A Scrious Sîriko Thareig "a strike env' frein 'hsa-d te fpot n issu tise Kidugys stop wiirkîmîg îîreiŽnrly. IDuil headaciuuza, tiredness, dizzines-, puiiaess under the eyes, bad skiuî, foui sho:uach, ne apputite, sharp pains in lise buseis, Sii'OiiOfl feeî-uli due ho Kidney Trouble. h înay be weuztkneas, or Ihe beginning cf a seruaus disease. Ldt it L~ DAJG~J i:i~Lieys mate min sMc. ~N P~L Cure Sdk RiPv~ye. They c -de ~t ev~ry ti ~ie, Th~y neya w~U-~:vi keep them auyth~n3 wro x~ witli tht P~'Ij~ n'~ cr Lau ta rr1ie~ ~ Lau~'e. \Ve h2 GIN PT~I~3 Ut ~t wt tthor to rcfu:id th~ ut 'y if Ut ~ bo'r, 6 boxes f~- $2,50, or t. :e t fo~u TH~ BOLE DRUC CO., Warf1ar again.s t the ns Be WagedU noieai i o*i Life-Ls gir-y XErtered aéconluug te Ac t ofthe l'anr- I Wrona d rn' nfs1on nl liamnt ou Canada, in thse year Ore g nibig otse a Thouiaand Nir o HunAdti nd F.r iitsL,' ~rI. h is iufiuiitciy by Y VîI. Ilait, ,ce ont-e, uItisha 1btU-ti and saut-rte atompt te recuit- ]Department o cutrOttawa t '. elle and arteatouor- lvi wit ÎSMFodaceWordtmn iL lA te't e e- 11e. 'rak lu it Thîngeprechtiatiu concepti li o ts. Ani e, w- C tise n-l-hr, for isuyPsau cci ýýý1ntiwttîtie tougi ti',e Ced la duaiiag w itei gtusbu- it that tri nple, Tileia danreouss ii is' uar, tît E iert-thue> vw oe harts arecgin- kstws ata neas hi\A andti nu sho fLe uîîý c- Wilh.tisis ts tOrprehalioîao.tisote er. euhunhis oelinioa anti utinatc ofthei ~diffliulttes ila the way sem al- )th1ura by ehrîitubut Goti nevur ms amr'utbe ney ft lor tiselattr cnditîoi utftise huart ti uelsteituutscul ioti et irîfnilely motre cuncein te HuaîeSin t h, ieeen uan Cisn Iso eccacloîal Qutwiard cpu- i aitti lacîsc i nehaiuewbeprc miolitiselifu ut tfiMat wniii la wi4i- o eut Gd 1 - thu h luart - For tMis reasea, JuW usM hlo -, wwviiatiras wunnt," TU43 LAST I 10TTIM. eoucti ii',isrihesanad PharluruWe lcnouW tish ht niCi- purfao- - ani caliet i thuti iriteti sepulcisers. (loti cuteLr aotna n îd thiaS - OatwrdlySu-thu yuset aeatheyila ls loiitis, vigduiro-tisel f1i wer lnunuiyruiglusanti revcuo ultWdi luinOint uPi' srs encu otiS laithully îasuriag ise rt1s ati"cr- Word tahsu iaeuwil i taunlus. ari carufully iuldi,; obe-1 bst-ea-t e ln htb îgt encute hu thr et t >Khul (cecut a1MdUlw tssl ifretet XVW it cutditon ntilikei ltrul) et;tie aes ninlur ai ddepramity (f ccp maýti îîlatuer, wllilu the fasîe iras iru. Anti uvivi gtisiswui belloto -fuiil-tif-ci-s ,naess. Wben Jesus =caietisot minJeus osioof-bn pure Hui), breulIt îmonîîface lu farce w-th liahUart 1-1-eaSPuku uf kt CedititiiupuS- eiu-r cal s Imm es uelnt'S nt,?i sisble Lu aman. nauz cevic-et bydeclarittg ati how-if Lue raid tBeso-iai-e tise purelit îag linttise ofi utlt