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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1904, p. 8

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OJwuers -of Stock* Attention!1 We make a Speciallty of preparing- Condition Powders, Stock Foods, and ail kinds of Horse Medicines. Tise last two weeks we have been very busy filling " Favorite Harse Recep s" for dozens o! F'armers and Stock Owners, using only Pure Drugs and Chemicals and giving entire satis- faction iu every case. Brng your Favorite Receipts ta the Corner Pharmacy and haye them filled with cane and pure ingredients. BODKE M.- MITCHELL,& CO., Chemists, Druggistsand Optieians- Bowmanville. rai Wanted AT C;aiedonla Miii, Bowmanville. Ri.ghesL- prîces' paid for any quantity of Barley, Oats, etc., delivered at above Mil. John JIaekay Ldmnited. BO WMAN VILLE, JAN. 20, 1904. SOLINA. Mr. Robt, Miller,. Stouffvillie, visited Mr. T. Baker, C. C., recenty .... Revival meetings continue -this week at Eldad.. -Division -wili be held Saturday niglit this week, Full attendance îequested to make arrangements for District Division here on Frîday janr 29.... Mi. Noman B.-James, Bowmanville, spent Sunday, he.e...., Miss Ethel VanNest is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Ni. A. lames, Bowman- yile.. . .Mr. Win. Ashton intends moving to Foley shortly .. . .About sixty neighbors of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Ashton and family assembled at thetr residence Saturday night and *presented them with an ad- dress and Miss Minnie Ashton with a puise contaiming over $25 as a slight recognition atflier services as organist at thé Church and Division. Miss Loule VanNest îead the addresh and Miss Aima Shortridge made the presentation Rev. F. J. Anderson aclted as chairman. Mr. ORONO. Wolverhamupton Lodge S. 0. E, officers wer. instalteti by Mi. W. J.- Bragg, D. D. G. M., District cf Durhamn West. Mr. Wesley D). Bragg c! Wellington Latige, Bowmauvitte, wss also pissent. Speeches wei. rmade b> thie viaiting brethren snd athers,' and at lie close oyters aud other refresimentts were serveti. Mr. anti Mus. AI!. fHi, Oahawa, visibeti is faier. Mr. R. Hili. Miss Minnie K>'!. has returneti froin Toi- auto. Mr. T. W. Jackson v!aitedth le cil>' recenly. Mrs. Sherwin, Harwoad, visited ai her fatiier'i, Mr. R. HuRhsau. Mis. A. Henry visitei ber brother, Who le 111, at Port Hope. Mr. .T. B. Consît. Coîboîne. bas been added ta hie staff of the Standard Bank, here. Mr. A, Odeli. P. S. I ., Cobourg, snd dauRhter aie .isiting is parents, Mr. anti Mrs H. H. Odell. ITHE IA'YOR'S BANIQUET. As~toumaie fitig rpl Metig M. . O.Cowsn la in the. cl>tu inte pre. buoke up at midnight. employment of Hogg, Cooper & Katon. A new feature was lutroduced b, the' Rev. J. A. McKeen, Mr. W. S. Gsmsby Mayor lu askiug manie'cf th. guests to proposesa toast each. "Oui Higi sud' TUB RIP AGAIansd Mrp, A, A. Gsby are uffriniz with public Sehoals" wae prapasei b>' Be. TUE GRI AG INI la ripe.D. 0, (rosai.,', pat i of the. Methodist Mr, w. E. Giffoîti, Minnesiiolis, Minue. church, couplet witî the naines af is. accompanied by Miss Midtilelan, viit- Mesis. J. B. Faîrbairu, Chairman of TRIS DANGEROUS EPIDEMYIC RAS Odet Ir-i.D- Nobles. itheIlgit Scooal Board, W, B. Couci. MADE ANOTHER APPEARANCE. CapI. A. Stalker sud nephew, Mr. Alex. , (Jairmn ofa Publie Lîbran, Boardt, anti Davis and bride. visitet hU2 siter, Mrt,. J. MoMonti>', Chirman of liie Public Aggett. Caruphellfoiti. Sehoal Board. Mi. Fairbaîmu belng, A Suggestion as to Haow ta Guard Mr. sud Mis. Ithel Waller suri souno- iuble tu ha pressut, Me Canci, a! 1er Against the Trouble and ils Per- mon, Port Hope, anti Mir. anti Mis. Aldin îegrettlug lia absence o!thie ciairman, micius fte, Efecs. arkr ae viitig e Mr R.J. illam-referedt tathe ver>' pleasant relations liiolas Aflr Effcte. 