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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1904, p. 1

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an, pcr Annum, ~~~OUR TowN ANi» CouKTY FIRST; THLE WoizLD AFTERWARDS. ,A AE In Ad vance. BOWMANVILTX. ONrTARIO.W1EOM1FlýýAV T1AT.fl 9T COUCH,9 t,-JO NSTON CRYDER AN begin at once to open out their -New wilI soon be in a, position to show a ~nfcn Sokof Silbni,"Dress È Goods, Ats, Mulslins and Tweeds anld the finest ~of Curtains and Carpets they have r shown. OUCI, OJNSTN TEAMIS WANTBDI Forty or fifty Teamas wanted for double track work on Grand Tiunk Raiiway betweeu Landau and Paris. Wages $3 50 per day. Free transportation i,,r teams. Apply ta Ross & MOCRAE, Waadstock, or to JoHN MoNEIL, Bowmanyiile or Newýcastle II-W Jno. Gilbert & Son, Wholesale and Retail Dealers lu Grain, Seeds, Flour and Coal, FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at special prices. COAL. 'We have ail sizes and kinds of the very best coal that le, braught into Canada, at right prices. ALSO OJIARCOAL, We solicit your patronage for any of the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King St. West. Bowmanville 1 THE V ounded 1889. B3ellevilI e Business eollege., Limited' TRINING- UNEXCELLED. Bcok.Keeping; Shothaiïd; Type.-writing ; Office Werk; Telegrapbiing and Raliway Worký; Prencli and German. EVERY DEPARTMENT I A SPIECIALTY. JFith Jeffers, M ~ I Presidlentl. J. A. Tousaw, BELLEVýILLE, ONT. î TestifiesE 4q A 1Jïay voluntgrily gave us a testimonial a few days ago for oti--Bardlock and Sarsapîril!a Compound, Shbe said: S 4~"Your Preparation has given me better satisfaction than 4q~ any other1ilood Purifier T have ever used. It has kept , My systcm lu a healthiY condition ail Winter-." ZSpring Medicin e. 4RThis goes ta prove that this preparatioa lu a spring 5 4î Medicine and Blood Purifier ai most without an equal. It acts on the Stomaeb, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels. The $1.00 Size for 75c. , SDruggist and Optician, ow avle P. Trebilcoek, Very mecial value in Bjtationery:ý Fine Note Paper 10c. per quire, Envelopes 5c. per buneh. Linen Note, 15e. and 20e., white and tintcd. Boxes of paper and Envelopes, 10e, 15c, 20e. and, up. The latest-Hlemstitch * Pada. Try the Irifsh Linsmn 1 have aî'full fine. S Books--Tbe latest- publi- cations. I give yen utany ni th, regular 75c. books ion 25e and,50e. A. fuliliUneofai10 cent, popular books. Nice assortment of Pancy Gaoods, suitabie for presents, -alwayvs on hand. Pulpreparatian made for the 'Wall Paper trade. 10OMING AGAIN.. Over 30,Years on Road. To Vime People of West Durham: I wisb ta tender yon my bearty thanks for aib past lavons lu business and soliillng yonr continned patron- age ion 1he future. We are coming again Ibis spring wiîb a new 'stock etf goods, sueh linos as Dry Goods, Grocer- les, Tlnware, Graniteware, Cutlery aud sncb as are always ln use lui youn homes evcry day. We shall be, glad ta seli them ta yan, if van nced thein, aI ight prices and take sucb thinga as wc are accnstomed ta bande lu exehaugo ionr the goodH. Mn. Davild Gigg wiii travel ilarake as usual Our wagons wlll be around as seanas 6e roads are gaod cneugh. Kindly hobd your staff, scrap iran, ec tli we como. Drap us a card anytimeý if wc are ual seaon eugb -_Two huan- dned Ions ai scnap Iran wauated as soan as passible, WANTED-Goodi, reliabie iman wantc te rav n lu aninglon. Aise good0xongsou-rd Hrs, bouit 1,.;00 Ibo., fon pe 1iing wagon. ýAd'jreSa JO,'DHN G RIG G, CAN ADIAN GIRL IN CALIFORNIA. Givusnrtsos OP' A TRIP PROM ONTAIO, CANADA, TO ONTÂBIO CAML- FORNIA. LETTER NO. 2. Sunuday morning before daybreak we entered the State af Utahi and paased tbraagh Ogdea and flot long afterwa.rds the Great 3ait Lake rose ta a ur vie3w. We were now crassing a plateau 4,43 feet aôave thà sea level, but soan we came lu s ight of the mountains ag-ain. J noticed the great difference fla the color af the rmutains, soaewere ai red sand stane, others were black, while others were white (being cavered with snaw) The country tbrougls which we were naw passing- was very sparseiy settled Here and there wea aw a liùtieý village With- a few hbouses and somne Indian huts and occasiornaily xe woauid came acrosa a gv psv camip. About the onily timber in this region is the sage bush wich lu soma plaes grows sa dense that it 1gîves the appearance ai a' ougfarest. Passing tbraugh the litte villag-es ai Deeth hndHllkweecutrdse buts belonging to the ineu wha owere warking ou the railroad. Shortiy aiter we were shut lig . higýh elate coloredi cliffs, tiuted with green mass Aiter we passed through Etho, theilargest towu we bad seen for oome time 1I watched the glaons sun as t, sauk ta rest behind the suow sprinkled munutains Monday marning we passed throuLrh about flfty miles af i snw sheds. How 1 longed ta see the country, for 1 could see thraugb cracks and oppninga lu the sheds that the scenery was p)erfectlv loveiy. The mountains covered wlth snow and pine-treeýs, the doep canyons and vallevs ail looked sa bc.a.utiful Soon after leaving the iiheds we entered Cali- forala, the land ai sunshine and flowers. The, suow disappeared, thne suni beame d bright and warm, green îtrees grew on the mountalus, green grass grew in the the valleys, plum, orange and olive graves appeared ou every siie. Befare reacbing Sacramento, the capital ai the state. we passed fields ai grain wate, ed bv streamsanad rivera but iter ieaving this place the land was flatter and ln same spots marshv, but thereý were large filds ai green grass wherae flocks ai siEiep and herds af cattie grazed. On this plain we saw a strange sig-ht-a farmer was ffloughing his fiold withi ten donke3 s attached ta his piow , At Bernicia, a large tawr. situatedI an a bay ai the saine namne, au r5irin went out on wbt seemed ta ' ridge brut boat lu the woid-. \We cossed the bay, 2à miles wide.ua, n ifew inutes and ex- cept for a slight motion ai the boat, we Uould net teil that we were mnoving at ail. We took the coast uine route the reat ai the way ta Los Angeles. At times we were within a iew feet ai the ocean and the next moment it would be hidden iromn sight by the mountains. At Oaklands, where we stopped for about au haur, we walked out on the pier and saw San Francisco juat acros the bav* We arrived at Las Angeles next day at noon. I naticed as we earedSonith- cru Caliiornia that the country was greatly ini ueed af ramn There wasau absence ai green grass and the raads were verv dustv That rame aiternoon we reached Ontarioanad next day took the electrie car for the head ai Euclid Avenue, San Antonio Heights, wt4ch la aur present home lu spite of the pressng need ai ramn, the country la very, beautifal. This la au orange grawing district and at this seaeon, the graves look fine with the bright yellow fruit banging amangat the clark green tfolage Euciid Avenue is %i pic ture, indeed, whether viewed by day or night. The electrie car track lies betweea rows of pepper and palm trees, while an each aide la a broad road. one being ouled which makes it almnoat as bard as a pavement, At night lookiug down the Avenue one eau see a long row ai eleetnie iights (being six miles long) arranged sa that those farîheàt away seemn ta be bigher up althouzh lit i s realir down grade moat ai the way ta Ontario. There are scarcely anyfences here but bedges snrrauud agreat many ai the lawns, while most ai the oranZe groves are not shut ntl at ail. The pep- per and palm trees are the principal oruameutal trees ai the Golden State; aud they are indeed beantiful, the for mer with its red bernies hanging lu clusters among the green leaves. San Antonio lleights is a, great health resart as many consumptives came hore and live lu tenta close ta tho foot buis Pleasure parties fram ail arnund bring their lunch baskets and sook the, numer- ans canyons in the maunitains which show forth tbe wonderiul power and beauty ai Natnre's creatio n. INA HEmNY. I c. W ,BRO, And Stoc evel ùm W, R BROOK, Di. P warehouses there and daing au immense Linde D)uring bis residence lu Bow- meqnville hobecameexccedingiy popuuar Few mcahave beau more succassifii with ail classes ai the cammunit.v, bis ai thinfaiiing- kîndness and nrbanity bn busine ss thau the subjectOfti coupIed with bis high'seuseofa hbnor lu sketch. llaving spent someai the %cars ali business transactions çould not fait ai bis carlier business experience iu this taexnake hini a hast ai inoenda so that whcneýele co mes luto West Durbam, towu we are prend ta daim hM as al likeihis intimate i!end,Dr.J-ohu Hoakia,' Bawmauville boy. Hie is a brother-b'.