lie-t - o0tuat "tiere nast tb u ccliomoa'g sace rai nt tuurututrile isat ie> . Antiif theto , i'thuce irise atrterr ra nt Oi h' iu luLiii uar, isae uthi-i liey ac lan liu, ~ ie ris xx-t nîgrywiîs h 'uiaiîgai i ,rifyitig, but tisey lus t-oisuu. Tse atuleru- tis nt hai' uitimate a Lsy ,ahigier atid (atcfisefleîtbut Lie!rtt Cii vc xaulte gcýel rlearlfixcîlla in iI. lekoi îpa wcanete maý 't ý' tiLe h-t at pmini- i hatn:-mauaa h -s.frb udlî -r ohd fetait i r e trucftiu al iii osoîl s-ful luit' ndlur iishral ndyiiliaiemîit utiiulu' 1cl tisat lii . a-. TstiefwtruSOily , ue'a-tor u1i o' uii aise tuektisat xrSicihoiti ean1 saîctutcau grw wnrytak-ig tise j crde, nîu-e rck nti turniaig ott tiseycilw stoaniof pliru gelId ? Neye 'rat ls eactl i at thuy hax hou estiiied A for. At JeausChrit isa corusrie speris daýjIlyani hurlybrig itte im i for lttstng h b tis prvilee oit TOW '4 O UI4OIL. Omotiin, cOuri M -eUn antiihEý M~yur 'rre ppMrttd ý ste deprr i Îd t O 1e0 fsa. n raîlwfY matters oe lyr idc ,ned t) e hoi of the. d t*îA, n-d'n tauin l'e wî att- ["'reti te, pp i-t a m- ra une p e- on thu fohi-inLYdua suent Y-'a,,heea Lu trel-,i r, COHm' n-; Neyý: O mina c f Cîsmons and M ,te, teR&S. Cota. acre atordte p adsse tnew w'rgg an OUo. orieh înovtd, secrded by POqp. Min i , Tisai Ibtis <Juurc i con- lires the ac'tieon ,f 1ise Ceuncit ef 190.3, at s k,ýiii'u i2 t u the 17 h (if()," la',W oe in savd Cîn ici, passel a ~sieln -'lt, ra;ie intaau arenent îh thet DouIýnl aGeetê. tenons m, rct ai aer drain on').tho WCeit aideocf Tun peaer-ce sareufre î rite!éüP 'et (Otui buildiusr, row enier erseoF ce'îatrac- tIon ,a-d ali'nw¶ang uhu se'er draia from rte Town i I-ni ;ding, tu c y nec, 1berewitb. _A'q I '- h' s tpp'ying -,of, va er fu-r thePra Ofic' bhu [ding at aa] anval charge of $ID 00 for a t-erm of 20 veïra fEn ns t -e da-e ofetaald aÉree- be ýU uenzed to lge .ssd agr'mea m'ad t-,e0asaLef tia cou)p Aalp~tc the 10',e. CARZTW1 rGIIU&e c lU IIIL. Eaular oeain!t Cuýmcou; meun- bers ah preno. >é!noi e ýft a-r eet- raclves u tti 'ia:Frio aRiae anti Deri o tîushiutOmhn-rt e- with filutreof theweasaay bealthi. ,file oo ne raanitheclose relut. tien of lte general hyialealthste thse bsalýth -ef tise delicate weinan1jy or- ganîsil, until atrbeing cureti cf wom- aniy diie--ses by the use ef Dn. Pierce' a Favorite Pecito they eini the celer retunning t,")te ccheek andtheUicflesli te lte bhody. FaPivorite Prescription" eý' etabiies regul'arity, ieies wCoIreninirdras, heals inflammation and -ulceration anicures f àmaie weaknessc. hstd-gai twgsc voilibu tWeil.onth anýt ii,,tepitr efhealhe or metiines wÈive corkte. mo fovrtody I ameSa. De r.t yleî's ye ons 'reitno.'elt r lady's laxative.. Nothing equ2ls theai for'gentiexiessanad thonouglincas. ýeruzoù, ,Ju .JWb tr un, Alînan tir#àasA auuBeacockir, Rbt O . - a n. G'b'en, Levi iB-t t Tàotaàsa MKe'O u 0,-mk ji Mr. elon Mzïr- 1--v P, bisas e.