Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1904, p. 5

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S'The, Slght TFhe Features- The roccket-book. We, de rio guùès5work, we make ~aofalurs~If Spectacles will nt benefit you we tell you se, after iakiug & careful examaination for ,which we charge you nothing If > ou require, Spectacles wei ý«ppIy themi at the loirest possible prive au4.you are a' liberty ait any -iime We return them and get back 'y.ur money if yon are flot satitied 'iIth the resu]tts. You run no risk-Neither do we, for we have been examring àight anld doing expert Opti1esi work 8o rnany years that we can tell the oxact glass requîred te igive yon cemfort and satisfaction. Sttt&Juy The Druggists and Opticians, A 13lood- Builder and Nerve Tonie 0f More Than Ordinary Menît. Thi.ý ie what we offer our aewstmers with oui personal guar- antee. We have soli Dr. Dean'si Bloed and Nerve J3uilder for years and hwidreds of people have pronwoned It the best rçmedy on the mark~et for people who are run djw-n in health. Pale dlelicate ginls, (Jareworn- Overworked motthers and fistess overgrown boys ahl find renewed .energy andi health. in this pleasant sud re-markably efficient remedy. The success whieh has followed Its use is such tbat we, offer tq sel yon five boxes for $1.00. - Use t.hrce *,of the boxes and bring back the; two -ndi we. wJuI Pa, rn ~eaeh foithem if Yoti SA-y yia are net sa.tisfied with the results of the three bcixes take.. Try ii at our expense. Sitot & Jury, The Dirugglats andi Opticians. a Hamitea Lady thagnk Dr. hpItsk.,w fbr Paie RaiIevr'd sud Mesltzh -ma. importamt part of their OrgaaLsM thâ kidn1ey ! are, how nes.sary that thes.t littie filters a.ad purifiera of lte blood b.' kept active and hea1thy, fhey would ,auffer fewer pains and aches" Dr Pitchier's Backache Kidney Table,-, mre .apeciaily &,dapted remedy' for te kijduey 4lmeiIts ci 'wcm~e£L They cureba. jWche, eak et aoeê back, peua ï5t Joixe, or 5w4 the biaddczr, s9oelUng cd -the f eet and. legs, nufau Vner th. lire. E. Beryman, vitose picture sr. jpe2rs abov-e, a-ad vite residlea at 129%~ Ëay Street Northt, Hamilton, Ont, .axpressed hier thanksfor lte benefits de -rivedl fmom Dr. Pitcher's Backacite Nid-. 'ney TabIets, lu lte foloving terme.- "<For aome lime I vas greatiy trgubled ~with headaches, ao bad titat oftl n t he ) momunrga 1 cojuld harly raise my heai -froml lte pillicw. 1 alecso fee a gocil 'deal from backache, and aI limes. loc 'dizzyv spais. 1 had oniy used- hall ;, box 'ef Dr. Pilcher's Baokache !Kýidney Tab- 1~e-bcfoe Ifounid temhelpiu, meo. in ail 1 Jive takea three boxe.aq end 1 -leed splendid. The Tabicta art cerainly ,a good remiedy.(; L-- 1 Dr,. Pitcher's Bckarhe hKidney 'kabletsi are 50c. a I1cttle, or 3 for $1.25, at a&U .r4gaao byaL The Dr. Z4m 'i Grand trunk RailWav Svstem. It&ILWÂY !TIM TABLE.1 ÉOv>tANIqvLs ST,ÂTI0N. ...... . m.tEx.asi. Iupes..1018w ILocal-...75 Mld . 3 S p*rn. ,Fzsseige1i42 P.. u, Loal.... 6 19pni Xxe.... 7 41 Tüeate httrtMptpoints soid In seeÈi wili speciai h lIiatrâtei announeed Ir ahr ,omt ivil not lie honored on trains Nos. 1 tr BOWMANVILLEI A133 190O. 