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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1904, p. 6

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cie k susadod onotplaywk 0sc~ PREflIOTED.hea4 te foot ien the Kidacs C ' L Frnh hsoph1er Says Ylo stpwr'grpey.D.CUCicm tny hyd Lao~fin la vol ~~~~~A dm1irai LAelicif Reports Whre a S ÇOiuq C pepl aecac moepkayro onrat arag Bne liGnrnweie siafoi orccenlaLeit Sytoig ranahhtU ury -The 29lis and menCeeu-pa i 9 lnh itoUS flivArneîcs, an Ponhomr pis ut ak e oteuh/h trobeVeLaesi LSf infetios dieas-smilpo, tphusfevr, dn h. iAoezief, uLner Ateo! rueoeti theum The manieso alsoSn~sonoh. uTissued, i al sfe-alde oIdnyToul.GIA 5sucs,5 tatWeCuhrr yî r toSt Pcesbr a fl1,(-T-eGoe'on e use iltbrught abýout rica, tuV/vote sais neaai rdxe rn uîI i ht at, abut i o'Wclck on wr whAch XCH!i ost mlonC s A o! p iSting fleilig, the F-reneth phiilro o _________________ Al, Hnwisc toitan neediesïîrrisklupas an rontceamt tr n'oriug ulrose ics rrm L":f 'CL try, pieri15 roct nI ý 'lterv, i. - .-'-,'-i co iriappued le-'or within th-e.AT1 drîIlvina anti won le sipeaker was anl'tiJoïhrcosr tin sn ma box ofa:a 0-Crst'hihS'. iOsw bat- Ts ettPlcoLs auepte akd. pei "hea-have niade uittt e Smmuer arm-- l te: ic e poe d Cru on t11011y A t 2.40 " C i I oi a t m e c T he lRusatans, p s R1 I n-! u eor 0f ilngland anti G rm e-ny !Ilor torpo oatsput tnoe s, ead {from 'Poio, ajng Atatthere if a rwered, very serieusiy, "uI oewildmni tttiï vIo o K'Wi- about 4 a'clck (ncrela on"tctwith :rumôr ihi igh ucirletheré thot fé probe-Ny the Cineso, ld Ly Je-pn." e-eiwe-ndKîoThuonkng tCuse omy th ne wos ad o! tie Japaneso deet ln preparing te a - oh, the 'elwpz ii? lau-e t c. 0f cuseLif l dmant îL Liotiehan lighuu. After irig tck Po rAur Cagzain. It is 13nder- cd "-JWhenrlSit do"eauso ! TniAnsao coeai shots tht conny s'otred sooti hat orders isavee /n issutti "Iv wii Lb 10ao im r fer laughier Cocihinîîa. Toethsas to Rus-e euh rdin 'ht e ctofo!Shan-pte block the Larbor at alcnsutnyasfomaw niwicato-siCiaJ-pnsi 01c- i an TcYTOI TBETcung. Ourtorpetie Lents crotu,'edta o ikig-ubo"so"tas efonel) ~-vo yrs rnil rope iiwiti Letrou- ey'-Indosîies-huecause Chna-Je-pns Dn' cl ieltl jîLehacher At 6 e'Clork. They wore v in es if aecSsary nteeettiseu-t ol-ilt yttdwîgTogt 5 ilL auosyre tta io <'1.4i bdL wtl agan osnt ut te rcoaete nile ïieteien etl orflts- ie nlGetin, Ksan lready bora? -aIn i t omne ilne aetieJ__ h onîg ivîntt -. - at ttc ause-and whe the cure iscom- w nsappeisrg.mitr Jaa-le Rnan0cI a nteP J Erpr ut epe;ietr OREBJN EAD plet yo ca stp ta ing ttc rueicin. cs ati ht e r iVses s, Ldfu-fJLQUîEF IS.utreetiianitse hores o! Ai isw ill 1ý 44,1 sueer o YceAlferritoS Sise ea.Ngc s Jus g'ntl laxa ive n o a ystm-- qe nrrsesetJCnaS-ke-oi,(Lce fl onn tse0ric roat i o tis ro-;J "e ail! g Civo tissue de-s'a formitise 'D R S - 1d e h u th u e i O %o e r eLOKut HR VE . 