- for 4hi village of Buschotock, vas auho oz Ile ilI ut ha o0ti Weil near Cesot- autcrrier f r~ enuo' wIl at n.,Ournueti. M aJhnsîon sk d thbisCGruecil te de Mc Justb a d M Mua~h were sýpeeluit8a aOuunute eMessure the hlitet2e0 S soaasideirreti, al fore nia eof To% ïphiI i ei ts e'ntge t'O At ininms, a tise um $1 Irons leur-y Prlie, E q f or nantI -fI'lerotul way.lin 5-h conc a, ion. On esotir the U;- ave sign8ii once saut> Trtsuauer as f.-il.ws:Wm eknian inidigenti ~2 0; lub B rie, fr semonths. $15:i-eoy l inj iy, for 'rori en, niti$.; eeesOa'.-,for'ur on Il ach houodany, ha ,-py, $150;Jas M icuuim.îw,-~~i3,r1î tanf i w ae Coonil uen jitrne ani Mon- day Mmy 2d,1 04,Ibn tûeme at a K EN DA LL l sot~'s Si !ou'r ns anMd lease us frontailun rî-huuenssi ntyhw -c av >1 sud bady okupbrin e - [icmourp (n- anti eeney- utnec esonut ru dewre h yve onUme m(at ~~~e~ th aitrhfcn ailn. ant t endu tua u-ny )u- pli "MW ft i uiî for yw Hm tis-îrt ja -'o gt iz ~ ~ ~ A Mct tugo a Yie uehur Iu h aasgov, it y Silot t-ae Amce oflhaxunLus ie goaru b ut~.rug-it ; 0 tsehurtfrntwLe ore havu hiic i t - _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ isiss1 in la hht01t a uerl t 'ets have bM, unsde v-c-t liv iltit'- o-îîl- tht' je-tîimiily te aiaLe hint'.ouaung t'euer. IXicli tlies ïthree ss mn t eu-y dieti.onttexI aai:u,-1'illscutia' tise TH1E PURE IN ITEAIIT! pute iui huart, fesrtKy caciI sec Juch tubat titi jiisus mcdii'? tAise Cuit" oe t ilist begimi1ltut mait at-o tisepure laintuort? ('îrtaiffy' uiiuie ho us,amuidotanettisebar Jci-uis îeî'ru 'ed irorda camlecaiy or ticltiiotis iila tris eoftise pi:î-ouiseo %,vti o ieanli Wcnt'iheastliait t iso iiceteem týIseK-cen, I -t - , it to alt CitiO t it ia las u Hie sanit"pure in hi nut," I taklcre,Ž îîin IatliDe ninm 'purela inert.-"Andî Maitama canenettitne îuiei if aucli' rla me, 't cmii asan"utîtititu.eai. by ltrs ovin efoul l in- shorItet aluiartIbfrc fi eut1rii taint ci atuil lx istuidai i xý ,irieCi'ututise of ai If 1 sny tisat the canmdy 1 ,uahigo u~sTri ih, ur offer y On 15 ptute, II steai tisaI mbotithte tuîhir ilonuslanîagirnca"!ui con- lonst lu iteriifIliaire cu'ist lhaLae ttiaSl ie cut cmia i!t iii ,s!er i tîuîly, et ciii' ttu oh iritrht la ari-- j les, asbg len sttsatt li I-,i tit .,ca ud i c ap, i sur e lan ci uatixIi ls sn-%srei ial oir't - if t pre ,It enaSO 1 bu rbclifrit itei buk siitescxi rei 'lbu cii <ur etua iau sl, ting wluhcd thisathile hita. Andthie irtuan a iîehc h-nIlbuîtusanmaohuu uuA itoke upt lethr hsl latterem~cîloti 1 A pure Ou titi a i andi tuu d n biI WOîSE ITUYN THE FIMM Mualiy-, ad a,,L arraeut uponita Nu isaitunuloaita bai-S ce ,;iidinstast lesuivauying ggradusa tisaS icrami e id pute.