'ilPert re iitu t m . ,Wlla.WhIbehati aiwa>' ex!ated between thse s', AP rt Pet'.Coun cît ud the H igii Scioo t Board. MsA.W. Farewell' Osawa',bs oreioo Their demanda hati always beeu met l £ivery wiuteu influenza, on as il le Mils. Wm. Gsmqby, died in thie Torontoafeemner nihi> a _ae l- mare geuoially knawn, te grip, makeHosial î~iwhere pie wassuntaîgaing an op- ays ex aeret ecendtejutigment in ils~~~~~~ aeaaeinCnd.Eeyfew ,îation, Jan. lothitheb.601k' >eai ofber ile representativos tbey boatsent ta 3 sans il apreadesud assumes alarmin zi Bed.wren proportians. Froin ait appearauces ge.e oad. Tiieno ee obtter thie i.ou.o! Lin ycars lu whîciiit wiîî Mr. sud Mrs. G. A. Couler and daughter, equippeti schools lu the. Province than =ez uo a g-reat number a! victime, Hsrtney, Manihoba, are viiting olti frienda In aur towr, sud be referredto tahle fan evr nd~sevî cas-es are reporteti. bers. splendid achilvemeuts wbich bati hee As lu scarltt andi typhaid lever, Lie Mn. Hammonil Arci lbas soit uis hoses matie b>' one a! onr,.pupîls, being sec- aller ettecte of grip are allen wause than aud lot t Clatke Union ta Mi. Roger nd a ni, one otherl h-Poîe- the disease itself. The suffener, ixc et!R u iîhcme~îi.îa .whilci vas a enedit ta out iowii. bethup. t he sic 8eetion, At lh. annuel meeting of thieClark. Mr. McMurtry lu s few -nemaîke aubjeet ta heatiache anti heart palpita. Agricluei Society, O. A. G&msby was siawedt laItie Public Scisoal wes the lion. affeeted by every change lu the electet President. Geo. Polandt ltvie stepping ston. ta lie Hiei SchoGt, the weather, ant inl a phvs'cal condition ta President, Wi'iam Tuterwood 2nd Vice puoils being tiret pieparedt tere for thie P, tsteîtako oeseiu i-PradnR)t.MistSc.Teue. hgtier etincation la follow, eavietuh attaci amore serid ons dis- Pele',Rb.MmetSc rae. The Professions wae lie next toast, ease, sci s puumoia nti auemp. The Tawnship Council ruade tise follow- piapo8ee th >'le vice-chalmman, Cono- tîon iug appoiilments: Meinher a! Board o! cillai J J, Maeon, chalnrnan o! Lhe A tünelotv suggestion as ta iuw La Heaitit, Mr. W. J. Robinson, reappuinted ; Finance Commiitee, sot coup'ed wiLh enabte the systeinta nesist Lhe inroatis bs niiipoied aeofRD..4m eeyJ. -of -Ùheogrip anti its afteT eftec-s.ï-te gMrtvesvliiti- eaponti by Mre Emma Doucett, St.Euiali,, Auditors, M. S. R. jonee. reappointedl, G;ifi lau. B. A., Principal of te Higis Que-,.1 "ia ax-:-Ihtti n attaci of Mr. John Ilenry. Sebool, C P. B!ar, o! Sirupou & lie gnip., which le! t me a sufferai raino The Loyal Orange Diatiict Lotge of Bair, Bainisters, anti R. D. Davids)n, hev(aaci, pan -tuhie soî ansd Clarke met uthe Orane Hall hr. Tues- Prin)cipîl of the Public Scbool Me. genera.i weak-ness. I useti caverai day of lernoon lest, witi Worshipful District Cro5sse>' ounlsiing, -saé!t hbat luse was a indcnsbut founti nothiug ta heîp mn. ftr1e îs EaE. Morton. in the chair. Aflair tew expOrierlceforutlm l he mxet up utiilJ aga h lieDr.Wîlimsroutiebsns a iso'dats fficers with a loist liei, as ho. d t uloften Psnk is.111-Wl,(u n1 began ho take hv h rvlm faecaigwt these î 'ui ewas ver>' mucit rue dawp 1of the past y..an were m-iao-ted. W. Diet Lahe lie pîvu tlg'u .o! a ofsottlg l anivr>' waak. but they soan began ta Master, Bru. Ed. Mivorton Z;1D. t>. M., Bra.