'Stren.- achool !shoos aI Foley's.. lear lup your back ) erds nov. BHtve yen paid yeur subseription? Lay plans for lsking in Teronto April Msr~ Wm Jening va nluCelborne reenlly. Mr. James RIr hartde, Pickerig, vas i ovn Thursday. Dr. Robcesün, Clborne, viesil frioin4a here rece.uly. Mna. WM :' Edgor recentiy visîted~ f 4eDds iu Fort liiope. Rev. RSeaborn. Daveuport, alsiteil frienda bore tat week. Dr. J. Mcentgnery and son, Os4hawa, gavo us a frlextdIv eaUl ast voekt. 1Senxd it e es, friends, vitils. itlml fres., Ws den't watt tal. neye. Hlgzh School Enîrance EIzarahations 1 ill ho hold on Juot 8, 2S and 20t), 1MNies . Jý eenb '!roxsto £peut SU-ndp.y at br cousi's, Nîayor ames. -Re'v. J - Findlater vasaI NtBrooklin SEastor mon4aey locturine onu1 'Indîa." New subcribeseW, ýTuit'SrIATFSMAN continue to'comin u-165c ta Dec. 81, Have vo a Bah Reoom inxour home? If nt why not put in a Vàpar Bath ? Mv,'.V. IL Butr-heson, Torontoe sut Sunday vitit hie istor Mrs,.AASt,tn. Ikrs. Dolmaiz Toronto Junction, vil- cd ier parents Mr, aud Mns. W. Wrightt r' W, Giddy and 11. Trawîn, Port Hlope. spent (God Frlday vitit' fiends herû. Mr .E. McWàin and mio e MWa,în spont Easter' week wiit trienils iu Tor- ento. Special Sale ef Ladies Ready te vear Skirts ftion ee eok. Seri TheoMason C&a advt.. Mr. Chas, E. Mundy et "'Tite Reform-ý er",O,)shawa, gave us a tnlendiy eaul Wedneoday, Mies Alberta L Hancock, loachor, spent the Eastcr holldaye aI hon home lu Newtonvilllo. -T-ho Vaponr at'.s are-o nt oxly for Rheueâatisni but. fer aIlcomplainte. Gel oeeon tfroc trial. Miss Mabel iL Richard k3peut Easler with M. andi Mns, L. H. Marlyn, 800 -borne -Ave., bondon. 1Thte recilas and sonZs et J. WVillams MaRcv vene side-pltting-Montreai Star -Hear hM, FrUlav Aprîl 22. The Steamer NotrlhKlng has been ortenasively ropairepd. Site ias Ive now dock ftrames and muchis ew joinor work. Mn. Richard Moere, BrookîliU, vas pnssonted wti) ebeautlful cane b-v the, Methodisl engrcgshio n n ecoguilion cf ili aithfaI servies. H Ion James Sutherland has offerod ton acres te Woodsîock tonra park. An excllnt ppnluit, xiste lun Bow- Foler's for fatsi boots. Sethe Wir~ea(te at Mur~doch s (,et yWir chiren's ahecsoé t1FoleY's. Hunbugo 10c.. per' b. sae0ay at seeeo 4111 Fonce at *1ardoh'e beoeobuyl g. Fitrmers, attenld Suzar Beot. meeting here this weeoi.' Toronto exursion April 22. Loeset r~uei a.tes Den't M15s the miacy cceWet on April ,22ud-wît wisdom and atos. Hïome-inade HUM Bu g s aturday only - 10e pet' lb. at'Tod's, Sýe.M uxdoch it Lis 8 -quarters, eue deeor West oufïliain(t Crrîage slop. Hlear Macy, Nov York s lainos hum- oriet anid singeýr iBowmranvle Apr 22. Now is lbe tinte te buy vcur 1Ncw Suit or rain coat,. The Mason Ce. hbave lte best mako. See lte testmonials A. M. Rem~schel frois people in Port Hope &bout 'Vapor April 22 Bowieanville te Toronto and rellIrfi$1 80. 