- !.C., lie reoives a mast hearty welceme law ai aur esteomcd townsmuau, Mr. Duriag- his rosidenco bore ho was a James B. Fairbaira, P M. strong supporter af the St. John's Church and fer i cars clter ho leit ho Mr. William Rees Broeck, M P , was in de an axîntialcontribution ai 8100 a bora ln the Township ai Eramosa, vcar ta aid the thea Rector, the late Couaty ai Wellington and Province ai Rev Dr. Mccnab. for whom ho tormed Upper Canada ou the 1t4th Peýbrua rv a Warin and basting iriendship. 1836. fis father Thomas Raes 3t 0k, wbo came from Englaud ta Can ian Mrc. roûkvwas nover carrîed awa.y by 13,was a descenident it Gersyhi, re!aanka-biesucces. He la the same oam fvaiBrack of whîick:h MjwGtri mau odà.ý le wsl ale ertl Sssac rok K B Governor ai Upp)n Ofai impthy aud togtiiesfor Canadja was a dsigihdrnnwr teaAuer n1ai te ucgentlemý1an is, flis mlother was Eleiano rrThoînip, now ai tenn e-!- ini the iittbe3 than danghtcr ai Benjamin Thompsoti. Eýq, telrzr hnaa u.When laist l formeriy ai Bail vhap thoni, Limer ick Bou manvil liei called ta sec the lateý Ire!and. Mn. Thomas Rees Brock heid Mr. Richardi Peate, King St , having at the time ai bis death, at th'e earl v age done business with bu aWhon residin»g, af 388 3ears, the position af Regîstrar ai among us and having had great respect the Surnogato Court ion that District for the aid gentleman, il la neediesa ta to sav thaï;th1e' vsit was fullv ap-l He. was educated at the High preciated bY hlm and he did nal fail ta School, Guelph, undcr the late speak ai Mr Broek's consideratian il' Anchdeacon Palmer. mauv ai wbase going ta sechlm. puplis turned out distiriguished mea. At au car ago ho became a iaw student la politica Mr. Frock is a strong witb Ferguson-Blair. anc ai the leading Conserva tivo but a fair flghter nover barristors at that time lu Guelphi. 0w stnking balow the belt and while fear. ing ta the uutimely death ai his fathen bs ln the advocacy ai bis own views, ho and thoex-igencies that gnew ont ai iti laaIwaý s toberant ai the opinion af ho abandaned the idea af a profekssion others He was a great personal f riend and went as a clerk witb a iiierchuiît la of the iate SIm John'A. Macdonald and Cabedonia and atten a short service theno had great influencewith bis Gaveru- went taoieveland ta a simila-r position, ment and i 'any a Liberal ln Toronto Subsequently ho went to Toron'o taking oaa tOstify te the fairness with which he a situation with Scott & Laidlaw Who tneated many questions that araise. cannied an extensive dryv go.oda business affecting thein personal luteresta, and ou King St. Hie weut again ta Guelph1 which were, adjusted tbranghbi3l aiter a short time dnring wbich lietefforts A lesson may be drawn marri ed and went luta a gonenai huai- f rom bis ca3-eor that shonld have au iu- nesh lu thaltawn His expectations fluence an aur political lite namely th at net beiag reaiized ho ciosod ont busi- mon mav differ upon public maltera and nesa and came ta Bowmanvillo , takino sUi retain the respect and fiendiship ai a position with the late James T. Steel ', thein appounts, The brigbt example dry goads merchant, aud aller Mr. ai Mn. Brock's usoini bile may well ho Steole went ont ai business ho spont the ua n mcotive ta aur yonnger business remainder ai bis reeidence iu this town mon te brn,- their oergy and porsev- lu a similar position with Mr., P. F, Mc- erance mbt the samne active aponatian as Arthur who alsoa carried an the dry thene la aiways tiuccess ln ialiowing