Uiart'ySaNS: " -11e-alo, I1na tiaid' to thie factha1t Enlgid u!dotbe tan the Igt'district, fa EastAfca aid fa South Centrai Africa,,have granicd thxe sanie monopohios as ihiose gitan by theRiUng of the Boigians ia the Cotugo Froc Stato. The saine pamphlet also quotos the opiiiioa of another Enguishumkan' Ma- jor Powell Colton, rccentlyreturmîod fr-om tîrnty seontib n fa Est and South Ceairai Africa. That oficer sais: "I spent ihre e W: in he stations. Good progress iras Leiag -mado; bouses and w cli laid oui sta- tions bad beon ereted w'bich mccc iu stmikfng cottasi to the British posis on the Upper Nule, wbore slowr pî'ogOss iras being made. The Èei-' gialus bad côtnpieted ronds betîroon the Nf ho aid the Congo, ail stmeams, bafi beon bridged, and the ronds more suitablo for cyclinig-or motoriag. The -enctitix rli fr the-Cao-ie railmay meco e biag apidiy pushed formýýard." The îîuv hpamphlet pro- sents mach ibat is -of fatecostinf support olf is doîtials of thie charges made. But neither fanfi,.nom ithe statemeats and arguments of tltope irbo charge Bohgium with violation of the bans of civllizatioi, do me finO nny meason to modify-tho opin- ion ibat "there is bof ng repcated in ibo Cotugo Fr6ce Sinie tbe hhstomy of the inilizaiioîî of barbarie racesb-y Pr,'.A;cexaider iaimorok;, teac tertoboist, ibo bas een coxaecte yeau, cotrib teste theiront is' cramnent scieutisi's investigatio ns h ave coiviaceci ahI hacteriologists that cueitualiy a biological roauedy wilh ho fouafi for ibat lias beca re- gai-duO as an incrable diseaso. The aa0itokic serumi which Drs. Mairmor- ,eR bas ohiained lie ias îieîonstrnted is identical ni-h ithtviicli the hacillus secretos ia the. tubeýcIe, aid n'ftb ibis sirota lie succeodin fa ut- iunizfmîg sensitiveo nuinials agaimsi thbe tuherclo hacilii.Thié doctom sau s "Dna vfih nmautumore mone.s of de- fenso ngaiisi tuherculosis ouglut to ho grcniiy beaeflted by onî notita- herculous scruta, and accordligiy me hegan, cautIoush at i frst, ius cm- ployaient, it bas bLeoisused nowinf a large îîuuîber oh caseés for i)ealya seat' au-id wih excellent rosuts." These ressîis, houci or, are Dot coavincilig. Tbey do not y et idi- cale Chat an uufiliiig relY 1bas been tocmîd, but tb'ey are stopjjs for- mard in t1int dit-c 'lion, In cases of tuberculous meutinigtis non(,t n ci-e saved ai firsi, but the su s.pt omîts w cr0 atie 'icrated and the doctor lie- lioves that early sorLu treatmtac w ii yet pirove effýcivo. In the cases of paticits suffernug front ad- vanced lot'ms of tubercuiosis ibo ero- sus ivete moreoecncout'agiîg, au-O Pt'. Marntorel assesis tint the cure, of sortie of these casecs as the esuli of scruta injections n heki no other ireataet ownas tried fs eqîtisaient to a scietifîc demontsratifon of the effi- cacy of thc e sus. Sunaing up, he enys thaitlhe resuits so ftar tttiii-ed "justify,- us intu tbfkfttg thaine are in possosoa of a valuablo îemnedy for tuhorculosis, mhicb de..-,rios -t-- attention of the nmedical profession- pre bsinq c bIe sagulc ono, 1anO ths bodstthe ioacn1le, 1t tht iet hgapray iifor is ùsili a us1 exp eietal setaes Lred thatinî fa tho tight diuoctitun. And yet the advaicO meiu-st ho slow, IlTho efficacy of titis or autv othier suppoEeA tomne- dy can oaiy ho losicd by application fît a large inmbet of cases, exiend- ing o-ion a lonig period of timno, and, ns the Tudpetdet suggests, 'under the niost varfous ci-cuisiances antd ut the bai-s of observetrs of l Riids. " It will require slkiii, cour- age, anîd, ahove ahi, patietuce 10 cont- qjuert is uis,2,e,, ,,Iich bas hben fin the mor1O lort' li intmemoial, but fi rnnýy yet ho dois. 