1410 trainp stops hore 11.20 P.. m Nr. Win, Wai'd, Utica, has been a>- 1poine anding waier et Wh.tbf. (ha John Sa4eroi Tyrone,' spont Sundaywtkhbey- &unt. Mrs. Joh~n Brock. Mr, John aazlott,Kingetou, etigineelr, and âon Mh. John W, 1HaletI., pureor cf t.e "Argvlê" vere in tevu Siturday. PIsitivýeIy the'Veper BatI s will cente yeur riteumaticin, Geonee on irtot.rial au& te conrqisd. "Mfr. Macy le ulwa yas ure of a ro7al welcome "-Bopston Traveller. Opor.a liue, Bowmanville, Frlday Apil 22 A.n elogau! toek, ülcfVoiiies, 4repu ud0 chenes and ladies' Puitiargs ofF 'Il kiu5l just openied nt Coucit. Johnstoin & Çr.y- dormv.I's. The Vapor B3ath viii cure youir etom. &eh trouble Se A. M- ËRêùache1 et Balmoral houres to 9 a nm 12 t'2 p. in. and 6 te 8 P, . . Misses Myvrtie andl A'Edre MrRey- noltis and Miss Ida Wilkins visltod Mrs, Wnl, Trick anid Mns. Blake Wilklns ln Oshawa laet week. Change oi Office. Alter te 201h my office wiii be lu the Town Hall Bufild- ing. _Harry Camn General Insurance AgenI. Also Agent fer Laka Ontario NFa,ýÎgation Ce. Juet received freni John Crossley& Sons. several bales ef Tapegtry, Brussels and Axhinsmter Carpete et Coucit, John- SIen & Cryderman.'s General Insuramice Agonet' Beat ef Stock and Mutual CQey.-Tariff and Non-Tarif. Real Estato bougitt and Sold, Lake Ontario Navigation Ce. Agener Office Phono No. 50,- Resid- once Phono No. 102. HAÂRR'r A514. S ltarrv Canu, General Insurance Agent, Fire, Lite, Accident, Plate Glatis, and Sem Bolier Inirance. Office Phono No.' 50, Resldence Phone No, 102.- Net1ak--ur fda ut husheilucd Used evaryday bv oerybedy. Can't yo en. sot lem. Others do and Make fortunes. StitI roem Write aIonce le G. Marshall & Ce. London, Ont. Toronto Excursion April 22 Trickets are goed le roturu on trais leaving Toronto à p. m or 10 p. m. 1 Rov. John Abraham, M.A, pester of St Androw's church, Whilby. has bad lte degre3e of Doctar et Divinity confer- red on hlm. a i ~e e manyjisu a,, a .nuu.a. Mn F. W., ilowlaud, manager et lte1 Standard Bach, BrightoD, jiçssul uunderw«su an operallon fer appenditls ln Toronte general ho5pital. Mr. Macy kept his audieene l a rear' -tit hie cemîc rocitals. itoies andl pan-1 tommi-Ne? York imie, UseH r hlmj iu lte Opera Hou6es, Fiday Apnil e2. Unlil H. C. Tait disposes of hie houses and lot and business ho wlll be founil et te eid stand, tuýning out fint-leeos Photos- Cail oaly. 164w. lire. J.- L BIk) e vas presented - itit an aàddees by tue mombene etfte'Pros-1 h3 Ioien Woman's Misiouery Society - et Or(ono, previous te iter deparlure forr Calgary, N. W. T. A nov and citoice ot010 Ladies' Spring [Coats and an elegamil lot of Capes for Middle aged anud elderiy ladies aI Coucit, Jonuneon & Crydennzau's, Another familiar tace vil! be seenk no mnoeoour6urîeats. Mr. John Boniatit- au, Sentht Wand. died Wedlneeday after short ilîness. He hed 1,'ed bore man, y sars and vas Muet noesiected. A Rochester despateilt ee ek cou- tained te sad nows ef the dealh of Mnr. Berniie Jowell, et thel cily. The atonre- said vas ltee Gungcst of lhne6 orsensoe MIn W m. J8vell, frmerl y in1the grocerv business in Bowrnanvila and Oshawa- Mrt. Geo. C. Haines, owing le cor- linuud il! heslth, tas Gocidod te dispose of iis business et once and le atdvertis- iug te Carriaze Works, Planing Mili. and stock fon sale at a greal bargain, te etteet a stpeedy sale. Th'e preperty1 and businessbas becu