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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1904, p. 3

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TN THE is often ri*ý2ssity, in recognition if its usefulness in siý-qders llup with the times.- Kn Presidentîal elecfion years the OF REVIEWS is more than ever 11 the necesEarýv magazine." Everybodywantstobetrulyandquicl"ïy informed about this or that public question that has forged to the front; to know about the new candi- dates and personal factors in politics, to have a CI-M - plete picture at hand of the current movem. ýýr.t off history. In Dr. Shawls edîtorials, in its authentic and timely con. tTihýitçd articles, in its brilliant character aketchÛ8' in its conden- zatiors and ýcviews of all the important articles of other magazines, and in its hundred a month of val ",ble(?Fortraits, wilty cal-tcon., and interesting views, the REVIEW REVIEWS gives the much desired new3 of the werld's and cur own progrera. Il The World Il acier a Field-glas3 " isthe way one subscriber describes ît. M.n 1 rk lomblic, life, like President Theodore Roosevelt, the Menibers Of Congress, and the great captains of industry, who ..., keep Il up with the times," intelligent-men and women all aver America, have decided it io Indisper sable.", apyo AEVIEW OF REVIEWS CIIJ. otor Place. New Y-, -î ho ines, ý;I , rc t Il il (t t h( 71 v- e 7 rq' T71, diected cou Ils sically ilillit'i, smli haý,e killeci s 'oilletimes i')I were once as healthy ýiy luit, Il li,ýiî 1 gly, aiting inr 111I. and robust a à , 11 - ý - ar(ý w -u) FOR Dori't follow in their paths of joia the Si1,ýIIt 1Iuýý;IqiiY 1'L'S bettpr Lo go j-Iuý,,, o i neglect. Talce Livc'S!-.oclt Commission- for Christian use- er Gives Sonic Hints on -Lo go o', fulness, of Ihp StoL-!ý, 'uU oý lKI) ri, lit il [),il uli f u7, ýAct or the Pffl go,ý o --ýi L Through an old'ýjcqualrtnl-,, r;l aaa, - 1 - jIý ý , ý,hl f i . i . Ï ( IýI Ongle A f.ther ho gets ltýI Illiat, c r"',1 1,11, lý-- jItýiiy ;iIý Tü-c,1,ýü the sillail I,(ý '. u'e , t cýt ()re. i, lie Il ïl L", ut of É.g-iicurttïTe, ottawzl.0 right now. il -ding bouse. i, ili,,: WOLS -itv boai an',-, fA- lisitlan to gruuý Jjýý! jÀ%ýý «-s giraranteed to cure. ý)atcIi î,rôni Chicago says ci , lo ý:,l LL Ilod t, ck It ha., cured illany thousands. i Iý11 1. iink De Witt TaIniage preiich- bc to ni j-ý lu his, a h( f-) go týl voungl 1 lo 1-ý1, lor f l %ý,wI, liola the followîiig te--ict : Matt. or i - 1 apý mari. and Open a Coli ', l 1 ý " "l' ý Prices 25c. 7, -0,0 ye, alsc, into the vine- , -il il sorne-, i ion diii-ng the .1; S - SOC. and $1.00 tiiýli like this : "Go( î 1 imorning ij. 1ý ond the ý'uAianient. l-ýýr Z, 'eaigree ai- ci. 9 ranger in t-ý,ý Arei"'ýlte the oppI-t:ijiilieýý S. C. WELLS & CO. Prospective theme! It is espec- Are you a st good, ýI-J II, sire ira- Toi-oiitô, Can. LýR0y, N. Y. au lally - CbPT-)I.qprfdt.e for the ilrst S of our very dc,)rs. Oh, Cmî,ýýl H1 ili Il should lie ave no con.nec-lanrl woine-), iiev;-r let a ol> m - en of a 'new yeax. This is not a ýOurSe you hî ýoIIr life jIýIss l7nless you 1 typI, quý,Lî,ý- ýý,ad breeding time to sound a, requiem over the tions as yet. Will yo- rot coule . : . or ' ,I,,,ýralgeiierpiloiis'-the more the, deuil. It is a tinie wben the goSI31el Ito Our church Inext Suillily niorning? into Soý-, Thore iq -,, gr,,ýit necessity for là have 0 ï(,Ij Cali cal- -s lit- Christilli) lï",Itlea-vor l Or s lllpc,2rs