__________________________________________________________________________ s - __________________________________________________________________________ -- I Do - 7Your Eyes Ache ? Does Rleading, Writing, ing, etc., tire your eyes? yonr eyes neeti attention. 'irifle Nvhth tlitem. Do't ris k iu tiie hauds of petilars or perienceti persolla. Sew- If le Do't ihem inex-l Yon eau get the advl1ce and attentio n o! one o! Canada's oldeai and mosi experienceti opticians by zalling ai our Optical Parlor. Stott & Jwry, Thre Druggîsts& Opticians. +: Rubber Goods, Hot Wat er Botties, etc. Nothing iz 'reliable rubber goods that cannot be purchaseti ai our stire at moneyaaviug prices. ) We have a very f ulli une o! new guaranteeti Syringe--, Ilot Water Bottles, Atomizers, Beti Pans, Invalid Air Cushions, Breasi Fumpa, Shieldo, etc., etc. Our prices will please you anti Our guarautee will please yoii .ihould anything go wrong with iny goàdis we recomrnd. Stott & Jwry, THE DRUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS. Rough Sikin. So positive are we that we ~have thre best remedy on the market for keepiug the sktu 3mooth, sof t anti velvety that we ch. er! ully agree to returu thre iuoney if you tell us you are dis- appointed in the restilts. t cures chappeti bauds inuoee 1gb . .It's excellent as a lotion a! ter shaving. t aries in quiekiy. It satisfles every one. Large Botties 25e. S"tott- & Jury, The 'Druggists anti Opticiana. Lice on (Jattie. 'Your catie canuot thrive as they should if troubled with lice. '7 ur "Death To -Làiee" lsa a non poisonous powder easily applieti andi safe to use. One application instantly kilis the lice. No farmer csu afford to be without ih. Price 15c. 25c. anti 40c. Stott & Jury, The Druggists anti Opticiaus. SEVERE BAOKACHE AND HEADACHRU A Iamlton Lady thanks Or. Pftebgp for Pea l eIvd and IUelth Restored. If woment would oaly consider what an important part o! their organism the kidncys are, how necessary that the iittle ilters and purifiera of the blood be kept active and healthy, they xould sud et fewcr pains andi aches. Dr. 'itcher's Backàèhe Kidney Tablets are a specially adapted remnedy for the kidney aliments of women. They cure back- ache, weak or ore back, pain lu the loins, or over the biatider, swelling of 'the feet and legs, puffinesa under the eyea, constipation and iver trouble, ,ïevere headache, urinary troubles of whtyrnature, and ahi kidney de- rangeluents. Mrs. E. Bertyman, whose picture ap- pears above, anti îvho resides at 1291/2 B3ay Street North, Hamiliton, Ont., exptessed lier thanks for the benefits de- rived froni Dr. Pitcher's Backache Xid- uey Tablets in the following terras: "For soîne time I was greatly troubicîl with headaches, so lad that often la the morainga I could hatdly Taise my beati from the pillow. I aise auffered a good deal ftem backache. and at tines took dizzy spolia. I had eni l usedhalf a-bxx of Dr. Pitcher's Baulke_h'e idney Tab- lý>ebfontn I found .î-ii helping, ire. In 1 l I have taken treboxes, ani 1 fed peîdd Thte Tablets-are cotrtainiy agcood ?