Tt RS .& AqNmOUR TOWN AND OOUI<TY PIRET;TE R D APTERWÂRDS. InAdvanice. UDN-I-MIIA , VTT T E'r(MhT, nAA -UA-V fï 27ý 1904 M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. -, - -----..-'.-'.-. ULIUE L NO. TV M~~L V .,LLdJ.1, ~.1.LLLbO.J TV.I~aJi~J2a3.J±. I* .1±iI LJ 4 r i i. i4 IZ BFRYE STCTAIG Will Seli *Ail inter Goods at Ie- e duced Pric* Overcoath, 'ýrap Shawls, l£ankets nd Furs of alkinds, Ohldren's 0Gloth Ooats* * at haif price * Also 3A lot of Dress Goods at haîf pri-ce. 4ï It wiII cost you nothing 4î to Investigate. 4ît 4Ï If you have Ileadache, Neuralgie Pains, ý4' 4î~ or pains about the eyes, Is it worth while to aiseuver the cause ? t does flot cost you one 4~cent to have the advice of our expert Optician, îw'ho 'viii examine your eyes carefu:iy. 4î e neyer recommencis you to wear glasses 4Î unie ss you absolutely require thein Mceri Druggist and Optician. 4îNOTE.-We have some special values in Gold Filled Frames. ,It wili pay yon 10 sec them before you 4Î purchase. .40 Weary of Winter Tired of Winter fools. Do you want a foret-oste of Summer greenness ? We have a regular'June display 0f delielous green things et Summer prices. ~ Gre-irLetuee- GeenCa bWage Cho1ice Celery - hoice Bananas Chioice Pine-Apples - hoice Oranges Start Right P And the finish will take care of itseif, The s arter for p1904 is to deal at the Model Grocery. HIe soUls the quaiity pof goodb that lias givon hïm the ico rade hc is dorng. p Give us a Cati Fer Your Next Order. We pay Cash or frade for PRODUCE, p ~~The ModelGîc'- Alsîke and Red loYer Sced Fareros hayrng Alsike onrlied Ciover J. B. MARTYN, Bowrnanvillo, boforo Jno. Gilbert & Son Whoiesale and Retai Dealers in Grain, 9eeds, Flour and Coal, FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at speelal prices. COAL. W e have ail sizes and kinds of the very best coal thaf is brouglit int Canada, at riglit prices, __ ALSO CHAROL We solicit your patronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King St. West. Iowranville Established 1889. The 13usiness DEIPARTMENTS : 1-Commercial Training. 2-Sborthand, Typewriting- Graphophone. 3-Teiegraph, Commercial Railway Work. 4-Civil Service Options. 5-Mathematies. imd :and 6-Laniguages :-English, Frenchi and German. Our rooi are the brig-htesb and healthiest, Studenîs May comnmence o n woking day of' the year. J. FII,,ITTI JEFFERS, M.A., PreCsideýnt J. A. TOUSAWY, Secretgry CONGRATULATE THE MAYOR.RV .G ASADN Allow me to congratulaes you upor We have recieved so rnanv very kind !1Your re-election to tie Mavor's Chair oi expressions Irom býusine-ss aýcQ 'nt Bo-,fmianville. I amn g1ad7 a large nia. ances and other read!ers' of thiis jouriinal jority of the electors know a good Ma oi that we hope to be forgiven for pbih when they have one, and appreciate hu, 'ing sorne of them. We f(,e a dýiffidence services sufficiently to returu hlma foi in doing this, but we have so f)rn-any aniother terni, relatives, friends and other people in MR A. A. JORDAN, PRINCIPAL MODEI many parts of tbis country anidiJ. other COLPRTlPE couutries across the seas, who are mn- SHOPR OE terested in our welfare that we3 are Accept my sincere congratulations or ternpted 10 encroach a Ie on the vour re-election to the office of Mayor limits of what may be cniee dig- by so handsorne a rnajority. nified joure ùlistic etiqueùte, nthat these MuS. M. A. JEWELL, BRANTrORD. friends May' know in a mweasure how ConZratulations on your electior good wishes are showered upon us f or again'to