N~ESS, ecqice huai e edy knewn.Ifyu avlea fr tatîing Cougli ta kesyou awaLn at night, a doesei cf tii. Syrup wil stop it aton. ÏPINE 8Y1UP for evryeld I haveha for thie past eight years, with wonder* fui succese;. 1 never see a friend with a etilgh or cold but that I- reco mmend i. BI . LEllsworth, Jatcksonvîlie-, N.B3. PRI03E 2ý CENTS. ho-: ialArge pifchier uWtP iciy Lesottero,as hof as f-be riid's Shin eau uai- mud mith musetf "onge Mii- j sicsvP ,-rdé'otly' c th, fic nt ire Oxureacru. dmod D- m, IuMwoodnM, lengf P cf tP-esepnePigmxmn A thfIe rlion h 1Jdalmosi5îve xxi.p -miek ul îvttugthe sumngu cacîxý A Qoer gnttl mwiI agas. Iltinomecpig flic mat or us bct asl 1nmas'ho bcmo. Leui-nue fis outi jfi'skie emcor as iis dcte She irrtes: "I iras 50 o n ut, sxo riufl _ ie r Is,." Alt luths ws unt- che te dVmy ron, icas shrbc reaxnouitdm-' PpicugntI',al of b etreallimhbah m cursioueb uer' lig t pthf Pceblli te bcd uramum md uiisc:arceus' eam. Myhumarpipi. A. îreeor l-tire of uîis f-a in 1aed Ilali fsuxrtsud dizzy puis ani-ai uit il osociles"oc0 a pumnaxuc"fue wekamîli cerveus -ai IteiCu .Myboîeisoulisumî nairhiu mmcc iht ibahgîvxu p 1hope of ce astsetmvrcutî'= 01m bzcbgcured& lichowevcr Pr""ddma puxie cnncaileof ivuheiiluss te aie b u ad bfee ah umd lhait -, tPe box I1egiute fuelbeiur. Tirebc tmeeildn 0 tPe u iti jef mysin, rude a nmîuw0xroru,00 fmie anccli ave bhuez idf ntm-ioa tui-t ii .-imel cd ar bex bisle te do aMy mr ni uoae eu- sui ouus ove u cca"ide , o'aie mix lo fi;-,( lit- Mac and N'iclhmuglstw.iïs .Lit ~~~~~o~~~~ ci.bx r~fr$.~ I ImIerSorcuefi'abmis. TP ci 7, PT. MILURN LCO 1JLmc, tual1te ecite uucemtP lA, ls tee ctie nulîd cf liclitte is tO- tocIoON. r,( ni si ;Ip c-nmofrui t ee Poone îiii, u uie _ou)ret "Unile,"sal ilihe ioPxu~, feugo 1 bc. Ila s-oi- 111sf c fou uic liow s'eu. rim igi îuitl s'tm iai- (vîc mocs Iîi bl if mot ee- iîo eupflc bh tno Peuac m!n tioos- lie," ail tP bafle sivjlm' ix hocmiciuuc's, 'neiurss'r i-ra-i-h îtcma, " rîunfoi te lers'tal xvtbîn e fliug faumeu 'Iïjura lipdomsiordf-mis5b bn-h mc-~ hmii- simi-pemi ui ~ ~îun n-au-i 1' uni dog flic spu~~~~vî-s l 1 ecia cil 0ls th u ct qm4i-eîtg fgul- cf as'gaihut tng ofe ei. ry goc nubbig steel." Yc,' ax-mIic i ouam etun mxce oigar hicai riU' Goon mnIr. eh e hmiii s i-lt"ui lecp muteme fif "ucr sitams<hui)ftbi t ometeteltl A distressing case (of Fbod Tumr whiCh baffled- the skill, of Boston dcos s.à iHayes, of Boston, ssn, îin the, following letter tishw she w vas cuïred, af ter evÉery;thing else failed-, by "Luxa Mas. PýmIXHÀM -i have beenîMM.derosMdnde tw rat- ment for a long thme wetany rlif.TieyCil me I1Ihave a fiWAd tuinor. Icannai sitdown withcutgre-ýat Pairuuand the i'oreess extend upryspîne. I have beariug-don pains betlîback andl ron.1My ab. demen je wollen, a ndjI1have had Afîs' pis or hr yer I, . My a 1p- petitM e Rntgood.Icaninue,ýt walk or b on imy feet bfory wanyegh cfimm. "The sympteui cf I"ibtid Tre ive nyutlti bc s Vl mdne; - whicH he knwichwou d hA p lier - abouit the hpyresuit. Ail pur directionsreflyad eda rnawelwïn Theouse cf Lya lu.Pnla' c-tbc(epudetrl expelled the tre n rntee yweetytii a ' miles now.