'fO'vrnc Scoaquecrs al things," ii truie iii mccl- icîil scicuio as fla veuother doe- At 1ibo laist 1încetun1g 0ftheArî-i ca etb ocatiolO (j ai i'Washington, D.C., Drt.Wila (t Bisseili recotfd the t-osu'fs of an investigation nhich ho liedi made to I dotemmine theatîseptic pou %et of lernonade on the geruis of typhof O foyer. .Ho dnios -thec tmth 0f the, statonyiient whieh mas sndeý, during thue summner'scason of las'year hy corne iii ostigators, that tc he (iifol, of lot' On juice to pobîted drin!king wa- tom n iii desiroy aay typ>hof O foyer miicobes which bave galinod acosto the mater suppTly., The docto)rrcon.- chudos enado canneý,t hj sfey sa phoyed t ~rf lcitr-adug 1age bstuio f ttiiain Yo)u catînot xpc a t 'R oot of ex-,il oi 0f ouc bari rbi youar1bugngon to ïibo fruiit it UotObandaj'",. the peny, i.e., a reruiu '-ioî, 'Littteiitut Conos"s - ~1are yoang, at 70, while ualkaeh h ce sample free. 'oa'-Ie" t iai,. l others are (10 at 40. and pains that uîualiy fol- Be sure tîtat ilis ptcturü itý Of'ti,1oiiLi,'fic'jalîo,'I.Jiaslow wil ho a eiued. To t. het'iofrneta lbli ult opr i ia ia ec l seEl dorly people W-ho oe pov iit tnd10IV bvaer trely btîc o -opoetis edt fnihin ouuy iro t1 i i' Olý I afi T e rc < ie uDr. Leonïhar(!,Ps Af îf 50uFiLE tO., N iagr V. lusud Iu s" by Xiu llflnd that 4il 1u ar- FutOnt,for a fruevan SCTT& OWE.i3iwi. ih Jn'~v -Civ cse us psr eîcethn iC otIPi, A i SC hmss - e -mîkd-t shJ I iV ofteruhshaniigdugssa i sisabx o - ~~-Torno Otro aeX tli. 'Oou ftO u 5cc.aadî.o; ai drggit& baiîi~s] eh>d rat ing, criooll È iUp' ù, D17 p G J'i, holrajtrcken nl ai ve 0 f 0w de- IVE UT' ftlTO 'LItc~ asafw mntS poinl Pesnsthink iaothing oý f1drawingý 7U BRITISH- WILILZLT IiE7AS3E thi rrk water fromi the same RUN AT WILL. pond thiat receives t he draiinage ofc their enitire village, and in1 Daiiiiet- Other Governu.ný3ts With Oriental ta prior to thie British decupation Pos~son 'iyFolliew fEgjt 1 canirocali that the ips th S ith6n & c"k, , th waer or-the varjous, k 1Z f7 Ezample.fountLains and îity reservoir was sit- Froni Linglaw's grea,;t empire in uatti a few yarnids below theasspot when epidemies of any kind iies tat he is raging there were, mpsied intbeye prevail; when changeable more fierceiv Cthan' at any moment 'iVorst of ail are the porous carte- siace ils appe_>aranco S\Ca en ers a go enware jars aand the asussacks or weather makes" catching i and that theBits Goveramrent goatslkins ia wbich the water is car- CoId" easy. aas resigoolitsif o nllOwÏn,- the riod. Thcy arc net er cieaned or dis' fell diseasc ito ruai its course un- infected until the crockery gets, At the least sign of r checked writes a( correspondent o brokea or the' skinis hurst asunder te Nw ok riun. Aihoghtrough mnldfuus a i atigue, Chilliness, or -.-g rmore than2,000 peopie have age. The major portion of the ~ perisbed of taieplaguý e la the Poccan ntrdakttugotteOin aintness, ta.ke a cup of - silice its oubrak ad the whoîe of Is cooveyed to fis consumners ia ibis hot BOVRIL. It wiibLa- India's trade anid industry have taulthion) and emlen se-li-tists have been gravely affpectod by, its ravages, showna urne and agan that wbea give instantaneous the expot ts from omay for ta- once the germ of somo tlisease has 9 Stnc, axngfale oî o he0Xsectred a fooihoid in the slimy in- _ teni of sonie 80 Prcet.Yet the totrior of a mussacli or of an ea"rt'b- vgu n aLn nlihauthorities s-cn te have no nar rhwiînftsuessive negy altet native fa the mvatter. A morle charges of water, no matior how hanuiful la the iideit 0f aO. leiog pr besuce of the laiier's etOV I is just an. eood as a