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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1904, p. 4

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mis iliq expe rîéee r ~tba cheap wheel costs more in the eii 'h'n a good one? vear -well and ' ý';f ervice must be buit riglit, and of the1 miaterial, The' right~ 5,MASSEY-H-ARRIS CÙSHION FRAME BICYCLE Is manufactured of tested steel by automatie nmach- îutý.- The new-1-y-gien Cushie- Frame i-s the- 1atýt thiivg ini bicycldoh-It niakes ail roadýý ,snothirôad s. , Write f or-the Silver Ribbo-n booklet~ THE Canada Cycle & Motor Co,, LIN iTED Htead office end Factory. ..........D...... M EADQUARTERS9 FOR AU70TMOSlLES.r Ou r Witchera W-1 J =*y, - -5-~ SI[t Heals Rough Skin, prevents an[I heals 4c haps and leaves the skin sof t and healthy. 4I~ It 7ioes Not Cost you any more ta 4l~ nanyof the inferior preparations offered for 4~sale and besides we refunci your money if you are not perfectly satisfled. P CE25c. per bottie. McD)ermid E Drggstand Optician, howmanville. Big2o TheLeading Wal Bg2 Paper Store. ~eiceWeLead 111 the 4î Beauseour assortment of patterns offers, you a týPInd dicornreiée and isfeverything--degsÙs abl inthelatest shades and designs that are, fashionable 4îbcas te aeattraetive The many ýexclusive designs that we display are ùsýc )I desirable. We want you to sec thern and W111 ie pIeaseèdte show you the sanmples on Stock. We aise ~have Sanitary papers for kitehiens and bathroems These Papers are al earrîed iu Stock and can be delivered at once. We have no commen papers but geod I papers CHEAP. John Vie bas a sevene attack of ecttia..,~ohnVaNet had a wood bee Fiday . ..Jebn Scott bas returnod, frein winterlng lu Tenant ... . Flintoif Bre, Tuntnare completiug Mn.J euh- Vi'ee'7s stable,... .B G. Stevens le build- in l argon peddling wag-,on...,Thos WoatllikO bas purchased a new Saw,-ver & MahBsqe'Tracýtion Englune.-1 Wrn Taylor and J.ý G. Langmaid haqve eacb a new uculbator. ..,. D.Arnot hb moved te Hampton to resideý witihbis brotherf'j J e se- - Reeint visitors: Mnls. E. G, j 1'aseoo afid miss Eva a t Haydou; Master Frank Vice, Kdoa ~îe Mn. T. U. Haucoek, Pickeing ; Xsten Gordon Reynolds at Mariposa. .,.Wm,. Werry's horse, wortl $175, stakod urneI -weko ago, ie dead. TRE WËATHgR IN APRIL. - --'-----*---.. -' -~ * WAQ1T flrinwc - Charged againat lands.......... 1975 Notes redeemed ............. 2 7 4 000 m tereSt ...................... 51425 Graham c& Finkle's Morgage... 2 250 Public Scboo..........484a 00 H igh SCbool .............. 229.50 Ceuunty Rate.........1321r 55 Debentures and Coýupo, ns . 620ox 0 L>cal Improvement Db . 2207 45 Public Preet uidn ct. 7357 83 Graharn &Fike pca., 919 19 Founidry. pca........4ci Balance General Acct ......132 53 Balance Founidry, special.,:à. 2 I $66094 26 A. BARBiER Adtr W. W. TÂMBLvm uN tr Bowmraîlville, Feb. 10, 1904. ASI-TS AND- LIAPIL-ITIES Balance in Bank...... H av tick-ets in Cleï ks bauds.. Unpaid taxes 1903...... Preiurii-n on Samre...... Arrezrs of rent....... Wýjater Rates arrears ........ Elec 'Ligbt, Station ...... Fouiàdry roui.............. C. helhder, cost of by.law_. Debentures, aunsol d,...... 132 531 20001 1821 8 ý 35 ;90 384 28 141 Oc :T88 83 6j6 '4 5 5000 0" 416, 51 134.2 Il Note Discounted.......3100 0o Debenture No 7. .. ....228 22 Loan, Grabami & inkie ....... 713,89 Balance on Town Hall-....9000 00 $13042 Il I LOCAL 1MParovEr1T DErENTURES. Series N'Jo. i . 1....... -... ..18629 84 seriea No 2 .. ..... 9664 19 $28293 03, SPECIAL STATEMENT. 2Cosolidate(l Debentures ...... igan & Piano Co Debentures Rubber Ca, Fine Engine o Foundry- Building bhem'cal Englue. ]7ownHall Local Improvement rowu H all contrants, etc. 56456 45 3479 13 466â 52 2454 32 4657 i47 1550 (o 5Q0 00 28293 0-3 g000 Oc Roi m Hek pedet waterasNote Discounted ............ 