-île don aýntid Moîiuc. hre ils a utsuosi- pouash utp ati coter up sudih'gar- tie 01) uiS t' Paii. uTt of- inu-petîloI ctuisis," huit blic d.uiîsei unify 'The !Iuaiify SI-c Ot , i-- iaut (f led, ,mil! xlc-iiiisCtof thle- nldîile ie s isat ne try- to bo 4niu'-iout(ito eMat's!t turc hoiueles'u ttsk ofttaastin luve. lsusla t PIclu~uu-liî..It la f tise biaserinmrhisutiiogoltiîhasi lim purieiî' Wl-.î cutiu-'su 'Bt thie iia trîtu t-es te atiaki uit hia iiulyto i i toy " e i-ououSI sin-taiti-t, aasar-i u îctit feet 'île I ' i xi'ilx -. i'a. île -a pte ami-ce (u ihrsîie ardt 'ge*1'n'1 'it- t ilaei tlteta the yitugte alf i -y fi' tu i aki,' O-,u 1, 'tsi w i titil licatt, tuttise inri eipless- itiamiin u .d' - s, of le oît. ltc ie riu's ont : "Creatu fori, n ont if' --'o w- lti' h a iii ucleatiihuaýrt, () odot!-' clat iait MEîcos ittite t oeu, bcUmuai'ts- cheuu tuier du bac mtai-of !Lu- Sparu bu-tut usi- hihutdxsnui t Wok fCed. E rb U UAtut - ' iesut' - iiloo,ýýtic. iit"are jjiadirablefLW', POIhail 1%tput n inii suitCI-foi tt-'rl'llSeo futt e b il p a mîtain orj l iethîsml 0f î'un - îmmissbîgnapire toUit bealth, andi le resisi iuitlatuu )tuii. 'l'îeart wi-htcrs cxtrcmc ciii.sud iiu u laci funii upu-t la IPlb. t hss, 1,ab - iJM S l' i, nl isattu , î Ie M, 8 & Go., inmited, tata naopathn uîen G V iituîtut fS oMrs oly i1-tilan fV EPPS'S uuu ~ ~ ~~ o>î,,ý tS-vle irt. a îils-l VMuniicP- orid Wi!!th -Oon- fDr- pttg.Froîn io;i Bo ard of Hiedih. W. Bycs~ n r'duc'ýd Bq-law 44 ppointnit Pa-hm%ýterÊe, F.tnce- viewers and P-undkiisprj for the en- suirig y a- Th3 By 'Iavr. c."Ived the uquai r, id ngi, appuioitirtg ne 2arhmttî ters Wln. S!utc, SIeptheu ae o. ilubbttrd, David W. Bredburn. Wm, Vance. àrthir G ioJ.bhn W. Mi- h-ffY, jr , iUetlleurv, John A. Ma- Sou, Joâio Wray, John Forder. John WYrýght, r .bert flOusy ja-ies Pa.rr 3*"-, Serniiel Robins, David Mti rne, RaLerî- Sptekqo, Sainuel Bruce R,,)hert Argue,' F 4mui 4Archer, J bu W. FI-ýoey*, WOm. Fueler, AnâeDvitt, Wrn. %Wh Î;, Eiward Goirralh, SAmuel G C, John iNJIinton D1 îdGaheth w;ii. 1 L-ghiRtiPip om Alb, rt McG V, Elw,.rà Ftz3, D.iv4d Iies!p Nelon Marlowe, rr , John S. ï', Rrh5rl Shnekieýon. Fïnce- view-Ai~rrWerry, David Pa'l, W5nfairhead. Geo. Fallie, John Ed Like the runnming brookz, the [red blood that ilows throug-h the veins bas to corne from somewhere. The springs of red biood are fourid in the soft core'of the h.one-s cll the mrrw and înarow aînd luàalthy sle ar uiof f at. S cott's Ernulsion makes new