peetv ppleiaioa of oves 300,000,C00, of ply. natives, thev find theiseles help- less fa the face of tbe more or less 1-IOUS ES IIEER WITI{ FILTII. passive resîstance of tbe whole peo- Then there is tbe question of per- pie to those meaisures, whîch are sonal cleaailiness ai of that of the _____ nocessary to arrest thie spreuiýd of the houises. One finds tbe most inajes- Pest. Isolation, segregation, and tic of imosques and temripues, thie (RA EP~ BbT four hours would have bî'oght 20,.' inoculation have been iniir tried raost exquisiie and fairyvlike of pal- RR T Ef1000,000 tons of -mater swee,,ping ii wýitliout succesý_s ai),' haïvenerelY aces tbroughout tlicFai deliled by vney This wouid havq. imeant aI serived to arouse tbe iscoateat o e otfltyaonntonnhe VANY LIVES REST WIITII-îo fhnrd fivsadmlin thbe natives caO todamagetee pres- -apparootly offend neither the olfac- POORLY PAID j.±J fdlasworth ofprety tige of îtiroernîcuth Omoni- tory noi-voq of the natives for yet l- besam[e wayfansbvehe stratin1g uspowî'lss .ostoenforce tersense 0fciroifi'ety andclani-Many Who "Dare Not Mledicvro ithe 0 et1orondami its coîunnds.And s thie &authori- nosE. The bousFes of ibo afluent isýtakesl" Get Sniall li ai Shefficlad echoe wouid atmlospliere 0 ftlinxnbihpro- teoi own lozestie beaps 0f off ai. 1cao of ýthese acdns*fsptvna i ails throughout the Orient, have soinetitues aiongsiOe, sornetimes ho-1 Scatterred tlroughout every great iytodsocythtasalsoe gi'ven^ up the flgbtL againusitlthe de- neath the raîsed floor, which are icity and infa naay of tbe smnaller had hulge(J about an eigbth ioftua cres of P0roviden~ce fa 50 f ar ns the nover removod. The marlets, tOO, ones are burîdreds of ina earning inch. plague fs concerned. are a great breeding grouad for sînlali saluries and faciag liuge ie-_______ FAit-REACIIIN'G E FFECT. epfdeîaics, andd la the Philippines spoasibilities. They arc the taon The actioyn of E.olarin tithe niat- riots were almosi precipitated in who "daro îîot miako mistakos." A MICROSCOPE OUJTDONEý prooutd itorsi. tooxyVarious towns and villages hy the single blunider moade hy thiî o cec ter if pfoudineuto toe Insisience on tbe paît of the Amer- resuit l ra s0 ife nd a S inc earisas à ssonFi Ili, maritime pouehritiesalltbattteee1aceatanul o- Sun aed ma. oerepciiyican atoiista h cunl damigo 10 property. wlîy sîch Sneas wlho, likee oUnited States, P055055 tienls of centuries of rotting fîsb, gotrsosbît budfo o iesnemsxsbuds atce colonial îlojînder-cies fa the Orient, ment, icgetablo and fruit inatler mnnd crespooigiy solre ny res he tubta' ile o t scartielte, Foi- it n lii ho necessary to 11ncrase I should ho ecartofi away anid destroyed mn orsodnl ag a Shv agtalso u cetsi the pi ecautions agaitist tbe pest' and tovrions nmar-ket booths on of the rnysteries of busineoss life. land the resait is an instrutment fat at evory foreiga port doing trade l h aiit bus a couinterpart in the enigma1 beyond the ruicroscopeoifa powet, with aIndia, wbiclb now, beiîîg . more buined 'before any further buyiiîg of miilitnrv lifo. A mean la times f Wn hswilmn1i tesuy thaen lever r o edas teb o i eln a io there. eofwnr roceix os about the smnaliest 1 gerîns of nisonses and as an aid tic the piague, is Ostined to witiîoss a FIILE FAILS TO PUTtIFY. amount paid foi' service and risks the einiciordcnndlbea- stili greator Ocline of ber- comîmerce Fire is a favorite agent of purifi- meOst valuable bie bas. 1 cîîiaîeOc. anjd Osqîutals fle l- cation enîploy ed by the white man In elmost every great business on-1 Profs. Siedentopf and Zsigmondyu dustr'y - Moreover, now that the !ifthe