piaced viitt Mr.. B R. Loscombe, berrîster, for ,doiosai. Titis Is a capital chance for a pracîleal mnan as il has practicsllh s meuopely et Ibe traie heras. Mn l1ain.es has been e.oùnfned le bei. for sevoral days again The Metodist Mission Band heid an At Hoo eaI ltheparsonago, Wednesday aflerneoon- Mies M. E. Joniess, second' vice Presidont, occupiod 1the chair. A pogram vas rendered ceuitiug o! suging by Misses4 Kathleen Kuighl, Era MNereow andi Crne Painton; and and roadinge by' Misses Ethel Tabb and Floronco Morris. iYisa A. Wilson, Neveastie3. gave an inleresting tailk ou.Missieus. 1Ref reshiyients were eerved and a social heur spent, Preceetus 8540. 1The annual meeting of Bomsnvilel IFoot-bali Club beld Wednosdiay oveniug was iargely mtlouded. The foýlowing offleers wono eiected :Hn Presideuts ý -Mr. 1). B. Simpson, K. C., Mn. Gee. N ý. Graam- President-Rev. H. Miunro, B. A.; ltI'Vice Pes.-Herbert Mc- Cready; 2nd V ice Prs.- Normian blatie; Serear- Fred C. Vanistorme; Treasure-Artitur W. Morris; MNana- ger-Wm. Inch ; Captain-Dr. J. C Devitt; Press Correspondeult-Fred R. Ecley; IManîagemn1tCo iteC.W Simon, A Baher. Geo. W. S. Jms Ground Cn.- Chas lladdv, Chas. LaPlante, Ilembe(rt Fe-ü n Rv.H MuNliro was eiected rpcettiet te meeing oftlite MdadLau IAssoiation At Peterbomo; Dr. Deelt,'ý alternalivo. Practice will cominmenceýý 1îîexl veoit and te 3team 'lvii esoo.ti ' 1e roady le Meet ail conier.'ý fon ba tiing piposs, iýlt8 .cper- W use t han a vater bath. Thon Yen have Il as a prevonlativo of! ;i elukitesu. Sec them aI Balmoral or Mn. Remechel vili call ai youn home. Miss Mille, B.A., Modern Language teachor of Oshbawa Hîgit Seltool, haviug accepled a sixullar position lu Port Hoe, 'was prseted vith aa djresandl a pean! sunhurst beoro leaving Oshawa. Anionug te succefl Ugraduates et Queeu's Medical College1 K ingston, apeas ite name et R A, Lee, Pont Hope ilenew entIlleil te write alter hle name M, D, C. M. Drt Los's manv tfriende in Bowman-Viiio aud West Dur- ham juin in congratltiîons. - Your drese goeds are charmiug iand s0 reasonabie lit pnice" v6eslte vends used by a lady un McMurtry's store lthe otitor day. iMcV'nrtny'si drese geede dept. la gýrowing Pniestley 's' dress 4reods are sold at McMantry's. Thoy noever lose tiem colon -sud are always te u'vest lu desigmis. You gel value tor every dollar ý ou spendin lu Murtr.y's Clothing DepI. Baincoate sud SprnxngTep Ceates$7.00 10 813.50. Su1ils 85.00 te 816-00O. Pauls si oo pir le 85.00 Mou's Ovonalis Soc pr up. Every garment &old les guananei to give salistaction. i you have lever, dqait here vo wouild hike fon ý un le cali and Cbk vor eur-t'n-tck.h, wi cosl Soeu nothing sund might savo yen ,TrnitvyCiturci. Sunay aApnil 171h, mornuug Il a W_ Subjoct. l'Our IMlâcrh- ing Ondons;"' SIUnday Sceel, 2 20 p.'M; [At thoeovenung servies aI 7 p mn. by requ st ofthlie monîberm, the pester wili arain premet. on Thte .ivinfe Prineiple fl n(epeizden(ey, villi ilS bearing5 on iîurc Uiziore.7' A heaXly invitation !0 extenis 1 le all. net atteuding othen, s'ervices in tewn. Miss bulîreli' our accoxnplished musuc leacher, vas te accomupanist aI