Iron-Ox 'Tiny Tonie Tablets give good diges- tion-the first strength. Thcy help Natu"ýe to sep imprites romthe blood, hrogl the liver and kidneys to nr mal actmvty. When the digestion is perfeczt, the blood pure-when every org,,an is doing its clu y- vou have enerçrv a.nd amh tin-ls-e s CARE 0FP TIIE IHNDS. A little crare u genrrably keep fiýe Iansiiiucgoofi conditiion. haes'r faire tire lians ouf' nrf iret susis and go ouft te he iesin iitieut irsf givircg tire a , ia ba, itirer of leon mire or' iogs;tire lat- ter is goccer.taUy b laatiiea, nîrda s just as geef as leinrn juce, if one dons nt ebjori totehie odon oîlhfe vine- gar. Beur arrcîvlitnrýiog!_, sofrniîrg and correct ives o! tire :ufînli iritir wii str fong soa ilis boaviiy (ciaag- eti. WV ow so'a roman wn'lm oer keeps hon irnssin soafi niatm f-_or n un fonîgliofanc WIi.huf giitag f ir ai vinegar bath a!terrvac'i,, nboihor sie exposes tirer fo ror onet. 'iris tarie wnin are'dusis, tiieeps, on mnaiesbids î1'fi wintot' w4tilout n pais of leese i,ticg cif kif gioves. 'Thils eeps ier bands frear dbappiiig, ausa rserso tinc dlean. Sue aln'ayssbusis hon baudsilitb gof soap aindsi igîtly wn'arr wa'ter hefono netic'iug, cirant ber nails. anrd uses a soîrtiing lotion. 'Hon hacafs cuir0 abIwnys froc fri-tf t rougi, grisny beý(oir iriir so manay iansis acquicre duî'icg tire wnt irtu oactirs. aithougir sho dort ah flue ionseivoi in a large famnily. 'Y han-e n goof ý0ceios1. 'T'en cafIut ail tmali. nover iriir tl oit iator, utnd IAU JNCREDJBLEISITUA 'ýTi N Put lut o au, e nkopi for tire purposo. Bell ilt ail is dissolveci, A PEMRPEIJAL BURNING RAIL- stîîning occasiotuablv. lUse fiais jeliy WAY STATION. foc' irts'iicrg faîrlstorkaegs, atnf blouses. Ith cies beautiful latiren A rire Near Glnsgow., Scotind, ia feplf n af as, ard ise flacrrrls tiras WmhCnrtB treatef irtilnof shina. hhCa otB Ex hIncmakiag Scotch scolies taie na tiaguishefi. Pound f flteur, aulxif it7,1a fable- If is nef geranih1ki5oni tîsat ini spoonful o! castes's'sanpinnci relnof efsxebiats tie ofsit, aîfteaîcomuvo aibîat millescuit of Glasgowr, tire is a fine cf soaa, fof îpoclut c rear ragicrg ai a raiin ay statiuon wirthi sizo( o! egg eRa febutierte in as bora gcirmg on for' montîrs, ansi, acc mi nîtimii tesaie f m onotîvi i.stanliccg tint ions of ivafon nË demir.101af si mJýîL ap osit intîfirIrve bre ou e'd upocc tis snsmdious'î a do!gh Rol -1iifîstap on w finhe, uit cnnot be fit out. if sonars a pastry cut ter or a irisie glass; incredible, bLut if is ssex ei'tireles-c bc'asirovot' witlî miii andsi haie for r,- a quartetr 0f anr imur. Tie dri ails ase as Iellon's:Soyver- 'Tire seruization 2o! al ix foras fal ruontirs ago a iraste pt-ee! la andi about threionse, irbiot r-n foc' close te tire station was drnking orn rof, le afiveatof hby >an\ gro byth rilasafpya FrenhIriygirnir expert, M. Mlrr.aa id by Thse raiirny of ars g-t asn Boiiig n'ilb do if, but cLxaditiion asdn. "r rne isguoa -sif ~j5;ý eaa'xxmr mrnyediroa- l dumupef"on if te hrng iftiro gen pocoxide nîlui arnomplish tfho tis' cecessani level. A lange' pro- saine nesult, us wiibiahso the per- portion of fuit crefuse doluitef of mantganates in about tire saine proe- 1se ting regotation, andfinl tise course portion. Tuertuu'e o! itîdire cnay bc inifl iieifiotc esrra fîseci for drinkiig ruatea'ila d'e .Imro- oxtaenitfiant conîbst io n tc laan pertion o! four srops f0 atm ordinnîl' staî'ied net oaly a àsr!tusluei'iag fline, carafe. 