whcit ile w]beved, tPe Iussians1 V A ýceordijng to a Shanghai telegranm theJ panseadvance -,gurd reports thiat the Russian defences on the Xalu are very imuchL cattcediund rm's Syrup to keep the childen us1fe from are still incomiplote, mnakitng it dli- C2iOUIý. It desolves the thiek sputuw--cnsrs the cut for any one body to help ani- throat-breaks up a cold-and vR- SCOUl,.GHS. ' ;Izp othor iii SO f 'a qlioiig tc.l lestae Cfn adutuîorc P .1P P tha therapdit~, ~ftiluJapaesu ~U I~ILAK -'t k~ ~ ~ ~ ~~cug- 'or-0 < ' saîlzrd17 aanuto 'Viiits'r;oP,1 'c u- IU IL rOUu, coih ly ii nag huatet1 don 24 guns. 0f:thu rogrsiefmr rtsly s a151 ayoeinhehoin c. Aole ctifemoegt ltcs crodyupor. tTP nsnesCue"il POJon (. Parker. 1 know a mari. who CF ESOLE E 15ASON O7 HATC ~qeîl 5,s hr il hratndlug rouols-crcasflett 15a aa qcsenob lu tat e- oXv7ust' arîn S. One le a beautiful orenan eî1shadstdniendyfr(eiseeidcte t ment by a Japau2e"mailo at eoul w-'ituhi oC f tland 551)110tire other i ue eus h arîae' rf yarotirel)tL' is car ,'l ethcesd arf _____ who survud wih Adiaita 'rogos ~Of the brooch1aj t tbes iuîhet cîry teith, giviig pro1oü dai oi.taalt fluet inuttPe attacks on Pzort Arthur. v' ~'10b ilxddrcv ccncio hafcnuptive tenden', ' s ýrs rï.choicbr0hit, Lndinî"d lie soys in effuet - hoidea o, putting the coWs coiasti- i! ocugso ;landodto f(htro.DerpieOoktfe. thie iiosee qat tPe Fotleurin thedie fte t o f crIns LEEMZ'NG, >IILE.% CO.. 1641 Notre Darne St., ieîraCanade Aet _____ ______________ -divlud oto s~ on quadons.Fourinto nu hrd, vintringail o the ___________________one__bord,________________ail___of__tirent_ cf thein are watching Pocrt Arthur, i7h7s1ctoliu te oranID UOS UED. In Pelvlhome farm, and summuer- ilte fi RBspaOrDli Ilg the oei mig cr on the hilly, outlying farmCesee dissolved in thenouith are effeciv naolu IN E _ 0 F E F ~ ~ cast, and the sixth and sus nth are M rs, faýeS Fî1rst -i-eter Appeel- eCrmls esoIltertondcugi ndirtainofteibot cusg hctween \ ladivostock and igt r rihmfrHI:words,, one -wvs to, bu n meadow tarum Atini aIes10abx LLDUGIT 0 Northern Japan. "DEAn Mus.P nsi Ihave beer and the other a Pasture farno. Atspi lý,-beý- Tlue threatened rising of the Tong-' under Boston doctors' treatinent for 2 The practical farinier kcews that liabo.ALur haks ia Northerc Corea, bas5 it iS, long tirne withlout,,a,-y relief. ýThey many details must ho figurcd out bo- ahgue(ednddidisllr ed1 dinuedgr ora, hsuite.1hvea Wittrme.h ah lte fo adèt toisiles GIieneral Kouropnatkin Hlias Selibcted tatcd, h inisteed Mn. Jo'th, Cthe Dti e haeaired Umr.can- fore thîs plan) will Ys liitse bstra- igrains; giving ecd COW SIX Ho A D 0VE 50 OIS G veraettesnwrop epr-tesoe ot gp eatpn.I~ ei , ts Itr ill dtecribu nt e plan daywit aiu.lu ofthegodmituge le Ti sy5c neagrto oyu a Strong Position. tect the British