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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1904, p. 1

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Ti~R M S ~-4i.oo ?er Annum. U E To N AN~D COtJ-TU F nRST ; T FiE W ORLD A FTRr W ARDS, M I 'A. JA M E O , ?IIr Q s Ii~ Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNFEIYÂY, APRIL 13, 1904,~LM LN~J WLQOCAL AN~D OThZtWISE. JMrs. FleniIng ie vlsiting lier daugliter IMrs. NI. B. Aunis. Brautiord. -- 1t--«b t -%1 'Mrs. D. T. Morris ils v0rY iii. Mrs. W. Brown, Owen Sound, hal Fulrnlit'ure sale Saturli~. Seo ad. enget0 r.W McClung, 4î Ever heard Maev ? Hals the befst enj Mi-, Thos Graham, Claremont, was 1 e iie ' ara e o k "' Stertainer evpr ca-me to Bowmanvilie. recent guest of Mr R. Beith, M Paie r ag Be sure and heiahilm on April 122rl . Miss Edna Davidson, Toronto, is VIS- %WO IÇIIl-), U HDont fail to see A. m Remschel atiing hier unole Mr. R, D. Davidson.-AD onceat almralHote. I vo esnotSend us the news when it is, news--ND '.. ~cail diring the day liev wold bu pleased happeniîngs a month old are flot neUws to se ~ u u ue ev ni g bo t ap r ises M abel and H elen Bray spent I I Baths.Faster with Gandma Foster, Norwood g The Toronto News, Thursda: Miss P ïla-e. SRobv Hlughesj, Liu dsav. has just lef t Hom n4ws ap-asAnRE- pge weekZ'4>T O 1hr shee was apr onlom guest aige pae.ofie Ottawa, after R delighthil visit or three this Paper thiswleek except one Read fo at many of the social hunctions Mis Mne3 Rofers. fioerr was zMr. Thos, Conanit, Osbawa, prebeInted guest of ýMiss Alice Uawker, "Norway 4î wn oeitne 1-elh r 1~TOsawa Town, Counceil iV-th a ga7,'el for Cottage." the Mayor's use in his officai aaitv. Wî RN > whîch grew on Mr. Conant's estite and Don't, be afraid to senti it. It ils aIways, Ca4gok n liigMiifrsl nbo.lm 1VIï~,.~.'~~ - #ad Mr , _ar aepAt alt esft opit mediate possession, Stock may be taken tavlain j;was beautifuIiv carvedl bl), r Freder-acpbl Arms. an oeteBiihCa fbetween Enniskillen and Burketon a 4 This is oc a TieHoly Co Operati'eba Water proof Coat, Finder please return moflopoly in thle town, There ils money inifoth rgt Have Opened Out a very Clhoice Soko icnsi otsoexseeTu rWJraettindlrR. .LOC M , ivearoarg Lse on s b i x :w Ptu pli L i ri a. Fre h-! s Mrs W H o r da ughtera red ie. m al N FI EN DISPLA Barrster Pow man7fllpp < ~d a Elgan lt o Caes orSprng nd lnex wekMroD Daidson Ms.Pa n nodd ofgbter 1 Suminer~~~~ýer 'eran v'htibyod ueto andn'mcL),iî, otelncssr wok aretwt s ver li th Hopt1 "PI~ nN .UM 4D AT ez- îl od10 m r ok opened ti a n 7e irs clssriii ml Proofe ever shown rS town kini aiulsor È.,i a; lu ho Eamoa legad and of' an gand bu!es umeierDireFsin a lo- cbiorleran r ae iag doet wntth puli R. D.ge D a t AnS aoiton S dug r Mr. B E 1 dqieacoc.fmtrasadd- .Soel eebrto ei h Silks and. White Musliu Blose aildav BIaei-th t)s pOrne we6 gald oTroo sgs h etEdfos sso-Cueio h sesoPr ~~~.aliies, alo, a vey fine ssortinnt o itherae oene, the bisve rom sec the fover' ae h ev ars