'Tireo 15a sliglci faste of but fldas atal busi.titriongi iodine, but if is isot injurionîs tri the grocî headii. The s teril'ssa Lions, ihoiri'. i r Attempts -n-,'r armasir te quleifias lansts for oaly iaif an liotr. ine, a~nd it n as thlouglut, a ionev- eral nrelus o! mmrd n'on i.zzsfýtosmi RIÇE. î'tethrtt itfimd ben 1 put out. Ris-e is tire ecnbiem0of fertilir,ans"i eiat bn'a tis 'upi ie rnî'it tire cusior of tbnown'cg iL aitén aI plame 'mmcd nenror flixe snis Fa' brissai Couple arose Isr a 1ivisir lsa t ehea tihofitfr fixe safy tircy aaigirf be blet, 0f iifîrÏa laîlge of tise station buýilings, esperin'01Y fariy. Ono'rostenstint il 1 astise main doubhle lino te inpofn dissoived in tishenoth ara effective and sale for couglis and irritation o! tire uiroat. - lac a biex. ÂL1~ 1~' ~ ' IINS FO hOE LEU. only ia sudus gay scelles, but lit the Âvîn.Otae ae ihhl utr sick-rooma this grain finds a- place. LIl)THOEII.f Why not try? ~~milk and water aefneadrrs. Iice 15 curativeO ia its a bffenrgywas hon roulit t No lkind of farince 'nus fo04 nl diseaFes of the bon els. ý t adb aad mch orWtrWa digest entily unit. s it is 1 l,~r ougîsîly frounrisce, browned alter tl,n ~aner poured 0on this ire, vb!icbjoeodt cooked. of colïee, is a salfe drink la case of Lave jts stroaghiold i l the bol,s o) BrOth xiii keep longer frresh if a sncb diseasesos nedi seateýry-. erh utf thevoue f Irer-ex caul-eloner bas bcGe neOflî0fthe veg- Rice is en heaithful an arzýiticle fscmadsoeisigf a Fcolale, u tze!v lih mea o that IL should lbe fouad îoften rnuaierable crevLrs it sseatt p o c e t c a e, 2 5 e n s t r n g g s t , o e t pi, E g g w ill k e e p fr e s b f o r th r e e u p o lt th e t a b le . S im p y b e le d , it is t ir e d e m o n ïý w , s r e i t g a l o e ceipt o prv i re. O t eIr OxRe etoat s a d a sll wyitepn months if dipl cd !ila 1 thon an excellent S'ubstitUtc fori- {o efPr Paickod witb straw botw'cen flaxors. dinnier. i:,er and nearer t the )foudion;ýî1 Laurel leavos should hie apinplce The folloning recfles for floing0fthe iwysato. lanthe partry; theY amake an excel- sire are aot claimoid as oî igiri. twsawwipee1u ,u o lent lavoiag fr mlk pudings. They have bora collecteci (d;i i hecarne hlO"" htte tto a For a Sprained anide put the f"ct past ton yoars, but thoyaey h nial lboeblt pn ot e in hot n nier at once, thon aLs quirk- depeafird upon as safe nuIts1,te fol- shalew lsicae eu iolt,,mne lasPossible apply hot bran poul- 10w ia the na egbrodiasao TII~ [AUE TI.