ý femae trublf any WA d te0gileta afutrial." - (sige1) 3%. E. F HAas, 52 uid te (RoxburY> OU ,Ms-a ueuiý ~'ovtamt o gldoudit fnch scitesILnn-rtk ton pl ace o ptie spih n Me onhapp culwhieh Lydial Imnci-m siontable ou paud r nglai te Msou Hay. nrsu C Sul tshnnfseloconbescetd yahwme KscvIncin evilene tat ydi lE PikhamcVegtble oxnpe ) ud stand Anshet a pur sM emdt frai heduteshg l c em'; i oaiastobe;trnr;iimnton;ucrtoWkfigaids plcmn-sfohuos;bahce reglrspwsrdo anu sie f herond Cta po it inpiece of wet chce(seclýoth. VegetalD tor roIl hAu wcng in it and biad thoct soniwilted wIJl regain th wit stiug seurîg heelis so thu re, ec i n 1,1y ilnciances if kit conens wlnet braut, For stand for an hW=ror tam lu eldv th'tiling seaona cupful of bred er S el ju,,"""' it lenef, ,rth teaspnfU) I 'The triliUg Waste that cornes ~ o sat, wo ashs 0 peper on- pilling sugar-, tell, cofllue, rice, bai tblsponfl f uternud OIIýU ndethe, thlinge e ti , ousl 'L telspofu IVcope191ion Hwbut cdo yolcu vr Hiink ht it reay ashlle, roa-btteedket anouint to in the course of;a ye; ieni ichasc fr k anli a ýUï would be euiugh U make lis Laylu he oliandtur t ii wllmaiýt( neuenliko. Peuiee ud ti browiied. Add au aÉ int 0fater, equialetnt amuna to lare vi iy fr to hors;addmorewatr ~ Broois a. lnd mops flot bn >lcelto Ln ok dry. Whcn dnctake oonwa u n utb e offth stiu i'd lay me(-t on a hot platte. Thieen thegravy ïj itFuel is ;wasteýd Ibyuotrn __________________________ rowudfloradd sait and t Cs(n rsn r a eoorro _ ,n !the k1 tt1, o r ifceal iin h ufue, i fui]f atu o Wrcserhisauice wasted iby net py teto jand porPvr i.tedmpr n etigtïlr X~~t ~ ~ f Ot Mel ]Jown Bead.Ml hor-fil force when it is flo)tned. * eughly on~~~~~u u of ats, oe pet 0f e posu o caigkt cornat flur. ddone po etr snoils becauce it jle kept without sa whet leu. (4 )teteaspoonful of 1 Pickîes beoirnewrts because t sait and onel cup, 0f niolasses, îlulare not gîven vinegar as,, it evapor e'.** 1*** wbich onu tens-poonful 0f sodla hass etal kq- itowl bcou dos(àe. sti mto tis one plutof hic ser rulk to ino aa place and d"uy. Unlees one hax WAKFULES INCHIURN. reaedUnaustan1thru ours; god rcullar it me far more ePconox WAKE FUNESSýlNvi-illat! tn, l1,, stýîl1l tr"', hors- ,aite buy frail commondities u cm We canuot, or-sureiy should net, 1th11bako one hour lin fld ag uuie.Tnare it to rust, a gie bidrea mýedIcine te rmaku themu lo, on woden wnre allowed tio Warp1,, slecP. Vet sicp là a nccessary to vulý co at nd(u o e aa fod U,, ton ahadciof unahbago, chopped an d boil- out bal their tjne. wase f to oy le required. When &-nf b uttr n alson ffor,1ve Lehebiness, thinke t amate beds laa room by thein lvCs tespoolui f si.,no jisgatsavea haf-cnt àlu h ucst of pr Wh pi My ef pure ar nudesshi o uchal;menlof cheeU lVben theductiln Vc oskeigl are sure te enter Mt ome time& lu cheece