31O001 fcilows . prom Apnil 15t1 ta lte 171b itTal.........18532 wili bticopie verv wanux and decided stonuns of nain, bail and thunder will AssETs. Occur Pollawiug these5 disturbances Treasurier's Palance......... 131 , loc fo br~b, wntnwothe unliClerk's Balance-............4' 8 lte 22 with the pnompise of flunii-axs........195 weýatbar and goad roads for the Foot etaras........342 3alil Conceýrt ta ho held in the Towui3;I2 Hall, BowInanville,' Apnil 22nd. Follow '.iWter rates........ ......14100 jing i irosts will be goneral aven the Cemeîtery C--ollectable......25O 0 cetrl udnothrusetins LieDring Moxtgage.............70-o25 Snow equails ueed upien n.OeCha-rged against lands......19")75 of lte iosi decýided aud violent stôri Debeutures unsold......5000 01 periods exteud8 froni the 26th ta the Nt-as-Lailt-....- 1369 2b.Very general aid severe stonipe are3 more than probable. Thie ,on)th NOTE-lu lte above Statemnent theo wili go oui wtth eolýd wiuds and frosty Foundry machiuery and also the E, ai)- niigbîts. o rator are ormtted as tho.-y are Liabliities eood.and ibat tbe thialik.s ofthe PuleSchool Board ho teudereod ta Mr. MeGli for bis iohtfulu ess pdliber- eralitv' on behail f ai te Lbye and girls uow atterding the schottl ci bis native town and ltai% a cpy of Ltie reaclution be forwaniIel te Mn.cGili, signed by the5 Choli' baand 4 eteary' and the sel, oftL-Board attaclied. Eggs bave suddenly dropped to about one-baîf etoformer quotations The outlook for Canadian butter in 1Great Britain is net off the brightest. Recent account sales ef Canadian ba con in England have been very un1-saîisfactory Holders aay it is very difflcult to seil Qats. Prices axe said to be stil1 about 2c above the export basis An Eastern fariner says he looksu1pon the cheese industry of Can)ada as the beat invcstm-ent for farinera for years to corne. Advic front the country report Pros- pects goÔd tfor the uew hay crop which has winitered well, and. ail ativicýes so far speak very favourable cf the outlook. There çan be ne doubt that shippers of Canad$au bacon bave mnet witb bcavy loss- es, owing to the proportionately higber prîces they have had te pay for hoga, than -thcy -bave rccei'ved-for threir-sh-iptuents of bacon on ý'he other aide. It la now adrnitted that there la 100 much heid creamnery butter for the requiremeuts of thetrale, anîd as the season la nowv pretty far advaniced ho'ders are maklng concessions in orderi to wý,ork this class of gooda off as qui ckly as possible Peeiing the great t of a market for Our prodilcia, we went to the UJnited States bat in band and asked. a recnewal of the treaty on what wIe considered fair terins; ternis were imposed that we could not accept: we have been able by cur awu efforts to -brin.- ab )ut what we so ch' deaired, a great expansion of our trade and an. abundant prosperi ty. The expott apple trade draw ing ta i.ts close on a duli and deciining mnarket Ïi England, which should cauise no surprise the chief wondcer beinz that the m-narket on the othéer aide bas held up as well as ià bas, considering the inunence quantifies of Cantadianii and American fruit that have been flunig on the British mnarkets during the paat seaaon. Aecount sales received by last Eng-lisb mail were rather disa&,p. pintirig. The cheese market is very quiet on, spot, and the windup of the season is dis- :ouraging for holders on bath aidies of the At1aniïtic, bu,,t il is to bc hoped. that the new make w'ili open iow eu-ough ta enable1 shippers ta ecopsore ot the basses if tlot ail that tbey auistained on the old makes Two consecutive yeara selIdom urui out alîke, lots of money being made luniug the season n receding the one ,new lrawig Io a close. eeer Q:> -£1 - 0 Sintue e d YuH yeAý;y o h 4JE4, MIJSLN'S-Fancy flg'Ured Mujislins, plain black MusIins- or open vrî blaick Musfinjs in new designs plain white 'lawns, India liriens, Persian lawns and oro'andie Mluslins, black and white mu-slins in flnest woVen cltsat bowest prices,4. 