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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1904, p. 5

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ALWAYS e Go o a Competerît Optician.St Neyer select Glasses for yourself, and t neyer purchase Glasses froni-a Pedier or t Î( nexperienced person. The Stock of such spectaole sellers , i usuallyý as defe etive as their knowledge of opties. The lexises are St earelessly ground, and the lens in one eye is frequently t diferent from the lens in the other eye. Wearing them wil oo'rsut n ai i t,-eys n l njryto he~t 4Î sight. 4Î We, on the other hand, -have the kuowledge aux a- 4~appliances necessary to detect every defect. Nine-teuthist of the cases of defective vision require specially ground t c~glasses and this is why it bs daugerous to allow people to experiment with your eyes.St 4î We GIJARANTEE our Work. Stott & Jury,' The Druggists and Optieians. Worms 1I WormsI BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 9, 1904. lV U IIlb .1 Humbu gs 10e. par 1lb.Satuday at Lutrell's If you want a reliable remiedy Humbuga 10e. par 1-b. Saturday at for worms you eau zet nothiug Luttrell's- betý,erth-.n '"j. . - Wormy Boots fouud. Enquire at THE STATES- .Pow'ýders."- 1ý,1MM off, Ii ce-. We 'boluel gurateethni Home made Chewi ng Taffy at for eithar Childreu or adltsj Mjis AlcaCawkar l9 visiting M brs Enough said. Try Them.i F. A Har, Ohawa., Home mado, Cream Taffy, 10-. par lb St4-Ott &,, Jurby 'Ss,turdayonlyýatTdo F J i ,line o! ail the latest Rata lu Th-1q ruggîsts andi upucians. stin c eoaa n,.iyrs __________________________ Seo The Mason Co's, advt. this weak for ale. offering Cotton gooda at aid prices. u~oVifrTal . Mr. Alex Christie bas' secured P, position at Mr. D Luttrell'sl'akerv. Strictly first-class. For par- Nowilathe time ta leavlyour order ticulars enquire ut STOTT & for your Spring Suit at Couch,Johnstou JURY'S DRUJG STORE. & Cryîîerman!s. ___________________________ Bay o! Qunte Couferenceameeba ln the eterprisiug city o! Peterbora the first week lu Jane. Sale la-dr's'Remember te Concert oa Friday L LMarcb lSth. Tickets 25e. Reservedf backache. seats 35c. Planat Bi,-2O.ý Mr. Oran White, Oshawa, was raceut giloat of lais sister Mrs. S. Saper, corner There is many Welling ton and Temperance-sta. a youngwomitti Catgl, colds. boarseness. and other throat serving behiind aiinients are qinickly relevect by resolenet S a counter wlio tablais. ten cents per box. Ail druggists ea2arl Miss King bas arrar)ged for a higb stan onberclasa Concert ou Fridfiv April Bih sustaiued by 'Mr -RIarold Jarvis and -feat on account other wahl kniown singera. Parbiculara of the exeru- later. ciatiug pain We congrabulate Oshawa citizens onî that catches her the goad seuse thoy show ail ly carry-. In the Smail of the baek.- ing the Wabr Works by-law l'y such an oblgin, epbatic majarity, The vote was 444î Muest hae heerful and olgnfeor and 68 againat1 'thouglih the baek ha ready to break,, Triuity Cbureh Services. Sul'bath,( 'the head almoat bursting and the 18th bMarch, 19j4. Mring, Il a.m.