Mr. VW. F. Pickard's Musicale aI Oshawa. T[he, efrrsavs . Miss Eva Luitreil vwas deserviug oeth11e many comp1imenfis givon Ifor ber very efficient verk a. lte piano. Site has Dot only a vell devel- oped technique. but has ie iturai gift et muisiceal intuition, 50 eseentiai te lte art o et copan'rung.' The Vindic-ator, says. Miss Lultreil presided aI lite pianuo anýd hoInoratmeut ofet edrsubject was delicions, svmpathetic and appropriate. lier skil.ful leucb broatitos inte lite per fermer a itelpfulnc.-ss viticitmke difficullies disappear The Foot Bal! Club are particulanly forlunate ini sccuring Mn. .J Wîiiliams MacyV New York's favorite hutineisî and Btt Basse ,ýfortheirconcert fin Fnidy eveniue Apnil 22, Mr. Macy gafve a n en'týrta ient here titres î cars ageo and veyne it hrd lm s 11e is it 8 netainer tht tevePp- pear' rciiithc nÎiTovwn '1h1 IMr. Mavbsgi 'Ven 8)Ii; ranmn in N overkc', 80iin B1reekîvu, 75 in1 speakslmô,r5e for is abity 'a ai enn ter-- ltainer than n p9ýo -a6n ire oies 1 ici,-ts 25 35c Jlhia1 epens aI HELRTtrwrs--lr shawwa, APril 311i bYr Rev. Robt. Baud. ,John litle Psud Aunu!,t abei Towers, 1101h Qof 0oawa. Oosw'-GEsNEY-fl w TVoflkCitý un Tue,,daty, April 5th, I1904. by ýe I. Geo 8'. Oitver. Dr. Jogeu1 Dayton Condit iS ew York, sýo[t of th1e iste Uev. B. Condit, DX.4 of Terre Haute. Indtaatu I<ate 4ylett, jevtl, aughter ofth11e fiýte Major Jorbe Wmin.(* Pisey., Port Hope, of ITt 5Ft'e5b tghrwo5orest- ere. stct' of41t'. A.J. Keelan ,BowImarn. ville. S~osLy,-MaÂiuy--thtetChUrCi 0f As- cension. Fort Foerry, Marcei81st, by Bey G. Al. Sentt,, Ml. Jantes HtEbi. orcn ePterbore goriner-Iy bowman.Dville, n'd Ntisb LtaBlack- stock eldesi dau'glter of Nir, J. We. Mcharry, BoNTHS-flBowmanvl'ýlle, April 6db, John 5îammomf-In OLbawa, APril 2nd, Minard Simmonso, aged I87 yeas KELLOW,-In Oahawa, April Ath, Maryr' Je Jones, wte of Joh-lin Koetvo, in ber 38tut rear. W ui-In Osýhmwa, Apriiind, S EOïth, fourth daugbrer«0fMr. W,- H. W ifg aged 25ý y cars. HÂýrLLIDAY--At otHpArltMr Jane. t'aiict of thet late Jame's'H idage G'Ast-At Port Ho,-!,Aprîl 74t11 Wm. Gams In ilita 711h year. OoLLCOTT'-InBrock, MaircutF1, , r. jas, M. Coliacoet. aged 95 years. ltOLDEtNESS-At te AIb0,ionH l.Jri Street, Tor»oto April 7111, John H(i~n.5,I WirLLiA,rsol-IQ artwrîght, Aril 6, Thosn. D. WillLtmson, aged si yeara'. hilIgour, Metbcdteit Mitisterl In bis 73rd year. I1lL WAIýTED-44 once. Apply %ante. Luttrll'g Confecýtior.ery Store, How:i TACH7 WtýNED--Fr Shoo t o Austin J,. i eraayTesrr Fortescue! P.O. 1 l ELP WANTED-Capable voman -A..ur girl wanted to asiRt ln generaI bonse- work oa î a farmi near Bowvmàtville. (Cood M IAN WANTED]-Fo En0,rat farm .Ywork-maried or single.Hos on f,ýrm. App]Y to GEORON P. iHicrARD, Bowmanvile, or aSÂEiA OffiQe. 1-f L7RSIE-Bav carnagge mare in ApplyIQ D YC)ýNG'15-aw. H OUSE TO -RlENT-Ï-Roug'h -C a s t .kLwelingQuen Strueet coitinior 8' moorne, bard and 8oft wster, good stable. ?, acre of land onlch are ali kindis of frit trees. For, terms apply triROnyT. TRELE'VAN, BOWrnan- ville. 