~ agaicstth exctinstire. Timabale of CGre-unfi 11e.oek heso shahl! jucs aebenkoi BE N'J1Ii~Y efeace 0f theitish ppnp ot -HOCstar'nlais b'cst te lise fo)r shirts i'!co luia ilk' tili tendr; i Il b t t lel aabrtigrsittcsoas w-fl oso nad a littie lterpeatLine alddt(3 it tere r muld with i tl 'i kuahl-andi the st1each lfro thms r- FIE 0 FE ER I TIE TuEi DUTCII MONOFOIý"S. nl give a higlit gloss tle thlelinon, plat of skiai1i! i mllc wLZ itht al-jthirg but lestiî-iiLt. Tho net ienrgond Quera Bss U11lsn thirkeaiag gra'vy take the epeonfuls of groua ie eltwo No n,-h' i omeko.nt LONUOi,' ILAIr-ETS ino h Catrof thse Pooal a ff ttire ccand stir n la to thirk minutes, beat la an o kf11 irthe ltire referrto sgalal -Tsa Pst T1ad ia ,inrarywhose flnst oaing gradually, utýing iawoodcn rases, steam hall ail îoi, nu nsg its iay te the fouîsio Tsoat the Table liTas Lcd ta ike2.iibe's 1ldconv,,ened that hhtrisOo heur, arrordiag to sze 0f pdig of the station, n rrlld sort ef alarm ildalnthn laal- Vast Increase crf the British mrnetig, and thro r-noaths ltr 1-ezdtclics lat a srhool girl rusunîli If man be steainefi inthe butto-red bogan to hc f oit, nof oniy by 'thie floors nddaor-infart, anything1 Empire.- John Coipaay's inst flort cf armned massa oxhausted nerve-peor _threîgh arould. Ti. c' it out,,aad serveo n th raïlîn ay ce1uipani, but thé aristorýra- . OLD T.)JT lightens labor, le Indiamnen set sait for the Land of Over-woi'k, o ver-exci temnei.t, ovor- any tart fruit syrup. tic passeragors who daily use this H1ow mani' British Oitizefla, vhen Spires". That fleet Pn'artically begna anxîef-Y, or bnd air. Rire Bread.-This maai ho made by suburban stati,,r. For the laines al oniy by THE N. K. fhoy are nddlag the uFisesosoaing or', at alfy rate, sadce possible> the New furnlture -wili setain ils glos- putting oa oe-thiî'd cold5 hourd rire te h ave boranoord out, and ihuru isceo. NwYorki, Do5ton-, SI, to their pcci or beled egs :ift 1ag seirs eSf'conf1i1lictli t"iumnphs 5Y ItPPearrrIe for yecrs -,ithorst tho [ho speafe whea bread i s set te rite. rdreds ef beautifut villas tia-e'titn Iebreakfast tabî le or f0 iro ir vg-wich bas ruade tiýire asis0 lvnd0 uatîepolishil,,f it is rub h alwila os. e eus c 0 iorahss esr tatbles af dinno, av ei'Ide i Irrnl-astiags. Artirr'Woliesiey, bed overi ncoek nith n a zmp ido'i xravi, but bocauise it is its ria- Tho lire gaiaed grousîd eîory :day, tire lest poteatiaitiet wirh h;ve a nadHenry laCins- for osier glories leathen. turc. intii hi-nfiby if neanlxed beneaith - ari'ess out of the remmeo roes- Ia 0cr anns.i. la fat, t is rioex- A sure cure for crssc' witbout tire Rire Grifidle Cakes-Ono fiat ad one of tise plafoits, andf any daiyraeila Europe. More thla1 41,- tir pepper-box ? aggerntiesx te say tint, but for that Coast paÏn seak ther i Croit, thon, a ball of celd beilod rire; puit te theneafter nïlght bc seeo irh novelty o000,000 nase delivered by the Swed- It seoint a bard saî ing thatail th. extra q'1.25 tax oni the Britishe pep- hold tClien betveen figor -and thumb soak an heur in warrn wator onough o! a rroîxd of people -wating oc'Il ot fie nti Cr iilh i spiesîdor of our n ladian fiespot, fie Britisb JadiaiEmapire n- oîdrawny n'ith a pieceo0f sony te roser it. Masb tht' rire ncil, and ofafoffo tr has a r- n17 icese Ger.epebr E 1 1ire noce primac'ily duo to) 'me of te-day nighf rithes' ]ave been a fiae onery papier. mako n labattor, Jus. becfoeousiaig if, vices o! whircn'erc ns'isisrg la maay ecoe40),000,000; lu 1885 they de.sire of the Bitish nation 1te fli11Rurssian prov isce eî' reniadwt