BusinssChnge ASTORIA ' ge or Infatts and hildrei. B u The Kind You Have Always Bought __________________Bea.rs the The-up-to-Date Butcher Business bas been establish- ed çver 52 years and one of the third generation is nowé paitner in, the business. C. M. Cawker and his son Wesley have entered into partnership and wilI carry on the business in their neNy store, Victoria Buiildýing. T7hey are determined not only to keep up the standard of the old rediable business but if possible to exceed it. Their motto wilbe: The best mieats they cari secure, eut up to the best advantage, sold ,it the most reasonable prices, delivered to custom13rs in a dlean wholesome manfler. 1 You wil1 find the large-st variety of the best quality of ail kinds of fresh meats, curod m eats, fancy hams and break- fast bacon, home rendered lard ini 3 lb pails, sausages, cook- ed hams, headcheese. tripe, etc., etc. Yoar patronage will be thankfully receivefl. We thank àll foýr past f avors and ask for a continuance of same. G. M. G3ýxV1Mjei<&~ Sort. W. R-ALt Accounts due C. M. Cawker are to be paid to the new firm. CHINAI HALL GLOOERY P7 Few Dinner' Sots to c1ear out at a Bargain. 1 97 piecti Set, regular $10.00 for I97 piece Set, regular $12.50 for 1 100 piece Set, regular $15.0f) for 1 Il1.' piece Set, regular $17.00 for 1 115 piece Stit, ri-gular $18.00 for ,1 115 piece Set, regular $20.00 for - - 7.50 - 9.50 - - 13.50 - - 15.00 FULL STOCK 0F 0RO0CKEKY JAT LOW PIRICES& * +FRESH FISH + Fro>zhI ýeae:ring)s. Fresh White Fish. Fresh Sea Salmnon. Fresh 'H alibuts, F. A.- Hnaddy Successor to ~OJ.f3 o BowJvXJUVILLR, 0.NTJRIO AUFKSALE.-B et 10il TOWN COUNCIL. pnartflt 7- monre arngo s, hic artlighne TefUwnracut eepse and n .e8ry iarrn buildings with atone stble ,,loi- c And cea ndreath barn full size. O cth.1r&.saard at lasiexetiiug of the Couneil and of li acres,wel1 wa.ered bIlto welsasnllordered to be vaid running strearn, Conenient to Darlingtor. Melln&C oladwo 58 Station G T. R.. post office and sehool. I3os Celn&oca ndwd$158 session irnmediateiy or as may be agreed upn J S Moorcraft, Exvenses Deb.. . 8 50 Very favorable termes will.be giveti. Apply te R Sinclair, paintLug seats... 13 5( JOHN WTRrERIDGE,On pre ises. W .T. W ITHER J no NIutton. labor ............. 10 0 '1DE 29 Vanauley et oronto or o M 2 a Elot.gslie.. JAMS. owrenill . Js Elioi.gaslin.......... 22 98 Win Saxton, labor....... ....... 68 2U. %IeCelau & Co, ceal and weod. 10 52 Annual eeting Thos Ly le, labor ..............83 5 irUlHEANNUAL GENEIIAL MEET- Dr Celville, me ical attendance. 2 r0 A. 'Ing of the shareholders of the HAMPTON McCiellau & Co, c..al and wood. 28 65 le TT & OHEshs Manufaetuig Comany, Wm Saxtou, abor.............. 9 50 ]jLired will be held in the T~O N HAL W J Humphrey, supply ........ 48 00 HAPON, ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY MceIa&Coca......01 20h, 1904. at 1380 'clock, P'. M., for the purnose eia&Co]...... 1)1 of electing a Board of Direetors Io serve for Bell relephone Ce, acceUnt .... 165 the ensig year and the transaction of sncb B3rock & PenninZtonl, rent... 6 00 other business as rnay prrperly corne before F. L. ELLIS, Secretary Total_$2_087 Datedl at Hampton, F'eb 13h, 1904. 7-2w. Catarrh Cannot be Cured. Wefigli scales for sale UEWILL BE SOLD BY Wilson seales in 90o(i repair Purebaser to leave them at Courtice for use of public. Al shareholders and parties interested are requ'ested to be present as there will be a meet- ing at 5 o'clock the samé' day to balance op accotnts. For frther Information apply ta JAMEs BisHop, auctioneer, Os3hawii, or ta FRÂSE KGÂY, Secretary.Treasurer, for sane Company, Jipril 80 to De?,. 