minore in that paît Pave beariag-down pains both Ùack 0fueelenent. vllduri te o larn xviiitat p he. Id net turc his aBUT il exTUE ofthe courntry. and front. My abdomen in ewoloier.ilotu lai d o un01BTI ý and I have hadl.flowing speiie for three sason beu Pas th aem crstis Pandegrassutil abot tMaY I01,pro- AB sufferers froinBad Bodsoi e A STRONGPOSITION Chemulp has bee comferiii.ateieeivesSIthSm PisREtime aadarsvhdudpenîyisihage Poidsm out; myiflashortdab 0;;t; îîShor aboutotis mure A S T O N U P O S T I O .o n e m lof h PE a s s ua c o c n m u n ic ia lt U S Â N O R P R R . y a s M n p e i e e o g e d a p erso n a l a tte n tio n d u rin g th e s e arso îtnliI m c m e levo t r n U D C L O D B T E~ thiethe first lice of defenceonu P maso tmeg fiilIt le ne t>bules d that the lRns- net -waik or Pc on my fouet for--nj hen intelligent acd lnterosteu ipet~r- f ia1ass sonur tetelIduric)t faritoPeROK L 9git', tPe Japenese, edvancu froin 1cP.cnrels hexing accusas to the lgliet sia trooPs buta uun Anturîg and length of turne.Vions ipeavlyecsr t gs onroth'crmn fte Cerea 1 ,a strong position, suiected , nival autheritlus et St. Putersburg. huinh g(about 'tell mil~e "P pee wirodTmo Jen 15 inorthe cly ndecr iefuture grow'tP of the grass. iM cessR I by un Ieuoptki nceFeg-u-11ho cl'mn je explciicud ce folletss: ci ortho nuguopisstegrnl er littie booke aoourately teibig0 h os deconorny get their fu grain ration when first Mr. David F. Mottwoeisfo and ceneqouat deecnbe my cse, seIierit Fenye-for 0ftced.bPelowcr'manaessteaPs eotced ounccdoutloftfogrecsTaseSpang VameyriOctsla 18h.vei tuine eagCbegit e elive tP RssinsRussia rucegnizes that Jopac n0w 11c sa c force, t descie my-sie,) s. wie fo yo Itecitciprido aiig oso mlfotbrttr(P 1 Pbas prependreting naval strength lu ]Y the engagement which je lookuI 2 ' avng'oer if. en oy to ae i plcce of 1suffered freinimpuebid n a lio ehold eut se lonig as pos- !tPe Per East, cîud sill attueint to er- ,for ut or near these placeýs probably ODdey St. (Rexbrtry), Boston, Mass. while thcy ae11drhieu. Wt tse utients ia the grain, thon the over 500 Poils, but anstkn IR ;i wieecouini ia Imnds lihe, i y w isic1muesTrtIsill not !ho deciive, ut nîTa foru,- 'Mrs, h-ayes' Second Letter: C011'ortable stallI-ng, " ai io ri s redsced vsony gnrrladunlv, bt DOCK BLOCD- BITTRI acetr Peinred TP paeaas -an a-soseforiteder, aytephes houh mve atgehe isenui )t. cued ndcc ecmced t oan pr tonal ,ads anitages for' defencu. ,ugn iot ilb aetePv ucr0 agroeain.1 DEIIMus. P 1 -"q me m tt' icte". it is in coýndition te I do net buhice ethe, an511ad o ruid ihbdbod Oe.KurokLi's arinoy,.accor-diag te ,;i( RýusiCa ai dvices, ls strong otoiitjît 111ýý: ISeva i rs tln hoileplti, Eed Sec cca ad \ladiseouktecmusutsvnlpIs n(ctmand mimd yvo1iiradx'ice. Voil ne- reed. cosare o gee ri sastuCoi, 1-1ur7 