'OI ~'IGGNH5Sîe 2c and 15e per yard to 25eVlec0.ec o$25,Acrigt ie Tapestry Table Covers Big Vle 0.ec o$.0 codn o If you buy your Dress'Hee ou Get Prestley's, None Better. John McMuty C Mur tI HAMPTON. Mr .los. Clatworthv returned froni 'Englind Monday mornung brlnginz withl hlmI 3 ý oung ,Eniglishmen, one a carpenter and two farm bauds. IMr. Battes stopped off ta visit friends at jPeterboro and Lakeield.. .. Miss Daisy IGay bas recovere I from ber rosent illness. .'.* E L C E , annuai eleetion cf offleers Pridav evtjning next nt 7.I30 tto be fll;vd-by-a publiecm-etiDg at 8 ü'ieiovk to be addrtessed býv Rev. J R., Butler, Blaekstock...Mr11,Gordon Bunit is 2ettinz the bouse re-madeledI rea0y fur bis parents who are expected ta inove borc about the eL d of the of Asthma Mrs. A. A. Vanbuskirk, RcbLason treet, Moncton, N,B., statles:, 'IFl'o r years I have used Dr.l Chase's Syrup cf Lirseed and Tur- pentu.e for my children whenever they take cola. I used 1* first wfth a sovere form .of Aâthma. Wa bave nover tried anythlng in the wm.y cf a cough medicin. that worked se Wdtisfactorilv. It seenied to g o right to the dlseased parts and brought! speedy reli»ef," OR. CHASEgS coyRpup LUNISEED ANI VTfor Ilîtate of John Kelý,th QsIliraitii, Bar. rister qton oïieitsir, oie. Ofice. 0 -a' Stck K~g street, Bcwma,,ilile. 1 oie, 77 York Sreet, Toronto, J. COLVILLE, M. D.0. . O FFICF.-Siver Street, Biwmnat ville;ý Telephone 22. Nigbi celle auewered frooeD,~Daris' -lenec-,- foech Avosu Telephone,,9q. The Jiarmony Maie Quartette. F.H.-FROST, A. E McLAUGHJJN, H.- J. KNIGIIT, W. J. S. RICHARD. For ail information regardine Torms, Program, etc., alddrebo F. iH. FROST, 1. Aý,, 1anagor, 45C, mos BOw mRUnvilie, Ont îJno. Gilbert g&So:ný Wholesale and Rletail Dealers i Grain, Seeds, Fleur anrd Ceai FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarlin, Patent and Strong Bakers Fleur, at speeli pices. ne have'all sizes and k1ids, of thie very best ceai that is brought into Ca-nadai, at iglit prices. ALSOC IRCAL !Icnsabottle, fanily s. iîhr.e timaff a We soleit y our patronagefr 6ub 0 cents. et &Il deaiers, 'orEmae, any ef the above. &ae Ce,, Tereonte.1 Te prteoyen againsu1 miniîlne the por- tmt ndtijmure ofDr. A. W. Chtse, Ibt uieelht qsk amuiàor «.f eybowle 1 Jno. Gilbert & son, ' liagïst. Wes5t, owm anyvi11 -e iand weýessary farm buildings with s tont and ceilar uniderneath barn full ize.C of larw u, wered by two wells au runnînlig eîream, ConIveulýent to Dar Station CG T. R., post oifle aud 80106 se8siou! iinediateIy ar as inay be zigree Véry favora.ble terme wil[be gven, A] JaseWfr~ir4' re-,assWT.I 29 Vaoa.Ieyý el T,,ro,4o uo jAmes. wusvlr-r g h» tg flouse le stauble )rehurd A1. fos. ,d upos. 'ppli' to oM. A, P. Trebilcock., Very Special value fil Stationery: Fine Note Paper 10c. per quaire, Envelopes 5e. per buneh. Linien Note, 15c, and 20ec, whlte and tinted. Boxes of paper and Eeope, 1 0e, 15c, 20c. and p.Telatest-Hemistitch, Pads. Try the Irýsh L 1en have al1fuil lino. Books-The latest Cations, I iveyou tany oc regular 75c. bocks for 25c, and 'A ful lUe cf 10 cent, Pol books. Nice assortment orF I Gecodep, sultabie for presents, a]i on !,and. FuIl preparatien made for Wali Paper trade. r P.TE&CC -~ .1 ~ I wayie Kib ý7, ý,7 -Bo*û,N JÎL 4 P-13, 1904.j WT3 FINANCS ~The followîng iïpformation is takerï frorn the reportt of the Town Audjtors 'présented to 'th'e council at its March meeting and reported to the meeting Monday 1night by the 'jnanial Comi imittee.; t is pL1bihed in codne w ih. the btatutes'and. for