1, 1904 One way and R u.'T ip Tqnrist's Tickets ýere on able dai y. Choice et Routes and stop ever pivi e-b a t prineipal points. eG and Tr uLk Tr. re incite direct coonection ast Chicago with a.1 railways for the fanions wjnter reorts. For Tik,.,lu1in RaEervtons and ail ia'foîuïa±i 1',, -PP13 t,, ST') lt <&t.1ITKY, Town Agt Dominion Lîn STEAMSHIPS. PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Ottoman..............Feb. !ith Oornishmn............. Fe.209h Dominin..............Feb. 27th 'Velchman.................Mr. ith anada ............................. Mr. 129h Ottoman. --. -.. . Mr. 19th Superior -accommodation for al classes of p)aseengers t moderate raies. For furiher PatICUIYlaraPPly tO eny 2agent Of thie Comspany, or te THE DOMINULNE, 17 Si. Sacremeont Street, Montrtal. M., A. JAMES, Agents wilh LOC AL APPLICATIONS, as theyceannat reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh is ahlood or constitutionai disease, and in order ta cure Lt you mut tare Internai rensedies. Rzailles Catarrh Cui e te taken iternally, and aete di- rectly on thie blond ana mucoas surfaces. Hll's Catarrh Cure is net e quack mediQine. It was prescribed by eue of the best physielans in ibis country.for yeare, and te a reguler prescription. It is composed of the bet tontes known, -?cm- bined wth the bet blond puriflers. acting di- reetly an the mocous surface . The perfect tiombinetian af the two inigredients is *bat pro- duces such wonderfol resuts in curlng Catarrb. Send for testimoniale free. F J. CHENET & 00, Prope., Toledo. O. Sld by druggists. price 75c. Hall's Famlly Pille are the beet. N TI1%"5J3q NTOTICE is bereby giVen that an i application will be made ta the Parliameni af the Domi nion of Canada, at the next sesgion thereof. t6 incorpoa e a railway eompany under the nans of THE CÂMIPBELLFORI), LAKE ONT- ÀRIO & WESTERN RA1LWAY COMPANY, Toble delared a work for the general ad. ventage of Canada, with power ta construet. maintain andoparate a railway front arpint on the Ontario and Quebec Division of the Canadieni Pacifie llaila'ay between the stations ,f Blrtoni and Ivauhoe, thence in a sauth wesierly direction ibreugli the Counties of Hastings, Peterborough and Northumberland ta the Town of Cobourg and thene in a westerly and north westerly direction ihrough the Count.es of Northumnberland. Durham, Ontario and Tark.t 9 a point on the Une of the Canadien Pacifie Raîlway between the stations of Locuet RHi and Leaside Junetion, t'd sncb other powers and prtvileges as are usaally given to rallwey cotupanies inecorporetefi by the Parliament ot Canada. A. B. COLUILLE, Slielter for the Applicants, Dated t Campbeiiford ibis 2t day of Jan 1904, 6-5w *MORE KNOWLEDGE * MORE MONEY. yoi yn adi a better knowledge of BOOK KeÇErîz, SEeiiTHAaN, Cait- MlSCtAL LAW, JOINT STOCKt q COMPArqT LÂýW, BUSINESS COnitasî-a. P ENCE woaldn't yenU be able tOecaril We teach these BT MAIL et; a very AnoehCenread anîd write eau ler Is hings. Write for our'f ree bookiet and state the subject or subjets ycon would like 90 s3tudy. CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE * COLLEGE, Limited. Toronto , Ont. Signature of CdGkollT444ý« The Caaadiaj Statesmlan BOWMiANVILLE. FEB. 17, M94.1 C. S 11% min,. M. P., for London. bas licou calied te lte Dominion Cabinet without portfolio. Mr Greeuway le reperted tl e e e- liring frein the Manitobia Legislalure wilh the intention ot contestîng Lisgar tor lte Cossons. lion Mn. Fielding sud lis family were on board euee ofilie two passeuger trains wticb collided ucarPlaltsliurg, N. Y., but were net iujurcd. Mauitoba has a deficit for the vear ot $90,roo. TIc Roblin Government ta Couservstive. Titere appeers le lie a close aeliits' between a deficit aud e Couservative Governinent The Western Ontario Good Roads As- sociation propose holding thc annuel meeting on ttc 24h Fbruay lunte County Council Citatber, old Court flous, Toreuto. 