r, NE leds jeiaimsg Xcu-Admiî'al Malaroîî.'s Valu ccd 'TumnionRis crs. Tihesue -- ied, and 1fo î0e al yoar dirce- [r j aeJi c. Cvs j.u14, .r. Moott wrnîtes usfri62BodS, tPe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - redbtenAj c îu t oaaif psibe ad thiss i-vmn rocmet. e er r lo tiocarefuliy, and to-day lam a well rAOi Il I}L 0 X.jPsnvrytbeue c gra-in natinicNVudrat fD.3s5 advnu bing sevcreiy iaopeded by .tPe combined flets pruponderncce o% Compleý(toýd, ccd if the Japacuse soc- .-xo Ma r. tise time varying as thisesic ua bcempounded equal fer nsulk produc- 1901. Hie eays:-Soaetu go< bcd roais, shicP maeuit difficoît te e1ic-dirlToe coud in loncing tbeir oay past onue "The use cf lydia E. Piuikh m arly or late, tise cwfolloet-d Pvn tien te tihe best green grasses, such ceivcd a hetter freinyu lmey pusb fiorward tPe supplies, xvicP cru Seconi, it is foreeen that it will 1 inotof Chfecce il wouid gise thecimi Vegetable CoMpound entirely ex- 1 cod of ebeteand calves, cre takui ebu-rssht dyncdOuttsm eana cgeyureie dagdby coolies, i'oquilcg eight 1auJdpstincî.îy inspessidîslu r j pelled the tuor and streng-thened My te the outlying fari and tsîrred oser otPy. A vcm'y little shect bran or testimonial freinme,sttnthtIma days i' narch fnom Chorg-Ju te tise toefet t hie concentration,'s A diiislni oru diflicult for the ilussians teto vlile sxstomn. I eau walk miles new. te the tucant foi'ttre sornmer, He other palatable food sylhi aid mnhover 500 Poila. VsYire ad n Velu, For seventy miles the river c ooîny!trcp ie îrcconcentrate te oppose t(Peni. Tupuice '"Lydia E. PlUIkbaM'S Vege- 1jlPas lived at tire farrin duî'ing týe %-sla- in gtticg tPe cesvs te corne mb 1.the I mat aay tisat I Pave ee a P a ie~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a 50ftsmwd, detYg-fuTogbufere int rvai th5e t Ar-]en tPe Valu is melting rapidiy aud tUble Compound le worth five dol- r, gtting is ful ccd heuse remit stable ansd mako theinmore centented appecranceOof e1. sin(sIto iecus ampi Itle ie-ldua nd arr lueythur. reintsa ovt t c,iutAr-the mudd3, rocds nake promptness lars a drop. 1 advise ail wemen who (frue, nnd iccioentally kuepiîmg inor- tend thev wil like you botter hy giv- of your BURDOCK BODBTES Ianho, w ccelte ussnd arp- wPicP is cIna'tisol ternaltsicluet-, i iitary operations îmeet difficuit. are afficted witi tumors or female ence on buildings id for-ce. Hi work ing (hein (Pose litc'lc knickkiacrs. I tbaîik God (bat I PavPagodeit siheet ers ccc Parass the Jepenese ad- .