*,Wely resfrrin mo want hetp me, anti afhei usiug tien s feu, E. H. McLean ; Chap. Bra. Daniel RHail; t0 ktaao mlesg, for oo u u d asnu'h w(eeksi 1 was niou ly as weii as aver Stc,, lIno. Albert Walsh ; Fin. Sec..lIra. hadaalwpya triedt ho llow this ri,. but hati gained inl flesi as weilI, 1eau John Reidi ; Treas. Bna. Samuel Amaott ; H. bat mesidet lu s nuinier cf auu beardl.v telItI ou iow pleaset 1 amn witi ID. o! C. lIno. Capt. A. Etaîker; Lecturer, ln Ceqna'la anti wae pleanudt o ssy 1' Dr. williams PPiiïýpll, ,for I wasc teel- lIra.The. cCotub, Tiihexh)itiîlenersn1i'mo!hetrfsin mng very hapeflulwhen Ibagan tàeir meigwilb edi i ilg îeda a.cmaeiwl iitoel 'e Titese pille ure lbv making ew, ii on t li re tura' ýnJune. pl>Ices Ho s>.a1 lIiati iiob.bat livetI bcd>0 " ud heegtin vovpart In mnvliThe Iieror> ' aa rlbond, thus laeme iete h hieLory o!th et~o Lia e 1bling t)tafhnaw of WiimePiuk Plefor Pi eul"lad. tl anit u nialsei fheprur ir a S alesys itua is~sitci nthe wspr nou tr L'tfeBar ekn s !tetPIai; li te parts îa 1banquet-, âsu1 t lu as a recoa sat e-taiti au ...î'îtr- 'eL rsi u i ierha se nt coIes a al iret paît, wville Mir. Sipsu spe t liatc adiin Ca, Bock, U Ot. ia,' have ne trouble lu securlu.g ~-latedthi. Mayor anti Councit ou theur Wheu infantLm or youeg chilîdien are rettiepsa ant cross orffpeevsi Il le a ver>' cerîa!n aigu thattha>' aie n well. Tise motiser mana'ualkaow just viat lb. liophile , mbutecandepeuti upon lu Lhe trouble existe. Give tie 11111e one Baby'. (Jwn Tablets sud see bow cravmptty Il vilI be chauged Inmb s hippy, amllieg, good natored chutd. The ltalle onue wili siaep saundi,' sud na-crail>' andthie niotier wi lase ah- tain ber muci neeteti test. Hem. le the proal given by Mis. Josu E. Ram- say', Part Ilili, P. E. I., who 2a3s 'My baby wae cross, restiesesondit1 Baby'e Oece Tablels he hecauxe botten naurtelepe veti anti te grascog funel>'. The TablaIs have been a gîet' w eeig t bth baby anti myel." The Tableüts are a prompt anti certain cure for snch Inonisies ase lodigesthun sau7r sam clic, canaipati o, ier- rhues, Eimple 2fevemsandutother minai aimients Tie>' alissy8 dogond ced cannot poaIbi>'haI uthe Moslt elicate chilti. Yon can pet tisa Tabtle frofie au,' mPdicine dealer. or lie>' Will. sent ýýbY mail et 25 Cents a box, b>' vniuag la The Dr. Williams' MediciuIe Co, Brookv.1,le. Ont. Boots Taikiuglon, wvia iret gave signe oî hiellee nporice lu hie nový fltaünus "enleanfrniIdîin" wilI oulelbu'. serieo potca alones l McC e rApMaazne fon 1904. Mmr. Tkîgexfor tise parI t f eer bsbeen vr'mc unseil oi tics, andt lie stones a-£e tIv ho, imj ovu personl exerluce 'e .S. S MýoClurîe CIop3,Y, 141 Eassi 2'5 I Street, New Yuzlk, N. Y. 1 Worlds Fair Jnpril âO to I One vay anti ]au i are ona Le y. 0O aI hicgo .thal râil For TicktsPWulim )5eýv 1, 10 FLOUD. rrip 'ors' Tiýkeýts &edirect cecto i JUuY, Town Agi TuE MASON Co. 1 (Continued fromtFKrst