_ Just le tbe Glad Response of RIliOur manly Customers who allow us~ to test their eyes. This last week we have been exceedlngly bUsY in ottr Optical Department, examining and fitting eyes and giving perfect satis- faction in cvery case. . r tomer we e-arantee perfect testing and fitting, by our "GRADUATE OPTICIANS" whose perience always enables themi to do competient. work. varied ex- If you are in doubt as to the conldition of your eye3-Call and see us-Eyes Tested Free Daily ChemstsDrnggists and Opticians. Phone 92. Bowmanville. CHINA ALL GROCER A1 Few Dinnor' Sets, to cleap out at a Bargain. ,l 97 piece Set, regular $ 10.00 for 1 97 piece Set, regular, $12.50 for 1 100 pece Set,,regular $15.00 for i 113 piece Set, regular $17.00 for. 1 115 piece Set, regular $18.00 for 1 115 piece Set, regular $20.00 for loiE1 - - 7.50 - 11-50 - - 13-50 FUJLL STOK 0F 0fROKERY JIT LOW PRIl0RB. * **FRESH FISH * Fresh Sea 1-1 errings. Fresh White Fish. Fresh Sea Salmon. Fresh ilalibuts.. Bucces-or to 0Y OIT rsr- &CQ0 BOWJv,7JVI LLE, 0.NT11 R. The-up-to-Date Butcher Business bas been establish- ed cver 52 years and one of the third' generation is 110W a r tner in the business. C, M. Cawker and his son Wesley v'e entered into partnership and will carry on the business in their new% store, Victoria Building. They are determined not only to keep up the standard of the old reliable business but if possible to exceed it. I1heir anotto will be:- The best meats they can secure, eut up to the best advantage, sold at, the most reasonable prices, delivered to customers in a dlean wholesome manner. You will find the largest variety of the best quality of ail kinds of f resh meats, cured meats, fancy hams and break- fast bacon, home rendered lard in 3 lb pails, sausages, cook. ed hams, headcheese. tripe, etc., etc. Your patronage wîll be thankfullyreceived. We thank all for past favors and ask for a continuance of same, N.- R-Ail Accounts due C. M. Cawker are to be paid to 1,the new firm. Grain Caledor Bowm; Fighest. prices pai Barley, Oats, etc., delivi John jImr7 $33,00 TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via tia Clîlcago-Union Pacifie & North-Western ULino rom Chica go daily during Mardli and April, t,, San Fran- Coas poits.Very low aebHlea Bute, poaii, gdeu and AlIL cars to San Facso e uee n doublc erý-thiol 700 Leo routes.Frpriua drs.B LLSNETT. 2 Eaât BIng -"St.Trune Wanted dTrolblosole Babies. Babies are flot naturaliy troublesome -they shouid be briglit, active, and happy and a joy to yourOrne. Wben baby iis troublesome you may depend upon it there te some ofthe minor ail- ments bothering him. hoe&can ail be overcome by the use of Baby's Own Tablets. Proof of this is given dy Mrs. C. L. Marshall, Falkland, Ridge, N. S., wlio says:-"I1 am pleased to state that I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children. witb great success. I think the Tabiets the very best medicine for ail the alimente of smali chidren and would recommend tbem to mothers who have troubiesome babies."? Babv's Own Tabletsecure constipation, indigestion, diarrlioea, prevent croup, aiiav irritation at teething time, breab up colds and destrov worms. In fact there are none of th3 niinor ail lIas il ever occurmed to you that vou need a modicina AS MEN- not as old men or young mon but as men? Are ivi IMIlI yen nover consecous lIat the spacial wear and tear ot lite whtdli men sustain need mpair ? Womry weare a muan out quicrer than work, but wormy is not an a n v ile. accideatit is a:symptom-a symptom of are nervous headacha ; morning lazines that mtakas il difficuit to get ont o! bod; id for any quantity of a weak feeling lu tha back; indisestion; brenthlesseses atter slight exartion; ir- ,ered at above ill.