ari-nt;onebaud, ebatciy ur- ltorfrise there is seiom e o rnlWho Of Jena univorsity arc the discox or- British, w ho ni-e pont ninsters fi tbe 'hartls ane c u-' wbile net bcbng considered auicag the et-rs of the newin etbod of microscopE art oi eaiig w itlit riettas, a 1 ing the visitations of the choiera importatte incal the irorlis, wouid 'observation çvhoreby ultrainicroscop- ,nhose experience of te latter ex-1 and of the piague, and that bas disarratîge -the rb oie machinery of f c particles are not only inado vis- tends ovei- a pio f more thani served to intensifý, the hatred wl th the establishmnent if lie iere to mak hebtcnas osuidWitii a 200 ears, bave îirtunl given up irhicli, fa spite of ail that is said oven the snllest mnistake fa the per- view of deterniining their size. 'A tbe stîuggio, of oîîdcavotbng to ina-1 to the' contrary, the foreigner is re- forînance of bis duties. full doscri ption is pnbiishod in the stihi the priticiples of sanitatiOn ina- gaî-dod hy the Asiatie. Conxinced a to the Asiatics and to piotect the that the dirty conditions of the na- APPALLING EXPLOSION. (terma n scientific journal, Annaler latter' fron ttae pestilences 'wlîch tive dîvellinigs wer tesponsible fr Somo time ago, in £ngland, 1aL der Ph.yýsik. peioioil cîr of ilios tuh of the spread of the disease, !terrible explosion occurrcd ni thepTherftatod cistslumnationlyfla tbe surplus population, fiis prob- the t.oich bas hoca frely applilcdto !Ïo drmlsa os h oso poiverful articul illuminatio ihe able that other colonial poners, tems. But ih bas proved of 1n0 ipoîvdor mipli at and5.the oss of particlos, to ho eofbs rd nutbe- such as Germany, France, Russia, use, for experience lins shoi, lf rsnplig adtels fprls hcue o hi iue ~~ll foionsui, ad aongoihî pace quto eceîlyJt iîîoncy great. Yot this accident -ness, excrt no materiai influence' up- -and llollnnd, irlflo ut n mn thrpae ut eetya ould trot bave bappened but for the !on the vibratory poî'iod of the liglit that la the Philîppines Unade Sain Hong Kong, that, the inhalitants of c- eeseso a h eeve n ec pert h b wili abandon te hlopeless iask of the houses irlifeli bad htea des,-t_'îiraves, tn eceapaat h h inclaatngbi dbkyhfge îith b h eii utoiisla oaietbing like $6 or $8 a w'oek. I-le ýservor as self-llunîînattng, or loii- distasteful wesýtern notions of sani- neuf itto their acnly ca- rtrsabsiodai ueettrnc t te us obocts, --by virtue of thei o tation. - aoo b nfcino oisrce iiiS. Yjus iorlk ias to imaRc Oafloctef i hbi Sinc,h Ior Ith SOURCE Or CONTAGION. by neanas of the inisecte hathorcd on thorough seai-ch of every peron w4, reflocted ligbt is moweli thnii thr; I their persoils and ini ihef r ciotîtes. entered, and to pro-iciiiaîîy oiec ar- !origiualililumniating b--am.) it iý 0£, the vehicles of contagioni there IFlea, fa fact, are pronothiced re- rýyIlgin matches or picoes of DietOl. aecessnary, la ordoî to srcPete ad- is noue tuai, plax s a greatet îole in sporîsible for the latesi outbreak of The irorkaicn irere provided mitit vantages of-.an iuiensîfied îîuxl the spîread of the varions epldemtu stepau f aieqare thtdres.ngrootas, wirei they iVOl O thon of i-ho paîticles, to, eml,Iîa thait mater. Yet fi scees inipossi hie had been cïrlefuily disitîlectcd and Iolihged io chatnge iboir clotliiag and principie of dark field iimntn to get evui taeieniost Intelligent of oîounced wholly free fromi con-!put onsuoi feit shocs insiînd of thei, The priicipfe iavolvedc in 'ibis noir Oriettals to undersianid the necessi-' tagion. This shows thai, cloths- ýon Os they more out of doors. imethod fs motil illustrated by the ty of keepiag pure the maler SUP fan the case of thte Orietta-are ai- The ivatclman bad heot inf the set'- comimon phenonienia of ibe "visible ly3. Iligbicasic Iliuidoos uho re- manst ns disastrou1s fibte spî-eadl of vice of the comipany for-a long time, ýsuabeam- la a dnrkenod room which gard contact nwith even the sjiado disease ns is waier.