'he meeting cf thc Convention commences At 2 1p m , Fcb 24th, 1904 Ail municipal Officens sud Chiers inlerested lu good roads are lu- vited. Arrangements have been made for reduced rates on rail way's. Hru D. C. Fraser, M, P. for Gu% s bore. N S.. lias licen appointed Judge Our citizans wiIl remember titat Hlon. Mn. FreLer came Up frein Ottawa witit Mn Relit Beitit, M. P. le tale pet t lu tIc ceremony ot Iayiag lte cer tone et oui uew Municipal Building iiin Aug-' ust lest and wen the heants of ail witc iteard bis splendid bspeech. lie lsa. schitlarly man, an elle debatîer sud bas been rcgarded as cine cflte cleverest members of the House 'of Commoîs Ris elevation te thts Supreine Court is mesî favorably received by the public. W'e beartily cont'ratulate Mr. Justice Fraser ou his preferment. Iu litcrary teatures the MercI Uei;ig- uer là pariiculan]y str 'ong, Miladi Pas- hion is catered te ln numeneus designs for stylisit garmenîs sud millitrns. A thoroughlv up-le-date article ou"The Latest in UJnderween" wilI prove et service te tte prospective bride sud 'Poitîts cin Dreasmek-ing' descrihes lucidiy lte trimming of lthe uew pop- ular îiîilitary germenîs. "Gaod Teste lu Hein Arrangement" îîet oui ' piclures prevailing modes ton hein dressiuz, lut tells how te bning îlhes about. New desigus iii faucv wonk are bot inter- csting sud prectical. Standard Fasit ion Co , 82 WNest 14 St., New York Ciîy,ý U.. S. COBO UUIG IEUT. The Senlinel Stan lu discussing ttc finances cf ltat aristocratie couiity CARD 0F THANKS. Id dsir to thank the public for very ibera1ýl patronage during my turnelu the llvery business. 1 hope the citizens will patronize mvç successor, Mr. J. W. Knight, 'tho will be in a better position to cater to their wants ctian1I was. W. J. MARTYN. LONG SAULT.* A inan g-iVing nDame of O'Neil was f0111d witli beth leg-s badlv frozen lu an emptv lieuse on Mr E. Rices farm at L4ong&Senti, Darlingcon, Weduesday F'eb. 11. fHe took dinner et Rice's on Sunday previeus, get lest in snew storm, and ceming te an cm ptv lieuse where hav W lis stored du2- a hole and ]av dowu where lie reiuied until Wednesdav when Ilis cries were beard by the Rico boys. Dr. rrebilcoclt was calledl but lie died Feb 9 A book ln bis possession shows a diary sincee early lu Jauuarv of places where lie ad meals, etc He was buried a t Haimpton. GRAND TRUNK CAT WORLD'S FAIR The extenai e and compreliensive exhibit which the Grand Trunk Rail- way Systefu are arrangi*gfer the World's Fair, lild at St. Lfoutgs during 1904 ls now in course of preparation. The propesed pavillion which it i- the intention ef ereàting ilaoe ecombiiuing beaut". elegauce and artîstic e nt and the designs submitled te the Exposition authorities were greatly edmired and accepted. The paviliion wlll be erected in the 'Fish and Gaine" Building taciug on tliree aisies, will be et Corin- thian and Donîc architectural style. embellished with emblematic desigus of fiait and game, and it is claimed vill lie one ot the handseîuest structures at the Exposition. Canadian haunita will be the predominating feature efthtie dis- plav. Thc mammotl palaces lIat form the main pieture et thîs 'World's Fair'ý- the Foreign 'md litate buildings and tite Pike" (Midway)-are