Page) The Menu, whiah was prepared ln the ver>' best of style, causisted of the fai- iowing:, Blsipsa of Ojsaes. BUCLISHEB. Ceiery iRadishes Olivesl Kennebec Salmon Sauce Hollandaise Bliced lYunumbers RossI Tumkey (Jianberry Saluce Charlotte oe Fruit Tomata Salad Englisi Pinin Pudding, Hard Sauec Assaîteti Cakes Assoîteti Fruiits NuIs and Raisins McLaîeu'is Cheeae Alter paîtaking of the inu goati thingu, whlch weie excolleutl>' served,1 1h. Mayor called tie compan>' ta aider, sud exteudeti hie heariiest Ibânks ta lins ln atteudauce for respondlng ta is Invitation. Hie feit il a great houai ta preuide over mach a festive gstheîiug wlth somn n fellow cilizens sud rapre- sentatîve men of tia towu. fie ex. pressed him regret liaIsine who bail beau invited weîe unable ta be preseut through pii engagements % hici coulti ual be chauged. 'He felItiaht the houai o! beiug elected to th. position of chie! magistrat. of the town, was mado lie more reapousî1ble ou aco,,unt of hie bolng retumueti foi a second tertu, thiongi lie efforts o! Lhe business men sud others, but he wishod ta acunow. ..edge 1he services of hie fellaw Council- 1.)rsi for tie vainable assistance they hati reutiereti turing théie pstyesr. fie would have been pleasedti have bad otheîm-warm frlentis of hi% 1-preserit alan, 1sud wouid glatit> have extendedi Lhe Invitation farther, but badto forego ths plesanre, an account o! lack of raoutfor accomodation.fHe lien pro- pased the toast ta 'Tii. King," whloh ,was honometi lu lie usual way. Thse toast. o! "Thse Canadian Paria- mente," wos respondedtitab>' W. Rlck- ard, M. P. P. for Wesh, Durhamn. On ristug, Mr. RIckard comptimented the Mayocr an belug- retuned for the sec- and -tern, togolier wlhh the. otieî membere o! the Councli. We were ait Canadiaus anti British mubjecîs, ou wbose doinlsînshlb sua never sets. We belongedt thle boat of 1h. nations of the. eaîti. The beet af lie Britli Empire was the Dominion of Canada ; lthe boat o! the. Dominion was 1h. Prov- Inceo! Ontsria-many o! un did not know ae much about oui own Province as we shoutd. The beat paît o! Ontario was the couni>' of Durham, sud the boat spot lu Durham was the town o! Bowmauville. Il was ver>' essy ta connect tie towu w-th thse goverument, as few taWns lu Canada af imilar size iadl receiveti better recognition. Hie regrettedthle absence of the member for th. Dominion, Mi. R. Boiti, wha 1was unavoldab>' absent. Hie thon re- rferredti taMr. Chamberlaiun% policy whîci he considereti weil worti slnd>'- iug, snd aiso ta the Immense weaith in limber owned b>' Canada, sud cousider- et ttat wie we hati sncb resoarees at oui commatnd tieda>' a!direct taxation was a long w.>' off. The Gov't hati dons mnoh la educate lhe.famneis sud othera b>' the eRtabtisiment o! Model rFaims, wiich bail been a greal ativan- teige. As citizeus, we ai! had an fim- Dportant part ta pis>'. He tiought liaI sometimes part>' spleen wao carrieti too laie, sud he often wlaiied that there was t, ms a o polîtical rancor sud that w. could mneet semn -on a igiier plan. Hie hopeti that the day wotidcame wheu we woutd beome educaled up ta Ibis standard. so liat îighl would Phone 92. te-eiootgon and f oit confident that th. aff&4r3 of 1h. towu would b. quit. mafe ln their hiandî. The Law was an hon- orable profession, whlch ln Ite training ftted it8 folio wera for msuy