th1e inf-)tr.ation of ratepayers-. Hlis Wlor-slhîi the Jaj6r and Corpora- *tioni ofaith~eTown of Bowmfan,,iller î M Counl asesbed *GENTLEMEN:- , We the undersigned Auditors desire to report that w- have examîined the books of your Clerk and Treasurer 'înd aiso tlwse of the ether officers of the Cortpora. ticu and find ail in accordance, wîth the 4rýariOUs statements herCewithl presented 'lhrouiglha çlerical érrox on tbl t ajýtof, the Clerk ini enteri ng on bis Bank clepoýit slip noney te the. credit of Public Pro- perty wiNhich slhould bavç,goni, tr the Ce1ntery accounit, nur, repoý f h1 Qçer'ètery and Public Property receipts doca nent sh e I actua ahi~oiunt received from those sources The correct arnotnft received are as in our statemnent of'caùb rectived by the <Jlerk. , .We would re. specifully direct >oùr' àttcrîtion to Our 'Special Cemctrt ttport.,:f The Collecores Roll for IQ03 waS,:care- sf~f hecked zaýd fôotnd to be correct ~?eeepleasèd to fi4ý it in the hand of your Trt.asurer at this darly date. he Bonds of the varionsâ officers' were exarnined and found to becorrect. In this cnnnection however - we think that of yor lris defectivt) inasmiich-ai 1no- provision is mlade frrapon'et We woul4jurtlier directour attention,. to thie wpècil . ttiixn6nt of Assets and Li a5ies %which . 5how aYNet.Cash LizJ4 bhity viUtýgzo _ to Ail Of which is respectfulyýsubmitted. A. BB*" ui Aud' or s 'W. W TéAs4BLvNj Bowninille, Feb 15, 1904. RECEIMS ND DISBURSEMENTS. rECEIPrTS !Balan.ce from 1902...... .......; 627 16 Pu~blic Property....... -........ 59160 Fire and ýv& aer .........339 42_ Ceinetery ' .....491 3ý Ssundries . . . . 86-3 70 NoÜtes .'- 25500 00 Lieenses.........36v00c lnterest.... 32 85 C;ràhaini & Finklie Môrtgà.ge Acc )38 89 Fihes and Fees . .. j' . i6 o5 Arrears of Taxes'ï goï ..'. .147- do do 90........5 28 -Property Tax 1902 ,............1970 87 Pog Tax 1902..................... 28 00 Statute Labor î1902................ 13 00 Public School Legis, Ci-anït.--343 00 15ub Property Building Acct.., 5000 co DonaionJ H. McGiiI.....500 00 Dog Tax 1903............... .... .128 00 Statute Labor 1903................ 28 Oo Property Tax I903.............. 27344 72 Graham & Finkie Spec. Acct. ..826 6- Di S~U$66094 S26 Public-prpety--.-...... -9556 'Poor Relief ..........46é7 police.-.............25 3 Printfing............... -93 Fire an'd Watcr..... ........2 3 73 88 Cemnetery.... ............... 552881 Salaries'................1 900 which âre provrpvkfor otlier than from the Town TJreasprv.w ;ý SrxC IAr. CFETIERY Vv0T Reccelpts..............*r.ý 631 Macle up as fc-Iliws '-: r Sa'e cf Pl'is ý d rsidts, ý1.5..'.. 'IO Dig-ging graves,, Tesidents......îo oo Ycu wii lserve 'that a largo ,portion of the above irîcomý-is derived froin the' sale of* plots, whicb fa coinstanfly ljnfpair. ing the Cemetery Assets 1This miglit be sýuggestivc of a ikn udtbcse for the furtihér purchase of land sed neceSsary. inn ai ye T(reappeare to be ne incomne trom Parties h have or may wish to con- Iribute for speciai or permanent care of graves or plots and we would recommiend that sorme definite systemt be aclopted- so 'that any persan uî>on the payment of a certain sum t'e money,could be assured of annual or permanen~t care cf plots or graves W. A. McKianu, Chief, Fruit ivision of Departinent cet Agriculture, Otwa, wlSbé tii tappoint relia bieCocr- rempondettts te 'report on frait prospects' in ibhis împortànt aplple gre'wing district. i'eterboro Suzar Co !m neC' ready to contract with ail1 farmeta in Wegt Du~r- baïu t-egrowg aucar beets fer the eiigar faCtuty in that cfty. Represontatives wil bc here SaturdaN-this week-at 2 P. M. t9 diszttes the mzattes' with thre tarmers., Corne, farnièrs, te heaz thoe discussion. T he proposai ta fan, a' joint stock eompany te buy the str. Argvile is meet. iug with cônelderable 'favor and ïs1 likely ita brarîaccompt)iiihe(i Thot.