at the Pres- eut lime much futher advanced before the opeuiug date than the buildings of env ether et the great expositions thel have been held lu the past; lu tact. the installation cf exhibit is now beeni proeeeded wi:h lu meuy et the build- inîgs. One geod feature et St'. Louis is tle Union Station: there belimc oulv ti s one, ail trains frein ail pints wiîh the exception cf excureion trains ftinsa distance cf eue or twe hundred miles of St. Louis wiil arrive hnd leave frein the eue depot, and as the street car, fnes pass the station visiters wil baye ne trouble lu reeching teir hoteis or boarding lieuses witàout difficulty and early atter arrivai. People wlio have seen tlie grounds for the flrst lime marvel et the mag- nitude of this colossal undertal'ing aud do net hesitate in forninig the opinion ltaI il wilil be tte gi eatest eveut frein an instructive, educational and amuse- ment point ef view, thal lite world lias ever seen Two hundred and fifîs' conventions have already signified th-icr inteation et visiting, and have cospleted arrange- meulatfor lit. Louis during Ilie -World 's Fair." YISS ANNIE TAYLOR IN THIBET. Fay,ç.: 'As the assessment lias been, ît EDIrOR STATES$MAN: Iu ceunectien with will take accordinz te the Treasurer',s my obýervâtions on the Thibetan ex. figuring a 2815-100 mili rate la run the Pedition lu My lecture on '*India" lest fixed charges cf the tewn, snd if we are Monda-v eveuing, te tollowing letter, te go snd have car town kepl even frein te hand this morniug. froin Miss Annie goinir bsckwerd, w" must impose a 3o0Il Taylor to the London Christian, will mili rate This is a hard proposition lieread wilh censiderable luterestl Missý te face; tacts are bard lhings teaineet, l'a er wili be remembered aslte lady aud lhev catinotble got ever lightlv,' whe, ail unaltende iliy anv other 'Ne do net intend te le a benkrupt European undertoo'ý the seeminglv in- constituecacnsd, if net we must meet possible tas k ef penetreting tihe ant et aur lcnest indeeteduess. The concil Thiliet lu 1891, and gel within aL few fe ccI ear snouldIhaie met thieir lia miles cf Liasse, the capital et Thiliet, hiltes. 'Ne de net elecî men te our wheu lier ideotitv was 'discovered liy council Simplv te keep a low rate et the Thibelan officiais, and she was forth- taxation, then overdraw their account, wîitescorted ever lte border et the sud the rate pavers have te pav interest loug-cesed land. I lied lhe plessure ef te the lienk. This council will have te meeting hier lu Dsrjeeling, on thc bar- fàace tbis setter; il must be faced, and ders ef Titibet. in the feu etf 1892, or in soine way overceme It lias 'been -earlv part of1898 Iasae quainled suggcsted that we shouid get power te with Colonel Younghusband, Who isiue debentures te cever this detlcit,aud commands lte Mission te Thibet. H1e spread te aseutit over saine years. is a sincere Christian man I am,. Titis mizbI lie a relief snd tide oven Xours trniy, atteins but il cannot lic doue,, sud if Wt J. FINDLATBR could. il weuld net Cie dewn lte ceancil Bowmanviiie. Feli 101h, 1901. ai) Ihat ne deficit will eccur Ibis year. lu view of tle British advsuce int If thev have te face the $9000 deficit Tibet, tle labeurs etf Miss Annie R. and make il up by placing a higli rate, Taylor ia thet derk and secluded land il uigit lie a warning 'ta theinsei'. es will doubîlesa have led mauy frieud s te sud future councits net te recklessly think et lier welfene at this lime. It is go inte expeuditure and debi. inleresting te note Miss Tayler's views~ NESTLTON.witl regard telte mission of Colonel NESTLTON.Yonnglusband, and the openiug np of -Tibet, as expresscd in the f ollowiug R cv J. R. Butler has been invited to letter addressed le us.