0lastrC!Aar on M nite(s-inîn nas'stug ie"I -tbasedos1-w, tr urpe n l tise1conctrain FINIIustitSX'YPAw'1îY ic Pkrn uebr-Fesf JSii eqi u estinL FfNI~ h weaknin catarte Re-arir!rmcments te fot jStrM s u4 oE~nLI rAd wy s e e a" îainte eiicpuisbe e!2,00e-siedrpthetwicue Tish et e-s rgresn »tc "îi iii ieogs uoenrue nietdt hn ut e-bi te ant xsoid L 20,000 Rus Vpetionter'ght. s ucn few ieov-u-ie !Uetertrea" j"s Uiedugjr uTnLadweak kdueysGnosbiah.hLat Poli pieittLaesrassporttinaun tis thovisigs et trengs dretstoe. Sice talîïg issa non e!Pia-Xtng. TIs Rusiena',eenîleInsstei tse-1tie sbieizitiedsbi ecrt dcumntxx tis an-Jepanwii men mn t Euope 'ncaua ! te buefti as'<tihelas eeovy Luropean flan.bl IoInd o uW b Lad e-ttt.ck rýtnise nuaai isdm nttin eev-uîg th o --crt Tie lueaiaroti' ?~~Cere td 1 spsreae actixunimuserOn île otier lov, 5i~POC ' ! tsewiei lti-ne-m , 00soisseuvinA drape-teL te tise Leaden Mumning1 ____________Ant e-tor lJe-p a" asss M00mruieissnt 8 taas e - Isu e sur mretifssi atidci-j cr-ir t s a nmbs' !rfgo aot eetbfr usi id-te linimsix 1ii u.Sa? Rsi-xiiduien dnea Tis rie-ae! enas5-venîe e-u ti c-totesictis-as asihi ppur -t mieIri e-e efsas' chate -su I îse ntisng ! ens'piea !Mwtis;"Vhuatis Ihsie Iearant1-tse el Tht ~ yc n'xorttio ea fim thin t 1 Uu"rbu-Tharkud mb e- gu'eerais cherisno! wn- WY oic nRCTIC OCEAN jnsaue "enigs tsa bkur : pa eofacsehc ehieta ntr n'sneerisg. u isse-i te ave eun JaJponaoice se-d tiai Erop mu t "on ngI ntattsreeef c_ e-_ o _ylete udut heem mhuhof IVS-0Iop'S t PaN SE S YVpU l ýn 'n0'1' 7nfi-s e ~ , rleltjmeaie o aa.br-e neaet Astiïsusrfabulons hordesesefptise the-at,"wse-ilppsre-ttreepelo! Europui xx-euld meit; tir i ise-entrstise intai'hr "iS ieiiewmaweutcnie;so O IIN OcG R A Y Ga uidnanimass etseandr te-i Arthurmuelta rustreof anti asb"frts O tts-tanquislesbire L Tr e sy ala aei ratis s kriss n o i e-u a asiLu e ealn e-S 0tic aai (parn ts ad t1e e- R nmusa c f nahslsissi ma i '"l tt o, enor agemntr utrEmpe oe-t texxiibabe eenrtqis s, ona -ti-ci pn ufattiaCin xsi Laeenei'Iisae-puetieteureag, es i- f. . DNSX t-. tQIse Gu idesaie lcncplanee s a-lrUe lisleFolierethula Krish"a fote-t Pot Aisur s--n hall" ;Iaue-v neu ysr -nï Ise eae on a f 'lc fa l'Ile" bn ishtte! sliars'mae and!eu'i t qntoI kitoYt'and LS' tise Jpuec el'Ioeers E seo uiLs toe-ea!n!dursvaChnati the4teu humO -ca ns ttsDusesn, lîtnnLLr -î'u1de ehe Le- uie USUtisItianderi'li- -tbcats inhe-diel rvnse ts nt ia ol iru artts a ndsra oixii aet sttSs tnebut-t ts olt iet om- JîCPCiaîiur lFFuifft insu. faînus xviiALee-ca. aileus ore-souce-rg-s'te ouCen- Ju!hommerjepour l'.NLSnLL'r st' t is ote- ha rgiets Le-vu a anthsi-t r ,ýr e-imprsenn ac' l' cuyirpari e t Jti isetl I lte 80, o ytieal reie ane irore- i Jof e ots Itpe r- rA thr, tses' o!%- S tiliîce tu 'ceniJapn»e-ad 0ftisnoldhmu'? leasa Pol "urNgaI guetOFpartcfthsruneNeIl coasaistot ai u aaasas' le-ilsare-mies J le-lime. r buil t 1. Ica -et îLot s uin-olfs ntie i-elis noacr laiea Ji erl olt nsugaie. a Icia he eatr lui tei-et eehW as .