goada business bore. thal course. At Ibat time tha trade ai Bowman- MnI. Brock bas bocun noted for bis ville was very differeat fmcm what it is liberal' contributions tao very good now. Cartwrigbt, Mtanveni. and Clarke cauethat commeuded itself ta him. were tribntary ta Bowmanvilio, aîmd Ho was virlually the founder ai the this town canînalled almost tho eutkw Tarante Humane Society and bas trade of tbe farmers thnonghont the givon a great demi af tîme and menus te district and thus Mn. Brocit occamo îurtboring ils abjects. wiaeb knovmn ln the counnv, Dnning tho w Ïinler seasan aur grain deabers Besicles beiing the bead ai the flrm ai pnrcbascd large quautities ai whoat W. IR. Brook & Ca , Limited, ai Toronto ou the uortb shore ai Scugog Lake and and Moatroal, Mn. Brock is: Presîdent team it acrasa the !ce thence ta Bow- ai the Canadiati Gencral Eloe Co . af manville. - The menebants here took Peterborough and' Toronto; Presîdeut advantage af tbe situation and sent ai the Stanstead Granite Quarries Ca ai stocks ef gooda opening temparary Becbe Plain, P.Q ; President ai The stores at points in Maripopa. Pon some tCanadian Wooilen Milis Association; A winters Mr, Brock repnesented bis imu Director ai the Dominion Bank; The mediate employers, bnaving the storma Taronte Generai Trusts Corporation; and dreadini colId lu the long drive ont The Western Pire & Marine Assurance an the wintcr morninga and witb bis Ca; The Great West Litea Assurance Ca; indomitable persoverance and energv The Dominion Lands Colonizalian Co;~ sold thonsanda 0f dollar., worlh c"t gaodi Tne British Canadian Loan & Invest- ta tbe denizeusof lhat northertuc euntn',. ment Ca; The Toronto Eiectrlc Ligbl Pinding no fair scope, fon hifs creat bns and othor Campantes Ho is aiso Pros- mness abilit.ç and iorcslght here 6a de- Idont (alrùorary) of the Conservative cided ta mave ta a lang-er centre. Association of Toronto and the Toronto Ilumane Society. A mermber ai the He leit and, 100k a position witli Supreme ConcilImperiabTrade League tbe thon leadîng wholesalo dry goodd and a Lite imember ai the Cauncil af bouse la Monîreal, Ogeilvy &I Co. lb Trniiîv Univeràit'. aud aie ofithe Board was not long bei are thev realized the oi Governors ni Upper Canacia Coliloge. value afi bis services and"too.k Ihuain as 1,ta a mirnher i the Tarante Cluib; parînier, subhsequently apeningchrîchreAicy lb Cacraiv}Taa. il 1 ranta. Aiber suecessiuiixlnaagte and t6e St, James Club, Moutreai; ing hatbusnessiona lme te dssov- ideau Club11, Ottawa. cd aInd ho forming a -partnershiï xith 'Or. Jeffony Bnock, xpow aofWioN, pejj, lie %vas ane o! the founders ai The apend alarg waehouo uder h C arate Emnpire newspaper and was the iirm jnaine ot Bnock and Broither I at'nPreaideïetf aniii d Chaîrman ai the Board ai ho iorrned, auothenrtnrttPwith iDretr fr'im ils beginning ln 1887 Wyld and Daniing andonli tnnn- tl i ïs a jnulgamatian lotoThe Toron- allen n.WvId aîîd Broik)o),tui'uid taDa 11, iciiiaiEmpire in 1895, tacbu-nca au whn h iat Heha alva', s lakea great interest lu parneehp epiedb, ecvuSî-aiCuîh oîer ind for 3eans ivas rnle \r Broo b.ub ot hebiies h am c yarscarditnhîse. rwaenoSJaeCahri Itwas mne ae b ajit M.Bokmridi 87adubc Stc Cmaîýkww a heWR fli at panJabaSegr hm B.ocCo.wtb lngeommecialîitaak.fonmîlyai RdeasieQieen'sConty Tho Compranýy have a s;imilar uies rln.Rcieîc2!. Quseeu's Park, in Montreal owunzoe u 1aithe ieO ITnna If y.iw blood Is thin and fin- pure, you are miserable ail the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly knew the medicine that brlngs good 1 - th to the home, theo nly mecýdici'n'etesteci and tried for 60 yelar7S. A doctvr's medicine. '.1 Ow cy In, He, wltoct doubt, te Âyer's 5sa Rlla. Tt le the meet wondtlýrfUl e- du.e itLe ïworidfrneunSe. 3y ur vermanent, adIcntta nk rEon eov ii.