( whole body raeked'and woru. Subject o! Sermon-"Tbe cursa o! thea Christian World". Sal'l'uh Sebool,1 Constaint standing affets the kid- 2'30 p. m. Eveniing, 7 p. m. Subjeet ieys, disturbs their blood filtering ai Sermon-' Israel 'and the Jews lu functionis, thon the haok aches, the Propbecy and lu Hlistory." -beadl throbs and you feel unfit for Mr, and MVrs. William A. Windatt, Nrork or pleasure. Winnipeg, Man , who ara rturniug spe éénding bolidays lu Florida bava It is wonderful in these cases how engstofh mhrMs.R afew boxes of Dr. Pitchcr's Back- Windatb anîd other relatives bora. Mr. ache Kidney Tablots start the kid- Wiudatb is oua o! the old Bowmauville neys acting properly-thay carry boys wbo bas doue well lu the groat off the poisons from the blood, thon wetern metropolis.i the ackceaes o pan, he ead Saoul (Karea) is prouounced lîke the the bck eaes o ain te hadEnglish word "at. The autbority la stops aching, and you feel yourself Archer Butier H-ulbert, former editor ~an altogthar diffarent womnan. ai the Korean Independerit. who couitribute$ au înterestiug article ou SURPRSINGilENEIT. Korea : the Land ai the Morning Calm" Miss Lîzzie Nix, -whooe udress 'is $32 ta Tbe Youb's Companion o!, March Adelaido Street West, Toronto), Ont., says: lObb. 1'When 1 commEnced ta s Dr.Pice' The Farmar'a Itaudv Book for 1904 Backcacho Kidnoy Tublets Iastîrd sedd lu4connection wth h am doctorîng, for mytroublesw vlere severe ndW,-d Toronto, lias juet reached us. of several monthab' duatoulecy he b-ook is a neably l'ound, attractive prvosteaimeut I to-ok poe unuvuil volume. conaiiug, 256 pages o ed l.I had a weak bchaud kidiley in malter devoted to the Sali. Dairy- trouble, and! wÎa vosaund n-clownI. iug, Live Stock, Poultry Rising and At first I vas ekepticali about iol'binng tb cbadEvery furmer ahould bave ~n bnei~frmDr. Piteher's Tablets. To this baak for ready referenceaut al ay ht Iwasrple t the re4ulti ims thtfloed their isae la puttiug lb milcdly. Mr. ad Mrs. Ga. MLaugbiin, Miss I vuas astonlshed, for from the first fewMis B A., Mrs. Smith, Misses Kate doisas I-, comxnenced ta improva, and to-day and àMuv Morris, M'vargaret Smith, Misa finds me a veIl veman. Evory troubla Smith, Mabel Coud, E. Amanda sud haas7-ilsappeured, and witb my goueral Effie Baud, Mesrs.L Stephenson, Alex ùL1ý'ovnîet i etrigh ad w 1Storie, A. W. McLaugblln, Fred Flaro, cousider myselflun aund healtbh. > auGFrnkbou obbawa, attended Prce 50c. >&box, at *il r W the 'f ample o! Fame la the naw Opera Tî sDa. ZuIl iA zrcm T !nt louse Saturday night. The members ai the fire l'rigàde desire ta moat beurtily tbank Miisa HO FOR SUMER CLIMES Beaeack for ber gonieroitsanad thought- -- fli action in providing a substautial Tihe Grand Tri ,snk Raiiwa ý-steuî lunch and caffea for the men attor their havf» !-11d a Rrisom pubicaionarduous duties in fighting the flamcs at baveissod abansom enhlcaianMis Giff ird's tire on Sunday morniug enttld Aîarter Tours ta Coloradoa Sucb timely provision la bighîy apprec- and Cifrtl"and wbich araeiiow in iated l'y the boy, u s figbting the their Cts I'icket flices for frFe oistri- devouigemnt shar'wr butiju. The pu'olicnaiondsals wlth the rn lmnsl ugywr attractins o! tbe States a! Colorado always. and Califoriil as witar tesorta for The Bowmanyille Basa Bail Club Eastern peoul,)e and as bbc prasent bave ranged ta 'give a first class season la tua,, iai.