sINr dAGIFICîa ISPA aiSpigadig h buc a atfly takenr taa andi borne and miton anreharwnu$e0seet2io$ ;smmrfbicicudn'i theeu-Mri8sPv e.A cî fi% 4 ne w goods and m ade Up in the very latest yap an or itfna to btyo noth arrtw bodils verpuilin ahd pilin , ' rs)od nidîg te wol-e alag lra elben ug bv to rC oules d ho m a er ly(-f ei to pp n O5 taIN m ilesL1E! G O T H F c Styles. Mr Mac.i bas appearod~~~~Mis fori seventee il7 75c owncd ý Pricsiysbakadca0e urnet hecacl rd ahldepi Y.gl M.re dress gld -n Crepes dere Chinese VAoîes wore w te3 sDer brcaedcrpedePa consecuo ad e S y is ai ýtve oar oms lu i1ltl tM, Au A5 atendcdo Leoas mecentin panadfgrdSiig Coiovrwietfea ihcif»fue o un d rnissana"v tlas tb New bobr airm xue. Stn coi, L srs r o , t e bi e m , w r ht .roo ûat eer sh wniu to n chl!Anc ta berýce s bioi2 Doiani t 44tiorreinv ades an Red Johng Stnsrenadirne ls, ase Werganes Mo ell owrnavlessera 25es wan the reserv . t!)' miss hlm taï trmmng withe toca chf bou panneJl ndd-il cbel ticites Opera alue jomnvie Apry Rue Jahezm AuL aurtn Aibct card sang f*oe evs ovtMs daFruo fSrt tw uresla 0"r muci apre iat- Thmae aW eert onf ine fnshoe- raycoui of thebie aaxado ifte All t c e th-faur hours' suffeine swa s the soloag b Ms of. H Moris silis a sat f:in chig ali re ailn ordnwieEec r'niw from eauhvone Jofbu ýIýt, b Lder ne r-adems icb r .Lwwt niicueooywne col r c a lenineac 1 ne oBtwr and~~~~~~~~~~rdcei 2 Javs-tees enono die Aprin 8in25; Sprinr soason YoulbI heeaut-KahenMhryIbbid'itr L ad es 3il a à W h te M u li nou esl was t steric me w i -l si, butfr b arhrord s 0; l i dý 50ma ;il ooti u teres luteir mercerized ,nwai. gs waing -b rhe i .W cAp~o parîaly rcovredsu I t aîurn i Bil oamias ~cr asne a b prdluDn Ifaby arespctsrn -hisi theïi m Unt pouf atelwsgamraMsrH te rosa Um I l pi h ey lts ook par fraEntan if he itheýs ope no ad teig be87;rn ali Trt anda etl alli day 82.e aaho B.r flerLsal ,adC .Als being placeslýiiI-.ltrfr me n i eea eti b s sram be appvlu n he e matl- r t ereuhrat r .A beneit lom bs tn, bo ~ felin oas in math; drwre ipavS ed 8nd o nlv e lupriticura McMrtry ans calry Chtamu ae t ic digmse 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r wcl bas a pae uo sntel W nedy iittacls $ i7 hom weo crt 5izaveycmlt ag.Areweoo s i afe adstte wh s.cne he as in PLsudelph Yi. H' gol ihoi ginti oryas re s ood re ta Je ohi nes o e o i rd' aetFi Abu 15 yaarsde Leagu metn pan n iue-uiig Coh,-vrwiet C. wA 6ouse cwl ar n ew aaa lieda Ieumbsnbeni eaHulin r wi. adae-fanc fineArured mutslie ns, Cotta e sM.at r.Soelwl __ ____________________________________YD. . C. churel wrt e s n ser M tidia n g agu es eson.Re J itns, pleadines Buais lu Wie MOandlScbl to' hit. e A cl I rtar Tic Ptnw Puic irar ntie Neatn coln black mitrsa tn ite, . a Ltre s nti om the ~ A V iLJ [hanc "Cedric" imonpfl2 TickQ e s bomrides ess op n o leuslev l ai i blclos -and liniak wiIi r tia i pened hr Irelanti:~.9 Tus1; isagad odvse lebensa AIbe an lbr Pant sait ng wor d eeaso i c nt ob reîtvn hoW] dtgIkpaea weater i no loviv ad qite arr the hourts tlhot fr m u a ati from- Tussey ias aeled affne uusal rs.J s.Wl, counssnay $1lI T - as Wes hae25slo snes 0 e tle e i so efficient.lH a osis cesis anti we are, paet10syiaI EIwi .Bon ry .Y e. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I- esecnd ias , d ttr î at rw h e nulie a bor of sh Lw l iebostie ne yean d ald beterv arîel be Lo Eta rds We lome , cida ER Y I- z' A~ sukad rgrds t al, antivý CapI. Kingi . and thmen 's raiycocptrnss o rthe hirtrei luart ygw fcon g:~~~~~~7h In liejo îowu o ievnga l 1 instn --îePw anl. bousl e areatelmin- chiffon anipM( rm îus i g:~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ) danl on accl ai ire bc i is t re idI luthmnve. 11 anil Fonot Ftesr fo hr Woîure.r e whihis nti baqegisil oe ni adnh -v ~ ] i - New i~ uncipul Builing Wdie bis byCUc Joýinastcanr Cryerm'i b l po d iffrn ea îme î s aI Mc urÈys McCneiui ew îavie osn -- z;vt w s l c u rsja c u zîr u lin h s w el k u a w toa, li a It o r e a m b o d r o i c c a u tr i~~oe :3-5 ,, Ibi !'im it carry a texaltie~ he daot been n sacita arît a îa,,rne Li qe ipik rss àl, , liooe~ o ue m s epiir cr lprn Ic i sla le f ti -l fa a g taiir. Tus 5100 lp ias n s t e mat- a l 'c d's ssterïý , ir em tea se I - Iht le fooriticonerthalupsair so e rlno s o f' i l ýlerodca e( foni commant, ti noe anr liyfetv caringa lag aktofaee " ýbe liabei sa bu nirihts talo anvwhere.v ib]s 'Hein li"so iieg. e a ol e Wcsle n i n homearfti Wler brte1ihebie bat~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th ani amat paiu al n ws aeras at oo aies' ardeal Tic graorn's present taCottagtiM w, Y ý,a,'5ar l raes cf a d.u1Canc av a ci a e rev briesmit bae gav aev goltin fleurl.ý ie l eller~~~~~~~~I han ticcê theair caut ias d.n ione atie wachiet lelrifowrdigi pro~~ided abat v ~M werert ecw e t hi sîî s anretftig maitn excllnt cofnrs in wie pantd uysa i.Ale ogauain _____ ____ . Dr.hJ C, Msitclwa, e lioi tamr e ne s ublck aiCar and tl ifi haveapeet butc an ofie, aend musial and ei pehsa t osswr i _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l~~Cdie"o ui aiportan icaueeof n tao ewnls axropinsteors thoeurstw~asmyasa i ocr nigomdikn rrqaassn _____1ý11H1 __ _______ ine ilebago iiu pl oryrswto A use f h bl ak n randenlain la r itity o pen u bnre easad Teprens er E7Orchestra wllieu.a inmtabl 70i0m re abet e ai d give as gooti; wa k leffinst; apoartne i hi w u a bb ret Tc bitc'trvlig ow wa 'longhe a2,0 cs r rha a e ali ants foridy yorolf. t73 soos ailDetsî anti mli ewa iven pa lnîmîg nto tl am ci Lr. n E There are many Stock arici Poultry Foodsnnin benn offered, but l osl tern siS tc reiongm . bs Wi r rw i vto mdii a-- __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ rainei, po enmadantits mpalilievoce ariti sowers olorieuant Thsî wishe - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tehur il as beard ta speno at6ntg ind fi rom eMrs na nIone Gets an bs ee a th e d 1889 Deatis aict Ne tn Heidean, laces e p - n Ma r. 30,oto bidsvPoen in M yers Roys ihe "S ice o! biieg ilo Ilhe foepesbsgaiuet h ere encoes i crai nlan Pa5se- teiry aan, aIaeipae A Lhi n h e l b o f h e v n g th o o sta Se ep n e ve n ad a l oe t e n s e ti n s h e b o rL E a i lr aa, Y a k at1r v e ~ BrtislslsaninEinp in liasr had ehomeeen seon Breeder 269 thr Belv lIes an r :azzezr ::spo:s:t lie fore. Mr G.