walks of lits. It dld not cnffar minu Inducements fer riches or fa ns; ont>' occsolonally did one read of a lawyer wlnulug liese achievecionts, but it f urnished lots of liard work, anl amcng Its followers could ho ftnnd man>' of the everyday workem of tha worid. Ur. Gtitillan-Too mach Importance could not b. attaehed to the teoher, who took the training of the youug; but the gruat work of the. teajher was ual aimply tb train the m'ud but ta forma a tins andi noble character. To educste sud in5truct, uniess turued in the rIght àdirection would do more harin than gond. The foundatian of a good character waz tie moist important of' ail. Mr. Davidnon merel>' thanked the gentlemen for conpliug hie naine witii, the toast, sud îefraîned from mwaking an>' speech at this finie. Our Public Werke, propoeed by Mr. F. H. Maso)n, ex-chalîman of the Fi- nance Comittee, coupled wlth the uaines of W. Brook, Contractai, H. Rico, o! Rie. & Co., Contractor, for heatlng Town Hall; J. W. Siddall, To- ronto, Architect of uew Town Hall Building; F. W. Whting, Gov't Supt. of Public Woîks, and W. il. Dustan, Hardware Merchant, asen one ni the Contractors on uew Town Hall. W. reuret that want of space pie- vente our giviug a verbal report of ail the speech eB, but each of the above re8p! nded lu their tomn, tie latt belng Mr. Slddall. who stated that b. waas plossed to have ,the opportunity o! mieeting wviti such a thoughtfnl aud r2- spectabie body ofi men. Rie f elt confi- dent that, when the new Town Hall building wss cotnp'eted, ail woulcl b. pleased with it. It was flot an expent- flive buildting, nor wss il one ln whlah au>' mouey had boon wasted, and ho wse soie that iL couid not be built again for the Laie moue>'; he hoped that ever>' citizen would join lu with the (louncl sud cona de Ibat Ite erectlon was the proper thiug ta do. The Agricultural sud Commercial ln- tereste of thls Country was proposed by Mr. E. R. Bountali, moinher of the. Higli School Board, coupled with the. names of Mesta. W. J. Bragg, Conn- tire' Counucillor; C. M. Cawker,member of High School Board; James Deyman, Presideut of the West Durham Agît. cultural Society', andi J. H.rydeimau, Prosideut of the Bowmanville Electrie L'ght Ca. Oui Municipal Institutions Past snd Present, proposed b> W. Rickard, MA. P. P., coupled wlth the namesa o Ex- Mayor, W. F. Allen, J. P , Coancillors L. Cornish, A. Tait, A. Luttrell. W.R. Cloumons, L. Morris, J. J. Maman, F.H. Maqon. Or Town Officia1a, proposed hy CounoillorJ J. Maman, sud coupled with thie naines af John Lule, Town Cierk; J. S. Moorcîs! t, Town Treas.; Jas. MoLEaun, Collectai; R. Jarvie, Cie! af Police; J. MeCounachie, Afi- &essor; J. ýMcDougall, Anditor. The Ladiies, Responded ta b>' Mr. C.IP. Blair, lunlthe absence of Mr. Carl B. Kent, who was called away. Tii. Preps, couplet wtth the naines of Mr. J amnesGale, af Tisa bNaws snd Mr. _X. James, of the $TArrEsmÂN. Oui Mayor, proposed by Mr. James Deymsn. Hle Worship in r~esponding sald thathl li e appîeciated tthe toast ta hle colteagues lu the Councti did h.e owe him succets. h bhati been well satd thett,hey were bus>' men; but il wam 1 reat satief*ctian'ta kuow that the peo- ple appreciated their efforts en mucli thaL they raturned thora ail agaîn for a second terin. H. hoped that ail prer- en't had enjoyed tiemmaelves, sud If en, 1that, would b. a