ledienolcdplut alayer of nbunesmtd truwi the daYy, drstUmmraceTurnaer. ehque,ýii la uon the part 0f nithe holu tue heeeli abbge l th hetenimethr tmattholre shah bu eia enmg adu bycrcgap wiudoon Pdcenbutr Ci iite ds l nd iwheruere le neowate 1ý'-wisblnbu case oef mmd landcofo svra lche a Mt s tporrasilugths mnner Ov y t ,,tcwcprut, it froatu ton i ommle ticrcer cuab, ii r n luit , sp'cdlethmoigaDofin orarxc E air te ci ruulateu lu and eultt i, oveneydes nt i u uin h inid due csh ftewuowwîetjsupplice.-, btùl u kiiug the ben cnusing a direct d iaid lsir cITF ~ ~ fwbteebs able n cold wahr fi, aiterthei Ventilation is thoreugbihy i nvestigat rýýedu bu grnted f and mad correctthe ecbi ceutincai n aind e.hiw-",dfor coLnaoidog. Its ita b makrue mice cap hm<lu m'macry bu st'ii!cd luOte edrs he caw alunt lrymaiCn staiugnj qought. Atog ln cib eifi toast or petatees. Grei fore h obatcfa woa ea ic the children1, tepwdec rm ,xeem lo tieixith scoýu, uI l-n of.7tal n ary. TPeu cail wit papa" Puat befemu heaUeCau- acdde a lscutflavr. SM e.tea i as rupreSoemtd l ti, aitof cl ors uci-.....ein teutl bus lielleu- h os ae uunAM- "0 lui las tMe cematymman wans op y g te si ed an i bou"ningo wîth t CPe exciteme',nt lmnncanethe recpe icalu orun neuh- c i' :- No, sin; tout ai A'truie1 au1d ti1e chi, i's urried aw î -ltebcnox' echc f thi e eters. Paris a uio miPi ant ud brîlitout,nearsps- sible, uiet aiW a î re renetuxout cold fou-t.Wcl-stkig otn reîvdunluss tu1e feetre-gentlyl rubbed anîd warmned. If tLhesis lethe thu wnrnîg te fut; 1:or a Ihot-SIC- tev- iioto pod 1osuep if laid qim eChat 0 eco f ediug. Teey manyebliren are gi'.euabert su1 jpe î1nd pCý u GtConete beod. The at npou.i, coper bcipnaciP irmpascaie very simple st.p, au net enie ucritu stoxmah ?býAu i pesed cf i scntet'oe i arge ie- grec, se Atis sadvisabiu that aliti tixiie elapso aitLur cating before gîm te bcd. There, a su eiiilI, Put excelln e w'orth tyiug, s-mec ami d eî pus-i) sible barui, aud usîxaly ommclm oue WIll be dei-edioni it. li'ig ied's cverytlipgtel) fake anunrvomusl ildn-1."-,s sleep, Ea pP,,aician rocorn-xînded the ~~/ - mxummstauii-ee cvon usimiebi Limes' bah lit- j fIe concret 1cm-coi tPe lîmet i-lacs imIte tii.' e"c'x.'otucn cf filhiuîg tPe i-Cil xx liii î'u'n thicir rtails' hmmuari lis' tPe cxi eut i-b their hI omis, mîithîcuxux. coomuf- iug tPe i-cet. 'i hic scî'omli ducs mualce i laxmîîi img tiieli imosinu ce. Pd5 , tumo, cumi--'ali tPe lii ciiui-~ , ~iiOix , Pari-cm, ccxv, '-iilfivatu amuI ueap-cumil fîmes' cc'imm'- the i-oct. 'I bei l,îmcw mliich 1. c mnue=W9 mirmithiTHEti PROST WEIXÎE-LOCK, makziug ai~ absluiis Sfc-k-poofuuue.rhe Locksbiedmthn knixgl oMmMOmpiUg citm tPeays or laierai Wiras. fuili neot slip, sud emîr e xxwrmohisoJ eeamelimni bpuxg pFerw«.s ut, mrih sgrec-iv i ~ Ifw te hm'avelani the buef. !Msale i y ccm' urarier 't'~~ mme.,x,.-m. ~uoîi-~i~ ~ po'p.-um~~ ~±,'~im~' ,e i - - o.'e s-eul~s, Lt le tPe funce fixai Pas cioci tPe test e! tinie-stande flue Peaviemi cfrale-ncver 201 I cage-tPe ct-ludard tPe memili river. Orlon fhroogh cor local agent or lb-ci-t hem mis, 1-.