the Mayoralty. ' take a great the victories Ihat have corne ,tous i, W e interest in reading the report of Council may sav also Ibal hudre4l, of peoople Sessions since you have been presidïng, in this town and surrouinding ýouutry and in Toronto have proaly con-< CHAS C RiCHiAuDS, OsHAwA. gratulated us since our re-eleci. I wish you success as Ma3 o)r for 1904, A PROMINENT EDUCATIONIST Liq TORONTO. EDITOR COBOURG WORLD. ---w a n-or"tlnn-pïsa-se4l atyour re- must congratulate you upon veur election as MayorIt would hav-.e been re-election as Mayor. You had a splen- the heiglit cf ingratitude to av de- did vicîory. feated you. While 1 have n-othingMAOE aa'ainst yeur opponent, I think he, acted rjo EDW H WITE, PiTTSBuRQ, PA. vers' unwisely in allowing- hirnself to Allow me to congratulale* you upon be put ini nomination.a i1 yu.Iyo:ur election for the second tiine to be was rnuch pleased when von I were el- the Mayor of Buwrnanville. ected last Year and hope you rn en- DR. MITCHELL, ýPioviNc~AS ,,YL. M, joy the office for rnany y earý,, TORONTO. MR. GRo 1B. LEIGHTON, PR1,F IDENT Hjearty congratulations, your wor- LEIGHTOz & HFOWARD STEEL CO, ship, on your reielection., Serves you 1TUXEDO, NEW 'i ORKý. right, you brought it on yourseif and 1 arn pleased 10 read of your r~îc you richly deserved a second tertu. tion but 1 arn sure your comrnuii)ty le MRs. G. A. WATTS, MAITON. very fortunate in being able ro) persuatde 1 congratulate you most heartilv on men like you to stand for office. T- Lknow, your re-election to the Mayoralty of you cornte of tbe right sort ol stock-a vour town. Arn sure Monday was flot stock that has produced soire (of the cold day for you, at leasî. Wishing besl Yankees. Mv best wishes t0 3ou you and colleagues the most prosperous for a prosperous New X ear t-3 you and year in the annais ofBornile DR. BowmoilleS , OOT. Ma. S. FnANx WILSON, IPRESIDENT WIL. DE, OHNHosuN, .C. OROTO.SON PRINIING CO,* TORONTO. Let me again congratulate YO.U 111-012 I notice you were returned again for hoyour aminstatonayfrthe affai 1Mayor at the head ofthe poli. I wish hopeyou adinitraton f ic, far .o congratulate you on the resuit and of the good old town will be suteces3îful. 1wish you a very happy and prosperous MR. S. J. LAUGHLIN, SUPERLNTENXDENT yoar. BELL (IRGAN AND PIANO CO., GIUELPH. Mut.JOHNs DAVIDSON, THE WELL KNOWN I arn very pleased 10 note Iti you SOEAAHUN were returned 10 the Mavor's Chair .1forSOKAsuuN 1904. I wish you ai] prosper;t3y and Allow me 10 offer you congratulations success in your own business and as on your re election as Maý or of Bow- Mayo ofmy od twn.manville, and arn glad the citizens have Mayo 0f ny id Iwn.shown their good sense by electing you Mut. W. 11. MCCALLUM, CLERK Or' HOPE, for a second term, and expeet that Sou TowNi'~p. wili soon write alter vnur usine M.P. I congratulate you on yonr eleclion ag-ain as Mayor. It is no suprse1 iï e that you were ucsfî Your rnalorîty speaki for ilseif and sýhows what electors wiil do when tlîexbve a progrescsive officer who mksthe iriterests ofithe town bis sole -,b. ct 1E.W. KELNER, PRINCE !IAIT Ï arn pieased 10 see Ibat tue people of Bowmanville approciate one who bas rendered the town such valuabie service Mus. ASA. E. GJORDON, OTTAWA. When I mead in the paper of th e honor again placed' upon s'on. I wantod 10 congratulate Ihem upon Iheir good fortune, for I remember with pleasure your stand and outspoken words Upon aIl questions which are for the gOod of the home and