to ohc-;vf. iiiiifoùiiiity in the coloi should -, be unfurled deliantly y, e Tliursd,<i,-,y niÈ'll. of týý2 mos, 1LI1esý-,,d of all As, t e of 1 àn inialýý 1,1I,,v "Iect as sires. to Ille kud when an aggres,ý S.Cial next -olz to wish you approach t1iý, "shut-iiýý,- file in- ývé caiip.aJbýn liould be plaiiiied for that I could introduce soine ThIj more ilrifoil, ;iy there is'in' all f our volang people. it éasY Ilds Who aï,ý !Il lie up- invading the Strongholds of evil in 'a i on a bed ý,f in ýii-oeditig' and by stLLnic intrenchiiients. to drift anionjg bad ý,i ind 1 ql, a 1 Y a sire "lï'orwai-d, marcli !- ËIiotild 'be the large to'lvn Ji wOek out, yoii ýI i i 1 ýýIe th(, I,.\ Il 1 bit ke this. I --ou to Il 19 will b- TL', s 1--ýôDr of Vil and the l - il, Uý'jýî ',Ijl' ck T;r: conimand all along the Unes, not 'get amoilg tle go0ýd e ha heai-11 li-e Sjý1 gl 1 1 of at- n ý i-ls grati- tinici- not , 'Huit 1 Il not Soule tine young fol!,s i ij, at our ble wojý1ýý3 of e Il t 'tic"' tl ýh;,1; lie chuýchý ' 1 knQw that -11 t.de * ý._d1 Uill llot 0111Y 1 hu sl i2 rire- -Fn Il baý 1ýý not detailinent for ill &t a huar fol, warm welcoine .... Perhý,1,ý; do not cli'ly. We shoulcr have Pl an eoniný,m(i:i'ioiiS, but you wilI kno n oý e7ý,-lIeii[ ïanks a grand charge amd Iv the City weil ýiioIlgli fi d also hCar the Ilivine Saviour say: a. Lhaý hall Ueeii got by a, výlav. Come vitl, JI'(ý lu suP- w.as si*, and îsïted ine. Tbere, should bc no your go I, d >;; Verily i t out (Il a very lier, and we will go tog,'l or -1 1 Say unto y -DL -ils sort arc kept V,711il,11 !,11, týo sIrep upon Our wins 1 - 1 c ý1 lly of tl will call at your rouai I)i' You. 1 in i, it, unto one of th,ý Icast of these iny f :il his country, to the great II-111 llý 1 c ap. How mally Young mon, ýý1 1 ý111gI-ýrS ln biý,tlhre-i ye have d a large citl-, nie tll'"'e ILQ '1vOuIý it unto ilif îive stock o1Iý vo id fui It refuse an ý'l-I\ifalion Lo -ýînie ýLmong ý-TE GOSPEL INVITATION. at thiILS 11) jý,'('uCh the coin- 1 m-i,,t ý i1\1ý n(.,ed is ]il hý I,ý Therî, 1 Christiaij if thu, accosted ? But tl , is Still one more , field ITow maný ruoius deýlicaLed vity to whicý by the of Christiaii acti the ' le into ni.I 1lo--ý_ý;ý)n the other your attention. a or If un Itf, 111 ýI 1-7je ý;ervices of the Chris -1i1ý style. sa"e church for Il ï beautiril ýiiggéstive :book]Liy a 1 would direct , Th Il 1 E - 1 e flan, Eiideavor -society, EDworth is to the side rooins where the a er- a"bati, sire, grau d- ritten by'Bishop John 1-1. Vincent. rit or a b ad otiherhood of Àndrew meetings should be held -de Pe- b Its title was -13etter Nbt." But jeague or Br in every ýIaîr or grand -il the 'le Christian's Iii ýtrý to be con, and Phi lip would lie en pty, or prac _Christian, chur eh immediately foilow-ýcUli-1,1-1; of the e Will crop out in tically empt,ýr,, if the Christian niein- ýdictioii Or the Sunday- l rirg, because the sire is on- piete needs a corý,)IjLl-rlloll volume ing tlic belle bers of the church would go out hi ÜigNit services. That is file -place IY of mainy in a pedigrec and called -1-letter Do.- The ChrIstian. À is called to a life of positive, active a plain, pracfical Way, and gl--ý-e sucli whero the gospel net is drawn. That hýý oIýlYýthe influence of one, while service. a warm hearted, lovirig snlucat*on to jo iplipu Ui IUOOt ýný ý SI ag '_ st bilu !S the ilifluence of cach ij -, folkS as 1, have inC!cateýcl? 