For weak ries dis sotie asns mch iirone quart of c,'tiresur ik lrsjet f ieaiad ise-)te srearl,, 47,000,000, and ilS Ownnpeppier-box in ils oîv'r w,-\- i. naL befoe eJohn Coarpasti.y nent ,buint aluum as rvoul o ro- or ternts one iigirt quartcffleur, salit te[ FROM TITE FiRE BELOW. in, 1900 t -isetss eturas gave 56,- and at its owa pre, Iu fart there, n, battle-gsouand fer the ever- in a littie, luke-warm wat4, an taste, and two eg-,s 1 weli bairaThe uhasmeo atraskp 4,14 slever ia the.histes'y of Emire,did Casting strilo of native despots. mistra fi te oves xeri few heurs Ibffroughf'te o srdrneythirt. roatlaually playiîcg upen it Chtin olt hn11oir !tr sul ag'otoret pla no nc hehmbesatclr, f00, bas îith a sofit hailkercief. Sdi n l a teo ii' fi cf sojda ju-st artual famtes wos'o prevocircd fror 1itish Anmy have qualil'ed as inter- tding- cause. flai ed ne lareaspicueus part la the Put a metai spoosi or foc'k in a before fnying. l"iae al1trncakes may, shon ýing abevegroufndi, but nny cas- preters i0 the itussian language, in lathe fifteatlc century EFur- st"ugglcs of aiea fer Emîpire. To glass er chinlit disir before pouiing ho rade 0f stale l '-t)lrcad; trnr uilobserrverc' cucd sece iO idensis ighty-thrc of nhoc belong to tire 0fr nas emiecging from the somni- take Tedia again, the cnulshing tfax boft waten inte it. Tire snaanicon- off tie re ust, soak l it brad, andi o! the grenbt eaf owIndian service. barbarisin of the Middle Ages, and xhieb the nantive ruIons iniposed on farts the brut an'ay, and tIre dis1r sanie if by the abovo niie. Sean In tinie if wns Observeoîltint thre T ao lr r 0,0)po as it horassie ta little more delirate ,tit aoessary cf Il e noll roade tire wili net nc'ark so read1 hread siny he uscd fils na v. foundations of the statitson e e - Incanletsponi agi500,la0 repl il, ifs frediag if begarir f0cuifivato Isati aof Britishs roninrercial nand mii- , Glycriire usofi alone fas not ,god IliceIPu -ddicrg.-Oae tatWholo ia a rakngaf t ata n aîf hi'le acF"i0g000li;oinpre- a tasto ii Oriental condiments, if ary r fouquo'cl. cr tIe skia, as if s'endors if dry boilîdrdsice, the i volks of four eggs maay plaroes, asd lail sorts of efforts oi ns;at c ctaf ie' At tat tnte li radewiththead bansli, Mix nitis huttoc'miik,and tiewhites of ltirree i Oa[on s- h'0d1f0 beishsoandedate te kerp tire East ixas oorbanfi, anrd ifs E)snopean 7UI c'MOT osetwatcnir, or ovos tihe boaton yl xrtlstigar to surof t 1rior,eu-I buid t csgs Inorn îiedo t aneathe arc 40,000wbro spenk only Girelle. Tilw Itheus is ae aEg sfnreejof g;if is quteharrmless-in fart, quarter' pouniof suert rîropel xe njue.A hspeetmnet ien htalceti i sn Ivas teSat1iy r' over I egg; qnicce' P cj neiCAriiupestaecfiai ogbasn asboasadoi endrkof the mter. thewa1ýrs tr iesi aixx etr enlca.bshyn Witi vaila I l add as tireso lises are boicsg peîrnof, thre Venattabeltirigrsm d m b d 0 i e c o s rti r e P o f a e s f r r d a b r , w n f-Hosipe ,e o u I O c r io s a s a n o r e t n i r a r e n e f t o r a i s i n s . B o i t l i n1 c r r m o I c t ' i d1 i aaso aod, a d c ' t tan nen clouîrd Cuie o God Hpebuirdentiraitirhoir forerc't-rnashodspised. No ofisor segetabie