pleasure ta him. Oui Haost sud Hosteas. proposed b>' Councîllor J. J. Mason, wbo was pleat- edto ta ouw that we bad such worthy 1citizens amiong us as Mr. sud Mis 'Jackson. A good hotel in a town snch as oursý, prapeil>' couducted, wa es great a neeeHaly as a factomy or, ather indus- try. Ho belleved that they would keep a huuse hbe of scch a character that travellerm would, be delighted 'with the piace being sa comfortable and home-. Mi. andi Mr. Jackeon bath respouti- ed, the latter stating that ahte was glad ta learn that the. people appredistFdi theit effùna. Their alin would b. ta 1conu nt a first-clam hotel lu a first-cles business way. The singing of God S'tve th. King b>' the comnpan>', closei a very pleasaut IRBSTLESS AND CROSS. NEWCASTLE. Thos. Douglas, jr., is homne froin tbe City. Mr. and Mie. Poîkingharne have r.- turned ta Ottawa. Robert Allun bas returned ta his atudies at Trinity. Mis. Lockhart entertaiued a number of linonds receutiy. Miss Esther Pope 18 visiting' her bro- ther William. in Torouto.n Mutler's Grip Powdere Cure. Sold b>' Statt and Jury, druggist. Bort Mclutosh returnod ta McGill University the ffrst af the year. Richard Osborne, town line, continues ta impiave tram insi.recent ilînese. Miss Minnie Esakervillo is home fromn the city. Rev. J. J. C. Wilson was at Baltimore receutiy att.ndiug tho luterai of Mis. (Rev.) Diekson. Mutler'. Worm Powders make tb. chîlbren healthy. Soid by Stott,;aud Jury, druggist, Miss Maggie Adamns ha& returned ta R. Martin's alt1er a short vieil at her home lu Brantford. Mrs. Howard entertained the mem. bers of St. George's Choir, ai lie Rect. orv recentt>'. Miss SaiahsitnIer onterlained a score of ber young campanians at ber birth-day p , ' There la no one article lu lhe lino o! medecine thal givos sa largo a returu for the money as a good parons strengthoîîing plaster. suci as Carter'. Smnart Woed and Blladouna Backache Plasters. Miss Eutler viaited, frionds in Port Hope andI upon her retuin ltofI for a visil in Toronto. Messie, Eitbeck, Moore an.d Allun the reliring School trustecs have been r e. appoiuted. Thereno noe -article In the lineo f medîcines that -ivos so largo a retumn for the money as a good parons treug-1 thening plaster, sucli as Carter's Smart Weod aud Beliadonus Esekacho Piasel ers, Mi. and Mr@. J. H. Middteton are visiting fionde iu Georgian Bay DiQt- riet, 1New lite for a quarter. Milter'. Coin- pound Iran Pis. Sold by $1011 & Jury, druggists. The Electricians have comploted theur woîk upon St. George's Ciiurch. Miller'e Worn 'Powdors for sallaw skiti; aId or vouug. Soid by Stott and Jury, druggjisl. Mi. and Mrs Arthur Boman and chîld aie visiting hie parents Mi. sud Mie. E C, Be.uan Miler's Compound Iron Pille, auly 25 (ente for 50 doses. Sold DY Stott sud Jury, dîuggist. Mr. David Argaîl, who ha. boon lu the West for saine lime sud hie brother Fred, Detroit, were homeoaver New Y eai'.. The beet cure for Ecxema le Miler', Compound Iran Pills. 