1 rayer the -iiiners *ar, iven a direc, Of t"p aniffialq in his ancestry. all WORIý I - N TITE' SUNDAY The reason the young dO net , invitation to join the chur The telidirg Tllere - is work, i il is lie- they are brought face to c nul imited work, coule, iiito church fellow, fý, ýC with TIOWARDS VARIATION. remendous, over powering alnI vital cause the'y are not Person' U @ 9 ý > - ally invited Jesus Christ and are urged to irako ip 0 î îuý, nrîe il t to come. This invitation diityrests -ence to their souI'sý It is often better to choose a Soule- woý k, to do aiiiong the Sunday a decision in refci schnols. This gospel woýrk is the with the . iiew convert as well as eterrial destiny. Tbat is the one what infuriur animal of good breed- and Resollvent with the old. Place abovo, all others where tb,, ing tiiaii a good animal of bad brüed- d,,jî, quiflklv or it will never be done MISSIONARY WORK. Christian -hould expect to SI the di- eacli case thore is the -lit all. Th e vendant fields of child- rect results of his ST)iritill labors. of orle animal against the hood do not stay verdant long. Our Another glorious field of Christian _ fta is the.one place to- ýstry and oach individual sClIn ward %ý, hich all 1,C U à zý [î Il e _1? usefulness ils to lie found in 1 sien- . 1 1 anlir in that ancestry. own children seem to spring up un, s S setiolai-,,4 and young peoý,1,- should Ill' der our very eye. It is but a, short ary work. What do I mean by thaC? m eri-c, :tnd cou ud its conv It Iýiil not do to confound a long time since they xvere bables,. N ow Christian labor ainoiig the cannitlais , _ýiany 'and J1. Igospel clitrax. jpedigree witha good pedigree. the are boys and girls hey :of the south sans? Aniong the fur will bc grown nien and womejl. WC 'robed I'skinios, in their igloos_ ofi TITE CALL TO ClIIZIST'_ýý LI FE. f1llimuls with long pedigrees are use- less for 'mprôving file quality of Our go back to visit the sýcenes of our itho icy north? Among the tattooed 1 Thus the call to Lâc ý:1Iýijý-Lîan life stcck. Uhy? Lecause their ances- Ç 1 Tc rturiilg,' DÎSfIgUrinc NU- Cjldh..d which. ve loft oilly a fGw j Maoris of New Zealand and the lialf 1 is a bugle blast for w(Ir1,. The Itors have net been of uniformily a o, and WC firil that the ýci-,ilized natives of the àrient? Oh, church pow ils not ineant fur a bed 9t'od qilality, nôr have they been of Mouis wilh Loss of Hù ye rs 4,g, of our ýouth are now i es. Thev' are all included in that' of il ses, where indolence 1the saine type. Many of the pure- grown up and marri-od and have iterin, "ri2issioi)ary work." The di- ýýcan lie down for perpetual sluiiiber. bred ailimals iniported into Canada babies of theýir own. vine conimand, "Go ye, therefore 1 Consecrated church lut !abership is a arc of poor quality and not brud to Y, ý 1 ing theni sacred affinity fol jli'ý,uisc missionary ' Sunday u, (u* offers an un- and teach ail nations, baII 1 ty,,-,o; tfiers have a good appear- EENALL ELIS3 7_7" ÏLS liinited fiùAýfoi, 1,ospel effort. Manv, ýi. the naine of the Father and the activity as Weil as jur ~gospel rest.- many nue thp chîldieii among whorri Son and the lioly, Chosll bas an:e, but, th(ir r!-ý!