n'ilone-haîf icours, af hras ' .i x f1r tanhe,uacîsi fth cainofUfe jpvaot sotîsoriie tiey are rai- and ersasi at Ire e ieFelaid ocx tlie sheulders cf tirefeaheen. sqikl etieve andi tene up a saure. curlosltlrs o! the ciigiborisoof 0slto rtierets co qI,îsi1rklyedtoinur teoyesiglsf of pas- xvsrure oeAexîdrVIb odasao, fcîcsvr uoi eocOt systeax, and inothing wili Rite es'nuo- cupi i -f Iroil- i seteie tts of steatu and sckel-aogen ,of hIsettlinig iaay fulture disputes, fLidconditions, tihe saiefax isoectru aso opein o uc cdare n ag it f rk w ungfotbtvtI h lees FeciAiutrit isbe x caiculy dividefi the norîf ossiside of tiere ost fnsitful ssrces of ne- bray pas poo reeaxplexf ion sO ui-ed si, one Cage paf iillSua, toing fr s owr eaxxrcfre berorlsionc'ni lutu's ia repx Europe bhen irSpasn andi Portugal, venue lisi ohirtrouatries. A good xvay tf, rîrnrziardis to lecaes. Bel i rl Cfh ir tietia tr f' cnro o xisgise, o irasdiscoveets a tbrenul ro- glat ierg u m t ire Wastt.a tire T on is net n condim ent, b t, lile di na piece o ! c tt en la ke cosenc and i ie. eat the li.s n(thr one-tîird 1 a nul t is beicg bot t e lî so its o in t r a fte h ir hives faocc a distace latrtireEa1FIst.S-11 M cendiareats, if iras once la luxany f0 ncb tire aticle f0 ho leasîrd cf the sugai'. tho itrr riro stire inilL sîîert r'ai and busncx ittel ouf. Wiea of four salles la about tweaty min- TIf FJST HIPEhTirri ias bhoosce a aresstyand, wif h if anti ail diat is racorird.andf rire, and coolek ccittuhick ns this n ili bappoîs nebedy Inons, as uÜtcs, hraing despatcries, aflter fie O! Peppen nard spices wihlbcasre ie thir , t flias producefi Rî1se owelbli lhot Wxaton aflteos- soft ustard. Tako fe ronth tire dccfre ils a lar'ge piant of fhe feeada- mariner o! lroning pigeonxs. back round tise Calpe nmacief tire ho- - ry striklag oflects on fie develop- xxvards, asrddry iiti a dean dbetir. and gnaie icin rtidfie opur la-1 tien of the station net u et seached; Disoases of thireieart have groatly ginaing o! tie commnerial tain iand ment of Emiipire-. Tir fnxed ton Dief afiîle pnn'iags asrencest use- 1t n btts'dcasi rawxlit os and as ibis be boragoiccg ons fer jicreased la Germany ina rcent yenrs politica drrav o! tireOncre Proutia'fChat iras sont f0 Boston ciglct ilelul luina asiri reon. Those siroul cir o 'tl fe si of sugar, assdaddjuine cnaay arontrs it ils nette probableoneampea son la evecy sevra being non anfi iigit-r',Iepublir of "sencre, anýd have bhesa gipoixdrrLir. Anyboî r die in a cirai ovru as tboy are of lemion; pour oero hopudifdinganfdliraitt ise c tire nteboeoe!fite afflirte. 1iiriueaza, aicebolismi, and frotrtint tire the Eastrnc mocrop- if stas'i.d tire explosion of tise Amer- rrady. Whoira ecluirocl, place ou an hcowaý . A dellcious pudding. enct i xii go ou saprinig urîder frecsieafito ebrrignr OIY e! Po'ttsgalbchoame esiormioasly Iran Eevolîfiosr. Mosoover, tint irea shovet oeor 'a Ion' hot dindons. Ride ay ho preparefi nfiservef station cîrtil tih sldings7 tccrble othor sports are aamef by Dr. vabuabie. wnr profuced iesîchavery dslastreus If thiis is carriefi about ia cick rooca miitir clîrose, as rnacas'ori is rmortir- j aboutftire passergers' ears.