hurnanitv., It is stfl ltrue "That not one life can ho strong li S1 pumpose and true in ils strife, and not every other life ho made the Iruer and stronger thereby."1 Mu. HIENET WATSON, PIM., MU-NIc3IPAL CLERKC, HIGHGATE, ONT. Permit me 10 congratulate youx upon sour elevation as Mayor of, your nico town. Ma.y your dutiesho of apleasant nature. Your admonitions fow, and your pathwaý slrown wibh God's em- bieme of puity-beautifui fiowersý, and rnay Ibis year ho spent lu performing noble deeds and acte. Tihe exercising of your kindueis and caior mas' record MR. R. L. WERuY WiTNESS EDITORIAL STAFF, kIONTREAL. I note with satisfaction Ihe3 resuit of the Bowmanville lections. The Coun- cil of lait year did thensel'es credit, and self-reepecting olecbors c ould not have done differently than the rate- payons of Bowmanville did. Fnieudi of yourself and colleagues, aud aIl those who wish 10 800 the town pirosper cen flot be obher than gratbfied atthIe resuit, A, ToRONTo LADY, If not 100 laIe permit me to offen you my congratulation on your re-election as Mayor. May vou have mauy such victories. Du AND Mus. W. E. MoCCREEry, JERSEY CITY, N. Y, Wo take pleasure la again congrat- uiating you on your electioxiùfor Mayor Of Bowmanvrllo. Mu. W. J, MAIIER, MAYOuRFCnut! Please accopt My heartv cnrtlt ions on your succeset the polis Youn people evidenîly know a good man when bhey gel hlm, Mun. THos JEFFERT, G.ouSTAFF, Toaos'ro Hearty congratulations on y(our xe- olection as Mayor 1I hopeÜlb mas' ho M. P. s'eb. MuR. AND Mus. SHIANTZ, DESPATCH, NY. We join bu heartiest conglratulations on vour re-election and send every good ýwish for dean old Bowmnanville dingii nineteon fbîîndred and four. Mu CHAS. CHAMBERLAIN, COM'TlROLLHR, CîTv OF' Niw ROCHiELLE, N,Y. Accept MY hearîs cnraultono res1ult of yonr munticiptal elt-ecion, raoivfor teboist Maor bbc Iown overbd 'lh our. hfe li eih e0r lmeuo erelistt odcercrs10or mnnfrbermas iu somne aoxio)us tzimet, at le-asit wibb vonr Victorv. Congratula- frDram. I admire themanlv way that you have corne ont lu suppoît of Mr. Robt. Beith. Mr. W, E. PETHICE, îNSPEEOTOR SOVEI- EIGN LiP, TORONT'O., 1 Il bako, this, my tiret opportunbt¶', 10 congratulate ou ORaLd the Town of Bowmano lue ou your returu as Mayor. 1 belov Iat the Council for> 1908 have dlone Weil *. Mr. DANIE L IOLLIDAY, MUNICIPAL CLERK, BROOKLIN. I congratulale 3ou (oid boy) on your splendi succeis ai the poils on J an. 4th PAPERuCO: TORON ro. Allow me 10 congratula te s'on on your recent election as Mayor of Bowrnan- ville, You comainly-had a very liberai major'ity. Mr. I. L. Buowx, REFEEOF DARLING- TON, HAMPTON. Allow me 10 congratulate you on your splendid victory. COUNCILLOR W. J. HAYCRAFr, I3ROOKLN. 1 extend to you my congratulations on sour olectbon 10 the Mavor's Cir for a second tertu, Your action diû4g the paît year must cerîainly have met the approvai of, the eloctors by the band- sorno majority 3 ou received. Mu. FRANK M FiED, B.A., BARRISTER, COBOUG. Congratulations on your ne-election hâysuclLaiaandsoin&rajority.- Mr. J. W. SIDDALL, ARCHITEOT, 1TOROrNTO. 1 arn glad you have won; Accopt congratulations. Mu. E. W. PATTINsoN, HAmiLToNI Allow me 10 congratulate you on your succs lu the laIe campaigu for EDiTou L. B. DAviDsoN, INDEPENDENT, $85 579 89 NEWCASTLE. Local Improvement......... 17,903 42 Pleasod Ici bear of the recognition of ..... 