-ing is inferior the ýeariiest can labor. Pre- lý a, A famous-rirusician said, 'llï 1 their ý,zicý ý,toîs have- been ir7 worldwide significance. Ola,- of the l stop practising uIIiýýI ho, piano one in and breed- Thousands of the world's best pen. sidcnt Ëoos(ý,,-It Diay be right in" fist duties of a Christiait ïs to wor11ý daY 1 will feel r-y 1 0 Show a ple have foland instant relief and uàlteririg a protest against ýfoi the foreign inissionarý Society -of dovs th(, l'Il of guod catlll or a stable of ,speedy cure by the use of Cutieura Ille tend'elicy uf Vie iiplier ciasises tO ihis churcli By iiioney dor L', i ior 1ýy 1 i É t, firce, t 1; c, o i i j, in ;Iy oIl ]Re- . ý ý jluva the_ shirýk Parental responsibilities, but _lu of solvent, Ointment and Soap in the Most iin,,.,ng t 1 lie inidille and the lower needlewor ' and Iý11 pledges ýIIj j'ý*,ýýiý,1ýýcl[Ouà' jil Èýel it. Il tYf;e, aikd in ord(r to get should re-enforce our Christian ýiis- conseî!ý,t,1(1 meniber L"eni so lie illust stud y nnIi practis torturing-and disfiguringof itching, cla-cs cJ-ild,ýýnn seein to be every-i e burning and Scaly humou rs, eczemas, )% i I1 c - T'fiei e are broolds, of them, 1 sionaries laboring in foreigil iý l,!ý day lie 11DO breeding 'lis far ýI,ý t,!.e ýIuJ rashes, itellings aud înfianiinatlons. swý,ýýtiis of i Yi, flocks of thein, You cannot have kt world',s S,,,, 1 ý ý[)iritljaI qn, itv go. unless you !eel that the lolack runn deteý So it ls in brc-ý-(;ing aIýI gre, of, animals. -it hosts oi Thousand3 of ti t (ými. Tho multitudes f Porneo and the y-Ilow niari Of iian it, tLý Thl-, advz.vitages of adhering closely ers, of skin-tortured qlad disf]-ured pattering fe(- fairly fill tl-o earth l Chilia and the Bengali of ý i Aia are, days the (J 1: Irge will 1 b,, music tilese infantile' ,: ý1 ito type, and -,ullijg out al! aniinals br',les, of ail a-es and conditions, 1 ýyour brothers-brothers in Ohri-t. . Sufferûr 1ý-luse of ji,. Faith' 1 tilliýol-,gs every i: _- start on, thoir 1 8 1 -- t!iýit do ijýot cOmý up to the standird Lýve certifled t almo,ý,t ineraenlous But inreference to iiiisýïý,nýiiy work are niový,1,1,. Theý iîlust be k ýî, dilliy tramp to t'ie public scllools. of I)y t1iýe Crio 1 1 had in ny mind also an,), ýcr inter- 1workiiig ýý11 the Now are Well illilstrated in the case tieura remed es Wheu ýIn_ order te hoir-e theui for educa- i,,,, 7lritish she-cii breedcrs. Their tbe tý ýýst mý dical skill had failed, to re- - practiI-al deterininati on j 1,, >,., ýý, lieve, niuch less cure. tional purposvS millions upon mi,- pretation. I mena CliristiLLn laborithe, are large and gond, and ex-1 among those who are living in your Christian to soitlu are yüý,À j', ly W Cutieura Treatment is local and Con- 1k)Ils of dollars must be spent an- cil inanaged. The great- ,S'Iltution3l-complete and perfect, No Christian disciple need back alleys, Christian labor among speClally fitted'to [,o Ivork for is exci-ciscIl in regard to the the poor ' and tue social outcasts be zIýraî,1 of building upon another Chriýt? ChOOSL yc. oc- Of pure, sweet and whÙlesome. Bathe the a s a hidy sonie time, cuuations. FroýýI --he qLIUlity affected surfaces With Cnticura Soap inali'ýý fü'lilldation when lie goes to Christiaii labor, a inally THE, BREF:DIlIý MALES. p leanse the skin of ,voý 1ý for Christ among the little ago express,,(l i,, to luý&II iii a bouse arffl hot water to le beautiflil feýds Of 90SPel OPPortulIiîiýs c crusts and .9cýý,les and soften the thieLý chPýî,,un,- , Tilei-e is net a consie.