- ta visit ilipeo Wastprn Concert in the Now Opeau fouse on -Tesorba for rla'r i h'Invald bar, Friday MardiBh Havîîîg angag-ed baith, tbchue u j ulaisu n t. u Vr.Wil J'fWbitc Onada's faorte opoott)i-n' i-i a, stii lmorist, and M.Dnl McGragor, illutraed l-h tow cfIanitouthLL1o paplnarliaritoneivii'o bas dlighted SpigPiî;e's Pek, G.,eau ta th a n audiente ir xsfre cain G)ardOn of GOdb" Grand Canyon ai The Ba>,l Club feal sutisfied that they Arizaila, views ùîu Ibo Yosem,,ite Vally,.aoetoest talent available. Miss sudthaBigTras o Caitonia alo"iLuttrail l blieaccompunist, The abject viewa o! interestia g po1ita on the lina aiofthe concert is ta raiîse lunds ta buv o! the Granid Tranus. ?bere lsaiuse aI New Uri forms taec ccingt season and faud o! information ,eg,,'rdiiig Persan- 1'Ibis hoped they wiii re -ive the support allv Conductl Excursîoîs ta these a!,f the liîestaacuitsh thair abject, Western Points, ima tables ai tÈiins'; Coie mib-i ad ou appn'. oI t J.D. Me1Dolilud, Di-Iniet Passangar ï l Agent, Union Station', Tornto. j For lInfants and chlldýren1. ________-The Kind "fou Have Always Bought Mr. W. Clagborn ai th,, Central B ual-'Beurs the naass College and lu.Fréd Pattilgnf, Sgaueo Dominion Business Collage, Toronto, Sgaueo $pont Suuday at Nlr. JO$. Pabtinsou's. UyEr" u1-ui.UT-U Tod's. Home made Chewiug Taff y at Luttreil's. Home made Cream Taif y, 10e. per lb. Saturday oniy at Tod's T. H. Knight wants your butter and eggs., Best prices paid. Pair of pruning shears found. lu- quire at STATE&mAN office. Try a pound of G. B. Chocolates "The Fiuest in the Land" at Tod's. New working Shirts, ail sizes, at 50c. and 75c. at The Mason Co's. Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy, Haydou, was receut guest of Miss Eva Brown. T. H. Knight is paving highest prices for poultry, dresized and undressed. Men's Cloth Caps-the iatest shapes for Spring at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's. Couch, Johnston 8z Cryderman are verv busy opening out theïr New Spring goods The best talent ln Toronto bas been secured for the Base Bail Club's Concert, on March lSth. See the new Capo, Ties,Collars,Shirts, Hats, Braces, and Hats at M. Mayer's. Give hlm a caîl. 1Buy your Cottons at the West End H4,use and youi won't pay the heavy advance lu Price. The very latest in Wedding station- ers' and Weddin,- cake boxes at Tua STATESMAN office. M. Maverbas just opened ont a full line of English and American Mats. Cail and Bee them. Mr. John Raid, jr., has returned to tha Yukou. He seems to like the North country and speaks bighly of it. 1Men's Bats, the latast English and American Styles openad out to-day at Coucb. Johnston & Cryderman 's. A lady~'s black, fur ruif was lost on Saturday night between -this town and Oshawa. lleward for return to STATES- MAN office. We will give any woman a year's subscription ta the Housekeeper or Woman's Home Companion who will, obtain a new subscriber to THE STATES MAN at $1. A few more men eau be started on the road to fortune and in0epeudene Don't delay. Write to-day bo G. Mar- shall & Co. Teas, London, Ont The A. O, U. W. Grand Lodge maets In Temple Building-. Toronto, on March 16 at 9 a. m. The Executive meets Monday 14tb at 3 p. m. Mr. F. Hloskin who has been been spending a few weeks at home called here bv the death of his father, the late John Hoskin, has returued to Winnipeg, Man. Mr and Mrs Elias Greenway, Hay- don, were guests of Mr. J. O. LaBelle last week Thev bave just returned fromn a 3 months' visit with friends ln, Essex and oCher places in Western Ontario. Mrý Jas. Gilfillan B. A. bhas postponed his talk on Science with experiments, lu the Assembiv Room of the Hligh Sehool tili Weduesdav, March 16th at 8 ô"clock Orchestra wiil be ln atteudance. Al invited lustead of taking up a subscription to buy New Uniforms as bas beau the custom the Base Bail Club are giving a High Class Concert