50 doses 25 cente. Sald b>' Staîl and Jury, druggist. Miss Aima Thomas toit au New Y.ar 'a Day la take charge oi the Scbooi at Cadmus for 1904. W. wish hier success-. Wmn Orpwoad, Toronto, visitod Mr. fi. Hennings. John Homes was rs,-elected trustee o! the Lake Shore Sehool. Wonms, these posteaifciildhood can b. readily dostroyed aud expelled by the useofo Dr. Low'e Worm S8 rup. 1Il le easy tb taie sud contains il, own purgative. - %c lu S. S. No. 5, Mr. Fred Fîigg suc- coods hie father at the post o! duty on the Trustee Board. Mr, R. Grant Ie hero from 1the States visitîng hie brother-in-law Wm.Chaplin. The weil known strengtieuing pro- pertieofairli, cambined with Cther taules sud a Inost perfect norvine, are iounid In Carter'. iron Plis, whici streugthen the norves and br)dy, sud improve the. biood and complexion. Samuel Everson atleuded the tunoral of the laI Irs. Farewell in Oshawa. The Methodist S. S, enteîtainment wae very succestul. 1Be young! It le only necessar>' la take Miler's Compounil ion Pille ta, rotainvouthfiil appoarance and vigor, Sold by Stott & Jury, drnggiete. The S.0.E installation ceremonies lu the nmusic hall Tue8day week wero very intoresting. Those unhappy poisons who sufer, tram norvouenesesud dyspepsia shiould use Carter'. Little Nerve Pille, which are made expresslv for seoples, u er- vous, dysepptie suifera. Price Z5 centq. Miss Au nie Baker, Toronto, le, viitiug at Mr. John Ultw's. Mis. George Brown' a former msideut le seriousiv iiil at ber haine in f7oronto. A VERtY GOOn RUL1,.-ItiteWell known that tic muarity ai hmain -i..sc BEST REMEDY OUT-CURED BONI SPAVIN. Cartwright, Man , Oct. 18, 1908. Gcntiemen,-Pease senti me on~e cf youî "ITreatise on the Horse andi His Diseases." I can truly recommend yaun Kendatt's Spavin Cure, for I ae used quitera few botties of il, ani Iiti il ithe best uemedy out. 1 ai neveu %vit hout a bott!e oaiti now. 1 HAVE CUREDý BONE SPAVIN with il, anti I find il good foi auy disease 1 have trieti il ou. Yourc truly, Wm. B) Lowe. Great Holiday Display TT P. RE BLGOAK'Su 1 Everything is special aild sui tabWe for New Year. News Years Cards -Ild Caiendars, Glît Books ýn attractive bind-- ings. Se My S-pecial o n e dollar Pools, Bibles, Prayer booksz, and Hymu.. books. Fancy Boxes of dainty wrifing papler,,,and envelopes. Framed Pietures, a surprise at, 35e and another a t $.O Fancy Cupe and sutsirs, vases, and Oruamente. Dolls, Toys. and gaines., Give Us A. Cai. Just West of Morris' Fa r- niture Store. A YLN il LIVERPOOL AND LONDONDEIiY ROYAL MAILSTA R. >'rom ]I'rin St. Johnflalinax lonian .... -Sat, . thJan. an 11h Silian .. .Jo.n..J .250;r Parisian... Sat, Jan,30SOîliMon. Feb). jet Prelarian...........mon.,e. t Reduced Rates of Passage. Fjrst Cabin -,lanian N)60 siud upards. Paîin$55 and upwaî rdq, Sit, ua and Pretorian $50 ana upwarcl. Second Oabiin-Liverp-,oIlam!Lndnemy loniau $40, other steamers $ L50 ondon$20 etra.- ThirdOas-peiraaoatoery thlg fund$25sud$26 LierpolDerîy, ALIAN SHATE'PLINE. Sibenan.......... Thusi.2Ist IL, nooi, For iets and Eeyinformnation Appiy tr' JM A JAMRS, Winter Goods A T 'C I 1 1 -Te Cearing Prices Ladies coats at One Haif the regular priee:' We sold repeatedly Jast week to parties Who had seen all in town ** * * Raglanettes and Overooats We have sold more than ever before in one season, and we have sèmie-of the very best Ieft. Just tbink: $12.50 Coats for.,...........09.00 $ro 0o Coats for .........75 $9.00 Coats for... . ...... . . .50, $ 7-50 Coats for.. .........5-0 S6.oo Coats for......... . 490 $ 5.00 Coats foir..........7 Double Broacted Suite at Saine Beduct4ons. x only Electric Seal and Wt.