-. resaîn on Cartwriglit circuit tle fourîli iibetan Pioneer Mission. year. The Scottisli Kinematograpli Ce Yatong, Churnii Valley, Tibet, Dec. 27. gave a concert lere Feli 8 under auspices Sr,-l bear chet there is a rumeur in of C O. Foresters Music and singin~ England Ihat Colonel F. E. Young- by Misb Burnett aind Miss Malcolmi ana itusbaud's Mission te 'l h4bel is a -blood violin seleclions by Miss Thonipson Nvere thirsly" expedition. This lsa nythiugî ail highly apprecialed. The views werc but the trulli, for the uttermoat consid especially good .. .. An old and mnuch re- enatien leslihown ta the people, and dowu specled resîdent Aun Grigg, bcloved wife Ilis valley lliey are reepiug s bervesî t eto Mr. Henry Poole, died January 16th. nupees, aud net bullets asneported. 8 Mrs. P o ole w as b orn l K ent, E nLrlan d , T te D elai-L am a la s s en t o rd ers lt a I lier parents le Canada in 1841 and scltled adsîance fthîe mission, sud as long as in Cavan townshiip remioving te Cartwright lie is lu power there-is ne danger of wan. two.i cars alter and vas marnied ta lier Trhe Chinese are vers' natunally deing now sorowing lusband in 1852 is, their beal le preveut friendly relation- Poole lad won tle esies not le r rany shipas being establishel between Indian triends and neiglibors bcing cspecially Goverument and the Tîbeten Go-, crn- kind in times of affliction or bereavement. meut, sud sealte trade ot Tibet siippiug For 47 years she has been a member eft tirougli their bands ie ours; bac, of thc different branhes of Melliodist churdli course, It s ait doue under thie guise et and bier lite testified of ber devoted-- ss lielping uis. le God's cau e She icaves besides lier husband'a 'son, Thos Henry of Scagag A strong escort is ueeded by ttcýMs. Island sud 4 daughters: Mrs Lambkin sien te give confidence te tle Tibelen (wliose liusliand dicd about a yeîir officiais in makiug trie,.dg wilh lte head ago) who resideciih her father, M rs. oft1tthe Mission, for wtich there cou ld net James Mounljey ef Enniskillen; M-s. Rd be'a licIter inutitan Celonel Young- Harpere tica and Vrs Tlonas Mo~unt- hîîsliaud, Who lwis ie sud kind lu bis joy eHaydeu teauourn the loss of a kind dealiuga witliîepepe and affectionate wtt e and mother It wouid, iudecd, be sliortsigliled weret eýny obstacle put iu the wav et the Mis- A UosEOAD8rTEtE Sion iv the fRome Gevernment, and Ije mununcemont la made %vtthout aml Ibus the prestig-e of Brilain Iessened lu -%U*llftatie. HeM-Ueld ite Ibe i* r lte Easst, ud Ilie trontier et Itdia kepi ps*atiea lu the world that guaranaes I lu unrest tîrougli the iunfluence of !lemRusa in Tilet-F, very real danger. be-Raid will cure aDy case of I have e siniýl shOp here, 'the Yatoug 1 Piles. ,Itlà inluthe f orm of a tablet. Medîcal Hall," lte o nlv sîop lu the so- It je the only Pile reunedy used in. aîdmnsdhv ie eemu ternally. aldmradhv ie raon It la impossible to cure au establishod the people tor ever ciglil lcars cf ile wih ouîmuîssupos1o- As a missiouery t welcome tle Mis- icase o ie iholtins sipoi e nsd iekon il ase theadveut of ries, injections, or outward a.yplistces. prýoapeniîy te île land et my adoption, A guratee la issued w iii *veryaswlasrength ces o pak fe Hem-Roid, whlc o n e elasieuiiitciceaee :1011h t tec nt 1Briish trade sud prçstige, sud the Qoandlktoourdugglisb@ 1 e peuing cf tlieloug 'cloped land"tthe Go andtalk t yourduWasgao otiWus Gospel ot J esus Chripet. 