-rteetY.t Dr. Pitcher's BackaceltKIiduey T"'uLiets are 50c. a bottle, or 3 I- .2,at.1a1 druggista, or by mnail. The Dr. Zinc Iitcb..v, Cm., Touoto, GOnt_. !3OWMANVILLE, FEB. 17, 1904. Mayer îs selling ait Furs at cost. Hiome-made Hum Bug s-Saturday only-10o per lb. -at Tod's.. Niss Norma Couch visited Miss Ed na Pringle, Cobourg, recently. Great bargains in, ail kinds of fuirs at, Couch, Johuston & Crvderînan'*s. Rev D. O0. Crossley wîi preaeh Sunday eveniing in St Paul'ti cirnrch. Editer T B. Lapp of the Cobourg World has put iu a Rogers Typagra phA "The Worid do move 1 Ladies' tailor-madec t5krts in the very latest styles just receeved at Cou.ch, Johnston & Crvdermian. The American üereal Works, Peter. boro, were damaged Feb. il by fire ro extent-of $50,000 or more. Saturday was a fine day; country people Were lu towin itgreat numbers and mercbants were happy. If you w ant a bargain lu au overcoat, a wrap shawl or a pair of blankets, call ai Couch, Johuston & Crydeîman's. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Davidson enter- tained a number of young people at their residence, Beech Ave., Friday eveanlg. An enjoyab!e time ;as spent bv ail present.' We are sole agents for and carry a fullilineo!fTurnbull's celebrate 1 un- shrinkable Uuderwear. Couch, John- ston & Cryderman. Mrs. F. A. Haddvy entertained the Methodisi Mission Band to tea on Wed. nesday evening alter which a prog ram was rendered by the members. Ail report a pleasant trne, Mr. Thos. Graham, Claremont, is the ncw President of the Canadian Hackney Association of which Mir. R. Beith, M., P., is a director. Cougfts, colds, hourseness. and other throat afiiments are quickiy relieved iiy Cresolene tabl,,ts. ton cents per box. AU druggis5ts Go Thnrsday night this week to Maple Grove church to hear the popular TIoronto lecturer on "Sparks from the Furnace. " I wili be good. See notice. Before Stock-taking Couch, Johuston & Cr',derman will seli ail kinds of winter goods at greatly reducel prîces. Rev. Hugh Munry, B. A. of St Paut's Presbi terian church will preach an educational sermon Sunday evening lu the Nethodisi church. Special m usie M. Mayer is selling out bis entire stock of Fuir Goods, Caps, Robes, Coats, Mufs, Ruffs, Caperines and Gauntlets at cost prîce . Now is, y our Bargain Day. Mr T. H. Everson, Oshawa. arrived home on Tuesday after spending three weeks lu Toronto hospital, where nie underwent a successfui operation. His manv friends will be glad to hear that hie will soon be around town hale and hearty. Furs selling ai cost-For a bargain in frr cali at M Mayer's, where vou will find a good selection and prices very low. Trinity Cohgregational Church Sab- bath, 2Ist. February-Morning service. 1.1 a. m Subject of Sermon I"Kindling the fire. " Sabbath School 2 80 p. m. Evening Service, 7 p. m. Subject of Sermon 6-A misunderstanding Pharises" Be independent. Empioy Yourselt. Establisb a buisuess. Our goods are used every day by evervbodv. Men make forttunes. Write G. Marshall & Co , London, Ont. Mr. H. A. Deckhert, Preston, was here some days seating the Auditori- um of the new Town Hall Those wno k now sav the work was splendidly done and the Council sent the company a letter to this effeci Mr. R. Beith, M. P. bas been re-elect- ed a director of the Canadian Clydes- dale Association of which Mr. W. Smith, Columbus, is President. Mr. Geo. Gray. Newcastle, aiso attended the annuai meeting in Toronto on Feb. 4 Mr. B.obt. Hiowe, C. E . Inspector for Canadian É~ire Underwintera' Associat loni, was iu town last week, and was much pleased with the new Fire Hall and equîpment at3 far as it goes. Stapie dept. at West End House has always been noted for giving good quality goods at 10w prices. Notwith- standing the big advante in cottons you wili net pay any more for cottons at McMurtry than last Spring. Care- fui buying Baves moue V for you. Newspalpers3ishow the effeet o! long