-Londoa Stockeïas nsfie chiof causes. lafonthnir'xlby foc' Pope Alexander, effots on tire China toi t nde thaf tprfe ieargety vcoýd fteci ' i-l etTtBt.Sotadi e oenivn tire stifÎl-tserked heretirs of tire Norths millions of acres of India !ost Wpufes trokigany gt'oai.ioin frotcd. if pteceusii li'afl it Bits. S, -ie'iealeweresco odemofisven- fif trot sefixe ferre -of.iis cdmonet-and junsgle aftern'ands boraine prant- whmnlx miik is seasoard wiil sait do g-'ateo rîrese ovor it. se conitiuunPE L ADTIG.raxin gyt'rtretrrritu aile littie arrangemsent, andi so tfelie d riti ton to tire immsenseprofit o!fnPtOufLtire tait na il tie miiinsl ah ie h'ithes usd, isnxag tir deglsty Dtstciî cîriscons neafpepper j ldia aitire Empire, for tetien laesof tonn, r t o! aue ascryr ena.c A,.Sc- rorentlys f ntretFrinth ordîpayrsshwsavoredtbewýe and spire iruntiag ountiroir owna a- frsf became n Britishir podart wlriniïbaes off oierllag, oni xviii cas alt olan !dîxeop aonnitý cir tes o atro FrsrtieWols papruhows tahroandrai bof na a oreint, Alter a itf le flgirtiasg, icosf- at prescitsonnre $20Ž,000,000 a yean dtire siik tr e If is bsftesacleniyad poi ls oh, aghFu rnr.siworfiau fonceart nauiaghtrtn o ly o! a pi iatical nature, tire DBain laietire Tperial Exrheqoer It ivas adtiesatat rtiecilsslaeveso.eti eviwcbtre îs wron ani premptiy set ur a mono- tea, ton,Chtirisavef ocne cf 0cr rosi Offthtirie. layen of 'rire. ,lako ii la ( tiidi o Mexico preduros asore slser than xriixrdteattagtf010f ixe Chir owna. imsport'ntiandf heautiful Eastern Waiea' taxnks sirouif have 'crxe ttntii brown. t any et ber country. Tire nigar-aaers' carions oI Neir Ts as recgni'zcd anrd subrittefi possessiocns fliiuxfto nain. pirdes o!firoop-icen pia.cefinlathie. Tine aie -9,242 fereiga studenis fa York City have ergarizof n camnera f0 litx Fn"iaad until, in 1599, tire iWirridiscaso anti n change o! pub- Tis willtfr01 eut any baf sînrîl, le'foi'- tire tfoninal tnirols of Gernnany. crsf taie sîraîsicots o! every ras ire ulphsr rsupoaf volxd INTJSTY'S ruuTire Magyars nule Huîngary, ai- uno t xr s icsrfrch I)Lutrîx, as is flîcir nont isr abusiness, lic faste roarbicr e 0drstnoy atire mc tu xster corînues uitir B1 firouglu thrxi asîsntr.or1 but 6,000,000ed irro l'hefron ^lew<,tcr(ombneswit il! torili tey nmbr bt 600000(itg a non-union cigan. Every gtsilfy honanse nrtler tee greedy, afndaisosi coffer indusni' of Crybon, tire plan- rr wlholtýdtlae hi Piic cnrîs odIsor70,00nattlof400, tire Pinidof peppo ' ixnfixe Lordos 'tes's gct ten plants fro Tnin ansi mon, Ifquillho ecafte ave fPo intenoaocists hao tespingo ,0 000lc oa o 00,-).r'rret irisesmokes a rer-union fnoîrr 75 censt o t$2 a pouaf. Irai Cina, asnd bof oe vOa'i long tise fra- Teunîreasant . c Oios na f isrfusi.y. If is ntrftruc. Love is A projec ils eOrfoot i4r Geneva for cie'ar n il ho fnef on r enrwise pVa- extra $1-25 was tihe prnnary cause: grant lutile leaxes had cîangef d b gaors'thfekn amumsiefleefosiocr aci ir i Ieafs tseILaltbnotto arsaflu-icicua Taisî',tu ni Jpar cf tie Indiar Muiay asndiCtiseconsol- 1doser. e! disuster int o a garden pfilbaeifroderneetigdair anule ornd iens te nir thre surinait oh Ment !dationi of Britishir rte ovor tire Port- prospetity. piceOf Ifîresirpartiel'. -Tiere aie se '1rlildren Cha't ieî s l 1tire usyi'Bilac.oeAcbsairt 'nt3iais insula ans itis Islndns. I~- st' i air na iof ! idustrcy rexlx,isg, tirai 'efafxeEprelJpaxisnanandrelt He. le speaits 0cr tIhe21sf Septomier, 1599, n'as A FRZEN1CTI GRACE DARL ING. many advacrages i ara Oii is ls ireîartory ImansCioimpresf oanîy Enr,-'lglisý ir hiisrerely tire trare o! a hoî iviai.