blood by fceding the bone marrow and the spleen with the ridhest of ail fats, the p-ure co:d liver oïl. F'or pale school girls and 1n aid and for all whose blo . hitin and pale, Scott's Emnulsion is a pleasant and richi blood food. It not on,-, feedis theC blood-rnaking organs but c'ves iheunisire igth to doc G T. 1R. 1Heai O0l; oulea, at afly-ng ViB1ut-> h -ýgrîz1diatlter, Mr. AcoebJ-,u i, uf o'dClarke plusnaaen baspsutaay .TorsPat- senlt ý 1 if8lat yearcfh g. D- csa ed bhad ba i 11f-tr lontm e, bat deaLnh rmete he luai cion aSinday ava'nf isla~Mm.Psîuemsoûn 'as a na- tiv etD-'en~, Ieuîd,-aad, camt ) yaar% nfter hiu' el, i.'al lise wibs nit3d la nsarni'a- ae i,'lisP-na, sabom 'h. aunvv-4 y'.ulki w8lt»ty-flve y0aas &itthe tite . * hua ussaee b.01,101a 'atua lan ou*bshh. les, lt15, 7h~ ~ ~ ~h ctasjuujwbaodi han e nea, Iae.anletuc-- - andm ire- %Lui hie wkai a wash ssumhc cftie He w as cmm rch, h avI bndl aler -s ë% t e& b wiiw i deo n tir loncf se cadi %Iln of -thom efd for t soren aI o the faasity un, icIi.lSnofai skioti and loviug Ifatheir. »Tisa5f oneaaicma Tcee- day-,te tise Oroco ccesaety vasianst attadeti. TiaopaIl bearerr'uts rad euas et dee.ia&ed, V z . m'eamn. T5sma, J. Oa4rscadden, Sert Oroddr.WîiI P4ttensEn, JimunyPaîeroaWCaley pat e-son andl Perey Ptter î1 RV. LU -. Youaeg ouat,-, eti at tise hansi and grave. Ail 15e eseutbume ofthtie fanil y ir th Ille' ux>ptlnnof nia son Gaorge,o>î Allin'iaIa, wre pr,3eat the funanral. BAFS BALL Tise saunaimetiM f iseEa.33 Club sas b im n c(14tsy vcaingla"t -sic Pua., . A ï,lcau; ï,lTi V.r.P B. Wetr; Daasttea e L i4. Matyn v! W, Su~rs n-I F. fi riblrk. gUbLSR Tisene--srl iailrs o aw Uiri, r Fra0.re cnsdar1 ladbiset I.J. 11. M3, for Sa'igo-S. IraaccM tti ecAposwcnB'ni of'eu O-aire Par sue C.carpPeebrosulLassi ail von iwant t) kno"w is how te getrd of it. Ibo heeplntinandtithe cure are aitiesipe ccold, 3 uhiik. As a inatter of fact jr îa theu body tLhat gets prepared. ht put oný a fortification of extra tissue that keepa ýthe eold eut. ln the FpriDpg lilaS thia tissue la thrown off bî the bedy and if the s% Stein le in gooti workîng order, the bloo i carrnes away the castoff tissu2, Wlhla nta tra filtenut eut ef the blond by the h-idnie3 , andi expelleti frorn the body. Thbis. motas extra werk for the, Kt"dne,s aiif tFeý are aIal tired or thraîev fail ln their work. The resi]t is clogr-ed circulantion andi that. Te lue îH te fireap the 1Rîiïners Ahiokyailimpuiei bya d Ib "spin a box, ngotlare nls ccd ith ad in a, moment was seated at the top ut aý taJi trec. !Nither cajoleries nor trascould induccit to descend. At ' at the lady bc>gan iito bug a. lit- tilt girl! inithe cîýowçl. elling ber lossdlyy. "M ,oteet Jeriny, rny 5w-et -Jenny," md tU r jýnkey carne dowa fus-bits witit uios râChossOoaetl eti nnd Ssaniecure fer çtte? and every form (feY lSau bleeding and protruffiar plleg; e-i manufacturerq have guaranteed it. Sco tes. Imunials ln the dally press andi ask yoir neljh. tors whatthey thlnk ofit, You oaauseîtlanti ret tour money baok it net curai. 