14tf. OROW SUGAR BEETS cd( to attend a public mneetin lun trie C ýouiieil lloGM. Bowmanvïl)e, on SATURDAY, APRIL i6th, tatives of Peterboro Sug-ar Çoxppanyv wibe pr'eseIt 10 diý-Cwss the grlowing. of uga b(eets fer tfie Peterboro factor1v. Ai considerableaage is wanted iu iDatiluglton, Ciarife and Cartwrig.t - Coeierty tca te speechtes. se, wVT Poultwy suppilieA New rubbers at oil prîLes at Fçliey s. ApxiI 22 povular spig a(,-arioni te Torouto4 . . Liwnbugs. 10c. per 1lb. Satrdy Trv a loat o home, ade bre4 ut Luttrell!e. Spring excursion te -,oronto April 22 Dont forget date. T. H. Knight vents your butter aiin- eggs. Best Prcem paid. 'Mac, la 6eveh showFvsiider one tent' Rear Iilm hee April 22 119ne-made Ç1u rBugs Saturdjay eiily -L loc per 1lb. 'at Tna's - Leave Yotir orders fo b i'd andl Garden Seeds with Murdoch's. Ful lne off aIlltolatest Hate in stift and fIoralaI 1M, Mayer's. Call and boar F. C, Petiick's new $20 Edison Phoxiegraphi. It's a dandy. -o lteé novCap@, Ties,Collars3,Éhirts, Hala, braces, andl Hats' aI M. ~M8yer's. Give hlm a tiaL M. Maver #s jat openoil eut à fuil uine ef Englisit anid Ameriean Maus, Cail and see tbem. Mon's IBats, the latese Enelish and Amerlca~n Styles Opeuei out to-dy. at Çouch. Johnpten & Çydezmn's Nov ite tmeto ioave your order for yeur Spring Suit at <,ouh,Johnston & Cryiueri'o. -The ver lateat lu Woêdlig station. ory and WoddlnZ cake bozes &t Tum 8TÂTeUSHAI office. Lales' Bain preof caIthe finest stock over eh(bo'WA ntowq'n t Coucit, Johnston & C'4riu~ Turout.> Excursion Alrlî 22., NigitI train leaving Torontoé 10p. m. stops at Oshawa andl BowmanviILè. Lance Qurtains, hundreds cf pirs. In the neweml deuigus, lmjm .ted ;m t Couch1 Johntou & Crydermap& We vill give ouy .womeau. a yearli subscripthinto the Meuseeer ori Woman's' Homo <ompanlon vwhe vill oblain a new Pubseriber te Ta-, STATES- Ai7 et $1. General Insuranice Agoncy, Roa! Estale haniloi. MoLey te Loan. Office In New Townkill!. Phono 'No. 50, REeSidEnCO NO, -102. BAIIRUY CANi. Nelwithatanding t h e dvance i n 1collons, yeiu can buy your white cottonsq, Shlrting, Çottonadoe 'ând flannelottes at olil price4 aI CoucIi, Johnstou TU CURE A COIM N oNku DAY Take, Laxative Bron7o Quzna Tabl 4.1Ai drimsts refund t noney iit faim1% tu re. E rova'o 3s atm i Ison escut box. 25c. STE- t7 » a rltng ton, Apri 6tb, t1D Mr. end lire.~~~~ J.8.SGvnaSn- stiIl bom».ý £uvDxsxÂ~-J iMpt0ü. April stb, 1 ,r aind Mis. W. J. rreuaB'alys du ter. SOTII-ln Orono, Aprîl1,3t, 10 Mr. at7i MnM Gao, Smih, Pa soit. WîLeÀaîsXn OhiRwa, March 2811, tc 1e ia 0f W. WliImaof a danguter. Mas-îThonton's corters, Whitbýy, April 4tb. the wife R'd. Mnlmîe, 0, a 1son. cOOED-In Oshawa Apt'ii ihthh 1e wlfe of E. J. Ooedy, Ofa s.01 BEaNt-In Darlington A pril ,-t. 1the wile û? Jea. Herring, of a daiigh4er MANN-in il stWbît!bY Aprll 711, tbe wilfe 0,f Wm Manin, of a danghýer. Husiliave-n Oba-ttApril 71, ttwïife, of TIws. Humputîcys, of a4~g1r TA,.qroN--bt O!ý1aaa, A.