ï MU-S. DaELlA ýIOWSLL.,eaN.. Layative dlosea cf Ar's Pile ac night groatiy aid tieSarsapariia4 ci Secretairy. YOLUME. L NO£'Ut2. DEA.TH 0F JOHN P}IILIPS John Philips, vwho )was a rtajeweb. er inBooiN, N. Y, for mr hn8 yearï, died Wdeda this hm,235 Cumberîina St. Broo lý i. Tho Deceased was born lu Corn wali, En, Dec. 23, 66 years aga, and came to this couutryIn his earlys~outh fIle worked at varions trades and occupations at first, then learned the jewelry and watchmaking b'usiness, and finially emn- -akîgin busles o- bs wn accaunt i 1867. fHe continued ini business for Îirany 'ye ars on Fultern St., and Was fer a number of . ears at 787 Fulton St, but retired Dec, lihlet naddition was an edidd cieniber of the Lafaettti Ae rayeinChurch, the pastor aÀi which conducted the funeral serv"ices 'Sunday aiternoon. Deceas ýd lewýa s hwiw, tabrothiers nd a sister. î le intrerment tlook place in Evergreen Cemetýry. Mr. Johin Philîps, was an oid Durhamn boy, Mrs.M Cryderman af this town la his sister. Messrs. Whitesides and Moore have rented the hatel pjrapertyý for live years .... Messrs. Thas. Eiiiott and O. Horn met with a heavy bass Saturdav morn- in- by a break, in the damn.. . . A nuruber of aur citizens attended the uerai of the late W. W, Jirice la Bawmanvill!e Sunday. Much svmpatbyÏ is feit for Mrs. Price (M1iss Lorena halter) and hier littie son in their suddeu bereave- ment.... Mr. ndMvrs. R Fursoy visiteci friends in Enniskillen Suuday. .. Mr. J. Abernethy Ioat a va luable ca w. . ý . N'. R. Allun is on the Jury "t Cabourg, * .rho Young Mcna itaycetin m;ent Wednesda 'y evening w as weil attended. Yery many a of e prestý'ut at the first.,entertainmnent hc&ard i, rý- peètted .... Mr. T. iPaacoe axid fnni4 Sauina, have moved ta the brick cottage recently purchased from Mr. W. Beer. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Beer have moved tû hause on Miii St., formerly occupied and. owned by the late J.' Cale, Sr. ... The Members of the church chair were very pleasautly entertained at Mr. Il. Fur- sey's Friday evening ail those present were very jsarry ta leaiýn that Mr, Fursey bas accepted a situatian with the Oshawa St. Railway. We wish huia success. SCR.AWNY PEOFL-POOPle g1row tbin, scrawny, pale and wakwheuýL the blood la thin and water Whtis neddta round off the anles îid f il aut the farm k, not fat but healihy -muscular tissue. By en1ricb-ing the bloo'd adic sn Nerve Food addsner l.0haiîd isueta the bady ýas weIll as-new igo nd Cner- xy. You can prove thil1), noting ya-ur inicrease in weizbt whi!e using this great food cure. HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. High School Inspector Uadgson viiit- ed Bowmanville ap Feb. 9 sud 10. Froma his report to the Education Department we make a few camments: He accords the bighest rating for High School ac- commadations, excepting one point low on water auppi v and twa points on waft. ing roams., The lot recently acquired and put in good condition for out door exorcise on the girls' side has been taken ita oaccouAt ln the grading. Respecting the prescribed courses of stud%, tha repart saN s that judiciaus provision la made for ail the subjrcts that are taikeu up. The division oi duties amnong teachers is satisfactory as is the ratio of pupils ta tachers. The membersoaitha teaching staff are ail legaliy qualltled, the general discipline is exellent and ail ptpils were re-ulatriy admitted. The character ai the teaching la marked "Good'" ia every subject examined. which la the highestcredit given. Thie work ln calisthenics was firat-elass. Speaking af the character ai the piupiIB' 1work-in Reading ai pupilA last admitted only 8 out ai 25 are classed as good and of 20 *"other pupils" only 8 are crelited as goad. Thiq wauld indicate thst in. neither the Public or lligb Schools is reading given the attention that its importance demands. The In. spector canc]uded his report by saylug . I congratulate the Board and all others interested in ýand coucerned with see- ondary education la- Bowmauviie and its vicinitv on the tharaughly efficient condition ai this school' Tis is cer- tainlly 61gb praise and aur citizens wifl be pleased ta have such a fa.vorable repart of aur lligh School.

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