%vans pîrhaps th ire ttt ca- cilrlln siroul alire enreucagod te lii,-Catner.vés ntirse aaryf0 tire Ppublation cf 49,000,000. Tint îormigsc a"ccentt. Ris rnnsg irasj porai aoricg îrt ie' oor rlre An iîaspiriag stony cf tire bnavei'y taire fins d h m. eî c a111 Ofixhe 'rnenns tmor flacs300 people n itin berri wide, ans i ias led hirri tetrans- fi (if c Lndn.Tfwa bifof a Frencrhrfislxer-gil o f Usliant Sholild a caritueforbcer atfden5a a equare nuile. Imie' many notable feneigan'worlS'ks - lateCt fLndn twshl Islandf co'urs frot Calais. Tire bloîra eut irirrutîsere arecano lael-atri pcei niresthecrban1i,ý t a CiIS R0f frte h'mior ailn'ayni- ortualies fes iltnt ___ steamer \'osprr, a sessoel o! 5,000 es t n rc, thre dame xuuy bc e lhadte ncn hîcîath f untucre b m o a îiînnîîy ghocru-tmsr tons, buit at sN'wcastle, nus non,- kinslef hy blexiag tire nin uat osae tint goutretn muope'ago te tIree li vehgacroo oladohrWiei sl(ueerilig,.ns (cthenlstacais. per cent, o! lrer Population cannet gooris f t ualisk alsenix ifstrucîr0 nrdle at tiretarne tire abrisîr eh.i sors srf x , aei 1 n An Fglisi 'i ytrain on B-int.l ti iepooto r ix )iercsna shn natik rukoiraiai,,ter, face a hostiletiîe 'i -al'mMiyeom r 1orenoi erls,4, c r hli pxr'xids'Cotia and i'isriillitenates is fiilî' por remt.;ils Sfogandrf ank alcncst irnnetiafeiy jhollied iroaxuenir mn te îrosenrr Crn i .0rvebis nit to ho î anrlsstrr, n distance cf 206 Miles, Russla, fiinty-six liercent,; la Spain ýýr anl e canm help it. 1Festuccatolitb th lity-tinse icen !roufrunsi. by aunliXoposive sîixtu ie nid t u cay ntilîret," lire -yI in 219 îxcmuis.n'riepirneert., ans inlaBritain, net H e etsbiteus Heneeds a trposisrg tireceir in luncixes the of copal vrnilîs nixosi iitla as icnhpsa Trghg tm obnxe pirtosial posi cansicraze stiijqulefirprcît untne Oi ftre cotc ixecl as wnul gire if a negnee 0f lin~g, Ifoce is ytsar chance, i'fiierqiefu e et good liver pill-Ayer's 'lratqol ft0 ogtu Leý,'-i i'hsvso e, ot il ite dufilt irs acxong tire clair- 'gt'.'itsnri ftrwants ndfuîsg itegt sb1tii' _f's hs iif Thyact directly on the liver, ooi nn.act ieseîranir 0tlisis aixtiuî'e as iruchispirits cf o tstcaitîsîsiando s ail i te cure billousness. 1oîysrm bvctai itiegrjiurarl: sO!mrssr ctf1o f I'il' _____iritee atanîr sc.o Illere, swrvcuausmamg -anrdîrs i-Crat are ronstaisthy rrr Ouf te thcebo-'t and pilotin-ik fb igofrpors ccss fcnues W'at yur outace o berd tireshoere. Tire, Icerteen bsarra n'v;Ilo i.,ay bho:rade prfocfc,î secutre MILK ALWAYSFRS. abeutiulbawnrrlhblckUseoîî'oe -hot'ir im-es are fuli of n- by wncninsg ai iitle poidrdsalucmr An lavrifusuiiirii d'ibd as' g p fruri-,csyu .crtise gil's bsrroisîxx, iii lsr on spoon andsil api igti iaboit te