~ tisepr pae iiii~ i t tmge ecastr iÀt iA A'S NAION\cmsN.Jas t Le ue ý,, s Inls marie te-ts s-ie-or ise rus-taninaua P!ts- t esnsep si u reF-teatNs vmiemt* rn cisc ld nu athancea un e y - cls.t-tcrcunclîmsus.j0 ' -. Pfl ~~~~ L j ce-ris prosvoage lace i i th Joon..Se pi I r e-iLn!x'ys dile uieunitta St-UOmianav;Spt'u ieh passPuiauu-,osase tseTes issspo~ et locem ticti ans eirsînunin I t-tri-r;- o( iga se'i pt ornu seib eti . fise ie car'tmuuisdere-ronnd rn~ZllE~ in niamoecasairdatnne Jts iaei i t-ed un e tii dsiat astcrtlatisosls ui kir Wlvs, isCin-J-ani- e-eis't- rus-,CagsK-ît e i r BUIIHES iten nebedtseidu-s -sn aoInd. axse-cexeret ubu Cii-. -tigeta forts oLes ea sot ea s-iu irs"- Cieeinmgala t is iii--hrdso L aelu hn-e i I V~ ORTSPWLVE. e onnuidautunlu un Lnte-t areSiCi' ieast n aunîiçe- txa; xisa ! is Lban elurrsbuengne j"h xiiie-eeLetisicpialcfin pIuo. retie c fiotLisiIead tes' - IL r~ OSTPTON o~ xillf utee7x'oei ste- tir xxiibusaiL's!L'tiepais-tete 0ia Mtegeut rs isàaalaetu hne-epastr ear-st h av u-sdbtae m"iili I, -gneOUobls- te otw anaests rp'mn1!1)î".rsa lluru-ete enc o ian ex-hcspr jpunain1!S(t00-c0ouonsu asee at W -hageanitob-jte!cot iLniet,," eps c 10R ALIW iKR. -I irisce-erurxly a isEu'spe-s rsi tsa t el-ec-set- is n- jîL S -re- w- aîassi uprsîa tns is-tJueasxviicnqesChn-.lee uEuep"ihu'e!d;ees tie- ieani - srens usrr, i c-le jet-t-a retei ttecontîsletienSolv of l Xsandt pAGXiN atr ILDil Vax-miie-adKelets, xx-s , lr an-tteton Chia-e-îanxvîhdraoe-ias'xs telu pS. aetri ie -sicsliesfhe J bot e-Iresoif tltl t,-WP pu 10I5 e Ru!luanscipex'r l-e-osin taîstr i eapsitibnxv n ' fuet1ek- ati tise mixup? fl uiJVITSN tR Irl lpEaS. ttsh ve a ninbrig a i p t iel etcsaisis eti tup ain the-tC ou po. j "lie rois net ore20"0Moscea lae fie-mesW brycslvs n tencmti h at insefCient.STe ila t 'Se,1 Faty-nt eî Ss- ln Fisi Lst e-.ati:'od, ant t r-odni-ms k,- j Ln, hu x sasettfern c-l-ae- se e sete ro p ý t ,g th , 0"ok m1 We h p r m or r hqte-t chu 4ý-0(n 'inr ad"m h e wO00 ouas, sah bula t o- niI xl-m t tp hg iiks a t-np e ie Essrî ! C ia er Cirrnrqs2y e-or Imgiasp llihatl s-'eiy1,mss-craerîtue r le-fue cts eo î i 'l Adis-s, rpit iakn-Vet eat tm-dts Td nrt Sau xiism-nli ieKoai? on1 tireIra 'ope-,n I Je-pani I W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oig-,al s-i-a sur'gtittooie S îse UIE)L N SA EImm JUsaisa e sne o as:"1 nditn , tiserendos e!tisetenp-Çclfer îsei }der' lsjit liniflae che-pe-auhsitsiseH'n sass hotu F'rSusttSwua"-aoOtiy ief ssho gu-t F'acspîlnp cars' o! "busisut inastc-ps," vRî' ru-uiet uet -i ie A 0 gait -resmlsndtets -.prase" ,u i n A sCM 'pe xmiiihmti'y OhmS se, Le - tus 1 su s t- ie-oi- ssbcssn lsrnn Ca arntprt f Ie feusss'a ce o':Md j luse- telred i is Svstn\L vi ei rsen cftA fmr-ds eon s tea we Anaims c4,00,00"cae- e tse Uitet Se-esxviiLs lngSM O S fln.w r c 0, ,0 y ,tu ýnsa puyn.'h a-o i,îlý r. otsrn.j iparaomoipA",tututiintise ilutpcflpre-ise. t dIrae-iMme -e se- Jisii-e-an ailonet t eireMii-mu ead ticu