continued cold weather. Iu is difficult to get a tirst-class printed page lu very cold weather. City papers withi their improved avpliances have been fre- quentiy "off color" of late. Many members have been laid off byiilness. From the annual report o! the Bureau of Industries for 1902. just to baud, we glean the following informat- ion about Bowmanville for that year: sto>ries bv Albert Bhgeiow Paine, Gabri- eeE.JncksoM sued Emmia C. Dowd, and îtrstg information about Colonial cuistq)ms, b v Lina Bar.The nieedle and !anicv work topic-s cov r 9 wide range. andi most (of the other init- erests o! the home are gi vencnidr ation in the rezula r departments. The Butterick Publiahing Companiv, Lid. .7 to 17 W. lAth St, New York City, U. Choxet table butter 17e a lb ai West End Hlouse Save Morley dealing at, MeMurtrv's G.roc5ty Dept. Mayer le selling Furs at ceai.. Ail overeoats reduceet iMeMaurtry'à., O)ysters lu bulk or- by the plate- at, Tod's. Renew your subscriptios early. W& bave ihn.euow. T.> H. Knight wants your buiter and eggs.. Besi pices paiti. Home-matie Hum, Bug-s-Satuzday onlyý1-10e per lb ai TodIs. Pair o! pruniug shears founti. In- qulire ai Soe-ATEbMALI oMfce. Try a ponnd o! G. B -Chocolate&'"Theý Finesi ln the baud" ai Tod's. See orir Blaukeis ait02.00 per pair Couch, Joiision & Cryderman, (Cai anti bear F. C, Petiik's uew ffl Edison Phanograpb.ItVa a dandy. The very lateat lu Weddiiug station- Ary and Weddiniz cake boxes ai Tma SrÂTEMÂAN office. T. H. Kuighi le pa'flng bigheai pricea for pouitry, tiresFed anti untiresseti. Ton wante;I ibis week. A Lot of New Carpeis anti New Lace Curtils just opeued oui ai Concb,« Johusion & Cryderman's. La dies',Fuir Coata ln Asirachan, Bok- haran aund Persian Lamb ai Coucb, Johnston & Crytierman's. Tbe Snnday School Convention for Darlington anti Bowmanville wiii be heid lu Tyrone on Feb. 17. New ready-to-wear sulit andi over 'coats matie up ln the fashionabie styles ai Couch, Jonnston & Crydermau's. The fanious Cruma Englisb printsat the old pice ai McMiurtrv's. Finest patterns ever produceti, 12ec per ' ti. Feb 19 is the date fixeti wben Mr. W. B. Couch wiil give a literarv ialk on Tenny son lu the H12h School Assembly Hall. Reserve the date. More nexi week. A dose o! Miiler's Worm Powdlers occasionaiv wiil keep the childiren beaithv., Solti by Stoti & Jury, drng- gista. Trou lu the blood is necessary. Miiler's Compount Iron Pilla contain the ele- meut lu the most ! assimilable !orm. Soiti by Stoti & Jury, druggist-, Now is the urne to get a bargain lu the Fur lino. M. Mayer. Furrier, la sellîng off bis stock au cosi pice. Evers- tbing goes. Come anti get first choice. We will give any womau a year 's subscription te the Housekeeper or Woman's Home Compaulon who wil obiain a new subscriber to THE STATvES MAN ai 01. To be atrong you muai baye good appetite, good digestion anti gooti assimilation. Miiler's Compoundi Iron PIl bring all these Solti by Stoti & Jury, druggist. Bear lu mind ibat lu cosis no more to get a good i tting, well-matie suit ian it does to buy an ill-fiitiug, slovenlv- matiene. To secure tbe former leave your ordera no* ai Couch, Johusion & Crvderman7s WEAK LUNOS-Mir. Frank Jennings, Coidwater, Oni., says: 1 was iroubleti for some time wiih sore Thiroat anti Weak Lunga, but Dr. Wood,s, Norway Pine Svrup cureti me when oCher remed- les f aileti. Pice 25z. Palpitation o! the beart, nervousness, 1trembiings. nervous beatiache, *)Ild banda anti feet, pain lu the back, anti