-ii fayid egvtfihu through the summer censists 1in cen- Kiad truatmreat of the cow, duning cl ee iefrIwa ra uFnr varicePeienlust'k 1cicgn iisTSrA".L RM. trrmlt." - (Siguefi) Mie. E. F. HAYFs, i ing fer the cewn, milkicg hein, do>- sens of tise year adds very mluch I wi3h 1.B.B, a worifscea Pc TPe Russiens Pae ntrennhed thema- ts ag apns iu u P ee Nevwspapers state (thatthe Rus- . hdlySt. (liuxbury), Boston, Mass.liverino- milk te a nearby cruamcriry, t0lier milk production, more soe ar urindsrvs o, diq;siamg sulPaovth(murais se- $5000 f foriqnml ofe bous f stzri prouil Pmsleateg r, disabllng cerney icaf, ïtaiCJaîscauos shaeordercu CiiOC the 0f emfeOfscanno bproduced returning skimnsilk ad fceding iîte oqucîity tîsa qugntîty.Eosaetaidrgstoreae. suiesisaviy ea Hi-Cocgteships, and tisrediiciag the Japanl- the Chinuse treops et Liae-yamsg Oie calvs osacd Pogs. lHe aise lits My former trectirent of COWS dur- Tilu T. MILUENu C.LIn biocir the pregruse of t1, Japanuese lan ose effective. Accordlcg te the Rossi - gsimd frian ibat riulphhehcnhend bue stansp-nth çia vasgrounfi for amui anees upec (ho fherasdiing tue spnicg nmentiss was cerne- Tonne-o, OIIT. cease t 1(h iey accee.fi je lf.lada ttoantcaicuilions, the Baîtio fleet msmy ed svltbtise Russ,,ian mark. Tise -c onf drt eptewa ifrn hndsrbdao Ised 0 tse i-Tug olf Is ilnTe annhiaicon lu such..an unes ual baeso' gakd ra wl cave nl reductinîn of twe ccd aiaîf sull 'rit esfderekcpie xhtlenttha dscibdaee.__________________ combat, but 11. sxill Pave sunveid a!tPaes furcru r'vl umillions. icews up to thcirfloew of muclk frocs I did cet dupenf se miuch on silge s iohi cd f t e bl t clplu a i Pe 'alie0f oP augutiiintr-tise tirne pcsture begins (m feu l is thme jPneWecompl0e ucett RUSSIA'S NAVAL PLAN, -1ihevaleef itodagh ceOnarbrIgands.onieledte'tunjut t n' jvalabl en ifit s ale o cippe aicio sa $1 ,265,700, a decrocsceof Icatter part of tise sumosmue outil tlmcy grass soorcer in lise sprng.s1 T'ise Russi,arm naval plan for retî'iev- sufficient nucober of Japanoese shipe JAPAISESI,,SPIES. S 232.rtr eiee is 1pecho im tT nppucîtselîd Iswd - DmneBund HmsO1 lng tise reverses et Port Arthuradt rte rutce Admnirai Tei o's naval Atsnehtr(u.oao ine T1P -CL- xodtuei feu- e.i bommueîceyafu ckmgtsesl aenided',iIfoee.-e .Thrrd A d.,., ttutheLo'dniTies.eTheFedoulieteldtur in islirh fo mhrieiaacy aier aal. the.fl strengtP bubow (Pet of Admirel Mak- front Cisfoe say s tîsat thse Russas 1ji l w us $527,944, and tPe revenu1elTise prepriotor furaisises surit anc! cge cern off tPe land, ccd rueuclly Py t~Y fewbief crI.capijured twoe Japacese sple cI 578,63,5. fertihizer for tise purpese. On tisejApî'il 1-10 it hadlmcdoe ufficient Tise feregoicg informaction is net New-Chwang lest Tuesday. They Isuiis lelaîfsal y;ounr$1.,- landi wiich rio corn tire previeus ignesvh te give the cows c good food. - - part of crrect specuictive reO"rt, bcd plaise of the new fortifications. 