Erepansqe-mos, -T sno xxe-s n e-o aosfelire DE TS'r.sur ts- out ev bc-lre it Lse -o îî rt tie jnM tetdet Ptilbm-tutt-s isîuthieoîs n-xxeîeisi iesu-rcstnsEe-ntxvi evo Lv oesiess fIssarfcs f ~~ ~M M Mu Cthe5CSLisrc lDt loee ets y o imon ct i- i'plntea etg-oies q ne cou- 'iP Carpruals useie 00-l!li 0,0000sul. Ts ictt tt-i is el-ufnpreb'se-'Siîtîlgoxtsh;ecu pejndt feiluasse-cee:uofecc oe-tu ceetoastn Ms > aiasuîsesf -ict-e, 4 mls a is Ua Sto oest, Thorck-s' -t Te-cr'r la itTat1HllEtî s ",tll ase,-ll aaou rîd. Se-, 1titkruujuns,,CLnaeGuusi-mssesit: C PT RH,)lx OS AC S itslisrla tus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ btu5et.t srs s th-si"' d takta-m-ufcue e-l L eeis urope tolsse taiyot.5etts ld i ylets ieLitr c ii ees-Pc 'ie'-i~e-en'isre . u n ï i j A 'I1; LIýý"ýE'3 - - ~ +ion - t'?- - - ~-- -0-a-pantosa roguon, Ilhkbe-ienîtoteatintetace-sali-'."1t . e- Sultississe: Ce tostresut i a i tse pCaravse-etir se-Ir temat lians' s mu tesaroat j tract e-adrocks cusieaseaaiscr tiseJ - jCessecPs hro caincet SiMflOli £ttttou W itueaMstiunsr ejeetisse' n-b ie omtiL un (wulntS or08V. comtietuo ! tiseime-lun epaee ima i-ed ufrol' evem tiesli l,1 1W îe-sPANAaentmu cIs ah oseL of, e-pt! t-stitlos dlas kW c m0'.i-'iu itaul 1Aite-b , rionxtsxy P1ft o gýo iaarYluit - ente tie1.1Aoi-Vir le e-'tyslm'ecbelru bus'euseA s um ; 'zen eet e entibuu e tse ns -.i"E rop xriireesi uc inoh'oe? < ilstin seifuns,-ile il : " i l' pü s etllI <i C o l, i i Itussil vuaretdiotibutoti îb r-e-lsoi t TseliiuJ-,-sxiim-saas- sr an- et7,ale uos skneir, eaie JJtN'ITS Jcthe-mis' xx Se-i. Isse i l. No to ' ' 'm , 1 e-îe ,ese xoim aa eettiies'fr h e ultitefýa. Po ine- fIltis'polgas ne rv isr u-ttit, W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u,, IUst ot lae-lott n isefirtJll- Le en ioton - ontxt eel-p p a tmpeatse in idS e cn-I pnsoafh viilooeattie eesae-1II lottiaiiL aisecru:- Te-ls Otl'raSracsae- W edneax Iret2or tseso.ise ce-inle- lrestceeaeti LtThtyu umelelisLoAVtEsotis mmd L- Lne -nltieeu-u -i e-i l (_tes- I avlad 1817C? on'a ai 'e sd t '~waalcit kts eu.iu r-cregi1bsetslcs ta he d;sm -jcensadav -tIeet u -t ifiies aso u- t esse-ls'te be1 d-s-eisuset 0vens'.Ls (J'îcn , iunipere-nce St. Beaman 1tiseasiicaof alile s -tVkitigt cr orblouns I iesmcrebr tsm ee elax-lïso e tseVe lea EpirYhiwiHijW ---% T P i-incite-me mus in tc t re -S%-cc ar "vs e aeoo! tise Lods' uit mcie-t ahicis Ster-e-Rusie-eut cf ItlachiaKjýErc_ anu un puil, ie-u te c-eLonedAersPmme !ce ,laxative. rdtI. hue le tisewseein ail Partso!iLý tables ~ ~ ~ ~ ---------- ar etd u I c sLs: ______________----ipt3 -nil thiet it iL toîtils els C~ZÙ _110E14LD toreuruhinecilu L-ein.ushesrtieado fucs ite ox nsu '-l a us tSon-a of usar nMc e cr beard, (Ct tinte cf ti e lP klaiCoibge cf toit settsns i. . o u p S;rge-uc--i's ftl rwn ormieLhipecil USelm uigbss'-I, miîLSEi asae cne foc- an impmevrý'utst ai- e-v Lt C . 1500-. a ti e a etis1e r,

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