on the l8th. Be sure to patroniza them. Tickets only 25e. U3eservad seats 35c. Goods of quality and at sama prices and lawer than some lines of infarior makes :-Crums, Prinits, Priastiv Dress Goods, Dainty Mode Rubbers, Pawnys' Gloves., 2Oth Century ClothinZ and Empress fine footwear for sale by McMurtry, Bowmauvila Anyouae au find excuse auough for saduess in this workaday worid; why not use equal energy in searching fur gladness that may be passed along Ito oChers? The earth is bright and yilds delight, If we but rightly view lb; Life-laden air is everywhere, And joy cames tiugliug through it. Mrs F. A. Philp, Coiborne, wbo came home to assist at the opening concerts of the New Town Hall, sang very ac- captably at both services in the Discip- les ehurch Suudav weck. Mrs. Philp received many a friendly greeting dur- iug bier visit here The Methodisb Epworth Leaguers hoid a leap vear social Mouday evening. Misses leunie MeLean, Maude Wright, Stella Mason and Ethel Trebiicock sang a quartette Misses Eva Cryder- man and Jenniie MeLean sang solos, ,Misses Ethel Trabilcock, Lana Ma sou and Winnie Peuninztou contributed readings. Missei Ei a and Minnie Rex uoMs played a piano duet and Miss Editb Fraeland a piano solo. Miss Joness presided. A uovel plan was adopte'! of iutraducing the yaung people. Caudy was servad at tbe close. The Sialvation Armv will calabrata their-20tb Annîversaiy on Saturday, Su1nday au-dMUdairv March 19, 20 aud aoo ýd i beyouig f olk. On Wed -_________________ nie sday 'evs'nîug the choir o! Trinitv__ - _ cbrhra tt f, rosidene a! Urs'R hKid(v D. Dv t-i sndnafter putiaMssEffyh TîKni i li Miy Bal ElbFrcTan on befiaî f o h em natr bers preýoed Mi-iss T7ait wlth1a:1ver v c prettî mora(-cca chat-aiîluabaz uud au alligator pur-e MI-; TaitLcarnes ta t) ODSE'AT l'NED- Good the VesCtheboîtwisesofavev pesan wages. Addresq airs. IR, A. J. Little, wl'o knaws lber ,Aîdlier bri hicu, nulOýhawa. face will ha great , missed lucrnband social pircles Edmonton is ta ha (ýcon)--VLUR RUFF LOST-Batweeu Bow granltedousnc avalabe aquai. L12 mctuvîie and Oshawa, Ma,ýreh 5, a Black Fur tu bistoibssocial circlo and ita citizanship.Ru.RerdWat ueraSTTMN Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by StoU & Jury, dru1ggi8ts/, W. C T. U. meets at Mrs. Thos. Hoar's Tuesday niext at 3 o dlock. Çal and bear F. C. Pethick's new $20 Edison Phonograph. It's a dand.. New Caps, for Mon and Bo'vs, al sizes and styles at Thé Mason Co's, Mrs. H. Gale and Miss Stella Gaie, Coiborne, visited friends bore recently. Misses Amanda and Efibe Bond, Oshawa, were guests of their uncle Mr, M. A. James Suuday. Mr. Go.. Gra- , Newcasble, war jurdge on beavv borge.s at the Snriugý Stallion Horse Show iu Toronto. Miss Lillie McLeau acconipauied by Miss Mabel Coad, Oshawa, spant Sun day at Mr. James McLeani's. A very bauds ome assortmont of new Suitings just received at The Mason Co 's. Fit and quality guaranteed. Farmers', if you waut s good thine for your stock buy a packet of My or s Royal Stock food, from T. H, Knight, the Modal Grocery. 