~s 1-lihi PAGi~ enemeun x-~r'xc~un a~ej. eoaumiuees~sJ, vuxusuarviflo, Qtit. NutiIreM 4f.mma. 85. John, NJI. Wlamîinun. 3iumtic 1UIF IFIE RI NitlIVI5 "Washied out -i:asoii mnthe verdict where commr-on ay soap îs used in the kIaudry. rMt 'nn ' tîsday oî aïlfii ccd x e tPe Stc iweg xc uai c r Det '.' tbthe quectxouas trtc ps ry kb1v c r u , o n tc fi oui oc fthe dit ictmele son OF ee tI oceot Wbch bprs eunt '-rn, carcI(it hMlabr me meet a jtî ung f-ta unipeoplu arn to n nioU1err Hoseme i ne ofrdutnmxo -le telbrtaidamryîig, cerne arttempt mcx -1 : ý E go~a1 bigmdteaieyugsokfor r _iî_-,ef poutoctirteeipigAsk frthe octagon Br 133' ui- f dairy cws anddiry cu; ble erlo 0 daîry coîves and b(oulbule _ut. WcPaebrought la fox- tlîo purpesu 0f orpredumsg Young stock fit o bun barhwa poitbe mdwhcce-Ho I UCTSU .GEOY at' Farinera -' Institute locturex-s nany tribAtd toward a'c. Furtbem,, mm patts of the country arcaèkd tPe ua owr m. whr sa question. 'Wbat breed would Hopbu uow wby the ioss ccurred,' and He Is, Termied the GadOId lYfan, MP xcMOMme1 met ue ecrocs wib koig whicb, bo te prevent thel i a l rn y e r d 0 a m -los - î o s t i , l o s , r e n . m c r r n . T c k c u to f A u s t r a l a . nd yrsxie o Jesc-ixî miIrtepr- s ommîpleetab onthei- r oni ad There wns a jubiluiatfi lu Qecns;- !redure a catI that rau Lob oftai e ae f thuir egr-s as(dueîa ntemt itdy o h - - - t u r i e d i e b c ? - - T h a t i t s D -m i t- e n a u f c i r r o r t h i i r o a d c o m a1 - ' G an d o t e l a " o teat u.o f i u posible te comîbine dsinvevla ny intilon. ;o oý îa l~ -- w-diybusiçness, based on theue 00of: '~id"!al faer le onu wbhO knowe t gory, 83 years bd, atnd a rosidnt of bc- dairy bruede, wlt u oution of I hxs far on A to0Z1ivhmo rmpa" ce J A1 ustralia sîmce he w.as 10, lie wi te bcconPeb bmgta isj i îe uceyvlee i îCi-b rememberud ne eue of tPe greateat lo- ne t tdawmmcd o)aiomlidv, aienusand kný1ow t"-e"ruaior probable explorers of the continent, mun puetiomi of or pepl. A a cs- ofert't 0ef -bs1 og so. lic ue bIAH býu queel-, iîuier 0 u-edad i- ireh re, Tha-111t us,, heo me h rhi h mp .1staiwoin u , , e d c r i l s a i - e r a i s d , t e b c o d r e ad l u t uw b1 W t b o ok e r l a i m g t ote 0 f t h e e p o e s co s l ;te , la s s t o s t t ire o r fh um e o u~ c rs is a iin g . T h lr eýir n re g th o r c d b u it yteries a i k t he tr c ke e? mre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n a a r e o d bi l ar a so r e c e te u p r u c e c me bo av gi e Gr g r tb o x b N o rtiî A u ctraila. Mte e--uym1 ha bcntint iyarOf tPe cdoettuy ,d Ob,,,- hrough the muer part of West Aoc- j' wîtb t. o oVato eter 'bWtauîuhtaia, anud alog thme southelMu edgru ap p Tueutinctivdanly tyjprand icPemay Pc gaiud byjîdicioue rtadugsoitP egrt. 1l brouht te hr' igtfo ire ~ ~ ~ o fitntvebd tp acte fr and ctudy. iprammemseat ire uo ap rt t h scusful' om icd ivn, tle, a Palty body, ia pur1- set ne t a d ar e ao g tP 'i~ ~ ~ jjDj -cwdesae, kydis c.