9,664,19 vour services of 1908 for your town in the way in which s'on askod the ciizens Total deb indebtedues....113,147 50 to do il, The Corporation bas borrowed frcm Mu. JAMES JARVIS,'POLICE FoRCE, the Ontario Banii; Carried ovor from TORONTO. 1908, $8100; borrowed since 10 meet ex penses, d ebentures, etc.. 84,400. Total Wish s'on as Mayor and s'oun Council ,$7,500. Receipts from sale of Town evers' succees for 1904.I Hall debenture $5,000. so thal the net Mu RICH. PAS00E, COUNCILLOR, ENE IELD amount borrowed is ouy 82,500. Congratulativus on yuur re-eleclion SAVING IN EXPENSES. for Mayor of Bowmauville. --tmybleod-e-Cnel.niT Mu. P. S. SPENCE, CITY CONTROLLER, - mp-te a conerderable reduction rn the TORONTO. controllable expenditure ibis year com- Plese ccpt eab'.cograul linspaned with 1908. The expeudiluro on' on vour re-et eon. Mav-von be very roads and streots sbould ho much less-! snu eelci or efortso the weaehape $1000 if nothing unusual oceurs. ofessu inu good efot forown. lfro etould have more womk doue on the of y o r g oo to w . ro d s boad in g im b Iow n . T h oe tow n IESSuLS GEo A. ST1îSON & Co0.,GOVEEN-salries amount to $1179. Bs'au adjuat-j MENT.,tNIIA AND RAILWAY Ment and combîning of the offices a] DEBENTuRES, ToRoNTo.. savrng eau ho effected He cons'ders; Ihat both our Higb suid Public Schools' Aliow us 10 congratulares'on on vour are costing fanr10 mci moce,'. Ho relumu 10 the Mas-or's office for anothern would not go into Ibe malter bure, but' period. a saviug of from i toî)1$1500 a %îear! PROM A FORMEýRiTi MA. enu be affected witbout serionisly !à1im9ai. I arn vers' eaed1hble t o con- 1b ro lliny fteseol h gralulate ý on on , our re-eleebilon to the fine depanîment les 100 costiy, 8237àl ho ng office of NMayor cfBweville_- bbe speut lait s'ear. Fo had calied for a boit lown in Caaa rn, sure Von debaîled report of the opemations for must feel bligl onrd urev g1903 wbicb would ho preseubed aI this know a gcd mnwho lb,ý1 gl hm, of the brigade aind ho bhonght juil as of1iciÀent service ef, -n bho ad for rnuch NIR. 1FRl 1)J. C\PELGNEtL li ouie. The waterworks are cosb- MAAGRCNAA APRCo., IDO n ross, and as the outias' for MILL, QU runingexpenses IS so rnch greator Woiae peasci 0 cogran'ae vn tan for the provienos )'eam, ho should on accouint 0f bmgn-oetd10 th, e, akfor au invo-tigation loC0thbe cuse. 'Chief MATgistrate's Chair of Bowman- 1i116 favored i imtIheprc flosu vilethe cemetery froa $9 tu 12 tb reideuits, Pnnna,-ir M.hî,,,,.,ILT13. ., s A" ,,...o44'1 o ,l,m n h A ~ k. , ~ Ineet-166 01 Organ Co. deb. Dec Si1........ 2127 9 2 coupons 80-90................ 69 Il Chomical Engine No. 8. Nov 16 229 50 Local Irnprovornent(S20000 'is;sue) 7'26 44 t. Int-rieet... 745 20 46 Il 0SI,0 Oissue) 349 25 Interest .... 886 58 Debentures. $4SG82 814 9149 Coupons ........ 4932 12 0f Ibis arnount there la yet 10 ho paid (Jan 15, 1904) 85868.90. TEîE DEBENTURE DEBT. Mayor James said Ihat an year ago in discnssing the town's indebted nees, bis fixures had boon called in question by a town enltie. Hoe would now pro- sent a stalernont of the debeubure debt on Jau. 15, 1904, 10 prove that ho was appr(ximately correct when ho gave1 -Ce pamuntflaU year: Consolidated debentnnes. ... $56456 451 Organ Fadtons' 8.. ,251 19 Rubben 1' " - ..., 4,662 92 Pire Englue " .,- 2,381 751 Evaporator ...