1I1as, Sold ln Bowmanville by Stott & Jury îJ yOurs lis service, A.NjIE R. TAYLORj Cottoil Sale at Mclurtr's at Last Sprinlgs, Pricesa By careful attention and watching the trend of the market our buyer has placed bales upon bales of cotton in our storing rooms which> enab-les us to sell you Cotton at the sanie prices you paid last spring. Cottons are bound to go higher and it is wise 'buying at once., -Buy at NetlMurtry's. Crum's Prints sold last spring at, 12ý-e yd, stili at the same price. Noted for neat and, tasty patterns, their, good wearing and washing Ir qualities., Sâle Ptriee. 12ýe petr yd. B. B. B. brand of prints, a heavy cloth goods width in navys with neot designs, liloes. buifs and ail popular shades. Good prints.for aprons. Same price as last year. sala Prriee 1oG pe-trydi. White Cottons. . - PiIIow Cottons. - lu strong even thread or fine, II circular or plain, fine Eng- cambrie finished goads. Same prices lish Cottons or domestic Cottons. as lst'earecgeloc 12c, 5c. Old prices remain at this store. as lst ear~C, C, OC,12~1, 1C. 5c to 25c per yd., Factory Cottons 5c, 7c, 8c and 10o yd. Shirtings at Old Prices. Bleached Sheetings. Unbleached Sheetings. At MMurry'syoupay ast Put a suppiy lu at old prices. At MMurry'syoupay ast Prdees 18e to 30e yd. (~spring's prices for bleached sheetings. FnyGnhm 0,14 n Piiees 25e to 40e Ydl. 15e per yd. Cotton for Fait will be Higber StilL.SIPY~NW Pllt Your spl nNw SPrices R emairi At this Store on alil SýapIe Cotton Goods Evactly as they were Last Spring'. I Buy Your ýCottons Here. You get the sanie brand of Cotton at MeMVurtry's this sprîng as handled last year and at same prices. iu John Mcurry Bowmanville. Front what Hon. WV. S. Fielding said at à mass imeeting of Liberals et WVest- tnutîtt lest wt-ek there will lie ne general revisien of the taritf at the next session cf Parliamt-n3t. The Minister et Finance obser' ed that even were it thought ad- viýable by the GovernMent there would not be. between now and( thom reeting ot l'arliamet.t sufficient tinie to make anv exteusive alteratiens, but he did Pet say that there woulti be ne changes. The tariff cf 1897 lied prr>ved te be a good tarif l i s day and generatien, it hsd werked welI. and if en examina- tion it should be touwl that sorne indus- tri2s were suftering eor inraeed cf urgent attention they weuld receive su ehcenu sideratien as the Gex-erumerit was et al tîmes x lîrg e t2ve. on ithe Lungs Mr. John Pollard, Echo Bay, Ont., writes:. I was troubled last winter with a very bad cold which -was beginning tosetcieon oy luîîgs. I was SQhoarse -that 1 could scarcely speak, a nd had a nasty' hacking cough which 1 could net get rid of. One bottie of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine cured me and I can heartily recommend it."' LUNSEED AND TURNIPS IWfANTBDI Irwili buy a fawi car-loads of mediumn size and geed quality Turnips. J. R. FIN KLE, At the Evaperator, Bowmanville, Jan. 12, 1901. 8-ti At Big 20 Bookstore. We take sub- soriptions for al Magazines and Pap ors published at lowest rates. 25 cents a boutte, famniy ize three ttes su mach) 6ù cenis, ai ail dealers, or Edmnansôn, AAF To proec yril gagabst imitation t 'pa w Vl T, A L L E NU ~ad signaturec f Dr. A. W. Chars, tb, OFF FOR EDMONTON. TAIT & Co are off for the Northwest and for fifteen days will make photos at a, large reduetion,. This is no fa<ke but gen- uine business. 47-tf. Cutters! Cutters!! SNow is the time to Rep hav e your Cutter, Pai-ated,~ and Repaired. eiring o f a il k in d promptly attended t4ý and work saïtisfaetýory.' Give me a trial, Wm. Edger, Mors'Crriage Vorks, Bowmanvîlleý