~ L. rsFouail Raîsers.in Countles Pri) Wandr among Show, Stock haveon Wee fed withly As itsoes th ~ti e n Owend-oWa A.an Smii aie Tononto «'~~~~~bil tha keepolopsgh ay otbe SOLD~~~ec BY lan make pure, cohboçi'a nientar centaiul psOseledsc Ciet &Le bI's Myers Royal Spice,, eol]."e ofr' Saspll.Yu isadence rincas lie eets ir humon.gin Thmac ie ytebceos o hr grnmohr aimet, a Tid Fbi er s n lu n Camp Yo don ahntca'ifon km l, T .~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 1-1, IÇio t Ile TRIIGUeXOeLLED of theascns'aeets~e gesI aiiht instlt tt . Cash îai forli Wrodst Tnd BoDEL GRCEre~a~ I yewntn;Ofie Wr i Teir dnoctor t ed of T r aenvt feio n e ryû, alEppessrne afmlyhi *oespca ndt l aiayhe You docto trustsMA IL boheue MsKig enirdlofev cof thinaf waksm *OK HU, atw aesm Telegraping ote ia or alas nti delii aillu er rdnams feet.,fl in d ae o n a n d ls iG ean. trs yuref Thr is vcl n bes 'Tc Rsr"at osedchnidigealebch ~~I~~~HEý 1OT-ETR L-N tSAorNSILE AWNM0WER eslt ind owatrend foems for 'oevirev fThtine ulilhe 3ran stye ing. £le *netim n EVER DE A theN kin suffere inril the5dg.~na4 N cun aseedu1 einn ae entobeiwt yppl Senti on cens in sampe fr Ru"i- Goo Prest n bcriliî tc A. M - i soicetwacuniicipalmyBudianing amA SPEC ALTY.Ayor'staesabusinessour btia pe'a-d lin encor bv giiugilotien uci ap but nyer ga anythnheIba gave e rel I~~ ~~~~~kl thsbCoui::d.iton &ô re nKt diferei nti liey racfunesoone MMuta yas, nitit vnnmd er a- canja eoh Japanese~~~~~~~~i weg paînîu Mowers 10a tlOaotle J.Om cYarry a cc m ait but qalwte aveno e l cii tô pasobsmdcn c ibyfrt~ inans. de-adie 1of the musnd Tepihr caiee atwat isi.lzISat convenieut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~vr iormio forreockc Teofiglo, .. ehaleelanndMod ir etie atsfatininev im, reitThishr eî stnoirepua3,tain it aer Tc-heu at a ndwndnt o~lo so efieinnote god colret bI ,,ii vceson, lus oain te efective E~~~etern;e ha sfteeio seow buileftl aind fwîtiie as ten ablenUnee ..ryn aBs quiaSertn tajîle sio w rg rel tive ntIî'- ny an i shar eneti gît j bbing ~ peei ltv a >. heousa wT his J I O ent rtain m nî wshaoweau'itf l affa r l.r ,jIrlthei'z.Xiw s4 tiU -. Paint~nees Ouiral and Wolte's... Ladies s~ ~ . ziaval strengtu enu nnirar n41 escureei 1 qsoll a viluatyic Cow At a ilot pn' rej E I& . LLVIJLE, ONT. iiiiiile are nbor Pr'esnb eo of Rntl.ia asud J&caa. 'B. IL~ 'Bn'tt, Icently. Easter music will bti reppateà Y, : - . .ý\VlLA'A' Â, .....u; PUI ar . ePq.r fu.~ axatl4iv.;'enthbusasic lu tioir expressions@ of Strngthens adtn lî *m 2 East King St. Tcoot. at Mothodist Churci Sunday evening. 1 AM'~."'wvf,~~ .tY I4~ 8.Bs law vrte nga. . ~ ~ 4~t$.g . .

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