100 extra copies of TEE STÂTESMAN, are printed this week for mailing to your friands in wrappers Scouts each. Citizons haye sent last week's STATEs- mAN to many friands at a distance. We have about 25 copies stili for1 sale, Bowmanvila Lodge No 99,A.O.U.W> will bold their annual At Home iu the Sons of Englaud Hall, Friday evening March lltb at 8 p. m. When we bave a spécial report o! local doings it is a good act ta send a paper ta vour friands. Papers in wrappors ready for mailing Scouts. Mr. Thos. Tod served a very fine banquet ta about 150 merubers of Orono A. F. and A. M. and thair friands Wed- nasday night. It was a very fine spred. .Mr. and Mrs. W. H Williams, Liberty Street, antortained about 80 friands ves'y pleasantly Wednesday eveniug. Mrs. F. McKay and niceo Miss Maiga Tees, Indian Head, N. W. T , bave beeu eujoviug a mouth's visit with Mrs. D. Galbraith and the Xisses Galbraith, Quaen St. If the cbiid is restless at nigbt, bas coated tangue, sallow complexion, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders la what la, required; pleasaut, harmlass. Sold by Stott & Jury, drug-gisbs. Tbere wilil be a lecture lu Trinity Church on Tuesday evauing, Mar( h lSth l'y Rev J. Findiater, Subjeet "Soictier- ing lu India". Admission 10e Further particulars an bulletin boards. Manv young ladies who ware suppos- ed ta be goiug luto decline have been restored ta hoalth and vîgor l'y the, use of Miller's Compauud Iron Pills. Sold l'y Stott & Jury, diuggists. Rev. Dr. Briggs of tbe Methodiat Book Room, Toronto, will preaeh Mis sionary sermons ln the M ttbodist Churcb, Sunday morniug and evaning. Subseriptions and collections lu aid of the mlssionarv fun.l. Publie cordiallly invited. Mr. T R. Knigbt, the Modal Grocery, is fortunabe in seuring the sole agency lu Bowmanville for the Myers' Royal Spice Co., the l'est prepared for horses, cattle and sbeep ,;ea advt. on another page aud get a packet and givo it a trial. Rav, E. Ryerson Young, B A., Port Carling, Ont., lu writing THE STATES- mAN says.. 111 have the lîvliest recollec- tions of the pleasant.vears 1 spent in Bowmauville lu my b'oy hood and any good thiug that I eau send your way 1 shahl send it." Mr R Beith, M. P., loft Saburday nigbt for Ottawa where ha axhibits tbree fine Clydesdale borùes, Prima,Star of Roses, Treasurer. and three fine Hacknovs, Symlett Performer, Toscsr and Ivanhoe at tbe Horse Show tbere this week. 1ev. C, E. Mlntyre, pastar of tbe Ea8tern Mthodist Cburch, Napanee, has rccaived a unaminaus eau ta Bran- don, Manitoba, and bas aecepted sul' ject ta the cousent of the stâtioningI committee. Rev. W, H. Emsley, Brandon, bas beau invitod ta Napanee, l'y a unanimous eaul. The Conservatives met Friday last lu tha Council Room and lacted officers as fallows: President-E H. MeLean, Newcastle; Vice-Pres-T. H. Powers, Kirby; Secretary-Dr G. C. Bounv- castie, Bowmauvilie; Treasurer-J. K. Allen, Newcastle. Clarkeanad New- castie seerna ta be the 'whola tig" this year. 1ev. Egerton R Youug, who la uow ln California, an route ta Australia, bas beau învibed ta visit Australia by the Australian Methodiat Conférence tatell the people af Australia the C ory o! mis- sions ta the red Indians of!'Canada. lie bas1beeu filing saine lecture eu- gagemnents in Califorula ere ha salis on Mlareb 24 -fie la beinz followed as usual by great crawds. Mr. Young- has nat becu well lataly and lb la boped that bi.,, alt wil tand the aIrain. Iu al [rJ -ai±4 vyii5ru.-io worg0on ai fam t i9I t0ne pply--to jceiws3- ilios, BowasvIU. 10f. Bopen buggy for sale at a decided bigan ne use for it 110w. NIEAD ets ailr sliop, Bowmanville.103w. F SALE OR RENT-House and Locorn er of King and Ontario Streets, Bowman.ville, APPlY te MILS. R. PEÂTE, or L. MORRIs.7--tf. F RSALE-800 Acres on tbe south good., 0. P. R. running by the corner of Farm. Also aportble Saw Mill. Fîrsit las8 buildings on Farm, Capt. J. Bal Nestieton, P. 0 The Harmony 'Maie Quartette. F. H.FROST, A. E. MeLAUGIILIN, H. J. KNIQHT, W. J. S. RICHARD. For al1niormation regarding Terme, Programs, etc., addresil F. H. FROST, B. A., Manager, 45-6 mos, Bowmanviiie, Ont. Correeted by J.Mé1murtry each Tuesday! FL 4a'~100 Tha ........