826,646 wnrth of isP predessc year, (ho tenant eprecui icei ettle ntisrepsune for but cemres (nom -crediteble oISelai t oeii ortrc. iamr smcl r he aifilean a few heurs uach dc' svhen oteat hon sources ce heicg tihe dtenisined Rus- DOMEINION PARLIAIENT. C1IER1SE COOLING STATION. sows it te ente. île runsoves loesu ami ground otore f'avorabhe. Ia bcd sia ln tns n tc Pla. I-. Mn.131m ske wbt vaslim (t sone cd socs it dlowa. -wethcr and oiustise greand wcs otut I I tP Pcv rosvic on te piec he mre siage.,Tsis lisksil e cet,..s the'I tI« Synosiscf rocedige l th ilcxpimdtur liscnnmoclom oIh ITise tenant is given thse cropaccd,(Puy owere keptin fathe stable ccd led ,nîtmw "iTJA'S ABVANCE TO THE VALU. IICse o uns ts-cccuc oligrnsat W id stockcîl tPe yecrnbtheped ,,d ho r e spaoe. i e ct a dufic',aîticat Inî>rLmutioii Pas !pun receivefi et BTE N HEE tcOtunpfte March , 1904. (u to P ic.TItsmaoïort keUU Clîi le t il u~ e tors ctoef tPe sptay d Mewis ertn raed-s 1mla. uil, ce j cad eri sme osv pl c mie. le ae rs h m dsv o f gcxi c tPoclu aJ tettrojîsar laif tîat Peqnmmml f uts' ustoIïvosf>rron-el fPu fu fsorage rntPe witecît, oni ouPer (lu cssIsc'pll5.IPanl a - - '101 cijse sie f tserivr ue buinfuc198- 1,53,87 9,d 3,,ti porsude. fte rocede cf tise numil ne (ho in tPesalo;(i fci sbttrýs sPeSeom-cc elsnotofsereiso- 1900.25,20,188 ..189,4330 AIiLE ONSasBARthceameryf aacr onuf lacntseron is f or lpaus stts xr îe v( ~ioler i l e,,mi , 5 eei, eriam teugraph, on svisPbsysis101 1635,2u.9c9,,97 N.noats,!ecwo'Is wehuaveate fsePs abripecie.B rtcnugsuioixî h-io idraecpc vceiscni O l e-,l i th 1usin ot, e9te u hc Olo2 i On. uwiisvj eiocurSt. tc.n aditincaabe fh elpn tts ed ecrifou (i eid i- iii.oc .1X edigitfeneci of he r!cedsof he il in ho Wrhe tabe;t i 1 dfol i bote 1899 ........... 2o,13uectn»A 8fans;,"l)utorien eaylanscurusent tiofthesyrhash 'Irproeelandsbtfthe ebyrStatuew Nh hi-rk L VOI MmfhL-,Scolcefispit fteKk- ý0 PL S OTissyc1BOrîr D0jof.l cllciiol oeta ~~ p~uanic toe cake aon fut eut on tPe102---------5216,33528 ....95,2371 ntar.aminiccd lIfntcalm, cccl in- tts ai1ie Pepastewau eenee fol e' svncdahl îiln - OCeacoîamcoot. îe etpoade oe yrtai(n te kep eui s- d n- LIVERithattishadivtheck eoadondebli Teaam'tits bttemad19(11 23rprirt i ,I-.fojPia(ohvrkaglmc Ps mnle- onid i o cer hn etre ce somose ~~STRPATI8I1. defence. ONTARIO te'sinteree t vhis utenifici the ie t as ethoî'e rly îmaturago tostaetiseExmnto mmdeo(hEnpr Russ-in forc on th loftbatik f the espeplaceyof tises esilage.n; crsedTirrent.' 2 0CFEXOi fscth( aceosW11 lPravyTaxes. oi acit dogoflt cneauriall doti sincu. For Ovyser S1lx(yYer slo te Po.t1.cys tha O.omeilit rocsl soag dOucteveyar, asCnaiR octs bi te ncmbr o o s-stiseTpe thepnihetîiofte r ins fa ndPc ec. imssiud osuoecgfu Pas ase' tect0i urdhc ah Setdcesday noceivef toto olficer s aunilopatcftseP:-eio oaie-SaxThoersye lrotcdon it orl iginctr eftie ida, oughte snefr bouc thef by ntloîashof tisuerefr(uHhuolnea 'aso b 98__................si209for2e on tise wft htPe h tahas