ýII1 511, 111 wifeo f .J.Taion, of a daxthteî NErW~1 REXALL HOLDDYL.S Silkz, J ato or Mhxe4 i os in one bath 'fhey ar teIaMest 914k(rprov $ 'Desithe wrd - Try a packa. W OOD SALE-1I &acre., more y Yvle3get of mledwood. Apfpiy gote MiC'H. PgE]Iourn )ai Iice's Hardware Store, owt- ; HE~EP $STRA'Y-Strayed freinlot s'ýcon. 8, Darlington, about DeInbe2r --1ýt, three P1beep. Informdat]-) i eadin1g to ttelr Tw- vû0very -.Nil] si aulby rMC4e,~LE K-j eu uLLouG f, ]ExrieJ4, .14tfL ""(-)P.SALE-Ilouse, bamin. hible and .A13 acres of land one mile from omnvue OpPle trees in bearing also pear trees, Good Sodcba ovay emei piyonitliel premises tO Wre. GIST, BOWm-anViile. 1-w V'uOUNG MAN WANI ED- Younfi -1. mani of gentlemyanly 4ipearance as tr'ave 15 Me to 10Ceci de rtaeenfor Agard's Inter- nItionlai Directorien of Trades and Hotelii. Regeences and guarainee required. Addrese statiflg age, and vm<wm as to ternis. AU &RD& on. bLtd',Ib New ,îL..BiringitamniSlind. Dievfon admestoet son. Aie thePhtgr l'eaintas and Stock. Particularâ at T,& iA s pfioro GÀLA1Y'pRý. . lk14tr. EASTEllR MEATSl" i* Cýa kelrý& Tait hv ieSeleetioun Eàster Meas, lanis, En~gish 1$xea4fas ' j. B~acon," Cboked -Hlams' Eng1iaih Bologna Sausage,' etec. * Our lams are sugar cured, inely -fl,%vored-...ure * specîally for our trade. just he kinil to teunpt yen. 'Ryogiar filooking fo)r te best, Ibave us your next ord or.+ * aug.o, Lpmonu, Prime, ÂOp1o.a Mal& a~ al Fiitiin "Woucrn < Cawker &Tait. fi 60 OWMAN VILLE. NEW! ~Tf~TYT AT Mason & So n"s DrasGo4sin ail the latest wývs W~~L~ Xatoia1sof ail descriptions. Di~e~s ~ neu~est novelties. Coi'etBthe largest stock and greateýst variety of styles :5hown u iy 91ei BowmaInviile. 801le agenlts for, the Celebrated' B, & J. bials filled corses. IreW Waslsh Goodso of every kind. Ne ff Prints, Shirtings, Gottons, t3ottonade3a, Tabla linens, Towels and Towellings, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons,. etc., ali at old r. Ge~.'B ùi~nahigs Né* Ties, Collars, Shirts, Hiaif Ilse, UndrW-ear~, 113W. Ready4-o-wéar Clothing, Smiocks, Oyerallu, etc. Specia Carpets Special A!grand assortment OfWo, Union, and l-lemp (Jarpets; also Linoleums, 1 yar4I 2' yards, and 4 d 41 yard wide. Floor Odloth-s, 1 yard, 11 yards, Il yards ana 2 -ya.dswidl w. Neit Door to Standard B ýnk, ~wmauri1Ixï 1.2 V VA J UJBLILL~ ULWV W Re-ML, 1* (MDMEDALIST of TInity Un. y- ~ vtiTomoate; Fouir yearà,Attedir phf naaâd sUrgeeeaM I. Uruitil iSplta,. OAeznd Rasetnco tout Door te Exý-MaY1D Miteheî',IlcElgin St.TiehnaN.L)a .1P 100l Qbe .. -.$8 0tc$2 70 e ~ AFiàn, b~ 0O(Ôt11 95 S0<) ; 00 90 :: ud !ife .....:(: 1) ) i100) 0 Goose . O... 00 05 BAEI.UT, ebush, No. 1 ..040 0 00 '0 i2 .0 40 0 42 te 1,3.0 00" 088 et Two roel0 00 0 40 0,&",,white ........ ý0 0"031 Ryz, te.......000'.()50 BUOKWURAM I . ........0W l0 45 PEs, Blackeye, f bueko Q"000 le0 00 Canuadian Beautîes 0O0OOt' O 60 Mummey Il 0 00 il 000 0 Smalî te 0 60"ý0 60 if Blue '!§ .0 00"il0 60 CrovBrt SJJRI'....... 65)" 600ô TimoTinySBÈD >........ 0 00" 000 BUi"Ru, beat table, f lb., 0 16 0 17 V"a, fdoz-.......... 000 0 la8 Per,&ToÏu4 Vbuah .......000"o040 RAT. » ton ...... 750f'800 tea market. Sold onily in sealed lead packets--lack, Mixed, andl Greee (for Japa- lea users'), 2,5c., 30c- >40c-, 5oc., 60C. or 80C. Fer It1 FOR~ SALE 1W qiL LEADING GROCERS -IZL 1 .L i- j , 1 u . 1 f & ks Fi on

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