other forma o! weakness are relieveti by Carter'slron PuIs, matie especially for the blood, uerves anti complexion. A man's wi!e shoulti alwa) s be the 1same especiallv to bier huabanti but if she is weak anti nervous anti uses Car- 'ter's Trou PRISshe caunot be for tbey .make lier "1feel like a different person,", so tbey all say anti their busbautis say so 1too! Mirs. Cawker. Misses Bomtba Tamblyn anti Ethel Y King will sing at the . H1gb Scbooi ibis Friday nigbi when .Mir. W. B Coucb wii give a taik on ,Tennyson and bis works As the speaker is well verset inlu is theme a pleasant evening is assureti. Every- body welcome. Silver collection for .Public Libraîv. Mr W. E. Jarroti o! the Cana dian Correspondenco Coliege, Toronto, wili be at the BALMORAL HOTEL On Monday, Tuesday andl Wednesday-Feb. 22nd to 241hi. Ho ta orgauizing classes lu this viciuity anti would like to secure a brigbt 1man or woman of good educaion to 1assist hlm lu the initiai w ork and then to take charge o! the field. This wil be an excellent position for $omne one as the salary la guaranteeti. Wbat woulti you think o! the mer. chant who offereti you iwo buttons lu change for a ail ver.doilar-wnuldn't you kick? It would be about as insulting to yeur intelligence as i woulti were the merchaut 10 try anti Palm off some o! bis own cbeap mixtures for some well- known reputable food or medicine wbich bas a name for purity. strength anti value. A reputathon whicb bas stooti the test o! time cannot be kDocketi oui by n g si ilh'tricks. TherAler so Bears the hKdYcuhil iAlviays Bught Signatare Besaothie ,Tirdilîtwy sg Signature i NTOTICE-I bereby give notice that I wilt not be responsible for any debts Con. tracted hy any person whatever la niy name. Dated ai Bewnan ville this 151h day of Fchruary, 1904. RICHARD BONETTA. 8-8w* F ARM FOR SALE-140 acres, 12,) acres of lot 5, Cen. .5, Darlingion, and 20 acres of lot 1, Coni. 4, East Whïtbv, on wilieh are two batns, one 10OX44 feet and aIl ether necessary ent-bnlldingi%, windmull liules waicr te tank in barn with pipeste ail stables. Good dwelng house, ditving bouse, weedshed, etc., weII fencedl with cedar, young orchard in hearing, 10 acres bushe,Imapte and beech. Weii watered. Sitiate 1, mile froni village of Taunton wbere are pos office, store, blacksmith shep and only N- miles" front Oshawa. This ia eue of the best farîn and hest equipped iarms in Darlilugion and wtli be sold cheap and on reasenable ternis of paymeni. Aise 100 acres of lot 4, cou 4, East Wbitby. For further particulars apply te Joita LARDER, Taunton. Stf BOWMAN V1LLi! aARKET8. Corrëeatd by J.Me-Martry oach Tuenday F otIPl100 bs .... ...022 10to ei60 WHEAT0 Faîl, bush. O O i "0 011O077 i Sprîng........il(10COet O 74 RediFife.......0 00"il085 fi Goose ....0 00"te0 67 BARLISy, Î bush, No. 1 ... 0 40"etO0 00 fi if le2..0,7"fi0 40 Sil 1) 8 O0 O il0 88 "li lTwo rowed O 00 et O 40 OATs, white 'i....O28 't O 80 HY-B, il ......O0Ct) 'i 0 h0 BIJCKWHnAT M .... OC0 "eO040 PEAkS, Blïckevtl, eb 0h..0t COe'O Ct fi Canadian Beauties O C0)fi 0 60 $1 Murmmey " 0C0Ct)i"0O00 se SmnaL n C60 "it) 60 fi Bline !f 0op0 60 CLOVER Sb' .........550" 6 50 TimoTHv SnED ...........) C 0 "O00 3ujrms, bet îtable, Ë t.,O016 f" C 17 E1SS, tpdoz ............. 000"fi0 25 Por,.TroES, e us..0..CO il0 3O 5 HÂvJeton........7 5G i8(10 Beats the , lhe Y, l'dî >l Aways Bougli Mr. S.. F. Hll is assessor. Read minutes o! Couneil. Fresh cut Flowers at Tod's. Miss. Allie Dingmara bas been visiting in Li nd'say. The D.O.