(v-,, sc,ýring mind, and a certain LaDeunt roeru parts 0f tPe Ommn beln gu e beed tht hve ueniof ,ability, irbat nkus farnming a buis- wattleg i as 1long soppetse j bedformaypyars with tn e mcaxîd t, as mnamy supposa tetcol e twtum u ogood ic- at ~ (-I rocs0fproducing iiiiîk, ca;ei luxatscienice, ile bookkeuping aed aso ceont mu-o j P nm- f hnga, P bethenci e rtsu.Yooncg Geoyd cie hat, bis -al, the cBiic.sure lss n-IOOKKEEfIING. pretsedd 0ockI, anld .vt1eýn be ~ maiwîc amoeis peiat sa I li t is l'are teo ndersrand iratiras fourten bumauà n e!ýue-_, but, of proi-ice-( c F bef. o nater irlu luaes bookheepiug se irkzsome te Unsuch nmatefrials as b u coffid pick op, UP oit c bll nxy b ecdtu cl'-f armem-s. Prcbly it lesuflcriug tue ad Atket gond ime fer uight ych opin f soch cws -iW H!oir tMe fate of u-crs' other drlned ijea s'cOrM. w'lxubu ira ihten Pbc xîarowPar, lg'n qurte cmli igbla an pemtios, îamcly tht te bLilt flic hirst fur iii in QueuesF- 1ixkwiPaecîmcexifl itufnrkne cofîc e ku And, urging ai l e irnwork for it dam'tecki, ut (are faairboWg n Poke.T pe prain fkpn j - frornrnaoidn bedstheadamrand nexpieowintutP! j tbey ap1m'-am- u lîci anxui, No0bokiineed fïnet ho xan elaberat f- ntilcaiorlmih'istnes, which h I m tte- low vul c di aIvs .cr fam. ivde Pe ax-i ut a ex-ai c k-d out a and psisoned i x hit ie L , u d i v r b u e ahl oge d ; u u mber c f s cti ons, sa ' t r ee or four, o ume. n d_ i.G z 1lý gne r l l cf qnoxnnN, wovid rurc ini fCt, i charge up eucbSetinvith tPe valuei" Pbumîmore thll ita opofutableclle.Ii cf manlure aphedteusne"and-,tPe île ias scarruis' more cthan a boy tPe daîirs'district, hîirourirbroe cetof plowing and prcparig tPe irbn ho designedtie appamatue for c-icccnmkig l fllo'id xi ix cmxi- Jcclibcd; cet ni wI medai on,, ithe firsi revolving ighlton Rett rrer, h leiniosii t ouithe and sUheuext cultiation, ba-i-est-!Islanid, irbere a igilîth-ouse iras nced- caice el, aîlitP reuifla cee Jiug anld (ceet of(to mmnlÇi Marke'm- cd for the saluts'0f hYing. THe ii fic xîmembi, i-emiumuner igthe L-dit hn opa u-coufrirnuce i'oed irithout a P0tc F1Oizuiyoîgstock fo,Çuxîi xianvrinnerynd,,,,,teo aront aa reu,,t fortbints'-fîve suars, tihiit irme- daýims itrcs iib-eii-eia!ndfur iogcb div-iionOF yo"r , l ,vsoc- icoli lma arger eue. nprofiable fronM tuam tefiish n tP hrses - x ic hmc, wMnm, etc.;I uring ic epieatonebudxîrOv- itle isnef tPe aipLnttion h P tor ngi u p wehyîith foi rda bcd of irea ore in IWstern maunycemparisexi betirýcemi dam'madcmeeep useodacun.Asrafueioneethmti mxîg al efmiig B atmi a-1xejos ;,Pdimrpai-s sioulli N har inlua Pakmt' ore uioiit place in- Ouraluurre, and if il o camPdiiio iipprion"ns imte eteel mau euhil iaeo! imosbete as wixciS 't hu m1*uore areaîlertcdwith this oxxîse. A if and umoulntediit a1a ha,-1 c'f prfiabe.Ea o f teeilxsrespsur budnet bea ra prton of haaoohu.Somu officais cx- bsfounlic soepart iculabxuns tPeburden ntfenug