60e a box. et 11 dealerM Or JDtNSNBATES &4Ca.'rt'e, sr he's ov, ight tenl, ht 1 ? fte ilt 'f ithu rpany ousi'î btatn ous n stntîsti ppïCs n ADNLItIS IE "liecals l~r hsî;baby-mina." 'Wi, sulQic land&irih att-r tho ccr'nîo;yY. MsRCrs go ,reently viaited lier Stot X ndugît Miss Eva Tabb has but'a vieiting ber' salut rS John Bath 'Thi:b 'v. M A James is Gceverarnùent isinUer of Marriage, Liceasca for Durhamý Ceunt. Derangementq of the liver, with cons- stipatun, tOjt.es tenopleionindîues' nU a IuCe 1'rrvutin.m '-I 1e Trert floruse )Shew wý7'jil be hed -4pril 271iî, ýŽ8th> 29th.aud;ï901h. petint Irùa 'illajj. Solti by Stott & Jursy, 'ueinînLotige S. 0. E No 19, wi 1 hoidti thir Annual At Hoeton 1 1es3day April 19ý ,Mr W.A Sruon n Tgvep- icti at bis humei etrorAvril 4th îsge(d 4.3 -vear-a le was a brother cf ilin J'. StraMt.on, Prov~incial Secretart Millr'sCemente hn Pulsto retau %cuthfui appeara.c- ani vigor, Seiti by Stott & Jury. 'druggista. MîIlller's Wnrm Powd-,ers make the chlildtirn heahhy. Sulci byStott &Jury, M iss Wt3tr fir the past seven y'ears %lrderin Languea-e te a her cf Port Hoepe [ligli '"hP', as accepteti a SirilaPr pitin n eterbero at an increasei Tolarv cre orEcz-iana ';Miller's Mr and Mn.D W o Re nd, faril, ttowa 1TU'isdhayfinr Biwau v lle. L.ter MnM. DwivepesI coau>huSine.ýSa aleitvii Vi hv don't yen trv CrersLitti iLiver Pulis? They are a positive cure' for sick headacheo, ant i lthe Vi tpro- flaceti bv disorderoit liver. Onty oue pillaa dose. Mlr aa i Mrs J.I Crvderm'n sprint Batr.e0tss ibrelatives in lHamil top. Miller'a Compoufld Iron Pills, enly 2-) do1,sfàr 0 cenats. dut by Sto tt & J Linr, Mn.lr t rs D. Pinel formgriy w.Ith Dr. IM. Bcinicombe, BowmanvilieB, will uer- bis a lowel te pratstice dentistrv in Ouar wîisou pa',i rha Den,,talCol logeexîiaos FPi! u 1haA bers> wurkuugla de1atlabo,-aLory stuc 2) eears, but is à,ýent inalt he 'bnolk" ergrîquireti te pasithe prescibeti PR1 tG i] FE E L'lNG, DOI)P)'S LUi)N Ey P LSILL DO) Ài -V!UA ZL LY NDil'EL. Caseatis reeft Iied FelD i the Ycnr>. Îhie spnîng la bere. Yenu can feel il in eveny part of > a ur body. Yuur clothes, are too heavy anti thngh N u nre netait oïïare tbu tire t tewalk, te tire! te wonr, yeta, even tee tiret t Tho ' Knd you ae as Bo~t'q, 1In MUse - For Ve,3 Yari-S, TH~CC~Tt~RC~~-Y, 77 M >, i 2 Y. 1, ,YO 17 V. Ifyu ee