-8 589 67 Foundry Building deb...... 4,657 47 'd Machinery db ..4,150 44 Chernical Engine deb. (say) 1,58000U Îtat'no further caus for, cornplai;t would bo given by the boys, evoryone of whom should have tbe honor of the town at hoart. AsSEDpoR HARMONY. He feit a genuine satisfaction in bo- ing associated in the council with snob worîhy citizens and business men and as was the case laht year he hoped their sessions WoulId be devoted to the further- ance of the intere.sîs of the Iown and cilizens and that harrnony and good- feilowshîp would prevail in ail Iheir deliberations, ana then the citizens would recognize that their confidence had flot been misplaced ln adectiDg Ihem for a second Ierm. Councillor Cornish, the senior mem-. ber, arose and in a brief speech comp- limentcd Ma',or James on his annual address with the greater part of which r o also offered a few congratulatory rernarks, commending severai of the suzgestions as worthy of eonsideration. The general business 0f.tho session was thon procoeded with. Poetry wanted-AIox, Dewar, St.' Andrews, N.B., asks for a piece of poetry that appeareil in THE STATES.. MAN 30 or more ý ears ago wMich ran sornething like this: She stood behind the counter, The day he'd n'er forret, The clerk was ail attention And nodded ai the lot. He watched her playful ingers The silits and satins toss At t ast with hesitation She bought a yard of tapa. For coughs, colds, bronchitils, asthme, weak thromt, weak Iungs, consumnptlon, take Ayer's Ch~erry Pectoral. Pectoral Always keep a boffle o! h in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. n "I have used .&y r'sChry Pectoral ln rm7 family for 4i yIars. I the bes I e irgn Mita J.K, Nucnswitham, MaSsý. Ail 'rgI', . fo qwl, as DaiIy action of the lbowels ls e oes- savi. Midnature witls Ay.r' Pile. fr/ / il MAYOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. and fromt $12 10 $15 t'O in-residents, Aslnow rn'îeidthere us ï1o surplus )fdore anea eeu and O Xtrg, Oxpulise iviliin lime L_ AI the aju diagaa neigbe nece~sr' rof the Town Counci] on january 18.h, P< KSAND GYMNASIIIM,. SMayor James delivered an impromptu The \ia..or woutrl îike 10 se some- ,r address ln which ho deait with many tlting worthy of the naineof a own park questions of speciai interest 10 the atid su-4-ested that the Alima corner citzen. W cn oiy iveanouline~ ~ asi ice of the east end of Mr. Jury's of bis reinarks. orcihard wouid malte a mast eligiblo He began bv congî-atuiating the, it.H knl enre hth r members of 1908 Council on their ne- lîsit so e.e s itizn 0f meketansh relection by a very large vote, and drew wouled sme tetne, a i 0f io, en the conclusion from this expression of had been aoffere'd quite liboral donations the ratepayers Ihat the course the 1903 towards secuning 10 or 12 acres of land Council took bu connecton wîth he new Souh of Queon Sreet, itîst east f he municipal buildings-town atnd fire hall lligh Schooi for at park, but very much t-was vindicated aI the polis. He ad- larger amounts wouid ho necessary. i mitted tIbat Ibobr's xvas beroic action, iHo hoped tb Seo Ihat baud converted bncurring snch large expenditure witb- mb a beautiful park some da y. out going 10 the people for au ad ditionai grant, but now ho was satisfied tha thie Dbd the town finances warrant the people had confidence in the Council. outias'lho would suggest the provision He regreted the -withdrawl of4r p of a public 1 1 inrn -tha y mn- fiMason wh o had beon a very active men of the town, Ho realized the 7aiue and able coibeague. but weltomed Of such facilities for phYsical develop- beatrtiy Mr Ai-ch. Tait who had been ment and said that some porsons had e1eo ted to fil the vacaucy, and exprossed sîOchon Of converting the building tjiî hiope that the 1904 