tne mpaiy pmeeeAmostontatin ias a bona j wbih ar, eset Sultu! te iftpope filte crni pamr. Axîn a -gçepas- lidiproduction, itun Gregory ivas Laidthcnaexecs-o-t1ilo--a-uinrLI ni- tlliPinid bnet hrargcd f Wt;if,'eto )prove Vbat -tIlW e î lV7ans ac- Jeutol t tP ee lmdmsts' re ai-,alrerpooto f ttaxes nýqt han tal'teproduet of ivosteorii Aoc5- mîxeftP diec opisit o tosetu Sah e fiCid cfÊ corn. JBy givingtra o re. t~ ~ cutst wteohr. tiJuder th e lr- eac h aia -ex e exuc xr ie i hoeutgot eut of cîîsfun-c. Pichi'of attel, j1txng t eachdayt s Pimgfroni cacnh nlorder bu ires abie tf0 reair it lu tPe J t nuse cd mîti reidaî ceins mai Hefs manno;by Nus'img the mniik dent" anlremîinew tPe obsev-atins t atunc, becose piarent As a fi ra h i.,wi -,Pyp,,ug Peshbeclu li-h ýif lay-an mpt.u Ino ('a1'ro la"t, unmyfi, if Ous'.01fP. teur f&urM>ehmeut;ap iy-a r t. Ncta.fw Psc trm mxonmirl flic mci irbobu', Jci-koî mmc t pi' ,h u o o r ifs lit fer at tleduumîiafoo f egmphrpei c roi puyiiais'tatshow 1eveix a :trmcf cl i. nier dednilirtig ttiehîe st(olintPeest fint. r - tPe hioed of thu- dist:xirtiî-uls' d ims Wl'mm- f andmgmd caninig foi-,osritoe clu ne thfli-k il wifoftiPose mi p hart y are cv ug d l a da ms' bu-m cs aîh rîicb is rr atugnPe ho cos f raisbars'ticarysnss't ve-s Qo .î'~ Pds f ~rsl'mc, lol-1 o'n, 0ffco irs mcedtislic se ci' ic c Jereys- te ceku ans ai-t T' O St Year teir r e' r ed ore ,tunwI-4i i cx e )n-hschï o i u bolMe.Wnso.'sSobii ymî as efurd thapýit heoi riah e Po )rcci-Pv-ithtP ejef"il rdcghi uSMWl Ps' im'il c niibrps er c P e lgb 0f lhuis sitpor jyug trkfba auh ~a lo- hi-ircbbdeximue eetie. f dis- uefn f i iedca.xl s Pecl-.-~~dcth~ turhd ai igbt ",id Poe i 'om uirut at ion theftP ,he looýr nP, Ther xc boncîil', ucu i atixiîxg as met Pv asn WClîid ufirig maiîdcrs- tomai Dto iicls"hîeigbeimare duxai dxpo" mcxv Imutsue m bondixmg njtb paiui îC'ttin-g TOeetb uhtam P isui [h fume o t ire huso f u' ! cxii J!!,! pi- i-eu l Tretblieg t If l relie-ce tPe leu mitie l toli pork ý and tin-cli hue lxgiy nfruixi-dhu i,; i-Imniuoni, mm lthre lene ui)Pigud nis buteebal posileteg! ccixs Cf'thi,ýs bru nstako abeuc if. fitcures Lair-mîc a temet infleur spr Jrd a " T liecamufhu, urîec Bivh, ile (sii oisme txsth- jThece arcculs'a loir AfthP rmun steosg- P o'pigp ue ytm."ms. W'.imiio Sotiibropet ucee lbi tepiss roue. Thesecome, iovir î it srm"fer cbbd1rcîm fifiîng is l Jea ' rsfornunvsarSîivxx- S a ue ic o ag -o e lu ii sonj: t e f l fste a1ud isic1t-e r-l - au ýrai of Quuej-1td, an i lui bi j xmiik as ýtPedctlrtiîu um beis c-ptimon f eue cithe ecid't aui îpel,_efu] l ti ge aiAsrmî e unmifliceimmmne iould risrattiAe iMut cfeimIhefuisMcas Men'a "muxss iints te huer hl. j fo- bc amut]h route t 'ib a tPe L'iicd Statue. l'xime 25 i îuxt ai i enuleri-ctu2u xi uuili ioffhe. Sou lmî ail dx urgste 1 !n lu e fi' iox, n n-uld ýsfi-rcxl tbrieugbout the wnmx-d Doecuireanmi j Au- n"ueuae nct ueli.eu 2je'ci,. c 'xe i imdxgx iilSmu ea-l-o-a qîhls soxtrî xi xp oraiisemfiutvim -'r,