- aild wns relfuble. But otie day holi is -penietra.ted by a ray of < ight. Pusi îotahesiae asotaicatiothri CLOTHINO- RUIiNS KAFFIRS. faiiod to notice that a Dieir orli- particles la the patbi of the ray, hth- et esiateto uenh teirthist an, uaused to the' routine o)f the' erto inN isible, become visible irben froîn the pool w hîre the coî-pse of Nowhero, lias, hou el-, this ques- 1planit, hani failed to retuovo bis shoes thoe e e of the observer is ai rlght tion of clotîtes Workod nmore disas- nid put on the feut slippers. A spark 'angles to thcl direction of tho pene- _____ trously than ln South Afr-ic, n ho Oe froii a nail iin the shot's of thfs iman trating ray. - thbclode of the Kaffir population cauised the explosion. Helmeholtz, the greatest pbysicisi 15 asrricC, accigt O ene t GUARVDS POOIILY rAID. living ni the tinte the microscope noiE ly 1iesued reports hasinud upoerectddtaied th testinion~y of officors, aiissionarfes The responsihiiity upon the shoul-fauo as erctdcard h- and traders of oxpetience dnveiliag_ dors of railroad iîcî is n cil known hmt0 irsoh ecpfo e among the native£, to te c nring and thoroinghly uppru-ciated. Tu0hoe -500 fa lc.Tii:e of chothos, n hich is likenîse declared swîtchman ini the, ton'er carnies the ntumn ii nk1osil h XVhen. the butter won't to bc respoaisibie for tahe prevalcace l b-es of huîîdrcds in lus lîaîds. Trhestdyfhdisevntto rs 0f 'sa unber of diseases p-evicously i watchrinnaia the' othorwise ungunrei- Israller. corne put a penny in the i unkuioneti atîon-g the blacks. Tht' cd raiilisonfi crossing is security for ýat1ýi'to is ni'ýiý tl f- hý3 ofSICKLY BABIES. c rn"is an (od t*inte dairy I atrt i ae tt oi f h le fsoe.Epcal h provrb. It otnseemns t etoo atnve tis i2- Usuiaillube s La vteran 1ila the Soj,- aksciyhbearagra Oeedý(. tîntil l Aw ie lsisiodof bis gatr -Cice, l man ias gixi bi stsitrial to imother s. Tbe med con1- vuork though 1ino one has ever imeuit drl'î ff of u o accordlin - yars 10 somne othor hcatîchof ral- tn crîot îgb nia a hlis irild stuc mijýut nd rdnm.p sac road okmo a be- îîuedad on erth miglcî- oct. Bhy' l-ý 1,y cause hit eveit disconîfSori . The niom is hchng provhdecd fIby aposi- Litile stQunac ls 1th"be ause pf mst When nmothers are worried I ciohne.aO r eaidmpossess esst in swatchînan. Uplon ii. de- lof the ti-oublo; fi s Voyeil\ ,an becase he hilrendo lotI trouh h craclts los Y~pends the safety of streot car pas- la consequcoce vol-y slypS. Deaueth chlre d ottrog, c lset tesengers and pedestrians. Bahy's Ow-î Tablots n liicue h i lu, i-d o ftr firof~ At four places in Enginnd and a baby troubles. Tbcy ai-e înildil lax- ai trength and flesh we 1mon'tbis learns hy'sad expetiesico pomtofif (01 t: Je hr Sots ml those St range mnaladies fî-onî mbicb ma'y in other European counicios Iative and give poîirle. Cn sio ttd' puitenmny ffectos, bua s- aiti dutile-s ont a pay of $4 or $5 a Ometocee, Onit.,sas ' aeue peciaîîyn culonsuntpftionsa n- eek. These arc the men uho gîîacd Bahy's O'ivaTablets for st, elnchý It is like the pçnny in the I al cnupto.the grent datas. Every day of'ibeir troubles and constipation fiî-om WhicJ - mik bcaue it~voks nd - lies hey re uppscdtoa e n my lutile girl sufferool and they eý- --t A- i' i.

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