Council rnay work formerly used as a market ief t standing aq faithfulIv and harmoniously as the betwoen the uew Town Hall and now 19,,3 Couancil had thr ou ghout the vear of PO'I Office, int A gyrnnasium. If the arduous dutios l hati been a very building was made bo look respectaible busy and bard voar, for the' building ho tboughit tho Suggestion worth on operations had tak-eu the CouncillorS sidering. Ho wcuid alec favor a public. awav fromn their own business. a very skating ink mun by the towu bu the great deal, and tbey had ail bad bt do intorest of bbe Young people Hoe a great deai of planning for and Ihink-. beiieved bu providiug heaithy recreationD ing ab,)ut town affairs, for Ibem. AMENO MUNICIPAL Acr, BETTER RAILWAY FACILITIES. Ho was not pleased with the action of He wished 10 csee time agitation for certain electors ai the nomination, improved railway facilities ccntiuued persons absent from tbe rn.-ting and lu' andt felt sure ibis Council wouIld join one case out 0f Iown, baving been 11PPrtily in env iction likely 10 brbng norninatted withoutthoir kuowledge or F i1 had.vantagos 10 theo1Ifwn,78w consent He hoped the Legisiature I h .dan olectric road 10 the sstiond would amend the Municipal Act so that lake it wouid help port Boîa~bl the coIisent of the porion nombnated as a summer rosort. with a declaration of bis qualitication PRETLT L.&AWNS. should accompany the nomination paper I-e sincerely Ihanked ail citizenswb or ne furnislied wlthin the lime lirnit for responded lait 'season 10 the roquesb, declining to be a candidate, made for improvoment of lawns and TowN FiNANCEs other ground aronnd the homes of the The Mayor -next referred at consider- people, We have a very pretti bown able length 10 the financiai position of aud by every farnils' giviug attenýtion to the corporatiou. Ho said that sînce the cleanliness and order about tbe.r own opening of the year 1901 ho had signed homes and surround luge t1he;Whole checks for a considerable amount, and town could be made SURl more atrrac- thero wiil be a stili larger amount 10 tive. He especialiy expressed bis pay during Ibis soar. He thon gave a gratitude 10 the ladies and hoped they detîled statement of Debentures and wouid. join enthusiastica]ly iu the Coupons payable in l904-uncontroil- movornent for greater tidinesOf able expenditure ail of thern-as follows: streets. lawns, and other grounds. He Piredebnlur No 116 $ î 57hoped the, Roads and Streets Comrnitt(e Fir deentre o.116 ..S12257would assîst ln t ie gocd wivrk hby Coupons, various .......... e.. 1556 85 cutting grass Andwed earlier and Town Hall deb. No. 1, May 1.. 167 91 more îhorougirîy than w1ias domne last .§ Interest.... *j*l ...200 (0CO mer Coneoiidated deb. No. 1 3' tly 1026 69 GODummer.nONSTEES Coupons 11-85-------------...1124 26l Go EAIO NSRES Consol No. 46, Juiy 1 ..........197 53 He'gave credil 10, ail citizens for the, coupons 46-70 .............1281 good behavior that usually prevails in Ruibbecr Co, deb. N.97, JuLY 1. '254 9._ur11eb e tbouziht Bowemanvii Coupons9710.........ý'j 2bwulcom1pare favorabU ,wilrh a ns'other Pi reý 7-130 .........46 61 town of its size in Canada or eisewbere Graharn & Finkie No. 8, JuIy 2 138 03 for good conducb of youlig ,eople. Hoe Iriteeit.11 65had, however, had complaints of groupe Foundry Building Dec 1 No. '28 181 61 of boys L-aîhering at-a few - points- on Intereet-..186 29 King St. aVd passing remarks about -1- b-" -L -1-1 xr- '- V - &T- m 2 ~ -~ TAXfTTAPV &)r7 ItInA