vo3frcm ment stuouu.oIcnsmentsllagetbno i S cmc5meoco-coiitv mii'300,000Wma.kuand Ssv(zrlnd.hi Njesv eu- 81 eisoms ec u5plye 51n(he1 - cifng; le trcc;$1ex Ctyafripoo pn ctvrP sgI ubfe gtandd ron cf yoardasuo tise afire. ftseîncP e efveseneseusac mlaoPoî.Qluilaie fciese fuiiu (ieyoeMpanchteroîl trank;('bus'etsa- fa(mn e iir oreaeiturueit omocPsh et rus y ieL lifsicigeifcy n xbiu .pd fts s iTsef optP rpl o f (Pt ee ick pal draft........ 4?, ',eCe s4d e 1ga40feeczi $0 invadditien t oh is a tise tortohar e ala wth parti 0 Cttiisg T Iueti fenti pur er's slv. Tseumsdtse tg t L-0 s sacvo sret C s onJe, cd aif: iiDon et b 1 00..e ......22 ,63t rs anisto1ra s; P et ran ytt Oierna-vtlsO - sytrc evrela ou cildime Pessrn cnîu mplxe 1,53 enn.. casl..e..g. rekd$aamlec- ire ro kseparctey at a livingx- t onc Se acf gt bte 0f "Lrge. csis potaettiseexmntc mo F. 'Ouie-isPen usoryld hicg themes dilcutrc 1T90'- .are..at.p..e10,t93 72...l..bs5e500fitenigfor, feubl (rk Caenaaes pnseed tth ane rtore,Btepln he Iie seasoisîîmg ifSyrup" ferc- Oersî fx'irvusatytbu val-02 712t in. 00 mils 15prouleot e am regîia iprdcivoee duon t slies Puei eeSTadEa0F SiEGEiN OA iiiiihoeTherogulatesntPehaveîîîcchiccdd ussranwGs aisorexpoxttdWinlcold I, palierscesunt hat Coca le fce of 76 dace0f ecirea unnaily. l only $ipur mle le otained t presbCAREf0rDAIRVullD.ratveos, um'en ithe Cole, sefens tie ProclmatioI Pt eihm'fgicte i'i unat Ksunoeeatignoce2 (h 37o Fulk-rlypatua I rciisv~~~~ONAyR.IO le eGmSLatec PlbuREuimg(i era oc.I pcsemof "e Sil. Wnbs otsc azsI(omr's Th: oGuiiat Ilri lfhib îitî if r ~ i Ch ce ). Thîm re r a a az f Pc Seti Ala ti tveîs 51 0,00 au 5 000(0 5511 cets ha e uo poprl cfe fr ye p" fo cile n uuandg le pia-inuc te9o0si3ladrs (Pre t Mal________S___thzaMr Peon-hi a-ý m Ad ss' ït tPe caus pcing Pe anT. rng(i profM(rougWisotse otrîfnBesyre amufisr toan reanisof. bec a sî lou s mcdol(licunief once1u4ch dly(egelSiid of -yauer oTisehharder yoccoungtmftrse woes i peescit Gong P1Gahî 1 icse(sttPold Pir, iî'tcaf imeuxc)îfoa "o' t ! thee cnlugis gls ï r rt t u r_ f iIl s oýsi l a si-.,,t.. i.- c,,iu-î cc n aeacn mf omenc, i magî~eo ini t t i T c p n t hoii. POPU LATn hI 0F THE . d siýt 0" 2 a c n enlia r, Il sel>' oppî ils b III iutisd. i 1Y up te 51,00, ho Ilig,, yung n] ýumarniefu mua 1î ib houlf aldLbua wla a cupanale 1S t 1Tisega in e uel i se spîn LageIn cey wiltoras Jisîs i~ mueeo' rari-tee of intereeccccrissistserePe mlfau (hokimlos palatadle Bsticrce Coitoi trefstart t theefound the o lfe ndheath1Asis yor I tink o-tohsldr isud tlous obtsmen t alnaen te two a es A festpais fomulig eth salava.cTh i.1 ib ON .CCAp blAIR r.g-t our fi fot caiufA.G.Mcey aterfiurngpet tiilr hae Tuhlegiy20 ieulf bllti, lsci gses(h u-je P'Lo od nuum>iiamel akvîetmleiordr. onsipaioncannt eistif ourbowis reareeasoeeflui Pesea(x (an if Pe on-jonceîreandcf (o uemae fo CetreUniof tets, s 7,90,38. 