-rat, letter. s1je, \I-ý I)te asking nie if 1 tl'eni now. ý,j.,Ile ew'e flocks are of il ýformiIy good f( ened etiticle, ("i-y withont hard rubbing, ed "tind,,ty school superintendent in knew of any crippled child who had 1 quolity, but even the Iý,ritlsh fariner b ard apply Cutieura Ointment freely to -,il! the world who is not at hïs wits' Iio friends. ýýhe wanî,I,ý' to adopt QUAINT ETIGý 1-11-AeD CE - E11O_ý11j-V ýl ('1U'Id inillrove Ilis iliethods by paying allay itchhig, irritation and irirlaram,.g end te find the vight kind of teach- that child. Slie well kr, the attenfioý, to the ancesLors Of I-1ý II \-s. The quality of els WhO -ill gatliur tie boys and ablebodiccl children nil !i',IllIlýite1Y Hornespun Cloth 1IVVal1l,ý, 11, or l., ý 1 i tion, and soothe an' ýý s is good, but lie trke Cutiezira Resodlvehnetalt'oanedôôllastly the girls into the studonts' Classes te Ilble to take care f now 1:, and 0 Pulied While lýTaideiis ý_:13I cieanse the blood, and put every fune- foý his Suill sehool. but t1le criT)pled child evLr. !,I, j ( e the trouble to 1 il At the recent hij- 7iln i.d ýi)od-thc -_ i,ý clams or grand- tiOn in a state of healthv activ.itv. A FIEL-1) IlOit GO SPEL- LABOR. 1 fore sile wanted to OC.Opt LL -l of the ci u-ý, 1(: 111-- da! ij jýý, good. T..is ils a More gTeat cures OfSIMDle, Scrofu- FlindÈtv school ,,;ork is of the most 1 child and care foi- the boy w1hile she southrons hmýi ;ý,n' 'q'portian- ci ,ereditary hilmoiii ull thl and leave money enougIL iii ii.cr _Of t Inr q and 1. rq ý1ýe (î<-i!Y ïearnïr - ýr ý ý ý , v iiý,,iiîe b-, Cuticiira.rerriedi" hy ail She ný7'hf-î âl 1 ood cnd skin iH o cure for the child. îJtcr "wai il king" reri- _eqýd. Ali, finit ils the true mis- ciereýd bý, file 1 l i e:ý' Uùed, set c:,ý',I-1 i't lu III, lIiIýýsi spirit! To cure for the crip-, Ci,,telc Ch-)ýr to the ýjUI i,,-, cure týw, ,arling ewçs, ev-Ii trill LL - Iiiiýn-,l and -Oft( f jAjjIýi ql ',',ýu caii li ild them elotii-is il ;S that arc luit of the, Il s 1 i, , , ircd l Y, or have, net proven ý-oi I-ýiu hc,;ir them ed on a hicken, You eau see strengthen and IL, the cloth 1)], jer S. This culling ou lu the twi- 1, ing previolis], 1 1, '%ý'Pt. This 1 "Oýr-ss 'S -Y carefullly carried out. waulking is cloue' b-, illumber of! 'lot usually allowed to C 'elect ïroui t'lie breeding flork SUFFERING. %vomen, açcordijýLý îý; he. lengtli of :- tlub web, the jui, ieil, 'Of nliv (4 t"i' Well establislied breed- N, Iý,ý',d f-li' Christian 'l.re &lwayý ers. or theý flock is rescrved Yl Ille mai ens, though i,ý îo'Iwý ili wouk. two or thrce th em. Iýw11 use, the next I)Gst is LI Clu1iý', ý,,,ent most rl, _ir2s sjug ap songs as Às; il] e -Fold foi, Ijý, -Iling purposes, and the, t' cau place our 1 Is, l ry--ll ail-le they niove the el,)tl-i ýý-e rOutýu r' y, tbird gral,, ý,,(Is to the butclrer. This w pull. 1ýýe fil Sul th si ýl,. ýs oiuld in 0- the board, ,nid tte jý; pieLtirf,- lion and grading are r( Il. ork citi, sýiy, -The childreii ,,ili nig thruug1i,_i1ýl, rI11ý ýTed with. sque t, tho e,,,(-, ý;1I(ý to ll Was Unablr; tc ýýn 12,'CO li -id inaintain- w gi.'1ý1 " ý_ýî thaýn all, bec Cý lvhite cots lard ;i (lowerl car. All arc,, l,ý' jileiry ýIý ed tIll' ý-l of the English ýýj tI:)-Jay- Will -be- (ý jý ýnî-tllere- a ýý0L'j Of be-, -- liýigiiltiiIl gile quick- oc W il ish 1', liners fi .EO evcàý since. "Iwa"okddelwnldgeupatnight. ami d many fri(ýÀ1ý A - S ns. to imackalhe, preqvert TLSt snzrp 14"ý climt, sumo! and scratch-,myself fý,ýb was raw mè Me dmtaUon 04 -les flarning. TLe is 1most a-re to be noi i i(,I. ilo Ci à rsyThis: croé! ply ù0inced Elipi, bc9 dc"r4om nA ww 1 cmo4s" l e 1 1' andent Seilport FUMIP' Mar zur Aïm, pasur cm My w's f vuunýans à1ý---auSe' WMA CW 1 y"! Konq Ï Iwo une y 'mUe sa -f"ý Iii the PiP ývîi! ý'ýýic. 0'*'î"'m(1ý', &a ar Pom 5c ce pn lux Cr j UV S" p, --il or ESmmm, Mon or M A , W d. sien Tyrkin W Morc W" 5ý loue iýsssï misipzin le tu ,Oum%, A immughme cumi each, lias just been phiotograpýhed at In ý1p!,iLcant te the Willesden Guaniiaiis for outdoor relief, who ple-aded illiieffl,, -Was referred to a rnedicai man, who bas certified hini te be sufferinýg from -fear of work.