roourioim ire,ux! E ' sayitmg tiey e 0qulie iwrnicrut, konce... Inia fewi, ainif ns tîrru' ilb una-de ix îrrisg ,n nis aFa rysSrs oie i iirs ceta rnI e~.a .5CL&e.NAas.e . cepiss asd colms ntil se cea- jLe'oueporeOtlyian1'i culýi s cnt " ussirsfl 5tueCr(-'raa pacIýndCUî OGS te forrd tire beat Saxo edfpieos 0fniseaittb iOU r0any1sas1utfit'ne, s x 1 il, tiec', fa iaas nii coarnîrdbarhte slut i tie si pie~~~alfii, dsdtric "t ai frts te oe c tu xsiil~xirct ifia ;' n ileti!meseedî1nc Jlbei itI i Ia sîusioIic ug hM75sngi etnsninas 1h e ir focettsutin seedtIi est'x lsri.-irds ia beriet 'riu-err 01 e av Itcî ~ilk ir iis nos's, onsrnded. lions. otie ltILDI1Ts ' 3-04 - TH E MOS T U fII T'IQUS, Anu diabefod ihal its nattural mtitesinact, fitted to Luild ap and mailtain robttstbalh and Co resist .winter's extreme cold Sold in -1- lb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & Co., Liînited, Hoincoopathie (Jhem- ists, Lot don, Emgad GIVING STRENGTH &iGO 47 , rm Alcoholic beverages are ie ilc re'om bananas, the nsilk o rooatf rire, and pras. 'The Jaýpan;ese distil spirit froas plums, peaches. andthe flower of the motherwort.Th Chin- ese miake an alcohiolie dikfrone plums 13,ýNI;-N0ÇTES A UL The novel spectacleok tae beilg sokedwitlibak \ots Vas once witiîsessed ati eierua port. 'FOrty-fixosaksoft.eap- parently valuable paer wre tssed înto tlie furnace of the vse' el er. The notes were raaeeled dota.- ments of the Bank o!, Algiers. City Man :"What. do you tink 0z f the board of directors, of the uew company ?- Careful :"flf of theiu are people w ho are capable of noth- ing, whtio the rest of themi are cap- able of ani thinig." Clara (looking at a displua of bonnets, etc-.) :'DTI't ou tlnk they are -very hanfisome 7"' \Am'y (w hose thoughts are on t he other side of the street) : Very; seai ]y theoneflOwitli tihelark imous- tache." The Victini "I'm troubled wjth cold foot, dctor. W bat dO ou i~ pose is the cause ?- The Doctor "Cold acathe', sir; rold weatber, Five dollars, please." People wîth the most e'opens ive tastas usually have the least mofey te meut them. Thse Oresi Euisi ~sîu lsean olfi n'ell esiau. heirod an~d rluable -. proparation. 1151biien, ip sresonibef ansi n.,ea "'om'er 40years, A 5lýdrug. gittein fie Doriio o! Canada rsou vian meee ad àjye,?,thre onby uoiie its kinc tira t curres:, nad gives uiversnl satisfacýton, if pronrptlý ardA praetycur-es ail foýrma o!ft'reslek ridur, Eeuislrrsp -strlij apt ant ai efors ! aus orexeessfioe otv us ! oase, um o orluful , Menta sudBrea Wenry, il f vsinr iadt; uin r, ORESOLENE 18 A 70NT BTMTO CýHonP sa long emtablished atan ad renedy for "icd ese idiItd.It cures h anse tha air renidered strongly antiseptic le cerî-icd certdieeased .1 the bronchiai tubes with ercry breath, giving prolonged andcontan traunsit Thoýse 01 a consumiptive tendency, or aufferers trous chroni mo rochis. Cefd taeit relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat.Decptvbokt re P à C, lftS~i~O.. 1631 Notre Dame St., elorâtreal, $ianadlan A gents "Le g L e L DU~ .0'.. i/y -loties and flirhes, pais andipas froin reilan fa attic. as rn are. FAIRBANK CMAY Louis, Moutreal. Cresolene loc a box. ALIL