oiiract"d anboc isse - aanoe sL aisetsavn-sc toa'oe roal, alcers on tisicegnogu or lu tthe montis, Sain faflung-.4tahit pussh1ibinescf tisa skia, as or ble1tches otisa body eyea red antid ird~ puiuti somaisSClla ivakeasiiîtcîtos f tisecoudary stage. IDon't raie your syst aiwitit tsaetti fogy treatiuet-taurcuiry andt potacli-wi lhs ey sup- presses the ayunptor.is for a turneoniy hobreaik ont again iwheu a ppyldees' life. Don't lt quaclts experitunit on youi. Our rNew Meht regataentiusguuraneeed b cure yen,. Our giarantees are bac eci * hybhat bonds, that tise diseara w;itinover roturn. euatao jîstLenta s a-u'e Suceatread v eu reS by ritr Neiv Matê,d rrînnts fer o3ver 20 years. Neo maiseSsen ot wittea oCrui Mr i.A. C. wriites- "Yonir reasetits hare donetu mor ot tiss Rt Springs a nuSait tise Soctors mamd medicine-s I tui! un riushtiec.2huve ntiot eit sy' of tise pains or acen any nicrsor'omuelesfor crer neveu years andt ie oniviard synuptonuscý a- f tseloîitsoimndiseuse have endiroy disappearei. My Sain lisgainil:fii ly agalu anti Iarnmatniet and iappy."e FoxES îresKSeFuýiR r Wtti-rs FOR eues-iffl 5LA111 ForHE Y STIDE'. nTTOTY'.X¶ w r - Soaedamon te the Canadiaen people, I)~O~ IL WIten writing. Address DEPT. H 11, to secure prompt reply. __thgci en III: As the Price of other buh.ding matderial is steadil y ýM advareing? the ,demand for, senwthing ce-iper is tda'iiy eemgmore general and not tg iit thanCeinec ~has tbeen!Oui!asa! labl Ubýstiýtute !n sifiewaUuks, '-os ci ertnd solid asnr and silo rk iste vry BATTLE'S THOROLD generalefavrite and cxtensively u sed, e haercetyput in a fresh stoec of both these bad n are prop.e to furnisit cuber at satisfaetory netas an exet superinterid their use. It wîlI pay yona se uberepatr-!onizfng tihe tweli salesaman -hemrye cnno eciagain. W'e hbave ais afI? ue of iaid u .~ oltWodand CeaCaeal, Drs'dadUdrse Lum hr irýg1es Doors,SahMudns ataî We selr' i eranton GoaL KIG16TSiEAST ISOWMN V!LLE " ' 51e The Hinti Yen Have A"h7-VIyS Ccc-tas the ia en ïn use for ever 30 ye-ars, lisbon Lesintuec Experiments'that trille witla anti eund ager the -healtl> of La;tr ia 1, ea harniless sub Stit.Ute or astor 011,Pae gen, Dopsand Soothing Syrupsi, It is Pleasant, f contains neither Opium, Morphine 'nor ot her Narertic- substance.' its agre 18 its guarantee. It destroys Wo-ri. and allays, Feverlshness, -It cures Dlarrhoea and XYinuî Colle, 1It relieves Teething' Trùublcýs, curés ConFtipatieil and Platuleney, Ilt assimUlatýes; the Food, reguýlates thu Stomach and Boweîu, glving belthy and naturlal ep The Cidc'sPnca-h oh r'sÉend. FCmu U nýý"fAE iU 'ï7771 T; Tî î - uu IL l'lleý m . e l'illis plici 1 i ývuli4cii w- .- ý Vez ïLl 1 w 1 1 1