'lsi A oshoert ourt s f eeha'sPus aiireonpuà yu igiePoîcisldr.Br. -i a nrus f ,0,84scc P I tdos L , iî m . lie n2caional on e inviiii keep e il0U 80.pes r, "Iohasl ivor i e village on r Ne. lar ger etu nsamnendasul e acunso ' ot g S rtl"frL ,I utoff1wbisefi o sai7-yauJPIPave ived l aidt on padlngtise,41tupîun et$700 af et Pe osunctu chosepoPultionslaeOiedmmmgis 72igih DEM l~~~Thi cdea', (sil dticts.RIdkand b50sfornantsoueholdýi oers. tisen chi cItie waifllours-Nus io,, o!ho4Ihe g-t e1ratio cf-,51,000 forf pasu Loul!i wipe eutitises$300 thlto-aVork, 8,716,139;tOCisicyginu1,873,880ieyou y110 money back. civ 1 1 1f frtmBabase."teckmbon1 tas (etIiiofscodt$700tforsof eoad s oufgur," opubaref Me. Mceyo , b h o ifehia, 1,367,716; t.Loui iii lcd cfceci-ne, fmstlm e 'tion21i w al rgist Ne arleogn m'ahld cou menentis end aosî r, oadlef ,tiser600Pieslano c., OF SOccc S fet on a lie a ,e il cf eit InLzrol o1beaew75castlo (et e, vl-thNOEXMPT 1ýle iON ew. poseido (htl'iiso 04>0ts ak etttr,5 3 Ceo Wedneda (om2 m1lgi Cuî'drcebetiet(Preexmpton,000,b 5,00,otsio i iaf 44,30 Cîs17,-i 32,3c s esLL r-o Crruc--'h mperace St. Bow a Paf houane coumpilat unfem'tProcldotese6exempions le epîy onîy h 345 0413'Doteoit5 ilotauilecaf Troot, Cati.dLhloy, N. 111 îr c igbtimc, (1 toEusisil o or te t i d uprost he1902thorand iai4ntain t th o n (rt t0f $700, den ie uggutfte a ru-th _______________o___________ Iflamaio, nd A dsptc fei are~x- to ( (ut isusislfr5 Xivoleane Pae 305 patef tiser ia sn i th Yal tRier. m eicine idT e rsave dne thisand4 F git C n - b"I esclt of t t Pe Imr, on. gua- y a o a dl ldir ed gv8 IIs inl w Ib bidinth rve t osn iànveses pritig ea heFak-rilliag (o (cx lubonig umua titcis drn t*frigiot. I PAitnha fCý HNYANDE, ) lDS Wstart ow an d Tei.rtreatBEaeCH andS IlnsioccaeSouthiAylantlaremle s svP,0 0 a e $20 $00 Srpcfre lde tehi a pf ndc tePoihIc w ats î' telfeiti te flo ai ollege cf, ,illllcortahnve benefitoetoyacrrearforblatdegrthe.t-s$900nciyethr caf-puyeuneithinfpronc- Ë 1t cO etal ,01(n raleoni nasoc osi tafl7therri teon'. tIotsal EvBae ofthe fishes n 1902 - erBACsWELOR MUilTbeAl9 1e O. bemmd taksed naiel andYtheT !etS i near h1'i AI, Srd Everywnd hon o - aada 21,959Ç,46, iamerins $25-otseryoa~ftellots Jscy- nothing?" moe: rig ass dîioa et eae hscin ndrus(I eot .A.l(-C rtheîT iUnited- E bxStatesnt..-"I tser l asy-25ec -cfentsin àaSVeSianin bxe sM R pst12 oils. Tliasna low d he ivr ort wa d. The 7 1,1 3 he :ýe r reiols. Th hert spet n he ec ni aliie of drin onth s stenre uirng ext a otle. Sod y al rug iss la a St te ie t e e Ij w m a ý _jl a f u n d a s p e n d d d f o n i v e o s t B r t i s h C o l m b i s a l o n a t h 411 11 0 t t o n e y G e n e a l G i b o n ' s A s s s s » I f e d t o s u p o r t a n dx .ai t2 3ct h