îÉtable temper-pembape soma nerve pain sudh as neumalgia, sciatica or in- cipient paralçsie. Dr. Williams Pink Pille, as a mnedicine for m,,, ,et direct. ]y upon the source o! disconifomt They etora manlv vigor and auargy, lm- prove the appatiteanad toue up the y ~nerves and the whloi system Mr. Neil H. McDonald. Estmere, N. B , is oe of the manN men Who bas, proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Hae sys : Uldtnlted. 11I arn giad 10 be ablea b savthat I have found Dr. Williams Pink PISlleal tînt us ciaimed for tlem. I was completely mu down; mv appatita was poor, and I suffered iuch trom severe liaudaches, OF FR DM NTN Doctors medicine did net giva mma the naaded relief, se I decidad 10 try Dr. Wýiiliami' Pink Pille I usedouiy afew - boxes when) my former healtb retumued. Tand now I feal like a new mn. TAIT & Co are off for the w6a, n ervùus, broLcndown men- Northwecst and for fifteen an ip inee uiaa im wue o! Dr, Wîliisms 'PiîPille Buat ha sure that days ývi11 malke photos at a von gel îe gaîuoe itthe tal ie 'Dr WilIiaa!nIs Pin Pis, for Paie People' large reductio5n. prin2tedon t01(- ppe arcundevr bo. od vmiinedealers or sent This is no fake but gen. by ma1Ï.il at 50d't a box or siýx 1boXa6,1 Qine usinss. 4-tf.for $,250, bv'witn Tha Dr, Wilh)ia-nis Medicine CJo., Brockiville, Out. n _____________________________________ n _______________________________________ s _______________________________________________________________________________ j I i jThe Teflow Tizat'a Doing mis Best. Tliere'a a song for the man Whio le lucky and bold. For the mani Who b as fate on bis ide; There are cheers for the folk thatI are jing- ling the golà And are drifting aiong with the tide, But the man Who la atriving te get to the land And facing the linngry wave's crest, We quite overiook, for we do't understan3 The,4ellow tliat'g doing hue beat. But lie has bis rewards when the Rtory la done, Though we smile as h6 pioda on bis way For haeown seli-esteem la the priza liealias won, As obscureiy he'as tood in the f ray. And he knows the affection of home and of irienda And the pleasurea of honest-earned reat ai LIFE GUARDS. The Lita Gruards are twe megiments of cavairy formlng part o! the Britisli Liouseiold troope. Tbey are gaulant poî- diers, and every lovai Britisli leamtisl prend o! thein. - Not ouly theliaKng's housahoid, but 3-ours, ours, everyone's sliould liave ils lita guards. The naed of them le especialiy grat- when tie Kreatest foas o! lita, disass, find allias' n i the vary elements as coide, influeuza, catamrh, the grip, and pueumonia do in the storrny montI o! March. The best way that wa know of te guard againet thase diseuses is t0 strengthen the system wîtli Hoed's Sarsaparila-tbe greatest o! alh lita guards. Il remeves the conditions in whicb thoe diseuses maka their most succeseful attack, gives v ' ror and tone te ail tie vital urgane and iFuniitions, and imparts a genial warmtb 10 the blood -Remembar tha waaker uhe, system the greater tha xe ra 10 disease. llood's Sameapar- lin mairies th a vtr trarno, TYRONE. will flot. cure. Sold by drug-gists or may becliad at 25 cents a box by witing direct to Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. NEWCASTLE. Miss Annie Douglas is home from the City., New life for a quarter. Miller 'e Com- pound Iron Pille. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Miss Lena Clarke le visiting lier sieter at Odessa. To get relief fmrom indigestion, bilions- ness,constipation or torpid liver without dieturbing the stomacli or purging the bowels, takze a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pffs, tliey wihl pleate You. Mrs, Duncan Galbraithlal visiting in Port Hope. Miilem's Worm Powders cure ail ail. mente of chidren like magie. Sohd by Stott & Jury, druggiets. Mr.W. H. Baskerville's little daugliter lias been quite ill. Ladies 1 Take Milie' Compound Iron Pille if you would bave nice. clear, complexions. Sold by Stott & Jury, drugzists, Mrs. W. Piekard fell on the ice and severel>- sprained lier arm. - i Milier's Compound Iron Pille, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Mies Wakiev, Lindsay, basi been guest at Mrs. W. B. AIlin'es. Milier's Grip Powders Cure. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Wm. Barker, Michigan,1 le renew- ing acquaintances after five years'! absence. Milier's Worm Powdems are a wonder- fui medicine for ailments of chiîdren, Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. A surprise party of fifty young people had a good tme at Mr. W. H. Peamrce's recenti>-. For Coughe of young or Couglis of old, Wood's Norway Pine Symup's tlie best remedv soid. For cold in tlie lead or cold in the cheet, tliere'e nothinig like it, it beats ail the reet. Miss MeDaniels, Teeswater, was receut guest of lier cousins, the M.sses Baliagli. They make one feel as thoigli life was wortb liviug. Take one o!Carter's Little Liver Pille a! tam eating ; il wili relieve dyspepsia, aid igestioni,give toue and vigor to the system. Mrs. J. W. MeLaughlin, Bow.man- ville, viited bier sieters Mrs. McNacltan and Mrs. Bigliam. That tired, ianguid feeling and dul headache le very disagreeabla. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pille before retiring, and Vou wili find relief. Tliey neyer faul to do good. Mme, Helme, Toronto, wae here at- tending the futneral of bar brother the laIe Robt. Barfaît. PEOPLE OP THIS PLÂOI-There are people in evemy town and village of thIs countrv who have been cumed o! itching, bleeding and protruding piles hy the use of Dr. Cbase's Ointment. Ask your friends about this great preparation, tbey cau telliyou of its -gTeat oothing, lieaiing and antiseptie7 powers. More epuable people have andoreed Dm. Cbase's Ontmanr Ilian any preparation you eau mention. Mr. Geo. Gray was judge on baavy btrees at Otta wa Herse Show. Hle lost a valuabie brood mare racently fmom distemper. MEDICINE FORMIR. Somethhng that willBanish Worries and Brace Up the System. 1eiry ir -. i- &ame o, Miss Jennie Mccal7ouuglislavisiting ln Pt. Il-George Sheen,Lloyd Snowdeo,Osa. Kennetli Cox. Sm. lat, Viv!an Foley.Ohas BERTÀ LNrcoeL, Teacher. Mr. G. M. Loing la vitiiting ln Port Hope. SALEbM. Mm. W. F McElmoy, V. S , maC eji- Report for Febmnary . Sr. IV-Edna Lags trip t10heliaty. Colacutt, Fmantz Elutchinson. Jr. IV -Mro. A. Leigh visitai lber daugliterg lu -Mabel-Roblis. Kyle S4uair, Howard Teronto. Gaud, George Houa>-, Biais Jacks. Sm. Misa Phoebe Plain,, Toronto, vialted ber 1II-K-,tie Stepiens.Lawrence Squair, sjater, Mirs. Wes. Ogden. Frank Parker. Jr. 111-Mary Hicka, Mr. Neil Renwick, Tozonto, visited aM Rilda Rutledge, Ruthi Squalr, Fred Mr. H. W Renwick's. Holbe, Rnsi Coiwill. 'Sr. 1Il-Bu- Mm. and Mme. Charles F. Awde, visited hart Poster, Russel Hobbs,Eva Jeffre>'. her fathea, Mr. O. Hooper, Tyrone. Fred, Foster, Hazel Coiwlli, May Gaud, Mm. James Milletrlias- ecavered fmom la Reuben CoIwill, OswallBrancb. Jr. Il grippe and neumalgia. -Leslie Collacoîr, Edna Hobbe, Alva Mr. Mutton, who las been viiting at Mr. Allun, 1stle Foster. J. G. Horey-'s. las eturnad 10 Coiborne S. M. BET.LMAW, Teacliar. Mr%, W.> Jones intenda leaving (khort]>' PROVIDENCE. fUn tle Nothwest, wliere lier hushand la. The folowlng la the standing of the Masame.'John Tamblyn and Russel Bast pupile of S.S. No. 5, ,DarlIngton for visited at Mm. George Baets, Port Hope. February:-Sm. IV-Tena Prout, Myr. ,Itrs. Clarke, Enfiehd, bas been visitiug tia Bragg Lena Bragg, Irwln Bragg. hem ueptew, Mm. Frank Peste. 