-stern Sable Caper- 1 me, long fronts and larg-e taiis, regular Ladies $20.00O for. ..... .............1300 2 oniy Black, Opposum Ca'p-erînes, regular $10o.00, for ...........7.00 i only Hair Coney Caporine $7,50 for 5.00 IF Ui r only Astrachan and Tnîbet Caperine, a vr handsooee combinati 'U, $1 5,00 fur 10.5c0 i only Electric Seal Caperine, $5.5o for 3.7,5 i7l1h only Grey Lamb Caperine, firsi tyrg aLL1i UIWIIJ ular $13.0o for.... ý........ ...5 i only Electric Seal Cap, e4-59, for.. ý3.QC i pair Ladies Persfan Lamb Gauntets, regular il $o.o for.... ...5 H ~uth~tian~ i only Alaska Sable Ruif, $8 IS-fr..600 i only Western Sanie Ruil $6 ).5 jfo)r..Î,50 We are Mfaking Sweeping Reduotions on ail Winter Goods this mont h. Before Stoolitaldng., IRe Take Due Bills or Pro4de. THE1VISO0N (JOU T0WE OOUNCJIL. Adjoumued meeting helt on Monda>' evenîng tst,' members ail preseul, Ma or Jamues PresidioLu. Ou calling ta.o Cauncil la aider, lie Mayor dolivered is annuel address,j out.ining the. work o! the Council for lthe yeux. W. shall In aur next issue, gîve s full reortîlo! the. maltera cou- tained hareim. A communication froru th. Sawyar Massey Ca., te Stone Cruaber, was laid ou table., F. H. Banusaît applied for positio' n as Steward o! Fln. Brigade. Laid ou table, Au application for aid ta Lie Slck Ctiildieu'm HloapItat, wee on motion af Court. Corulsi, laid où table. A commtunication ws eceirod tram Mr, &, o. Etisait, decliuing to sot se one of the. Auditome, aI the salai>' of $15, The Mayor stated tial Mr. Mcougali, the otier Auditoî, had also declînedti t stà, for smne ressort. Received sud fyled. Coun. Luttreti thougit tiat we sionîti psy $20 ta tie Andtilla. Prom Inquir>' h. teamuedti lai iii.>' atibeau paid $25 esci lu the peut. Fîom J. Chapinan, asking permiseton ta trum certain tises lunfiant of!is place. Referroti ta Roais and Streets Coin. with power ta set. 11 Coun. Miaou, ehaîrman of the Fi- nance Coin., pressuted repaît necoin- mendiugz pa>'went o!acoains amount- ing ta $360.75. Recelveti sud atiopteti. Ou motion tie By.law appointing auditors, passed et !est meeting, was amuentiet sud Messe. W. Tamblyn snd A. BârIber waie appointet inl place af Mesues. McDougatl anti Edsali, who hat i r!uied to accept Lie poeitlon et ithe salai>' o! $15 eaci. - 1 A tender waë meceiveti froin Mes3ie. Pennington & Brock, offerlng ta builti poîcli sud place halisah atntfieud of Hait, for t u n ofaI$300. On motion of! Cane. Mason sud Morris, communication was received and fyleti. Oa motion tie whole Council waa appoInteti as a Bidg. Commît'ee. The Collectai preLented a report o! uncoliecteti Statute Lahor and Dag Chitf Jarvîs la report on anti returu ta Coi' eclor hy Jan. 25. The. Coliector aleo rubinitteti sevemai nenusures of indigent pari ta who bat uit, pa i taxas, anti on motion the. taxes wer'e remitteti. Maveti b>'Coue. Tait, secondet b>' Coun. Cierurus, tuaL the mncf $10 ho Rrantedti tle Sick Chlltre'seHospital. Losi aun fotlowiog division :-Yeais. Tait, Clemenis. Naye, Mason, Meula, Luttreli and Corn:ei. Moveti anti eeconded by Connes. Clemens ar:t Morris, ltaI liheRoatisý aud Sîmeels Com, ha ernpowemed to have the Stan, Crusheýr put lu propor aider. ou.(lomniît3, ibe b.Clek viffi 1ch, Finance Coin, draiii) Ma )nial ta-1 . ýprereetei tita rvrinpeu, sk- ing thaýf tIe prsen Muicîat b a enddse aI t icp Electio)ns Carriei.. Councit then adj*ounedt.

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