- As precautions against bùrglary a nervotis Torqu,-,iy householder keeps in bis bedxoon-i a double-barrelled gun and cariridges, a policeman's whistle, a rattle and a deep-toned dinner bell. A girl named Jane Beatrice Wli- liamsone aýged 14 years, an orphan, who had been discharged froni a cotton mill, as slie had lest one eye, and the sight of the other xvâà de- fectivedxowned herself at Accring- ton. In explanai ýoii of roti-seï-ntious objection to ful appliciult at an, exemtioii certi£ý,:ýIý- that seven of J-ýis from ,blood poisoni,,g vac- cin ation. fLI, crýwILà, t( J* en-- ' "' ï i C L l'o g i 11 71 ad been lieuten xý!tL zu bý both defendants, and tiý,r!j-i out inte at night, Whe. I.,uUii wasý hil dead . from starvatîoýL and sývere%, bruised. Te stanmarize these estimales of average human existelicu, ý0 ýiýi t--ket finally the case of toit ýtv- eragemalýe children born ;ii I rL,7ý;tnd in the saine year and of in any ten different positions in socie- ty, from the highest te tbc lowest, and let us watch their progress Iron, t1w cradle t. th, grave. Each member of the ChineÊe cav- alry receives about S4.00-a month, and out of this he is required to furnish fodder for his horse. In case of the death or dis"ility of the, animal lie must supply a new one'at bis owli Uiinese cav- alry-man is, Ioro v(ýry careful of his gee-gee. N'EVS BY MAIL ABOUT JOI-IN BULL AND HIS FEOFLIE. Occurrences in th e Land' That R.gigus Supreme in the Cora- mercial World. Mountod wardersýare now station- cd at Dartinoor Prison for lhe pur- Pose of preventing escapes. The Moat f-arm, Clavering, -,vas of- fored for sale at the, M.art, London, but was withdrawri, at £18,800. Special trýiJnsý krlown as Fisher Girls' xvere recently uti- lized to carry Scotch girls froin Yarmouth. At the international exhibition at Brigliton aquaxium there is a spe- cial section devoted to wonxen'ý in- ventions. At the West London Police Court the Marquis of Devonihire was fined £3 for driving a -motnr car at ex- cessive speed. Sixty cjýô!rs sang ýýt St. Paul's CatLedrai receiitlyýiii the thirtieth annual festival of the London church Choir Associ-,ition. Nfr. IN'egus, ivho died at ',Iýoi tharilpton, at, the age, of 98 years, was one of the founders ýüf the Pharmaceutical Socictv. At a recent county court case it was said that' 1ýIiss Edith Morey, a rector's daughter, 22 years of age, waF, -1:ý;U0 in debt for dress. Tiý of Mr. Justice Dar- 1IIIeý"'ý ýý 'o -reiilàfn- 011 -the - eSIý du,-L of die Royal British Ban.k, tIore has been a grf-l'at rua on the bank. . Owing to the immense qi of rain there is a plague of rt the rural districts of DevýDn, týItsolýgilhn theh- holes becoming water-clogged. Danger buildings are about to 401 erected A an isolated part of Plum- stead Marshes in connection with the lyddite factory, Woolwich ax- senal. A family of twelve=seveli brothers and five sIsters-iiamed TI-roliipsoii, with ta average' age of 60 years

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