1Jr. IV-Lîihai Hoar, Rowena Bragg. Mm. Charles Bmcb., Carievala, 1Aasa., la 1Sm. 111-Dýora Pro ut, Art hum Bragg, visiting ab Mme. Milie' . Fmeddia, Fox, Florence All in. Jr. 111 Messrs. Norman O'Neil, Stan. Bown aud -Leta Jackson, Elie Bragg, Harvey Wight, Fraddie Wight. Sm. fl-Bila othâa are working on the G.T.R uew track, Wighit, Ahex. Prout, Effa Wlght, Bat. 'n'a Paria. tira Trimm, Berha Qunney. Sm. Part Misses'Moment. Hone>' aud liapruan, Il-Orville Henderson, Imene Bragg, sud Mesars. O. Muitbon and 0. A Gamali>, Oscar Luxton, Florenze Timm. Jr. attended the *Temple of Fame' concert lu Pt. Il-Wllle Boat. Pt. 1-Ehes Bowmanviile ou Saturday eveningr. Bleaett, Pearl Lnxton. ALBERT M. WIGHT, Teacher. Mr. Wm Potts. Elizabetbviile, visited 5. S No 4 ÂIU.Noeox. Mr. RaipI Stutt. S. N. 4DARINGON.Mr, and Mme. S. K. Steveas, Courtie, Report for Februamy, Lames lu order vatda m .A iods of mrle Jr V, yla shoua 138. Mr. John Porteus, Bethan>', visited hi. Marley Worden 1440,' Noranan Found 1278, Jim Mosmars 1094. SmrIil i, ter, Mzs. Joueas. Miss Bemtha Jones me- Aura Osborne 1600), Jesse TrrIl 1220. tnmned himao with hM. Jr. III, Gorden PiokAli 1709, Mand Miesa ate Undemwood who la leaviug Biekle 1599, Neai Womden 1-2,2 Dave <Olo. w9.5 preigented with a splendid cep>' M',ýssman 968. Sm.r. ,Geýrda Plokeli cf Shakespgara's Womks by her fellow pu. 1933, Lomne Troll 1839, Ress Pearc6 pile of the Public School.' 1760. Jr. 11, Louie 0Oshomne 1294, Mr. Fa Pearson bae purchae.] ie Mrs. ýViA'a Brckla 11855 Alîa. Piokell 1143, scorýitresidence front W. "And,,s, for E4r.le Tt uîl 776, Louis Tr,)u 673, Wifie $425. Vînlson l518, ELEAN0GES COULTER, The Gambyloinestead f atm, 100 ocrces, reacher. as beeo purlirsed by Mr. A. Tamblyn fmom Mr, Josie Hînry, l3oweranvile, for The Orange Sentuleeliin geving a report $6 500. Mr. . ULihn son 'lecîded fi an rAt Home, li,id lunoneaof ihe City L ,tes i oron,-to, pand whicb wE pmeidad go to the Nùrtliwes ovsr by James L. tHughes-, es: l'one of Mr, Danie, ll hrebo! h îe sr-zo 1 ue f55 ores cf ils firk -,p-ri o1 the pro- brick bidn eetyocpe safci grm rctiggr"s oiu amWasaîle bue wj erornby A. A uoe.and M. 8pD fabr r, ,nHge , o cv r ana Hug.e bc gur b~un îe onicere Ifanl one oJfers oien 1 cheaFp iitation ero o!fie. B cmefovrdîenig for substitute for Dr Fowleýr's Extract -îerlyona elon e u',and vîli reari-0f Viid Srwemrfs t ayO! 17 giy iwtemeaýiig relecirons whjchLe I-id tarn iaehighly dangerous and le1sm3d n the Ia ys o! bis bo)Ybhoo. sliould ha a roîded. TUE M, ASONCo), BOWMANVI LLE. il!EalyTus ping And you will buy cheap. The new goods are coming to band rapidiy. We wiil show a very fali stock ail bought ýat old prices. We cannot reveat thetm st thesi e_3irm andc the next lot will have to go up. Buy 110W and save money. We are show*ng a nice lot of suiting materials, our Ow11 impoitations. Some of the best patterrus you ever saw, also black and bine. Olrlpritiil ood Contaiued an immense shipment of' Lace Curtains, beautiful designis and wonderful values,. We can save you money on Lace, Curtains, Carpets, Ribbons, MusIiný, Lace, Hosiery and Gloves and many other Unes that we import direct. Clothing Raytia After t he hest year we ever had, we have bought very freely and are almost daily- receiving new clothing. We neyer had more and neyer had better thani we shali show for 19h04. See us before you buy. It- will pay. lipht de2Scndïl, For the fellow thata doing hie best. CARTWR»IGH V COUNCIL TowN HALL BI.AcxsTock, March 7, '04. Regular meeting of Council, present -Reeve George L. McLaughlin