&P. Factory is cloFfedý the big boier bas given ont. Mis Mag-gie Chaney, Oshawa, la via- iting Mrs Hiram Kirkpatrick. MNlisg Anale Weatawav; is attending' Millinery Opeuinga in Toronto. Miss Bertha Joues, Oronoî is visiting- ber cousin, Miss Wînnîe Jones, colin J. J. Mason i S atiunding Royal Templair AnnutI ss in lt'oroilto. Mr. Il. J. Hoo)per of the Wtlmn 'adr Lind(lsayt spetit Sunday at Plan of uew Towtî Hlal ai Big 20, opens for Opening Concert Monday ai Io a.m. .-9 Mrs. Chas. Lyle, Poerboro, is here, attending the wedding o! ber niece Misa Suale Allun.. The dam is broken ai eiectric igàe works. Citizensarae asked to use as litile ilght as possible tilli h la repaired, g-The Temple oIt Faire" la Seing re- bearsed weekly by the young ladies o! the Meibodîsi chuireb and other talonted orles. The date fbaed for its presentaî!on1 ils Friday March,4th lu the new Auditorium. Mra. Jos. MleLean who lives with ber da.ughier, Mrsa. J. B. Mitchell, fell when ce ce ding tbe stairs one uight lasi weak and fraetured ber thigh bone near the hin joint. She la suffering greatly since but the fracture la flot o! a serions nature. Ber many frienda will sympa- thize with ber lu this mis!ortune, Two sleigh ioads of young people ofi the Oshawa Baptist churchwere enter- tained by the Christian Endeavor Society ai the Disciple Church here Priday evening with a hearty welcome and an amuple supper. Good music, spontaneous good cheer and easy intercurrse characterized the evening. TU CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refond the meney it i ails to cure. Il. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. NEW BUTCHER STORtE. Citizen are informed that on and a!ter Tbursday o!fulîls week they will flnd Mir Alex Buuinl bis new butcher shop lu Variety Hall Building. Great alterations and improvements have beený made lu the interior o! ibis store giving good refrirerator capacity and every eouvenience for- bandliug meata properly winter and summor. We admire thpý public spirit manifested by Mr Hume lu procuring more up-to.date and convenient quartera forbis butcher business and feel sure he will be doublv rewarded for bis enierprise and good judg-ment. GOAL!1 COAL!!1 McClellan & Co. bave a large supply o! Ecz, Scove and Chesinut Coai at the Harbor. 7-2w. REXALL MOUSE- DYLS These Dyea will dye Wool, Cotton Silk, Jute or MLxed Gooda in one bath 1 bey are the latest and moat improved Dyes ln the world' Try a package Ail colora at A. L. Nicholas' store. SORN. COLLÂCOT-At Tl roecb, Sili to Mr. and' Mrs. Harry M. Collacoti, a daughtcr. Byâm- In Tyrone. Pcb. 15, George R1., eldeat son 0f Mr. F. G. Byanni ged 16 years. flositiM,-In Btwmanville on Sunday Pcb. 14,1 1904, John Heakin, agect 72 years. Funeral from the famuly residence OdelI st., on Saturday Feb. 20 ai 1,30 p. m. tu Bethesda wlîere service wilt be held In the church. RocCaaîn)G.-At Indianapolis. Ind.,Mrs. John H-Ickridgeo arahalltown. la., agcS 80 pears, fomryof Bewmanv ..e. Ont. Was severely burned fren clothes ta king fire, rcsulting in MITCHELL-At Port Hope, Pcb. l5th, in ber 81h year Spowers Rutherford, wldow cf the laie RoderIck Mitchell. ALEXÂNDER-At the ressderice of bis son-mn- law, Dr. H. H.Ptyler,Canton, N.Y., onTi'esday Kchruary 91h, 1904, Jamcs Alexander, in bis 68th year Inicrred ai Fairvicw Ccmetcry, Canton, N.Y. Feb. llih. I-owRop-Ixi Pickering, Fcb. 5ih, Ann Bray, relict of the laie John Hortop, in lier 90th year. SFÂNTON.