$8240 to $2 80 WHEOBAT, Fali, bush .... o 0)et 1 04 Spri .....a )0 : te 0 95 APPRENTICE WANTED-Toileara W O AA-ýlte noeo ~i Red ,'e .... 0 j 0 illinery. Apply ta Mils. DiNGHÂN. 8t P eNF OUa f mixed wo',e. A,,1,Iv 10 Mr. 0. R, PNOIIat Rice's fardwaesýc,,toîie, Bowman- le Goose ....0 00 0 75 vll.4-tf BARLET, VI bush, No. 1 ... O 40 0 0 TILLIAM W. VICKERS, Solicibor le te i 2 ... o 87 il o 42 Yfor Estate of John Keith Galbraith, Bar- 1 . j te Il,. O38rister Attarney oiiir t.office, Bonn- III luIsJi. [LUU5 3 :. 0 0 Il ) 38sall's 1lo" , ]g g street, Bowmativiile. Head3 l tgTwo rowod O GO 'i O 40 Office, 77 York Street, Toronto. 45-tf. OAT, eht. .......... O 0 0 l" 0 O A81FOR SALE -1 0O crs,12)>1 A L i t le fin~ g varieties of Fruit, Bya, n.. 9 ,...........O 00 IlO 0 FARF OR l ars A lrets orbale at Newcastle NurserlesStark,. BUCWHATH..........O 9 ' O40 acres of lot 35, can. ,, Darliugtou, and 20 Bacpyiu ilcn Davis, Gano 'and Ontario. $19 PJEAs, BlaekZOye, f bush. . O 0 0 o 0 acres of loti1, con. 4, East Wlntbv, -On .vicb per, huudrcd if oe:-dered betore Marel lai, 1105,. te Canadian Beauties O 9 te0 ' O60 are two barils, one 100X44 feet and ai other1 necessary oui buildinigs, windmill pomups watcr N. T. SELBY, il Mummey 19 O e 0 ' 0 to tank iu ba ru with pipes toalal sta bles. Good 1-m Nursery.man. Nevoastle I Smah "Il O060 et O 6()dwelling hanse, dîlving bouse, woodshcd, etc., a, - Blua ~~ O 90O 60o welfenced with cedar, y oung orclŽa'v in LV L .,CIM et . Ble if 0 0 a bering, 1 acresbush, mapie and beecel. Neli J. C LV L E t . .J Cr.ovmt SEEan........... 5 50 " 5 75. watered. Stuate ' 1mile irom village ofl TTi T SEaniiD .........O0 90 " O 90 Tauenton where are post office, store, b)alcsmitb BOVV MÂNILLE, ONT. BUTTER, l'est table, e lb. * O0 16 lO 17 shop and only k, miles from Oshawa. This is 1~' os.........O 0 ~80 ne of the beet farm and hest equipped farms i 1ýflsV oz ..........0 0 i 0 0 Darlugtoni and will be solO ceheap aud on "hFFICE-Siiver Street, Bowman- POrATOEs, e bush........O 0 ()il (83,; reasouable ternis c! payment. Also 100 acres "\Jville; Telephone 2-2. Night Calîs answered RAT ~ on -., 7 0 80 o f lot 4, con 4, East, Whutby. For further frýru D. Davis' resideuce, Beecb Avenue; HAY.& to ..... 750 l 8 0 particulars apply ta JouN LANDER, Taunton. StfJ Telephous U9. T'I At AT Uood-e Ild w 19 Our Ne' 0 0 f, a, s ýhave be ti F7, 7q e Next orltotandEîardBank, wavle Ai F11sorts of Dishes * Lt F111Sotts ýof ways* * It is handy to know that you ean corne rigbt straight+ * to this Store the minute you need something in this line.+ And you ean be sure before you corna that wyhat you wish+ *you can get.+ Some Elegant Dinnier Sets, Beautiful and attractive designs, New Patterns: $5.50 to $45.00. Toilet Sets, the latest Idea at ýj.90 to $9.OO, flarmalade Oranges. è àNo better tîmulthan 110w to make your Marmalade, .~The fruit is at its b est, the labor is reduced one haif. We '~have a slicing machine which we loan you when you* purchase vour fruit !rom us. Buy now. Cash Paid for Farm Produce. ~ awker &Ti tý- ýà -.. -.ý 7-ký ï lý PLA

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