and Conne. James Byera, Thomas Wood and James G. Hooey. minutes of st meeting read anid on motion coDfirmed. Communications were recelved from Josiah Bail, r,) cedar timber for cul- verte From Olerk of Darllington re1 information rzspecting concrete culvert pipes, etc. On mn-tion Capt. Josiah Bail was to, be notified to, furnish 75 pices of cedar timber for colverts. carrled. The Collector aaked the iCouncil to grant an abatement of taxes ln the aum of, $6.48, whîch on motion was granted. Mr. Jas. Byers gave notice that he would introdunos a By.law at the meeting of Councl ln April, to, appoint Patbmastere, Fonce Vîewets and Pound Ke3epers, for the ensoing terni. Ou motion the Reeve signed orders as foiiows ,Win. Hookin, mIdi gent $2,50 ; John R. bIcLaugblin, Pal- gry es Treasurer snd Discounts $53 5. The Trustees of sohools are requested to forward to the Olerk the names and addrasmes of Truatees; and Sec -Trea. Immediately. Council ad!ourned tli Monday April 4th, at 1 o'clock P. ,M. W. J. BzÂcocK, Tp. Cierk. 801100L REPORTS. The following ia the report for Feb- rmary of S. S. No. L. Fifth Glass- Annie Devitù. Sr. 1V-Robort Hall, Sophia Hall, Miyrtie3 DeVittE lma Hoc- eV. Jr. 1V-Mary Smith. Melville Bradhurn, Floyd Rail. Sr. III-Eâna Grahani, Ernenrt Larimer, Wlllie Van- Camp, Da1yid Archer, Druey Whltfield. Jr. III-Charie Hall, Janet llall,Har. ry VanCamtp, EllaeReynolds, Edmond Taylor. Sr. IIr-Edua Larlmer, Jeeste VanCamp, Ruth Tayior. Je,. I-l-Of- ford Roynold8, Dalton Egib Oscar Graham, Ml~ Archer. Sr. Pt. list, T)Ille Taylor, EfeBredbourn. Jr. Pt. ltAstnLarmner, aroid L-rmeýr. MAPLE CGROVE. The flo il the report fur Feb- ruary:-Fiffi h ss-Lestie Snowden. S.r. -ae Cox, Pearl -nowden, Gladys Sno;wde3n, Shirîle Snowden, MINldred Col!acutt,MNyrtle Mceý-ynoldm, Mlanuel Bellamv. Jr. IV-Elva S'now- don, Bir tie W'iikins. Sr. 111-E hel Adama. Jr. ILI--Arthur Charlea,Heir- bert Hopkins, A']Jfdra McReynolds,' Tommy Mitchell,, Frank Hamilton. Sr. Il-James Dryer, Seward Tyler. Jr. 11-Edna Snowden, Elmer 'Cox, Rossel Foley, Cyril Rundie, Cecil Schooi report for February: V Minnie Lindsay-. Sm. IV Florence C]aMane, Clarence Rahm, Bertie Morris, Harry Barrett, Pearl Skinner. Jr IV Blanoche Bail, Herbert Burgess, Memvvn Morris, Florence Ralim. Sr f1t1fHerbert Morris, Norman Poolev,' George Simpson. AI- meda Thompeon, Hlorace Howlett, Olive Skinner, John Lindsay. Charlie H-ig- gIns. Jrý III Mabel Wight. Lomne Saundere. Elin Lindsay, Flossie Mc- Laugliin, Fred Hodge. Sr. II Effie Manning, Elia Hodge, Lionel Byam, Dougflas McLaughlin, Editli Congdon. Jr I Louis Philp, Arthiur Simpson, Lorne Phare, Albert, Morris. Jr. Il Gertie Henrv, Olive Gilbank. Sm. Pt. Il Lance Phare. Perey McCoy, Cecil Rahm. Part I Velma Staples, Gamnet MCoy, Otto Staples. N. L. Pattinson,? teachers. F.L. Houiden, POPULAR OTTlAWA KAN IN LUOKI DODD'S ]KIDNEY PILLS CURE» KIR 0F STON4E IN THE K1DNEYS. MrA. Cassldy, the Well-known $portsman, Telle Why lie Io (rate- fui to the Great Canadian Kldney Bamedy. Ottawa, Ont-Mardi 14 (Special.- Few people in the Capital are as well known and popular as Mm "Sam" Casidy, pmopieor of the Bijou Hotel, Xetealf Street. As a limiter and fisher- man o! more tlian local reputation, lie bas become known to foilowems of the rod and gun ail over the countryv, and members of parliament wlio maka an annual sojoum» liare are counted among hie personal friands, The niews, therefore, that be bas found a complote cure for a dangerous malady wîll give generah satisfaction, Spaak- in- of it lie eaye: 7Miv friands all know that I bave been toubled for years witli Stone in the Kid - neys; that thougI consltedthe best ph% siciails and tried nearhy ever>- remn- edy