- ~iCobourg on Fcb. 13, Clara EIhz- abeili, tlîird danglîter cf the laie William I. stanton, CONNELL.-At Orono on Pcb. 1Mbi, Peter Con- neil, agcd 76 y cars. ,JAyNEs.-In Oreno, Fcb. ltb,Gcrtrude Mabe Jayucs, aged 27 years. A-T ROME DAYSI Ilaeawtli kinidly send !jus the ate o theu' reeeivuig ciiys We ivi;tlaly pll5ia liât for referenc-e. MOtR SSALE OR, RENT-Hlouse and .2Lt, eorner of King and Ontario. streets, Bowanvf lie, Apply teo Mits. R. PEÂTE, or L- A PPREN 1 ICES WANTED-Three £.aprentices wanted by Mareh lst te leara miiey. Apply te, Mis YOliNG., Central Millinery, nownmanville, ,4f A PPRENTICE WANTRD-To learn the ]Drcssmaking. Apply te, Ms. X. IR GeULD, Kiniz-st,, 1B.. A PPRENTICE WANTED-To learu .C.Miflnery. APPlY te MRS, DiNOMÂN. 8--U. ClOWS FOR SALE-6 flrst class Milk C.Cows for Sale. Due ln Marei April. Apply te A. MANN. lot 19, Broken lFrnt. -w Ir ADY CLERK-For DrY Goods. 2,xperienteed preferred. Addreau, Box r4 XVANTED-Men and Women of Wgood edacation and ahility lnnocupied territory te enroll students at a inimum salary of $O.Oli a year. AppŽly wltli references to CÂNAIAN CoBsaroNaNmCE COLLitGE, Limited, Toronto. 8-2w, SERVANT WANTED-By March lst general servant in small famlly. Apply F OR SALE OR TO RENT-Good frame 8-roomed tbouse, good cellar, bard XVTOOD SALE-iâ acres, -more or and sot water, good , arden and fruit trees. ryles& of mixed wood. Apply ioMr. C H., u Also blacksinit shop in good re air and PENFOUND ai Rice's Hardware Store, Bowman. 'Lnig Aprt1 1.t. For furiber ïinformation apply to _____________________ S.S. BRtoOts. Courtiee, P. O, 7-3w, W~ILLIAM W, VICKERS, SolicitorA LLteldnr ai' n Fruit. frEttof John Keith Galbraith, Bar- - tree r aean q v8; î~ee-îak rseAtrny. Solleitor, etc. Office, Botinf- Baldwinî, Bený vi, Gu . nai. sal's lok, h~tretBoWnmanville. Head pthnrdI ree ,f' hii 94 The H 4arm ony office, 77 York Street, Toronto, 4-if.pe N. T. Fýr1eeç! Y. -e e s Ie M ae Q a t te OR SALE-8300 Acres on the south Nreymn ecsl F. H.FROST, P'1-Aie portable Saw Mh1ll First clasa buildingsj A. . M LAU HLiN, on Farm. Caiit. J. Bal'eil eîton. P. O. B.J.Uazelwood, M.D.,C.,' H. J. KNIGHT. J. COLVILLE, M. D., C. M. OWAYlL. * NT W. J. S. RICKARD. RçO1WMÂINYJLLE, ONT. (i1(}ýLD MEDALIST o! Trinity Un. For ahl information regarding Terra, qI iv.ersity, Toronto; Four years Attenilng Programs, etc., addreiss (FF~ICE-Silver Street, BoWman- Puysicag andSurena i are opil 1 oýfzi14e; Telephc.ne 22. Nigbt calls answeredKs Fî H. FROST, B. A., Manager, froiu D. Davis" residence, Beech Avenue: Office and Restdenee next Doot to Ex.Mayoi, 45-6 mos. Bowmanville, Ont. 'Iel*,phone 99.lichs1gbS. T3lephione No. 108 OUR SPECIAL S4LE Will be Oontinued to Fedruary 2Oth Any goods left, over from the January Sale wiil be sold àt prices as advertised. Ladies Capes 1-2 Pricel. 4 only fleavy G4olf ClotE (splendid for travelling wraps) Regular $10,00 for, each - - - - 50 Ladies Wrappers 950i. A few only left of these $1.25 Wrappers at - - .O Ladies Oeylon Flannel Blouses,' 38co. The balance of these Blouses, regtilar $1.0f) to $1.25 for - 38. Men's and Boys' Suits. TFhis part of our Salé bas been a great success. They arec îiot ail sold yet. Corne and get one of the greatest snlaps offered iin clothing. Next Door to Standard B anke ever BLýâowmauv11e. Cawker &Tait. Extend tj il eýàr yT1anks+ 'fi forn the 1LÎ,berI. Patronage ex-+ 4 ~terided ttthem for' tIheyeau 4 just endad.4 >~ Wishing Yau Ail a Happy and Prosperous fNew, >Year. 4 GAWKER &TAIT t BOWMANVILLE. %44 44 4* 1 44 "tê; 4et4 1 m