*The -prive la 885 kWO Thtis boat les sid tol ilav. 4Ceýd for hles' owters. over s'Mo~,0 emcb year since elie was put on the $Nrth.Sb ore route :Some Bewmm villei inen baveê sigaified i;lîuxgn"s8 to: talte boxue stock. . ' ' Coniidecrg the number of lbigh-eiasg entertainw~ents we have had since the new 0per& House wa8 opoued the oe given udý3r the direction of Miss injg last week was a prououneed suc.cess 'The weather was beas']'lso verý siorlny thàt isiders ûould net cipMe and a<mverai inten.ded eom iug.Weceall attenition te the matter here simpiv ta give eredji ta aur citizsns for appreci&. tion shawn under unifaveorable, candi. tions of a reaily bigh cIaos inusic&l and fiterary eltranet V, e W e r e persoualiy pleased Le seeû such hearty iresponse, zoo. becaise NMiss, Ring ba's been ver ' yldnd in assisting at the series Of Openjing concert@s and 'on severai other pregrains. Shke is tôzbe mâost hoa rtlv cougratulated ou ber first' efforts f0 fui nîsb a real geod entortain. ment. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. At the Apîl nmeeting 0f the Publie Sehool Board V r. M A. James handed over the donatioin :sent hlm last Monxh for the boys anid girls of the tawn sebools when this reeclution was un- amiLausiy adopted: Meved hy Dr A. Beltib and seconded by Mr. John MeMfurtry and Rjeeolv,ý Thuithe check for onue buudred dolla;rsl Felit by Jàs, H. MeIGlîl, E'q , of Wash-' lngian, D ' C., as a Gxiit ta iePubýlic, Seheol 10 bu dividéd equally, betweeli the 'BOVM 'aud (jirl , and nnnD . ,, -l -r ~Bovs' eIothing ..,.Like oU& Men's G1othini-uthe Boy's - , Clothing, we put on our, tables fro season to season is the best that money can buxy, l3oy's Clothigmaeup oui ~ of good honest wearing- cloths of the newest designs in Twveeds and Worsteds Special Valuie an liedsewed aud trimmired in a way outh uitsthat will stand the biard usage that boy's Sizes 33 to 35 give t the1r garmenits. This Sprîig the range is Jarger and more varied than tP5.O to~P 1.00 ever and the mother will be Proud o -1her 1,-o-y if he wears one üf the new 8tyle suit s howîi ait this store., B3oys' 2 Piece Suits, sizes 23 to 'Boys' 3 piece Suits, Sizes 28 to 28, price $2.Oto $400. 33, pr;ie Ù-$ 5 to $700 BROWNJESUITSzs 22e to Navy Serze Blouse Su ts, sailor- collar 95c. Broken size BQys'2 ad, 26, ric .,$2.00 tQ $4.50. 3 pieesuits at Redneed prices. 'l'bis Is The Little Man's Store. __ HBoys' Footwear; Boys' Dress Shirts and Knock about Shirts'; Boys' Rats and Caps;- Boys' Hoisery; Boys' Neckwear; Boys' Braces; Boys' SCoIlars. (Ever-ytbing is here just lke his Father Wears for the Little Man) SSpecial Vaine $1 .00 Lace - utis Fanoy 511k Stripe Neck Ribbolls 9c yd Ilere is a eha.nee to buy g îod necIk 3~ d. long very neat desigu, taped ribbons at greatly reduceed prices.The ail around, the top ie neatly tinished off ribbons are 2ý in wide and corne in pale bne, pink, Nile green, turquoise, ex blood and with holes ready for the hooks tei go in. grey ehadle stripe wftli white etripe between. 2Oth century qarments Fit. Sale 'One Week. iedf Whin W'i~srp ibn.O Another new range of Meroerizdwit uast loth to show ,%ýâI The first lot went in a hurry, the patterns Were good and the prices low which n-ieans quick selling. Our uew arrivais eonsist of pliain mat- tings, plain vestings, fancy plain white flgured vestin2's and blatck ana Swhite mattings and vestiac-s The cloths arc finished fl.ue,,the designs are te newest and the prices are right an~d would advise early shopping to gtbest s'elections. Prices 25c to 60c. per yard --New Dress Skirts--New Muslins-New Whiteweaù. 1 -i 1 c b - ' , 1 1 1 1 . 1 1

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