I could think o7, I was unibhe to get bettar. "Some, tim,,aqo.afriend toid me Dodd'e Kiduiey Puils wouid cure me. As a hast, resort I tried them and thev have cureel me. I cannot imag-ine more ~evresufeurg tanon edueswho lias Stonie iiin e Kiee, and I 1feal the warmest gratitude towamds Dodd's Kid- neyv Pille." If tire disease le o! the Kldnays or from theKidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pille wilh cure it. DARLINGTON. Mr. M. Burk le retfring from farming and bas rented lits land to Mr. John Clark .... Mr. John Metcaif bas soid a horse to Mr. Hi. Burk for the Nortli West at a good figure... . Miss Henrietta Mann fell and broke bier arm recently. -..Miss M E. VanCamp lias been visit- ing hier sieter Mre. J. L Dickie, Osliawa . . Miss Nettie Blackburn, Providence,, and cousin Miss Souch, spent Sunday at Mr.C.W.Biackburn's,Lake Shore... Mr. Norman Allun, Trinity Medicai Collere. was homa recenti ...Mr. Albert Goode sold a young horse coming 8 years to Mr. John Darcli for $ 115. Jiprît 9.0,to Dez3. 1. 1904>. Special C<gonist One Way Excursion Fares. Prom Bowmanville to Billings, Montana, $35,30 Colorado lSpringa, Denver, Helena, Butte Ogden, Salt Lake Civ, $40,30. Nelson, Roaaland. 13. C.; Spokane, Wash-. ington, $40 80, Portland , Ore.; S3eattle, Washington;- Vac'couver, Victoria, B. o., $43.30, 'San FranciEcj and Los Angeleq, Cal., pciiSetl4erre' Trains tu CanadCian Nort ffe t withCc oUnle; 'leog Car willeave ,Toronto eVeey T edy drin Mat'ch a dApri at 9 P, n!, IPasse"ngers lih rnt i 7e stck eh ,uld take thePaie LxIress leving lToron 0to 1 i 5pm Tikesonsaedaly iunt i Aprîl;)0, 1904. For TcetPul!maýn ?Beaarveatons and al inomteapply to STOTT & J UItY, TwnAct TYRONE. Mies Cola was recent guast o! Mise Ethel Curtis .... Mis Zillal McLaugh- lin, Centrai Business Coliega, Toronto, le home .... Mme. Fratik Awde and Masl- ter ýHamold Awde, Clarke, visited lier fathar Mm. Chas. Hooper. . ... Mr. Sam. Simpson who bas been spenlng tie winter with lis parents raturned to Manitoba last week .... Deati again antemed Our Villaze Tuesdav StI and ciaimed Gwandolyn Una, -tha infanit daughtem o! Mr. and Mme. Wallace tStapias Sympatbising friands foliow- ed the ramains, to Betheida burying gmound Thumsdav whan Misses Florence McLsugbuin, Ella Sandere, Florence Clamens and Mabai Wigbt tendarly performad the dutias o! pail-beamars. Ladies and gentlemen wbo take MiiIer's Compound lran Pille, aiways gmow, vounger in appeamance and spirits. bild by Stott & Jury, druggists. ALLAN LIRNE 14IVERPOOL AÏ) LOOND1Ealt ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Frozm From St. Johni Halifax Parisian-..................Mnmat. 21 TunI8ian ...Sat. Mar. 26r.... Matr. 28 jonian ......... .April2. April 4 ]3avarlan-.. April ) 9... Aprill Reiduced Rates of Passage. Firt tOabin-Parisian $55, upwards. Tunisian $60 upwards. lonian and Bavatian (Summner, rates $75 upwards. Second Cabju - Liverpool and Londonderry- IParisien 5310. ,Other Steamers 140, . Lono 52.50 extra. Thilt Class-Superïor accomodation, every- tigfound-825 and $26. Liverpool, Derry Belfaso, t.ýGlasgow, London. Thtough tickets tb South Afr!ca. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Coriîithiau-.......... Thurs., Mat. 17, il i,,m. Laureîîtian ....... ........*l.si 1,Firet Cati, $45 amid pward, îý,Second Ca oin, 55 'hird Gbl,-26 SUMMER ALIG NWON JHAND. FrTicketsan Evr-nomito Bowmlanlile, ................................. M 1 ments of chfidhood wh--h the Tablets 1 a rm-We take Butter and Eggs or Grocers',Due Bis Pedlae t Price $2.25 per square, of one'hundred, squareg feet covering measure. Cheap as wood shingles.* *Pediar People, Oshawa, Ont. 1 F I-C -P IL ORONO. THE: N -2-L 00.